xt73xs5jd85t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jd85t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1991 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1991 Vol.62 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 1991 Vol.62 No.1 1991 1991 2019 true xt73xs5jd85t section xt73xs5jd85t I A i
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' worms 1 nmsmm f amoral! ;.
1 655 , " , gm. OF KENTUCKY LSBRARIES ‘
P 359 a ‘ '-
, . , 1c1al Publication of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce ~ Vol. 62, No. 1 - January 1991
' V , , O C
. - KPA convention tlme ' ' all come
‘ L, ;,"_‘*":7a;~: »~time to combat the win- p.m. seminar with nutsand boltsadvice hand comments will come from the Advertisingpersonnelwillalso
comes KPA’s Winter on building circulation, planning and commanders of the state's bases. getthelegalangleinasessionbyattomey
Currvcr..'§.;."lmtdTradeShow,threedays budgeting, advertising and overall Rounding out the morning’s Kim Greene, who will talk about what
of wisdomandwitatthe MarriottGriffin management. Chamberlin stresses fare will be KPA's own postal expert, can and cannot be published in adver-
Gate in Lexington, Jan. 17-19. practical solutions in his approach to Max Heath, who will talk about saving tising.Herpresentationwillbefollowed
. To warm the atmosphere, re- efficient and profitable newspaper 0p- money on postage in the face of postal bya reappearance by Heath, discussing
ceptions are setforThursday and Friday eration. _ . increases. third class postal regulations and their
evenings,andhospitalitysuiteswilltake . _ The workmg convention 1.39' Concurrent sessions for KPA effect on advertising.
the chill off at other times. gins, in earnest, on Friday morning Wlth interest groups begin at 1:45 pm. Circulation consultant Kevin S.
Nor are food and fellowship a general 59559“! featuring three sepa- F h . _ . Pappert will counsel circulation per-
expected tobein shortsupplyatFriday’s rate presentations. Begmmng at 9 full“ or t e news-editorlal contin- sonnel on increasing single copy and '
luncheon, the long-awaited awards former reporter and AlDS ““15 “Chm gent, attorney Ion Flerschaker Will g1 ve subscription sales and setting up
banquet on Friday evening, or the out- Belinda M350“ W111 bring her personal updates and field Simmons on SUCh telemarketing programs in that group's
with-the—old, in-with—the-new officer experience to bear on press responsi- topics as open meetings, open records, afternoon session. (See separate story.)
installation luncheon on Saturday. bilities and coverage 0f the mysterious hbel and other Freedom Of Information Circulation persons are encouraged to
”We February edition of The and deadly disease. concerns. Still tentative atpress timeisa . b k
KentuckyPress,avaiIableattheconvention, Next in the general $955k)“ will sessmn,followmgFleischaker,featuring SeeConventlon, ac page
will spotlight winners ofthe KPA'1990Pall be a panel fiysgtflssion orthiw US Del»1 gggmcgjcahggtjst negststiry (if the
News er Contest. artment o ense cut ac s, as we — —an 1 S S ar p ayer, ° .
PaPFor newsfdlks who want to get ESOperafion DesertShield, are affecting ng Education Commissioner Thomas S Clan-S'- to Slt soon
an earl start, as well as an ed eon their Kentucky's military installations. First- ysen. ° ' '
compeiiitors’ KPA has Slatedgan all-day .e .r;:::_g-.v:;Z:E :Ii. ':{2514:12523:55.35'1,r."1:.f:5335-:~,‘v.':‘.':t:§:f€fCL};1,}:'E:15::v3353132;.f:f§fE§Ef:§f1:~._:;E;:f. :22. .'-j;5 .';;.:.;;I::11..::» 45154;: 2;: "3113.1..,,:.gi35325513 Ev::E::i‘:.j.;5j231;:5;;; :1 :;.I.g;.;._:_:;., In SPeClal seSSlon
seminar, ”Survival for the ’90s,” on WinterconVentienandTI-adeShaw There will bea special session 7_
Thursday. ‘3‘?_'j"é}1“;1 MiG fiGtLexztfi of the state legislature, but atpress time, '
' Well-traveled and experienced . amotnffin ae, 11g on '73: the governor had not announced when ‘
in the business, consultant Gene -;;;';;;;v;;;3% {11 V it will convene.
