xt73xs5jb48b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jb48b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1941 books Works Projects Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Kentucky Historical Records Survey--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Field workers' manual text Field workers' manual 1941 1941 2012 true xt73xs5jb48b section xt73xs5jb48b ’   ",`?":"I" W', _ `.=-,"‘ W`, — t-· · . . W U _. '_ 7w—4 vw" _’_   l ‘·—’_ Y   A _ ‘ W - l- v_ Ir ”` V 4
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  Louisville, Kentucky
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l»*` ?j;;#, counties, to be followed in sorting and arranging the records into ;,_ { ,,·’
,;gg{~. definite record series and in preparing the inventory forms on these éi¥*@
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i Procedure to be followed in preparation of
. l2-l5 H.R. forms A
Field worker's name should appear in upper left hand corner of form. `· 2
_ Date form.is prepared should appear in upper center. The form identification pf;
number should appear in upper right hand corner (see top line of 12-15 H.R. r
y form). Place the name of your county and state in the spaces allotted for g
them. 2
Below is a list of code letters to identify each office or storage ,.2
V room. The proper letter is to appear before the number of each form; for _ p—VVv »,g
example, the first H.R. form prepared on records in the County Court Clerk's J) T
office would be identified as A-l; the second, as A-2; the third, as A-5; _ _?
and so on in consecutive order. lf the records you are listing are stored _.{ Q
in the County Court Clerk's vault, the identification symbol on the first l;,`
H.R. form for these records wpuld read: AV-l; the second, AV-2; and so on. Qfgf
Office Identification Letters f¥_g
. ..*,1 I
A. County Court Clerk M. County Attorney ` jgyg
B. Circuit Court Clerk N. County Court Room figj
C. County Judge P. Jury Room j?gi*
D. Tax Commissioner Q. County Treasurer ~;;y
E. Cgunty School Superintendent R. County Road Engineer rjfly
F. Jailer S. Master Commissioner cgi;
G. Sheriff T. Commonwealth Attorney ‘;g‘"$
H. Health Department U. Coroner ~g; {
J. Attic V. Vault ;QQ,
K. County Poor Farm W. Basement [€%>,
L. Agricultural Agent X. Justices of the Peace leyfj
IL —- 4
(In listing the records of Justices of the Peace, it will be necessary QQ_€ ·..._‘
that you precede the X with the number of the magisterial districts; thus, ,Q;g,
magisterial district #l, H.R. form one, would be listed lX—l; magisterial _Y#?§f
· district f2, H.R. form one, would be listed 2X—l). %gTg;
Records are listed by record series. A number of volumes, containing —lt?$4 A‘,`
a similar type of record, such as marriage bonds, or deeds, or mortgages, €§§Ql
or county court orders (or any other record), is called a "record series.“ {$5*}
Also a number of file boxes containing a similar type of record, such as ggéfi
case papers, or court orders, or original deeds, or original mortgages, or ·2i€$W
original mechanic's liens, and the like, is a "record series.“ ·f§QQ§
1. Title    
-The*exact title appearing on the current or latest volume, file box, ;*E§§_
bundle, file drawer, or any other container must be used as the title of the ??g"
master form covering that record series. For example, if a volume is titled ԤQEl!
"Order Book Quarterly Court," the exact title must be given in item l of the igéii
l2-13 H.R. form. Please note that the title is enclosed in quotes, as “Order _ ',g§$i ,'_‘
. w i*>·f1`éi  
L’?j’;i;{i» ;
- lr- r    r A   .. r,..   r. \... rr., r,,, s r,.,. -  T.  ,....,_,         .. - r .,,,   ..   , V   rrr. P   ,   M   
  P-    i;;;_.; " `* ` ~ i’;" “ ‘   .. _ .  - `."   . ·   

 I rr V"`.; Y V ` r. H .. I ' V. I VI" 7 v' ’   I j M   P ·`   _. · ~:I 
F = ‘ i
- 2 — & 1
Book Quarterly Court". (Refer to item l, of the H.R. form). g A
Should the same series of records have more than one volume, it will be )
necessary to give the exact title, labeling, and beginning and ending dates Ll Q
of each volume in the record series. Begin with the oldest volume and list , j
them in chronological order until every volume in the series is listed. I e*
_ Let us assume that you have a number of volumes containing administra- v_ 'I;
tors' bonds and that there are eight volumes dating from 1882 to current in is j
` this "record series." Refer to sample number 1 given below and you will 1
notice that for each volume we ask that you give three distinct types of 4 ‘g
r information: (ll the exact title found on the spine of the volume or outside »NeZ
of container; (2) the labeling; and (5) the dates covered by each separate ,,e j
volume. When you have more volumes than will go in Item 1 of the HR form, -2 3
it will be necessary for you to give this information on a separate piece .
