xt73xs5j9v7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9v7t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1908-06-dec8. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-06-dec8. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-06-dec8. 1908 1908-06-dec8. 2011 true xt73xs5j9v7t section xt73xs5j9v7t 


     Meeting of Board of Trustees of State University of Ken-
tucky, held at the President's Room, Gymnasium Building,
College Grounds, Lexington, Ky., on Tuesday 8",l90, being
the regular December meeting of the Board.

     Hon. Augustus E. Willson, Governor of Kentucky, in the

     The roll-call showzed the following:
     Present: Hon. Augustus E. Willson, James K. Patterson,
Supt. John G. Crabbe, Basil MI. Brooks, Charles B. Nicholas,
Judge R. L. Stout, Judge Henry S. Barker, Tibbis Carpenter,
Claed B. Terrell, Cassius X,. Clay., Hywell Davies and R. C.
Stoll.    12

     Absent:- M1Iessrs. David F. Frazee, Frank A. Hopkins,
Denny P. Smith, L. L. Walker and Richard N. wathew    5

     Tlere being a quorum present business was proceeded with.

     Upon motion of President Patterson, duly seconded and
carried Cassius 14. Clay was selected as Ternporary Chairman,
to act in the absence of Governor Willson.

     Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly seconded and carried the
standing committees, appointed last June meeting, were con-

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the reading
of the minutes of last meeting of the Board of Trustees was
passed, and said minutes were referred to Committee on
Minutes of Executive Committee.



     At this noint the Secretary read the minutes of the
Executive Committee since the last meeting of the Board,
and after discussion they were passed.

     At this point President Patterson read his report which
is as follows:

Board of Trustees
     State University of Kentucky
            Lexington, Ky.
     The University opened with a good matriculation. The    PI
action of the last General Assembly in cutting off the Nor-
mal Department reduced the numbers materially below what
would otherwivse have been the enrollment. Notwithstanding
the increased allotment given by the measure which changed
the name of the institution from College to Univergity, to
the counties of free tuition and traveling expenses, the
matriculation in the University classes fall below that of
the preceding year.  There was, however, an increase of 44
ner cent in the Academy. This was due in some mneasure to t1e
raising ofthe standard of admission for the University and
the consequent, lengthening of the course of study in the
Academy from two to three years.

     The relative numbers in the University classes for 1907-8
and l908-9 thus far are as follows:

                                 1907-9       l90g-9
           Post-graduate           29          12
           Scientific              37          4g
           Classical               7g          75
           Oivil Engine.ering      93          85
           Mechanical Eng.        l17         169
           Mining Engineering      18          20
           Education               192
           Special Students         4            9
           Agriculture             13           19
           2 year Agric.           13          19
           2 year mining                         2
           Rural Engineering                   11
           Law                                 16
           Academy                115          165


MINUTES OF T'SM BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.8,1908 Page 4(cont'd)

             Seniors    87        73
             Juniors    86        97
           Sophomore   .33        99
             Freshmen  lL2       156                        P.5
     Total enrollment to January 1st 1908    665
     Total enrollment to December 1st 1908   685

     It is more than probable that the standards for admission
to State University classes adopted by the Association of State
Universities of which the State University is a member, during
their late session in Washington, will require one more year
in the Academy with a corresponding addition to the instructural
staff of the Academy.  First class universities are insisting
strongly upon more advanced preparation for University classes
and the total ell4..nation of all condition for entrance upon
Freshman work. Moreover, they adopt two years of University
work, viz., the Freshman and Sonhomore years, as the minimum
requirement for Law and Engineering. We must meet these re-
auirements or be content to be eliminated from, the rank of a
first-class University with all the discredit and disability
which this implies.  The standards adopted by the Universities
and by the Carnegie Foundati on for the advancement of Teachers
insist upon high grades for admission and honest work in Univer-
sity classes.

