xt73xs5jdd3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jdd3v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1995 1995 1995-02-27 2020 true xt73xs5jdd3v section xt73xs5jdd3v 5 I








By Stephen Trimbte

[.III/III: t III/rut

and Perry Brothers
\I' . \ I. Ill/ii

David l“ry was dri\mg from a
rave party in New \lbany. Ind,
about .l.lil. Saturday when he
saw a car about It)” meters ahead
of hiiii show Its break lights and
then burst Into flames

He quickly pullId his c .Ir over
alongside IIthIr ti ‘."I\th I‘s on I (Ii
in SIII IlIy ( ounty Ind be“. an run
ning tIIII .IId thI burning ve‘lIiI le.

I hid IIII uh I \Il.IIt that II Is ‘
In said. during I plionI intItvievI
last night. “llII last thing I
thought III was that this would be
sotiiI-body I knew.”

l'oi a moment as he was time
niiILI l~l\ s.I\\ llIIIII-s streak trom
thI c‘ai s left side. \Vben he got




’7 Weekend wreck on I- 64 claims tour

he recognized the shooting
as a friend. his student
[liltlllitlly Scbi‘ec. who the
driver and only survivor of the
one car .IIcident that claimed fIIuI‘


li\es. Sebiec and his passengers
were returning from the same

party It's l‘it‘v.

lIIiiIgtoii( omniuiiity ( IIllIgI
student Kevin I’Ifi;.Initt 34. and
his student IInny Stovall, It),
died in the .IIcIdeiIt. Two l’aul
l..iureiIIe Dunbar High School
students, Ross Kemper and
Kristopher (iordon. both I(I, also
died III the crash.

The official caused ofdeath for
.III four victims is smoke inhalar

:\ L'niversity ofl oinsville hose
pit .II spokeswoman siid SeIIIree. a
biology sIIphIIiIIoII II as admitted
into the burn unit and was IIstId




in critical condition last night.

Scbree apparently fell asleep as
he was driving, said state police
officials. The car ran off the road,
struck the guard rail and over-
turned. \Vbeii It came to a rest. it
InIiIII-diately burst into flames.
.Sebrec escaped and rolled into the
gt ass to e\tittguish the II lines.

In siid most III the part\ s‘
crowd \I Is espeiicncId III driving
long distancIs tor the events.
()nce many of the same group
drove to St. l.IItils for .1 party.

"\VI' tIItIk it for granted tltzlt
II e‘d be tired." said l‘ii'y. an Army
statt sergeant from It (:ampbell,

I‘i'y the
drugs or alcohol In the crash is
doubtful. He said he handled
security tor the party and
described It as clean and tight."



DIVERSIBNS Geoffrey [fixing .;'il\' great m‘

“Hie (ire/Hex)" I'll [be prod/trim” III.


involvement of

WEAIHEB .S'Irux‘cri' fur/41y. lug/r

in the [nicer (IUI‘; .I‘rI/I‘ma‘ limo/He
{mug/rt [0:3 mwr WI, r/II/n/v

tomorrow. lug/I m In: WI.


the Open! Home. Rt’l‘lt’il'. page 4.

l’renatt's mother Siisin I’I‘I
natt said yesterday hei son was
planning to er..IduitI this slitlllff
with two computer

cover ()1. tlit'

\L It' lit t‘ lllt‘lli .ISI ytdl'.

Kt'Hlt loved the rave parties.
his IIIotheI‘

lhiaiie ind.
said, beIause he
with his friends

Lllttl I'spc't l.lll\
because of the



Dunn said
Stovall IanII


said. Stovall also appeared IIII the

Spring Break advertising supple--

“She was .I beautitul person.‘
“vlitit. iIlV
Iin. III arc of how pretty shI \\ .Is '
to the
Iar mIl lctt with Se-brce
because it \\.Is the first I .Ii‘ she saw







[Viol 7 1}]: (IIHIII 4

Z In”). 2 \{Iur'iI 3
. _ I7 ' G

I II’.. [II/II}!

O i {ii




involving our students, \\'I- I‘IiI‘nd
our Iondoh‘riics to the families
and want Illt‘iil to know tbeI will
certainly be III our hearts and our

l'mvcisit‘. spokesman Ralph
l)erickson said no IIII‘iIIIIii.Il ser
viIcs had been planned by his.