or pieces of paper, and attach same to the HR form. The title, labeling, and j€~ Q
dates of each volume should be given as shown in the example below. 2, ”
U ` ‘ Sample No. l "jjft
Title Eabeling Dates fel;
· "Aam·1~S. Bonds" 1 7/ze/issz-io/2s/1894  
` "Adm'rs. Bonds" 2 ll/19 1894-12/50/1905 L`f;l
"Administrators Bonds" 3 2/7 1906-9/2Q/1912 ?g;}
"Adm'rs. & Executors Bonds" 4 10/ld/1912-2/2 1914 —~.g p6'; _2,;
"Adm'rs. Bonds" 5 5/7/1914-8/Q 1921 -*g ’
` "Adm'rs. Bonds" 6 8/20/1921-5 8/1955 ;_~y
"Administrators s¤m1S*· 7 s/1 5/1953-6/2/1959 Zklgpl g
"Administrators Bonds" 8 6/26/1959-Current yl? ;
` Please note also that inasmuch as volume 8 in the record series given agi;
` in Sample No. l is the current volume of the series and bears the title ji ,.‘i T
"Administrators Bonds," the title to be given in Item 1 of the HR form g,lA
will be "Administrators· Bonds." Lgjg,
How refer to Sample No. 2 given below, covering a difficult series of égbfl
deed records. Please note that many of the dates are overlapping and that ;fQ;J
the labeling does not follow any logical order; you can consequently see that ’€2;
it is impossible to be guided in all cases by just the labeling, and that it Fnggi
‘ will be necessary for you to use the dates in order to obtain the proper se- `{QQ3
quence of the volumes in such a series. After you have thoroughly studied géijl
Sample No. 2, we believe that you will readily see the necessity of giving Yi{$l}
the title, tho labeling, and the dates for each volume or file box in a .Qjf,l
record series. ;§$7Y
` Refer to volume number 21 in Sample No. 2 and you will note that this ,15%;;
volume, the current volume in the series, bears the title "Deeds". This ?§@·
title would therefore be the title given in Item l of the HR form for this ~;fj
record series. ajigr
to   E
'?' ‘ "  ”`   .-F.  '  N I; .~;_ _ __»_ e¢ .._  ,··>,_ *" ‘  ·,  '  _‘ .   ' *”-l"""’CT7‘;"€`·”'.f" -   SS: T ··    , " ’r'v...-sz-;;s~.;¤—<  : ~: . · -/~ ~     . »·»· — paws:. ~» ... ...    

 i lj ` ‘i s   > -`·  2 e 8   c v     r 
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1 E
Sample No. 2 E
Eitle Labeling Dates 2 V A
"Deed Book" Al Z/1794-1/1797 1 J_ (
"Deed Record" Bl ll/1797-4/1799 Q — p
"Deed Record" Cl Q/1799-1%/1803 l »,~
"Deed Book" D1 7/ll/1805-4/15/1808 g_M."
