xt73xs5j9s16_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113.dao.xml unknown 0.64 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 59m113 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Hathaway family papers Composers -- Correspondence. Notes on a conversation with Miss Carrie Lee Hathaway with Churchill Newcomb's comments in the margins text Notes on a conversation with Miss Carrie Lee Hathaway with Churchill Newcomb's comments in the margins 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113/Box_1/Folder_6/3726.pdf circa 1926 1926 circa 1926 section false xt73xs5j9s16_7 xt73xs5j9s16 , . .. e I 1‘
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Aunt lag-me tells-7 1’13 b; the "we-.77 that C:‘=.__"Jt:‘in ":1th.::‘”5 was one of
‘ lfox‘gsn's: 75:23:15 and 7- :3'2'» oallege9 in the army and in primers. Hith hm" fatherqhe
[’3 . . . . .
:3? we the poeeeeor of the most marvelous; more of fine old ‘.;'hisl:e5«" that tasted like
J\. devine syrup but had. a most potent a.fter—ei';'ect. He alt-rays offered the young ladies
a julip, but not the youngmen ,as he thought the latter lacked diecretion,‘
, {He was simply wonderful to Lise Carrie Lee, and as she was the only .
A .1“ 4r "J .H ,
«J {an arm” ‘ "
Child: he “000k her every where with her- liiss L.C-. says that John Fox,jr. was much
."‘ ~5‘;.',.V A , . 5
1' yet Olygnpi V ri s
‘ amused at her father and herself when he came on one of themr foE 111111535 ifhatlghe
. . g’ of his _ , 3 T1
intended to write up as a story} have read one/about stationary hunting ,3 ' mvery
f . ‘5.
, time there was a halt in the chase her father would call in his sweet way:"Daughter,
V «r
f d; aughter, where are you”; and then would appear to look over her horses girths.
[5 (I wish you could have heard her imitiation of him) . John Fox had brought with him
an artist named hex Klepper; and-every-time who had some trouble keeping up; and '
3/ everytime that Captain Hathaway would call "0 daughter", John Fox would call loudly
with much English acnent,”0 Kleppahv, O Kleppah'.’ _
Miss H. doesnt think much of stationary hunting as she calls it. I asked her
,5 if the women every; went on that kind of a hunt and she said that she had never heard
g/ of it. She said that it seemed to be, however,in spite of the strenuousness of it,
§ an older mans sport- that few young men ever came on the: hunts.
‘13 r I ‘
There, was an Old farmer at one of the hunts who refused to mount and follow
g}? saying that he was "goin' from pint to pint" and watch, The second (jay__"out“;'fUncl'eij;5(;;§;;,gjggg;§;;gggj
$§ ‘. M yefinfifi?
) . .55.“: :5 ,, _. _. .‘.“:;"‘:':2. ill -.‘:1¢;éslqg‘§gfi
Sam falled to appear £00,..teke, .stp. hléPQI'rlng-DEW-OHS ViiWheresaee;genie:2:2§se3i!:él?w§.e's§_enew-
31. a I - ‘ ‘ _ " .’ ”Mt“ 35¢
, Ma W . 91:7,”, H ,martwmfiwmmwui“ «:_‘Hmikf’é‘

