xt73xs5jb983 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jb983/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-04-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  6, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  6, 1945 1945 1945-04-06 2013 true xt73xs5jb983 section xt73xs5jb983 ON PAGE TWO
Kernel's View On
Unpublished Letter




Week ending April 2, 1945
With this issue The Kernel
brings to its readers Dr. Charles
M. Knapp's news column which
has appeared as a regular week
ly feature in many Kentucky
since 1939.
Knapp is a professor in the History department of the University.
The War Fronts In Earope: EasUiis year brought the definite
prospect of an early end to the
European phases of the war. That
end is fast approaching and it is
coming through the collapse of the
Nazi defenses east of the Rhine.
There, during the week that has
passed, the British armies in the
north and the American armies in
the center of the western front
western Germany. So fast were the
advances that tens of thousands of
Germans were made prisoners and
whole divisions have been encircled


in the Rhur industrial area.
According to latest reports all of
General Eisenhower's nine Allied
armies are across the Rhine. But
the whereabouts of their advance
armored units has been concealed
from the home folks except in the
most general terms, mainly for the
security of Uic units engaged, secondly, because it has no doubt been
difficult to keep in touch with such
fast moving units as tho.se famed
ones of General Pattern's Third
Thus, at this writing, it Is possible only to state that the British
forces tinder Montgomery seems to
be striking northwestward toward
the great north German ports of
Bremen and Hamburg across the
level country of the Baltic Plain.
Across the middle Rhine, the
ican Third Army and its associates
appears to have
Frankfurt and to be nearing Kassel over
good highways through the Thur-fngi- an
Forest. Latest rumors place
Patlon's men within 162 miles of
Berlin, but he might be anywhere.
The otlier day General Eisenhower
was credited with saying that he
did not know where Pat ton was because he had not heard from him
for three hours!
Apparently, the German armies
east of the Rhine have been disintegrating during the past week. It
my well be that there is little organized resistance between the Allied advance units and Berlin at
this time. A German general officer
was credited with such a statement
after he had been taken a prisoner
But troops cannot adin
vance without fuel for their motor
equipment and supplies of food and
ammunition. Patton's Third Army
had to halt finally for those reasons
when it was racing across France
last summer.
The new German
commander General Kessclring,
transferred recently from Italy,
might, within a few days, reorganize
a front on the west which might offer some strong resistance for a
time, enough to permit, perhaps, the
concentration of the remnants of
the Nazi armies in southern Germany, Austria an Czechoslovakia,
for a final desperate stand. Many
think that that is the hope.
The Russian offensives this week
have cleared the Polish Corridor,
captured the Baptic ports of Danzig and Gdynia, and just about
cleaned up all German spots of resistance behind their lines in Poland and East Prussia. Most progress has been repotred, however, by
(Obntinucd on Page Four)

mid-wee- k.

UederUfel . . . will meet at 4 p.m.
Wednesday, in Room 302 of Miller
hall. Dr. J. R. Schwendeman, head
of the Department or Geography,
will speak on "The Geography of
the Battle Zones in Germany."
Newman club . . . will meet at 9:30
a.m. Sunday at St. Catherine's
Academy. 240 North Lime. Breakfast will be served. All Catholic
students and soldiers tire invited.
. . . meeting at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday hi Room 313 of the
Biological Science building. Dr. A.
C. McFarland, head of the Geology
department, will be guest speaker.
A business meeting will follow.
for all veterans on the
campus will be given at 8 p.m. Friday at Shelby house, 113 State



Field House To Hare
Swimming Pool Too



War World



Governor To Answer SGA Offices
To Be Filled
Veterans' Petition In Electiou
Students Question
Wenner-Gre- n


veterans of World War II, who Tuesday presented a petition to Gov.
Simeon Willis questioning the gift
of a laboratory to the University by ,
Axel L. Wenner-Grewill be answered in detail as soon as the governor has assembled data from the
records, it was announced Wednesday.
Ask Public Hearing
asked Governor Willis to call a public hearing
on the $156,000 gift made in 1940 by
the now black-liste- d
Swedish munitions manufacturer. The petition

