xt73xs5jdb3r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jdb3r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1977 1977 1977-03-24 2020 true xt73xs5jdb3r section xt73xs5jdb3r -MI Vlirrw Mill"

No dumbbell he

lie my not be a Mr. America candidate. but Richie
Jacobs. music junior, shapes his physique on a curl

machine anyway. Jacobs is a member of UK's

Weightlifting Club that meets three times a week in
the basement of the Alumni Gym;

3rd district councilman ‘
will run for re-election

Copy Editor

'lhis article is the fourth in a weekly
series concerning candidates for
Urban County Corarcil in the student-
populated 3rd and 4th districts.

Urban County Councilman Bill
Bingham, facing re-election in
November, feels his 18~month tenure
on the council has been a success
becaus of the small, personal
problems he’s solved for members
of lis corstituency.

“I’ve accomplished a lot of small
things,” said the 3rd district
representative. “The council’s
structure enables a councilman to
dealwith smaller things. I think I’ve
dare what the people want. That's
my first priority."

Bingham‘s only opponent in the
race is Joe Jasper, who lost the seat
to Bingham by only 140 votes in the
last election.

With most other candidates in the
race listing traffic or housing as
Lexington’s priority problems,
Bingham mid he feels it has been
impresible for lu'm to solve such
problems drring his term.


“liaising and traffic are alike,”
he said “What can you do unless the
private sector or the federal
government is willing to come along
with a program? Of course the 3rd
district bears the brunt of the traffic
problem.” The District is located on
UK‘s northwest side.

Bingham’s main concern about
sewer installation, another often
mentioned local problem, is that
they be made affordable for low-
income families and people on fixed

Binglem feels there are few
problems peculiar to the students
living in his district, but is con-
cerned about the difficulties they
have crossing busy intersections.
“But I haven't made any concrete
proposals to the University to help
solve these problems." Bingham
also favors construction of more
bike paths.

“1 worrki like to see the Univer-
sity’s resources involved in com-
munity problems. The University is
They don‘t think it’s there for them.
“I would also like to see students
more invdved in government Often
students, because of their tramient

nature, don’t get involved,” he said.
Some members of the University
are getting involved in local
government by running for council
seats. In the student-populated 4th
district, two out of the three can-
didates are politically inexperienced
members of the UK community.
Bingham doesn‘t think this
inexperience is bad.“Business
experience might help, but the
council is an opportunity for the
average man. I believe a coun-
cilman reeds good, common sense
and good judgment. I don’t think I’d
want to be a traditional politician.”
Bingham isn’t publically sup-
portirg any of the five announced
mayrral candidates. but he believes
attracting black votes will be the key
to winning the election. Bingham is
one of three black councilmen.
“I'll vote for the progressive
candidate. The one who is willing to
give black people and women more
representation. The present way
blacks are not represented in the
higher levels of government is ap-
pallirg. I think Lexington is ready
for a black commissioner, a high-
rankirg black police official and



Kernel Staff Writer

No doubt about it.

If itwasn’t for spring break, the
rest of the semester would be
intderable...all five weeks (i it.
At lad, with visions of sugar-
plums and sandcrabs dancing in
our heads, class becomes almost

But not everyone who’s gazing
out windows across campus is
thinking (i the sumy south. After
all, there are other parts of this
great and glorious land worthy of
our attention. And one group of
UK students riveted that at-
tentim, with a dash of physical
prowess, on Maryland... of all

Ten members of the UK Out-


Biking vs. baking

Some pedaled over break

doors Club pedaled their hearts
out over 250 miles of Maryland
backroads, sightseeing and
camping along the way.

“Some people D0 do something
on their break bsides go to
Florida, you know," said a
defensive Gregg Scircle, co-
chairman of the
club.“Everyone’s always talking
about sunbums and stuf ...”

Not Scircle. In fact, like a lot of
other people, he’s pretty sick of
hearing about the whole thing.

