xt73xs5jd96z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jd96z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1971 1971 1971-01-20 2020 true xt73xs5jd96z section xt73xs5jd96z ' . , , . ,: , _ . .. - .. .
. . ' . . t ’ , _. ’ ‘3 .' . '. . _

Trustees to C onsid e r .. :: . .3, .r r , . r . -
- j . " “"7"" ' " ‘, " ' t " .r .15 ," ”ii." i "

c ,§ .96? i ‘ z%f " g; :3 g" r .pn‘O‘""-.~"'.. _ ti- .' ,> -I
. . r" a” . '. g i j; i it i; " I "‘i': "i " "
Tripartite Report . q f ., w, ‘ ~.__ W, “5 ‘ 4

. " . ‘1’,” 5 / " c0".- ',..-, . ”(fl-k. ‘

President Otis Singletar) The hoard delay ed action on ‘ f f “.5. i ‘L, _'i " "0“ -,.--‘" 4'" "1
opened the door tor increased the proposal until its Fehruar) 5- . - ‘5. . " " 1" fi' " . "'2‘ "1.3332 ‘_-
stutlent representation inthe Uni- 16 meeting in ortler to iris e the r '2 . . . “I t p . ‘ ' "'11; 3': '
versit) Senate yesterday by pro— trustees tirue to eonsider it. 2- " 5 4" t 15'; ’ - ‘ '1 I. .. J
posingthat the Board ofTrustees Further Student Motions " *3 .- . i a? .-.. . 2" , L .3. '7-
adopt the recomniendationsofthe An “limped”! mou- tm lur— , ".2 £2.» “a 5 1"
Senate Ad Hoc Tripartite Gm“ tlrer student \‘oiee iii L"ui\ersit5 "is f5 , :‘ "' . ".2L/V:
”fluff“ affairs was made h) a Leuis— , ' g: :1- “ " . i"?.',"'"-".‘{ 32’.

Singletars' made ”1.6 “Tm” \ille junior. Mithael Campbell. ‘3; I - ., W’“ . ,_ A",
ineutlation at the Board srnonth» who called {”1 U“, trustees to ‘\« ,_ ii ., é , ,

1) meeting in the Patterson ()t- . _‘ .. l l . l “W -» __ . “- --i .- gr]; ,'
fiee Tower. 1i theTripartiteUun- “"3“”? d WON“. A \" "K i . ‘ . , -.’_."“'*" 2’" “it; ‘,— _:-. -.
niittee report is adopted, facult) (km—“”tmm‘ motions him All ,Wmmv s ' . " “at. - _ ‘ ti, 'I‘IT. i." f .:
membership in the Senate would [Mir _0" .tlw agenda ”1 hoard v" . g, 5’ "X". ._, (i i,
he reduced from 200 to 160 seats, meetings. - .' " 3 “g ’ ._ c. . "‘"C‘Ci' '-
while student representation Campbell proposed that the “ -"‘" . '2 " _. r: " | * ,ji'l-fitig
would jrirnp from 5 to 40 seats. board he It‘llnrt‘d to "dd 9“ 5““ ' J'- I} p W "‘" '"'
T1“- Umwuir) Senate uppnwfil dent motions accompanied by . " ‘2 ."l ,3
the measure December 14 h) a petitions bearing lit lCflSt 300 ‘ ‘ ' I . 7.3"“ g _' ,‘""-..
r vote of 100 to 59. Continued on Page 3, Col. 1 . 7 I 53:“.
. . ‘1' f 3- _}"~ ‘- ‘.
. ' {fir-25"?"

[H E KEN 'I UCKY " “
.17.. . v .1 W: 1 .5-~

. sE‘
5 3,511». .;

g (I a I, 2",; - .

\Vednesday, Jan. 20. [97l University of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. LXI]. No. 70 . “r: ..‘

' ‘ ' ' ' 9 ' ' - 5,»l""_:1.’ “,-

5 Pronuses Definitive Answers . 5 , , ;_ ,5g;.,t _~._

umw1n { e . a _ G p ___._. . , _, . W . e ,

. . 2., '5 -- * . . : 5 - «r, ., ,.f

I o Stu dV St uden t Hon 8 1 11 0‘ _ t 1 .g .

. . -" ".3 saw! i5. W " ‘ . -- are . "‘ ."if 7r?
.1 P ": " " - "‘1 . it," 1': 1%" fi 7‘.

\ it-t- l’i't'sitlt‘nt lot Stirtlt rd. orriiireirtlatitrrrs oi the torrurrirtt'e a.” “rt “hum! Hm“. W; it 1‘ |. $§T~"".*, w. . . I“: ' . _ .3, .5." "
.\tl.trrs liolrt'rt /4‘lllli\\lll"f\l(‘ .ui appear to he toruottt n in ad ouuoendations «HUM 3,, "Mi” is“ ‘W’"i.: ’2 w ' 5. ,1", 3“
norrnt-etl tlrr .:tppo1utrnent \t stt-z rnrnistrat-ris. . r,” :l,» lsirlrlir’ ii. tort! 3393' Q1" €515": W K . ‘ "if“ ,-" :41!
rlri} oi .ili .trl lirr: .itl\is;ri‘_\ twill \lisxtms l’itriiilst'tl 13. Hr. H! \";,1 i”. lx'" ,2 .- ‘ m‘ . . "g: ~ ‘ 2;." "2‘..- ,
mission to stud) the quality of l‘"rorn his ()iil‘t‘t‘. retouuneri- rmelk 11H- tornrnittt'e into sift. . ‘_ __:-. ’5: -."j""-,"

. student residential lite. tlations will he sent to other (.(Hnrnittt‘t‘s as soon as the group " ...... i . “a" ."”'".""I"~.

