xt73xs5jdc39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jdc39/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1986 1986 1986-10-14 2020 true xt73xs5jdc39 section xt73xs5jdc39 | i .
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' Vol. XCI, No. 35 Established l894 Umve'SI'Y 0* Kentucky. l~e>“"9"3"‘. Kentucky Independent since 197i “‘0in 0"050' H. '9“ .
_. o o ’ . .
Controversnal priest UK s fmancna] status *
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1 4 o o‘ o 0
brings critical Views , . f - . .4
t t . ht s,- ' 9 topic 0 enate meeting ,, -
36 p g /_ : ‘ Egan \\‘lH;\ PHILLIPS salaries equal \Hll'l the national a\~ - ”mm- current .i\p(.,N., m up Mid ». _ . ‘
. ri er era ’e of salaries at other universr ~ \. ' - - .- - -, ' ’ ‘-
“l ”\N ”"55“” "IN hit"? UPN‘I ““1”." traditional ' tie: a $4 million dollar budget has IItI,IiIiI]:.:-II LilarltilhuIiierI‘Ipmm”i -,~ ' II I ‘II .
Stall “I'I't‘Ir Roman ‘Iillh"““~‘ (“I“(‘ll‘k 4‘ (71th The lImversity Senate me' M‘ster- been allotted for the facult\ and creases ”It the con ma \e'ir iiiIcluIdIe I VI - II ' I
1K" Prl“>l« 1* 1h“ author "l >Ut'h “0V- ‘- day to discuss the financial status of staff increases. said Edward (I‘arter. the rig (”mac Ifiu‘ p:\(...il..Im... . ' I ,
The Rev Andrew > tireek’)‘ l‘I els as (‘uidinut Sins. virgin and the Lexington campus and the [K l'Kbudget (mu-10, w..‘d”.m. «MW, “WWW.“ I'm, .1 ‘I 'v I ,
I ”mm“ ""‘ ‘I"“”I"‘I"'I“‘“ “9““ I‘m” “(not and “W autWWw'Uiihi. (m I I Medical ('cntvr and propose policy is it result, faculty will be receiy c I . t-' ii » tliI- i iI I I I.
(IIIHHIISIHS II'I III" leadership m th‘I tIi’wmi-s otu I’urtslt Priest on student attendance at lInl\'0l‘.\ll_\‘ mg a 7 percent increase iii salary. lxIJiIiIiI’Is lilIlIIIpII II II I IIIIIIIIII I. . ‘ I .
Roman (‘atholic (hurch to campus “hm. (”‘(IUIPyIs news are contro» SPOHSWIP‘llu”"“"”“ \\lltlt' staff members are scheduled InI-Itilht't' \(‘ll‘tlt‘ tL‘l'Ill iio ios l II II . ‘ I '. I
“Might versial. his theology is not contrary “'l‘he l'niversitx taii'ed well in the torati percent mm- . it D, , . tt .I 1. ,I [II .l ‘l. [II ’ I I i f -
“NT“? wilLoffer hL‘I .IIIFVI about to that of the (‘hurch. said the Rev, 1986 (ieiicral I.\ssemb|y.” said During, the mail-Ho war. the [K :t)(:l(ls(I)IlItI-'ItlIlul‘ltI'IllillIl:I‘v'.a: ri;iIsI::-ItlI:\IitIli I « -I I I
”“‘ T“”‘”“‘9 (“mI‘Il‘ “t "3" pm‘” “9“” ”“.‘"’- ““"CW‘ P“-‘“"' “‘ ”W THEREV’. ANDREWGREELEY Jame» Kins we prthvm m «1- laculty umtigi- salary “as S:H.ii24. an add”, many... M”. W .,, W. . 1.; . .'
the( ”‘1‘” t‘lrlhe‘hl‘, l .. h‘ \ewmant enter . ltllnhlt‘itlltm \\llll(‘ the benchmark median was senate members ' ; ',
I liiIIsIi:IsIItltiI:U\;tiiI:IhhhiIsIIiItIsIIIIIlIiIrIaId Ilii . IIIIII I\ III odds “IIIII IhII hIIII:IIII(III‘II ”There are many voices \vithin .IIII “III.II.III.IIIIIIIII III IIIIII.%I,IIII IIIIIIlI $37531 IIIIImIII [\ILIld The policy allows students in good i . .
a .. of thi (huichi not so muth toi the ('atliolic (‘liui'ch “h” are rep we “1“ ”Bath the loo peiunt tuno [‘01 the lemma year it has been ”mummy standing 1.. any,“ a [nr . .
”‘1" find and compares lh“ what it teaches. but for its style of resentatives of the (I‘atholic (‘hurch mg formula that has been plaiiiied.II protected that the (h faculty aieir \(‘I‘sihsponsored academic exent I- = .~
‘ “UN“ ‘ ban 0“ h‘lI‘h control l" the leadership." Bado said (lreeley is h such. “h“ ”Hm“. hini m a (‘ath- he said age \Hll be Bilbo, while the bench uithoiit being thmwa 1.. pin it“. . V I' - . . . ' >
ln(llll‘lll‘m 1““th rusades, . . _ very much in opposition to ‘lllt'tlltK‘ ”I“. pm,“ ““th ”MM“ especially "I feel better about our financial mark median \Hll reach $2180.20“. he registration tee t‘iider the new poli ’ - ,I ‘
llt‘ tl“-‘k'l"l)¢‘-‘ 50‘ 3f it“ 9"" 0‘ fl)” rity withinthet‘hurch.hesaid writing books dealing with sexuali- condition than i have at any other said cleKwill pay the“... ' . ‘ I _ . '_
”1“” improvement and} instruction II”“ b ”"1 (“’lnl'l’u‘lI-‘léll regarding tv." purifier,“ time that he been here.” said .»\rt “\\e are making progress on the I'rho ut-ru,,~|I,m.1u(p., mo direct ,.\ ' ‘ .- ' ’
