~ V -v V Some-:7 ' V, J, . L, V - ' "7'
Jwr" i I I V V: "V "ivrrr'u:fr I ' I .  V .~ "I ' /.,_\l./.V.;V W  
. l V _V- .' "f f-: tor " V !
V W _ VVVV.V. Vt do mun c _ ,_J . V
1! ~ I _J _V V... \wv- 'h , .. 1'EI' n? "011 De \EEZE bin] a spade 9b a V > 
m, V, _. . \ give m up dat Fayilcnq he dig en dis: {er dns V__ In}.
., .-, 7 a - 7,, W V WW-HggiglEA? 'pickuxefg;[f;3.;1;f'pasv all 611511111?ch :11: l . =3
_  ,V'.- . ~ V VI r 0 _ ! cow mc 14.5w  V r in s ro  
I r , l x x J. mm. m, ,VValueugguf BREE? RABSET SAZKS H3 079 Brer Rubliithp sfzgdgu an dc lime me I. 4.
- '  "v W 55"'."' ".L.V~vV-I ectionV {(er 0 I i .'lftuuhD-l V. usuh on emom '15 I V " . - ouse 0
~~  l u ;  l m a
V9  0"? ' "  . -, . . VrhfrVs'lll '1- n V' " ' One time ' 51   j ' 'lullv on 1 : h' milluns \vuz 8 VV
 V V1 l." m unulVl'f .l-JA'IIVVQI-m .. & [hu- IS 1 do I . l .  , and thUGM i VV Jr" hzm ell Hf (V . V rater. . -
Fig I ;  1 3,7), ..V, sump-boon. uh!) 1MB. 1: Buzzes. ;, Insl lmftinilolzifd' and gazing: gotccmu; .n ! injury! 0W 5 we dengVfufaLe (a yer wip.
'  V V; . ' I I m mill-m. TH? runosrlVCTlON-H LEIIlIueILWDC me Brogawlmxfliltle toy blOke l 1:0? giehcaefgmtwining the leatHO; 
x; 3:55: l  I r' -1 VVVVVIVVQVV all her letters? VIIMBY I Why, UIlelIemclfid (HI): Rabbit ScuIIed i EESVEEmum the lime bovzsncils; Sav
' I .' .\  I 'I "a, a": {,,.V'l'V1Hlfl )1- 1"ng'. . y l - . u thou "n You . . v . V w byhOliSC en a, v. V . , 
b :V 2 E l1 I V'ircVlIinj'V Liycfmgct Que hmmuhg 30an you I igc'VIVolf logdmth a IQIIg,UIEe~1?tg1/ld he knew scampsrigpygcli sign]: un it do nex. tune she I I ,
' I y I I In b'iFT? 15"" 3 mg? 9 Thanked 9 The old man wns lm) on g e to him. A fer tel lg .  k in de sun'arbalrl.
V 97 V I I Have 30, cursed 11m. (12.315'011'1113ther ' 3 lt- but this made little dlffffeggrene brow 15 IV line yo mac 3  USPEEBERSI I V
'53 3 l 1 J (Fold r11;13';lgi::nhl1:em as you thought l fVOwn gathered on 1118081881: child- frou'l] in l 3P.QPEDY RE 8 S .
 , _  .> , And Fall V, )"ULI M; W ,. g V (11118 gazeUD _ . . VlSi' -'_ .
V . V I ... . . . an V. ma. . V be tume - muonucre V EagleJ . _
 - l l all l Y Jgrcgglllexyggz;oi1;pl'iIe *5 mucwdw i which both scortu angelglggamed to x'ozaig ! F'id Mr. Buoopendy;
 - i . 73" " . VI? Am "1. . " .11 a on .  chase N W my 83 .'I draw on
l 3 V tinnn mm 111s do. n  v l- and hgm. V ble. [hen r, . The ow!) was . 0 V himself and u j
. . .V 1 _  _ 1d moves Lump) 011V 1 of mmself- . . , , Lion. : he stretled  6 moWSGls 111. .
,V .VV: 101'301. mg: no: .. n  V coutro V ,V V mu reugun . . as V , . lanueu thes It V
. V .I V .V l 3V; V, . _. -V V . 50f U- . Vued OBVCCV ~ In . .
