xt73xs5j9x5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9x5r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1959 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 30, 1959 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 30, 1959 1959 1959 2012 true xt73xs5j9x5r section xt73xs5j9x5r is, 309 W
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  K lE N T UC KY
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    W1ll you be one of the proud
1602 Norih
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  *i69 SOO
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hington Sq
s, 971 Hun!
119 Hourl-
,,,..,     Members of the
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Volume XXX November 1959 Number 4
O li

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  1 M Th u · ‘ 1 ii
    oney For e mversity s Money For T e State A QU
l i
I i e
5 l ;::rf
  i   TH]; UNlVliRSl'1`Y ()F liliN'1`U(LliY h:1s prepared ordin:1ry IIICEISLITCS are going to be sutficient. The state
l il lor the next legislature il budget request th:1t. on the has lavished :1 1111gc stadium, il glittering basketball The K
I Q surface at least, is a shocker. For tl1e next two years, palace 2I11(l a lush bluegrass [arm on tl1e ttniversity. But
    school otlicials want $30.329,000 to l`llll the state’s uni- it can’t. lor some reason, find money lor classrooms. .\t Kgixlfigilgyi
    versity. Considering th:1t the last legislative appro- a result there is room lor everything at the lllll\`(jl`$li\‘ arLex§ggi¤‘
1 — . . . , ' i .
f   l)I`l2l[1()II 1()I` llI€ SCl]()()lS [\\'()·y€ilI` l)ll(lg€l `VHS only but l)()()l(S illlkl l)C()l)lC \\`l1(_) S[ll(ly [l1CIll. féggciatigr;
    $l7,036,l00. this latest request is really a request. Al¤m¤¤$·
i . · - Perhaps The Only Wa 1 ‘
I g 'lhe trouble is that the legislature ill](l the 11ext 1 iiembgr O;
l i administration will have :1 hard time refusing this _ rlll l`€lll€(l)' [lll$1 [llc lllll"€l`$l[)' “'¥\¤\$ i\¤[l1<>1`1l)” l0 ifiiliiiuifiklé
j ’E budget without abdicating their responsibility to the MWC ’l’l5·llllll1l)O(l lll l1<111ds. U1 l>€ 1`€U1`€(l by Hllllual -————
I 1 gi iiiiii,€iSiiy_ mid wiihoiii viiiiiiiiiig the Siiiiii 0[ [hc appropriations ol $1,000,000 trom the state. This is one Ogiggefidii
1 -` promises that both gubernatorial c:1ndidates are now “`ilY—*lll(l P€l`ll*lP$ [ll€ <111ly “’*lY~ $l¤<*€ UW state (iillllml 11ge actqf A
I 1 iiiiikiiig ii) Siiiiiiiiri miie Cdiiciiiioii i·iiiiy_ The iiiiivci-sity issue non-reve11t1e bonds without :1 l`€i€l`€ll(llltll—L() meet lll ASs°°l"ll
I i_ iicciis this miiiicyi cvcii, iiemii, iii ii_ tl1e emergency need lor buildings. And unless this Betty Btswt
1 ii ihiiiiiiivi ihc iiiiiciisc is (imc iiiwi -i-hc iiiiimiiiis methodits approved, tl1e university is going to be lorcetl Helen   1~
F 1 ’- · · l · · to consider closin 1‘ some ol` its currently-used (`l'lS%l`()t ll"lg“€l"l°
i. requested tor running the various br:1ncl1es ol the lllll— I _ ij ‘ l¤ ‘ _ ‘ _ 1 _·   llll xm Kuhn