*·De¤aS** ei s,/12/ieee-5/21/1818 Q —  
"DeeaS** ri 6//24//1817-7/15/1828 2  
"needS" A2 · 2/271820-io/21/1.844   V W {
"Deed Book" B2 12/1 1829-2/ll/1836 1 j ·
"Deed Book" C2 5/7/1856-6/8 1846 1"i l
"Deed Book" D2 6/22/1846-l/Q5 1858 1 t ‘i
“Deeds" E2 2/l1/1856-5/9 1861 ° _ ;
“Deeds" F2 3/20/1861-l/27/1869 ei`}
"Deed Beale is 2/171868-7171889    
“Deed Book" B5 4/8 1887-8 15 1895 Q l‘1_ ed
"Deed Book" cs 5//ll/1892-L5/ll/1899   %
"Deed Book“ D5 4/19/1899-5/16/1910 1 »-.1_1· py
"neeaw es 4/11/1909-2/ze/1918   ‘ 3
"Deed Book" F5 2/17/l9l8-2/13/1924 ily;
"Deed Book" 19 5/li/1924-;/7 1929 bfeig
"Deeds" 2O 5/7 1929-4 25/1935 `;$5
"Deeds" El 9//1.9/l95~1-5/l/1940   · 
If the title of a record is so general, vague, or misleading as to be ;9'Q_
of little value as an indication of its contents, the field worker must add ;,·;
an explanatory title in parentheses directly after the title borne by the Q{?_Y
record. Thus the title “Record Book" might be followed by (Minutes of ’[fQ7
Board of Election Commissioners). lf a record has no title and it is I ?Q; i
necessary to assign one to it, such title should be printed in capital ill;
letters and enclosed in parentheses (Refer to item l of the 12-15 HR form). gl? Q
An abbreviated title is followed by fully spelled out words enclosed in ft? AV": *
parentheses. For example, "Settlements T.J.F." would read "Settlements jQZ}§
T.J.F." (Settlements Trustee of Jury Fund). In all cases field workers Lia g
` must give the exact titles appearing on the volumes, file boxes, or other p$;;‘
containers. The following is a summary of the information given above in fig;}
reference to item 1. Titles: esell
(a) The full title of the current, or latest, volume in the record ;7i;!
series must be given in quotes as the title of the HR form. ,§§Qf{
(b) lf the same series of records contains more than one volume, then i§;;(
the title, labeling, and corresponding year dates of each volume _i#§{j
must be given. pl?§j‘
(o) If a title is vague or misleading, an explanatory title in paren- rflfl
theses must be given immediately after the title borne by the record. QQQM1
*' · *‘ ~ ‘  " - · i ‘  -- .1.   ···   -_ · · 4 al     »., ~  · ·  - ···‘:r ¤··¤* i7 F- ¤‘·—T   i ·.·*c:_~· ,..*7:   ¤—    ,;,.,~y~T .,  ~ 4 - ~,._,...   _ we . .   ,-  V, _ , .,, _ ,,,.   V1  

 ,. · 4 ·   '
  . 2
(d) An assigned title is one given a record when the volume or container 1
j bears no title. The assigned title is always printed in capitals Q
V and enclosed in parentheses. 2 W {
(e) An abbreviated title is followed by fully spelled out words, and E e {
_A enclosed in parentheses. . Q · 5
2. Dates 3  Q ‘ t
“lhe—inc1usive dates covered by the entire record series should be shown. % * <
_ The first and last date should be separated by a "hyphen"; e.g., if the rec- { t {
_ ord started in 1800 and has been maintained to the present without any miss- Q j $
1 ing dates, the dates would read, 2/10/1800-current. If the oldest date V "Q L
found was 2/lg/1800 and the latest date 6/8/1910, it would be written; y", {
2/10/1800-6/8 1910. Missing records cause gaps to appear and should be in- Lal";
dicated by giving the inclusive dates of existing records only, e.g., .i,, Q
2/10/1800-8/2/1246, 5/7/was-es,/s/Jaoi, 7/1,/1912-summa;. These three in-    
clusive dates, separated by commas, explain that the records for 1847-1892 ·,f’p
and 1902-1911 are missing, ' }°fii
lf records are undated and you are unable to determine the dates, state ,ie·. ig?