Counseling sci'viIes will be
available tor residents (Ilil)IIl1(I\.tii
llall. \I III Ik‘ Stovall Iivcd


Ker nel's


ll. III

pii‘tI III

"He loved to lcaIiiIg. SI‘I‘II- l"‘ tor l’i‘cnzitt will III
dance," she \llIl. Both lamilies were not certain \\'I dnesda; ll 1. pm, .It .\lilward
l'iry. who knew ofthe victiiiis' Identities until den l‘iinI-I'al llomc, WI Southland

l’t‘enatt for about tai records confirmed the names III'IH,‘ Visitation III-gins .It i pin
.. six months. yesterday afternoon. StoI. .III‘s sI-i‘I ices are sI III-duled
smva” agreed “:III was a his l’i‘esident (illdl‘lt‘S for tonight from T to ‘) .It lsei'i‘
danc“"II, lii‘y said, \\'ethingtoii released a short irothr Is liiiII-I'al Ilome. 4(II la.

“and he was damn good."

statement yesterday regarding the

.\1.IIII Si. .\ mass \\lll be held at .St.

StoIall, a fashion iiiai'keting deaths. l’aIiI's (iathedr‘al tomorrow at ll)
sophomore. had worked for .l “The entire University com .Im.
short time as a model III \e\\ inunity is saddened and deeply llil't III .r.. (III/’1!“Itinnv/Hftt/

York, family friend (Iatliy l)ii.me grieved by

this tragic

accident in III]. .1/‘71. /.


Awareness the goal
01 8811 VlfllBIIGB WEEK

By Beth McKenzie

(,'I/II"'1/'irrilig II 'I In I

(Inc of the scariest aspects of
sevual I iolencc is not knowing
when you're in the middle of a
potentially harmful situation. .\nd
the chances ofbeing In such .I sit»-
Iiation arc .Ilai‘iiiingly high. otfi
Iials s.I\',

\Vhen most people think about

rial violence, the tirst thing that
LUIIIL'S to mind Is rape. iut sevual
violence can occur on a muI ii
more subtle plane. That‘s what
the organilers ofthe second annu—
al SI'I‘IIal Violence \warcnei-m
\\ eek want the students .it his to
think about.

“The kind of violence we want
people to be aware of Is the kind
that hiIIpens du.‘ to our culture
and datin;r systcm. ‘ said RobIrt
lciguson III I I\ s ( .oimseling and
lestiiig (enter. ()ne of the w .Iys
I eiguson hopes to help people to
become a little more comfortable
with a very uncomfortable topic is
through a variety of
planned for this week.

.\'.ItiIInally~known speaker Bob
Hall will present “llands (lff‘
let‘s Talk: just because \\'c‘rc
l)atiiI'. Don't Mean \Ve'ie ,\1.Itin'
.. t7: zl) p.m. toitiorr‘ow in \\'oi=
shim 'l heater.

‘1\1i.llall has a er< i.t i‘eputr
tion. He s found ways to address
the issue with humor and good
taste while bringing the gender
nonsense to light," I‘cILruson said.

lerguson said Ilall will try to
get people talking ~ and bring
sexual violence, including sevual


coercion and manipulation. out of

the closet.

That may not be an easy task.

“Personal communicatiIIn is
challenging enough. It's very diffi-
cult to talk openly about sex," said
Mary Brinkman of litiiversity
Health Services. “As a collective
society, we don't have the skills to
talk about it. .-\nd I‘m not sure
people know what consensual sex
is and isn't."

Another problem is that a lot of


Week's Highlights

Some UK activities for sexual Vio-
lence awareness week:


Rape Aggression Defense System.
noon. Commons Cafeteria

Film. "The Accused," 7 pm. Patter-
son Hall

"Hands Off! Let's Talk" with Bob
Hall, 7:30 pm. Worsham Theater


Discussion Group ~— Men Only,
noon. 228 Student Center
Discussmn Group — Women only,
noon. 205 Student Center

Play, “The Date." 8 p Ir Patterson
Hall Lobby

Film, “Extremities.” 9 pm . Kirwan


Dialogue for men and women. noon.
206 Student Center

UK Lambda's regularly scheduled
meeting will address physical and
sexual violence in gay and lesbian




people think sexual violence is Iust
a women‘s issue. but it‘s not, her
gtison said.

“.\s men. it's their issue. too,"
he said. "Although men are gener-
ally the perpetrator, but not
always. it‘s IiIIportaI‘.t to them as
well they have mothers. sisters.