.\nd ”5 ‘1 solution to the issue ”1 (I‘IIII lh" theology "l ”19 l'hUlI‘Ih- I “Nd” I (iallaher. chancellor for the Lexlna salary trout. I (iallaher said “It the p§An\95 mgurrpd by the sponsorinL‘ I w I '
bate priesthmxl. he. aduicates a said “lie is t‘ttlllytn-t‘psldl becaust' ”1 1“ pm autobiography. (lreeley luncununls l)(‘llt‘lllt‘al'l\' would ma a”) \nHA 1'”. organization forits glmimium.“ ( ‘ - I‘._ ._
II,IIIIIIIII . EIIIIITIhIIIIII, W I“ M": . I" persona! lI‘-*£‘~"»“"~‘h”r“ “ml l“"~‘“”‘" says the scxual theme ol llls iioxels Th“ {Ii‘l’l'dl were» “t lIK has al surexaedbelliere I it does not cover any “out of pork \ . I . I .
l ”ml “”1” ””ml‘” 1“ the I “'UI “l h“ ““Wh 11'2“”ng the sexual lowed tor llllllltliil increases in se\e et expenses. such as a planned meal .I t . ' I I .
IIIIIIPV . ”‘I'HHI‘I ”f lh‘IHI “mm“ and h“ i‘al areas. Kins.l said. but "salartw .>\ total of still million or the 1986‘ or hotel room.“ said \l'illiur like 'I , I ' '
Nlth \IHI(IIII(IIII‘\' and ”III NII‘IIIII ‘I‘HNI ”1 h“ ”l‘Ilh‘Xl" “1 *‘KIl‘ll‘w‘Idl dlI“”l”I-\" ll)lI1‘”Il'.\ II HT biidee' is planned for the tacult\ chairman of the lIiii\ersitj» seiia'e , ' , _ , . V ‘
“”m'm ”1 h“ "MI“ ”(I’L'wnmg nox ”N‘itl‘t'h I \m'l’R” ‘l- “W I‘ To make l'K lat'llll} s and staffs and stat: salat‘k increase alone \\lll1 (‘ouiicil . I '
FrmHouse R Illh f l
a 9 . \ a eagan sti ope u _ .
A l ave , .1 at chance for accord »
bIOOd drlve ' 3” Willie . ' 1 .III By .\ll(ll\l'1l.|’l'l'7.lil. ——————~—-——— I. , ,
I I? I,, \ssm’ ill-ll l’l‘t'ss
. . 3;: 5 .1tfgségzg. Members of Congress and ' '
“‘ "I“WHIHH'HPS * “I I K 4 A \\I\>lll.\t;’l'ti,\' l’i‘esideiit up... EU'OPeafl allies have mixed re- ‘ ‘
Md“ “HI” 7: W‘ .. $6,“, , L 1‘ Han said last night that his lcelaiid ““0" to ‘he SUPe'powe' sum‘ ' I ‘ W
i *I I' 1%; ‘EW -I a ‘llllllltll \\itb .\Iti\lL'l leader \likliaii mit. See Page 3- I I I
\mIImI “l‘hm‘g “I LIN m a LII“, I I 573-3“. ,, ~ II $32 . 41% II (lorbaclim left the >Upl'l‘pti‘tkt‘t\ ' I ‘
«IN m“ “Wk um (“15” II) PM”? a . _ M. . , , .3. . » closer lllalt met" to an iiiiprece I -
III,I.II of blood at .the tarnilloiise tia- , «iI 33,3” p r: :13: w... > W fig“ (“mm (.m m ”11mm. dI-epmie pm that “U” tentatnc dmniaal at the I .
t;iii1ty.-\lpha lltlla l i soioiity blood . W q. . w 3%,,“ x3; 1.. W [10mm he would H”, ”W“, \"~‘d.\ h” sun;mit
tl'lH‘ . , . _ . . .
\ . - . . , . . {j “43”” ‘, ‘. “wa'w’ 4‘ --I \I" M Ii g “m““lw “”‘l ”‘h‘ll‘I l’l‘”‘ 1‘" “” Meanwhile, an official l!’.i‘.t‘llllL’ . _
ear ii?" 4' . eta??? f?” a . . , . . ' -
\lctilothin. chairman of the blood ' . .1 (I; I (3 is ,-... , ,. ‘ t If \IIIIIIIII IIIII.III\ IIIIII IIIIII III‘ tar) hum!" tron; l’it‘tisscts l’it'lfilttll; - ’ .
. .. -. ~ .t I~ I ."‘- ‘ ‘ “:.*.....<.e,.:. .22‘ mi” ‘8 u’ll)”"I"'l"l“"‘l 'JHWHH” "' “ ill-l said that Shult/ \\lll attend an illlt'tI '
IIIIIII “II III (IIIIIII‘: II III help ((IIII " ‘ ‘ I I £55”- 4. "4’": I I' “I”? * ”I7? HIE“ natc all loiip~iaiiee nucleai missiles n'ition'il hUll‘Illl ['lLlll's confers-vice l" ' '
lI'al Kentucky Blood t'enter get ~ ' «Wu '" = . t M,, I ‘7 :‘XE‘MELQ, 1”" ~-t~» it» i -- ' ih l" ith 'v If .I - I _. ,. . I.I .
. . »- t- n - q. . . MW .. ~ “~11 ~-< MU “A . t 41- -t.~ Militia in taily .\.o\ii.ib(i and may .
'I‘lfIF‘Id'InIHN . , , ’ ,I‘ g I. 192m." Reagan said in a broadcast J3 that time mph: with \.,,\H.‘ p.” . .
FaIrIiIiIiIllIiIiIiIi::*I tIiI‘jiItIeIiI‘nIilyIIfi'ItIiIhIi ItIiIIiIgtIi ItIiIi Ifi I4! ~“ III“; ”a: at? he. II(IIIIIIII\II\ IIIIIIII IIItI IIIIIiII IIIIIIIII IIII ”LI”“mm””hum\fk‘I\“l‘"’l“‘1/" I
In top [it today dl](ll(I)lllHl'l'D\\ ' ‘ I .4. a m _ 3 ‘3 I s... a NIHI Ian“ IIIIIItIII II.IIIIII.IIII: MIN?“ III In In" "p‘INIh‘ HII‘IILI‘HI‘ TM . II It” , '
~\t last \mtrx blood dri\e 23“ . . ». , . [i .3 ’ ”I : sisted on L'ttlllllllliL’ :\tai \\ais 1th ”imburwmi{hymnmhpidhip . . ,
lilllls of blood w ere donated Isaid “II IIi’s air; if i *’ W I .II , ,, , “III,“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIII . t IIII “I“ IIIIICrIIIIILIlIII IIIII IIIII \IIIIIIII I
Steu- (iloskowski. a blood Idrive “I . ‘1; A 1‘ ’v 2 , % -:_ f’Ul' ”it‘d‘ JH' “ill lht‘lt' “It the powers unfinished .tL’l't‘t'lllt‘llls 'o * . .
conuiiittee member -- 3 ”t . " I ‘2}; f ’ ’ .”'I'?i'i_§ . ’ ldl'W Reagan \ftt'l In pttllltlfl an phase out iiiediiin and long iaiiae , f _