J "na data" in item 2 and attach a note of explanation. When a record is shown {pi`;
as "current", although the last entry recorded may bear a date one or more ‘?[j
years previous, the exact date of the last entry should be given. Thus, let j~_j
us assume that in a medical register dated 1900-current, the last entry was y;§‘
May 17, 1938, then the dates should read: "l900-current. Last entry Kay 17, _iJ¤·
1938." hhere it is possible, give exact month and day as well as year dates. gf ''`l ,2
V 5. Quantity lj;-Q
—lh€“number of volumes, file boxes, bundles, or other containers should ?f?fT
be shown in this space. lf there are 20 deed books in the series, then item "QIg*¤
3 of the HR form for deeds would read: "2O volumes." Do not combine original QXQQ
documents with the record of those documents, and do not combine file box 3YCg
and volume records on tho same form. Qi: f
4. Labeling ;f§;~§
*ExaEt”information as to the "labeling" of volumes, file boxes, and other Lia §
containers should be given so that it will direct the user to the records for g}, ‘
which he is looking. The containers may be labeled by dates, numbers, letters, JQQQ3
or some other method. For example, if there are six volumes numbered 1, 2, yell]
5, 4, 5, 6, you would show "1-G" in item 4. Should the first three volumes _;?$]
be numbered 1, 2, Z, and the other three be lettered A, B, C, you would show »f7;,§
"l—5, A-C." Should the first four of these volumes be numbered 1-4 and the Aéilla
last two volumes bear no labeling, you would show "1-4, 2 volumes not labeled." @5;-
However, if the two oldest volumes bear no labeling, and the last four are ?§§e2
numbered 1-4, you would show "2 volumes not labeled, l—4". You can readily ,€f§ij
see that the labeling must follow the order of the dates. hhen the numbers Q§§ff
on the documents (case papers, for instance) are indicated on each file box, 2;§§j
the labeling should read as follows; "Numbered by case number as follows; g£g{·
l-50, 51-150, 151-250," and so on. fgf g
    ‘t··   ‘“     "  ` . .'...“ in  .. *‘‘ i ". "  “    -».e  ;  ‘'‘‘  gn-?

 i — 5 — ` _
5. Discontinued and Missing Records
V -····1·•"'-·-——···**·‘•"""" ·*"‘” *"··""""'a" """'T‘.‘-" .
lf a record has been discontinued give the reason, state whether the
information is shown under another record, and give dates for which it is l
missing. defer to Missing Dates under item 2: we used as an example the _» Y
dates 1800-1846, 1895-1901, 1912-current. In this case, you would show in ‘ j
item 5, "l847-1892 and 1902-1911 are missing," and give reason, if possible; I _ I
e.g., "destroyed by courthouse fire," "destroyed by flood," or whatever _p_§
the reason may bc. j.`.:
6. Contents i
‘ The proper description of the contents of the record is one of the most Y
difficult but essential parts of the survey. See that the description is ·¤; Q
full and clear. The description of the record should be taken from the cur- djs 5
rent or latest entries in the series. _. ._,‘ .
” Item 5 of each form.should give three distinct kinds of information as i,z Q
listed below: `i;i7
l. What is the record; (deeds, docket, minutes, reports, cash book, ,»f,
ings). lf the official has drawn a line through any of the headings and has jéffj
substituted other headings, give the exact headings that are in use. If the fg”»}
official does not use all of the headings in making the record, you will show injij
in your description only the headings that are in use. `fiibl
The description should clearly show whether the series consists of the Minfd
original documents, or whether it is only a recording of the original docu- ggéfi
ment. lhe two series are never combined in one form; e.g., deeds found in *§§§JQ
file boxes are original documents, and deed books contain only the recordings ,§§Q{§
of the original documents; therefore, the two cannot be combined on the same ;§€Vf
l2-l5 H.R. form. ;;§§f
ln describing a correspondence file, be careful to indicate the char- ,?%%·
acter of the correspondence, and vhether the file is a general file includ- ’QfQ i
ing all correspondence in the office or a special file including correspon- §§QgW
dence relating only to one or more particular topics. féfij
n J·f·`·J rr, 4
--—- »   . ,. es  .  » ..._ .._.s,.,, - ._   ,_ or _ _,W _ ,   1
t _____ ,“__ _ ;A`   · ·.   _ . .,;.__    J`;  _, -" . .  ·4*‘-. "‘· -’Z T. V`~? . ’T·-  k i;   i ·_ » · —-i w ; »; ···.;**·-  ;r._;·· .· ·   ,` g- · » ~»,, .  $,,,7, ,_ __ M Wlgif/J . 4
1‘**·—-»—······ ·——·-..&..—..».;_____ __, ·___‘__;_ z  __v I __i";A     ; in ,4-;.-i:L ri-—·»*·"=#·,· .· /1

 r_   gr V we _ r r_   '   T 'r v_ _-  A `   - · A   ri  ey _,_» '_
 ··-·-··- ··=—- · ·—··— —»-· ¤ ————·~·¤¤  ——<- ·»—¤·· -—»-·   c
- 5 - i
The description of a series of minutes should include a statement as o