I"lie tonnnittee. to he chaired appropriate ollit-es. Zrnnss inlx’lr' (1” “I” on priorities. He also "~ ‘ "r3"."\
hi Dr. \Villiani lhjyau. dirt-etor promised ""tlehnitne answers" saitl that r“. (.‘m and rnai. Hi, The eXPeCted and the unexpected ‘OOk place 8‘ yesterdays B"8“l 51-] " "2
of student senices tor the eol— to the questions raised lrs the “,1“. ”mm“, ”tr“... thin "Hm“ of Trustees Vmeeting in the Patterson Office Tower. At top. Cm. .r
lt'gt' Ui" nursing. is designed to t'onunittet'. iliiitt‘t’ ”“.th-e on the srrh— LOUie B. §Unn swears. m Eugene 905.5 ‘9 a “3”"er term 9‘ ‘" g
identify the “major suecesst-s. lie stressed that the eommis» (“mun-”(W hnr that H”. mm Trustee during the meeting. Above. LK Junior. Michael Campheti '"1"'""" ,.
prohlenis. needs. and trends" ot .sion should “feel tree to inalte _ listens as trustee George Griffith questions him on his prtrptrsal 5g_‘.-."{,f:“‘; ."
student residential life. It will all of its recornineridations pulr— (‘ontinued 0“ Page 8- COL 1 ‘0 “HOW students to petition the board. 5 2"
.suhrnit rectumnendations to Dr. . 3‘
Zumwinltle addressingr irninedi— " 0 0 -:*,‘",’""V‘-"'. " 5"
ate and long—term changes it A b0 rtl/O ns . Ente r the Ml ddle N10 '1 ’51,": 3"."
deems neeessar}: . ' ’ ’ ’ ‘ :

Th“ BH-rnenilwr .L'WHP “ill This is the third artitle ill at \‘tIloped. new ailerities shriney up .tn .llllltillllit‘lllt'lii in .r ”dis it I malls in wt ' "' .- 'r I 1,"??- "hi-"j“
suhrnit ”5 “To” and ’"W‘t’m' the part series evamining the is to promote. disseminate and sell orientation" lroolxlet. pulrlrsln rl at”), A r»- ... .3. " .2 ;|." ~. ", ,, -"-;“
”“Wli‘liUII ‘0 D13 Z‘lm“'1"”kl0l’.\' sues («interning abortion. The it. The middle man routes into ht .t lotal tolletme lirrlrst' .-.rl.:-r liti-lIit \r . ' "~ l W "'
May 1. names oi" people diret‘tls in- heing. It happened with the lln-re shr- read that Sllt‘ \lrrniltl “Mire 4,... L...) W9, " . ._‘"

”13 Zilm‘mGlt‘ Sitid lit-“t night \olwd in spetilit Situations haw .lllttmitrhilt‘. its happening \\iilt r.tll "sir/re" for .t ill't‘ pit'rjrmrn \ . sh,» l....i W. , 2- .2 ._ . .- . '23,? .721"?
that the reemnmemlations will het'n (hanged. ahortion. r, st tr: rilrtriilrrr, mun-sine gr... r ... 2 5." ii. ". .. m " , 3:". -;
ht' given to him to “fix the I't‘- “he“ Pamela Jones tlisttn She “JIM! sot/1., Sir/1e toi l ll,» h ‘z »\.t, \V ..f l: i‘ 1 I. 2'".
51""""l’ll‘"l.‘""l “'1 "”9 ””"K'd 9"“ B.‘ JANE “ELAN” “RU“VN ered she needed an ahortion. lit-r slit- toulti (.lll .inorhtr tonn g“; Whmuhsrw", « ,I _ ' . . _ ("1,53, 3;
son within the administration. Assistant Managing Editor she talked around. l~‘in.tH_\ \llt‘ st'ltrl. l’aui did 'lhi- (rrlitlst'lw: “\r \.\ \\"j..r‘ ... "x : ". : :"f'i' 5-".
This is being (10”?- he said. “I \Vhen any new protluet is de- found a friend who had seen \\.tsrr"t home lrrrt Pnn lett -! .m‘! N i " " "£15.“;

