xt73xs5j9s16_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113.dao.xml unknown 0.64 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 59m113 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Hathaway family papers Composers -- Correspondence. Martha Wheeler Hathaway's diary transcription text Martha Wheeler Hathaway's diary transcription 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113/Box_1/Folder_2/3587.pdf circa 1860-1865 1865 circa 1860-1865 section false xt73xs5j9s16_2 xt73xs5j9s16 A BLUE GRASS BELLE HEPORTE OR THE CIVIL WAR

Miss Mattie Wheeler was a mature young lady of sixteen years when she dacidad
to kaep a casual journal in which to record her activities and those of her large
and pleasantly connected family and circle of friends. There were. for inatance,
the Clark County fair; the races at Woodlawn near Louisville; the parties and
marathon wedding celebrations; the hunts anfl fishing. riding. and walking: anfl the
almost constant visiting and being visited. Her raporting is always fresh and
artless, completaly unselfconscious and unsentimantnl.

But the year was 1860. The following May she wrote: "I naver thought that I
would live to see war in the United States". Young as aha was, she proved herself
to be an excallent rep¢rtar. She listened well and reported accurately. And she
revealed in those casually written pages a poise and charm which would be difficult
to match in other young girls. than or now.

Mattie and her widawsd mother. Mrs. Samuel Wheeler. lived in a comfortable brick
house on a farm which now is partly within the city limitg of Winchester. There hafl
been fbur daughters and a son: Eliza. the wifa of Boone Bailey, had died and Mrs.
Wheeler was rearing the two granfichilaran, little Sammy and Annie Hailey. Boone
Bailey was a Union sympathizer. so was the husband of “01119 Wheeler. James F.
Robinson, Jr., son of the goVernor. Se, also. was the husband of Carrie Wheeler,
Col. Charles S. Hanson of the Union Army. On the other hand. Mrg. Wheeler and Carria
were ardently loyal to the Southera cause and young Lee Wheeler van a Junior officer
in MajorwGenaral John Hunt Morgan's command. Family loyalties were strained but
unbroken under the aggravated emotional tensions of the”brothsra' war". When Charles
Hanson was capturea at Lebanon, Lee Wheeler (on the opposing side) managed to make his
way to Hangon st the battle'a and in order to learn of his condition. when Lee was
captured and sent to the Alleghsny City prison. Boone Bailey escorted Mrs. Wheeler and

 Mattie on their Journey t0 visit him. When there was a ball at the governor‘s; mansion
where Mollie and her husband were staying, James Robinson sent urgent invitations to
Mattie. saying. ”I'm proud cf my little sister and want to show her off." And when
Charles Hanson. dangerously wounded and abandoned t6 the enemy (Ewing: the battle of
Saltville. {fleet} Virginia. was; finally pamlafl, Mrs. Himmler sent her carriage to
meet him in Lexington to bring him to her home. .As Hansen slowly made his way out of
the carriage. with an. arm aroma the colored eoachmem. he callefi to his mishap-1nd.”
affectionately, ”Well. Eire. Wheeler. united we stand.- dividac‘i I fall: but. it‘s all for
the old flag“.
Mattia’s sketch of Blue Grass living. howsver. 699:; not include much of hear A
personal romance at which 3118 only hinted in tha final entry of her journal. The
“great many acquaintances“ she met at the fair were chiefly Lee's friends among
Morgan's Men wbe had been invited. to a reunien at the wheeler farm. Mszttie did not
note that "Mr. Leland. Hathaway; one of the most interesting and. fascinating. gentlemen
I ever met“ had been with her brother in prison?“ that Lee had asked him to heap
Mattie's picture for him (Hathaway owned a good album) and thm.‘ when he $8M her picture.
Hathaway had asserted that he woula marry the young lady. His ride down to can on
her that "memorable" night. and her rejection of the wealthy Yamae's attentions ~ all
these she mentions casually. And here the Jaumal ends. The reminfler of the pages
in the worn little natebook are fillec‘t with recipes for making soft soap. caught syrup.
black marble: cake and chazrlotte mess. with household accounts, and. other homey matters.
The Journal is in the possession af M135 Mattie‘s daughter. M1823 Garrie Lee Hathaway.
of Lexington. Judge Gilbert Burnett of Inuisville 15 the gem of Annie Haney. was
Hathaway has supplied most of the information given in the gypsum: following the
transcript of her mother‘s Journal.
$444M of 5. {573%