- to the frequency of the meetings of the body (i.e., whether it met daily, T
weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, irregularly, etc.); the nature of the _ J
_ business transacted at such meetings; and whether the minutes include merely ’ J
a summary of the official acts of the body or a record of its full pro- -`_ Q
_ ceedings. The description of files containing reports should show the title · i
of the officer making the report; the officer or agency to whom it is made; "r‘;
whether it is made weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, irregularly, etc.; e·`'_ 1
vmether the file in question contains originals, duplicates, triplicates, 7
· etc.; the subject of the reports; and in addition, a sunmmry of the infor- ., -Q
mation given by each report. . _ di
The vertical lines in the two examples given on page 5 of the manual ffl 5
of procedure are merely to separate the three types of information which are Q_Y E
required and need not bo used in HR forms filled out by the field workers. Qp_ é
Particular attention should be given to the survey of file boxes, file :Qf‘{
· drawers or bundles when they are of miscellaneous content. Where there is gs f`g.-, fi
an extremely varied and miscellaneous set of file boxes, first list each .*»*
file box separately, indicating on your work sheet its title, labeling, and ,2Q {
exact contents. In case you find "also contained" records in the file box Vpj {
which you are surveying, list the title and the inclusive dates for each .#Y1Z
different type of record found in the file box. ff#gi
7. Arrangement gif Q
"Arranged chronologically" means that records are recorded in the vf°Ql
volumes or filed in the file boxes in consecutive order, according to their g§o~;
dates. It is necessary to state "Arranged chronologically by date recorded, {fil.?
or date of bond, or date filed," as the case may be. "Arranged numerically" iE;?’
means that records are recorded in the volumes or filed in the file boxes ’Q; Q
in consecutive order, according to their identification number. It is nec- lfdb,4
essary to state "Arranged numerically by case number, check number, warrant riff`}
number, or receipt number," as the case may be. "Arranged alphabetically" j¥?i'
means placing the key name or subject in alphabetical order; however, the Qfiyf
field worker must examine the record to determine whether the arrangement is egiipy
by the full name or subject, or merely by the first letter of the surname of ‘g{;.}
the principal. Example; "Administrators BondsT"-7Ne will assume that the ‘?§§Q`
records are arranged by the deceased persons' names in the following manner: egg;}
Adams, John Efgppg
Abel, Willie @$gfg
Aaron, Herman tg§{ Q
Amherst, charms    
From this example, you can readily see that the records are arranged merely €E§§"
by the first letter of the surname of the deceased person; therefore, you >§@{}
would state:r"Arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the surname of Q§f$ Q
deceased person." When the arrangement is complicated, as for instance in ;§@C»i
tax assessments, it should be described thus; "Arranged numerically by dis- -$§§§j
trict number and alphabetically thereunder by name of taxpayer;" or in docket Qiggié ·-r__
,5  ‘
·   ¤
  .i—,r. |
·  "      ·~  ·»r‘‘ =     v -·      ‘‘r‘   *e ‘      T     

    G     r .. ‘-   » ”      A   G   i' c p    " ’  
 ..-.i,.,.....,.,¤,.,--,,,,,__,i¤..   H c +‘
  c 3
I - 7 _ ` I-
books: "Arranged chronologically by date of court term and numerically there-
under by docket number." y
—~ It wi.ll be necessary for the field workers to familiarize themselves · ° j
with the records in order to explain their proper arrangement. » _ 1
V The records will be filed in some file boxes in no systematic manner _ `    
of arrangement, and it would be advisable in this case to state "no obvious   V p
arrangcmcnt." " i r  
‘ 8. Indexing _   _  
If the index is part of the volume containing the record, it should be    
y described under item 8 of the HR form covering the record. An individual ‘_   E
index should be treated the same as a self-contained index and described   g
upon the same HR form as the record itself; an individual index is the small ii  
index book that covers one volume only. Refer to your deed records, and you ‘‘.».  
will likely find an individual index book to each deed book. If there is   rc»i ¤
` V not enough space for the full description of the indexing to be given under p,  ¤
_ item 8, a continuation may be shown in item l2, "Other information." The `_li»  
field worker must study the indexing very closely in order to give clearly   l
necessary information. For an example, we will assume that the self-con- __ TZ,}
tained index given below is to a Marriage License and Bond Book, and that ,f`~é’  
the groom's name has been used as the key word.  