 / // " well, said one of my friends, ”He said he was goin' from pint to pint, but I
// fear he has gone from pint to quart." .
Captain Hathaway , besides aiau- always taking Miss Carrie Lee with him
would very often take several of her friends along too. As there were few rooms, they
were that
wouid all pretty much crowded up together, and you can imagine how they hated-ififiii"
‘ icy ffflfl¢¥ arising before day light, which was necessary since they is had about
ten miles to ride to the casting ground u§ually.
Early-in-tho- Before daylight her father would come 0t their door and
say so cheerily, "Daughter", and to the disgust of her friends she always tried to
answer as cheerfully as he called, and then take up the great takk of getting the
other Kentucky girls up and ready.
One morning they rode to a beautiful little river which had to be
forded. The water had a skim of ice on it, the weeds by the edge were inches thick
with white frost, and the sloping fields looked like jewels in the early morning light;
I was so carried away with the beauty of it that I turned to one sleepy friend and f
. exclaimed "0 Betty, now dont you think its worth getting up to sea?” ,
”Yes, sidd the sleepy one,-"gnggt" ‘ - ’
( She doesnt think this one should be printed, since some of the people I
> are alive. But I have made it somewhat impersonal, and you could make it more so.)
During one of the years that General Roger Williams was president of the
National, he received a letter from a lady in Alabama, saying that she wanted to f V
come up for the field trials if his wifs would chaperone her, if she could get ’
is f” » mounts, and this and that. The general was terribly excited and talked of little
§gi7l “ ,.else but the lovely young lady that was going to come, and of how fine it would be to

 have her. Mrs. Williams read the letter, and said that knowing Roger's succeptability
she would most certainly be glad to chaperone the yOung lady.As Miss CZL. was
getting off the train, however at the statioj at which the meet was taking place,
she ran into Mrs. Williams waiting for the Lexington train.
”But Mrs, Williams, arent you. going to stay to chaperone the young lady'zl asked. .
"No,my dear. I’ve seen her; and Roger can chaperone her himselfuh
’ Elle-charming young lady proved to be an unatractive female of about fifty who
was very little of a horse woman, out was eager for the attentions of Kentuclcy gentlemen
and how unmercifully the other men did tease the Caneral about her.She nearly drove the
men wild,too; the few young women who were in the habit of going on the hunts rode .
quite well, and the men had been in the habit of looking out for them,with little
interference,however, to their sport. Not so this lady: everyday some poor man would
’ find himself far'b’ehind the field and probably his favorite hounds, trying gallantly
' to protect this female.Colonel Jack Chinn found himself so situated one day and stood
‘( it as lonff as he possibly could,ubtil he flung gallantry to the winds and his horse to
)3- the front :of the chasefii leaving the poor lady. She was furious, and said cutting
things about Kentucky "gentlemen”and their mistaken reputation for fine manners. Col.
‘ S Chinn took me aside and confessed to having left her,ending with these words,"She is
g a most charming young lady, my dear, but I am a GRANDFATHER".
5 3 Once when they had got down in warm themselves about‘ia fire the wait nor the
32 - hounds to pick up the new scent was intollerably long. Everyone was desperate to be off;
; and when the signal came, they literally threw themselves on their horses.Alas,it was
% found that the Alabama female was as yet on the ground; and one man quickly dismounted

3g§:- as the others moved off, and offered his hand for her to mount put her foot in to
w mount. The field was disappearing in the distance, but the lady drew herself up
7’ with extreme hauteur and exclaimed, "Sir, no man has ever touched my foot".
; , My-€£§,them lady,"exclaimed the frenzied hunter“climb up my bio BACKé
‘7‘ A She was awfully fond of the old Colonel(Chinn) and said so many times;
/ and repeated the things the coronel had said of his hard times in earxy life and
his own pretty crude ways.-Of course you wont use that.) She said that Jack-Shi-
Phill Chinn had been so rotten later on tn life; but she rememvereu a very fine thing
when he was young.
that he had done on one h unt/I think it was in the westernpart of the state, but at
any rate, some one,no one knew who,had let into the hunt a little country girl of about
twelve years, who, when the horses got going well in the hunt, was unable to hold .
hers at all, and was simplu paralyzed and wild with fear. Phil Chinn had fine hounds in t
the hunt in which he was much interested. But‘he took the leash of one of his hounds
V ,/
_ tied it to the Childsggbridle, dropped back of the field, and took care of the child i"“
during the whole day.’ ”i:
i There is onebicture of Mr. Wooldridge among a group of other87really f¢§§fi
l 7 '.,»:J :
it is too funny, and I guess you have it. It was about that hime that he had a houndg‘ “'
entered called Tar Baby; and as "Sam" was so much younger than most of the men, and i éi“
Of such a dark coloring, tilt—he was known everywhere as "TarBaby". She gave an ”#7:?“i
amusing imitation of "Sam" under the infloonce of three days of likker, and his ?_§;Eggé
effusive apoligies for something that he hadnt dona,the speech starting ,"Ladees anQETVlig
'x , ~g3l’en‘ntlemen-u- §Sflgh€E§