l"or lhls year's event the goal has ,I I f‘ I fix PI II 5‘; ‘ c I I 14"" ’ II ”I?” IIpIIIIIIFIfic .IIIIIII IIII IIIII, IIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIILIIIIIIISSII.“II'I IIIIIII . I ' I I' ‘
rm.” set atiitltpints I ,I 2.3? '5' :1 ,, _ 9 i f 3; ' passe “e archready to pick up “They wont go away. he sa‘d ._ , . - .
"\Ve believe that goal can be I‘ 7‘ I . " “111?;- " ' \‘ llf‘l“ “0 .19" "ll . '\l e are ready to pl('l\I up \\ here we ~ . . , t" .
lioor pri/es “Ill be given a\\a\ by , II ’tsI' 92$: , hlI NHII. lhfI'fIy‘I‘Li no ImuI‘mII'l ”"N‘" l‘”Ih”l"' ._ . -> '
stillH' local Lexington businesses, I t' I {I‘m IIIIIII MI IIIIIIiIIIIIIII IIIN..II,I IIIIItIII III “9 ”Md“ l)'I”E’I"-“ "* ‘I‘IMM" j . , I ‘ ‘.
* . . . ~ . . . ‘ , .7 ' H “mm" h“ Pldm 1“ “M91 l" m“ Reagan said. "and \ie \xfll continue ' ,- ,.
NM “”1”" you NN‘U' Alpha “‘Ill“ . . ' -’ » $39 lInited States” for a follow-u) sunr . . -. « . . . , . . - .
l’is philanthron chairwoman who I' ‘14 343%. ll . . , l ”I ”Ml“ pmgm“ '1 ‘l‘ W'm‘ " - t .
, .II ’ "- I- a ”“l-lh‘IpuI-‘ldvm‘~‘l‘l-d‘l‘llng- prudent. deliberate and. abou- all. ' , ' .- ‘
helpedinordinatetheblixiddriye ‘ . ( Lil ., , ‘ if: gg'i "ttttt‘ imitation stands “-0 Wm”) realisticapproach “ithtlii-Sm M5 . . . , M . .I .
as“ far “0 have 13 businesses ”s". 1 a ” 5' . a. ff” « ue to believe additional ‘lllt‘t‘llltfis “The implications H! ”WW. talks Z.. .
committed and there may be even :5 ’I I I. 2g... would I“: “MIMI BUI ”MI: a (“TI are enormous and only iust beam ' I :1. "
moreby today MIIshesaid. a. . i I; {1: ”:51 :I' ‘mmmIN'\[I‘Ibmu‘qlndkv _ mug to be understood the presr ' -' , , .9
, . . . . ‘4 , 3; fl“ 4 ‘ 3' igélll Reagan said. neai the conclusion dent MM "We proposed the most . ' -.' I.’ -
l‘il‘l‘“ ‘l‘m‘m “P3” “l“ ill-“l “9 m» .' ,. . g, :5 s of his Bil-iiiinute address. "it there is H H . i h V“. \ m. “my“! . ' _ . .
h“'l"”¥1”Ul~“l‘l‘km‘V‘Ikli‘illd Ii ‘ 3 n ’I , If one im ression that I carry away \IIIIPIIL IIIII ‘LIIIII II II ‘ I . - I- I .I ';
..\ . , , r. . w WW“ A 7 “~ g p - ~ proposal in histoiy “llllt‘ we ‘. . .
_. iepNsentatiye from \tl-Nll .; I, - ,‘ .. with me from these tictober talks. it 4 .1 ‘1 , m mm mic \nim‘ltwn , b. - . ,'
“Ill be there giving away prizes." ' ’I; . '2 “‘5 I Q ”g is that. unlike the past. we are dealr pIII II IIIIIIPII ‘ , I, I ._ . ‘ ,- . I -
he said “and the winners' n'imes Z ‘ .f a. s, '9‘ g 3‘ ~ » , ““‘I' ‘HH ”n m“ “M“ I“ "” ‘I‘N' ' . ‘ -‘
‘ . . ‘.. A“, _ . ., “km a? . ing now tioiii a position of _ _, b-to" I“ anwnh that _
\\lll beaniiounced overtheradio. "ye? 1 ~ . . a: . \ strength “ than “'1 ‘ N ‘H‘ . . .
I w II» -II 1'; :1I_~‘d3§ g , I j . . ‘ u . ‘ could lead to a safer world without A 1 ‘ .
, ~ / , a E gig Reagan paliitul a moit optimism “UMP,” “019“?“ . 1 _ . '.
.~h;ieh lK student that donates \\ .; 3332.5; 3 , picture than Secretary of State t t . . > .
“ill be eligible for a (‘entral Keir s. "“ ' ,i 89% gg‘gi George P Shult/. \\ ho announced Explaining why the pact tell apart . -‘ I
" lucky Blood (‘eiiter T-shirt." McGlo- .; If: If I the collupst‘ “l lht‘ Himmll lull“ I“ over his insistence on lt'sllllL‘ and de ‘ ‘I ,
- thin said “And WFMI will be giving . ésggii Iceland :8 hours earlier. saying Haupmpnt of sll'ult'fllt' defense s‘_\‘.\- . . 3 ~',
away tapes and albums each night I ' $1,, ,, I . I there were no plans for resumption “in“ Reagan emit 'l reali/e some . I ' ,
i l" m“ M“ 3"‘l"n"'I“ II ' fig? gs (’1 bargaining Americans ma\ be asklllL’ lotto-{ht I ' Ii .
I“ 'f ‘ Reagan had worked on his speech itchy ”(,1 dept-pi \h (airbachm s ' . . ,‘
Awards \Hll also be given to the I I :gjfiggg up to the last hour .\ l S ottictal demand" Wh\ not izne up .s'lil tor . . . ._
fraternity and sorority with the if 4m t'I said that speechwriters reworked thhum-(immifir‘ .
greatest tx'rcentage of donors. von . I. glgi, drafts that had been prepared in ad - .
\ostit/ said ' g I 5/ vance. and the president himself “The answer. iii.\ friends is sin: ’ t -
» ‘ . 11:3.- - f? 35% . made \tllllt‘ lasl‘lllllllllt‘ changes in plc 5m Le :\n](ll‘lcu \ insurance pup . I. . ‘ .
The blood drive is a greek event ~ ' ' '5’ ”3:3 ' the te\t that the “bite llousc L'U-V cy that the Soviet l nioii would keep
