xt73xs5jd99q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jd99q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1973 1973 1973-11-03 2020 true xt73xs5jd99q section xt73xs5jd99q The Kentucky Kernel

~ Vol. LXV No. 61 ' University of Kentucky
November 2—3 1973 an Independent student newspaper Lexington, KY. 40506


UK halfback
Sonny Collins

om ecoming





k 1.13 Journalism Building. University ot Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky 40506.


Established 1894


Mike Clark, Managing Editor
Charles Wolfe. Practicum Manager
Blll Straub. Sports Editor

Carol Cropper. Arts Fditor .
John Ellis. Advertising Managetf

Steve SWitt, Editor in Chiet
Jenny Swartz. News Editor
Kaye Coyte. Nancy Oaly.and

Bruce winges, Copy Editors
Bruce Singleton, Photo Manager

The Kentucky Kernel is mailed tive times weekly during the school year except during
holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer session


Piblisned by the Kernel Press Inc , 1272 Priscilla Lane. Lexington, Kentucky Begun as
the Cadet in 1894 and published continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The

uriiiei pIES) inc tounded 1971. First class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky Ad.»
vertismg published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any false or misleadin'
advertising should be reported to the editors.

Editorials represent theopinion ot the editors and not the University



Kernel endorsements

Because of the inordinate number of candidates
vying for local government positions, and a small
number of available staffers with time to cover
campaigns, Kernel staff members voted to restrict
endorsements to only those offices which will most
affect the University.


The merger of the City and County governments
has been the most publicized topic of this election’s
mayoral race. Both Jim Amato and Mayor Foster
Pettit have indicated a willingness to work with the
plan and utilize it to its fullest potential.

However, of the two, Pettit is the logical choice.
He has participated in merger plans since the
conception of the proposal and, as mayor for the
past two years, his contact with the proposal has
increased his knowledge of how it should be

On other campaign issues, both men maintained
similar stands, with two important differences.

After proposing in the last mayoral election that
he would try to prevent the increase of taxes, Pettit
found it necessary to raise the city payroll tax. He
applied this measure to cure a financially sick
government. At the time, he said it would be a
temporary tax. It was a small increase. Because of
the extra money it raised for the city, we see no
reason to decrease it now. -

Amato disagrees. He has promised, if elected, a
reduction of the tax and a substitution of federal
revenue sharing money. His plan is absurd. These
federal funds would be better spent on local street
improvements and low-income housing, two
problems Pettit has indicated a willingness to
tackle now that merger is out of the way.
Improvements in these areas would benefit in-
dividual Lexingtonians much more than a few
pennies in the bank.

Street improvement is a must item for the next
mayor. Ama to has promised to “pound his fists” on
the desks of state highway officials to get im-
provements. Tantrums may get attention, but it is
doubtful the needs of Lexington will be fulfilled.

Pettit, however, has worked with state officials
during this term and should be able to steadily walk
the ropes of the bureaucracy in his next term. And,
though we think his endorsement of the Rosemont
Extension was not in the best interests of the
community, we believe Pettit will work to improve
the deplorable street situation.

Mayor Pettit spent the better part of this term
correcting the atrocities created by his
predecessors. He’s done a commendable job, and
there is no reason to keep him from serving another


The Kernel earlier endorsed Pam Miller for this
District’s council seat, which includes half of the
campus. She is young, vigorous and promises to
work for the needs of her constituents. She is op
posed to the Rosemont Extension, and has endorsed
strong environmental measures which the com-
munity should support.

Miller is well versed on the intricacies of the
merged government. A vote for her is a vote for
more University recognition in local government


The candidates running for this seat are equally
qualified to hold the office. William Bingham and
Joe Jasper have campaigned down different trails.
Jasper concentrated heavily on campus support;
Bingham, a black, working mainly in the Pralltown

0f the two, Bingham would be more beneficial to
the city because of his interest in low-income
housing for the blacks of Pralltown.

Aggressiveness on his part could stimulate city-
wide support for use of revenue sharing money to
provide this type of housing for many





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Serious imbalances

We can each think of serious imbalances
in Kentucky.