Chamberlin will lead the 9:30 a.m.-4:30 Thursday,]anuary17 1" 1.4;}; ‘ i. Thelegislatorsareslatedtomeet
iii;E‘E}:}‘;£{i; GeneChamberlmsenunar,9am—430pm l L at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 8, for the
‘ {33:1frag-3:}gradfigjlggvoliensinozn [£53 j i . swearing in of new members and for
oar zrecorsunceonmoon _ . , ' ‘. '- V ’ -' ’ party caucuses to elect leaders, accord-
Takgegefgoblfisfrlglgctlhat .9 BOardoszrectars meetinglpm 1: ., » -j-g",35:';‘.,"f;f§' if. ‘53. .t ‘-_ .' . : Z ing to Glenn Osborne of the Legislative
serve the newspaper industry Opm‘“3’“e”"°"63°Pm Research Comrrussion. .
ha e si ed u to are la mar I"““tWJaI‘m‘fY-ls The following day, Iou- 9/ the -
v .gnh pd h p y f 3213513355GeneralSess:0n,9-11A5amg ;._:i='l officials are to elect constitutional offic-
wares in t e tra 9.5 ow part 0 2255931971,;Li ~BelmdaMason,fomerreporterandAIDSVlmsVictim, ers and begin standing committee re-
tron,.Jan. 17:19 at. the Marriott —MaxmuzmgPostalBenefits,MaxHeath Vii’ Thursday's agenda includes
Griffin Gate In Lenngton- Luncheonnoon.fig-313;}?figéj’}.z, 2:. addresses by Kentucky's US Senators ,
. Asomd-Decemberrthe ConcurrentSeenereestsnears-teaser and Representatives. and Fridays -
followmg have rented space, Vlmh '32e—NewsEditOI'lalIconcerns,lonFleischaker,i; 1? 'I'J-Li-i- scheduled activities involve more com— ‘1
“30mmfollowbefmeconvenmn- ThoreeysennewEduunCsmnun mtttee reports and selection of new
hmei Logic Quest Software, Dy- e-AdvertisingAdvert151nglegalities,l . I £8550! adVlSEd ”MRS Coverin m e .5 loffice m lndiVidual States the e, en'y Mayand Marty BaCkllS DaVld Hawpel LOUiSViiie COUfief-JOUrn I C€p
‘ - ‘ -, m. ”Observe first then 80 tag WOT: Sigmhes and EXChange Comnu'ssion J15" Agg‘whwn News EWCSS Pikeville- guident-Em a new
~' Talktope0pleandev’ ’ a themfiareoth ' 1m tOnJimiceShe he ' ’ e|ia MCDonald
erybOdy they talk - er sources! he said. All . P rd and Susan L
, to. Hi enIFIOydCOMn T ““09 Coun HeraldN
"Y ideas thatghillland also Presented “my Nancy Wiedmatz 1?}? 'Pmonsbmg’ V'“ Franz" ews Dar
. . °“ probably can't beat tele- esu . not only make for inter- [3er e. Ca ’ .e cum“ ’5'“, Mary Schurz ' age
VISIOfl (reporter s), but you can . ng reading, but will also endear the g ' my“ MM” and Ierlene Dam" M ‘ and
, and . outwnte rter m . Rose, The Ch; 0 - ° We Messenger
“‘3'“ ‘3er everyone Want to read mp" POllce Officers, on whom Jenni“ s Ky “1' Times; David Tmsuror pap
Y0“r ”my: ' firms om “made Fend for infor- Hopkifsém . ‘1?ka New Era, “W ‘4'“. Benton Tribune Courier CO“:
_ nghland offereda number of Ion. Among the possibilities are Sh‘ dl e, ‘11 Abner and John P.“ "um?“ bee]
.. . resoiimesr - . , stones on diff types . . "‘ ebOWfl, Mandi . Larry Cr ' - .
tion 'Wh:r carrying oman'“ve5t‘3a' Officers 3 were; 0‘ tr“mg RoserAlford Ashlandpwitlerlmme; a'g' Gm" RM" Repubhcan . he“
. ' Owns your state represen 0 Du I Such as hostage andKe - ' a y ent Bo.