 Journal of Mattie Wheeler
(near Winchester. Clark County. Ky.)
I have resolved to keep a Journal - not a daily one. but write in it when I
feel like it.
The first thing I will speak of is the Winchester Fair. I had a very nice
time with my friends. Among the rest were Sue Jackson and Lizzie Tebbs. I
mention them as we were together a great deal. I was introduced to some very nice
V gentlemen. Among them were Mr. A. White and a Mr. Brown. Mr. White is very
intellectual and agreeable. I think. but not handsome. Mr. Brown. on the contrary.
is not very agreeable. but is certainly the handsomest young gentleman I ever saw.
We had very little company at home. as Sister Mollie was sick. No one here
except Cousin Anne & Cousin John Huckole. Mr. Young and Charlie and Boone Baily.
Mr. Robb was up from the South. & he staid with us two days. & we had a very nice
time. tho not a crowd.
We did not serve dinner on the grounds. but ate with Miss Helen Martin.
There were some magnificent tables on the grounds. Charlie Rally took three
premiums on his horses and one on his riding. He certainly excels.
Louisville. Kentucky
March 29th. 1861
I have been intending to write in my Journal ever since I came to Louisville
but have not done it before today.
I am now living with Mr. Robinson and Sister Mollie. going to School. We
live in a new house on Third St. between York & Breckinridge - a delightful place.
'[ I think. for a city. I greatly prefer living here to in the City. It is almost
as quiet & retired as the country. I am going to school to Mrs. w. B. Hold - a

 - 2 -
most excellent woman. I think as well as teacher. Her puyila are devoted to her.
I am studying Geometry. Ancient Geography. Analysis. French. Botany. and Bible.
and when I finish Geometry which will be in a few days. I will take up Mental
Philoaoyhy. I am taking Music lessons from Mr. Gunter & think he is a very good
teacher. With this session & next I expect to learn a good deal. I expect to
go to school the remainder of this session and next year. when I will stop at the
age of seventeen-almost eighteen. My birthday is the 22nd. June. Tomorrow we
have holliday. with next Monday. Tomorrow is good Friday and Monday is Easter
But I must step and write to my dear “other as I have not heard from her
for sometime... I took up Mental Philosophy (Haven) & Eedges Logic the other day.
& like them botn very much indeed. ‘
Hay 25th 1861 Louisville
This is Saturday and I have enjoyed myself very much indeed. I went out to
Woodlawn Race Course & saw a most beautiful race between Mollie Jackson and Sherdan.
> There was a great deal of excitement. Mollie Jackson won the race & it is said
7 made the quickest time ever heard of. It was a three mile race & she ran it in
5 minutes. 28% sec.
We attended the races yesterday too & Lillie Ward won. Sue & Mr. Grigsby are
with us. They came down Thursday. & will leave for home Monday eve or Tuesday.
Friday Eve.
I never thought that I would live to see war in the United States. But war
‘5 is inaugurated. The first blood has been shed & the first victory won & God only
knows when the bloody war is to cease. I pray that the time may speedily come.

 - 3 -
The military company is drilling in our front pasture today. George Jackson
... He is joining Rosencrana regiment in Louisville.
I (Sunday) Hinehester. Ky. Dec. 29. 1861
I am at home new. with nobody but Ma. Sammie. and Annie Eaily. Sammie is
. not quite six years old - will be next Februany. He is tha prettiest boy I ever
i saw & as bad an one. Annie is just 20 months old today! She was born 29th of
Ayril. She is mighty pretty. I have not seen much Christmas as yet.
I went to Lexington last Thursday week to stay a short time with Betty Mason.
When I got there I found Mollie. Sac Grigzby & Mrs. Downey theta in a carriage.
Mrs. Bouncy was on her way to Washington city with fir. Downey. Sue & Mollie made
me go on to Mr. Robinson‘s near Georgetown wifih them. We started from Lexington
about ten o'clock. with Mr. Robinson. Jr. & Johnnie Robinson & got there about
twelve. I had a most delightful time while there. staid there b or 5 days. Sun
fiatt Johnnie & myself went horsehack riding every flay. I like it an much. we
went birfi hunting every night. Mollie is still there. kaeping house & taking care
of the chilfiren until Mrs. D. gets back. I got home last $u55éay morning was
invited to a party at Miss Sallie Moore's but did not go. as it was late when I
got home & I was ten lazy to dress. I was invited he a party at Sophie Lewis'
& one at Mrs. Grooma' on Thursday. I went to Hrs. Grooms‘ & had a delightful time.
It rained very harfi & consequently there were not many there. The girls wera
Miss Kate walker from Richmond and Miss Ruth and Ligzie Shaffer. (Fayette) Sue Clay
(Baurbon) Hollie Williams. Miss Annie & Ellen Thompson. and myself. There were
about twice as many gentlemen. among them Charlie Harrison of Fayette. Mr. Willis
of Madison. Mr. Adams of Garrard. I am going to have a small party tomorrow night.
& Mellie Williams one Tuasday. I must stop writing & go to reading. I am reading
Irving's Life of Washington.
Q Mr. Robinson left this mornipg. He is a strong Union man now he says.


