xt73xs5j9x45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9x45/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1917 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 5, no. 08, 1917 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 5, no. 08, 1917 1917 1917 2012 true xt73xs5j9x45 section xt73xs5j9x45 Vol. #$1 May, 1917 NO_ 5  
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 y  Vol;·1rX— May, 1917. Number 5
 A ____4__..L-LL-4-———»{ —  ~——f—— -74 —· —
A  E
 i- I
al  L- l
 < Q
 P_ The Investigating Committee ..........................,............ 3  
VF  Alumni Most Interested ......,.........,.......................,.... 4 1
 ii A Complete job ..................................................... 4 Z
  Alumni Day ......,..........i...........................,............,... 5
 ‘ Sketches of the Origin and Growth of the University of Kentucky. i
tg;  James IC. Patterson ..........................................,...... 5
  General Section ......................................... . ............i...i IO '
  What Some are Doing ..........,.......... . .............................. I2 ·
 .; L ·  
 Q Ul1ivcrSity Section ....il....................... . .......................... I4
  Sflltlent Section ....,.............,....................... A ..........., .. . 19  
  CUSS Secretary Section .,..............i.................................. 24  
 `1 Alumni Club Section ........................................i............. 25  
  Marriages ................,..................,............................ 26  
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  4 ` Alumni Representatives on Board of Trustees  i Enum
l GEoRcE G. BRoc1<, London, Ky.   _,..
g ]oHN E. BROWN, Shelbyville, Ky.  Ԥ. THE S
T Pnrup P. jormsrox, JR., Lexington, Ky.   T*
4 _ J. I. LYLE, New York City.  _ Th K
I ‘ SAMUEL B. XIARKS, Lexlngton, Ky.  r °i _
s` _T. F. BATTATLE, Lexington, Ky.  . s°
» .4  in
l General Association J Tl sg
l . . \9 I
_& ]. M. GRAvEs, President, Pittsburg, Pa.  ,- an
Q ]. H. GARDNER, \7iCC-P1'€S1(`l.€11t, Tulsa, Okla. `  _ I.,
  ]. D. TURNER, Secretary‘—Treas11rer, Lexington, Ky. y ....
l HARRY STAPLES Editor The Alumnus Lexinrton K .
, , . y S i Y _
; Executive Committee  L
l W. E. FREEMAN, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.  ·‘
y · FRANK B:\'l"[`AILE, Lexington, Ky.  °
} '
; Louis E. HILLENMEYER, Lexington, Ky. 4
{ Miss Lucy K. l‘lU'l`CIICR;\l·"l`, Lexington, Ky.  _
{ ‘ \VALLAcE Homxo, Louisville, Ky. The
-   Mks. Cr—rARLEs ]. SMTTL1, Lexington, Ky. 4
T . PRESIDENT AND SECRE'l`.»\RY, cx-offzcio. 3 0 l`
¤ · , work
j~ `   { The
   ‘ the (
g LOST LIST. '   com
3 . * — one ·
y If any one can su pl L the address of an Y of the "Lost" the Secretar* will ¥ .
V 2 _ . _ ) 3 s y  _ O \
,   apprecxate it.  Q-. plan,
Y Z _ J,   Johnson. ‘5!S. Florence YVilkie, ’06. J'. L. Edelen. ‘12.  §’ sion
, g John E. I~Iestzmd,’00. J. G. Allen. *07. \\‘_ A_ $u(mu;h_ *1:;_  ·> ggyyj
  -* T. A. Jones, ’00. J. P. Carmody, *08. J. L_ H;1ll_ *13.  ` Scio,
    U. A. Hntliéld, `O2. I. B. Earle, 'OS. \\'_ E, H0l)s0n, ’13,  
1  L T. F. Finneran, ’03. H. L. Herring, ’0S. H, A.I{0i‘\1l10l`S{. 'I3.  -·l .
: Q Edward Rand, 'O3. B_ D_ Bel], ·0g_ S. Kul_OZa“_a’ ,13v   l)LlSl1
  F.D. Hedgcs.’04. J, *13 Neighimys, *09. W S Penny »l3  5 110 D
T 5 E. B. Stiles, *05. . . ‘ ‘ ’ ‘  .