. , - - . I M
- He suggests; Zififigfizs' Med ° 11 gag?» Benton Tribune '-Cburier :11:
Ofmdalel‘awmrw ' ‘ Y la. . O Jed - - ‘e-iiu ,E , ‘ . cani
, , age”, are“... Then.°i?i;i};‘:3‘f£ ave role 1n comb attlng Diuagngham. Dawsonsmagspmgm. The
v1 companng the list of the lawyer/ VOter apathy’ M arkl e re oft 3:32:19me McLean County News SCfi]
' priz
_—.——_ w- P says Charlie Portmann; Frankliana - ne“
Ithalotof folks decryinglow “Th - _ District 5 ’ V°”t° also
jGZ'm M m 22$ “2 $223,121.30? and high voter tum-off their self-exafngi‘ae:la shfould continue Edema” Love mot
- , " e ommi ' -' _ 0n0 mani 1 ‘ lizab m .
eman Study tour and the Electorate gigaoghtrfebgfifi by Shd‘ "POlitical handlers.” pu atlon Distrigt gown News Enterpnse . .
“Pen t0 KPA‘IerS $322232: ondthe media to turn the "From Labor Day until Elec 3:233 :bernathy, O'dham Era 18::
Sixda inBei-lin 0“" '. a“ Day, the Federal Commimi - - Keii w - . Am
in Bonn for aycslose up 12:: fining? werepusgslii‘eedzf itths recommendations (.Zommission should suspend digitalis; out?“ :mick, Gallatin County News age:
’“em‘i‘ted Germany are on tap for 2% of The Kenmckyr;oufnrjlovmedifion t1mer'equirementforbroadcasierswho Ga'v Quinn the
lucky W55 Chosen for a semi the Kentuck C i ' Published by then’woulddill/0.211101?fi'eetime dur: Maysville Ledger Independent Sup
on East/west (German _ “at T _ y enter for Public IsSues. mg prime hours to the ma- ' . ”W 9 “ h
, 1-4-23. ) rehuons, Oct. 0 wrt: “B oad dates and to voter educatiOn gggcraafi: gen Metz, Bath County News Outlook SC (
> 1’ casters and b1" h .. . - istrict1o-11 --
Dr. D0 . . . _ _ P“ [S ers ”The med]
"few at 510$:ng rshfed pro- 312:: 1:18 diligentm verifyin- ' gthe truth Space and time to viiilioelgficgger free 12“" 09' Sam 3ng
has led a 00min 5 .niversity, 1 ates adverusmg claims, much Vertising campai on ad- hland Daily Independent ‘ Th '
istson the Genna‘Tt of Illinois journal- as they would be in any other kind of ——‘__._gn_s____.___ mafia! 12 . e.
but this year he’ 5 2:; If"; wyears' 11:32:12“ advertising. Further, the com- Th . . ; figfifi‘gakg _ 0f t1
Sponsor, Europaische Alscaderlraii’efli‘: carry i3e$$§§§£m a: media 353 litigants times District 13 as eattyvulle EnierpriSe
Berlin, to e nd . _ 9 can idate on ‘ “‘Overtumin Glenn Gfa _
» ““S'Gmbbzgzpenag 530 $9“ 3:533:32 ‘5 "‘3‘ and “dude ”ling the Kentucky 55131333033? ,2: District 14" ”mm” E"‘°"’"S° 1..
10 journalists from states ngipgibowty anda r0 ed flt‘e Can‘t-dam haSseen N0vember reinstated a libel verdict Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week
Illinois, including Kentucky g "“3 case mighl mngparuananyimhe agmtn‘e 1‘3"ch Post and ordered 3km“ 15A Geld
.lod . Cost for the seminar, meals . Y verslal ads. afmmpaper to Pay Campbell 'Diiztfigzrgéexmgtm Herald-Leader Oper
P13532113: tours 15 an incredible $175' 3f?:2f5""F‘:5'§?333:§1*2*F5355252215553:'.~,::-::::;:5:5:2:;:v:,:,:-.-:;: . .. .. $175 finfia‘ifi‘a:Auorn3y Lo“ .Ball G-u Y Hatfield I gues
Par-fidpafio G bb Perfectputdown upheld that evidxzu-smmitgsesmo“ gram“ and Tim” "Vi“ gm
. . n, m sa'd, ' '15322;!213555=§isizi§1i5a§‘H “1 a tri 1 0- t-Lar ' ’ usi:
limited to “bona fide working editor-i: snide! {1:1 any‘meWhO'Sbeen showed that a series of articles on Bail Steve Loweryg° prin.