i i   i `_i_i_siiy uic hiciiv wcii iii iiiic wiih i)i.ci,iiiiiS hiiiiiicisi lu11llete 't.· ·* l ·` ·:l · ' 1 . "
 I I E1 But the biggest dollar nicreases 2ll`C asked lor new . , · . l   li gmolilll ‘ll"l’Plll¥ 1llfiiiIi;2"§i
3 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _, _ _   . ot lxentucky. :1 proicct vnal to mdustrial promotion. ii—-i‘i- ii
.2 . ; services and new tonstruttion. l·or the inst t1111e the ._ . . · . . . . lm"? ~
R; jI4 . , . . . . . lllgll\\'2\\’ l)llll(llIl!{. llllllC]`2llS CXl)l()ll2l[l()l\ 2lll(l l()l`(‘§[[`\ KY· tTer
{ i legislaturt- will come to grips with the fiscal side ol the iiciicioimcm ‘ 1 smith D, i
1l   new ll.li. Medical School, which will begin general l ` iii3:§’;;i°sE1`
` l   operation in tl1e tall ol l960. and lor which the budget Much Is State-\Vide (xm;  
    ilfki _*l‘_“'ll"lll’_Ilil§ ll‘l’·/ll’l·llIll)· l_llC lF2·{l$l*}illl`€$ Illllillllllg Like other lunctions ol` tl1e university. this is il state. iililixlligzlzgj
. _   ll? llllll llltlli “l ill ll l**l ll? lllll; ll*ll}I_“l l “‘lll l l ll’llY· rather than a strictly university lunction. ln viewing the wl96l)
ii "l ll'·l‘· l‘l\L_ lll ”"llll llllll ’l°ll Cjll* dlllllllll lllllll university’s budget. we ()l`l.Cll tend to overlook tl1e fact `ililggiiklg
ii   (lC‘l)ZlI`[HlCH[S ·()l ll\Ci S(`ll()()1 llllll ll1C(llC2ll S(`ll(}()l costs that uiuch 0[ [hc iiiii\—€i·siiy’S direct Spending   iii siiiiu lanies I{.  
· “ l llllglll lllillw ll lllllll l"l` ‘l[ll€l` Colleges ll) gel tllc Slll’l’l’l`l wide services 'l`he College ol ·\gl`l(`llllll1`C ·1i1d its experi- Heliiiitloiirfjcl
· , il they need front the MMG. ll the l€glSl¥lllll`€ 81**11*5 illl ment stations not only ll"llll luture farmers but are ‘1 l°“’ Ky`.
I   1ll(, lI|l()IlCy 1lhl\(.(l l()ll[llL ]ll(.(lELdll (.()l§€g(.l diltl [ir.!} (llCilll(,§ vital Service io Present Ones. 'fhc College O[ lidiu-iilioii I lg1_l5y,
I I tiiu.1 ltteattnhntito i 1clrest o i t it st ioo , iit wt limt ttaic Serves ()lll“ teachers; tl1e governmental departments 111 Lexington:
Q   lllllll ll lllel ll·li*l1l"l{ lb $l’lllS ll) Jl *l ll*ll}l·l*ll lll·llll Frankfort are constantly served by tl1e Bureau ol` Busi- ll°il;;§iEii;i)i.
1   on tie rest ol tic university. though tl blessing to the iicss Adiiiiiiismiiioih 1. stephen
. 11 state. i   ·, . » , · - 1 11111. Ky.
1 . t was tlns relationship between university 'lll(l %l'llC tri Rttlph
- . In addition. university otltcials have asked approval th:1t prompted former University President Herinzur “·h?"l“g¥’i`
l i · v it · V ` . i.' . ,... . _ _ _· ii f ‘ ’ l i llfllh 11,
l   .l llC\\ l]](¤lI]h ()l f`lIl¢lIlLlIlg (`ldb5l()()l]l (.0l'lS[ll1(.[l0Il. lt l)()II()\'2lH [() (lC(ilZl,1`€, \()ll (iillll ilZl\'lj il gI`C2l[ $[2llC \\'llll· \iKY· (11111
    ts. an extraordniary proposal. including a $5,:100.000 out :1 great University." Thatls not just :1 slogan, lt's a  
ii direct grant }lIl(l 2lll\ll()I"1l)' to issue bonds to finance other lact. And if the legislature lails to 2lI)l)l`()\'C tl1is budget ll‘iD· Plllll
  ·. .... · , ., ,... .· , · , _ _ _ . . . . . . . ,,1¤11<11·=1ry.