He says he knows General Buckner will be whipped. I cannot believe it. tho
I fear it a little.

Sunday night. Dec. 29th. 1861

Mr. J. W. Adams & Mr. George Graddy c&lled to see me this evening. Mr.

J Graddy came to Clarke to see Miss Annie Thamson. Some think they will be married
but I dont think so. I dont believe Miss Annie would have him. but there is no
accounting for a woman‘s taste.

Mr. Adams is &esperately in love with Mollie Williams. I think she likes

' him right well. too. At present I am in love with no one, and never expect to be.
I have resolved to be an old maid - abeut half resolved.

3 intend to stay at heme this year & read. I want then to start to schoal.
& go one more year.

I was almost afraid to leave home this year. there is so much fighting going
on all through the country.

I dont know whether the Southern Confederacy will be recognized or not. I
woulé like so much if we could have the Union a9 it was but fear it will never be.
The Southerners are so éetermined & brave that they will never be aubdued until
they are exterminated & that seems to me impossible.

Just new the Union people are a little afraid of England. They dont know
what she will do about the Trent affair. That ls. the taking of Mason & Slidell.
commissioners frem the Southern Gonfederacy to England off the British mail steam-
ship. It is generally thought that Mason & Slidell will have to be given up. but
that we will have no war with England.

Sunday night. Jan. 5th 1862

This has been a dark & dismal day. The trees & ground are covered with ice.
Miss Helen Martin & Miss Hattie Thompson are with me tonight. They were on their

 - 5 -
way home this morning & it commenced to rain. so they stepped to stay all night
with me. Ellen Thompson left this morning. She has been staying with me for
several days.

Christmas is over & the New Year has commenced. I span; a very yleasant
Christmas. I attended only twn yarties - both small. Miss Kate Walker. of Richmond.
was here. She is a very pretty girl, & mighty sweet. There were most too many
ladies for the gentlemen at my party. & at Mrs. Grooms it was the other way.

I must close. Miss Battle is calling me to come to bed and keep her warm.

Sunday. Jan. 12th. 1862

I have been at home all day. It has been raining a little. but looked like
it would pen: down any minute. so we did nab go to church. Ma and l are alona
tonight axcept for the chilaran. Lee went to the counzry to see Miss Sallie Moore
anfi has not returned. I gresume he will remain all night as it is dark and rainy.

Mr. Robinson was up yefiterday. He said that Mollie would probably be at
home this week. as Mrs. Downey is exyactad home in a day or two from Washington

Sister Carrie left here yesterday for Smithlanfl. Hr. Hanson is there. He
is Lieut. Colonel in Bruce’s (Sanders) regiment. It is about forty miles from here.
She does not knew how long she will be sane.

Albert Thamema was here yesterday and stayed to dinner. Asked me to take a
buggy riée with him. I refused and ha was highly offended. but I dont care.

; I got my store acnaunts yesterday for last year anfi the year before. Mr.

: Graom has never paid them! I asked him two or three times for money ané suppose
I will have ta do it again. He has not hired either Phoebe or Bally out this year.
I think he has most too much business of his own to attend to without mine and I
think I will hava to get somebody else to attend to it for me.

It is thought about here that Annie Thompson and Bud Graddy are to be married
but I dont believe it.


Nothing has transpired in the political world of much importance except the
surrender of Mason and Slidell at the request of England. It was Very humiliating
on the part of the Federal Government but had to be done to avert a war with
England. and some think there is a possibility of a war with her yet. I hope not.
We are every day expecting to hear of a fight betwaen Generals Buckner and Bucll.