newspaper journalists" He will Con- wmeoiahEdasarperfedmetby contained. false statements and were Kentucky Standard, Bardstown
seer only one person per Paper no hloeWOdoesntaPPecmefl‘flt PM“ With malice'TheserieS,written AWN” Division obse
husband/ wife combinations and, n gourtsophy’ (1.1.2,; 5555515 CONEbaCk, by “Fm“ P0515 reporter A1 Salvato and Ralph Derickscm The1
seminar repeaters. ° in» “SW‘WfDewarofcnme Published in 1.984. questioned the time! °f Kentucky Burk”
d The deadline for applicatioii cra :;:1,anM0ntmaPressAss°. Erosimftgr's performance. The state Lgr‘srstimgnoivifion in 1‘
an payment is A .1 _ . . y . . ,V , ,V -:, .5 Z, 2.5 », a: 0111' O ppeals three e - . _ . .
lation-with—refundpcillealdli‘rliltg'oifl :ancei- he ”I gfirmat999 percei’i’tfaéiéci: ruled the jury Verdict y ars ago over Lounswile courler«Jotunal :2;
A kidsm-day stay in Berlin is at the *One'hdiif‘ofunsafilevg With. Kenka It 1; apparent to us that In KPIt/Kps Central Office The
10d .ent‘eg‘hOtd-type rooms, and the every month ’ . .I HTS-flats; will rateyth: _00brtur;ately, neWSPapers gawd THThomPSOn. Executive Director Eme
gmg 1n onn is ata private hotel "Two ufisaf 7' -' V I: I . l S 0 P“ liC Officials at onnie Oward Busines M thro‘
- , a , , laneland' thelr eril " ' . _ GI - . ' _ _ S anager
After PErsons COmmit ,, ' , ep‘ , a , . 1383139,; day. P , Said Post editor Jud h 0“ DaVIS. Advemsm D‘ d '
- . . to ar- atO'Hare Field," C " ' ~:; -; C] be u . . . H R b . _ _ 9 Irector 111'!
thlPatm , G . p a . m. hlcago- . , , a 5- The PUbllClStheb 1 __ 9 a LGWIS. Adminisi i' -
newslettgrs “in? Sands Out a senes of 16,000 pieces of mail lost by theU'si a fime when the public islcgiegser d' at BUffy JohnSOn, Bookkfiegliig‘fsls-I‘am own
and the SEminar In ormationonthe trip EOSLOfficeevery hour. ': _ ' quality performance from ubii‘n lng SUB Carnmack. Receptionist Sistant $35;
For more informatio - wzfogtoobChZCRs deducted froth the vants.” Clabes said the Papefwilll;e5:ra- Pam Shlngler, News Bureau Director Jamt
un usual Opportunity contactnGonbthis *500 item accounts every hour," V revxew by the US Supreme Court, The Kentucky Press (ISSN-0023-0324) - . of t]
Grubb A dVertisingan'd PublicRerigfig at each we elicited surgical :_. operaiim pa t :g’l‘he Citizen-Advertiser Inc Ermincg‘igésgfmdddass Postage paidzggfii‘: jOun
A en . 1 ns _ . » . " g .j . Ten 0 t eBourbonCOun -. " 5 _ . ,an at addjfionalmanin ffi
‘fiiszrisyflgwmr DeKaib, IL 6 . Maybe striving'for parses file“ Suit against rival Bgsgzzeg'iiln: gxggigggmmmgmfi 5:7; 3:;
p , . V on is not such a badjidea. - - ‘ y Over publicationoflegal advertisements, Avenue’ Hm Kent“cky 40601, (562) 222231321 past
/ At Issue 18 paid circulation. Law

 W Page 3
212:2- ; E53153l'3'9fiii" '3 :3Ili'lf'iliiéii', 5553??!fé’3;:Th'l.§iiij‘5-i ?f;.22Ei=2E}t5f’153531535355: ‘ :1 3 3 l V.
g The Columbia News received the The Tri-City News has been ex- tor Coleman Love received paper- make the newspaper more responsive V I
Better Life Award in the media category tendingits service to the younger set, as weights for their part in the campaign. to the needs of the community," said Z
' at the recent annual awards banquet of well, by producing The Southeasterner, The paper also was recognized as hav- publisher]. T Hurst.