liressaue. "lllt‘ t'orrnst-l-u tallle ”,1 1. pt... .’ W; . "E. "if"; "I," : ":""
_. -. 5‘ l’ain \\.tsn"t in 9;” .1”, ' i“, . t"! I_ 2‘53" ""27“,", .15 ff»,
.5 ’j _; . . l’arnela went to lt‘.l\t‘ ., r. .1“ .1 up}. :r .1 ‘, . 1. "g": "2.,
”’ i X a l _ on the counselors door It read 1...”! ll. %.. 3:. ;"' ‘; "t -‘.'"
2“"; tea "(hit wur .m-ssaue. hut don't srrr- tt.,. M. r.. 5 \ dis-"4514' .5
5 ' ‘ ha\e \our phone uumlrer. l’lease \.,,L t m “hr 3. \‘. 4.,“ ~. '521‘1": '2'.
s " call hat-k. ()ne oi lll\ lrienth [ “WNW.“ 3. r. :s “NH“; . . 2‘,” LI", -.' -' .-
f-. 2 ‘ % kw ‘ ret-(nnint‘lided you as someone tor \ H, t 11““ x \ ". ti? 1 .
." N 3%» who ”)1ng he ahle to help rue ““1,“ ‘1‘, 1 ‘1” \\ r1, ,‘ r Let '"".=r5 f_ e. ' 2,:
j; 3% 3 _ .. with a "prol)lem.' 'l"h.tnlts. l’am- up there?" "\_. ‘,__-,"' i" 5» 1.
" """Ew nT-\‘Wf:;“" "l“ JUNK" (phone ntnnherl. ('ould (Lo \mtinie ," i" " 4"
' 1. ~ . "3“ *9. "33‘ P'unel'i fin'illv ll‘ll l‘ " - '" i 1"" "‘ "
" -.._ , '<'.;:-, - ‘ gj Mllng 3‘55")” 5}“ “as (0‘1” plane and torne l).l‘t‘l\ in one .' . ,‘
"" " s5; 5;?- ;. , seled try a girl who had experi- ‘l-P‘l 57-, ,0ch tare. Pamela .2" -‘ ‘
tats - “._ '" t " eneed an abortion herself three saitl she t5ould er .untune. ‘5, 2' -.‘ " '_
tag 2 . 5-4.4 9% f.‘ weeks earlier through the \Vorrr Mm»,- (”Id 1’2”” ahout rh.‘ '. . . ‘ ‘g '-
‘ N _ ‘ It ‘MMMM t“ en s Liberation Ahortion (‘oun- Continued on Pa ‘5 6 (.01 1 ." . I, ",
‘ . 3 a ““2: (ya;- seling Proiet't (ie. Suzie. et .tl -. g ' " ‘. - - . I '.
5 fr“ '-"""""‘,'j",'{"; Reteived Sheet -,,,,,,,,,---,,,--,-’ " “ ‘ .' ‘4 ‘_ "
" *5 l’anrela received a sheet es- ,, "’"- ‘- . .‘
§ , .. plairrini: how the operation was wvillllvl' f 2 . '"
, I“ .. pt'lhrlrnetl. the costs and rrslss ‘ ‘ _ ‘~ ." :
."- s»- " "' ., 7* 5 "" in\ol\etl. and some added Hiii‘l- Port‘east: Fa” and “antler today = ‘ - "
’ . ”..-T3" - ”HMO“ H” rm”. “Hm”! HM!) and tonight. Fairmrtl still “anner '3‘ ' , '
.. , otls'. for later. tomorrow “Ml a Chm“? d" " ' ‘
l‘aruela told “an. the tour. “h".“PrV High “’dayi 20% high '5 ‘ 5 "'
selor. llt'l stor\, She had "rmown tonight ".02! 20; ."HFh tomorrow, i 1 " "
t3 ‘- .thout the pregnanu .t \ei\ 19“.?" 40“ Pm'p'mhml possr '
Kernel photos by m“. Herman firm" time. bilrties: 0.per(‘ent today. 10 per» _ .-
. . Oregon Senntor Mll'k Hatfield seems to see something beyond the “l tried not to thinlt .thorrt ca" tonight, ‘0 pervert t0- ‘ ‘
Plctllre This o o o "outmoded" congressional system he nttacltod In I speech It the What i was afraid was true. l morrow. "
Phoenix Hotel last night. (Story on page three.) told myself not to worry about "N“-WWW- 2
. .,
\s " " ~ ‘.