II I Ii I YouJESIIIIESslIlt/i;I'll"119ml):paSblonIyou V6 - V tngIE-yngxlgowuat Itellyo VBVVCSSRL- the V 'Patggnem 15 W11 I cum 633$ 11095 i '
I 'l'  I I 3 I UL-11"?111.3nI'VIVQVV'IHIII' but the 1 II V: lmuwlmes? cone? eI {calms I I: Inev. If Id ken em f dollars at -
x " l l g I n- Wm VV (1 lrlunz. ans S065 befMB' l SII GE-"1151 (Tone role you so: 131655 1 Vu V Vd l V suveS 13 ljF-J cost a coupleho amount :7 I ~
2} V ' CV' =2 iehind: . , (1.2m . V, V news-1110 )1 t, wou  . . ~ 1 t as  V * '
If I l l I I Ye: Till?) 5:11:33: JONES for "6 5 mm ; 10);: chilluns aint glued 1631133 kyou en SDuILi I least. and youve (1853;: OWE; to his ablutlons .
3 V I H . 2:3'. Vver (lies: . _ - . M . devll GD 3  V wich  1, . S OODED  ~~_ > V,
I, vVl - 5 1t: foVxVgV-JLIV: u; ngp as tbs earth 1tself. no ; {Sk:;,(%u,'ceppin (1611?)? 3032:3111. eu den :23 LEI-en Sums on 1:125:32:- if you like,
.  * ..';VJ' q 'onlasthesleS! . _. V _  a lon '0 . i: V V vour 00 ' home '
n V V V l uni VVIDEftVII i2] cause has taken root 1t floux lsLes H?Ll;tt\;'g;lot; d9 Cghimbly coneihs: E IgIgigeJDSOOPel-dyke i Leontveoui: oi the 
l V V  - . V ASV VV 1100 ~,  aal - VV Vmssp '
I I I I ll s: merfuotl and bearing fruitfunb 11 a I some Meet. 01 Enzg-Olgvnany 5 nduL-ceg- some day mad lb'lill'gahgpoopedyke tbhuSIilggl ""  I
=1 , l ;--". -"'  >  l con mueu Uh't uz mo . 1 eve  U ' r d with 6 "
l l l Iaxttcrcore-~ . . When auger mm! . l r V person. 1 . V 5 e  I lied deligme
- I I I ' "lllvznn hlus. 'lom. heremter. -Vin(r some 11113333 5. . _ r do tor (some ground and 00 V V V,
l l L, X011 11' Lduhul and you . V. nd my eurlly her chillung mu daft :eJohn 11 tell you of pleasing her husbaudhdere 17 asked Mr. , V \
I  Iii I I 3 3 Have {Line for intwspicnon you I sputin lougcl me, enIEV'arrqm  wheres my Bllspe hlmslf around and , gi V
i" _.1 'V? l ' words merrue;_ . ,,. . algn9.and fancy same 011le (133-3;ou 4.x  Vv vou said 5 oopendvke; 8.0 ug Y didnt, clean I .
L? lV l. 1 x'ouwillslt audzazem )OLVre l (.3!ch 1;ch 1101331153701} lino]: 110 W011. [golng Clown ms bgcgnt t 31m did you? .
' r ' '  aVnmwlxpullV50=V.V V ] herrinxets uLter- . 1, VbVVtV poured hot anel 0 V  wanders clear on 0 1 L on your ' V _ V '
9, '\. 'l 4 Her face with us mmNL 03 - B The 5  V n qid the lltlle bOV- , l the I? , there whcn you D at V
. V, w. -VV 4 . V, . - V lulled meV 8- . car. he Ibev ere -V . 111 V , V 
 i I V I P (xi-13$ 13.: eyes Wide open. her sweet led hps V gm old man pl'eIcnclcd anougiollm ramps pants, Bald urs. Saloiporgilakgou do with . >
 g . V ._. W {_m: d s when gemdgedi searcmng V t. on tallx- . touched them. VW 11 . V. V
H L -. 1 . A 511} $de ,0 look in the haloyon ax, anleutrlmr under his chau, and JepFiln'Y' he ; them? . .V metbing wltn ,. , . > : .'_
V N  \ VII? XV _  A3501!do;;u]V:VdEllsgigeelgegga turn, you will 81, t0 the imaginary {Eisgig'plaitgd whip- l Oh, yes, certlllnlg. if? (shod with them? -. \ V 3
' I 5 3. .: 'heretryml 00.. I . 9 ' 1-w {01' 1 I- " ' 5, ' ; ' 711M (1 "G 5P "J . , here U "
I V' I Li?- I ' saethutglonous face talltima and found nFIV 0 V1 snapper all \Vanel and V- thom'l W hrs-1113111 busmeas some m; . _, V .