See President Donovan-- !
ter to the editor on page



particularly requested investigation
of a letter written by Judge Richard
C. Stoll, Lexington, chairman of
the executive committee of the board
of trustees, to the Washington attorney who was attempting to get
Wenner-Gren- 's
name stricken from
the black list. The letter in ques-

tion was released Wednesday morning and is printed below.
Harry Caudill, Whitesburg, and
Lloyd Booth and R. B. Eastburn,
both of Lexington, presented the
peUtion to Governor Willis in his
capacity as chairman of the Board
of Trustees.
To Answer Petition
Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of
the University, announced following a quarterly meeting of the board
of trustees Tuesday that the governor would answer the petition. "
"The record will .speak for itself,"
the governor told the trustees.
The trustees themselves answered
what they termed "implied charges"
that they had been unpatriotic by
listing more than 40 members of
their families who are, or have been
in the armed sen-iceof the United

Plummer Comments
Commenting on a statement by
Caudill In a letter to Governor Willis charging that Dr. Donovan refused to permit a letter protesting
against the hanging of a portrait of
Judge Stoll in the University library to.be published In the Kentucky
Kernel. Dr. Niel Plummer, acting
director-- ' of ' student publications,
"Caudill presented the letter to
Janet Edwards, editor of the Kernel.
After a conference with Miss Edwards and Caudill which lasted for
one and one-ha- lf
hours. Miss Edwards and I decided not to publish
the letter because it contained libelous material."- He explained that
the fact that the Kernel is a student-edited
docs not
render it any less liable for statements it publishes.
SWU Letter Released
Another issue connected with the
veterans' protest which appeared
in newspaper columns this week included the statement by Caudill
that he was dismissed from his job
as monitor in Bradley hall. This
was confirmed by President Donovan in a statement to the Courier-Journa- l.

Judge Stoll's letter, referred to in
the petition, follows in full:
Jan. "25, 1943
"Honorable Cordell Hull
"Secretary of State
"Washington, D. C.

"Dear Sir:
"The University of Kenutcky has
been requested to give you a brief
statement concerning the Wenner-Gre- n



oratory and the circumstances at- tending the gift of tills laboratory
to the University by the .Viking
Foundation, of which Mr. Axel L.
Wenner-Gre- n
was at the time president.
"Dr. Frank L. VcVey was president
of the University of Kentucky when
this gift was made, but he has now
retired, and Dr. Herman L. Donovan, who is now president, of course
was not familiar with the circumstances surrounding the gift, so. as
chairman of the Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky and vice chairman of the
Board of Trustees. I thought it
proper for me to write you.
"Several years ago the Mawen
Motor Corporation discussed with
Colonel James H. Graham, dean of
the College of Engineering of the
University, the question of building
and equipping a small laboratory
upon the campus with the intention of ultimately giving the laboratory to the University. Its cost was

Dutch Lanrh rlob . . . will meet at
noon today in Room 204 of the Student Union building, and members estimated at $60,000.
are requested to leave their lunch
"Late in June, 1940, Colonel Graorders in the YWCA room not later ham was asked to meet Mr. Wennerthan Thursday afternoon. Reor- -Gren
in New York and to disganization was announced by the cuss
fully with him. This
president, Mary Lillian Davis. Elec- was the matter
the first contact Colonel Graprogram
tions will be held, and the
ham, or anyone else connected with
will be a puppet show.
University, had with Mr. WennerDance . . . from 9 to 12 p.m. Sat- the
personally. Colonel Graurday in the Bluegrass room of the
ham had two short interviews hi
Union building.
day with Mr. Wenner-Gre- n
Sweater Swing . . . from 6 to 7:30 one Wenner-Gre- n
decided to finance
Monday In the Bluegrass ruoin Mr.
(.Couiti'Jtd on Fae Four)
cf the Union building.