I   tiitital ·(()lihlI`ll([l()ll.i but tht classroom situation at thc request. it will be hurting not inst the university. lt will lblliain H.
. nniversity is becoming so desperate that only extra- be retarding tl1e progress ot` lientucky. L°x"‘““"
L llr. llomer
,   ) I ) A li i I I I \\‘ille, Kei
.i it awe; rs an ec ztorza reprinted rrr full from the Septerrtber 18, 1959, Lotrrsurlle C0ur·zer·-Iournal. ‘l'_3i_,fi;iiil
l i Ashland,
I llri. Hilary
. 1 mgt , K
l xiii   C
  Street, C
I l I ' TH E .K

 TZ h' K t lc Al    
°"’**" The Kentucky Alumnus
. B t
_ ll Published quarterly by the University of
M ·`\$ Kentucky on the campus of the University,  
~CI—Si'\· it Lexington. Subscriptions tornon-members,
V 55,00. Membership (Type A) _1n_the Alumni
Association includes subscription to the
Alumnus. NOVEMBER 1959
member of National Editorial Association, · 
W tn Kentucky Press Association, American
nnun ’““"““ °°““°"· Umvnnslry AFFAIRS ii.,....,..V.i,i.... . V.V,iei............,.,.. g .......iV...Vs4,....,........i. 4
in one Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post
‘ om rt Lexington, Ky., May 1, 1952, under . .
nnnm me iitllohf Aug 24_ 1912_ Edited by the A1nn,,_ BUDGET REQUEST ................,.,..............,...........,.........,.................,............ 5
.   · ‘ * ........................ 8
Q nm Betty Bowen Wiggs   ___.__>· Editor UNIVERSITY STAFF INEWVS .,......... . .... .. .................,.....
l`()1·(-ul Helen G. King i..... . .... Managing Editor
.. llnrsuerlte McLaughlin -.-· Associate Editvr SPORT NEWS .............A , ...................,.,.................................,....,............,........ 10
*"""“ iran Kuhn .................... Sports Editor I
(lClllS.   *
\LUMN1 ASSOCIATION NE\VS ............... . ......._....................................... 11 l
lllClll [
E\ECU“`*° CO MT 1959 , (LENTURY (.1.111: noiyoas .............,....,.,................. . .......,......................., rz
·u_____ 14
Ogiml smfrcéiulg Owegsbmm K?ntR€ky AE AHOUT THE ALUM1\1 ...... . ............... . .................... . ............   , i
. Helen . ing, irector 0 umni airs, i
€gl$l¢1· '22 Sayre Ave., Lexington, Ky. . l
lcd U) B,DA. Shive]y,fTIi&casurelr;, Athletics Departnient, ALUAINI     ........................................ . ......... . ...,__,_,_,_,, _ _,_,_,_,,_   '
University o eutuc·y
) Jlllll ll . H pton C. Adams, Old Keen Place Ver- _ _ l