Scircle and company spent six
days biking through the
Delmarva Peninsula, the eastern
shore area of Delaware,
Maryland and Virginia. “We just
went to enjoy ourselves so no one
really got sore, even though it was

planned including backpacking,

the first trip of the season."
Scircle said

Members of the expedition
carried (”-50 pounds of camping
equipment and refreshments on
their backs and pedaled 30-55
miles a day.

Tie Outdoors Club was formed
in 1971, its purpose to get some
scholarly stuffed shirts out in the
fresh air. Unfortunately, the
club‘s membership has dwindled,
cutting down on field trips like the
me to Maryland. But Scircle is

“We‘ve got some other trips

rock climbing and canoeing for
this spring," he said. “I really
think that there are people out
there willing to do something
different for a change!"





Vol. LXVIII, Number 130
Thursday, March 24, 1977

Time to vote

ependent student new


University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

SG elections approach

Student Government (86) elec-
tions for president, vice-president
arri 40 Senate seats (including 25
conga senators and 15 senators-at-
large) will be held April 13 and 14.

Applications for candidacy opened
Monday, and will close at 4 p.m. on
Friday, April 1.

To be eligible for president or vice-
prsident, one must be a full-time
student and in good standing with
the University.

To run for an at—large Senate seat,
one must be at least a full-time
secondsemester freshman, and in
good standing with the University at
the time one assumes office.

To run for a college Senate seat,
one must be a full-time sophomore,
junior, senior, graduate or
professional student at the time one
assumes office. No student may
serve as a college senator in a
college in which he or she is not

Applicatims for candidacy should
be picked up and retumed to the SG
dfice, room 120, in the Student
Center (SC). There is a 35 deposit
required with all applicatiore. This
deposit will be returned to the
mndidate if all of his or her cam-
paign material (posters, etc.) is
removed from the campus “within
four calendar days after the time the
polling places close.”

All candidates will be required to
attend a meeting on Sunday, April 3,
from 2 to 3 p.m., in room 245 in SC.

86 has already scheduled three
“spakers’ forums” for the can-
didates. The first will be on Monday,
April 4, from 7 to 10 p.m., in room
245, SC.

The second will be at the Complex
Commons on Wednesday, April 6,
from 7 to 10 p.m.

The last will be at the Tri Delt
house on Thursday, April 7, from 7 to
9 p.m.

Voting booths will be open at the
following places on April 13 and 14:

Anderson Hall—10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Commerce Building-40 a.m. to 3

Dickey Hall—10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Ag-Science Building-10 a.m. to 3

Law School—10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Medical Center—10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Student Center—9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Classroom Building—10 a.m. to 5

Margaret 1. King Library—9 a.m.
to 9 p.m.

Blazer Hall, Donovan Hall and
Complex Cafeterias—li a.m. to 1:30
p.m. and 4:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

SG also reeds students to work at
the polls on election days. Two
students are needed for each polling
place for each hour that the polls are
open. Applications for those
positions may be picked up at the 86

Law school to be reviewed

Assistant Managing Editor

A law mhool self-study committee
will bqin to make evahrations of
current law school conditions next
week, which will be forwarded to the
Amerimn Bar Association (ABA).
An ABA inspection team will visit
thelaw schod next year, probably in
the sprirg.

The committee will, according to
chairman Paul Obers, “consider
various matters in connection with

studart activities and welfare,”
includirg employment hours. Law
students canplained last semester
abort a law school policy that
prdribits law students from working
nrore than 15 hours a week at outside

The ABA demanded the policy be
maintainedas part of its accrediting
standards. The rule was suspended
until law school administrators
could decide how to handle the

“We’ve still got to find out what
01er schools do,” said law school
Dean Thomas Lewis.

Lewis pointed out that the ABA
inspectors are faculty members of
accredited law schools, and that one
of them is an Ohio State University
faculty member. Ohio State law
students are not requ'a-ed to report
empioyrnent hours.