To File Petitions
With Registrar

Club Says Petition
Not Its Views

for the presidency
of the Student
Government Association as well as
for 10 vacancies in the assembly
must be filed by 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in the office of the registrar, according to an announcement by
Betty Anne Ginocchio, chairman of
the election committee.
The election will be held a week
later, Wednesday, April 18, from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. in the north end of
of the main lounge in the Union

Bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle,
bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle,
bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle!
Bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle,
bottle, bottle, bottle,
bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle!
If you like a certain
soft drink and If you
wish to have an ample supply
to quench your thirst as spring
approaches, it is up to you to
return those things mentioned
If you only returned the number shown above there would be
a whole case more available
next time at the Campus Book
Store because filled bottles are
received only in exchange for
empties. Remember, no cooperation no bottles no Cokes!
So bottle, bottle, bottle, bottle: (a sixth of a case!)


The petition
Governor Willis by 17 students
who are veterans of World War
II does not in any way represent the views of the Veterans
club on the campus. Joe Covington, commander of the club,
told The Kernel yesterday.
Covington said that the club
mas organized to help readjust
veterans to civilian life, and is
not a political organization.



Students who have maintained an
standing of at least
1.3 and who have completed at least
two quarters of residence may file
application for any of the vacancies
listed. Applicants must state their
The Student Government Asso- college and the position for which
ciation is not being abolished!
they are filing. President and
SuKy Circle is not being kicked
candidates may be enoff the campus.
rolled in any college of the UniverThe Washington Monument and sity.
Assembly Vacancies
the Capitol of the United States
Vacancies in the assembly created
are not being moved to the campus
this quarter by the expiration of
this morning before breakfast!
Contrary to all the rumors that terms include: Arts and Sciences,
may have been whispered in your one upperclass man, two lowerclass
car, you can take the word of SGA women, one upperclass woman.
one upperclass
Prexy Bill Embry, SGA Faculty Adviser William S. Ward, and inci- woman.

Reports Are
Only Rumors

SGA Plans

Point Board


Commerce: one upperclass woman.
dentally. Dr. Herman Lee Donovan,
Education: one upperclass woman.
president of the University of
Engineering: one lowerclass man.
No one was sure yesterday just j Graduate school: one
how the rumors about the SGA and
Ballots in each college will include
SuKy started, or who started them
or why, but The Kernel learned only the vacancies in that college
in addition to the
that Wednesday night such reports candidates for president and
began to spread through campus
In the Law college where
no vacancy occurs, ballots will be
They came to the attention of printed with only
the names of
Dr. Ward and of Mr. Embry who presidential and
established the falsity of the re- candidates.
ports within a few minutes. Mean
No applications may be filed after
while these reports continued to 3:30 Wednesday; at that time, in
gain currency.
an uncontested office, the only apLate yesterday afternoon Presi- plicant will be declared automatident Donovan gave the final word cally elected.
on the matter:
Members whose terr.u expire this
"There is absolutely nothing to quarter include Marybelle Calvert,
such rumors. They have no foun- Elizabeth Crapster.
John Robblns,
dation of fact, and are not even Betty Fraysure, Phyllis Watkins,
good fiction."
Jerry Napier, John Hopkins, Char-leBurris, Emily Hunt, Bill Buckler. Bill Embry and Betty Anne
Ginocchio are the retiring presirepresen-tative-at-lar-