Kentucky Association of Health Care student publication of Southeast Com— ing the largest increase in employee After only seven weeks of pub-
Facilities. Publisher Donna Crowe ac- munity College, and The Fourth Grade contributions —— 665 percent ——- of any lication, the Paducah Sun dropped its :-
cepted the plaque on behalf of the T1mes,aprojectof Donna Cockrel’s class business in the county. free circulation weekly Crossroads in r
3“"‘3' newspaper staff_ at Benham Elementary School. The lat- Kentucky State Police Post 1 in November. The paper, said Sun general '
The Advocate—Messenger in ter publication recently received a Mayfield launched the first of what of— manager Wally Lage, “wasn’t meeting
Danville has expanded its news cover— Governor’ 3 Certificate of Recognition ficers say will be annual meetings with salesbenchmarks.”Onesalespersonwas
age and distribution to include Marion from Gov. Wallace Wilkinson. area media in November. Representa- laid offasa result of the closing, and two
and Washington counties.Copies of the The Ledger—Independent in tives of newspapers, radio and televi- were transferred to other positions
paper are now available in the two Maysville raised the price of home de— sion stations in western Kentucky were within the company. '
counties, and reporter Mike Marsee has livery on Dec. 1. The first subscriber invited to attend the meeting and sug- Taking a different turn was the
it been hired to cover sports and general increase since May 1988 brings the gest ways to improve communications Nays-Enterprisein Elizabethtown, which
news for the area. : monthly delivery rate to $6.75. Pub- on law enforcement. recently changed the design and name
an» 3 The Lebanon Enterprise offered a lisher Gary Quinn said the increase was The Ohio County Times—News in of its shopper. Using advice of focus
special incentive to new and renewing tied to rises in the cost of newsprint and Hartford spearheaded its annual groups, the revamped paper, called the
subscribersinNovemberandDecember: otheroperatingexpenses, including the Children’s Fund, raising money and Hardin County Shopper, carries only
ir chances on winning a full size GE conversion to soy ink. He added that purchasing new toys and winter coats classified bargains and display ads. The
- . camcorder, valued at almost $1,000. the paper offers more than it did two for area children for Christmas. The result wasafirst issue with 900 inches of
gross Those purchasing a new one-year sub- years 380- paper started the fund four years ago. paid advertising, compared with only -
scription received two chances on the The United Way of Hardin On the other end of the state, 300inches in theshopper’ spredecessor.
ews prize; two years, four chances, and re— County recognized the efforts, on its The Floyd County Times in Prestonsburg Inside the Turret, published for
, newals, one chance Pei- year. The paper behalf, of thestaffof TheNews Enterprise sponsored a project called Warm-a- Fort Knox and a KPA Associate, is
,9 also distributed fliers about the pro- in Elizabethtown during the heart,collectingcoats,boots,scarvesand being sent to Army units deployed to
motion and used telephone sales. organization’s annual victory banquet. gloves for needy school children in the Saudi Arabia from the Kentucky in- ,’
The Murray Ledger and Times The paper eamedaplaque for its special area. - 3 stallation. .3
joined with students at Murray State section, ”Walk a Mile in Our Shoes," In a novel turn, the Middlesboro The Manchester Enterprise was
University and the local chapter of the featuring high school students writing DailyNews lo'weredits single copy price recentlycited for its support of activities
American Red Cross to send 240 pack- stories about member agencies. Copy from 50 cents to 35 cents on Dec. 4 . The of the Civil Air Patrol.
sws ages to American military personnel in editor Steve Paul and advertisingdirec- move is part of “an ongoing effort to The Daily Independent of
the Persian Gulf. The project was also Ashland cosponsored "Family Literacy
supported by local businesses and Day" in Morehead, Dec. 20, to empha- '
SChOOlS- ,i'i'iiiiiiig; r at": Size the importance 0‘ the newspaper in
oak ’Mllltary personnel from the inkv'Ei'EI-i‘ p, everyday life. The papers Ways W
Cumberland area, who are stationed in ills editor Cathie Shaffer helped plan
the Middle East, are receiving copies of ""1'3'3'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1‘1':'1‘i'3‘1':'93*?i‘i'5'1‘1'3'?'5'5'3+???>1=i+551441111331351:3‘5133355555531131:131:1:13?I51:5113:52:1:1:15Ii131335$I5513i~5¥13i3:3:3:3:3:5111121512553???fiiiiiiiliz-Eiiiiifiii I.I:‘§i~i:l55 31} E-l35‘1IEIEISIEIii33iii-J53.‘SI-IEIEi:1525::l.3::35::IE3EI:if33331EIEiEi-:,:Ei:i::i.3:-" the event, Which involved Rowan ,
The Tn-CityNews,throughajointproject lst Amendment celebrated . a Guide to Hiiing Independent Contractors County families who are taking part in
of the newspaper and VFW Post 5171. COIIlCldlng With the bicentennial (M $3302, NM $4145); ‘Manager’s Guide to literacy programs.