 ' I L Coming in shadowy beauty 0 hm monzV Wm  re ,V Tlmm I 5%; It an idea I gave '9 any? and  ' -
V V ' ' _.c.. ~ ;,- .111 'nolted. . . 111th ohm dontye- 0 ell 1&1 D 1 .
 F .3 VI'V ?' The 3:le: that You ."09 5 (If; sm"mg  h 1 wuz xiu ,D 1 YIlpfgttabzgss gl'ushml to go shing, haI?n7IV:IengI :exn away to be V _ ,
I I I I I III I Sing:1'II)3mIEGIJIIlivfsgIJI:IIEIIIIYIbm your soul to " I he continues mmlciaixgd; lit/61:3 char.) .'rowd morelu 3113f. {hemglnliu'y' Wheres my 211,1; "\
3 Li  H Tlllvour' 6 Er iV i; . *   V: 1 11in 2'1 1101  " -  , n educate 0? :-t III? SD055 'V L. "
. V. ~. v,'nV . - l \ V  lug V V M uh 0 . '
I I I I I 'n a V 1L3 9315;31:5ng love and grief- w PMSO up W81 1' (15110:: P Oefaamh tears (mil his pan'LlBlS? VYILIE$$LO fem pants 11;: (5111160133? V V
v V, l V ' I' I  c 5:; r ' ~ .L' 58 k n llllll'J will? 310 . - m bcs 3 '  ' 
, V d mow-om. _ u The (11 .V, . V e shad D0 m g)_ a V V lutelvais
 I I I II I I Brlefrgxgalrim, if is not cast OK, as '3 "5 yo lips began IOU (I?) gullllgmlvlmdluzelv melted. Thmk I go; 1103:1315: both nandS? Whatd
l "V: i " '  V .' ' 'I'I'l. I ,_ V 430.0 A A   VV1  N. jqn V (1 my 1'08 . . n . _ 
 V . 1th nal D'ILl V . ACLOIIDDD V \V y.  51V, (1 \th V ,V . 11),: 0D ._ muss? > V
I I I I I B ' lr rm-st WWW-an: the worst 0' 3-  wnen I I 7claf I01. goghtflgvIloyhtcHZloIll'V'by the V' You do ltllltggg'lfaglvietshel 0a Ike punt?" I I I} V: I
V. u t'v  f," -V .-' Vrrme L 1 . MW L- .c W a,  V we 11- . ,L
_ z - L ,V F ,r V rloun. . V out and tV-lsm-a , , V J ln VI 0 <1 I 1 KY) . _, In ON
I I I I VIdT'hIILIVIEILLLUELJEbS favors reflecmon and 3013' l i band, of you uml (legcjldeslyegew; :1- Ge said Mrs. SPOOPGIIE'IkEpgutIllnuZ ground m n
V? V, l  cmnmdeslem'e youalomf m. uries of nn- l  Ole Miss We 1 Wig -01 ' v aghos Wv l4 reau drawers 9'1 a "lqlsslnz MUCIBS- -a- -.
I? I You will try to Slvpp, but the nu u Wz' Ilita dos llke cherxu Ill) 1. vain endeavor to pd meprnnts so you wont a. ,
'2 l "V .' I "rotten years . in ' . 's ~71 1m. V l V' I can 11X you   nd ._
I: I '- '0' Will 53121 a storm of mld mgrets perhaps yofhaclg 155}: :vas a pause, the 0 11mm pat nezglggvbesvspende teduyd 1511;? pgopcn- I \
'  '5- . ' ms' . V   . ~ V V ~ Va, in" y. -. .  . . n r 31,6 -
 J ..  vac} :SEEI-Tgtfook: each touchmg 1:01er each tlnz the We cngglfsl;bxl $12130; whcle Rc- them b01016 many. sulrge M  . V . .