    The disappearance of W. E. Smith on the 22nd of September,
scardely two vreeks after the University opened its fall term,
was a source of great perplexity and distress to the University.
Every effort to trace him proved futile. It was clearly
established by the investigations of the Faculty and the Grand
Jury of Fayette Oounty that he was not seen on the University
grounds nor in their neighborhood after leaving his boarding
house on the Versailles turnpike. Various rumors, some of them
most improbable and most atrocious, were invented and circulated
by correspondents of the newsoa-pers and published by many of    P.6
the newspapers. It was not obscurely hinted that the students
of the University had murdered him, and that the Faculty were
more interested in shielding the students than in discovering
Smith, dead or alive.  M,1uch sinister noterie6y was given the
institution on account of nis disappearance   and by the mis-
chievous ruanors t0o whlich nis disappearance gave rise.  Liberal
rewards were offered for hiis discovery but without avail.



Local detectives and detectives from outside the Commonwealth
were employed, but no clew had yet been found and no trace of
him, so far as we know, exists. It is gratifying to know,
however, that the Grand Jury exonerated the University authori-
ties from all res-ponsibility for his disanlzearance.

     Much injury has, however, been done to the reputation of
the University by irresponsible and disaffected persons who
eagerly seized the opportunity to disparage and calumniate the

     Scarcely one week after the disappearance of W. E. Smith,
the faculty and students of the institution were surprised and
grieved to learn the death of Prof. John H. Neville. It is
scarcely possible to estimate the loss which the institution
sustained thereby. A man of eminent ability, rich and ripe
scholarship, thoroughly imbued with the spirit of classical
culture and inspired by the genuine enthusiasm for the instruc-
tion of youths, he was not only a great scholar, but a great
teacher. I have never known personally a man whose knowledge
of the classics was more intimate than his. In addition to his
classical scholarship, he was well versed in French and German. P.7
Although possessed of a great mastery of English, he wrote and
piublished little.  This was probably due to his extreme fastidious-
ness of style, in which he mlight well be called a purist. His range
of knowledge embraced a wride field of English literaturel:of the
best and noblest type. He was quite familiar writh the great
masters of English prose, who illuminated the reign of Eliza-
beth, the reign of Anne and the reign of Victoria, three epochs,
singularly enough, identified with the reigns of female
sovereigns whon made Britain illustrious in arts, in science and
in arms.  Insp-ired by a genuine and lofty patriotism, he loved
his country and he loved the men who m.ade it great. His patriotism
was large, too large to be confined. within the bounds of party
or -,artisan limitations and though he held strong views upon past
and current political principles, he was always courteous in
their expression, liberal in their application and readily ac-
corded to those who differed with him the right of every American
citizen to think and act for himself. His influence upon his
associate members of the faculty and upon the student body was
great and always m-ade for the best interest of the institution.
Admired and resnected by all, he leaves behind him the memory
of a great, a good and just man, a memory blessed evermore.

     Af ter his death, I made provisional arrangements for carry.-
ing on his classes. These arrangemnents I reported to the txecu-
tive Committee at their first meeting, and in as much as they
involve no expense whatever to the institution and were deemed
both efficient and economic, the Committee recommended their



continuance until the meeting of the Board of Trustees. It re-
mains with you, gentlemen, to determine whether this provisional
arrangement shall continue until the close of the present Univer-
sity year, or whether sor.qe competent person shall be employed
to carry on the work until the next meeting of the Board of
Trustees, when without doubt the Committee on Vacancies will be
prepared to recommend the employment of a suitable person to do
the subordinate work of the Department. In this, you will ob-
serve that I assume that Pmlfessor Neville's First Assistant
Prof. T. T. Jones, who for years has had virtually the conduct
and management of the Department of Classical instruction who
has organized its classes ants supervised their work, and who is,
moreover, in my estimation, the best classical scholar of his
age in Kentucky, will naturally be in the line of succession for
the leadership of the Department. Prof. Jones is a graduate of
our own institution, and has taught in it for years and. is, more-
over, a Master of Arts of Havard University.  No man stands higher
in the estimation of the faculty and students than he, and him I
shall recommend to the Comnittee on Vacancies as the Natural and
legitimate successor to his lamented chief.

     While in New York, I haad a conference with Dr. Prichett, the
President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching.  The munificient provision made by Mr. Carnegie for
retiring allowances to superannuated professors is not, he ex-
plained to be construed. as a clearity, but as a well earned and P.9
merited right.  It is in the nature of an endowment to the in-
stitut;ions which become eligible as beneficiaries of the Founda-
tion- The Foundation, however, retains the power to determine
the amount of the retiring allowance and the condition under
which it is -made. The beneficiary-then receives it as a right
and not as a gift. A faithful professor can thus enjoy, while
yet on the educational staff of his institution, the salary
earned, with the conviction that a liberal proportion of his
salary will be continued after his retirement, with provision
for his widow, should she survive him.