=. O R - ,0, L' D' “ alm°€* OD' Fred Ferris, '13.  v tllc
, _ 4 . Ixroel, .1. L. E- BrO`\,n' x10, J IVI C 1 { H ’1_ {V  
CMS- R WMM. *05- J. W. R..l,m.O.. iu. · · °‘*'“" *    . °"°
_ ;_ L. L. Paaaison, *05. W_ E_ M0Sby_ .10_ L· B; C“Y"'°°fl·_ 1**  . and
~   E· B- Sm€S· '°E'· s. W. Snlyers ·10. J' “' `TOHESZ I"` .  i nati
I g T_ C_ Mahan, ·0G_ v_ T { l J. R. \\'atkms. 'la.  4 _
» . W _ Dowd \\. Smxth. 11. B N Roth ,1,) E- hke
» J. C. msbet, ·o·,. W_B_PaymE,.,.u_ · ·· · ·· .  I d `
  R· E- D*‘¤S¤<>· '06» J. 11. Tomkaes, ·12.   u°
,     the
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 F  ` <
  Entered as second-class matter September 28, 1916, at the post-office at { `
  Lexington, Kentucky, under the Act of March 3, 1879. _
  The Kentucky Alumnus is the official publication of the Alumni Association. It is *
  issued bi-monthly by the Association under the direction of the Executive Committee
_1  in the interest of the Association and University. It therefore represents the
  sentiment and policy of the Alumni organization. ·
  The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association .
 ,_ and the Associate Editors are the Class Secretaries of the various classes and the l
 f Presidents of the Alumni Clubs.  
 E Eadtltorrtlei  @omrmenSf¤d- the final results of the investigations of the Com.  A] and
  * mittee, and naturally so. They are interested iu   ms,
El ’ making the University for the State of Kentucky what the universities of Mielri.  ”
  { _ - gan, Illinois, \’Visconsin, Iowa and similar universities, are to those states. They _Q
i ` have to meet in business and professional competition with graduates of those  :2
E`: and other worthy institutions and they long to be able to point to Alma Mater  'I
Q. A ; with more pride and admiration. Many of the alumni have long since reachetl  f- tm
  g their maturity and are numbered among the leading citizens not only of Ken-  T, All
lf _; ` tucky, but also of every commonwealth of the country and have boys and girl;  _.
lr i _ of their own going to college. They naturally are touched and look with a long.  I tha
E if ing eye to Alma Mater.  _ Un
Q — . . . .  » tha
s i It is a matter of regret to all alumni that the University does not measure `
  up to standard and that in the past few years it has not shown the material   Tu
  gain in attendance and reputation as it should have. .,,, VU,  __ wi,
l The Alumnus has no way to judge entirely the   am
‘   , A Complete J¤b· trend of evidence sought by or given to the Probe thc
  Committee. \Ne understand that many witnesses  T Orc
1 · _ have been heard and examined along many lines and we naturally assume that . abi
V   _ the evidence is voluminous. \Ne also assume that, from the work being done by   UO
l` the advisory committee composed of Professor McConn, of the University ni  `,_ g rm
l Illinois, and Dr, Cane, of Olivet College, Michigan, to look into and study the  z Og
l University`s organigation, the trend of the work of both committees is princi- . 
l` pally along organization lines. The Alumnus fears, therefore, that the Commit-   ab
E tee may become engrossed,so much in this very important phase of its work, that  
l . it may overlook other points in the investigation which are so vital and essential hi 
l   ` to the future success and standing of the University. Indeed, so important are  
E i these questions that no organization menaced by either of them can prosper and  if
l   do justice to the cause of educating the youth of the State.  
  I E · ; The First of these questions is politics in the University which have been  
  ]Q_ V introduced largely by the Board of Trustees itself. Until the University is rid  
  I Q of politics-—that sort of politics which is so detrimental to efliciency and organ- Z ~_  
    ization, that sort which breeds discontent and contempt within the faculty and   1;
  ‘ 1 student body as well, the University cannot serve its mission as an educational  L; LC
5 [ institution.  $1, 13]
< .‘`, The second is the moral atmosphere of the University. Instead of bein;  Y K
‘¤ ;` lame—lcgged, a weakling along this line, the University should stand out prcenti-   W
f;   nently a character-builder, a suitable and safe place for the students. The pcoplt   tl.
_ `ij of the State are entitled to it and demand that tl1e University be placed on tlw  ° Q,
r`   highest moral plane possible. The Alumnus, as well as the public, believes that  Y, 1,
  the Committee should not by any oversight or mistake, overlook this very im-  { 1,.