 , \ 24“”: RENTI‘CKV KERNEL \t’t-dncsdny. jun. 20. l97l ____________________________———-————-—-———
° ° W7 ' ll B D ' '
McGovern Says Primaries l 8 80131129
' \l'ASliiNCTON (Al’)- Sen. fourth primary oi'1972-andmaybe say his present Intention is to erences with Muskie will have “on that his candidacy might ;
' George McGovern said Tuesday not then. make the race in New Hamp- to emerge as the campaign de- be designed ‘0 pave the W8)" {01‘ ‘ go
' - he believes the 1972 Democratic McCovem said he intends"to shire, the leadoff contest. velops. "I'm not primarily con- a possible later entry by Sen. , ca
. nominee for the White House be a primary candidate in all Lop-Sided Favorite cemed with attacking Sen. Mus- Edit/{rd M- Kennedy, D-Mass. ; m
will be chosen in the presiden- sections of the country." and to That presents a “’3th kie or other Democratic candid- 1 m h0t 3 stalking horse for , sy
I tial primaries-and he is prepared enter enough races so that his problem. since Muskie Of Maine ates, bUt With defining the fail- Sen. Kennedy or anyone else, '. f0
‘ to enter those contests from New voter appeal will be tested in all Wlll be 9 101*“de favorite 1“ ures Of our current national lead- he 591$! gut
_ liampshire across the nation. regions. He did not say which adjacent New Hampshire. ership," he said. 1m in the race '9, Wm l i pr
. . He discounted public opinion races he will enter-but he did McGovern said his policy diff- McGovern dismissed specula- plan to go the distance. i nat
. polls that show Sen. Edmund S.
. , . Muskie of Maine fisr ahead at G 9 .
' . this point. and said in hisjudg- T T ; Ba
- . . - '- ment, the primaries will be de- Beatles Haunted by an Old une -' aXman l ber
.‘ I' ‘ . cisive. If ges
' 4' "I think the situation now is LONDON (AP)- The Bea- guitarist and song writer. made accounting for the past fouryears On this aspect alone. he said, . me
' I 'I that for the last couple of yearS. tles, who roared out of a Liver- the assertion in a demand to until then and only Monday 80‘ the Beatles owed about $1 mil- ‘ the
, ' . Sen. Muskie has been the only pool basement eight years ago dissolve the partnership. He draft accounts ”which suggest lion. The apple company's capi-
runner on the track," said the to tum a fortune by singing said McCartney also insisted on there probably is not enough in tal tax is yet to be estimated. : am
. . - " , South Dakota senator, first in rock songs, now are in the red an accounting of the millions the kitty to meet even the in- ' . . whi
I . - v. the Democratic field to formally to to tune of a million dollars. be, John Lennon, Ringo Star dividual Beatle's income tax and It sanyone 5 guess hOW Why 3 H0 .
'* ' declare his 1972 candidacy. a lawyer told the High Court and George Harrison, have surtaxliability. letalonethecom- millions theBeatleshavereceived §I bin
- ,~ . , .‘ Won't Change Places Tuesday. earned in their revolution of the pany's corporation tax." in dollars, pounds and other cur- ‘ Sen:
. . -. ' . "Of course, I‘d like to change pop world. Him said the accounts MC' rencies around the world from E Wh
. , ' places with him hi. the polls. Their accounts were in such Cartney finally got showed the record sales, movies. and per-
' ' ' i -. ' bl“ I WOUldh't change places "lamentable shape. said attor- None of the Beatles attended Beatles, separate from the com- fonnances.
’ f I ‘ With any other Democratic can- “93’ David Hirst, that all four the hearing. Lawyers for parties pany, had a credit of 31.5 mill-
, ' . f , didate on the issues," McGovem singers. plus their company, in the dispute huddled after the ion-and a conservative estimate All four are married, in their
‘ ' ' tOld 8 news conference. might be unable to meet their morning session and agreed to of the surtax above that would late 20's and haven't done a
, ‘. MCCOVCm said he does “Oi tax commitments. _ delay a full hearing for a month. be about 81 million. iOlht 096”“th for several years. ,

. j , think the Democratic picturewill Hirst, representing Beatlls Hirst accepted this only on the . 2 con
. ; . I .. . be clear until after the third or Paul McCartney. 28-year-o condition that money due the D B W1 sign
- - ~ . f '. four. and their company. Apple enlocrat Oggs ns 2?;