Checks Cashed
In Bookstore

dent and


Members of the election commitThe Campus bookstore, which tem- tee are Betty Anne Ginocchio,
porarily was unable to cash checks, chairman; Marjean Wenstrup,
is again rendering this service to Betty Tevis, and Norman Chrisman.
the students of the University, according to Mr. Jimmy Morris, manager of the bookstore.
Mr. Morris said that weekly totals
of checks cashed had sometimes run
as high as-- $10,000, and that some of
these required difficulty hi their
The appointment of Dr. Margaret
collection, making more work for Hotchkiss as assistant professor In
the personnel of the store which at the Bacteriology department, has
by Dr. Morris
best is quite busy with its regular been announced
business. For this reason, the book- Scherago, department head.
store did not cash checks the latter
the place
"I'm from Brooklyn
part of March.
where the trees grow," Dr. Hotchkiss responded in reply to that
SGA Helps
Students found that getting their question. She is teaching nurses'
checks from home cashed on the classes and laboratory diagnosis and
campus was a problem and asked is assisting in pathology.
Dr. Hotchkiss received her AB
that the Student Government Association help solve the difficulty. degree at Vassar college and went
President Bill Embry consulted with to Yale University where she obMrs. Sarah Holmes, dean of women, tained her PhD in public health and
and with Mr. Morris. Enibry prom- bacteriology.
After receiving her degree, Dr.
ised the bookstore the aid of the
Student Government Association in Hotchkiss was research bacteriolin
the redeeming of delinquent checks, ogist at a sewage
New Brunswick, N. J. Following
and asked that it resume its
that, she was bacteriologist in
With the cooperation of the other charge of the city laboratory at
financial agencies and money sour- Patterson, N. J.
She later went to New York Medices on the campus, which will alleviate the burden on f lie bookstore, cal college as assistant professor of
Mr. Morris says they will be able to bacteriology and remained in that
continue to help the students in capacity until her appointment to
the University.
this way.

Hotchkiss Appointed

Assistant Professor
In Bacteriology





System Stresses
Campus Activities
Student Activities Point board
is to be operated to draw up the
details of a point system and student activities file regulated through
the Student Government Association. This motion was passed unanimously by the assembly in a meetA

ing of SGA Monday, April 2.
The board will be composed of
six members: two faculty members
appointed by President H. L. Donovan, one man student appointed by
Dean T. T. Jones, one woman student appointed by Dean Sarah B.
Holmes, and two students appointed
by SGA. The board will perfect
the plan of the activities committee
of SGA, which will designate a certain number of points to be gained
by a student for membership and
office holding in all campus organizations. The purpose of this point
system is to encourage more Uni
versity students to participate in
campus activities.
Student Activity Filt
A student activities file will be
set up and will be available for
reference. This file will list the
interests of each student and the
various organizations to which he
Wenstrup Elected Secretary
An election was held for secre-

tary and treasurer. Marjean Wenstrup succeeds Emily Jones as secretary of SGA and Jack Banahan
was elected treasurer succeeding

Swimming Pool Part
Of Plan In University's
$1,000,000 Fieldhouse
Presentation Of Honors
Scheduled For Thursday
Marie L. McCown
To Direct Program


picion of the high mileage that
would be recorded, and the resulting implication that he was patronizing B.M.'s.
Many students had difficulty in
life in a peaceful
world. "The war has been going on
for so long I have forgotten what
things were like," was a frequent
A senior in the law school said
that "women appreciate men more
now," and he seemed eager to keep
it that way. He bewailed the fact
enrollthat the smaller
ment classes have increased recitawar-tim-

tion demands on the students


G'ig Shortage
"Besides the increased demand
for cigarettes and the lack of them,
I notice a definite feeling of tension on campus," said one male student, a senior in the first
class, to graduate in June. "When
peace comes there will be more
schocl spirit end Interest in school
all-w- ar



Folk songs, popular songs, and
dances created by Kentuckians will
be the theme of the "Kentucky
Belles" program, the annual presentation of honors to University
women, given by the Women's Administrative council at 7:30 p.m..
Thursday, at Memorial hall.
The program is under the direction of Marie Louise McCown. and
Betty Ann Ginocchio will preside
as mistress of ceremonies.
The program Is as follows:
A Medley of Popular Songs, a
piano and organ duet Joan Akers
and Betty Bain Adair.
"Waterlily," a modern dance by
MacDowell Tau Sigma.
"I Don't Want To Love You," a
icice solo by Henry Pritchard of
Paris Betty Harris Russell.
Two native Kentucky
"Grandma Grunts" and "Careless
Love" Glee club.
Kentucky's Alma Mater Glee
club and audience.
Pledges To Be Named
Pledges will be chosen for the
honorary organizations. Mortar
Board, senior women's fraternity;
Cwens, sophomore women's fraternity; and Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman women's fraternity.
Alpha Gamma Delta, social sorority, will present a cup to the
outstanding freshman woman of its
choice; and Theta Sigma Phi,
women's journalism honorary, will
present a plaque to the freshman
journalism woman with the highest
and most
Mortar Board will choose the
freshman woman with the highest
(Continued on Page Four)