()ne way awareness can be
raised is through a series of discus—
sion groups. A menronly group
will discuss what respoi‘Isibilities
men have regarding sexual vio»
lence, and an all-women group
will discuss the female role in pre~
venting violence against women.

Men and women will have an
opportunity to respond to these
same questions together later in
the week.

For more information, call
Brinkman at ‘3‘ 582% or l‘iergii-
son or l)i Sobel or the (Iounseling
and Testing ( lcnter at 257-8701.





New heights

JOSEPH REY AU III-o...’ 1.1.”

I'Vl't‘alllllilll II 'lrirmfy [fl/1i pr’rjbr‘mi on the Int/mire Irrirm Friday rug/Ir .lrmug f/‘I' (II II: (XI/II ' II‘. ol'u’
lira/king :‘ri‘rwy ricer You‘re” Stare. S'I’ei‘rnni. page I’.


Students try to target library's recyclable waste





"MEN "MM Kri‘rirl Ira/I

"A31! NIH [uric trimmer/ml SIIInI‘I Iemnr 7111/: I 1mm IIIrII through "/131'
a! the Coup” Building on Saturday in arm/.7 of myrluhle ‘qu‘re.

By Joe Godbey
Stuff 11 'r‘m'r

The pungent odor of garbage seeped
throughout the Cooper Forestry Building
on Saturday as several UK students sorted
through the good, the had and the ugly
trash trying to determine the amount of
recyclable waste produced by the Margaret

1. King library.

I\s part of a natural resource conserva-
tion class project. the participating students
sorted and weighed [.169 pounds of waste
from the library, 574 pounds ofwhich was


From noon 'l‘hursday until noon I’riday,
the library employees put the trash into the

beds of two parked pick-tip trucks.

The class, along with a few volunteers
from the UK Sierra (Ilub and the UK
(iroup, met at the (iooper
Building frIIin 9 am. to l p.m. Saturday to
sort through trash and weigh the recy-

\\'ater \Vatcb


The library was targeted by the class to

help the staff prepare facilities for the
\Villiam T. Young Library now under con~
struction. environmental science senior
Julia Patton saitl.

Assistant professor ot forestry and ecolor
gv Mary .\rthur, who teaches the class and
picks a different pi‘oiI ct each y.e Ir, aI kiIovIl
edged that her stiiIlI nts work probably “I”
not affect the new librirv s design. althoiiI'h
the studv in II III lp othIr areas of campus
deal with issuIs ot II.IsiI managcmi nt. shI

Scott Ranino who is in charge of recv 7
clingt or the Residence Ilall ‘\S\'i)Cl'.ttltin
and a class number. plans on opening the
recycling bins at llag‘rin Hall for the pro—

.\ot everything thrown
libralrv staff is tr. Isli.

ldon t think IIople realwe what they
throw away." saiI \my Bann, a nation. il
conservation manage mI nt senior

There were several cans, newspapers and
plastic bottles included in the waste.


out by

the i




m Fighting may be
warning sign tor Somalia

.\1()(i.\l)lSIlL'. Somalia Rival clans battled
each other with mortars. machine guns and light
arms near .\1ogadishu's airport yesterday In .I possi‘
ble preview of Somalia‘s tuture .ifth‘ the departure of
L'.\'. peacekeepers.

\Vitb a Li S -led thI. try coalition poised Iiist off
shore. the lighting at so IIttI re -d I tiste ot IIlI It .\mcr
it an and lt.iliin .\1 Iiii t s might tIII in the coming
divs Is tth guard tiII withdr‘ IIIaI ot the last L \
soldiers \lIiIut ‘ (II .S. \tflliiv spIcLil torcts sIIIIliIls
.ilrcaIII .iiI ashorc to III Ip thI I‘ImammI! l’akist IIII
.Ii.d'13anglalrshi 1it)t)'1\tlil.lpl(‘Il pm pm .itions to
leave Iindci‘ the coalition slllllii

m Balanced budget battle heats up

\\ .\.Slll.\(: l I. l.\ I’m-view :iig tiic iIii.Ii i‘ attic
emerging budget cut. ”I rise
Democrats accused lx‘cpiibhcaris vesterday (:1 taking
tood frotn the mouths ot children and were toid by
their GUI) L‘U-lllltt'tplt'ts that llieI haIc lost touch
with the \merican people