‘ ' I' , ' . D P | EAK Corps, Ltd., would be felhaémeled . ..
' . into a oint la ers' n unti h
; A . 5“” 5 mm 3" .h......3.. W House Leaders 1p 33v
. .- . ' .I ' McCa'tW started “we will WASHINGTON (AP)-—Dem— Morris K. Udall of Arizona and 5:“:
' 7 , ' I, .' witha suit on Dec. 31. irst sa ocratsTnesday elected Rep. Hale 17 for Rep. B. L. Sisk of Califor- tioh
_ . ‘ ~.. .' , his client never had obtained an Boggs of Louisiana. a moderate nia. Boggs overcame the hand-
‘I . . I' ; ‘ -————-————— long active in nationallportiCS. leap of being considered too lib- Th
. . _ , . -- . to be House majority ear er in eralfor some ofhis Southern 00l-
I l ‘ . ‘ a 8 days — 7 nlghts THE KENTUCKY KERNEL the new COHWCSS. leagues. who pushed Sisk's can. A
, ' .. 5532..,Kt‘ifiib’Si‘sizyli‘ér'r‘féadgfiiy‘feEK Eadie““S”Pe°ted"h?y°ve" didacy. and not liberal mosh "-3
- ' . includes ington, Kchtucky 40506. Second class Wh elmingly nominated Carl Al- for Northern and Westem advo- WCIg
’ 1 ' . .' . misfits? ifsédfmegfiggdn'dfigducl‘hyé bert 0f Oklahoma {0' speaker cates of rompt change who throu
L . II . ' ‘. , .. . A AIR TRANSPORTATION — LODGING school year except holidabys and Exam —thus assuring his famal glee. b h pd Udfll- d 0"Hara. breed
, _ . l I _ .. _ periods, and once during the summer T were 6 m I an Amel-
'- = '. . . CAR FOR EVERY FOUR PEOPLE M b m B d .5. d . #0" hum!” ‘0 the t0? Post But he apparently held a sub b0 t
. - ' ‘ ‘ . Publications. 5K lfostcgfficg Boxu49081f3. 1" the Democratic-controlled stantial Southern base and won a u
.' 3 ‘ ' 7/ DAY CRUISE AROUND ACAPULCO BAY Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and H ise. ‘ ~
. - . ‘. i. " '2 published continuously as the Kernel Ol V0t85 amoung party regulars
_ '. since 1915.» . . . . The hot contest was for the generally. The voting was by
. ‘. I, Advertising published herein is m- , -
'. . . . 2 tended to help the reader buy. Any majority leader post, Wthh Al written secret ballot in the
* ‘rw .“ be" =e“nquished- Bow had closed Democratic caucus-
~ . _, , . _ ‘ gusscagp'rrorslr RAngEg figglilgomhttsv “:0 0f wlhfim dl; S A132“ whs unopposed until
.I .. . . _. . _ _ of“ Y-I fogaii :_- v 8 V0 88 0 a coai ono atu y, w en Rep. John Con- .
-. , I 4 . I Call 258 8867 or 258 8868 PKEglgilthELéheHONéém liberals 9113581118 for <1“le chang- yers of Michigan, a Negro who
. q . . , spammed By - ~ if ““5 H‘“ ““231 pm s""“"‘““°“ “ “V" '° W 5"“
l. - . ,‘ . ‘ . _ Associate Editors. Sports 2574740 CS an OHS? pI‘OC ures. iority rights to the Mississippi
. i . _ :1 ‘ . , STUDENT CENTER BOARD lu‘iivfnrtrsmg- Ilfiusm'css.‘ .C.lr.c.u_l.a—258_464G Bows won on the SCCOlld be]- HOUSE delegation, announced he
' i S . ' _._____________.__ lot with 140 votes to 88 for Rep. would challenge Albert because
' - H . ‘ - . of what he termed the
'- .. ' 3' 7 ()klahoman's indecisiveness on
. .I .- . . i ‘- , the Mississippi issue.
" ~. "- ~ LANSDOWNE
.1 . 5 ,————-—‘T . ,, WINCHESTER ROAD Mxon Stops
- r ~ . , NORTHLAND .
_ . 2% Que HOUR SOUTHLAND Florida Canal
_ I, , - . . . WASHINGTON (Al’)- Presi-
.- : ', . ‘ DRY CLEANERS TURFLAND dent Nixon today ordered a halt
, . . - . i tI' .'. keep your clothes furl/4: as o rose I VERSAILLES ROAD to further construction of the l
' . ----—--— _ I'll-ACRES cross-Florida barge canal to pre- ‘
, , I . 1 vent what he termed "potential- l
.- ‘33" ,. « 1y serious environmental damag-
--., es.’
"1 , ‘ v‘ j S . I f UK 5’ d f In a statement issued by the g—
'; U .‘ peCIa s or u en 5 White House. Nixon said ”the
.f =. - ‘ " . " - Council on Environmental Qual- 9"
' ' a" "~ and Faculf ity has recommended that the I
. -' . i, y projectbehalted."
.‘ 7W '. w "The council has pointed out *
‘r '. . .' _ .. ,I to me that the project could en-
. :- GOOD ON TH URSDAYS ONLY danger the unique wildlife of the
.' .’ {I 1‘ '. . area and destroy this region of ~
1’. . - : - 4 . ‘ unusual and unique natural m
. . .- .‘ -. 1 beauty." Nixon said. 5
; U ' . v. _ ,1 Money for the lW-mile—long
.r -’ .7 i", canal was authorized by Con-
1-. . . ,I I. 1‘ DRESSES TROUSERS gressl in I“? Nixon said the g—
-,_. , _ cana 's tota cost, if completed,
. .1 . .' 2-Piece SUITS c SLACKS ( would be about $180 million. 3,
. .‘ _ . l, . The purpose of the canal, Nix-
. . ‘ - j_ . .: RAINCOATS SWEATERS on noted. was to reduce trans- ED
'. -‘ .' . SKIRTS portation costs for barge ship-
.- . .- ., . ' 3/4 COATS each each p1ing.d Hte added that ithwafs de- g
.» . . sgne a a timew ent e ocus
‘ ‘ .. . . J SPORT COATS of federal concern in such mat- g—
,,'- [I f ' ‘. ters was still almost completely c”
'« , - - ‘. on maximizing economic return.
. a ; He said a natural treasure
. , . ' . was involved in the case of the
. ‘ ' ‘ Sh . rt L d d ‘c‘anal. the Oklawaha River, which
' ~ . . - c said would be destroyed by
. » . . I s a u n ere the con stmction. g
' . . ' . Nixon said he is asldng the
‘ , ' ’ -, ‘ secretary of the Army to work 93‘
, . FOlded Or On Hangers 5 for $1 00 with the Council on Environ- ll
, . . . 0 mental Quality in developing re- {
Never any "m" on quantity commendations for the future of LJ ,
the26milesofcanalalready built. wmmker '