Feb. 6: 1862

This is a beautiful day. and we appreciate it highly. as we have baa so much
bad weather.

‘ I have been cleaning up all day. I could not sit still and sew. fir. Groom
I came yesterday and gave me ono hundred dollara. the firat I have had since the
first of Hovemberl

fie said he had paid all my bills but one. and that one I had. so he would pay
it the next time he came to town. I will fool mighty good when they are all paid.

I exyect to go down to Loxington day after tomorrow with Mr. Bailey. I am
going to make Bettie Mason 3 visit. I hogo one will come home with me.

There was a fight at Mill Springs near Somerset. The Rebels were routed.
and Zollicoffor their General killed. 5 coulfi noi believe it for a long time.
but I am at last convinced that it must be so.

This 13 such a heautiful evening I must go and walk.

winchester Ky July 23th. 1862

Although I have not written in my journal for acne films. I thought I woulfi
write a few lines this beautiful Sabbath morning. (but very warm). All is quiet
this morning but yesterday was a day thnt will be over memorable to me. Col, John
H. Morgan. with a great n'ny of his man. variously eatiknteé at 1.500 to three

thousand passed through Winchester - Bettie Mason of Boyle 00. and Bettie Mason
of Lexington are with me. have boon for over two weoks. fie all went down town and

 . I. 7 ‘
stood in Mrs. Turnbull's yard and talked to some of the soldiers. There was a
good many of our asquaintances among them. There was a Dr. Hays whom Bettie had
known in Covington and a Mr. Jones. Mr. Bushrod Castleman from near Lexington &
, Johnie Moore who is a mighty nice gentleman. They got several recruits from this
county. Jimmie Fries. Marshall and Stonestreet Van Meter. and Joe Croxton. Th0
boys came in from Lexington. They stole off from there the night before. There
were some of the nicest gentlemen among them that I ever saw. They did nothing
wrong as far as I could see. except ”saga horses".
July 20th Sunday night 518623
This has been a sad day to me. I hope i may never see a sadder. fibers is
. a large army in pursuit of John Morgan. while I am writing. I still hear their
tramp. trsmy on the Richmond Pike. It is a dreadful sound. There are about
1.000 men.
Monday morning (July 21. 18523
This morning I was so mad I could scarcely live: Eive little ugly dutchmen
came here & took He's horses & wagon & Jack to drive it}
They ééié they would send it back tomorrow. They came up yesterday evening
& took a loci of He’s corn. & did not pay her a cent. Sammie Baily cried & said
"flow Grandma we wont have any bread to eat.“
Ma's waggon Was sent back this eve.
August 11% t 18621
This has been an intensely warm day. Bettie P. Mason end myself went to
the country to spend the day with cousins Ella and Ann Mary Price but they were

not at home. so we went to Cousin Johnathan Taylor's & dined & returned home. It
is raining now & lightning & thundering constantly. I felt so thankful for this
rein. We are so much in need of it.

» Sister Carrie has a little baby about two weeks old. It was born the thh
of August. She received a letter from Mr. Hanson this eve saying it must be named
Corrie Hanson & nothing else.

Thursday night September 11th - 62

Many. many changes have taken place since I wrote the last page in this book.

Then the State was ocouyied by Federal forces alone. & now by Confederates alone.
‘ The secessioniets have had a hard time for a few weeks. They were not

allowed to collect in grouys on the streets in Lexington. nor to frequent the
Phoenix which was Headquarters for the Federals. When John Morgen went through
here before. he "swaped" horses. when one would brake down. they would change it
for a freah one. So the Rebels were to pay for every horse he took. for eveny
bridge he burned. & even to pay for four horses that were taken by them in the
battle at Cynthiana and a large cannon. They were the horses that belonged to
the fire engine at Cincinnati. The Rebels had to pay $1.800 for them. Col.
Metcalf had not been to Clarke to collect anything from the secessionisto here.
but we were looking for him every day. when he was called to Richmond. It had
been payed in Woodford and in Bourbon. Metcalfe went to Big Bill about 14 miles
beyond Richmond where the rebels whipped him all to pieces. That was on Thursday
& as the Eobels were getting pretty close to Richmond. all the Federal foree_thet
could be gotten was sent to that point. they had between 8 & 10 thousand. We
heard the firing of cannon early Saturday morning (3 :zgl) and heard it until about
ten oolock. Ma called us all in to go to making bandages. though we knew nothing
of the battle. Most persons thought it was Gen. Nelson practicing his artillery.
but we felt it wee a battle. That night about 8 o'clock we heard some cavolry