Republican budget IuttI-I‘s .ll'I' “IIIIIIIII-iing kids
and I‘lobbering seniors in order to pay lIIr t I\ cuts
like the capital guns 11\ cut tor somI mm high-
inctomc people siid RIp lhvid ()III\. I) “is.
ranking Democrat on thI .\ppiopi Iitioris ( .IImmir
tee. The .‘\ppropriations (:Iiltllilittt‘r’ Is slated Thurs;
day to take up a package ofSl“ ‘ biiiion in Iuts from
this Ie It s budget in housing. nnii ition initiatives.
peacekeIping .Iiid othII‘ progr Ims

over proposed

Anit-smolting project lillles

\\'.‘\.SIll.\'(iili( I\ (Inc ot the H.111Hii~\ biggest
antirsmoking proiects failed to hcip heavy smokers
kick the habit. and had Inst .I modest effect on more
moderate smokers, federal scientists report.

Disappointed \ational (.ancer Institute
researchers blamed the $4; million study‘s lack of
effect on people who smoked more than 3*
cigarettes a day on nicotine addiction too powerful
to overcome. They insisted their modest success
with more moderitc siiiokeis .I I pI rcent higher
quit tatc .c was significant Inough for communities
nationwide to adopt the anti smoking piIILrI Ims

Change your PM: numbers soon

Students h;‘I\I IIIII month trom todaI to IhangI
their L I\- \ ll) I’I‘tsonal \IIIss (.IIIlc Students are
required to changc their code by \larch -_ and may
do so by dialing 2‘" ~(Hit),

Career Fair tomorrow

Zeta Pin 1’ e II \HI I. II soi‘oiitv is holding its .Inmiil
(.areer I an tomorrow in illt Stude‘nt( tllill(ir.ll1(l
Ballroom between 10 .I_m .Ind‘ _ p Hi kllitt II I’ arcel
Service and sIvI-ral other loI .Il businesses irI- I-Ipcct
ed to attel.nI

NAMEa’I ripping

louganis tells story to Oprah

(:1 ll( ' \( .‘(l ()lyinpic gold IIIIdalist (Ireg
lougmis told ()prah \\ mtrey that living secretly
with .\ll)S was .In ii‘IIII lib II buidc."n and he plans
to spend the rest of his life “openly and hone'"stly.

In an appearance that airs today. l.ouganis also
told of his diving board accident at the 108%
Olympics in Seoul. .I rape at knife
point .Ind numerous suicide

uIt‘s been so difficult with the
secret. and asking people to keep the
secrets." said l.ouganis. who revealed
last summer he was homosexual and
last week that he has :\ll)S. “l was
feeling like a fake "

\\ mtrcv arranged for l ougaiiis to
meet the mother ot Ryan \\ bite the teen .iger who
died IIt \lDS in l‘Nll .IttI r IontraIting it through a
blood transfusion. l he diver dedicated his new book
"Breaking the Surface" to Ryan. whom he befriend-
ed several ycars ago.

(.IWIYI/fti from ruff. irrr'r I‘rpm‘ii





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Bradley suspect returns to Sweden; eh


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Mon-Sat4:30p..m-1a.m. |.t\Iii:1111i. 1111.113 1 .1111 11. 11 '- 1: 11 11 1.11.1111'1'11111111-1 \\111'Ii1111111'I\11111111111'1l\.11.111'
ThreeLevel,ShowerShow ' 1111111~1 111'11 .i'l.‘ " ‘ 1‘11 1.1 '1' '2' 1' .'1"(1111'.'11\:111111111 H 111' \\.l\1it'lli:_’ 111.111'11 1I11111'I’.1111'\'..
TUES:55 Table Dances 1 . 1 . 11 . . . 11 ' . 1 . . . .
' 111- ' . .. 1.. 1.111' .. 1'. 1 1 1 .1. 1 .1 11.1 it1.111111111111111[11.11111111u,,\.11.111
Monday WED:$1.005hotsand$2.00Longnecks 1 "“1"“ “ Mm "" .. .. ' 1." ’ 1 ‘I II'I '| . 1 '11'1 l '1" l1 '1 1
9.12sapitchers THUR:Zfor1AllNi9ht.50€ Draft 1 5111-111-1'. '1 - . ' 11,1 1. 111.111'1.111 .1111 111.11.11 .1 11.11 11 ll\ . 1.1
FRl:$1 Drafts 1 1’1111111111.1~..11:11 '1 1.1 11 1'. ': :. 11 1'- .11 .1 11.1.111'111' \\.l'~ sitting 111 1111111 111 1111