     The College or University to be eligible to membership must

     1st conform to the standard of admission required for Ool-
lege and University classes, viz,, a certain number of units.

     2nd The standard of graduation must come up to the required

     3rd There must be-a total and complete elimination of dlap-
trap and pretense, i*e., the work done must be honest, thorough
and effective. There must be no publication on taper which is
not realized in the class rooms and laboratories.



     All this, it is manifest, must make for good in stimulating.
a desire for high standards and honest work. Hence the title
"The Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching".

     To this end, it wished good High Schools established as
feeders and until this be accomplished, first class academies
or preoaratory departments, in connection with the Universities,
to provide the necessary units for admission into College and
University classes. This will I think, require another year to P.10
be added to our Academy.

     1st I order to get on the "Foundation for the Advancement
of Teachers," application must be made by the Board of Trustees
to the Chairman of the Carnegie Foundation.

     2nd  This application must be endorsed by the Governor of

     3rd It must also receive the endorsement of the General
Assembly in a joint resolution passed by that body.

     Major General Jarmes Franklin Bell, Chief of Staff of the
U. S. Army, addressed the Association of American Agricultural
Colleges and Experimental Stations on the 20th of November,
during their meeting in Washington. His subject was the relation
of Military instruction in the land grant colleges to the Mili-
tary strength of the nation. He holds very strongly to the
opinion that military instruction is equally obligatory with in-
struction in those branches of learning related to Agriculture
and the Mechanic Arts, by Section 4 of the Act of Congress ap-
proved in 1862, that the War Department was ill-advised in yield-
ing to the importunity of the Colleges the present minimum re-
quired and that it is impossible to impart any military instruc-
tion of value within the allotted time, viz., three days a week
for two years in the college or-University. The several States
in the Union must look to the State Colleges and Universities for
trainedo men able to provide organization, instruction and disci-
pline for their respective bodies of militia, and this can be
done only through the military instruction provided for in the
Land Grant Colleges under the Act of l162.

     respectfully com-xex&he whole subject of military training
to this Board. We must take the necessary step to make it attrac-
tive, thorough and effective, for the purpose for which it was



designed. This I am satisfied we can by wise legiblation ac-
complish without the intervention of the General Assembly. It
would be a grave reflection upon the conduct of the affairs
of the University that the Legislature should by a mandate
require us to do what the organic Law of the Congress of the
United States makes it our duty to do.

     It will be within the recollection of the members of the
Board that I dwelt at some length in the report which I had
the honor to submit in June of the present year and upon the
unsatisfactory condition of the finances of the institution.
I showed that the budget, if adopted as submitted, would in-
volve an expenditure considerably beyond the visible income
of the institution, leaving a deficit at the close of the
fiscal year 1908-9. On the basis of this I made a plea for
economic expenditure and deprecated the assumption of any ad-
ditional burdens. I argued thatVthe time was not opportune
for the establishment of any professional courses of study,
such as Law and Medicine, and that sound policy and sound
finance both alike, required that we should strengthen the
existing denartments of the University before making pro-
visions for the establishment of adventitious annexes which
are not now in these modern days essential elements of Univer-
sity life. I argued furthermore, that no additional burdens
should be undertaken, unless their absolute necessity was made
quite apparent.                                                 P.12

     It was not then anticipated that any constitutional Ques-
tion would arise likely to interfere with the income due from
the State and tying up for a time the appropriations made by
the General Assembly for the support and maintenance of the Uni-
versity. Before the session opened, it became auite apparent
that the Auditor would pay over no funde, either those for
general income or special appropriations for buildings, until
the question of constitutionality which is raised has'been passed
upon by the Appellate Court. The Constitutional question was
armued in the Franklin Circuit Court and a decision favorable
to the University rendered. The case has been argued and sub-
mitted in the court of Appeals and we are now anxiously awaiting
their decision. Should the favorable decision, which we antici-
pate be made, while assuring ultimate relief, it will avail
little to provide the relief needed Just at present. We have a
building under contract and in process of construction, which
when finished will cost us, besides the equipment, fully $50,000.00
This building was undertaken in good faith, before there was
any question involving the constitutionality of the appropriation.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TNRUSTEES,Dec.8,1908 Page 12(contmd)

