xt73xs5jbv30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jbv30/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_585 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 585 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 585   2014 true xt73xs5jbv30 section xt73xs5jbv30 n » I " CiArcuI¤r 585II n
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\[cnrm.' qirrlh jwriiiixsiiviut nf (`irrulur {FN.? of
{hi (nvn]nr11l1|4‘ Iziiirixmri Narriux I/iw l’w11ri.w/Irmiiu ·
\/i1I· lnirnxrlv/. fvmrrrsilry ]’urL. I’u, I1 nvm ym·;>ur4rI -
Jiu \Im* Ii. Iiurlnri, mxixlnnl prufixxnr nf rlnlhrriu wv-

 YQ wh `·
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kee our mendin u to date
P Y 9 P
D0 you have a schedule for I G 
. . L1 *'\
mending? You should. Don t de- :
prive your family of the use of qw
§../ clothing because garments need Q
. , a few stitches. Dont let gar-
  ments look mended; mend them
neatly and wear them proudly.
Be sure you have all mending
supplies before you start. Keep
' them in a handy place—by a
, W comfortable chair with ample
1  table s ac nl ol li ht.
` p C 21 ( @{0 ( g
‘ 5

 machine durning
, You can do most of the family mcnding
Mazen np! _ _ _
    on the sewing machine quickly antl very
  QN often with better results than you can do
    by hand. Tears, holes, ancl thin places in
aprons, dresses, overalls, trousers, outer ·
`  1 garrncnts, tablecloths, sheets, bath towels,
W" and washcloths can be quickly mended or
Mr . . .
`a reinforced m this way.
Threatl the machine with mercerized cot-
_ ton thread that matches the material or is
  slightly  l Mt .b t V ·l l -
B. C cx nntmg seam *1 ou i mci >e
youd corner. Steam and press open.
Be very careful when steaming fabrics
\ of man-made fibers. (2) ltis import-
S § 3 I 4 ant to strengthen corner by hand darn-
: Q \ ing.   Cover with rayon material; ·
Q g\\\\\ iq use tailor`s basting stitch on each side
x . _ _
xxxxxxxx of seam to hold rayon material in
ilace. The wear will now be on the
rayon instead of raw seam. (4) The
tailor`s hasting stitch.

 overall patch — no need to rip pant leg — use this method.
1 Q  l 
` »
. 5. Cut or tear material for patch
l' Cut away frayed Part Of fabub which must be lé inch larger on all
sides than hole. It’s easier to use a
  larger patch and trim later.
  I  H 
." Pl-lI!|l+
2. Clit Sqll2U`C O1' l`GCt?lllgl€ llSlllg fab-  
ric threads as guide to straight edges.  
6. Stitch opposite sides. This way
  yo11 get a hetter stitched corner with
ll() (l2ll]g€I` of gélpplllg. R€pCHt OI]
\ ()tl"lC]` Sl(l€S. At COI`l]CI`S, USC Sl1OI'tCl'
stitches — 20 to 25 depending on type
(lf l"3.l)I`lC.   gives H StI`OI'lg€I` COTHBI`.
INI -· v 
I `\
· 3. Cut in at corner lé inch for seam E 5
allowance. ! • .
4. Fold fabric in { E
half lengthwise; I Q
cut one corner to l '
use as guide for
c11tti11 the rest. FOLD mtu 7. Stitch back of aatch to finish it.
1; 1