Hourly Shower Shows
. Champagne Pkg. $75 includes
table. couch. shower 81 bottle of champagne


Sherman’s Alley by gibbs ’N’ ’Voigt







BHA already DTTBI‘S recycling program

1111' 111‘11:11.1Iii I\ .11111- 111 11111112
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Politics, 1830s-Style




-SAB Pertorming Arts Committee
Meeting, 6:30pm, Rm. 203 Old Student
—SAB Healing Racism Institute, 7:00pm,
Rm. 359 Student Ctr

—Zeta Phi Bela Finer Womanhood Week'
Career Fair to: 00am 2.00pm. Grand
Ballroom Student Ctr __
Student Night at the Catholic. Newman
Center r71. 309m; CALL 255 85167 . ...
Baptist Student Union Tues. Night
Together (TNT) worship serv1ce. 73013111.
Baptist Student Ctr. 429 Colurntgig [\vt;

INTR n m U R ms

8 R E( R E mm H
-Beginner’s Weight Training Clinic sign-
up deadline for 3/01, Limited to 25, Rm.
145 Season Ctr
~lntramurai Soccer Entries due at the
Manager's Mtg. Worsham Theatre
Student Ctr. $15; CALL 257-6582

FRI 81 SAT TILL 3:00 AM.

- Convenient to campus and shopping/entertainment
or come l1) and see us Mon—Fri Ilium—(1pm

2 for 1 table dances
- Recently renovated and remodeled by new owners
- Rent assistance available to qualifying applicants
3395 Spanglcr Drive 0 272—2496
The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations



- Spacious 1 and 2-bedroom townhouses at affordable prices

Please contact our office for more information


'— l ( it ill DU 5



'-SAB Pitt/Cam Network Committee


52. with UK ID
-UK Symphony Orchestra: Phillip Miller,

Community Semce~Bluegrass
Aspendale. 4:00-6:00pm


conductor, 8:00pm. Concert Hall-
Sinqletary Ctr; FREE

—UK Theatre: “Pink Angels." 8:00pm,
Black Box Theatre-Fine Arts Bldq; FREE

menmas 8 [ECTURES

-The Master Student Program: Learn to
Study Smarter Not Just Harder, spon-
sored by UK Counseling Ctr. 12:00-
12:50pm (1/24-31’02 Tue 81 Thur) Rm. 201
Frazee Hall; CALL 257-8703
Council On Aging/Donovan Scholars
Program presents Victor Hellard: Edwin
F. Morrow, 4:00-5:00pm. Rm. 280
-When the Classifieds Don' 1 Work: The
Creative JobSearch sponsored by UK
Cameron. 500-5503m Rm. 201

7- 274


Mia. 5:"«1l‘lnm. Rm: 203 Student Ctr,

-UK Gymnastics vs Michigan, Memorial
Coliseum Lexmqton KY

UK Indoor Track, USAT&F
Championships. Atlanta. QA

-SAB MOVIE 'Forrest Gump ’_'7:30&"
10 00pm Worsham Theaterv Student
Cl_r _$2 with UK 10

-UK Theatre
Mflieatr F

-Zeta Pm Beta Finer WomantioedWeelc
Community St Nice-Slim Hm . .



SillllRDlll’ 3/‘1

{"21 S f. mBUIES

'Pink Angels." 8: 00pm.



lllflllDlll 2/27

“DIS 1‘. ("HUN 3
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. , i’.‘ ’1 .:.I1\
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‘fli. 1"‘1 ’1111'1111 1 ,w'w

111/1111511111. 111,1_i"111‘21'1(1111
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{51.1.}, F 1 'I 1’1)" 111110141“ (J’)""”"l"')

[2! (RI flllllN



wishing to publish meetings. lectures. special events and sporting events, must have all
information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication.