but everyone is invited and "the If 1”,; fitfi!‘ tomarily lias ready well in ad\ance ”I“. (-(mnnitnu-nls made at Reykiar _,
blood center appreciates everyone “gum“..mo" w... W“ of Reagan sdelivery \‘lk SD] is America s security iluar ' , . _
“h‘”l”"“l"~‘~II(I'lfli‘Ik““-‘Ik‘-‘I“"l Bible totin antee it the SoVIets should. as they ' . I»
g lteauans national security advis- have done too often in the past. fail
I‘\ large "la-“m“ 0‘ the dm‘””"‘ , , er. Vice Adm .lohn .\l l’oiiidester. to comply with their solenii com .
are greck.” Mctilothin said “But Sister cde Smock W05 on campus YeS'e'dOV QFOUP 0f students in the free speech 0'90 Ol told reporters \(‘slt‘l‘th that l S mitiiients SDI is what brouzht lhc ,
we are happy to have anyone that morning preaching to a less than receptive the StudentCenter. arms negotiators m (ienIeva will try Soviets back to arms control talks .it '
“ilnb‘lmmml‘l or .lU-‘It stop by II _________________________—___________ m wham- elements of the accord GenevaamlIceland II
D It G 't L' Cl b h l f'
e a amma sorori ions u mos Dartmout p aces ll‘St
sponsor haircut-a-thon for charity ..y w... c...“ in Henry Clay debates .
offers a good story line if .
\ By lfi Eli\’.\ B. LESTER This year. their tundAi‘aising goal mation about organ donation and to You can "OMOCh ”‘0 599‘" By r2\’r2l.\'\ H. LESTER Kansas heat another team from
Staff Writer is $1.001). said Danielle Dampier. DG try toget new donors. coating. For a review, see Staff Writer Dartmouth
foundation chairwoman.
Delta Gamma sorority and the Dampier said Delta (iamma‘s phi» DIVIISIONS, P09. bI ,\ team from [)artiiiouth (‘ollege ‘ Top speaker awards in the calipe-
Bluegrass Breakfast Lions (‘lub are The money will benefit the LR lanthropy' efforts have been directed "to ..'k.'h" II .mi. an- took first place last night as l'K‘s tition went to lfynn Robbins of lay-
attempting to help people in need of unit of the Lions Club eye hospital. towardtheblind . . . . llenry (‘lay Debate Tournament lor l'niversity in Waco. Texas. and
eyetransplaan. which is principally involved in nual midnight 9'0““. '3 '0‘ («amphmciow John (‘ulver of the l'niversity of
They have gotten hairstylists from maintaining eye banks for cornea In the past she cam haircut-a night. So. spouts, P090 2- (‘raig Budner and (‘hrissy Maho— Kansas. Robbins and (‘ulver took
McAlpin‘s. Genesis. Don‘s Green transplants. said Tamara Allison. a thon proceeds have been donated to ney “on the tournament mm a 2.1 first and second places. respec-
Door. MlCh‘I‘QlIS and other local 53‘ [)0 member the Kentuckv Federation for the . mesa .» -I a.-.» (“’9le m the final round against a ““1"."
"m5 ‘0 volunteer their time ‘0 ('Ul Blind and the l" 8. Association for .mee team from thel'niversity of Kansas.
hairfor charity. Although most of the response to Blind Athletes 5:.W$I%s§a Jw Patterson. ['K's director of This year marked the tsthannual
Delta Gamma's fourth annual past haircut-a thons has been from III I‘ “ debate. said about 50 crossexam'ina- Henry (‘Iay tournament. which has
Haircut-asthon will be held from 10 students. anyone is welcome to show But this year. she said. the fund tion teams entered the tournament. become a tradition in college de
a m to 8 pm today and tomorrow tip for a haircut. Dampier said Both raiser will have a more local ”11' Today will b. cloudy with a which the [IR debate squad sponsors hate
in the Student (‘enter mezzanine. men's and women's haircuts Will be pact Chan f ho d hi annually.
near theGrand Ballroom. given. and in addition to the stylists. . co 0 ‘ won on 9'“ “This is the first really big tourna-
alicensed barber willhepresont "We think it's important that the m 'h. "I‘M 50* Chafing '°‘ To get to the final round. the two merit of the year." said Ken
The sorority is charging $7 for money not “my goes m the commu. night with low: from 40 to teams won eight rounds each. In the Strange, the Dartmouth debate
each haircut, with proceeds going to Representatives from the Lions nity. but is also fed back into the 45. semifinals. Dartmouth beat a team coach. “All the good teams come
the Lions (‘lub (‘lub will be there to distribute infor‘ l'niversity.” Dampier said from the University Of Michigan and here."
~~ Amway