celebration of the Bill of Rights will be the Environmental Compliance (M $33.02, NM
15° 55:35:" -':.;=;2:;:~5-§~;§:2', j»?:Jiitfigjggi'vri'jg-‘; v1:93:13;-.g.-g:;s.g:z::;:;g;s.;;.;;;;g;g.3;;,:;:;::::.: ;. publication 0f Th? First Amendment 3001‘! $42.45); *Health Care CostManagement (M
written by syndicated columnist Robert $3332, NM $4245); *Environmental
to :::;._ ;;;2;z';; i; 3. , I as ”95 f; . I: Wegman- The book, due 011* on May 1: i5 Newsline,12issues (M$l95,NM$295);*1990 G
.The Citizen-Times in Scottsville being publlShed by Pharo? BOOkS’ 1h COOP' Ham's Industrial Directory (Paper, M $59, ames coverage
celebrated itSIOOth annivers ithan eration With the American Soc1ety of NM$64;diskettes,M$220, NM $240); n1990_ .
aryw NewspaperaEditors. The b°°k reportedly 91 Chamberé‘rAssociation Directory (M $5, merltS medals
ier open house on D ec' 2' More than 100 coversthe history, meaning and application NM $7.95). Call Martha Coleman or Mark
, guests attended to hear staff members of the First Amendment, its evolution, McCord at “gm/695.4700. Staffers from three Kentucky
answer questions about the newspaper landmark Supreme Court decisions on . investigative resources papers took gold medals without
business and advances made in the freedom °f_ SpeeCh 311d Pressr personal aC' Two recent books, published by breaking a sweat for their coverage 0f
printing process over the last century. Fouhts 0f FIT“ Amendment Challenge? and Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc., the 1990 Bluegrass State Games.
.The Cumberland County News lasjge;t;t};:h§rceatr1t‘::rioolfmsepaper (:ldltors, could be valuable sources if you want to see The Games organization, at a
observed its 69th birthday on Dec. 5. Specially printed copies of megs: £22:er WhatOthers haVEd‘fnébefOl’eyollmthear-ea Nov. 16 luncheon, handed out the gold
The paper traces'i ts origin to the former ing a newspaper name on the cover may be prfmvestlgation. A listing of stones on topics to the Lexington Herald- Leader (daily); Ed
. . . ' om tax scams to nursmg home fraud lS .
Burkeswlle News, WhICh fiTSt appeared ordered from the publisher. The 256-page provided in The Investi alive journalist’s Taylor, The Floyd County Tlmes'
in 1921. For the observance, the paper trade paperback will be listed at $6.953. Fora Ming“e ($21.50), ,efemngngthe iRE's store Prestonsburg (Weekly), and Chris
ran an article on the county's colorful discount schedule, contact Kevin houseofmorethan6,000investigativepieces. Aldrldge,TheSentmel-News,5helbywlle ‘
newspaper history, based on the book McDonough, sales manager, Pharos 3001“: Summaries of 100 investigative projects en- (photography).