We are moreover paying interest upon an indebtedness of about
$100,000, incurred for the erection of buildings more that a
year ago. It is now gravely hinted through the public press
that in the event that a favorable decision be rendered by
Court of Apoeals, involving the expenditure within two years
of about $60o,0o0 Or $650o,ooo., that the treasury will be en-
tirely unequal go meet these demands and that either the ap-    P.13
propriations due must remain unpaid until after the meeting
of the next General Assembly, or there must be a called session
of the Legislature to provide additional revenue. All this
means for the University inevitable delay and embarrassment.

     The unsatisfactory relations existing between the admini-
strative departmenIts of the University, growing out of the
ill-defined character of the initiative and authority of the
President of the institution, the Comptroller and the Business
Agent, require the careful consideration of the Board.

     I respectfully suggest that you consider

     (1) Whether the office of Comptroller, created by the
Board at its late session be not a superfluous one, involving
expenditure with no adequate return, and

     2, Whethers- if continued, it should not be entirely
separated and disjoined from a professorship in the University.

     It is scarcely open to doubt that the duties of the Dean
of any course of study are wholly incongruous with those of the
officer of Comptroller. They are wholly distinct and involve
no necessary relationship, but in the discharge of the duties
of Comptroller, opportunities for the exercise of an influence
wholly incompatiable with his obligations as a member of the
faculty are afforded and the temptation is too strong to resist
using the;. I may add that the University has not yet reached
the point where its wealth or its dignity require either the crey.
ation or the maintenance of supernumeraries and sinecures.
Even in wealthy corporations these are regarded as excrescences
and are indicative of disease rather than of a normal condition.P.14

     Althoughthe anticipation with which we began our first
University year were somewhat disappointed by the dispppearance
of Smith, the deatla of Professor Neville, the legal complica-
tions in which the University has become involved, we have
reason to congratulate ourselves upon the encouraging outlook,



notwithstanding, the disappointments which seemed inevitable
at the outset. We have reason to believe that these mis-
fortunes and obstacles cannot materially retard the progress
of a great institution, whose momentum, gathering force dur-
ing the last thirty years, is not to be arrested by the in-
tervention of tenmorary obstacles, if we lay it down as a
fundamental fact that we must live within our income, that we
must not embark unon a policy of speculation and adventure,
and while looking upwards4: we must still continue to retain a
firm hold upon tera firrna, remembering that so long as Autaeus
retained his connection with Mother earth, even Hercules
was oowerless to overcome him.

     Again thanking you for your cont ilued- confidence and com-
mending the institution to your patriotic oversight, I am,

                            With much respect,
                               Your obedient servant
                             James K. Patterson.

                                                         Page 15
     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried said Report
was referred to the Committee At Presidentts Report.

     Upon .notion duly made, seconded and carried the Treasurer(s
Report was referred to the Finance Oommittee, with power to re-
fer to the Board any Matter in it which they thought should be
considered by the Board.

     At this point Governor Willson made a short talk to the
Board relative to the appropriation made by the last Legisla-
ture and as to the chances of said appropriation being Ba4e paid.

     He further referred to the Military Department of the Uni-
versity, and insisted that the students should be required to
attend the Military exercises and in support of sarae read a
letter fromn General Bell, which upon motion duly seconded and
carried was referred to the Cor.=zittee on Military Discipline.


MINTES OF THE BOARD OF TRIUSTEES,Dec.8,190 Page 15(cont'd)

     At this point the Board adjourned for the noon hour, to
convene at two o'clock P. M. of the same day.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at two o'clock P. 14. of the
same day.

     Present: Same members as present in the forenoon, except
Governor Willson.

     Mr. C. H. Clay in the Chair.

     Upon request the Business Agent read a summary of this re-

     Said report was received and filed.