come dashing in the Richmond pike & I never heard such swearing. just one oath after
another. so we knew instantly what was the matter. It was the home guard of Winchester
& a part of Metcalf's men retreating to Winchester. The whole Federal army was
completely routed. I never heard of such a defeat. I believe. They (the federala)
were passing here from Sunday morn until Tuesday eve almoat constantly. Sunday the
few that escaped passed. on& Monday and Tuesday the paroled prisoners. The Federal
loss in killed and wounded was about 1.000. the Rebel loss I believe was not as
much as 500. The Federal wounded have been passing here ever since the battle.
Three woggon loads have just passed. Sometimes they are walking and sometimes riding.
Every one of the Federal soldiers censure greatly their generals at Richmond. nelson
& Manson. Nelson was wounded but it is said not mortally. Manson was paroled.
Col. Warner of the lfith Kentucky was woundod. The Rebels reached Lexington the
Monday or Tuesday following the battle. they say such enthusiasm was never seen as
was in Lox. that day. John Morgan could scarcely get to his home. the people almost
carried him. I went to Lax. last Sunday with Lee and spent the day. Lee went on
business. he was raising a company to go in John Morgan’s brigade. I dislike for
Lee to go. very much. but I know there is no use to say anything. his mind has been
made up for some time. Every young man in the State is going that are not Union.
and thoy (the Unions) are very scarce. Mr. Bailey went to Cincinnati. last week.
he was afraid to stay here. I dont wonder as the Federals have been so hard on
the Rebels. but I dont think the Rebels will hurt anyone. they will make all that
had taken up arms against the Southern Confederacy take the oath not to take up
arms again until exchanged, & that is perfectly right. I know the Southerners
will do nothing wrong. They are most of them high~minded honorable gentlemen.

I went to the camp in Ann; Ann‘s pasture Just opposite her house. last
Sunday & heard a sermon from the Chaplain of the Battnllion. There was almost
two hundred soldiers there. to hear him. they paid the strictest attention. Bettie
was busy Sunday making custard for two sick men that was at Uncle Lewio’. One was

 - 10 -
a lieutenant. All the ladies in Lex. are busy sewing and waiting on the sick at
the haspitala. There is about six hundred sick. General Kirby Smith is commander
of all the forces in Ky. It is thought they are going on to Cincinnati. A good
many of the Kentuckians are over there.

Mollie has a fine boy born day before yesterday morn the 11th of September.

It weighed 10 pounds. But I must stop. Sammy Bailey is after me to make him a
Sesech flag. he was a great Union boy before his Pa left. I made him one yesterday
but he has lost it.

Sop lath - The news from Virginia in very encouraging to Rebels. We had a
Cincinnati paper of last Monday and it was giving the Federal Generals there goon.
Pope has been superseded because he got whipped. Not many weeks ago the Federal
army about 150.000 strong was before Richmond (Va.). and eaifi they were going to
take it. but they were “flipped all to pieces. and the few that remained of them
are now behind the fortifications at Washington. I do hope and pray that Stonewall
Jackson will occupy Washington before many days. He is the Napoleon of this war:
certain. ‘

Oct 12 1862 Sunday night

I have not written in my Journal for a long time. a great many things have
happened since. but not many of much importance. I have been to Lexington & staid
a week. with Betty Mason. 1 got acquainted with a great many soloiere belonging to
the third Georgia battallion. Among those I was best acquainted with was Seargent
Edward Du Bose. Lieutenant Jones. and Lieutenant P. H. Alston. three of the nicest
gentlemen I ever met. Sargent Du Bose was abOut 18 years old and was a nephew of
Lieutenant Alston who was about 2? years old. I had a very nice time indeed while
in Lexington. A great many of the soldiers were to see us. they camped 1n Aunt Ann's
woods just opposite her house. Lieutenant Alston called to see me one night at
Uncle Lewis Mason's and staid until ten o'clock. He was telling me about their march