 . ' r
——-———__—__________________ THE KENTI’CKY KERNEL, \‘r'ednvsday, Jun. ‘1". WW i . .4 f .' -'
' H ' ldC ll f C ° IR
. at Le a s or ongresswna 3 arm _.
z . ' - _
“33%: l 533- “Silt Hfitfleld. R—Ore- Senator's age is 42 years 9"” but you can guide it and make Hatfield claimed that the cur» until \~'¢,-reali1.etli.it vw dNAlHt'l I V' _V .' .
y Sen l 80". attacked last night what he the national nVlVfiliilll. Hatfield sure that it‘s change of a good rent calm in the Senate only ieans possess inalienable rights ,V f -V
-Mass' , can“! .9 powerless and OUt' Claimed that many in CO"’ quality." masks deep divisions between and reurgnire the relex ant eol the z '_ -. V'-- 1 V ,
one {0; ? m°ded congressional 59““)th gress— With the power— have In his ”self-analysis" of the opposing factions. life of one man to another, use ‘ t: . ‘-
. else .. l system. and then proposed re- shownthemselvestobeunrespon- congressional system, thesenator will remain the [)r()grt'\si\t'l). .- ‘. , -‘
' { forms and reconciliation mea- sive t0 the needs Of a nation in also advocated reform of con- ”We need TCCUIK'Uiatm“ ' ‘ more dehumanizing nation that ,. V‘ - .
‘7 l g sures to bind the wounds of “the a time when this responsiveness gressional rules pennitting ffl_ need it badly.” he said. “But we are." he said. ,. ‘. .. f , .V j
"' ’. progressively moredehumanizing is needed more than it ever has ihusters. The niles, he said, . . ‘ .. .
l “““°“"“" W” bee" “Owed the CW W ReVISlon Group Draws P ew . . . . . r
. h that it is ”about as out— ' ’ " , 3. ’ r5;
. S aldn at the 88th Annual War N°t an Issue muc _ _ . . . . . , _ .r z ,
3 l Buncftfet of‘the Lexington Cham- Hatfield lashed out at fellow "PdCVd, ahuul '43 medieval 1" ltfi A F o O 0 ‘ ’ '- ' ' f. 7 v‘ .1
; ber of Commerce Hatfield sug- congressmen for not having taken thinking as anythmg COUId be t lrSt pen hl CGtIHg ‘ .' I. ,2, .i.",‘
’ ’ . . .. .. .- if' nt vote onthe upon this planet. , ". . . . ,_
2 gested measures tolumt congress a sign 1C3 . . . f h' . V . . _ VV.V V. .. y
id 2 men's terms of office and reduce question 0f war ,1" the last five Oracle 0 Trut The Student Affairs Lommit- dent (Jovemment office at the . .;. ,-
e w ' 5 ~ ' h ‘ . ears" and for tailing to make ”In our shift in the past few tee of Student Government met Student Center. .-.. ;., g .- "
1 mil- . the powerofcommitteec aimien. Y . _ . . , , . . , . .3
. the Vietnam conflict an election decades from a rural to an urban last night to continue discussion The Student Affairs Commit- .‘ ,V _ V ’. . ; .“.
sdcapi- . He said that a constitutional issue. nation, we have begun to look of proposed revisionsfortheCode tee will hold open hearings on :- ., . ,- 'V
e - V amendment could be passed to Washington as the oracle of 0f Student Conduct. Only seven the revisions to the student code VF .. '- ‘ .
many ; ghich WOUtd limit? Senate and "All of these problems exist," tmth in a troubled age," he said. students attended. Wednesday and Thursday from -' ' - ' .' ’
' terms to years com- h 'd “b . « ,. d' 'd- "And t W h' 't‘ If 's "30 t 9-30 i Room 119 2r- 3. ‘
l VOUSC . e sai , ecause we as in ivr ye , as ington ise 1. Revisions dis' .‘.'ed in l ded i- U - D'm- n -. - - .-
eived l billed—up, t0 tWQ terms In the uals have refused to do anything beset with a vast number of uniform rules oqu‘dffensecsuand of the Student Center. Students . ‘- ,' "t’ ..
erfcur- Senate and six in the House. about it. But reform is not problems that it seems almost punishments in residence‘halls are invited to attend and pre- ,V. 'I ‘ «, [Vi
l. 52?} ‘t While noting that the average sufficient. Youcan'tstop change, powerless to change." and the right of an accused stu: sent their Vopinions on code re- .= l. .‘ .
, dent to counseling by the Dean visions tot e committee. 1‘. V1 ; j, .: Vi .
g g . ofStudents. '{ 3 - » f .‘
I I STARTS 7:30 ADM. $1.50 ,V, V,
their PUStCCS to con Slder I'lpal‘tlte Copies of the proposed revis- ELECTRIC lN-CAR HEArERs '. ‘i 2,?
'ne 8 ions may be obtained at the Stu- ussrmmwmmmvu ’ .‘2 :V'i ~.- ’ .' I
ears. , ,. dent's Hi by D k 1 th St - a £59 MHz-«95 _ . , Vx.