5 I; ' "' I -,.V-V11'LV{:V caress. V  . . YOU aint nlll , . v  V .' :. 'lllC  (1 71:8. _V n raved l'.
I I I I The gIIIIEIA '31me of her ringlem the rustling Of 1 mus 'asked nally, "lmse 0; {0115131017 31111inva )u'lhntvs 1t. YouV'e sf ng 'roing to 13K * l _
IIIII I " IIIIZIIIIVLVSI I 11F 'Iquved hand that I out Vere en bIlmll'fll: Isles=17zlqix UICIG Re< SpOpeudjme'to gigggengron with A shoestrin; I '
: ; i 3' i 7be (5VVV1VV;:.. Im: '6'} :QF 1 51;}. . L the ll e of, In ~_ .ld 81:)? Going :1 V 11);: to Will 2,.
V- l ' v" l ; am. suL-n all f\_:I:1;};Lxlu;\-llzgzlrlul. of the ball. T I mi: had conquered hlm and V IIIIG ngglcjvay t like you do you: bustle: ngohold em on? . 7
IIIllllllI ' Th1) 1VV~.V.V_:r:-hfl'h: f2iuf5m thlu V-Vlill' t I Uncle Remus in Dl'eII-V much Li030! Uncle. 1 around behind me all, day J and buton eml 
": VS ' o hugx cvomu ml vou slumber. worn on below But it Was some 111111112103 vile had  1 Plraps you can 1311111I vsdellI; propose to x " . N _ . A ,
VVV ' s urn". . . '. '  V n. V . , . S. V
V \V e I b: ber-95??? in the distance vague I * Remus woulld ggfxmiowgver he settled aroundm) giikiut 9cm on me upsxdl:1 (10:1;
\'* VVV .' '-)u WW .4 V coaxc .    .  V .'. . cm? 01 . 9 Jim 5 3 '
_ \\V _rVVf: And :ngnga of 3le mrm falllnrr of an air y0u I Loinldf back in the Chau' strelgzidnn'olc Bra? so uthey fall eyIIIerViIcgg Hm: lllx em, V y
. ,V V ._... 3 "S '8. 'rn  v " u . , 8 " ' ;_ ' '
IR ' In > \ 1ngI-S'IELV'IlDIrVi/illxl'IllIg b nlxe uI urlie I  IIIIfOISCLROSZLt 131,51: er u'cr Brer \Volft, hesdgyi:%$lt {Nelly dont Ye x lem? $111313 I ' 5" V
V I ~ I I -. '.'... Au"; '1 I'll "15 sung y ) W0 er . j I ,l  1m W30. 0Y1 W 7 O - ' -- ck at the em _ - ' .V p '
V: l\ s :V ; Ln. liileiIII:"""" mm adeaulyknell. Vitous er hm vfo I;.V{IIm13 wnz gun , thowsera I: itgclllllg nd Mr. Spoopeudylie V _ 3:57 -1
I6 \\I I 1 x-lu < she will. ever again be 30"*- and 30 1 mout ea EIEVfcthaIgrh ma it. ter 3'0- :9 " jI Whaitmfcxfgss She room and dove 1132:: I e I . I '
j  n {.u L" :V 3 ..  tprme e _ y l, 11de min f E 0. ~ 1" 705?: suspen . . I V .  V.
~.V l V V, ll mud; >00 , , . beenwhat f wu" comm long V_,V m seaxch of x h n ,
\. I ' ,_ .  V of what mxzht MW umeBrer W0! - , .,1 ,7 do good he wardrobe Vewhere. V V v .
: _ VV -, l 1er EI"}1VTS A. L ~ . .  ' f ' 11 frolic. Hes antelV OH:- . . V : ' u'me mtbelhere s. H . nded \Iz. :VgV-V: ' _ V, "
Vi - l 1 V HVO\:h:I:Il)71I;l;;Itoefneet VOL "II amdden 1 Egshm his string er -hcmf .ms lghg l usnoa' em to me mm 1,3132%: 'em out ' " NVxw
 I  '4 A 431 unrest ~ 1 t fold her l ml me new )0 know Ie MESS-713 11613 =  Snoopendvkey take If an re somewhere. mmn .
* III/I" ' III Yrullljiseloh vou' arms outlovmg! 0 he hop outer de bualle engutlkfmneonbgd} ELL-r i  to mel Of course theybren leeml What have ' " 
2: V .V  - " ,V ' .~ - . V '1 V v ' lo "  - m 0 - ,  ,_
,1 .l 52;; \5 B 1: xi IEILIIHBESZISEQOUE will fume and (he, and g at BrexglVltfollf9161czc-P5ggI! e trvln fer ter 3 only just pg; 313? 1.112:th ye recolle 0 Eager . . .