  . portant phase of its work. If, out of all the expense, trouble and notoriety W  [ H
    3 —;1  si
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md  . which it has been subjected, the Universityi can find itself, its heart, its soul,
*m·  { and rise to and measure up to its duties and responsibilities as an educational .-
ln if  institution, surely the work of the Committee has been worth while, V
`lll-  L . _____O_1__
2;;   » _ IAITUMNI DAY.
lm  f At the annual alumni meeting in ]une, 1916, at was the sense of those present
hed   that it would be desirableto have a day during commencement set apart as ,
my   Alumni Day so that more time could be allowed for the annual meeting,
mi   On account of the situation due to the war and also on account of the fact
ug   that an extensive alumni reunion was held in October on the occasion of the
  University’s Golden ]ubilee, it was felt by those who have discussed the matter  
  that no very extensive reunion should be planned.  
W  if A committee composed of E. B. \Nebb, '1o, Mrs. C. ]. Smith, ’95, and ]. D. E
ml   Turner, ’98, has been appointed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee l
v_  with full power to make all arrangements for Alumni Day.  
  At present it seems that Vlfednesday, ]une 6th, will be the day set for the i
tht   annual meeting. There will likely be a business session from ten to twelve in [
Om  fn the morning, with a luncheon served on the campus at 12:30 o’clock. At 2:30 l
**5  _* o’clock an afternoon business session will be called. It is felt that a very enjoy—  
lm .  able day can be spent in this way and that much more real constructive legisla- {
bt   tion can be discussed and acted upon. It is further thought that a mid-day  
Of  _ _ luncheon will be much more largely attended and will, therefore, be an occasion ~  
thc  J of more pleasure than an evening banquet would be under existing conditions. {
'lfk   Let all who can, come, and let them notify some member of the committee
TW  [ir above mentioned, as soon as they decide to come. .
itat   I
ltial "  O
  BY jnmas K. Pixrrnnsox, Pmasinnxr Emznirus. »
mu   i CHAPTER VI. V
rid Q`  . \\'hen the Agricultural and Mechanical College was detached from its con- *
mv   nection with the Kentucky University, it might be said to have had neither a  
zmd   `ilocal habitation" nor a “nauie." The citizens of Lexington were extremely _
mal —:  anxious to ret_ain it because of the large amount of money which they had sub-  
  Scribed for the purchase of the Ashland and \’\foodland estates, in order to com-  
_  <§_' ply with the conditions prescribed by the General Assembly for annexiug it to l
Em?  1 Kentucky University as one of its colleges. It was known that Bowling Green  
nm- -  would be a formidable competitor for its future location. V\farren County, before i
   V the adjournment of the last General Assembly, had procured the passage of an  
Um   Mit allowing \Narren County and the city of Bowling Green to subscribe one  
_ ‘  . hundred thousand dollars for educational purposes. It was well known to Lex- *
lm.   iil§t0¤ and Fayette County that the purpose of this enabling act was to make  
" to .  i H bid for the agricultural college, Lexington, therefore, was not surprised when  
 * she learned that Bowling Green had oltered thirty thousand dollars in cash and  
  l i
i - t
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E   a union with Ogden College, which had been established some years before in  
    Bowling Green and which had been operating under a fairly good working en-   the
l   dowment. The City of Lexington then offered to the state the old fair grounds,   the
  i (the present site of the University of Kentucky.) I knew that Lexington and in  imo
  Fayette County must do something more than this. I accordingly went before   hisli
; — the city council and stated to them what Bowling Green had done and dwelt at  f and
  some length upon the advantages which would accrue to Lexington and Fayette ·'  wot
l — ` County from the retention of the Agricultural College here. The city council,   The
~g_ before adjournment, agreed to supplement the offer of the fair grounds to the   {rig
l . state by thirty thousand dollars in city six per cent. bonds, running for a period  4c_ ‘ _ On,
  L of thirty years. I made a similar appeal to the fiscal court, which promptly   to (
  agreed to vote twenty thousand dollars in Fayette County bonds for the same  ?;_ jub;
  purpose. When the legislative committee, which had been appointed to deter-  "_. QOH
  mine the future location of the college, met in Louisville in ]uly, 1879, the   md
  friends of Bowling Green were present in strong force. After a session lasting _ ( .