 . . ‘. l ' a A l

, 2‘ ‘ 2 J KENTUCKYKERNEL Tuasdly, October 14, 1986‘

_ . ‘- . Andy Dumtort
2 _ '. Sports Editor
‘I.I \: 2
7 . ,~ ”MMM“WWW“*W**WWNWWW " I H l I" l " '" I" .. ’ k>o2>¥t
I I t . ', 'I\ ’ -: ».-;':;>:'\<-.-.\:.;.. . -.1:=:-.--~.'i:-:"v.': "3-""EFT-““3“"“"55'-'.\./'-:-JI-:-...§:i:::=>};:

\1 2."! O O

LadV atS ate-n1 ht ractlce
. : '~I I or

; ' \L‘ ‘ , ~

I‘. . . .'2_ t-
knock off l ’ 9

2 0 ens - season
"‘ 2‘7". ‘. .. ‘x‘ . f “A '2: ‘

III ,I B g I \ Wildcats to show appremation for fans

I.III“.‘ .-I':I'I \l.l"llti‘l'll‘ " ‘ .

h . .. .r 2 by givmg away prizes, food, money
'2 -‘._':‘,.-.-, Ar" ':. _- mat: fi'llt'lll lllt‘l’tlIVlllt'

Ian‘- I‘I'K I , \2 mg 2 ,i l.