I ;: I lAFZ'iTI-I 1 V1. . V ' Vy lsef  0 0'1 5 .~  ln 'e done W1 * Y I TthB mu; . , ~
. V V_ P; VV [5 tarlmn Lone - lem ty l h 3 . on 1d dat he my 3 , l to hm, baads 0 .
;VV '. l I? "I.I V f ' 'ouclasp the tlun am P a toll 7jyn wav fumhel mes, .han 9 made em up n . or whether - ~
' ' 1: V ' " Youll in " I 'I l ' en ut out luter dc bushes \l u  Y V u did my dressmg-EOWl , W . V
3  " II uiz- 1:1an _. . ,V- di:0;.anCe on his sh dOW . p fV Veu bout (lat V enruke YO . to seeif they Would ETO v
~V ' = . V . . u  ~1- lmls clam-5 -~ M'q PalVI'ldEe came m7 . V -' muted them ,- ' 1] walk- ' m .
~ mull: m. anV . V . er' . e , 010 1.5 V lloulr D31 wuz V you P but? lhlnkt ey 7 , I, V
a .. V. m hum wmds )Jlu' . . laugh- I 1 Bret Rabblt, he happen r , - my; van did my 8m" V those 5113 V "
V V : y _ .. ., . V: nIWlledLlumun svoxce. (In? M zBrer Rabbit, ell w on .._ mm bug? S pose 9 V . . V .
* - V V' .'. u. .VzV-wz-VVV m l- 1 IV "V. VV  1131105 on (,_.r 7 . - r- ed of: him a. C '  to a lcnlc. _ V, g
' E I  12W- 9:;281I1i92lfhgeer; you talk ho Ii ' 33m (18 case Wnthou glfta [5,3533 30 1 ' pendel have [tagggaegghfggye cllthlia - _. 52;..=.:;2VV-
2V1.  V V 7, 'ousu ~  . '; rer r.) "l. '. V -- u _- M ~
I 5:: I i; AIL IlJeIV'IIeI? Id I.Ilgghlghtv spirit is made of such I FI1Itillllt ngVldiIliISI (glut dem Ishcs ((an 13k. 1 lgigwgmgvgere my pensuggguig ' I -' > '7
. __ 4 Do you Hunt: @631 _ i ' \l 1 ,V,\ 1f put um at. on w en 10! -. . endyke,p0kmg0un 11 d l? . _ . v '
- 5. V; L tz'lllinzmmm on will still love V wbar 31:1 0 V Voile 1 Ml- 39009 V'theres those suspen 0  . ~V ,
I II I 5 "VI?"-  u I-gv. everlovcd her. y ' 01f COmebICK (Icy wuz I2 ' L. I clothes nag. e shelf and ,V - , V V * _V -
e I If: ngt b0} 01111 kqu d mvrtles blossom above. and I * WB1'Cl Wolf SCI (10)?)153111 65;] gel] glfsgilgl" I nnd he Dumd Isa bgglffugtgl case with n  . V'  V
l .   . Till the cmu'cn-Wl . . i he did an study en s m V v ;' . ,1 VI, V~ rummage mou _ d  V
Vl . .V to hem. ~V . . - B r Babonnlu 1 a dwlnln r0 - , , V V
Vol-l 11 1 l __ 1 mmo dnt re . .nanclle for 3 n d 
, .. V V. - ~ V : ash IDLOI 115 . .. ,1 rer broom _ g t, behl  . _V.
 it ; -k How is .1. ;~,vmu.ler. hereafter: } mth teache: us i  Idol} on Gen Brer W011, 15; 11)]? alegellmil Just 1e: 1116 2:113??? Eng: gig, will hold ' V   _ V
, V -_ 2 .3 :; ;'~, ,' . , x w  _.. y . .  00p , . V '
. VzVV- luVV-quVJ earth. Do Rabbiu hNEC: e I V v , m bout 531d M18. ~13 , _V , V ,
V_ , WW lave loved alrllht 911-, .- .V , :t, he Gunnomdlnu n J n , _  wm'i" V  _
I I If: 211 Of IBIS-u III-IE Hm. I HIIII'Wl-megg've led with I I :IIFQEIL? REE; Wolf, he upn 5215 I130 bleepfij a Iht'lgllats the schema, shriekgdlglihsgwgf - F: _l ,
.V k V39} W _ ' an 1i .5 we mlg u l . )V' "L   . H A. [38 CS.  7V ttg 0. - v V V . A V
V mm 0 VL . V V V Lubbuzmdem V . V L V n omelhlng b 20 . . . V V V .