ChiO's To Sponsor

Special Convocation
For Women Students











Marie Louise McCown

Ends Today
Interviews Close
Vocational Meet
from state and
national organizations are on the
campus today interviewing senior
women who wish Jobs after grad
These representatives and senior
women are taking part In a Career
sponsored by Mortar
Board, senior women's honorary.
The conference includes inter
views Thursday and today, with
luncheons in the Student Union
building for firm representatives
and Mortar Board members who
helped plan the conference.
Dean Sarah B. Holmes entertained committee members and representatives with a tea at her home,
5 p.m. Thursday.
Marjorie Palmore Warner is general chairman of the conference.
Committee chairmen are Margaret
Erskine Caldwell, room arrangements; Helen Lipscomb, program:
Ruth Pace, appointments; Virginia
Faulkner, publicity; Ellen O'Ban-noposters? Lucy Meyer, social;
and Priscilla Gradtly, correspondence.
Organizations participating in the
Career conference are Ashland Oil
and Refining Co.. Camp Fire Girls,
Curtiss-Wrig- ht
Inc.. The Courier-Journa- l,
(Louisville). Curtiss-Wrig(Passaic. N. J.). DuPont Indiana
Ordnance, Girl Scouts. Inc.. Navy
Civilian Recruitment (Washington,
D. C). R.C.A. Victor Division, Seagrams. Tennessee Eastman. U. S.
Civil Service Commission, U. S. Signal Corps, Welfare Division (Frankfort), and Wright Field.

Brewster Phelps.
A committee was appointed by
President Bill Embry to investigate
Speaking on the general theme of
ways by which SGA could assist "Interesting Jobs Tor Women After
the University with the problem of the War," Mrs. Chase Going
line breaking in the Union cafemember of the House of
Representatives and director of the
Institution of Woman's Professional
$100 Appropriation
will be the principal
An appropriation of $100 to the Relations,
House President's Council was made speaker at a special women's convocation to be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday
by the assembly.
Reports were made by Norman in Memorial hall.
Sponsored by Chi Omega sorority
Chrisman, member of the Dance
committee, and Charlene Burris. with the assistance of the house
chairman of the Convocation com- presidents' council, and other professional organizations, Mrs. Wood-houmittee.
will discuss the value of prepTlie resignation of Betty Harris,
college for specialized
effective April 2, was approved aration in
fields. Her special duties as director
unanimously by the assembly.
of the institute are the opening of
new fields for women in every line
of industry, and she will be prepared
to give discussions on the means of
Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood will securing the job that will suit each
be moderator for the second "Imi- woman's taste.
Mrs. Woodhouse has served as
tation to Reading" review which
will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday in secretry of the state of Connecticut
for 1941-4and was elected to the
the Browsing room.
Congress in 1944. She
The novel "Edward Bellamy" by Seventy-nin- th
A. E. Morgan will be reviewed in is also author of many books
a round table discussion by A. D. and articles of women's work and
Kirwan, H. N. Sherwood, M. R. Sul- education.
livan, and H. W. Beers.
Because of the timeliness of this
Other reviews to be presented are talk, the convocation will be com"Wife to Mr. Milton" on April 17, pulsory for all freshman and sophomore women.
and "The Far East" on April 24.
..Funeral services were held yesterday for Prof. Perry West. 66, in
structor in mechanical engineering
at the University, who died Monday
evening at his home, following a
heart attack. He had been ill for
activities. The return of boys will much social life," said a coed who
three months, an dliad recently re
help to bring things to normal. had given the question
Leadership on campus has always thought. "We have developed much turned to his home after a week at
been by the men. Women will not more of a community spirit from the Good Samaritan hospital.
Profes-soWest, son of Mr. T. E.
stay in the top positions because seeing each other more and not
they naturally look up to men." Of getting out. Also we demand more West and Sallie Perry West, of
course, the latter Is a debatable of the University through classes Nichola-svillreceived his degree
and professors."
from the College of Engineering at
A veteran said he noticed the norStudent Body Is Different
th University in 1898.
malcy of Kentucky as compared to
"So many things are out of line."
He was associated with the Cary
the uneasiness hi many sections
of the country, "but the girls here said another student. "We are all Engineering company. New York
show more nervousness than the so aware of the difference in the City, and later opened an electrical
student body. There is a feeling of
tenseness in the atmosphere and a engineering office in New York.
More on the subjective side is the
In 1035 he superintended the insensitive feeling of civilians on
feeling on the part of students that
campus, a feeling that they have stallation of the central heating
during the years of war "we have
been left out of the glamour of
all been fenced in," as one student uniforms. Our thoughts have been plant at the University, and three
puts it.
wrapped up in getting the boys years later jouied the faculty of the
Loafing Out Of Dale
home who are in places they don't College of Engineering.
He is survived by his wife. Mrs.
A freshman said she misses the want to be. places where they are
"leisurely life" we used to have. thinking of the possibility that Mary Bulurd West, of Nicholasviiie;
"Vacations and loafing are out of they may not fit into home and the twi sisters. Mrs. Lulu McConathy
date. If it isn't carried to an ex- environment they have dreamed of." alid Mrs. C. L. Crosby of Lexington;
treme it isn't a bad idea."
She concluded with everybody's a brother. Howard West of White
"Students have become more feeling that "it will be wonderful Plains, N. Y.; and one uncle, Henry
serious and they
dea&nd &s ta have the trcsd tcjsther