The black lung legal fee situation is just
one example. A few Kentucky lawyers
received $5 million in such fees last year.
One lawyer in the Kentucky State Senate
received more than $1 million in such fees
this year. The average black lung legal fee
was $4,200 in our state while it was $300 in

Why does this imbalance exist?

Why hasn’t Kentucky government
moved to correct this imbalance? Other
states use more economical methods of
settling black lung claims.

The black lung legal fee imbalance
occurs because of an imbalance of power
in the Kentucky Senate. Sixteen (42 per
cent) of its 38 members are lawyers. The
senate has not corrected the inequity
which enriches one of the most prominent
members of its majority party.

Will this situation by corrected in 1974‘?

It can only be corrected if the mem~
bership of the senate is not dominated by
any one occupation. In Britain less than
five per cent of the English parliament are
lawyers. If the membership represents a
wide variety of occupations and points of
view it will more truly represent the good
judgment and the fairmindedness of
Kentucky’s people. A well balanced
membership will make well balanced
decisions in the public interest.

I would be honored to represent Fayette
County's twelfth district in the Kentucky
Senate. I am not a lawyer and as a
Republican will be free to work
vigorously to correct the black lung legal
fee situation.

There are many other issues which will
confront the Kentucky Senate. It would be
an exciting challenge and a real privilege
to work there in behalf of the people.

Joe Graves

State Senatorial Candidate

12th District

Home address 1306 Fincastle
Home telephone 266-4176

Questions memory

I attended the debate between Jim
Amato and Foster Pettit at the UK Law
School which occurred on October 15.

At that debate, Mr. Pettit was asked a
question about a bill he voted for which
reduced the tax “burden“ on individual
holders of bank stock when he was a State
Representative. In now familiar
Watergate parlance, Mr. Pettit blushed,
stuttered, and replied, “I have no
recollection of my position on that bill.”

The House Journal for the 1966 Kentucky

(icneral Assembly might serve to refresh
Mr. l’eltit's recollection:

1. HB. illouse Bill) 318 provided for the
reduction of ”the annual state tax on
shares of state and national banks.“

2. On February 10. 1966 Mr. Pettit
personally introduced ”.8. 318. He was the
sole sponsor of the bill.

3. On March it). 1966 Mr. Pettit voted for
the passage of HB. 318.

It is common knowledge that Mr. Pettit
and his family own a great deal of bank
stock. In the light of this fact. I believe that
Mr. I’cttit‘s introduction of HE. 318 and
his vote for it represent an unequivocal
conflict of interests, resulting in obvious
personal benefit.

I cannot in good conscience vote for a
person who has a demonstrated propensity
to exploit public office for personal gain
Accordingly I shall vote for Jim Amato
next Tuesday.

J. Gregg Clendenin
Third Year Law Student

Backs Miller, Groves

The government of the City of Lexington
often appears to be controlled by an elite
group of businessmen and bankers who
have no real interest in the ideas or
problems of UK students.

To remedy this situation there should be
a person within the local government who
will be more responsive to student opinion.
By helping to elect Pam Miller to the
Metro Council students can secure in-
dependent and articulate representation in
city government.

Likewise. UK students can support the
candidacy of Joe Graves for State Senator.
Graves is an outspoken opponent of the
Proposed Red River Dam. On this and
other issues he will act freely, not con-
trolled by Wendell Ford or any of the in-
terast groups which normally exert so
much influence in Frankfort.

Students wanting more independent
representation at both the local and state
level should vote for Pam Miller and Joe

John Schaal‘

malfunction to the Kernel’s
production machinery, some of
the copy contained in this issue
was prepared at the plant of the
Winchester Sun. The copy
prepared at the Sun is of a
slightly larger type than that
normally used in the Kernel. We
apologize for the difference in
type size, and thank the Sun for
its assistance in preparing this
special Hence“ “I.