l   E failleznljike, Lexington (Term expires 1962) 1{1RTH5. `VE.1)1)1NGS. 1)EATHS .................................................... . ......._,. 21 §
¤<>1l1l11· William n. Black, soolgigb iisai. st., Poriooan, ,
  ·· Ky. (Term expires .. ;
llcml $1111111 D· l1g1é°é"*§1b€l11- I1'-- C¤‘]1Z» KY-» (Term CENTURY CLUB PLEDGE CARD . .. ..... . .......................   .. i............ 23 g
expires ,
Richard %65ooper, Somerset, Ky. (Terln ex- ·
. Giiiwmii. Huguelet, ]r., 1469 Lakewood Drive, _ I _ ` , I 1 I V _v [
nun, Lexington (Torrn expires 1962) _ ABOUT THE COVER: \Ve are counting on eac 1 ant ev ery one o you to p
ng nw R·1§n11?""'$°"· Bl°°“‘H°1‘l* KE (T€"“ °“""°“ do your part in the Century Club Fund campaign. Already more than 300 L
` - Walken Medley. P·0- Box 548 OWe¤sl>¤r¤. Kl'· loyal alumni and friends ol` the Universitv have pledged a minimum of E
c lil(`l ·' _ · _ _ ‘ . _
l eww. lilllgfwl. egghlces,  )S. Fifth St. Louisville, $500 €ZlCl`l [0 ll`l€ (·€l1llll`}' (illll) F\lll(l.· AH (Easy llistallnient pay{n€n[ plan ,
i _· Kl'· (Term "x1"“’s {961) ,. has been worked out lor your corrvenlence. Read lnore about it on page ,
ixpCll— Herndon ]. Evans, Lexington Herald, Lexrng- _ _ _ T _ I T
nc ,1 Ttclnl. Ky. d(Tel;m Kexpirei 19612) 1 L _ ll oi this issue of your KEl\TU(.K\ ALUMl\US. ,
· · . . Har wic , 'entuc ian ote , exmg-
mation ton, Ky. (Term expires 1960) l
_ l.Carlls1e ‘viyers, ]r., 1211 Richmond Road,
llts lll Lexingtoul Ky. (Term expires 1960) _
I~ Bun Robert H. Hillenmeyer, glillganrnjeyer bgurseries,
·` Lexington, Ky. (Boar 0 rustees
l-$1¤¤l*s¤ \’v“tkins* 251 E' High st" Lexlng- \iir William Deep 117 Clay Henderson. Ken- ])()u·[]([ I-[guy`- ’55 is the new editor
ton, Ky. (Board of Trustees) _ A ` _ , ’ ’ _ ° _ · ` ` _ _
11 $1111C l1i· llalvli I· A¤s¤1¤¤¤1» 2101 Nl¤l*¤1=·SV1l1<= 1*1, ;,iil"lii{ii.i Gill), rnns Road, Lexington, Ken- <>l il semi-weekly newspaper m Russell-
cfmqn Lexington. (Board of Trustees) mcky_ vin _ L\l_ I I
‘ “"“”·*“ M· Gam M“$°'“° Ed¤·~ O‘1°“Sl""°» xii \Villiam ci. McConnell, 2106 sotitii Main, °» · -1 ’·““i'·
3 will]- Ky. (Immediate Past President) ‘ lQI0pkinSvm€’ KCnt“cky_ _ _ _
he ., )"{g"P1iQ€ Mjlijlylshlfgli Em E·)]1;fQ§§ll S*·» oi. o. B. Murphy, ms wort Cooper inrivt-.     *==
— * €XlI`l’Oll, IC Gill )€\‘, `l(l t _ .· , V'. . r_ V . L ._ . s v
budget ll.lD. Ryallnore, Frankfort, Ky. (Life Member, Mrlj‘e§;$&(§;,’   City Engineers Omccy _]0llll `V. Bllbklff. ,52. IS 0116 ol hre
`|Ul`IOI'{\I' , , i··_ ‘ ` .. . . . , 2 . .'