i Continued from Page 1 said. He said the figure ”300 state when needed. Dr. Peter P. g 5 es n e u [36‘ Auto THIN“! ‘V V . v‘ ‘ - .-
signatures. The petitions would was an arbitrary 0'16, and the Bosomworth, vice-president for _________________._ SHOWTIME 7:36 and 11:26 ,V‘ ' ' -‘ V. V'. g '
S be submitted 14 days in advance board might adopt . 'd diflerent the Medical Center, said the team / \ tj(3()hl!§l3"\( -' 'C , .' ,- ‘ .'.
of board meetings. requrrementVfor petitions. might have as many as 20 or as . ‘3” y 2- . i. .V .. . .V
”When students know that a Mlght Amend few as three members, depending ”[W5pApfkfl\€W ‘ . “V. ., j . V- _‘
proposal will be dealt with Acting board chainnanVAlbert on the need. He said the team in 7”,"- fi‘hfif ‘ t' I 1'
promptly and publicly, therewill Clay held over Campbell s mo- would remain in disaster areas MIL; 3.7’ r 1'. '4. ~.
be a much greater flow from the tion for consideration, saying the ”during the acute emergency un- MCJ . a e l VV 1: .' - -. : . .t
’ and vast reservoir of studentimagina- board might W15h t0 3'“?th tht‘ til local persons and resources W“: ‘ ' l ' f '_ ~' .3' ~; ' '
'tthI" tion and awareness," Campbell proposal. . could manage the situation." .. ,. l I ' . ' - ,
i and- In other board action, former ,L i n - . . .
. lib- , state highway commissioner Eu- 6" s V»; .V - ‘V . {V -; '.
col- The Ball-(1y Beautiful fene Coss was sworn in for a INTRODUCTORY LECTURE as Vi : . - = .7.
can' A la b ' 1940 our-year term as a UHiVCISity Filmed in Panavnsion'aod Metrocoror V—f . ".
n average m carcass m trustee. #. '. . _a . ; . - ;
T‘h weighed 41 pounds. Tod” President Smgletary also an- TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION J: V? .V '. .. V
5 v0- through advanced techniques in ed } h : - . . u — PLUS A' I: :. .7.
who breedin and feedin an average "01"“ “at t 8 PK , Medlcal 'Man is born to live a perfect life, encompasszng the values of SHOWTIME 9:23 = , I a
ara. Am . g l b g' . h cente'has _fomleda ,,fl3’ltlgt’"'er' the transcendental Absolute-unlimited energy, intelligence, th traWbe _= -. .2 . “.9
sub- mm“ ‘m carcass we" 5 gency medical team which will power, peace and bliss —— together with the unlimited values of e S "y ,. f ‘ f . . , *
won “’0‘" 55 Wunds- move into disaster areas in the the world of multiplicity in relative existence.’ statement , ‘. . ‘ .. V ;- ,
”a“ _______—____—_____ all“: ,E‘frl’ft-“l. VVV VVV " c V ' VVV: . ‘V VV éV ,
s by CRYSTAL BALLROOM. PHOENIX HOTEL am: ’ ,7 ,~1'~ . a.
FRIDAY. JANUARY 22 8:30 RM. Ea» {__d . _ . ., . .:
ntll ' .t ‘ V .VV ‘a- .- .z'“ .
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re- s wt‘i‘tfiswt’té; ‘ _- . - V. .
3' the l it In 3343‘ it NOW EVERY WENNEKER GIRL CAN BE AN AIGNER GIRL s ' , _ .. . ».
th “LES‘M‘t” W " I l; ’7: ‘Skg‘li‘fl Lo Complete selection of NONE? shoes, handbags, and bOOtS at typical fl , 2 I. " l ‘ . . ‘ I. ‘ (l
e w - - . i "5 flag“: WENNE‘“ W'NGS' ~ 4 . ,
a" , . , s 2 Li.“ lira: Now 1/2 M ~ . ' = .- 3' ~. -'
he g its; “he" - " A N’ SUEDE SHOES OR SUEDE BOOTS ’ ' ' Reg' $23-$45 ——§ 'v ' ' i f . '
.1 I . I 3 5. a? 1 9“ \‘Vl AIGNER shoes , . , snake, CVOCOdile, naplac patent. or Suede l2E0. $30 " ‘V j ' . f '- . ~ ' ‘
out 312;. > t ' d‘l $ 95 § . . I ; ' -- ‘
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m‘ §»“*J‘ ~ - , _ ,g 2. x :l AIGNER handbags . . . large se ect-on , , . , ,, . O . > V J L . _V
l B *‘*$§§”W V‘ 3i t i \ 20 A) o" M 7 ~‘ . . ‘ . "
ng If“t“’°”{*",«mzf‘ -- . A; l, ‘ \l l CHARGE: BankAmericard...Master Chorge...$hoppers Charge é ' , '~ . . _ Z .
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I' V'll Pl 0 F I f l' '
t- ‘Pt‘lle~ ,
\ \. I (1%.“ ldb( ' _ ll 0 , J]]( 0 d . O 1 1(3 dygl 011111
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llil It kt’llt announcement of tlie flicts with what a representative crowded institution which it has remains at the bottom of political
Iii» 1V, ..,.i .rilil timing of Kentucki told a Kernel reporter last Spring. always been. priorities.
- . . '\ ‘Elag: .li.- \il \‘.illt\l "treatment 'l‘lien plans were supposedly in the At that time, there was a freeze Of course, this is not to say that