Students, faculty and staff who vote in
the Nov. 6 election will find on the ballot a
state constitutional amendment for annual
legislative sessions. It deserves their
careful attention. The Kentucky General
Assembly is still bound by the 1891 con-
stitutional limitation of a 60 day session
every two years. This means the first 60
days of the year, excluding Sundays and
holidays. Today there are only 10 states
that do not have annual sessions, and only
one or two of these 10 impose such a brief
and rigid limit on sessions as Kentucky
has. In recent years there has been a
strong trend toward modernizing state
legislatures, and Kentucky has been left
behind. A 1971 evaluation by the Citizens
Conference on State Legislatures ranked
the Kentucky legislature 31st among the
states on the basis of five important
criteria. But on three of these criteria (a
functional, informed, and independent
legislature) Kentucky ranked 49th, 48th
and 44th.

Because the legislature has so little time
to study the mass of legislative proposals
(a 1,000 or more bills in a session), it must
lean heavily on other sources for advice.


amendment deserves attention

One consequence is that the governor
dominates the legislature. He prepares a
program of legislative recommendations,
which is perfectly proper; but the
legislature too often adopts his proposals
with little study or debate. The legislature
also lacks the time to weigh the arguments
presented by lobbyists, and consequently
there is a tendency to follow the advice of
those lobbyists who are most persistent or
represent the most powerful groups.

THE HEART OF the legislative process
is the committee system, and the Ken-
tucky legislature has taken a number of
steps to improve its committees, notably
by holding meetings of interim com-
mittees in between sessions. But during
the 21 month period between sessions, no
matter how urgent the problems that
arise, these committees can only study
them; they cannot take any action. And
the new legislators who are elected to the
next legislature are not bound to accept
the recommendations made by the interim
committees of the old legislature.

The proposed constitutional amendment
is designed to give the legislature a great
deal of flexibility in organizing its
sessions, and to give the committee

a page of opinion from inside and outside the University community

system a chance to work effectively.
Under the plan, the legislature would meet
every year, normally in January. But in
the first year of a governor’s new term it
would meet in March to give the new
governor more time to prepare his budget
and legislative recommendations. The
Senate and House would be permitted to
meet on only 45 days during each session,
but these meetings could be scheduled at
any time over a four month period.
Committees could meet as often as
necessary during the four month session.

In practice this would mean that, during
the early part of the session, meetings of
the Senate and House Would be infrequent.
Legislators would spend most of their time
in committees. There would be adequate
time for committees to study issues, hold
more extensive hearings on major bills,
and also review the govemor’s budget in
some detail. Later in the session, as the
committees began to report on bills, there
would be more frequent meetings of the
Senate and House. It should be possible to
avoid last minute log jams and the com-
mon practice of completing action on half
or more of the bills on the last day. If
deadlocks did develop or important
business remained unfinished, the




3099 m


legislature could, by a two—thirds vote,
extend the session by as much as another
two months if not all of the 45 meeting days
had been used. Problems requiring more
detailed study could be referred to interim
committees for reports to be made at the
second session.

tucky government is now being
reorganized to bring it up to date, and a
reorganization of the court system is on
the agenda for the next session of the
General Assembly. It is equally important
to modernize the legislature, to give it the
time and resources needed to study the
state‘s needs and to make the increasingly
difficult decisions about bugetary
priorities. Kentucky‘now spends less than
on-sixth of a cent out of every dollar in the
state budget on the legislature. The
modest cost of establishing annual session
with a more flexible schedule would be an
investment in representative government.


Malcolm E. Jewell is a professor of
political science. He has also served
on the steering committee for the
Frankfort Legislative Intern

Re-elect the President—I974 style


BOSTON -— The nation is now facing the
most significant political crisis in its
history. The crisis encompasses not
simply the issue of whether and how the
President should be removed but perhaps
more importantly the question of how,
through the manner of Presidential suc-
cession, confidence in the Presidency and
the political process is to be restored.