it win wiiiiiii. ri r.i;i.i.iiri,_riirt National Bank Bldg., ,,,E‘{{3’§,Qi§§‘* i‘§§§‘,{f‘°]i,_ 1925 spring Drive, U· E l’“S"“’“° °"l?°"*‘ “l“’ “" ‘°“‘“‘g
Lex¤ngt0n,1\y. (Life Memlwi. ll¤¤¤m¤‘>’) L,,,,,s,.m€ 5_ Konniolry, _ the Madras, India. area as members y
\·il¥uci]{anies A. Sutherland, Bloomfield, ken- of u Us- .1-Tudc nlission this fall. `
A1°1°01N'1`1VE MEMBERS Mr. \;ir`i§l \V=¤p<»¤, 1726 Beverly Blvd-» #‘·5ll· They will give advice on how Alneri— g
, 3, · ,. ·., . _ t ·y. * . _   _   . ,
llri·ihl£“i€;iiliioE{}l((ir’ 501 South Scwmh Lmm Mlluli. Géllllglls. ]r., Pil<¤·villc, Kentucky. can private enterprise can assist m i
wl llrn Patil G. Bingoi·,_ Ji-.,R1;§0§l Wginclwsler lntlials development progriun. Buskw 7
isiliiiilililii, t?ll}illllgiQi)ll & Clmng Omplmb I t_' Committee meets qemmd Mondav is consultant and iorrirer vice president  
Min;l;ili?rli(g,§tl?;ft)m` 320 Holliday ROME LUX- Exnigllitllsi each month. September through ol the Tennessee Products and Cllemr- l
l", C· ’C- C1mE*~ l‘·· ,,1203 S°““‘ G"’“" “iiZ§i,.(i;Z°.,‘$’s`Q'§ns.i:"r““*`”" H°“S°‘ ““'°“ rnl (xm-ponitioii, Niislii~illo_ ,
lreet, Glasgow, Kentuc y. 0 ' ‘  

i _ T;
l   .,..» . ..., _. ...,,,.,_.,._» ,   . __ .\ $27.809 American Cancer Soyigu
, ·’._   - t , _:\_ ; grant has been made to the Untversitv
1   »il=i    . ~ — t. ~,» jctgsg; ‘ . . . . .
L   ,<¢    ;  g v  eg.> (·<>llcg.:c ol Medicine lor an l8·tnoiii|] In prese
E   _ .   J     git,    .  t stttdv in thc chemotherapv ol cairo-, ihe I960-(
==   ` -   ....` 4     =.:» -   5 . U `   ’ ’ . l ' · “ ·
X       `T. ll     Q and growth rates ol tumors. lines so wi
A     _.-_;:   ::_= x _.  . A   \ Al  \ V lhe grant is one ol 2lI lor a toii.| ~111l€ lllll"l
‘     »     l `E lA_#_` A     ol $4.702%.000 made throughout ih, it ll1l$ lll
         *  if    llnited States by the Society, nl tl11$ lll$
‘     C   l  _ l `-`» ’i  >`S` `“ ly]- H(.m.\. p, ,\`m.m . ¤]. ll11`11lllll\`
; `   —.- .v.      __ Q     the Societv`s lientuckv division. s;iii| llllllllff.
‘  ..;...;   .   ‘ .- -‘ . - ‘ . . ..·
3 \ `A   ·     A   Dr. \i\tlham H. lsntscly. head ol the 1ll·llll?.° lll
- X L5  Q   _ E ·» . , . . . _ l ',
§ K __A.A AA yr-·    .   _:__, lllx (mllege ol Medicines l)epartnu·iii ~lllllll‘lll*
=~ \ ~‘ c`?     ; · ol .\natomy. will be the principal iii. lllll l¤ll ll
I   — —. .   *7  »; vcstigator in the local project. ·t1l yin which announced a $27,809 cancer research ¤rant to the >·°lll llclllll "“llll“ lllllell ll”€(l lll¥llll`l · . I
_ _ ll g A _ _ ¤ I _ r_ _. Y _ k _ _ _ . is tndustt
University, Looking on is UK President Frank Dickey. l_lllllll“ hllllllllls _‘ll ll9“ll llllll lll {Img Ins
A given locations ol the body." . dl
. . . . · . ix ne
ti . ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT .-\ third aim ol the research proiett lll _  
. COVE   Property TO BE SET UP IN 1960 will be to find why the spleen is nut lnzrseg li
. . . ’ . . in ust
. v ‘ ° ' a lrec llClll site ol S)1`€'Lllll°` 1 ca *1. .
~ T Given T0 University l l " ¤ ll ‘"‘“ rmwmg
__ l _ _ A department ol architecture. with a related a
Tflli gllalol llliiliiill lllllll lllc lllllllfll {ive-year curriculum beginning in 1960.   O   · Aware of
· ·· * * z   z i` 2 · -
<·_i_¤¤ l dlllil l lil rg rivets ll‘[ was .—a€..tiy ...rtr.t..—.mi by the um. P€¤S ¤¢¤l1¤¤ tam. to
t· ·~ ` gl ls llllcelllel lll llc llllclbllll O versitv ol lientucky Board ol Trustees. .