“But they do represent the

(lartinued on page 4




President Carter wI nomkrate William Cox of
Madisonville as federal hthway administrator in a
matter it days, accordhrg to Gov. Julian Carroll.
The governor said the President had so confided to
him rkrrirg a chat hr Washington yesterday.

Mary Bald ceafhaed yesterday it was her
lusbarrrlCliRon, a former larkvllepollceofficer,
who tdd Rep. Gare Snyder, R~Ky., of an allqed
piotby FBI antsandbouhvillepoliceofficsrsto
ans-brats Dr. Martin larther King, Jr. "Retold
ago" Mrslakdsaflflltldnkhethorqhthe

told him he was offered $500,000 on two occasions to
kill King.


President Carter said yesterday he is subjecting
a total of 30 federal weer projects to tests for
econrmic necessity and envhonmental safetyi
before reciting whether they can continue. Car-
ter’s lid reinstates three of 19 projects he had
previuralydeietedfrom the fiscal imam for
further Indy arll adds 14 projects abject to hr-
he Pakrtslille Lake Project in Kentucky.

Nbe njar eke-hal phat ln Charluton, W.Va.

Kamwha River during the last half of MB, the
Department of Natural Resources reported
yesterday. But John Hall, chief of the water
resources dvision, said the figures represented
only the amounts the industries themselves
reported. They’ve got to be honest," he said.
”That’s the rally way we could operate with the
numbe- if people we've got."

It‘s a matter of hck more than anything else," an
Indana state police spokesman said yesterrhy,
mass murder have mar-god to avoid capture. in
the lat week, 23, of Waynetown and David Smith,
17, of Wingate, have eluded two ma-ive marinade
sherbet; spotted h emern Florirh arll a

Feb. 14 shotgun slayings of teen-agers Ralph,
Reeve and Raymond Spencer and their step-

. brother, Gregory Brooks, 22.

President Carter asked Congress for $044 million
in loam arsl grants yesterday to help communities,
farmers, ranchers and businesses stricken by
drought in western and phkrs states. interior
Secretary Cecil Andrus predicted the proposals
would win quick approval from Congress.

Rays-ing the roof

Sony and a little warmer today, high in the low
It’s. Partly cloudy arrrl warmer tonight. The low
willbe inrqrpcm's. Sunny tomorrow witha hlfir in

purl-ed as trillion pot-Ila d w-tu bite the flrstdqree mrarbr warrants sternrnkrg from the the rppero‘s.








editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Gil- marsh

Wallor Illness

Um “has Arts “or
Job Wills Killer Nancy lily




Stewart Iowan

Advertising lasagna»
Alas Kate



Inexcuseable absence

Senators sit home while students get shaft on withdraw policy

With scarcely a fourth of the elected student
senators present, the University Senate passed a
new rrocedure for withdrawing from classes
that is sure to cause headaches for students.

The Senate voted to extend from 10 to 17 class
days the time a student is allowed to withdraw
from class without a grade. But after that 17-day
period. a class can be dropped only through a
procedure whereby a student must petition by
citing urgent reasons, such as an extended

The change was made without due con-
sideration of student registration and advising
problems. Passage of the new procedure was the
result of extensive pressure by administrators in
the College of Arts & Sciences, who were seeking
to ease the filing load caused by increasing
numbers of students dropping courses several
weeks into the semester.

There are a number of reasons why students
need a reasonable amount of time-certainly
more than a few class meetings—before being

committed. Current UK publications that list
class offerings and a short course description do
not provide enough information for students to
fully understand what they are getting into.

The quality of advising and syllabi, of course,
depends on the efforts of individual professors.
Students are not known to complain greatly
about syllabi, but sad tales about inadequate
advising abound. In point of fact, there are far
too many advisers that simply don’t know
University requirements.

Instead of creating a procedure for the con-
venience of A & S personnel, the University
Senate ought to address itself to advising
deficiencies and skimpy course descriptions.