Invitation To Heading


Trustees Authorize
Construction Of
Residence Units
A regulation size swimming pool
has been included in the tentative
plans for the new $1,000,000
to be constructed
when materials are available, it
was revealed after the quarterly
meeting of the board of trustees on
the campus Tuesday.
At the session of the board architects were authorized to proce-- d
with the plans of the fieldhouse on
Euclid avenue and to continue with
plans for a new $600,000 dormitory
and food service unit for women,
and a new $200,000 men s dormitory




would also include


tional facilities for all the men's
residence units.
building program
The over-a- ll
projected by the board of trustees
forecast an expenditure of more
than $1,800,000 in new buildings to
be completed when the war end.
Came As Surprise
Plans for the inclusion of a regulation size swimming pool in the
east end of the new fieldhouse-audi-toriuwhich is to memorialize the
war dead, came as a surprise to
students who have long sought a
pool for the University. It was explained by Frank D. Peterson,
comptroller, that the term "regulation size" meant that the pool
would be large enough for all offi
cial records and meets.
The architects' proposals for the
pool provided for separate entrances
tend locker facilities for men and
women, and one entire side of the
pool will have outside lighting.
Seating arrangements for 500 have
been tentatively planned.
Other proposals presented by the
architects for the fieldhouse-audi-toriuJohn Gillig and associates.
Ernest Johnson and Hugh Meri
wether, call for a basketball audi
torium seating 12.000 persons, the
seats to be of the permanent opera
house type, with permanent bleacher type seats down one side of the

In addition to the basketball
auditorium, the plans are being
made so that a special auditorium
can be arranged with a movable
stage, this hall to seat between
4.000 and 5,000 persons.
Lockers, showers, training rooms,
offices for the athletic staff and
some facilities for physical education also are provided in the tentative plans.
Impressive Feature
One of the most Impressive features of the new fleldhouse-audt- torium will be the "memorial hall- opening on Euclid avenue. This hall,
memorializing the war dead, will
be approximately 100 feet long. 35
feet wide and will have a high ceiling. At the door and along Euclid
avenue will be elaborate plantings
and special designs commemorating
the war dead.
Plans for the new dormitory unit
for men. which will complete the
quadrangle along Washuigton avenue, are being drawn by Architect
John Wilson. His tentative plans
which were presented to the board
were approved. The unit will provide a lounge and recreational facilities for all the men's dormitories.
(Continued on Page Four)