'.8 00pm Aliiriiiii Czylll 11111

{IRIS I. (“HUN 8

3A8 FREE MOVIE "' 'Werirl K111111 "
iItULill (1: 1111; T1 1. 511511 311111111 L1

F.11 1111; .‘4 11(1' ‘ 11: 1111:111 K1 11; 1.11 .1111
‘ C ‘l .1.' 1.1K\1'1' 11111111 BUUUW 11111'

11111.5 1:11yll 181.1

mil IINGS z. ”(HUN 3
1.1111 "11 .1 .'111'1 '11,1.1i"1 out by UK
1'111'1'111 '.'1(.1" 12111.1 1.'!501111 H11. 21.11
[ (.11 1 ."’17iii17.1‘ ".‘V‘VVt‘

11".; 11 i1
T’iF TV'I‘.‘ T" <‘


111.1111 11
. . . '11' 1' 1"111'11111" '1111'1‘
[y UK’C .' 1'1 ;(,1' '.’ "111
1‘1 :7“ ,~ .’11 111‘; ,' 1r I11 '1 1.11m

( .'1 1 / , 11 71,1

«11' 1' ,1'111111 I11 11' r 11 ['11



11"',’ '.1'.1-'-y"-" (11'11':11Ni 1'
1.‘ 1‘1 1'1 1‘ '1
111135.711111111 111 . . .
Hr w (.11 1 .11 '1 111'. “/l' lvdlriil‘_ :11 1'1
111/11111 UK C111'11111111 £110
1'1'111011 “1'12“” l/f"( Hl1‘ (,All
”1/ lib/310 reserve .1 spam:

C,iil.'1<.'1 11" XXIV-111) 1"1iv,:r'
011111111" 11111111111. 1.1 111-1113.1..1111111111 111
81'1") 11 W'f"- 111111) 511111 111 Hi'i .1‘“
8111119111 (,iiI CALL 2511-8314

(JAN [‘1 1 1"1 Mes-.111 l ‘1 (111111'1 14111» ,'111
HIM .'1‘ .'f‘," ‘1 '1,"

11.111 V'

'1.1’/' M1 '1/1",' Htlll 1151' '.f,"


".11 {Hip ",11.’1'1’;HK 1181 l’ l.r"i-

l "1’l1t'il. 11'1'1' 111111".11'u'ltvi‘y
L1111,91: Bimir'n-Q', [11:11:11111111151111AI 1,111)
8 'liitflri Hm / it Now 811140”! (.11 31/11
CALL KC); ”16/

Alpha PM ()niruw (7,11111111111111/ German
1111;1111/11‘111Mlq ‘1 “111111 F1111 ('05:
Now bluilunl C11



~UK Ballroom Dance Society Dance
Lessons, 7:00-8'00prn Beginners. 8:00-
9:00pm Novice. Bur-11: Armory Dance
Studio FREE; CALL lieth 2572873
Latin 8 Ballroom 801 1.31 Dances- Partner
WM ._

1111111111111 3/]



-Ctr for Computational Sam presents
Arnold Stromberg: ‘New Directl'om for
Statistical Research." 3: 30pm Rm. 327 ..
McVev Hall (Milan at 3:009m)
A.A.- it worksl. Every Wed. 5:00pm, Rm.
4 Newman Ctr
Cosmopolitan Club Members Mtg,
WW1 0 0
serum. EUENTS

~Last day for submission of application
for admission to the College of Law for
1995 Fall Semester
-Zeta Phi Beta Finer Womanhood Week:
Sorority Tea. 7:009:00pm. 18m Floor,
Batterson Office Tower

IN mnrnu Rn L5

6. R E ( R E QT I I] N
~intramural Soccer Officials wanted. Earn
$4. 25/game Orientation Mtg, 5:00pm
Beginner 5 Weight Training Clinic, 7:30-
-Aikido Class. 8:00pm, Alumni Gym Lott;
CALL 257-3988

S P [1 RT 5
UK Men‘s Ba§eball vs. Murray Stole.
31000111: Lexinoton. KY
.UK Moo‘ 9 Basketball vs Georgia (JP).


' 111111111113/2


-SAB MOVIE: 'Forrest Gump" 7: 30 a.
10' 00pm Worsham Theater- Student Ctr.



~Zeta Phi Beta'Finer Womanhood Week.