The Awakening by former publisher 212/692'3837- . tered in the organization’s annual contest Silver medals went to ROCkY 1
Ernest Lawson. The paper has gone 7‘3“” htefacy are compiled in TheIRE BookIV($16.50).To Stanley, TheDailyIndependent,Ashland;
:0“ through nine changes in ownership prim fosofifrfiaguts’: if": “1:15:03;qu order, write IRE, loo Neff Hall, School of Ron Horn and Allen Blair, Citizen Voice
during its history, including present 1. 's m is available from the Gamefi FOunda- aomagsgigmzrerczifigo: %:;02’2.C01um &T]:meSIICrwnEI argd Ge;rgkei Ferrell, The
lant owner-Patsy Judd Who bought Into the tion. The 11-page report results from a Famil matters lac 50" ounty un. a “g bronze
stant paper in 1982 and became sole owner in reporter’s workshop on literacy sponsored The Newsgaper Personnel Rela- awards were The News-Enterprise,
1988' Among other owners have been by the American Society Of Newspaper tions Association has published a 54-page Elizabethtown; Mack Calvert, The
:10; James Ausenbaugh and Robert Adams Editors, Education Writers Association and booklet, Newspaper Work and Family Is- WOOdfO’d 5“": and D3" P9")? Lexing- *
' of the Western Kentucky University the foundation. For a copy, call 703/528- sues: A Resource Guide and Implementation t0“ Herald-Lauder. . .
2115:? journalism faculty and the Ira T. Shan- 0300- Handbook, which reports on a survey of The organization 3150 gave
; offices: non family who owned the paper for 30 New {roll} KCC employee child care and offers advantages awardsforbroadcastcoveragetoW'IVQ 3
er: Send years. One consistent thread over the New publications from the Ken- anddisadvantagesofmanytypesofservices. and Telecable, Lexington; WBKO,
K343?“01 st 31 ears has been former owner tucky Chamber Of Commerce include: For non-members, cost ofa copy is $20.Call Bowling Green° WVLK and WLAP ,
233821 pa ,y . 'Pcderal Employment Laws and Regula- 703 /648—1296 L - t ' d WVLE/WLCK’ .
Lawson s niece, staff member Starr tionstmember,$33.02,non-member,$42.45); - exmg on, an ,
Abernathy White. Scotlswlle

 Page 4 . —_
- [
i=3} i5 Z'Iiififfé'i iii'?if*i:i*. - fire}. ’1 :Q ' lennmes
LAWRENCE W. HAGER JR., At The Harlan Daily Enterprise, The 13-year veteran of the paper suc- STEVE MEREDITHis the new M1
former publisher of the Messenger-In— LISA FEE CARNAHAN has been ceeds PHIL DEL’ISOLA, who was re- sports editor at The News—Democrat and put
quirer in Owensboro, is keeping active named news editor. General assignment cently named publisher of the Claiborne Logan Leader in Russellville. He replaces in
in retirement with the recently formed reporter/ photographer since 1986, she Progress in Tennessee. JIM TURNER, who has joined a local Eva
Lawrence and Augusta Hager Educa- attended Eastern Kentucky University CHARLES BERTRAM of the radio station staff. Meredith, a ten
tional Foundation. Named for the and the UniversityofKentuckyand has Lexington Herald-Leader wasnamedStill Campbellsville College graduate, has par
publisher’s parents, the foundation had experience in weekly neWSpaper Photographer of theYear for1990 by the covered high school sports- for the fan
proposes to address some of the prob- journalism, radio and television, Kentucky News Photographers Asso- newspapers since 1988. the
lems of children in poverty. Hager has MELODY STEPHENS, former radio ciation. JAMES H. WALLACE of the VANCE TRIMBLE, former seri
already donated $1 million to the reporter, has joined the newspaper staff Louisville Courier-journal was runner editor of The Kentucky Post, has added a
foundation and plans to give another aslifestyleswriter.SheattendsSoutheast up. Bertram, who won the honor for the biographytohiSPulitzerPrize.Hisbook,
$800,000 next year. He said he expects Community College. A150 at the Harlan second year in a row, also received the Sam Walton—TheInside StoryofAmerica’s
the foundation to make grants of more paper, DANNY SOUBLO is a new Associated Press’ Best of Show Award. Richest Man, was published in Novem-
than $50,000 in its first year. staffer in the advertising department, The newest addition to the ber by Dutton. Walton’s Wal-Mart and
CONNIE CASS, who COVGFS and PAT LAY has been promoted from Times-Journal staff in Russell Springs is Sam’s Wholesale Club have already
western Kentucky for Associated Press, personnel manager to head of the ac- advertising account executive CHRIS bought 340,000 copies. Trimble, who
is the winner of the 10th annual John L- countingdepartrnent. Soublo hasa work CRAVENS. He attended Lindsey—Wll- retired in 1979, is also working on bi-
Dougherty award for excellence by a background in insurance and Lay in son College and has experience in radio ographies of newspaper mogul E.W.