     Mr. Stoll offered. the following resolution:

     Resolved:  That the Business Agent of this University be re-
quired to furnish to each member of the Board of Trustees, each
month, beginningi-iwith March 1st 1909, a monthly statement, on
a form to be designated by the Executive Committee, showing-the
actual financial condition at the University at the end of each
month; and. that if necessary, the Executive Comnittee be authorized
an expert accountant to prepare a form to be used by the Busi- P.16
ness Agent in making such statements.

     Said motion was seconded by 1Mr. Davies and by unanimous con-
sent the consideration of same was passed for the present.

      Mr. Nicholas stated to the Board that under a resolution
of the Executive Committee of June 27th 190S, the Chairman of
said Committee and the Secretary of the University executed a
note to the National Bank--f Kentucky for the 8sm of $15,000;


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUJSTEE8,Dec.8,l908 Page 16(cont'd)

that said note so executed fell due on the first day of De-
cember, 1908, and that the Bank had sent to the Business Agent
a note to be executed in renewal of the above described not-e,
payable in sixty days, and bearing six per cent interest from
date; that the Business Agent, under the advice of the Presi-
dent had asked for this extension; that the Bank had also
asked the Business Agent to return to the Bank, with said note,
a copy of a resolution passed by the Executive Committee,
authorizing said renewal.  Instead of doing that I move

     That the Board of Trustees of State University of Kentucky
authorize, and direct the Chairman of this Board and the Secre-
tary of the University to execute the note of the University for
$15,000, payable to order of National Bank of Kentucky, with
interest frown date, at six ner cent per annum, and payable in
ninety days and bearing date December lst,l909, in renewal of a
note for like amount of date June 27th 1908, due December lst
l90; and be it further resolved.;

     That the Secretary be directed to inform the Bank that in
the event the University receives its money from the State be-
fore the note becomes due, it desires to pay off the note and P.17
obtain from the bank arebate on the interest.

     Said motion was duly seconded rlaced upon its passage and

     At this point a Committee consisting of Col. J. R. Allein,
Judge J. R. Morton, and Mr. McLeod, of the Central Kentucky
Traction Co., came before the Board and made a statement with
reference to the desire of said Company to obtain twenty-five
feet of land off the front of the Experiment Station lands on
the Nicholasville Pike, for a right-of-way for the interurban
line to Nicholasville.

     After said gentlemen retired, Judge Barker offered the
following resolution:



     Resolved that we now set aside the resolution heretofore
passed introduced by Mr. John McCord and passed by this
Board, relative to the employment of counsel to resist the
aquisition of a right-of-way through our property by the Cen-
tral Kentucky Traction Company.

     Said notion was seconded by President Patterson, and after
discussion was placed upon its passage and carried.

     Thereunon President Patterson offered the following reso-

     I move that Judge Barker, Judge Stout and Mr. Carpenter
be appointed a committee to take up with the Central Kentucky
Traction Co. the matter. of said Company's application to have
conveyed to it a right-of-way off the property belonging to
the Experiment Station on the Nicholasville Pike.

     Said nmotion was duly seconded, placed upon its passage and

     Judge Stout offered the following resolution

     As an amend&ment to the last resolution, I move that
Prof. M. A. Scovell be appointed by this Board to advise and P.-16
consult with the Committee composed of Judge Barker, Mr. Car-
penter and myself, in regard to the matter of the right-of-
way through our property by the interurban railroad.

     Said motion was seconded by President Patterson, placed
upon its passage and carried.

     At this point the resolution offered by Mr. Stoll, rela-
tive to the monthly statement of the financial condition of the
University to be made by tne Business Agent was called up,
placed upon its passage and carried.


MINUTES OF ThE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.8,l909 Page l(conted)

     At this point a communication fro-m Prof. Mustaine, re-
questing permission to use the gymnasium twice per week at
night from 7:30 to 9:00 o'clock for the basket ball practice
during the rest of the present  term, and the second term at
the expense of the university was read to the Board.

     U.Tpon motion of Judge Terrell, duly seconded and carried
the request of Prof. Mustaine above outlined was granted.

     At this point Judge Stout made a statement with reference
to the work of the Young Woments Christian Association of the
Oollege, and stated that this Association asked the Board to
2aake an appropriation for its benefit of $50.e0 per year.