Although the student representatives from the
16 academic colleges are outnumbered by
faculty and administrative members by about 7-
1, University Senate President Dr. Connie Wilson
said that if more student representatives had
attended, the new procedure might have been

Only eight of the 25 student senators bothered
to show up. The rest were apparently on an
extended spring break or perhaps they view
their senate membership as a nice resume item
rather than an obligation to support the needs of
their constituency.

One student, John Scircle, from the College of
Education, deserves praise for attending the
meeting, but should have his head examined for
voting in suppa‘t of the procedure.

Student Government President Mike
McLaughlin, a voting member of the Senate,
opptsed the new procedure but failed to use the
power of his position to mold a concerted drive
against it. Indeed, SG—- the Student Senate and
the executive branch— expended virtually no
energy all year on academic matters affecting

Instead of volunteering his time for television
commercials extolling the merits of the UK
Dental School, McLaughlin would better
represent the students who elected him by for-

A most pleasing phenomenon:
the mystique of the Florida Keys



Mcst students don’t have enough
time a money during spring break
to take a full-fledged fling into a
bona fide foreign culture such as
Mexico or Jamaica. However. if
your traveling appetite craves
unpredictable experience, there's a
place right here in the continental
US. that can satiate those hungry
taste buds.

The Florida Keys.
Some might disagree with that








statement. but a trip to the Keys--

All the niceties of the vacation

ming a bloc in the Senate to monitor events that
affect students.

Minus the eight students who attended and two
student vacancies on the Senate, there were 15
elected senators who didn’t bother to participate
in a discussion of a significant student issue. If
you believe, as we do, that this constitutes a
dereliction of duty, write these elected
representatives and let them know how you feel:
— Agriculture, Mike Easley and Steve ibershoff
—Architectnre, Bill Crosby , ‘

— Arts & Sciences, Bill Fowler, Jeff Hoeck and
Debi Young

— Business & Economics, Mark Fenzel and Matt

— Dentistry, Terry Norris

— Education, Mamie McIndoe

— Engineering, Lester Wahner

— Graduate School, Cary Blankenship and Pete

—Library Science, Paul Fritts

— Pharmacy, Bill Miracle

don‘t lie in the foreign atmosphere of
the area. Some of the surprises can
turn out to be on the familiar side.
For example, one night at our
campsite we were doing up a little
toomuch tequila.At9p.m.,two guys
carrying a canoe came walking out
of...the ocean. They introduced

. themselves as if they were Huntley

and Brirkley and announced they
were from Western Kentucky
University. Weird, I thought, but

especially Key West—can turn into
an encounter with the Unknown for



those with inquisitive minds.

By going to the Keys, you can also
avoid the gigantic hassles of the
Daytonas and the Lauderdales,
a-‘fthough the prices are inflated just
like everywhere else in the state.

Of course, few of us have enough
money to stay in Key West, but
that‘s no bother—the island may be
enjoyed without paying outrageous
hotel bills.

The first step is to rent a campsite
at the Sunshine Key Holiday

Campground, 40 miles up from Key
West and just southwest of Seven
Mile Bridge. The price for five
campers on a site is a mere dollar a
night, and that includes showers,
fresh drinking water, a pool, tennis
courts. a marina and beachfront
sites for those who reserve spots
about three months in advance.

The first—and probably best—
thing you should do after you get
your tent set up is to head into Key
West for the daily sunset ritualat the
western pier. The celebration
usually begins at about 5:30 pm.
The sight is amazing. All of a sudden
you are in a foreign culture, full of
acrobats, jugglers, musicians,
magicians, body contortionists and

Three or four Jamaicans and
some kid from Springfield, Ohio will
be there playing the hell out of conga
drums, bells and maracas. Beside
them. a woman will be handling
snakes and rhythmically moving her

body. A guy will be dancing along,
occasionally exhorting the gathered
crowd to surrender to some weird
God of Reckless Abandon.