  over two days, the committee decided by a majority of one vote toy recommend · stm
  to the legislature that Lexington be selected as the future site of the college.  Ei · gi
. , When the legislature of 1879-80 convened and the report of the committee   , ml
  l had been presented, considerable opposition was encountered from the friends  i. hl
i of the old Kentucky University with which it had been formerly connected.   cm.
l_ They argued that two institutions of learning in the same county would be one 5 Col
‘   too many, that Kentucky University already had the field and was entitled to  , Da
{ precedence over any other institution that might be established here, and Q` 
l A especially over the agricultural college which, under the care and maintenance of  2 gl
  the state, would develop into a formidable rival, and that inasmuch as the Ken·  V C
l tucky University, the legitimate successor of old Transylvania, was able to do   am
  _ work in science, literature and art equal to that done by the best institutions of   . me
i , ‘ Kentucky, to bring and to establish a rival here would be an unfriendly act. The l FO
  »   report of the committee, however, was adopted by a considerable majority and €y  ter
  ·` the future site of the institution determined by its establishment in the City of  ,
  i Lexington.  F im
i , l The question of future endowment then came up. The income of the Agri-  g  
Q   V cultural College derived from the annual interest on the bonds which had been  Z_i H;
l pj purchased with the funds which accrued from the sale of the land scrip through °,  . Of
Q ,? the congressional act of 1862 was $9,900. The state had already established a {  bb
Q L precedent of allowing each county in the Commonwealth to send three properly _  WQ
l E; prepared students, elected by the fiscal court, to the Agricultural College free of  ]. :1;
‘ tuition and matriculation fees. The income from the matriculation of students   to
_; _; was, therefore, likely to be, for years to come, practically a negligible amount.  L" ri
  Various plans were suggested for the endowment of the college. The proposition  L» m
t I to make an animal appropriation beginning with ten thousand dollars a year  _· . R
`_ ,, found much favor. An alternative proposition, however, to give the college .{  le
_   the proceeds of a tax of one-half of one cent on each one hundred dollars worth H,
l   of taxable property commended itself to a majority of the legislature and was,  it W
`   after much discussion, adopted. This tax, it was computed, would yield during   N
j: ,  /
It 4 r , lr
Y" .;.,.

  the first year an income of $I7,§OO, which added to the income received from _
  the interest of the land serip bonds would make an aggregate of over $27,000, an 4
  income larger than the aggregate of all the incomes of all the institutions of V
  higher learning together in Kentucky at that time. Moreover, it was expected,
  and the result justified the expectation, that the income from the half—cent tax ‘
  would increase year by year as the wealth of the Commonwealth increased.
  The principal opposition to the half—cent tax came from the adherents and
  friends of the old Kentucky University. It was hoped, however, as time passed I
  on, that the angry feelings excited and the jealousies which had begun already 1
  to develop, would subside. This, however, was not to be. Quoting from the {
  jubilee address which I made on the 14th of October, IQI6, "the denominational _  
  colleges formed the nucleus of an opposition which grew rather than diminished I
  and the members of the late General Assembly which had voted against the tax l
  stimulated, upon their return home, the hostility to the college, and the pulpits  
  of the Presbyterian, the Baptist, the Christian and the Methodist rang with the  
  ‘iniquity’ and the ‘injustice’ of the tax and made it an issue in the next election.  
  V It was quite apparent that when the next General Assembly should convene, the  
  existence of the tax would be imperiled, with the odds strongly against the  
 ijl college."  
  In the autumn of ISSI, the synod of the Presbyterian church, which met at Y
 g- Danville, adopted a resolution condemning the tax levied for the benefit of the  
  college and expressing their determination to oppose it, in co—operation with r
  Kentucky University, Georgetown College, VVesleyan University, Bethel College
  and Central University, when the next legislature met, and to endeavor by all L
 ’ means possible to procure its repeal. ‘
 ali “I happened to be in Louisville on the eighteenth of November, _I88I.