     Judge Stout offered the following resolution:

     I move that the Young Worman's Christian Association of the
University be given the sun of $50.00 to assist them in the work.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. Carpenter, and planed upon
its passage and upon the roll-call the vote stood as follows:

     Ayes: Messrs. Barker, Brooks, Clay, Carpenter, Davies
Crabbe, Stout, Nichol4s, Patterson, Stoll and. Terrell. i

     Noes - None                                             PI.g9

     The resolution was unanimously adopted.

     Thereupon Mr. Stoll offered the following resolution:

     Be it resolved that the portion of the salaries of the
Business Agent and Oormotroller which the Experiment Station
has been directed to pai;-be paid by the Station out of such
fulds as nay be available for that purpose, and that the Board



of Control be directed to designate the fund out of which
these salaries should be paid.

     Said motion was seconded by Judge Stout put upon its
passage and carried.

     At this point President Patterson offered the following

     In as much as Mr. Andrew Carnegie has added $5,000,000,
to tne fund already placed by hub in the hands of Trustees
and know as the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement 6f

     In as much as this addition has been made for -the pur-
pose of including State Universities within &n the scope of
his benefactions; and

     In as much as the Proceeds of this fund is to be used
for providing retiring allowances to teachers who have by
length of service and conditions becom-.-e eligible for the
benefits of such benefaction,-

     Therefore, resolved that the Board of Trustees of the
State University, established in Lexington, Kentucky re-
spectfully request and memnoralize the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching fozthe Privilege of being
put upon the list of Institutions whose Professors shall be
eligible and entitled to the benefits of the said Carnegie

     Said resolution was seconded by Judge Stout, placed P. 20
upon its passage and carried.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.8,l90 Page 20(cont'd)

     At this point President Patterson made a statement to the
Board to the effect that he had obtained from Mr. Carnegie a
benefaction amounting to $26,500, for the purpose of building
a Library Building on the College grounds; that said gift had
been conditioned upon the obligation of the Board to raise a
fund of at least $2,650 per year from sources other than the
then sources of income for the up-keep of said building; that
said building was now nearing compoletion, and would be ready
for the reception of books before the next meeting of the Board,
but the College was in an ananolous condition of having a
library building and no books of any very considerable extent
to place therein; that it was necessary to expend the above sum
in some way in order to keep faith vwith Mr. Carnegie, and to
meet this condition he offered the following resolution:

     I move that a Comnittee of two persons be appointed from
this Board to select and look out for the nurchase of books for
the Library to an extent of not exceeding $1,50O during the
remainder of this fiscal year.

     Said motion was duly seconded, placed upon its passage
and carried.

     Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried
President Patterson and P~rof. Crabbe were appointed as such

     At this point the Board entered upon a consideration of the
Minutes of the Executive Committee , and especially the matter
of the action of said Committee in securing rooms outside of the
dormitory for County Appointees who come to the University.
After an informal discussion, Judge Barker offered the follow-
ing resolution:

     Resolved that the action of the Executive Committee in    P.21
furnishing rooms to County appointees outside of the dormitories
where that was necessary, be ratified; and that said Oommittee
be directed to continue to follow that plan whenever necessary
in the future.

     Said motion was seconded by Mr. Stoll placed unon its passage
and carried,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.8,1909 Page 21(cont'd.)

     At this point upon her request, Miss Laura Spurr came be-
fore the Board and made a statement with reference to the art
work she was doing at the University, and made a request that
she be recognized by the Board, and her work made a part of the
*curriculum of the universit y and she be paid a salary.

     After Miss Snurr had retired Judge Barker offered the
following resolution:

     I move that Miss Snurr's application to have her art work
installed in this institution as a part of the curriculum be
declined, and that the matter of her remaining in the room she
now occupies be referred to President Patterson with power to
act with all the facts before him.

     Said motion was seconded by Prof. Orable, placed upon fts
passage and carried.

     At this point tawo students of the University, Messrs. Per-
rine and Blumenthal came before the Board and made a. statement
with reference to the College annual to be issued; by the students
for the current year,- stating that they proposed to get out a
much handsomer annual than any heretofore issued by the student s,
costing much more to produce, and they desired to get out about
600 copies, and asked for an appropriation to assist them in
doing this of $600.00.

     After said students retired Jud