_ ~ Kentucky trustees in September. ’ ‘ Center   Fort Knox Qt the`
. ,.   . . L   ‘ ‘ . V .,   nt er sta
1 l lhe gilt lor purchase ol the lil-acre (tcation ol the deputment l(.])l9 ,\n educational center at Fort linux h [
._ _ . _ _ - _ - I , sents expansion ol the existing archr , _ , . lllllf 0
(ante Hill proper l}—lfl(lll(l1Ilg a l5S» . ‘ . . was opened in September by the lin- d d .
. V l _ _, _· _ ‘ , __ _ tectural program at the University, tn . . , ·’ Pell 6 (
year-old 1C§l(l€l'lLC—OIl the Ht1110tlh~ . * . versitv ol lventuckv. . ·
. ( __ ,, . ,· _ ,_,_ _ which students may take courses tn { ' l ‘l`l$llY C0
burg like in Lexington was accepted . .· . Under an agreement between tlii l. .
by the University [l]·()i]i \[r ·i])([ Alyg lllillllllclillllic as Ollllolllll ¥ll`€ll (ll $lllll}` U .v   V T F I, I r\A ¥l·llll5 [0
l W 1 (‘1· it { [ H —i iu. , lll llie civil engineering ttepru·t.iieiii_ _ll"€l”'ll ·‘ll‘_ "ll ‘_ll‘_“· l‘“ · llll"l However.
. _ ,, ..ty on, oA ous on. .·1., A A A A (,enter there is providing all nei<·~- and Hom
owners oi Cave Hill. ·‘\(l¢llll0ll lll 01lC lllll·lll1llJ llllll 0lll` sarv physical equipment and llacillll<‘~» pwached
4 l The (jlayton gilt represented lull llllll‘lllll€ lllglllllcl lll lllli ]llC$@lll It also is rnaintaining and operating hence its
i PUl—(—]mSc Price [Oy ihc l,i·operty_ whieh l€?l<7lll·¥l§ $lllll Wlll l)€ l`€(|llll`€ll· the center`s facilities and [Jl`f>\`l(llllll ii wel] 3
l has been estimated to be worth Some work in the lield has been utilities. Iumies UA
  $185,000, the University said. ollered by the Department ol (livil The r—\rmor (lenter is providing li· mg indu
Clayton, internationally k u o wu lingineerittg since 1927 and the num- brary llacilities and services. |,uSiu€“C`
_ ` financier, author of the Marshall Plan ber ol Kentucky students interested in The UI1l\'€l`$ll§' is ]l€l`illlll§ llll` gi-ariiiaieq
·· and under secretary ol state in the arcltitecture has grown steadily sinte center.einplovingiistiillelli1i>11‘l1ll**l* [`hmigh
Roosevelt and 'l`rtnnan administra- that time, l)ean R. li. Shaver ol the and providing lower division instru<· [ive On {
l tions. bought Cave Hill ht 1952. A College ol Engineering said. During tion leading toward degrees llrotn llli is impor
A lit itddttlotl lf) [l1€ lD-l`()01Il tllltlll lll€ ])2lSL year, lO4 stttclents were regtsr Opeijihg (pil the (enter was I`Ct`Ulll' Algricuhlu
T house there is a six-room guest house tered lor the optional courses in archi- mended by the University l)ivisio11 lll ilnpmmn
1 011 the p1`0p€1`l)'. lC<`l111`€· lixtended Programs. ` romimles

tiversitv . y i
3-month In presenting the budget request for Off Campus Centers most pressing needs will be in the area
i cancer the l960-62 bi€¤¤i¤¤1 ¤h€ University University activities have long cen- Of eluanneu Personnel