 Times must have changed- she was presented with the only brush of the meat,
' yand the only one she ever saw at the kill, and it was a EEBy‘That reminds me-
;hqj~ V She said her father the in prison (One of Mergens Lon) with a Qrofeseionul ‘
9*?“3 ‘uembler, who swore that he had never heard a chapter of the Bible. As it mus the only
in: _ G g
book they had to read, they were raised sing it. They read: the ¢1:.:4;»,»:.33 in which is told
the tale of 31::‘6012; trutedw of [Liz's out nd :\I“’H the £5.50 tones and. t 'ino‘ fire-
“ “J “ “ ”Ho such thingi" ’ y o
brands to their tulle; l’he men 331:1 he {limo-qt believe it/ a)z,..;;_g.-10n. couldn't have, that s nll,
'Tllit man," the; ';:.,,.:Ld, ’i‘llC‘JTIKL’LQJ his]; "‘ilbls, To; o it isg" l'ho gambler took
the liblo, “nd rend it end Ltill looksd unconvinced. After m few moments he looked
reloived, onemmvggfiked, ”l'll wager s hundred dollars they corent reds”. ’
. 4
They teretelling this to a ~om inglanier, and he laughed und suid,"8ut they
; were reds”. And when they nsked him to prove it he Suid tut every red fox has a black
mark at the roots of his tail where the fire brands were tied....

At one meet a stranger from.out of the state was grumbling about the ”
situation:'He‘d like to know how they expected to have any sport-no deCent hunters that
could go any where to be bought or rented- they didnt know how to have a real hunt,
etc. etc. until Col. Jack Chinn got a trifle worked up.He told the man that as his
son wouldnt be there the next dxy,thet he could use his horse if he cared to and
that he might be able to get a isttle better ride.

The Colonels horse and the one he had lent the man hhd hunted to-gether;

7 always, and on this day especially, when they were mounted the Colonel simply cut loose
and WENT.:over stone walls, through bushes, and over the worst country you can
imagine. At last they came to a stone well, beyond which was a lone tree on a ledge.
' "D ont take that jume screamed the now-desperate stranger.
"yes I will, said the C olonel? And you will too."
"Oh no I wont" shrneked the man. 1
But the Colonel knew his horses, and said grimly, ”Oh yes I think you will."r
Over went the colonels horse as neatly as could be wanted and lit on the 16%?L
but the man was so badly off that he was glad to be riding the- his mounts neck as
he took the bit and the fence and iitlended the unwilling man on the far Slfie of the
’- ‘ :' I; \
fence, when they got back toeghgnhdtfihihfihe subdued stranger went from group to group
.v-‘lfirt'3;:;;;{;} Quill; 1 . v , . ' y 7 ,1 7 ,u, .. refillé niw