over the Cumberland mountains.
(Rest of page torn out beginning in middle of sentence:
‘ ..... from Lexington the day after they got here. A good many of them
came to see me the night after I got home. and the next day. There was preaching
at the camp Sunday eve. Sgt. Du Bose went with me. He is from Columbus Georgia.
I will write the names of some of the battallion. Adjutant Blanchard; lieutenants
Blanchard. Alston. Ghiles. Jones. Kendall. Snell. seargente Du Bose. Grey. Harris.
Larvis. Henry Stovall. eon of Col Stovall of the battallion I have heard no new:
today at all. and went to hear some so much. The federal forces under Gen’l Thomas
are coming up from Frankfort or near there. It is thought that the federels force
is abOut 180.000 strong. The Confederate force is estimated at 100.000 to 130.000.
We all have the greatest confidence in Gen’l Bragg and feel confident that if he
gets into an engagement with Thomas. he will whip him all to pieces. but we may be
mistaken. God forbid we are. Butler has issued a proclamation in flew Orleans that
all males & females over eighteen years old should take a list of their property
to the nearest provost marehall'e office for taxation & that anyone who fella to do it
should be imprisoned & made to hard labor & have everything they have confiscated.
It is a disgrace to the civilieation of the age. Lincoln has issued a proclamation
for emancipation. The Union people are very much against it. It is reported that
Smith Kurt (Lieutenant Colonel) of Brock Grlgeby'e regiment ordered his men to stack
arms & not fight any more for Lincoln after his proclamation. & he was taken to
Washington and imprisoned. It was a mistake. Old Lincoln has them tied hand and
foot now.
Sunday evening; October 19th 1862
A great change has taken place in our state within the last week. It is mostly
in the hands of federale new. & just a week ago the Confederates had the meat of it
in their possession. Yesterday morning about daybreak John Morgan made a dash into

 - 12 -

, Lexington with about one thousand men. They fought a few minutes in Mrs. James Clay's
lawn where the federalo were encamped to the number of 700. I heard that John Morgan
took between four and five hundred. killed 7. and wounded several. He had none of his
men killed. but two of them are mortally wounded. it is thought. Tom Morgan died from
a wound received here. Mr. Bailey went to Lexington last Thursday morn & came back
that eve. Bettie wrote me a letter by him. she was very lgg,dggg_ig§ggd. She wrote
that the 3rd Georgia battallion had been into a fight & had been out to pieces. but
I trust that is not so. It was not so.

‘ ”LLL“ It is reported that General Kirby Smith's army has been cut to pieces & a great

J many yrisoners taken but I dont want to and cant believe it. That would be too terrible.
more than I could stand. God forbid that it should be so. The union people report that
the southerners are skedaddling as they say. but I feel that all they do is for the beat.

Lee came home last Sunday night and stayed until last Tuesday evening when he left
for his camp about 3 miles from Richmond. He was well & has been ever since he Joined
the army. he was looking very well and a little sunburned. But I must step as Mine
Amanda Grigeby has come. _
Hovember 9th
Kirby Smith‘s army was not out to pieces as written above. Stevenson's division

was in a battle at Perryville Ky now called the battle of Chaplain Hill's. & will
be an ever memorable battle. the Confederates got rather the advantage in the battle.
but I do not thinkfrom all I can learn that it was much of a victory on either side
as the slaughter was terrible. I received a letter from Bettie Mason of Boyle last night.
she had visited the battlefield which was but a few miles from her house. she of course
gives a very different account of the battle to what the Federal Generals give. Jimmie
Meson & Lewis Jackson joined the Confederate army. We have not heard from Lee since he
left us. We had a heavy snow here Just two weeks ago. the 26th October. It was about
6 inches deep. There is going to be a supper here next ?riday night for the benefit of
the poor of the mountains in the counties of Eotill and 21kg.