l`0leSSi<>nal training. inttreastngly un- Smmg |i;u-ulriys ji, the (-mupciiigw ll- -\(hlll.h)h l<> l¤lyh>l` l`-(lllfillltlll (.urr
i   llflllillll lll lllllllclll $‘l€l€lY· lllllsl lll‘ market for scholars and teachers of llllllfllllg _ New
E   clude liberal education. Under a gov- I-Cui ui,i|u\·_ l2. .\dduion to Lallerty l··lall Toni
l j ll ernment based upon popular decision. U Or The llniversity Board of Trustees it
  `· lll"’*l‘l· llllfllll °‘lll"illl‘lll is "ll*ll llllfl lNr\DEQUA'l`li Sllllllflhrli Ul h5 including in its budget request 1l1t· i\g·i~icultu
l l.  lll? ll‘ll’“ lll Sllfllglllcll llllx "lllllllll"` Stale l¤nl\‘€\`Sh)‘ itnil ¢’<>ll€g€$ Whhih recommendation that tl1e (Leneral .\y (Iurr
E   [Wh- will mean the loss of top quality senibly appropriate a sum of $5,5<>5Slhl€ addition. we are requesting $251),1ttm 3
l la that the (Leneral Assembly would pre- fhillhll of adinissien te <{h¤hh€(l during the first year of the bienniuiii su
  1; fer to have the entire request from l{€hfl¤<`l“llllh illlll ‘l“ll2lll€l“ lice facilities for the University. liacli
;_   velopment, the only way to maintain jlll‘l lllllllf ‘lll’°ll“·_ Y succeeding General ;\SSCllll)l\' would
 lil ill control and balance is to have the 2· lllill [llc llhlllllc lll hcllllllikll hc` be requested to appropriate $l.llllll.llUll I
 T     University consolidate and present the llclll lll *lll(l {llc lllllllllghl lllilkc per year to retire the bonds. thus 1
  l   budget needs for the institution. It is lllc ll°‘*““*ll`l' llllicsllhclll lll °(hl°ll` eliminating the necessity of any one Novel
_   1   (lem. uuu_ the ulxlyuycls Or Kcutucky tion and research to insure the con- lcgisluumg again being culled upuu lu are P
§   must continue to shoulder a major llllhml glllllllll llllfl flcllclfllllllclll lll secure the revenue to build five to ten Uuive
  i portion of the University of Kentucky's lllc (l°llllll°ll“l€*lllll· million dollars worth of buildings liiugh
  % l support. Their contribution from tax Appropriation Requests during a single biennium. C
.  T   I}TZ§`f"£T li;."l..iIIi`I“$;1“ti?§l“E£,.1IiIQZZEi The we ¤‘<> ¤¤‘*·t*m       . " ‘’‘‘.     ‘’‘‘ "li  "}' ’‘’‘   ‘.‘‘‘‘° ll  
  wealth. ti .,..   spent for         li·=· 1···‘   ‘‘‘‘‘ l l""""' ll"? "“?l"‘“”   "’» ‘‘‘’ "l ‘l"
r   wai t·mittu.11v';.t1t1 to iumtttctvs tat;.1 1. 1>iusit»¤ ot emieges ‘"“‘"” l‘°l’l l""° "'l‘l‘.‘l`“ "“"“`“"i
A A   , _ i _ I r _ NIJ I I   ty _ 2. EX)€1_im€m Smmm enrollments and actrvities ofythe lllll·
, l ‘"""“° ""‘ _l’l""‘° ", l"l‘l‘°l _"* . l . _ . ver-sity. 1·t»i·tv·-me per cent ol ourst11—
1   base. More nnportant. it will enrich   kxtension Service dem klusscs ’m_e taught in building` Lewis
 V] ii. the lives ol everyone in the entire   Afedical Uenter _ I muSU_u(_LCd Pl_im_ to uu,]. Some Ul-mu gust was
‘l g Milla D` ("llmill ('omlmlmm best faculty members have no place tn [llc Slam
' it Our Role Is To Move Ahead The last named item, ca