There is a solution to our present dif-
ficulties, one that is readily available to us,
and one which will give the American
public time to debate, and also time to
decide their own destiny—the electoral

There is no reason why an election could
not be held in 1974 to determine national
leadership. It is possible through
legislative action for the people to elect a
new President and Vice President in 1974.
The Speaker of the House would serve as
interim or acting President until Jan. 20,
1975, when the newly elected ad-
ministration would commence a full four-
year term.

This would require no constitutional
amendment, but simply an act of
Congress. The idea is not far-fetched;
ironically enough, it was the intent of our
Founding Father. It is not a revolutionary
concept; it is, in fact, just the opposite for
the Constitution was explicitly written to
make it possible.

In the Constitutional Convention of 1787
the framers consciously adopted the
language of Article 2, Section 1, Clause 6,
to allow Congress to provide by law what
should happen if the offices of the
President and Vice President should both
become vacant.

The second Congress of the United
States in the Succession Act of March 1,
1792, accordingly provided for a special
popular election to fill such a void. That
statute remained the law of the land for 94

This system was changed by the Suc-
cession Act of law which provided for
succession through the Cabinet and
dropped the requirement of a special
Presidential election in these cir-
cumstances. It, however, required
Congress to assemble within twenty days









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of such an occurrence, thus facilitating the
discussion of other options. The
Presidential Succession Act of 1947 made
no reference to this alternative.

A special Presidential election was,
then, the required method of succession in
the event of simultaneous vacancy of the
Presidency and the Vice-Presidency for
almost a century.

It was mandated by act of Congress and
it can, therefore, be restored by act of

As President Kennedy once wrote: “Our
greatness is based on the final premise
that the poeple themselves, working
among themselves, making their final
decision, will make a judgment which fits
the best interest of our country. If we did
not accept that premise, then the whole
concept upon which a democracy is based

would be. hollow ” .
Rather than living for three years With

an Administration unable to instill con-









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fidence and lacking legitimacy, a special
election would seize the crisis of im-
peachment and succession as an op-
portunity to reaffirm the workings of our
political process. Rather than resulting in
a traumatic confrontation, a special
election would serve as a beginning of
national renewal—cathartic, salutary and

Rather than entrusting succession to the
Congress and leaving it susceptible to
partisan jockeying, tactical maneuvers
and backroom political deals, a special
election would return decision-making
directly to the people, where it belongs.

Rather than increasing alienation and
cynicism about the workings of a closed
political system, the special election would
bring us together in the process of Open
and participatory debate.

It would finally not only insure the
legitimacy of Presidential power, but a
special election run fairly and honestlv

Jean-Claude Snares

and openly would answer directly the
fundamental issues underlying our current
crisis and help to restore confidence not
only in the operations of government, but
in the resilience and viability of our
political system itself.

Watergate and related abuses have cast
along and ominous shadow over the entire
workings of Government and the failt of
our people

Watergate and related abuses have cast
a long and ominous shadow over the entire
workings of Government and the faith our
people have in the institutions they are
called upon to support and defend.

An untainted and open election would
help to heal the nation by reaffirming the
very process which was compromised and
violated by Watergate.

Kevin H. White is Mayor of



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plans forums

on current issues

Kernel Staff Writer

Student Government is plan-
ning to present next semester two
day-long programs devoted to
extensive discussions of current

While urging that plans right
now are still tentative, SG
spokesmen said they hope to offer
one “Focus Forum" dealing With
the subject of “Morality and
Ethics in Government" in the
first part of next semester, and
another, “Obscenity and the

Law," towards the middle of the.

spring session.

Hopefully, the featured at
traction of these issue-oriented
programs will be symposiums
conducted by prominent
American officials and citizens.
According to Jim Flegle, 80
President, Barry Goldwater,
Daniel Ellsburg, Archibald Cox
and Earl Warren among others
have been contacted and ex-
tended invitations to appear at
the Forums.

However, Flegle said SG still
has no idea of who would be
willing to come. “We have people
who we’ve contatcted who are
interested," he said. One of those
persons is Ramsey Clark, one-
time attorney general for former
President Johnson, Flegle said,
and getting him to appear at UK
would be a matter of him working
out an itinerary.