Kilo Held

For Dr. West

Armistice Rumors Stir Our Imagination
By Mary Ann Cross
Last week's rumors of armistice
in Europe stirred the imagination
and raised the hopes of everyone
all over the U. S. Students reflected on the things that would
come with peace, those things they
had given up during the years of
High on the list of the items they
have missed the most are, seeing
the old gang in the familiar places,
and, for the
travel, cigarettes,
women on campus, seeing that one
special man.
Women Miss Nylons
Next to nylons and chewing gum,
one coed said she missed the way
Louisville used to be. "It's so big
now. It used to be a general meeting place for everyone we knew and
now you don't see anyone but. soldiers and war workers."
One student said he would be
glad to have speedometers connected on cars again and explained
that disconnecting them was his
ay cf keecir.g doTa Ussily sus








By Shirley Meister
Question: What is year enre ivr
spring fever?
Pat Clarke. AS. sophomore:
Kathleen (iatvin. A AS. sophomore: heck, who wants to be cured
Marvin Zurkerman. A AS. freshman: a girl and the sun.
Hazel Glasscock, Af.. junior: just
read a good love story.
Jay Tenzer. AST: a man in the
AST can't afford to have spring
Margaret Campbell. Aj.. freshman: the mountains.
Bernice Sebree, Af., freshman:
Joe Porter, Eng.. sophomore:
smoking cigars.
Sue Gamblin. AAS. sophomore:
since the marines have left, I eat
pineapple sundaes.
Carolyn Stevens, AAS, freshmas:
lake a sentimental journey
Jimmy Hisle. Eng., senior: sleeping hi the staff room in the radio
Jack Smith, Eng., freshman: Just
ULs it esu;-- .

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im AMftl







One Yfnr



By Billie Frsc

Well, now that my branches
lofty are taking loot, it's a sine
thing that spring is here. It's
obvious in so tn.iiiv other ways,
too. Things are happening
now that ne ve r hapc ned in the
cold, bale winter clays. Little-girlare troubled more often
with thoughts of linle loys.
And little bovs ! Well, we ilonl
know alxnit little bovs. Thcy'ic
awfully scarce.

(ft xi




Ik it- - was


unprintable because it libelled one
more members of the Hoard of Trustees.
Now whether Governor Willis calls a hearing
or whether he issues a statement or whether this
affair has lieen exploited for the last time The
Kernel tan take no other v iew of this matter
other than that it is regrettable.
In the name of a student Ixxly which hojies
to see the University grow and improve and
was simply

v ii u;e icjerlod for jmlilie :ii imi in ilie
columns l I I if Kernel.
No. iheie was no rensoi-sti- t
I'nsi.lrin II.
1.. Donovan
r any other iikuiIki ol i!i- - ailmin-- i




we would omit ii a:iin it il were
lti public a I ion
mc.tMii etl Iry
si.iikI.ikK ol professional eiliies and evaluated
.i".iinsl ilie )iinriples of lilel. it was a letter
mi x ejjt.llije for publiracjon.
1 lie
loiegoing' staienienis aie pie
nis. alumni, and f.iculiv nienilieis who mav
li.ixe wondeted at rerent r toils pulilislicd after
a Kiiii of eterans, now siudenis at the
presented a petition to (ovcinoi Willis
at l i.iiikfuit railing for a jhiIiIk healing,
appear in the news minimis of
todav's Kernel.
Submission of the letter to I he Kernel by
n.iiry Caudill. war veteran emolled in the Law
college-- , look place several weeks aM. At that
time CmikIiII, Editor Janet Edwards, and Dr.
Ni I Hummer, acting diredor of student
conferred for more than an hour on
ilie matter. There was imiliinj; set ret alout it.
J heie were no pressures
excited.' The letter
Y s.





leading place in the



ii is

osiwar world





the morning. She has accumulated
quite a wardrobe in this way.
date she has four of his mote- - CW
corduroy, two seers