  .'  \ hm 3103" 1 mfivifmg 3);:1sphere. and r8- | $23213: 3181;) on down. but Brer w 0115 8&3; $32-$12 slurp as you Id get nob gliglgnglvlg ' '  , 'jV r V
 l n. V new: sleigu .~ (1 V. A ' V , m 'V r ' mg l . , .
V - ' V V hmrmf Ill: bxluken VOW? V . - I ._ 1 ll dntV I'll-or Rabp 301' dfm 95m? t for an oystelrlcnlfe. 41130 W " and come ! V  V V
l ' l "M 1 L511) mud to think mt Jewels We 1. E? bbit he say (lat 1f Brer Vl oli b leexetllelfio somebody sit. crossJWE-eu on you L d to be  , I V V
" . - VVryVe >  urml'v" '1 V ' V: .11 .' V. * er Cl . V , V 7 x ece , ,
' L I \ ll II IIIIIIIZ IIII'IlIvLer we love 0" 00 IIMSImmy I de ghs (len hifgi Biorle9$flealge tuck l, home t\V%""I(a:V%:ltaogni tellollse doz~gasfrt V. V. .V 3:,
1,11  (Unheaaingv-L  V kill de bes 00W -. - ' V ~ )us- Manor-s cpl   nd the 110:: V, _ _ -
V.IV*I '  '. "lIVIIiEIVIVIIEViIlygi'ty ivy, greater thank l Bret Rabbit at nis Ygrd. iELEZDIILIV-Elfgrfab- ed suspenaers between now n V . V/ V , : >
I I I And 1'? 1 b  ' - . l a d drive up 8 011 . Vm . he V 'V ' ~V V
. | 'V . . . u: an - wall ants W118 V - V; V V V
I 1: f  'l'o v Ifil'llmpumina will meet hammer and a I V bits besPcoggVVt he hntc mighty bud fer ter -', "1 111mm thgvmvzi 0311 rEISSpBOpCDdyke! en- ,_ V, 31:89.3 ;
 AL . ' " V Vn-g- .w m: 1V ._V: hljz'cr z 1 ;  _ V . ~ ut t em on, r ' ,. - reasoulug- . .r
 I  I II - that come to us VAL-Vi lis cow. but he In 1113 plDDS. 0 he {9'1 I: 1.1 upon a llttle mamtlva mus?- V: . _
I V  B'l '31: I 9" that all the es 5 Ihqscclullne dst he gwiueter have do! becfliylf' 840 llidnc take them off, and so Inga!) DVD V_~ . ,
'. V l " ). Vu . . . d 15 . V V V t'de alterr0 era n _. V, d the 200 W0  ' i - _V . V
. . V LuLVn .1. d eto lOVVe then tquun . Wolf no hm tuck up XV P ! be there DOM. imV . V V ,
. ' _V , Vl Have. in r'uls nolence on Bler " l he mighty skcered un um, um !  h (1 her husband with :1 mm H ld V I VV , V ,
, v i mm an-Lh; , l nme heart is l  7fore DOM 1 . . come Brer Robb j 91030 e V V VvV (rug to be xed, 5: 'V . V, ~
TT- ~ .' , .~ wsu'el 118 V 18 ' V f news you LIlOW, 301' . , . Oh! DOW Ida) 6 g . lble rrxm.  V V  ' -'  .