Down the pier a bit, a traveling
troupe known as the Loco-Motion
Circus willbe throwing juggling pins
around, telling jokes and passing the
hat. Next to them, two dudes from
West Virgina sing a little and pick a

It’s all pretty far off-Broadway,
but who cares; the magic is in the

At about 6:20 attentions start
tur ing west to Ra—the Almighty
Florida Sun. By that time it’s
sinking fast, spreading its glow into
the salt water. The crowd begins to
react like it's at a football game,
boring when the orb goes behind a
cloud, boning in anticipation as it
first hits the horizon. Then, when it
takes the final plunge into the
ocean—APPLAUSE! Shouts of
“Author!“ And so on.


The next night they returned and

entertained us on cohort Jack Watts’
Ovation guitar, singing nasty songs
about dogs and stuff. Then when we
got to talking, about hometowns, one
of them asked me if I knew Doug

My dad.
Not all that amazing, but a nice

little extra touch.

It’s a wide world and a small

world...and all that.


Dick Downey. in his second year as a
Kernel columnist. is fast ap-
proaching graduation from the UK
law school. His column appears
every Thursday.

Anti-ERA motives

Insuring continued profits

A most pleasing phenomenon.

There are other mystiques to

The Ernest Hemingway mystique.
Papa once hung out in Key West.
No sailfish that he caught and
stuffed in all his manlinass hang
over a large patrait of him in
Sloppy Joe’s, an airy bar graced
with autographed photos of famous

The Harry Truman mystique.
President Truman liked the Keys
too. Once of his favorite haunts was
Captain Tony’s, a small bar. There
is a another business establishment
there named after Truman's
daughter; it’s called the Margaret
Truman Launderette, oddly enough.
At his bar, Captain Tony once had a
resident rhesus monkey named
Creature until he got tired of idiots
feeding it reds and acid. Creature
lives at Tony’s house now.

The Jimmy Buffet mystique. The
inimitable Buffet lives in Key West.
Greg Read. one of our Kartucky
contingent, drove by his house one
night and saw a beat~up old van
sitting outfront The true Keys spirit
is wobably exemplified by Budet,
who manage to remain “low-key"
(ahem) in the face of increasing


Sometime during the Civil Rights
(hys we were staging a series of
successful sit-ins to integrate local
establishments. I muttered some




mive remark, expressing a rather
unflattering view of humanity in
general, and a friend next to me
responded, “Whenever you see a
case of blatant injustice, ask your-
self who might profit from this."

It turned out to be pretty good
advice. Snooping into whose money
goes into political action groups
leads to the conclusion that some
interests think passage of the Equal
Rights Amendment (ERA) will
bring an end to the purchase of toys
(I the consumption of milk.

But there is one industry which
his been as prominent as opponent
d the ERA as the breweries, who
lad one eye on prohibition, were to
women’s suffrage. Let me share
with you some of the information
urcovered by Majority Report, the
Uncoln chapter of the National
Organization for Women, and my

leading the attack against the

ERA in Nebraska was Sen. Richard

Proud, who for a number of years'

was Mutual of Omaha’s chief legis-
lative lobbyist and who remains
employed as an attorney for the
firm. Another anti-ERA activist is
Mrs. Clifton (Ann) Batchelder, heir-
ess of Continental Assurance; she
shares with Sen. Sam Erwin mem-
bership in the Society of Mayflower


Three outspoken opponents in the
ERA a’re wives of insurance com-
pany vice-presidents. One of the
largest contributers to Phyllis
Suilafly‘s congressional campaign
was W. Clement Stone, founder and
head of the Combined Insurance
Company of America.

Courtinued on page 3



I am stunned by the Food and
Drug Administration‘s recent ban on
saccharin. The diabetics who use
saccharin as a sugar substitute do
need the substance to maintain the
paper sugar level in their bodies.
Bit what shocks me more is the way
in which the harmful effects of
saccharin came about.