 blocked-in pcutch
Pmpnir: liolc-· us vou did tor the t)\`(‘l'illl mtch, hut usc li inch sczuu instcad. V
. l
`-"'\_ l
1-—--_-_-___-I -N----_--H A 1
1 1
1 I I
I I / 
I /
I__________ \ l
\   ~ ._
‘ (Iovcr scum on right sidc ol
(Iut oll coi‘i1<·r lor lcss Iiuliric with ]`LlHI.(‘l`lIlQ stitch;
hulk. Stcuiu opcn usc iiicrctwizctl tlll`(’lI(I-—
si-iuu. sczun is loss noticcahlc. To
softcn, mh scum l><-twccn
hcmd dum moth or burn hole
Plucc et piccc ol iiiutcrial uhout
O   [_' r IE inch I;u·g<·i· undcr liolo. Usc · i
{X" ,' "}/_ hlcuding; or inutchiug ui<·i‘ct·1‘izcd
·‘~ * ‘.·—’o ’,* ,
_} ge`: IV; 2·—, tlircud. Sturt ut cdgc and work
(I? 3   'fQ· toward ccintcr, thcn hack uutil
Fi, 'ii _—` QP \'()ll`1`(’ {inishcd. Dont stitch across
‘C· r. ` `x‘,"_ ' _ _ _
i·’,»,’ ’? *·‘ Q`; cutirc holc. Stitches should not
Ut} ‘·.‘ ` show on right sidc. Butt or soften
incnd lwtwccn {ingcrnnils. Stcmn
Usc thc szunc tv it- ot darn on
, 1
\ H cumcl`s lmir coats. Match thc nap;
S % DEREgA T/P { ruft up center with an vim-ry ho;u·d.
`| •   ’ Y I ’ I Y   .
T ou may mw to tiun thc pilv
1*  TOO M R/M *u‘<~uud tht- holc it its too hi·fh <~1·
&   4 · . · ‘__ ,
\ thick. Usc this darn tor hlunkct- I
§ like tuhrics. jcrscy, twccd. und nap

 reweuve putch for wiry mutericnls
:::.1:-=:::-::2:- ===== ····‘‘‘ "‘ ·····¤· ······•":1l""'“:"
:::::E:::=E¤:::!§:::::EEi§=E§§! ::$:§:' '='“' ':=-  “E§.§E:IE|
lllilllliiiluilpllliilll II.-- Ihll 'hlla
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.1::::::26 QEEIIIEE. · ·····-·····
IIIXIII I} .-IIIIII ' 523}}}:}}::
lI_'l$1=II |llIIl_' I IIIII•IIIIII
lllllIIE'¤E¤I' tial-}? Q EEIIEIIEEEP
EEEEE§EF.§E!E: ::5:::::::; :  
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555 ****** 'EE::::::m:· ··:::!l !:=·===-·  
Hole in wiry material to Run hand-basting ·stitch
he covered with piece ot lengthwise ot materialihe-
material on right side. tore youp cut patch. Pray
Draw out tour threads to edges ot patch ahout l
form square around hole. inch.
' Eg.-- l=I {lil { '}!E=:¤
  ==========--.   · sa=:..aasaa=
‘ F! 3::::::::.;. — .. :;:::::::5}
li :::::::::::::· II :·· •·····•····*
§= :::::::::::::* :. :55 A:§§§§§§§§§§;
E EEEEEEEEEEEEE Ii EE:  ·=E:::::::::::
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Pull threads through with On wrong side, hem down
crochet hook into space trayed edge with inercer—
made by pulled threads. ized thread hut do not cut
thread ends.
machine darned-in ruvelings (when no muteriul is c:v¤iI¤bIe)
  -——. ""` I — :—`
  ' — ` -
Machine haste in raveliugs. l\l21ChillG ilélffl.

 replacing pin stripes
\ \ i i x x .3 W i
l i t \ x \ =   \
i ` i i x \ ·x X
\ \ i \ x m \ \
\ \ \ \ \ `
\ \ \ \   \ x
\ i i x i t x
i \ i x x x \
i \ \ \ \ 4 x \
l \ ` \ \ \ \
l l l \\ \\ \\ \
\ * li i ~ x \
When pin stripes wear oft at knees or seats of trousers or
elbows of coats, replace them by machine. The material
is usually worn, too, so it’s a good idea to reinforce under- .
side with matching rayon lining.
Pin lining in place. Thread bobbin of machine with col-
ored thread to match pin stripe; use a spool of thread that
matches the suiting for top stitching. Tighten top tension
of machine. When you start stitching, the bobbin thread
will show, giving you a pin stripe. Stitch along old stripe

 ~ mends — decorative or camusing
• `%@*" /Z%·¤¤ •
\ _ Q 
? °*  

 Cmmpvmtivu Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: College of Agriculture
nucl Hninc Economics, University of Kentucky, und the United States Department nf
Aixriculturu, i·m¤pur;itin;;. William A. Scuy, Director. Issued in furtherance of the Acts 0f ·
Mny il und Junc 30, 19l~l.