Flegle said it had been
originally planned to present the
Forum programs this fall, but
prior commitments by the
desired speakers precluded that
possibility. Flegle said the
Forums would be “breaking new
ground“ at UK, and that since
they had never been tried out
here before, some speakers were
“a little hesitant” about coming
to UK.

As planned, the featured
symposium will cap a day of
discussion, debate and in-
teraction on those t0pics by UK
students, faculty and ad-
ministrators, as well as all in-
terested members of the com-
munity. Flegle said the Forum
concept involved “workshops“
for interaction sponsored by
certain academic departments,
honoraries, student advisory
committees, all concerned with
the subject of that day’s Forum.

“The whole idea of this thing is
to get the campus involved in
discussing the issues again,“
Flegle said.

SG has received University
funding to finance the forums,
but Flegle declined to say how
much money was appropriated.

Bob Vice, SG's public relations
director, emphasized that plans
for the Forum are still “very
tentative. We want to keep this
low-key right now," he said. “If
things aren't just right, we won’t
do it”





Urban County Council

Your Vote and Support

will be appreciated

PM W Bv: Jack Ha": Carma-ion Fund. Sidncy Baker, Treas.






 New Attorney General

Nixon nominates Saxbe


Associated Press Writer
Nixon nominated Ohio
Republican Sen. William B.
Saxbe as attorney general
Thursday and promised full
independence for a new special
Watergate prosecutor, Texas

trial lawyer Leon Jaworski.

Nixon gave his personal
assurance that he would not fire
the new special prosecutor as he
did Archibald Cox without getting
approval from congressional
leaders of both parties.

The President appeared in the
White House briefing room to
announce the nomination of
Saxbe to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation Oct. 20 of Elliot
L. Richardson.

HE LEFT TO Acting Atty. Gen.
Robert H. Bork the an-
nouncement of Jaworski as
“perhaps the best we could get
for this very importtant position”
of special prosecutor.

Bork said the 68-year-old
Jaworski, a Democrat, would
have all the freedom and in-
dependence originally promised
Cox and a renewed promise of
“the full cooperation - of 7 the

executive branch in the pursuit of
his investigations.”

Bork was asked if it was clearly
understood that J aworski would
be free to go to court to press for
additional tapes or presidential
papers if he deems it necessary.

“THAT IS absolutely clear,”
Bork replied.

Cox refused to accept a sum-
mary of taped White House
conversations dealing with
Watergate rather than the tapes
themselves. Nixon fired Cox and
established the prosecutor’s
office inside the Justice

At a news conference in
Houston, Jaworski said: “There
are no restraints. I am not
prohibited from taking any action
I might feel should be taken.”

satisfy Sens. Adlai Stevenson, D-
111., and Birch Bayh, D-Ind.,
sponsors of separate bills
providing for a court-appointed
special prosecutor.

“We’ve relied before on the
promises of the President and
Congress has been burned,”
Stevenson said. “There can be no
independent prosecutor without
gangressional action.”


THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday-Saturday, November 2-3. 1973—5

Saxbe, 57, who already had
announced that he would not seek
another term in the Senate, said
he understood he was taking on
the job in “difficult times” when
“the country is in a crisis of

HE SAID he was anxious that
the new special Watergate
prosecutor would go to‘ work
“without any limitations.” While
he knew his job was going to be
difficult, he said, “I have no
reluctance and no doubts that I
can handle it.”

Saxbe said Bork will remain
solicitor general.

Jaworski is a senior partner in
the Houston law firm of
Fulbright, Crooker and J aworski,
where he has been since 1951.

lawyer and prosecutor, he was
chief of the Nazi war crimes trial
section of the US. Army in the
European theater after World
Was 11. He was president of the
American Bar Association during
1971-72 and was a friend and
advisor to former President
Lyndon Johnson. A native of
Waco, Texas, he received law
degrees from Baylor University
and George Washington



Science 'no threat'

Donald A. Spencer is an op—
timistic ccologistwho contradicts
the current notion that modern
man’s technology is threatening
his natural environment.