telling them that that Colonel Chinn was inst crazy. _ ‘1
”No, I'm not,"said the Ceione when he heard it, "And d nt you ever day ‘\
that we have no mounts here in Kentucky." \\
She says the Colonel was willing to risk his neck any time in order to
have his joke. ,
I dontknow whether you on y- polish these up and change them a,out
/ enough to do any good, but if you cure to, I hope you will.lf you want me to
l ' , C ,» < ! ’-
heve the old horn and its funny pictures photoed, I will- they are treasures.
And I have a good picture if the CaptaineHutheway- who seems to have always worn
kid gloves, and yet hunted with the roughest as well as with his own kind. They
never epused in the chase that he didnt call to his daughter to find where she was,
and to dismoUnt and eXamine her girths and thoze of her friends. They ones rode to
Kaatural Bridbe before it could be reached by rail, stopping in the homes of the mountait,
people. Miss Carrie Lee spends her time now in painting, and writes amusing verse ‘
for her freends- very deaf and absent minded‘ ,, g“ : '_7 ,, 7. r, V '
, ‘V 3’ fi a, : , , k, . ,_ , 1 7 V ,5qu 571:,t .:
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QM‘WKW M‘H'M WILL. I] TX‘ ,, ..
, ‘ Skwmck ’\ QESI.’ H fiwgk .
£:§()A3JLR. fifi; L¢\ . ‘
Extract from an article in Coach and Saddle, Dec 1900.:
" A score or more ladies were present, and always well up in the first
flight on their thoroughh'eds.
Colonel Roger Williams of Lexington presented the brush to Miss Caroline
Leland Hathaway of Winchester, Ky. who has never missed a meet of the association
in years and is one of the hardiest as well as one of the best horsewomen in Ky. '
. Extract from Courier-Journal of Nov.26, 1899.
Among the ladies who rode to hounds were among many of the erpresentative
of the most wealthy and aristocratic families in Kentucky. There was not a lady rider
present from any other state. Mr. Lister Witherspoon and Miss Ellen, his daughter, of
Versailles, Mr. W L.Graddy and wife of Versailles, Capfiain Leland Hathaway and daughter _
o n V
of Winchester, Miss ?earl Trigg of Glasgow, Senator/Bennett of Richmond and his neice, i
, ' Miss Laura Bennett, Miss Theodosia Nelson of Winchester,.and ...and many women of Irvine
and Estill counties. ( (That meet must have been at Estill Springs) In that smaé
paper I was amused to note that a New Englander was making a speech in favor of having
some of the Nationql meets somewhere else than in Ky. so that national interest might
spread more quickly; and he spoke of the fact that there was actually a growing interest
in fox hunting in New England. /; ~
Also in this same paper is the following: H,l
‘The Walkers are probably the most noted fox hunters in Ky. excepting Col.Triggfl
of Glasgow and Capt. Leland Hathaway of Winchester. Col. Trigg's illness preventing hisl‘:é
attending the meet he requested his daughter Miss Pearl to weer his hunting hat which ‘figg
5 has not missed a hunt of any importance in this state in 39 years. Miss fearl adorned lifiii
the hat with ehr fathers many medals and ribbons and wore the hat on the opening day in;%§§
obedience t0 her father's request. Miss Trigg is an excellent horsewoman and never mie§§§§§
« ‘ . 3,;


an opportunity to follow the hounds. _ é<\\

Another enthusiastic rider is Mi 8 C. L H of Winchester, who,
with her father ,is invariably the first into the'chase and the last to give it up.
She is probably the most expertwfigigeggggg in Ky. No fence is too high,no-gulley too

I wide for her when in hot puredit,. She assisted her hather as master of hounds after th,

first day of the meet. '

(By the wayzhancy Didlake te ls me that Miss Carrie Lee, who was indded
a fine rider, could never drive a horse-simply a iailure at it. Absent minded I
suppose.) Mm

A typical Southern remark:she said she didnt remember when she began riding,
but she remembers shoe that once when she was seven her girth slipped and she went
under the horse, and the reason that she remembers that was because she had stopped ,
by one of the negro cabins on the place and had a two-year-old pickaniny in her lap,
and two slightly older ones on behind...

At one meet, as they were all looking at the hounds, some one turned to her
and said jestingly,"Miss Carrie Lee, where are your hounds?"

"They're all in the Land of Promisei‘sfig said -"Do you know that every ' '
year since I have been coming here the men have been promising me some hounds, and
I have never gotten one of them".
To her horror and amazement, when she got home from the meet she found
I six little pups awaiting her. ‘