-' ‘I~;,*‘:-.,I~-I ~ "I ‘ , “‘"h l“ B) mumk's INHVNINU

""3”": " ., - ' (‘niiti‘ibiiting Writer as 3“ ~ ' ;

I‘I.~ Li‘. . ‘ l\ \ '3' .l‘ three cata nght out

. :II.II_I_,2I-II~:~ I IIII III III 121* t‘w'IIlll . . I , I _. ,
I”? II . . IIIII IITIIIIIIIIIL‘I “III ‘ I Em, thuugh basketball season is ::::I I ,ww“‘~w""‘: '2
. ,, . .I, I‘,.I,fj,‘.‘IIIi II: 7 M 2 2 -‘ mm, than .. month away. UK bas- ,ogm,;..I Ij_:jfjjj::fiI:'IjI_IMmdwm
vI-IIfiIII;J‘ $3.? I ‘ J ~J . ’v ketliall mama begins tonight at Me- mento. Wham

‘wutgt I II . I . ...- I III_ IIIII_IIIIII _- Wm.-.“ W _...,.. " I ""I‘IfII morialt‘oliseum. 10:309.... ‘WWWEW
' " l?” "1.5:: " In! - I . . 2 . .k . ~III II . The Hunt is being billed as “(‘ats‘ 3.32"“ M'MWM
IIIIIIIIIII‘I.IIII_II‘II , II, D _-_. I x , l .. NtL‘Ilil Hut .\ Fan Appreciatior : pm. Form

.‘i :'., iJI '., '. ‘21:, II .,,II l. 1', . .. . 12mm“. hmdiwm {
IIIMI I.II. m II I I I I II I III III 'II II~ ‘_ - .i Bent and according tn Athletics l2:l5p.m. wunwmwimvmwm
If"; I~II;gI-‘I;I' ‘ II ' " " "‘ Ck P llii‘eettii‘ (‘lil't Hagan. more that" ”WW“- W'WCWW .
h" 2 I - . II ... II I . / SltKHMi \Hlllli ni food. money anc
'- .II'. '1 ' 'I "I" "(le "l” I / I prizes \Vlll be given away
fl. 53,3311}? ., .\ . I I “In“: ,H _. s - 3 l“‘l-‘“h”‘I ". g“ that shongdaf see the fan support of a major co
’54, I,“ _,\ , . l’. 2,; I \ Um, «I, A”, . ,5 5 g ‘ m" “"1““ II “’1" 5““ (vac E. "9 lege basketball program and to be
"liar-"'1'." 5': . tun-c :‘ it, N . 7? ’ 5mm” ”"9 Imidnight practice) part (it itisas really overwhelming.

‘2'}: ."gi ‘5‘" , 'n ~_ 2 ' t 'i; s 2' .t ’2‘ 4 § “‘5 one ”" my “”1 ""5"” "f the re- "The midnight basketball pi'aetit
.-'I:".I_‘,’,-:I;I’.I‘.‘ II ' -. " . I ...,. H ,_\ ,. , . . lllJll'kultlt‘ltill(\\\lll;.’. heiituek} has brings “mu! an e\‘elle t 't
-. " ' "‘ " ‘ ” “""" ”'H . , “Here it \\;l\I :i eoltl. rainy Mon- . ’ I" . _ K" n ‘" mt

,- .In . .. N , - .\ ..J puma l k . . I . sphere and giies the tans a previex

..II'I: 25,";- . . I .. . I . . . l (la) night. and \\e had almost a lull ill the u ‘(imin’ \e'isnn .. B2 I“
-,-.I"'I$~.I-I'.-II'I?, H ; I" "I ‘ III, ‘ v house in \\.tl(‘li us practice." he \‘lld p( l“ ’ " ‘ (nm
.I I ‘ ‘ ,' ”l" 1 "1 " ‘ " a , said “It an incredible I knew then ‘ II . .

I“ h l '" " Em L" "H” A . 2.! . that Kentucky basketball “as reall) “9 V" l’e"lIlII‘_"‘lr_kl“IgI mifilhm pre-
5:I I.."I,.-.‘:', ‘ ' “* ' 'l" 5“ t "‘ ' 5 MM] -- season C(llKl inning. apman
(I ' * ' ’ hI "I" 2 ‘v I ‘ "A (”DIN”) WW4 h mpeetetl said. "and I'm ready to get (l()\\ll tti
,_; q ' ‘ ‘ III ‘ ' 'I I ~ \\ lien the testinties begin at 9 ‘ttl l‘llfmt’” _

f' ' " l ' ‘ " ”r ‘ I a p m at Memorial t'nliseum. said lI told \Ithe mo ti‘eshnIuIiIniSIttiIIbe
’3", ., .2 -_ . . .2. . u... ‘ ' . lti’a'l [tax I\ ;t\\l\l;llll \ptll‘ls intuit ”‘1” i" am I)“ prepal‘m - -U 0”

4.,1' , I . I\ ,, .I .II I“ t I, l‘ .2: cuvowm Home an,“ iiiatinii tlll't’t‘llll' 'l‘lie tltiUl\ \2ill open SIII‘l‘l ”ld(:0nlI “(int than to go out
," ‘ J ' ' \u'. \3i SP" , 3» -,-"2'a:‘ goes tor a spike OgOli‘S? against the Purdue Boulermakers The Lady Kan 2” “I “P ”1 " eu ‘m N Hakim. I
, ‘ 222.; a, 'w 76" ~ ' cat night 5 volleyball game defeated the defending Big Ten Champs 3 ? ’l lie Pl'tii'llt't' Haulit be lil'tllltlt'nxl »\ main ”lll'm'l'l’“ “’1‘ lim‘ 2'” ”1“
‘J ~"':3.'4"'2.r, llH‘ an \\ l\'\"l‘ 'l'\ lN'L‘llllllllL‘. at Plum”? 15 591‘an the incoming
. . . . H l'll’ ”I treshnien in Wildcat unitorms 'l‘liis
E‘2.'-I.".7§‘.";vIL; A tears recruits. Rex (‘hapman and
:5":ng ’.I_=".=>I’ merlcan , N at] onal league serles contlnue tOdaV ’llte Nana? l'K team xiill take the Derrick Miller. are read} to begin