The so-called scientific processes
which are used to determine how
harmful a substance is to humans
ins long baffled me. How can our
scientist claim, that based on a
Indy of rats which were given large
amounts of the substance in ques-
tion, a drug or product is dangerous
bl’mman health.

Over-consumption of most any
aibstance by man can produce

harmful side-effects. Water can kill,
hit you don't see it banned from
white use.

The saccharin ban brings back the
qrestion of how effective these lab
mimal studies are. Let this latest
inn be the call to science to use a
little bit of logic in their future tests.

Issac 8. Scott
Accounting sophomore


Tuesday's editorial incorrectly
stated that lndh fought a war with
cum airing Indh Gandtd's Mil!
as prime minkter. Aciualy, lidla
arll Pakhtanwese at wardru'lngthe
Gandll years. India and cm
skirmished before she became
prune mirister.

to jid
this t
pa -...~

these i
are a
are sh









ants that

were 15
issue. If
itutes a !
elected ‘.
vou feel: t
bershoff l

and two 3

eck and

nd Matt

nd Pete








Tougher sentencing is not
answer to reducing crime

New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON—Growing numbers of
criminolrgists and politicians are urging
tougher sentencing as a way of reducing
street crime. They argue that increasing
the number of offenders sent to prison
will decrease the crime rate, either by
removing the more prolific criminals
from the streets or by deterring others
from yielding to temptation.

Politicars of both parties have em-
braced this logic. Jimmy Carter has
called for imprisoning a higher per-


centage of serious criminals and
eliminating much of the discretion given
to '11ng and probations officers.

Other people are impressed with the
theory that the surge in crime is caused
by the postwar-baby boom. As this
generation enters its crime-prone years,
this theory states, all that is required is
essentially a holding action—put these
petple away until the population bulge
passes, and eventually the problem of
unacceptable crime statistics will
largely solve itself.



What «in society really expect from
these prrposah? Of course, all of them
are almost certain to increase the
number of prisoners, even if sentences
are shortened. Most state systems are
already overcrowded; many are
operating at 130 per cent or more of

Based on population increases alone,

this nation will have 120,000 more adults
behind bars in 1985 than in 1970. Billions
d dollars in new prison construction is
scheduled for the next few years; yet at
a cost of $35,000 to $50,000 per cell, we
can safely asume that the kind of
overcrowding that helped spark Attica
will get worse long before it gets better.

Can society expect harsher sentences
to deter crime? The white-collar of-
fender may weigh the risks of punish-
ment, but the street offender— the one
who is the case of our alarm— most
probably does not. With no job, no op-
portunity, no close family ties, he may
well believe he has more to gain than he
has to lose.

As for reducing crime simply by
Iockirg up enough lawbreakers— even if
it works, we must ask this question: for
how long and at what cost to them and
ourselves? Is the plan to keep them, and
the many others that our slums will
continue to produce, behind bars for
life? Even if it succeeds, will this ap-
proach make our society more just, or
more repressive?

Most disturbing, all these proposals
fail to corsider the social injustices that
breed the alarming incidence of street
crime. Unemployment among black
teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19
is now at 34 per cent. For the poverty
areas of our cities, the figure is put at 57
per cent.

Boredom, the desire for money in the
pocket, resentment about having no
access, even by hard work, to the things
that most of society enjoys- these are
some of the ingredients of crime by
youths, who are responsible for a

Fearing profit losses

Insurance business fights ERA

Continued from page 2

Spiro T. Agnew's reversal of
sentiment on the ERA closely fol-
lowed a generous contribution by
Stone, who also contributed later to
the Agnew Defense Fund.

In Nebraska anti-ERA literature
was distributed with the claim that
the ERA would legalize topless
entertainment, allow women to
appear nude in public, and allow
male and female dancers and cust~
aners in bars to strip bare; it was
traced to the office of A.G. Willing,
who manages the Hartford Insur-
ance Group.