young AP writer. The award was pre— banking. and television sales. Scripps and Federal Express motivator
5911th at the Associated Press Manag— Former city editor WAYNE SHARON THOMPSON of the Frederick Smith. The former editor won
ing Editors association meeting in Dal- KN UCKLES has been promoted to LexingtonHerald—Leader staff was a judge a Pulitzer in 1959 for a series of articles
las. managing editor of the Middlesboro in the 9th annual No-Proof Mix-Off, on nepotism in Congress. /
TERRY SPEARS has been Daily News. He replaces LISA sponsored Dec.7bythe BlueGrass AAA /
named managing editor 01’ the Appala— DURHAM, who resigned to join the Foundation for Safety. The contest Publishin 1%
chianNews-Express inPikeville. Hewas staff of the Lakeland (Fla.) Ledger. featured original non-alcoholic drinks g /
publiSher/editoroftheMartinCountian Knuckles, who joined the Daily News made by area bartenders.
and Mercury before its sale in Novem— staff in 1988, has experience at the The Tri-City News in for the reader
ber. The Pikeville College graduate was Pineville Sun and Corbin Times Tribune. Cumberland has added PAT MINIARD . I
previously a reporter and sports editor PAT CHEEK has been promoted to to its staff, with duties in desktop pub- 'kllfo paraphrase playwr1ght SC}
for the News-Express. advertising director at the Daily News. lishing and circulation. Henri sen squesuonlabout-women, -
’Whatdo readers want? Mano Garc1a Vlne
Severalnewstaffmembershave of the Po ter Institute in St Peters- tion
been added at The News-Enterprise in b F1 y: il d 1i 5 fr d r four
. Elizabethtown. GAYLE EDWARDS, ,‘lfg' a; a? “19:? :1 a 5 ea 9 ' ub
' o 0 who also works at the Van Vorrhis h es an . dls 1 es. t at newspaper End
G1ve 1t your best shot School, has joined the paper's staffermghtmd“ was
. _ ” telemarketing effort. University of Vir- Readers l1ke: Assr

Get out 3'01," best Willing 0f good government. _ ginia graduate KAREN MICHAEL isa *Stories of less than 20 inches. . t‘
1990 for several national competitions The award ‘5 geared t9wa‘d a new copy editor and community news *Large, well-cropped photos. ma 1
that are coming up. . . career of servrce ll'l commumty journal- reporter. Also serving as a copy editor is al- A large, dominant photo on every 10‘”

Weekly editorials lsrn, rather than a Single accomplish- MICHAEL PYLES, an alumnus of Ball page.

It’ s time for editorial writers at ment- A letter of nomination must in- State University. MELANIE *White space and more white space.
weeklynewspaperstocullthroughtheir clude reasons'for the nomination, Clip- COURTOGLOUS, a graduate of the *Informational illustrations and
1990-jewels for the GOIden QUIII com- ngSlOVer time) demonstrating Ollt- University South Florida, is now cov- graphics.
petition, sponsored by the International Standing writing and reportlng .on ering police, fire and court beats. Ad- *Many points of entry into a newspa—
Society Of Weekly Newspaper Editors. government issues, and biographical ditions to the technical staff are VICKIE per.
Deadline is March 1. data on thenommee. Other lettersabout E. S ALLEE, apprentice camera techni- *Logos and other reader-friendly

Entries must have appeared the nominee are also appropriate. cian, and mailroom collators ROBERT identifying characteristics. . readers
between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 1990, in a Deadline is also March 1- LEDFORD,TOMROUTI'E and CHAD *Indexes, callouts, drop caps, sub- to .t‘lke‘
paper published less than five days a Investigation EDMONSQN heads, story summaries. 53:11:;
week. Each newspaper is limited to two The best investigative journal- At The Spencer Magnet in *Well-written cutlines. the 100,
entries. A clip of the entry should be ism of 1990 will be recognized by In— ‘ Taylorsville,VANESSABLACKBURN ' *Wider-justified columns at the top of your n,
mounted with glue or other non-bleed- vestigative Reporters and Editors Inc. is now in charge of composition and the page. pmsu
ing adhesive on an 8-1/2x11 sheet of Deadline for entry is Jan. 31. For