5.:l’é’;t."‘3 " miirt at l_‘ Ht .1 iii . lit‘t‘dth' tlet 17- their college basketball careers and

. I I III I . I . . _ I II \ II II . I III . . ,.-.» . i~ lllt' l‘.l'\l daft \.illtlllill t'nlleiliate are looking forward tn the midnight
1-; v- = "h .- "p. A".\. .,.,\I i‘, l \‘;\""M""" . f" , . _ ~ If ‘. .t."""m.m."I \""""I" \\e A LUM- "" l "I ( H "m" “Hf-m V." "(K "H 2"“ 3‘ 7"”7‘ "3 \llllt‘lét \\\lK'llll|Ull t‘lll('\ allim t‘til \UIl‘kUUl
. I,I-=: ' V . " ,. I (will, It” ‘I""'I l‘h‘lfl'h" I II II” III'III'I’" """"‘ ”MIlUI' It'ttgliv ttuittdutiiu. IllieIiuIiiuI-NII leue teaiin tn beam pl‘ilCllClllIL‘. \\llll Bet’ni‘e the actual practice lK‘IL’llb.
3L2." 2 - L "I .I‘..'» ,, ll": taut”: min.- '2 .I , - 2 ; ., 't in» "Hm \"iullk mm" ”h WM " ""H‘MI" "hm “‘2“'ll"‘ the 193354 Wildeat team. xiliieh l\ Ill
. . l ., ". "flint", H" ", ‘. <7. ," ,. A .:,\,.. w.” .. -.~.. ". .. , t". 'J. N12. ,\ “hi-newt , “1mm. NH" " "n”w‘ "'""“ "I" ”l I'll" ””-=l ~\eii'ui' “indium Bennett reiiieitt l.e\iiigtuii tor a reunion. “Ill be iii
I . " ., I " ‘ ‘ ‘I"‘ “f“ ‘ “ f'” 'I II ’ ‘I 'lq’” "f I . l ‘ 'I‘ “Wk ”1‘ ""‘3 WNW“ lt'l? «il’vf' r“ lli‘l‘t’vl lll.\ ti‘esliiiiaii year aiitl his ll‘tXllM‘Od Hagan “as a member nt
'.5:""«3 I; 2 - - ‘,\t tr. f,i,i‘. tiri2l -r2l.2- - \ .. \‘t‘tlmtt‘l \lalniile! (ieile .\l.iUk I t2\lt‘-l> l" iiHlmI-H..H\ lil' , i" tlnlt‘ll' .. . .I I , . . . . J .2 t.
-.--:. .. .:_ .. I ,. I I . . _ . I I I . II _. I .. n», I . _ . . , ,. . \t ..l a pl.l(ll(( llk .\ql1d(l.\\hl(h Uimpilul a ptllttl

.III '.- . _ . . \Iit't ,w .ll. \«J 2 , ~ >2 P“ \l"i limb the ~22ltrl\ \\llt‘lt\'2 2llt l‘“ \iaiieli and the \tiul» \' ll it'lt‘. ‘l' .., . 1 l . . 1 4‘ Jr ‘l
-.I"I‘.'I»II:.I:III’,', 1 , . ' ' "I. ‘Itp‘ff‘n‘f .ll.‘. 2.. It“ .I t -. '2illl{t2(l\n\ltmlx,lli('_\ \(‘("llt‘ll' it r the ll('\l til \i\|'f’ »i>;",2~ 1" g“ " Al“ \ph "1"“ All it "\"m U _.illlt(0l(

(.“‘ ' ‘ \f' “I ' ,2' .22 ll": tun'luvlir t‘llhkt' ("lll‘u' llillu'fl‘l‘ ‘illiillu'l' [r5 ti, "brink f"li' -?l,\ .27 t» it»

7 9.17575" ' J m vat-t: ~i""2-~ l.t‘t1 'lir L‘s? . l" 3 ' ’t'l‘..:2"72*\\ l'ul} xiiimtliii; ltnt label. l"l.:" 'uiiielit lll (may \ItI - l2", 1mm
(.14, ' ‘- - \ :12 w. mum- lei? that .. ‘-.\ l", \t ,J '7 w" 'l lllll\ \thiehen-r tine l|i\t‘\ the \it.:*ti~.'..11 l'az'k " 9 s
12'". ,- ,~_ ’ ‘ ‘2' "‘ :"‘)".v H» 2", llllll‘lttll l‘m'l «tc'x ”12', l‘ll'wttz‘, -‘ “22tl~12-t. Leanne pldIHItls tlll> \‘wi‘lx ill. l‘..,\t- Kti'k Mellnkill. 'l“. 4”,”. ”I“ I #3 P'aYing fhls week

\it'. ‘w w ‘. ‘ ‘ :2- \t-xti'i‘ttm “xl ‘2' ~ .‘ “ ‘» ,~ _~ (2‘ ‘4» live \\ith tnt‘ .iiititliet‘ ‘.\2’.‘~ “ l\ H }--\w:‘ ml} tut ummqfi E. 1:..\:t.i‘.~ ,