Spencer says scientific
management of natural habitats
has led to greater abundance of
wildlife in many areas than fifty
years ago.

Credibility loss

telephone survey taken after
President Nixon’s latest news
conference says a majority of




Sororities at the University of Kentucky







' News In Brief


Americans believe Nixon should
not resign or be impeached, the
Gallup Poll reported.

However. the poll also said 55
per cent of those questioned had
little or no confidence in the
Nixon administration, and 53 per
cent of those who heard the news
conference found Nixon’s
responses on Watergate un-

Sea burial for sale

OAKRON. Ohio — A
fledgling Akron firm is offering
landlubbers a burial at sea off the
coast of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

The ashes~scattering service
comes aboard a Piper Cub out

over the Atlantic and costs only
$50. plus the cost of cremation.
Extras, including a copilot
clergyman and a tape recording
of his service, can hike the price.

Sex guidelines

OROME — The Italian Marxist
Leninist party, a radical group
left of the Communists, has
issued strict sex directives that
are causing frustration among
cell members.

A party official acknowledged
that only 30 per cent of the
revolutionary party members
have been able to live up to the
official sex guidelines.

The Influence
of the Greeks

Sorority membership is voluntary.

it is an op-

portunity for growth and development. Throogh the
Greek experience, each girl learns to share—of herself
and her ideals—with those around her for theat—
tainment of individual as well as group goals. As a
result, each girl acquires a better understanding of
herself in relation to the world around her.

Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Xi Delta

Chi Omega

Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma


The UniverSity of Kentucky Panhellenic

Delta Zeta

Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta

Kappa Kappa Gamma
Pi Beta Phi

Zeta Tau Alpha

We've Got
Blue Spirit


Welcome Alumni


Your Alumni Association
400 Rose Street


imperial Plaza

Waller Avenue


We've Got The Ole
Homecoming Spirit(s)'!

See us before and after the game
















Waller Avenue
imperial Plala



Gardenside Plaza





O—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday-Saturday, November 2-3, 1973



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Governor’s Table is Lexington's exciting eating and drinking
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\ \\




Kernel Staff Writer

Led by flashing blue lights and
cheered on by students over-
flowing into Rose Street, the ‘73
Homecoming parade marched
through Lexington Thursday

The parade took about 15
minutes to pass people who had
waited in 48 degree weather for
up to an hour. Adults, children
and students did not seem to
mind the 30 minute delav in
the beginning of the parade,


THERE WERE about 28 units
in the parade, including five
floats, about 15 cars, the UK
marching band, the Air Force
ROTC escorts and countless
students walking beside their

Among the dignitaries in the
parade were the fifteen
Homecoming Queen candidates,
Grand Marshall Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Hagan, Dr. and Mrs. Otis
Singletary, Mr. and Mrs. Fran
Curci, Miss Lexington ’73 and the
community college represen-

The winning float, “Curciland
and the Argonauts”, was made
by members of Alpha Gamma
Rho, Delta Gamma, Fiji, Pi Beta
Phi and Lambda Chi Alpha. The
float was a huge ship driven by
moving oars across a sea of green

“THERE ARE A couple of
guys under that boat pushing it
up and down and moving the

Homecoming parade

Floats use movie theme



Volunteer float builders from Delta Delta Delta sorority
hurry to complete their masterpiece before the parade.
(Kernel photo by Betsy Barnum.)

oars. It took us a week and $270 to
make the float. We had a lot of
fun making it though, so I think it
was worth it," said Dave Mor-
man of Alpha Gamma Rho.

Following this year’s theme of
“Great American Movies", the
second place float was titled,
“The Bible". It was made jointly
by Tri-Delt, Phi Kappa Tau, Zeta
Tau Alpha and Sigma Pi.




Carl's Music Center
255 East Main




This float was designed like an
ark, “Curci’s Ark”. Giraffes and
elephants, which squirted water
through their trunks, stuck their
heads through the windows of the
ark and wiggled their ears at the

The third placed float was