Assorted other campaigners
against the ERA sell insurance
mlicies. In some cases the insur-
ance connection is so blatant that
“Stop ERA" literature is found

where the ERA has been or is now in

Why insurance? A substantial
portion of insurance profits are the
result of extreme sex discrimination
in rates and coverage, combined
with guilt-trip pitches aimed at men
with dependent wives.

Sex discrimination in life insur—
ance takes the form of ignoring the
statistical differential in favor of
women, while using it to justify
lower benefits for life-retirement
imurance; in health insurance
women frequently pay up to 150 per
tent of what men pay, despite the
fact that their benefits are of shorter
titration and pregnancy-related ill-
nesses, as well as “female dis-
orders," are usually excluded.

Divorced women are repeatedly

growing proportion of violent street

Amazingly, more than three per cent
of this nation’s nonwhite male'
population between the ages of 18 and 34
was imprisoned in 1970. This figure is six
times the percentage for whites.

Can anyme seriously doubt the con-
nection between these out-of-proportion
figures and the out-of—proportion
unemployment rates for this country’s
nonwhite slum dwellers?

I am not saying poverty equals crime.
That would be absurd. I am merely
stating the obvious: that poverty and the
cluster of ills that go with it create the
conditions that make street crime more

Not only do these conditions tax the
resolve of adults who have been brought
up “right”; they also often destroy any
chance that children will be brought up
well at all.

When we realize that the problem has
these causes, tougher sentencing seems
a false solution. At best, it is mere

Street crime has no nostrums apart
from [rofound social reforms, which are
generally expensive, inefficient and
unpqiular. But that is no excuse for
simplistic rhetoric.

It is always easy to concede the
inevitability of social injustice and find
the serenity to accept it. The far harder
task is to feel its intolerability and seek
the arength to change it.


David L. Bazelon is Chief Judge of the
United States Court of Appeals in

state hands, but the ERA could lead
to state action permitting review of
state laws applying to the industry.

As early as 1970 insurance exe
cutives expressed fear of the “super
liberated woman” and attendant
changes that abortion, birth control,
and single motherhood would re-
quire in health coverage.

They worry about the imposition
d maternity benefits and equal
benefit rates, and they share with
other industries the fear of equal pay
for equal work, since insurance
companies are large employers of
women, mostly in low-paying jobs.

The very rationale for buying
insurance is threatened by the
prospect of woman’s economic
ascension. As women become more
independent, the metaphoric horror



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. _ . . ' . N‘ake MOde' List Sale
stored in insurance offices. In and arbitrarily placed in the “high 01' a helpless Wife financially mcapa- Stanton aalE EE 9000 5300
Illinois the insurance lobby is for- risk” category, while men areflnot. citated by her husband’s disability mm" 6305.; 02.50 35.00
. m'dable. Women who are breadwinners are or death stands to 1058 "well Of its ADC XLN‘. 100.00 99.00
is One spokesperson was reported to dten refused the right to claim their appeal as an advertising lure. ADC VLM moo 45.00
have stated ina Wall Street Journal fusbands asdependents. Industry research has already Shut? WSED 0‘95 13-00
aticle, “I can assure you that we Insurance companies fear ERA shown that employed WOMEN, mar-
; in the have 8 high batting average on will force revision of discriminatory fired or single, do not buy very much
e com- killing bills we don’t want and rates and qualifications and will insurance. HURRY, SOME QUANTITIES ”Mu!”
of the gassing ones we do.” require them to justify rate and
phyflis Connection with anti~ERA forces coverage differences. In fact, the “is comment was “blunted by
npaign extends industry-wide; insurance McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 Carol Dussere. a graduate student in
ler and tentacles extend into the other states flaces regulation of the industry into German-
urance . e
mmhlmlfll “NJ!“ “It‘ll Jam W a or I
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