.IIIIEIII;;I::IIIII‘II ,_ - ~. 2 Inuit: \\\,1'I-‘I 2 :I:. , » “2.4;... .IyItl l fiiei‘uiiemuinttnxtiii ppm), 11,! t at. Hi I,. llu‘ IIIII it; 3 ' .- TOP 40 Dance
I‘;'.' II- IzIII.II.I.III~I .,.. ,.I f‘tInil‘J'l‘Ji'I \wI \ (1' k 24!, ' w . " ,rl‘,1l“~'?‘ll.i\“' l ' i: “ »" . "iii” " 'i...' W" ‘.W. ti. 1’2“ Mn. ti“? ‘9" -*"' . . ’ '- 7 L .
HQmeleSS salyadm'imS 59' UP milk“ people. and l)uarte told El Salvador Gillespie said [“0 Americans‘ who l)uarte said [he cit) sullet'ed $3 5 r " ‘ EHI' : "H—H'? l':» 4: .:: ,. t‘f t i' -~ 1 .. . . ~ .
shift shelters in fields, the Materniti m £1 broadcast Sunday night, “We also held Salvadoran citizenship and lllllltm in damage and that Her} I hi" . c . w- vii" . . - . ~ .imit-oiw: i. ’ 'r. , 'I » .; 1' - . ’ :'
HosPital delivered Ibitl’lt‘S 1" the are practically going to have to re- lived m San Salvador. were killed. government building in this t‘i-titral l t .~ im'r. i., . iuw ,. . \i'.‘.lli.illl t‘l:'i" . ’.’ '
parking l0! and SUFVIWFS )‘t‘filt‘t'tlitfi construct allofthe city " They were identified as Jose Mauri- American capital was hit. llit‘ltitllllil ! I . . f 'I ' . . Z "i
went about burying the nation s Him He asked for more international cio Juarel_ in his 405 and Yolanda the presidential palace i l ' ’ "it ‘ 3 ~ ‘1 "‘1" " .. ' '_ " " jf. , II i
knownearthquake(lead I aid. requesting medicines and sup- SuzanneStets. 12, Government operations '.H‘ti" 3 -"' ' ‘ . - E'- ‘ ~ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' "
Prestdent JUS“ Napoleon ““0”“ plies for hattered hospitals where (‘rowds downtown stood behind moved to the lTillllitl'} t‘tllltllziii'i'l i ll' ' ' ’» t" '* 'r‘ "' ' ‘ ' ' . ', {-
PUi the number 0f injured ”1 lit“ teams worked outside to treat pa- roped ot‘t’ areas yesterday guarded headquarters l ' " " " "I" " ' " ‘ ' . '. -r‘ '
Friday's catastrophe 0' 10.000 in“ tieiits by the army and watched rescuers At liermeia ('emetei'j. oi. 'lit- l "WV" l""“ t. * ” L f " " E'" ' 'I ' lg: .I " ‘ I'.I'- ‘
the homeless at 130.000 search teams struggled (0 retrieve use cranes. torches and bare hands southern outskirts ot San \.tl‘..i.lti! l ‘ tic" . wt ‘ lit'. : .' hm \ w 3 "" ' ' ' ~‘ . I I .- :.‘
Rescue thl‘keh ltttt‘llslllctl Victims trom toppled buildings. Spe- The stench of dead bodies rose in a line oi 26 open gl‘;]\1-\ mom,” i .. a: . ,, lam i..-.. ,~ in m: r. . . ,zII_II 3"}. ,I:.iIII
searches for victims trapped under cialh trained dogs led by Swiss. thestifling heat earthquake ...-ilmcmm “.m.-(gm i .u.;... ..., t . ‘ r 3. w ‘ ~ ' t a 3” .7 .. _; f
._,__-._.-..., h,”--____-._._.._..WH,_¢V._I“In“.‘u,A V—i._ .. .' ,f J; ft" .‘r .j =II
I . . . IIIIII i. III;II2I’,.II."Ii
eactlon t0 outcome 0 summit ta S leCd
it”, .' "I": ,4
,‘i‘I~_‘.I'I'.._'I',I;. i. 3.5; i'
' Strong support for Reagan came N 0 - - .EIi, '.'.'I...»"~ ft;
, .. ”l Il‘,’IIII_",I‘_‘p:I
congreSSIOnal response falls trom Rep Jack hemp. R».\ \ . and ATO dlsappOlnted bV Star Wars d1 SleI( 9 :I,Ir.if. -.".'Ef II .'
I Sen. Richard Lugar. R-Ind . Chill!“ " .‘ui iI {I $2241.33
o . , , man of the Foreign Relations ('om II, (331;.
mittee r 11 f ' k f 11 ,r ° 51"". 3.3!”
_ primarily along partisan lines ca 5 or quic o ow -up to ta 5 m ce an 5-1....
Kemp prounounced hiniselt 2;}: If. '.iu 3".”- I~".
wrist \iikiis Ittit .i different view was express pleased that the president “ii-Lilli“! m “g“...“mn ;. .. . ...... . . .. . . . .. .. . H“.
Associatedl’ress ed ll." Rep James (‘ourten R-N J I away trom an agreement that \‘IU~ .\ssm'iatedl’ress . . i... ._ . . . i . . , , , : . , . i ”SIB-".3 ~f_._
one ot the staunchesi House support- lated one of his highest goals. the it. . ;