Panel Discussion “Racial Tensions on

ngpgg’ ttgflgm-‘lgflOQm, Cultural Ctr

~UK Lady Kale élaSketball SEC Tourn
a TN


1' ~UK Men’s Goyalmnal Lakes (thru

112111138 '


. orary Art (Fine Arts

1 Fine Arts Faculty
flam- 4: 30pm weekdays
(thru 3/26): FREE
-Rasdall Gallery: Sarah Mace 81 Kenn
Minter Student Show-fiber 81
cartoonsflhru 3/10); Reception, 6:30-




Gallery Series: Jean Ritchie-Karen

Carter-Schwendier. 12:00noon. Pearl

gallery- Kind Library North. FREE

~SA8 MOVlE: “Forrest Gump.” 7'30 81

10:00pm. Worsham Theater— Student Ctr.

$3 with UK ID

~UK Theatre. “Pink Angels 8:00pm

Slag}; Box Theatre Fine Arts Bldg; FREE

-Faculty Recital: Noemi Lugo. soprano.

with Cllft Jackson. piano, 8:00pm. ReCItal

whaletarv Ctr' FREE

—UK College of Fine Arts Technology
smog presents Joan Truckenbrod. a

Speech about technology in the arts.
10:00am-noon. Singletary Ctr President's
Boom Gallery

Uncle Sam Wants Youl: Finding Govt.

. Went. sponsored by UK Career
1,01 2' 2'50am Rm 201 Mathews

iECTURE: Nell Irvin Painter on "The

Ltfe’: or Soiomr Truth 4:00pm
n' 00m FREE

spinal EUIENTS


'-Zeta flll Esta Finer Womanhood Week.



1Q QQSllL 12. 0(me 1
Catholic Mass at the Newman Center; ‘
éfllgm . '

IN I anllkmé

z. [2! (REnflflfl
Intramural Soccer Official 00530.... ,i
11' 00am StLaton Ctr CW
Contra DalK e- New England SlyloBarn
Dance 8: 00pm Arts Place 161 N Mill
St, 85 ($3 SO/Studentl. No pannérlexpo‘
rience needed. All dances are taught, I1
Live MUSIC. Wear soft-soled shoes; "
CALL 323-2181 _., ___ 7

5 PI] RT S
-UK Women's Tennis vs Clemson.
i_1_ 00am Lex1nqton KY 7 ,
UK Men 5 Baseball vs Ohio University,
1:00pm LeXInqton KY
-UK Men‘s Basketball vs LSU (CBS).
UK Swrmming 8. Divmg Last Chance‘”~

SUNDliY 3/5

(IRIS Z. mnuu S
lexrngton Community Orchestra
Winter" 3 00pm. ReCItal Hail~Singletary

L“... __ __,,

Metheny Group. 8:00pm. Concert Hall—
Singletary Ctr;Tickels._$19.50. $10


Catholic Mass at the Newman Center. .
9:00 81 11.30am, 5 00 8. 8 309111

INTRnlnllRfll S


Aikioo Class 1 00pm Alumni Gymm
CALL 25_7 3988

s prints
~UK Men's Baseball vs. Ohio U '
1:009m; Lexington KY5” '



















WHO Hows the .y‘I/I t/e— mme record or
.‘s s ./

pointy in ii melt 3‘ 8'1sz 'Iiiltr/tr/me/tt game?

ff- pm, rpm India/4 Uta/a1 y pim tmh'n, Hit/g) ~‘..‘I. ) :u

Cats develop killer
instinct in 71-60 win

By Jason Dallilo

.IiilifJI/f \/iill'!\ l'i/Itttr

NASI l\'ll.l.l". \‘anderliilt‘s
Memorial (.y'in could he a memo-
rial to all the great liasketliall
teams tltat have come in highly
ranked .titd left as losers.

:\ll t‘k’ tans have to do is look
hack to 10‘” when _lamal Mash~
hunt and company took a No. 1
ranking into Music (iity and left
llll ho losers.

\\'ith \'aiidy"s propensity for
knocking till the the liig lioy's at
home, it seemed as il' Saturday‘s
iiiatchup with No_ 6 UK would
provide the \I' fans yet another
opportunity to storm the court iii
liristgaltit‘ tclc‘liratltill.

liut it was itot to he.

hp liy inst liour points with
Hill to go, the \l'ildcats ttsed an
ll -l run highlighted hy' a M'altcr
.\le(.:iity three»pointer and a
Mark l’ope slam to kill the (:(illr
inodores‘ upset hid and escape
w itlt a .- 1 "(ill victory.

“It was a great road win," L'K
lorward Rodrick Rhodes said.

In addition to moving one step
tloset' to that elusive Southeastern
(Loulerence regular season crown,