V; 2/ V. Andtueuom s o I V as ..7 , t llin Bret Wolf cat de panel- V; cnmke mm a he" i: . V  ,
V J:' 2" i--f2~VL,'.eV ant mir'hmvellaudtruly l hollerln 911 e , V M- LTOOD ' t cut button-110165 in VV VV , ,
,-' ll , 5: For aILtL,;eL:LLu of hunu y s l  {01191; wuz colllliDh-ide Drer Wolf, sez Bret Frags iguagigang hang over my ghoul; V V ,, . V  2
 V : . n (.1 . 1 n V 011nm : . V V_ _ . 5 V our 1m ) on ovc ,, " r . :h _ 1
V j  I V V1 L l-. you marvel greatly, Tqm. to hear 611.111 l -_ Rabbib sezeol eu 1] stay 3,le 6"] who 1:0 61 l  : {181%, aint .3")? Want meg: gifhexglwo sucks I V . L \
, V 1st $5113 fmm menmost heart Lwould be no V! (1e cow 9m}; you;gcx)tsr Eggtallff do patter- V my mag. 111: soulaslgfu" Y8? Maibe you V V_   . > .- ,
A V w E H, It'VVUl HIE my) ' V2: SOD 3 1151 I i l dc underbrepll [mg 9, .ounce , '5 hurried down to ~ ,. l. . f V." {Maa}: 
I I I lmIMIi: 3 closet, -iIh 5 ghastly [mm I? le 833:3? 13113,:le Em En he want thlnlfft;OBE%::%gp?edte the rst crack at the i - :
V . 3* y-xlr ,".-':1~:*'  . . V like 9 n ,, V. ' on ' [near a, V E   I V .L
\ " " l; WWII -' , {wished love. lulled by u. muel V mon gone fo Brer Rubblt, Le whirl ln  V morning paper, dont ye? responae- . . .  ,  
 f 1'1" I III MI m I h 1  skunt dc cow en salt, dc lude doun, 31,0011 ) But Mr Spoopedyke made 30 uttering V
'7 i 6. V .- >4 "1 soms- - k' s on slow way 1 U - her husban 5 . 
I l V- .V'IIIVI Ac 1) - my me alone 3 3 9 I ,. L h tuc'i cut up d0 1:51 3 0 emnrr the back of B0  ' V
V E And L ""~~: 3 r i . . e I 1 mouse Aer he Gone (1011!? a V j D P  the miejnn suspenderu - , V  V
 I f .mms Ml; . ~. ' H, the ghost 0* V m (13 5m {e ' - r Brer  i shlrt, sue aw " were before , - ' .. -. = V
l I l And 'V'fillfI.i" 5 Lmeate Mu th . . l I die, den Brer Rubblt he squall out 0 . had slipped them over (illehzllllouforgotten all ,V "  V V
l V ' 1. lV'-"~"" a; ,. V 3 out at midnight 0 Wolf: l v assuming the muslin, an ' ' .V,.;_
, . : Andl . Struck ms mm 1 u unn yer, Bret Wolf! Run yyer. Yo cow , 3mm them. 9 wled Mr V . jrg
: I! ' 35' IxIni 618d? Wm M "asses. CE I , wine in de 3mm V13 IfrIl 1' web he ' L Smut-task whim 1, ehlsgrrmnalet V 
=.. "Vb ' 1" A $135; Jud QVVEJ. . - - wa reminV I WIcn OIO Brer VI of- 30 (Pa lllt h0"in SPOOPendykel as he 616.le head was as 1 I
- 1' 11: a" neuillig ~ ll-5" Im. us afazllflovgd neer come er scootlnv {11f $151},on iktu Jfljzm Ell/inc the suspenders doqu' % iota; church bell. I X
 '~= ~4- _  1;;_V':( 0113K - . V! mi er 0 '0 v ,  143 lldhre 011 V V v
u lullasmuzh. 2.1 U; . ; on to do Lous  \v If h kotch holt en V V clear as you nd a dron of rain ,
V -I loves ml min: :_aan - 1 1 we Marne-:1 at a 111 (19 gram: . B181 10 7 e .  ' You only need tour lenses ll . 011- i"
. V - ' - lalquL 1 1  1 t - gnu come (16 10.11. Den VV_V -, o e H And BDOOQ
' A Expenence 351 1 , A, I de "m 3pm er 0 D V , . . ;_=VV,V'VVV waterto p55 9., nun-05c l3 - med  _ I?
' I IIIITVYIE'VII vVV-V-aistcncl'. 1 too. II '32; BrixERabbitlle wink his ofteye en 33%:ng dykor-hnnlas}.;.on 1.115 Clothes agdegcbetore _I IV  V V, I
-. g The soggy: 9112"" VV V mDar! do tall done Dull 01 5 e ,7 .V-IjVVJV down stairs to get the trmrnlnfleJ P !_\V, :2
'1 .2  :2 5'; I VIV:V\rIxul:VanIIYIII - r his wife could make a clutch n. 1- 
' v: .. """Ek ".