Groom's Name Page   `’°°f A  
~ ciii, Chester - Nell Gray 26    
Gillis, J. R. - Betty Johnson 45   T
Gray, J . Philip (col) - Mary Smith 72  
Grilton, Henry Clay - Gladys Jones 88   Q
Goodlot, Archie - Jane Crider 97   {
Green, Willie D. — Vera Madison 108 ’f;§_`i`__Qj
Griffin, Geo. — Mattie Hill 115  
Y From the above you can readily see that the index is not alphabetical by    
the full name, but by the first letter only, so your description in item  
8 should read; "Alphabetical self-contained index, direct by first letter  
` of surname of groom, showing name of bride and page number where recorded."  
` ` The following example is an individual cross index to Commissioners  
Dee ds:   i
(a) Direct index using grantor's name as the key word.  
G1‘0·11l3<>I‘ _t_g Grantee Page    
M<>BI‘&jy’91‘, J. " Collins, Nannie 128  
aq · ..]f(;`l,$ {
nckay, O. C. Black, J. B. 248 ,_;=_;;»,:;r;
I McKay, O. C. " Sparrow, M. 250  
  . i s
  I     i i i   l ··     il     ·t ·     ·f’·      

  _; _ A”_   A £i`*"Q IP P I   ; j  ¤l_   gfx- ,a °‘V        ‘ »   , T     to    
(b) Indirect index using grantee's name as the key word.
Grantee from Grantor Page    
· * J
Brown, Stephen “ Lillard, R. H. 250   I e il
Black, J. B. " McKay_,__O. C. 24% ·_  ‘·A  
Burk, Everett “ McKay, 0. C. 266 ig   2
The following description would describe the cross indexing as given ri Ag“.» .  
e above; "Alphabetical individual cross index: direct by first letter of sur-    
name of grantor, showing name of grantee and page number where recorded;      
and indirect by first letter of surname of grantee, showing name of grantor   _ E
and page number where recorded.“   ..d.e v_ {
Several record series have separate general. index books covering the    
whole record series or several volumes in the series. This is true of the   ·§
I deeds, mortgages, etc. The separate general index constitutes a record   Q
series itself and is described on a separate HR form the same as any other   *1
record series.    
  1 1
The following is a sample copy of separate general index to deeds,  
using the grantor's name as the key word;  
"Grantor General Index To Deeds"  
Grantor Grantee A Book Page Description  
Harden, Catherine Connally, Mary 40 400 Lots, l2, 15,   _G,_  
Barbour, Frances Newman, M. 55 520 25 ft. lst. St.   ;
Barker, Alex M. Coleman, M. 42 2l0 Right of way    
Bangs, A. C. Cary, M. S. 52 505 Quit claim  
Archer, Thos. Sanders, G. N. 57 570 L25 acres  
The description of the sample index given above would be as fellows  
and would be on a separate HR form from the one covering the deed record  
itself: "General index to deeds, alphabetically direct by first letter of  
surname of grantor, showing name of grantee, book and page number where  
recorded; and description of instrument." (This information should be given  
in item G of the H.R. form covering the index record). In item 7 of the  
form prepared for deed indexes, you would show that the records are "ar—  
ranged alphabetically by first letter of surname of grantor." As these  
records are index records and are indexes within themselves, you would  
leave item 8, “indexing", blank. The description of a separate general  
cross index to deeds would be the same as that given for the individual  
cross index but would be written on a separate master form.   ..,G I Q
Since there are many metho ds by which the records may be indexed, much    
study on the field worker's part is necessary. It will be necessary to give  
the manner of indexing as well as all information shown in the index, such  
as book and page numbers, where recorded, etc.  