 - 13 -
There is a Federal camp hero or about a mile and a half from here on the Richmond
Pike. There is only one regiment of infantry and about two hundred of Munday's cavalry.
Col. Cochrane‘s regiment is here and has about 700 men.
Hovember 30 . 1862
This is a very dreary Sunday evening. It is raining very hard. I have been
visiting for the last two weeks and for the first time since the Rebels left the State.
I have been so distressed because of their leaving that I had no desire to go anywhere.
‘ I went home with Miss Annie Thomson and staid a week. she came down here and staid all
night with me the 14th and we went to a supyer given by the people of Clark for the
benefit of the poor in the mountains. There was ”a great many shoulder straps and
brass buttons” there but I did not talk to any of them. Mr. Miller wanted to introduce
some of them to me. but I respectfulhz asked to be excused. I had a mighty nice time
at Miss Annie‘s. met one of the best of rebels u? there. Mr. Dick Reid. I went to
Lexington last Tuesday with Mrs. Groom and Miss Annie T. & stayed until Thuréday eve.
he stopped to see Hollie Williams at Hrs. Jake Hews. I think she looks sad. I dont wonder.
Thai sax she is determined to marry Charleton Morgan. brother of John Morgan. 1 hope ohm
will change her mind for she is a great deal too good for him. from all I have heard. I
am not acquainted with him. Mollie Robinson is coming home tomorrow to remain a few
days & then she will go to Frankfort to remain this winter. Bettie Mason is coming up
this week to remain some time with me. I went to church this morning and heard Mr.
Raines preach.
Sunday night Dec. 7th 1862
This has been a bitter cold day. Sister Carrie and myself walked to church this
morn & hoard old Father Johnnie Smith preach. We. sister Mollie. Carrie. and myself
have Just finished roasting birds for lunch. we hung them up 2&£2£§.§h§.£1£§ & cooked
them. they were delighting, Nothing of much importance has transpired in the last week.

 .. 11;...
I heard from my brother Lee the other day. ha is eight miles the other side of Knoxville.
Tennessee. May God protect him from all harm is my most earnest prayer. I must stop
writing as it is late.
Sunday eve January 11th 1863
This is a beautiful day. I can hardly realize that it is winter. Hr. Hanson came
home last Thursday. Ha. I am ashpmed to say. belongs to the federal army. I blush to
. think I have a relation in it. My own brcther is in the Southern army. Mr. Jouett
received a letter from him last night and sent it out to Miss Sallie Moore. I am almost
crazy to see it. I dont know why he did not write to us instead of to Mr. Jouett.
John Morgan came into Kbnty a few weeks age and came within #0 miles cf Louisville. Re
burned two bridges anfi done a good deal of harm. Lee was with him.
Feb lat 1863
This is a gloomy rainy Sunfiay morning & we did not go t0 church. We received a
week or two ago a letter from Lee. written to Hr. E. S. Jouctt. I suppose Lee thought
it would be Opened if directed to us. It was ten pages long. four pages on large paper
and six on small. Oh! was such a pleasure to read a letter from him. We had not heard
a word from him since the first week or tbs secon& in October. He was well except a
very bad cold he took it on the road to Hartavlllc where John Morgan had a fight with
a large federal force at Hartsvilla in December. Morgan started out with 1800 infantry
and mounted riflemen. 500 did not get up in time to fight. 300 were sent to somewhere
elsa leaving 1056 to take the federal camp. Thcy captured 2100 prisoners ucder Gen'l
Dumont. They fought over an hour when the Feds surrendered. Lee said he weighed more
when he wrote than he ever did before. He said we need not be surprised to see him at
any time. but poor fellow I fear it will be a long time before he gets home.
I went home with Miss Annia Thomson last Thursday & we went to a party at Mr.
Chinalt's near Mt. Sterling. We had a delightful time there. We started to an Aunt of
Miss Angie's to stay all night. about a mile aiatant. Mr. Bennet and Mr. Chinalt of

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Madison County two very nico gentlemen were in the carriage with us. When we got about
half way some part of the harness broke. & we had to get out of tho carriage in the mud.
We had either to stand on the wet ground and wait for a carriage or walk home. We chose
the latter. Mr. Chinalt the gentleman to whose house we were going came to where we
(were: standing & said "Boys take the ladies across the creek", I at first hesitated
about wading. I stoofi & looked at it. & it woo 8 or 10 feet wide. so we consented to
let one gentleman take hold of one arm & one the other & carry us RCTOBS. When we
reached our destination I took a big strong toddy & went to bed. We had on lasting
garters. I was as muddy as I could be. Miss Annie was not so mudfiy.
Sunday night Feb 15. 1863

This has been a most beautiful Gag. Sister Carrie and myself went to Mrs. Turn-
bull'o this eve and took her baby Carrie and Annie Bailey, We went to church this morn
to hear a sermon from Er. gains. Miss Annie Thomson has been with me several days. she
went home from church. I heard from my brother Lee the other day. he was well and said
to be the best officer in his regiment. Be is in Chinalt’a regiment and Bruner's Company.
He is lot Lieutenant.

Feb 22nd 1863 - Sunday morn

Tho weather would not admit of our going to church t