. ' «MM ‘vi inwiiili' delinquents just making for K\" to be reconstnicttxi on funds at KV and evidently the (lovernor Nuiin himself has not
. .viiiNltli l . xiii-guru, should lie wel— into several smaller, more efficient "freeze.” has frozen permanently. been concerned with the conditions
3 W'H‘Wl m 4H “\t‘l'thlt‘ “Kl l” ‘J de Wilh‘l‘S, rather than the larger. Once again, juvenile rehabilitation at KV. He demonstrated that in
" ' 3 t .t\ in}; .mtl or i-i'ri'owded institution. . , .3. . E EE‘ . E" E . . , 1968 when he made a surprise visit,
llmuxer. the announcement inust ' - i: gE§§E€rM§~ 3 (probablv made a wrong tum d
. :5 .. ..- 33.25 i. . Its: 1-"? :13 ‘ 13,? IIIIII. :iEfi v It; I‘. : 4 .
. also he i'i-eogni/ed .is the eas\ es- 3 - ’ t-- 3; réEiE IE 3:3; ;" somewhere), and was upset by the Si
. - - ' I I . . '3 3 . ’ ’1 i ' - ’ I353; I75 E . I111; I-t‘fif «Ev I. u ,, , _ ' 3
' . tape that it is for tln- political ,- -‘ 7-32 , E§Eis deplorable conditions. In a rad— ‘4'
.' ‘ ' ' leaders who li.i\ e played around i -,33 3 if: ‘ a; EE @EEEEE ‘5 ical move to prove he wasnt just 8;
' ' - ‘ - ~ ‘1’ . ’ ”"' “ ‘ '1": :z’é- {I v )4 Azwr'E‘U, ‘\ if; 3‘I . . 'I
'3 » ' sxltil iin' lixes ol vouth with prob» . 3;; é ”fig-,3 , , ,- E;- -: 8%“ '3'=-:.3 going to talk about the issue, he [I]
' . i . .- in; ‘ '1:-- ' $2.. ” ’ .3 - i - '
‘ lems and to no surprise, haw only a; ' 2:; = i g- ;;;:.‘ :I:;I3 - g «EEE immediately outlawed Cigarette l"
;' ' . . ~ created more problems E '3 "7'2; 3’ 7‘9 -EE ,iiéfié E smoking and ordered compulsory
.3 ~ § . . ' - i; ; E; i;- E‘ E - '3': :3; EE E church attendance for the inmates. m
i . '. 3 :- . . . . . ;. 3. .. .' ,I I» i; g ' . .. I .
.‘ (.eoi'ge Perkins. state commis EEEsEE Iesus Christ Superstar. e.
: 3 . siouei of child welfare, made the ' ” 3;; 3;: , ; E EEEE ' The questions now lies With the is
.' . ' aiinoiincement after a Fayette 3 .7 3 a; E 3.. 2 - E;:- 4; Eggs; future. “’hat Will happen to the H
. - ’7, .. grand jury said they would investi— . ' ' .‘ if? g g 3 ,I,‘ youth who remain at the deterior— U
. ' 3 - ' gate alleged recent beatings of I7 :3 . g _ E - E I 3; r ating KV during the two year F
'.' ' juveniles at KV’. tle explained that ' 3‘ z' '3 J ' _: - ;;.":Ii r: i; phase-out program. “Plans” call for o
- 2 the decision had been in the plan- f L; 3' ' :3. r 7f: ‘ - 3 I 3 no additional improvements. 1“
. — ' ‘ . . E i 1‘ : .- 'i ‘ ; V I R353 r ‘ ,N: .s affli-E?” ‘ 5i
. I rang for two and one-half years and - . ; fl. - 1 I. .3 4:5- _-—r f; “ME' Furthermore, one must ask if R
, . , . . the phase-on t program, which will 3_ I .. :3 ' I .j- -_'_I _' ; II I3 __ » f" E g r; E {1.2; :31 ‘EE f E any type of lesson has been learned c'
I_ 3 : ‘ List another two years, rationalizes ' ‘ ' _ . ' 3. -'3 '23: :2. E JEJEZE‘MEEEEE from the 13-year—old political play— h
. . _ - .- 'inprovenients are being made. . 3 .' . -- I _ , a 23:; E“: «E Egg *‘ The grand jury or at least someone w
3 . ' 3 .. - I -I- .3I3 E5“ '3: E 31:; E3.E¥ .3: oiitSide the state welfare depart— W
. . : ~ . . , - . '.'" .41 3- " g}; -'..2 a j.;'.-3.=I:"'- .zi' Egg ~ , . , . _
. .' -' i. \\ ll'df tht‘ grand )llr) bllOllld 3""?5 3"3=' ""' ,- - 3-. ._g '-II : 55% ;'--': _.-;aI'I_I 3‘“;- ' "33;; '. i; 5%, if ment 5 OfflCe should crltlcaliy ll]-
. , . « : '. - _ . :13- 5 .. 3 '. : .33; .332. .; 3': 3;3 5553;; :55; 3: ,I 3- 23;; 25:? :35 ,. . .
.1 . .- . understand however, is that the ‘ ‘3 . . 33 ,, :5 1'; .j.;' Es: IE vestigate and study the history 01 t0
.V 3 .‘ .;. '. .- corrections system of Ixciitucky ' 3'. 3' -. ' f3 -; 3. .s. » f Fri; E E ‘ KV thOTC all Of the eVidence i5 iii:
' .‘ ' .. I only parallels the racist and corrupt 3 ~ . :11 i .-: if - é: . ; destroyed. It would be stupid to ca
- . 7 ’. '. .. prison system of the nation at large. ' - 3 3 I -. 3 . EA; ; " 3::;; I . . ~3.- tear down the cells while politicians tei
I. . . ' .' ,’ . . . ; . '3 j :- i ; .- I 3 , II :3; " :‘3:-; ,;1- '. E...:_ 5 . _ . . )a
. ' ' . P er ““5 statement about the long Kernel Photo By Bob Brewer partiCipate in ground breaking a
’ r ' ‘ H- V w ’ a u o I. . .
- - ' 3 ’ Pl‘mmng 11" “355“." to C1059 hV 0011' ‘“Rehabil