   . ,»  
' 2%;;,. *17;
M Gr      I. `... T  - .o..    ...       .,,.       G G G G   G ,  
g  nlm l .;—_..;;; -P-H ., .E_ l,;,;,-A—_`_  .¤g  ,_ -,__·,..,_  .     . .,. —. ;g .»- ,    ~   l u } -i p , ) -V £ ' ; ‘ §v A; !'j:§Lff"',·’. ‘ J

  —_, fi   ·· »». ,  T1 in     — { I  A»» A·    ..A       A. _      ‘°         Y ` lp? °  
""" - —»-· I " `- A`   KAIA I I I   I I i f I I H n ( I I   ` ’
- 9 — A  
9. Writing 3 2
I The nature of recording should be shown in item 9. Show whether the 2r°' Q
records are handwritten on plain paper, handwritten on printed forms, hand- rf_,§
A written under printed heads, typed on plain paper, typed on printed forms, u * ;
typed under printed heads, and so on. Each change in the character of ;’"iL
writing should be given, e.g., 1890-1900, handwritten on plain paper; 1901- .·1.>i
1916, handwritten on printed form; l917—current, typed on printed forms. 7*1 {
There may be some records that were handwritten and typed for the same dates, :1 ag
` and in this case you can’t show the dates of the changes; therefore, you _Q _
_ will show in item 9, "handwritten and typed intermittent1y." Spf Q
IO. Size 1ep,g
Show the size and approximate number of pages of volumes, for example, *1EQ i
a volume consists of 200 sheets and both sides of the sheets are used, this j;§Q,;
would mean 400 pages; if only one side of the sheet is used, the number of {ff ’·‘,» {
pages would be 200 the same as the number of sheets. If only a few pages Q}$ f
of a volume are used, show as; "EOO pages (10 used)L Show the approximate QEQQE
number of documents contained in each file box or file drawer. (Refer to digg {
item 10 of the H. R. form for method of describing sizes). yftil
ll. Location by Dates and Quantities igiéii
Show the location of the records in each storage place (Refer to item ?jT# {
ll of the 12-13 HR form). ?§¥Q,}
12. 0the;_1nformation §§@,1
lf the condition of the record is other than "good", so state in this ?%@?Q
item; also show relation to other records, information concerning prior, ;§§jQ4
·` subsequent, or similar records in this item (Refer to item 12 of the 12-15 ~f;F {
HR form). jifff
This space may also be used for the continuation of any other items on ·€ig§;i
the form that require additional space to enter all of the necessary in- igjggg
formation. For example, if there is not enough space in the item 8 in which j§é§;"
to give full details of indexing, you may continue under item 12, with the Iggy;}
full information. This additional information would follow the phrase: §§§§{
"Item 8, Indexing, Centinued;" g§g$»
  '· ·
"Also Contained" gr Supplementary Records Qgpjpi
After you have prepared a form for the deed series, it will be neces- _%§§gE
sary to examine the contents of each volume very closely in order to de- €§§§§’
termine what records, in addition to deeds, are contained in the volumes §§§€.
making up the deed series. A supplementary form must be prepared for each »§§§€§
different type of additional record found in the series. You may probably %§§;gi
find deeds of gift, deeds of release, mortgages, leases, agreements and 2g§§§(
V many other types pf records in the deed volume. Every other record series ggii] ·_`,
must be treated in this same manner. For form identification number of all &§§%fQ
*f·   ~·-.—. · _-."¤_       ·;" ·. ¢_, ‘¤  tg .' ;;~_v.· j · ¤”;.y < ;rgi;.z-;_;.,_;;. ;;»·=;-,,.._;4_;_;,_;;-·-·, `—e, — .»_.-·.;?,7·»__-.__-_ ,,,.7 M;_,_4.,,`}, ,_ _ pr, _  
`   i` "”""""”e·‘· ~- `   ;i`  ``2`     ' ,#

   »_  pp `         F  ‘               V.   to  
    · —- ~ — -»——`   {
- IO -
supplementary forms is the same as that of its master form plus a letter of
s the alphabet to identify the record as being also contained in the deed or `j ?
other series. For example, if the HR form covering deed series is A-1, ;__~ Q
1 deeds of gift would be identified as A—1a; deeds-of release, A-lb; mort- " j
gages, A-lc, and so on. If you find more than 26 additional records in a ` poi
by series, the number of the twenty-sixth