  Former business relations with the Courier-]ournal had suggested that Mr. \Vat— I
  terson be invited to make the address of dedication of the college building, then i
  under process of erection. VVhile in the Courier-]ournal ollice that night, wait-
  ing for an interview, the managing editor brought me a copy of an article g
  signed by the representatives of the aggrieved colleges, which would appear in V
  the issue of the following morning. This manifesto was addressed to the people l
yi  of Kentucky, but was especially intended for the members of the General Assem- Q
Q   bly which would convene in Frankfort on the 28th of November. The paper  
,   was aclroitly and ably drawn, embodying much that was germane to education  
Q   Y as then existing in Kentucky. Its appearance was so timed that it was expected l
y   to reach the members elect of the General Assembly at their homes, before ar-  
{  J fiving in Frankfort. The brief interval intervening between that date and the  
_  _; meeting of the General Assembly, it was thought would scarcely leave time for l
Q   ` ii F€I>l}', and thus public opinion would in great measure be formed before the  
Q   lcgislature convened, \Nith this conviction, I determined to remain in Louisville  
_  Lj Hnother day and answer it before my return. The manifesto of the colleges ap- l
;   neared in the issue of the igtli, and my reply on the morning of the 2oth of  
`   N0Vcmber, and the same post which carried the attack, carried, in most cases,  
 if l
.‘ l
` (

l, *1 .  ;
  the defense. The assailants were happily placed on the defensive and kept there T gdk
  ll "By individual letters, addressed to the Senators before the 18th of Novem-  Y;
      , ber, I had anticipated most of the vital points in the manifesto and had done  ' nl?
  i I much to explain and conciliate. I argued that while the denominational colleges   Sufi
  ‘ had done a great and indispensable work in laying the foundation of the clas-  i be (
  "   sical and liberal education which the Commonwealth required, the time had come  ` talc
  ~ f for a new departure in education, for the endowment of which Congress, under  2; mm
  I —   the act of July 2, 1862, had made provision; that Kentucky’s allotment of land  ` l“d
  l 5 l had been practically wasted; that it devolved upon the state, having accepted the j Cm
‘ if   trust, to make good the deficiency caused by mismanagement, and that the Agri- f UW
l¤ if   I cultural and Mechanical College had neither the disposition nor the intention to 3 anC
  -   interfere with the work of the existing colleges; that the new institution, to the  if tun
    maintenance of which the state was committed, should make provision not only *» Ap
  i for the classical education which Congress contemplated, but fon;th,ose scientific { Of
`l ” »2 subjects which lie at the foundation of modern agriculture and industrial devel-  V tu,
  I j ’ opment, and that provision for the endowment of research followed as a neces- r. pr;
lg ` sary consequence; museums, laboratories and mechanical appliances unknown . CO,
  · f to the collegiate work of the existing colleges were indispensable, and that  e leg
1 whereas the former had thought in hundreds of dollars, the latter must now  . ,.2;
_ — ` think in thousands and tens of thousands. Endowment by private benefaction  ` ar,
,   might sufhce for the colleges of the olden time, but endowment by the state was Y`  3,,
l` » an absolute necessity for the college and university of the modern type. 'When  _ wi
  · ~ the legislature assembled, the outlook was gloomy in the extreme. Blanton,  iv Op
· . Dudley, Beatty, Miller and Wagner were there representing their respective col-  , to
  ‘ leges. Dozens of letters for the members came in by every mail, protesting  
  against the ‘iniquity’ and the continuance of the tax. To add to our embarrass-  { m,
l ‘ , ment, we had been misled by our architects. The buildings were only half com- _ 0{
l   pleted and the money was all expended. It became apparent that unless we   d,
    ’ could borrow to complete the half-erected buildings, we must suspend operations.  I
  Q ; Q Moreover, if our embarrassments should become known, the General Assembly  J 2,,
  Q   · ` 2 would naturally hesitate to provide money for an institution which did not know  »,_ lp
,l li ,%_ i· how to spend judiciously. The banks refused to lend except on personal  _ O;
{lf;} — security, inasmuch as the college having only a contingent interest in the prop-  l g
i   j erty given by the city had nothing to mortgage. In this emergency, I hypothe-  C tr
l ‘l cated with the Northern Bank my own collaterals, borrowed the money and   H
ll   , placed it in the hands of the Executive Committee to carry on the work on the   ‘r
[   ` buildings and took the notes of the university for repayment, well knowing   0
{ if . that if the half-cent tax was repealed, I should lose all, Indeed, the Senator ’ cl
l   . from Fayette, said to me, ‘You have done a very foolish thing. The legislature iii t
:2   is likely to repeal the tax and in that event, you will lose all.’ Dr. Ormond r s
,f   i Beatty, president of Centre College, presented before a crowded audience of ni l
    i senators and representatives, the argument for the repeal of the tax. He charac-  i r
  , terized it as ‘unwise, unjust, excessive, oppressive.’ VVhen his argument was   1
l;   ° completed, the belief was strong that the tax was doomed. It fell to me to make  I <
  `l the argument for the college, which I did a few days later. VVhen the audience  I ·
5 lit i  ’
lj IY §  I
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‘ ;i 3 i    i
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. * · 5 `

 ’ adjourned, sentiment had visibly changed and the tide had evidently begun to `-
  run in favor of the tax. The assailants then discovered that the tax was uncon-
  stitutional, and without further delay made a direct onslaught upon it, first i
 K before the General Assembly, and later before the courts. The ablest legal
 I talent in Kentucky, ex-Chief ]ustice Lindsay, Alex. P. Humphrey, Colonel Ben- ‘ ·
 . nett H. Young and ]ames Trabue, was employed. After the conclusion of
  judge Lindsay’s argument, the case of the college seemed hopeless. john G.
 . Carlisle had been asked by the chairman of the Executive Committee, to defend
  the constitutionality of the tax. He examined Article XI of the old constitution
L  and promptly declined, saying, ‘you have no case.’ In this emergency, an oppor-  
  tune suggestion from james P. Metcalf, a former reporter of the Court of l
 _` Appeals, viz; that I should look into the debates which preceded the adoption l
 _- of the constitution of 1849, induced me to try what a layman might do. I ven- l
 Q: tured to prepare and to deliver before a full house a reply and much to my sur- ;
 _i prise won on every point along the whole line. The discomfiture of client and  
 _Q counsel was complete. The tax was saved. But after the adjournment of the  
 ; legislature, a suit was brought in the Chancellor’s Court in Louisville, to test the  
 _ validity of the law. The Chancellor’s Court allowed me to tile as a brief, the {
2 argument which I had made before the legislature in reply to ]udge Lindsay,  
ii and on that brief the college won. The contestants appealed. I tiled my brief ·  
 " with the Appellate Court also, and some years later, judge Holt, writing an i
"  opinion affirmed the constitutionality of the act. The judge was kind enough
  to say that he based his opinion on the lines of the brief which I had submitted. —
 { "When our buildings were completed, we had a debt of $37,000, but by the I
  most rigid economy, every dollar was paid within three years and no one outside _
 _j. of the Board of Trustees knew anything of our embarrassment until after the
 ‘ · debt was paid. .
  "I had counted upon the active opposition of the denominational colleges Q
  and of a large number of their co-religionists in the General Assembly, but I  
  had not anticipated and was not prepared for the active and energetic and bitter  
 ` opposition which the tax encountered from the agriculturists and from the l
 ·c grange organizations which represented them. They did not want an institution  
  which might grow into a university. They wanted an agricultural college pure  
  and simple, with blacksmith and carpenter shops attached. They wanted no Q I
 I ‘mechanical arts' which might develop into technical schools, no scientific studies  
  other than the most meagre outlines of agricultural botany and other subjects §
  directly related to farming. For the maintenance of an agricultural college,  
  the agrieulturists thought that the annual income from the congressional land  
 »_' Script fund was sufficient. More would only seduce the management of the col-  
 R lege to establish courses of study for liberal education, and for this the denomi- é
j'  national colleges already existing could supply all that the state required. This l
 I unreasoning, obstinate hostility was even more dillicult to overcome than the l
  0DDOSition of the colleges. Clardy and Green and Bird and Logan and Hanna  
 g were not men to be readily convinced by argument nor won over by diplomatic l
 l l ;
? l .
c E

 i I  5; ~ ” 
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if Z .
  32 Q
I if  ~
    tact. A propaganda of more than twenty years was required for an acquiescent Q  P
    support of state aid for scientific agriculture. The fruits of this missionary   2,
  work you witness today. Where formerly they bitterly opposed the appropria- -
Ie tion of hundreds, they now readily vote thousands, for instruction in agricul~  
  ~ ture, and where, with difficulty, we could get a dozen or a score of students  I
1 g in agriculture, the college of agriculture now vies with all the others in the  [
  A   number of its matriculates.  i 3
  :1 i I "Dozens and scores of the leaders lived to repent the part which they had  ‘ t
    { _ taken and t