IT. w ---... 4....-. .1
.3541} ' ' Tw-tZ I . ' "Miss Fox- she tuck Jill Let be a. good idec, HokeTi-W Wb'ofszlnfwd 7 / *T . T
I 5.5.3:: 1.11:1}.  : I : ...-A PiTATT LEGElD- '1' 3 en she Iotcbbpfe an em Iter dowerinestonc,7 I let'- - 91:13:21 In? or / IrI-._,I"I.
."49733  . . ~ . I'. ' en set um up on it so dnt she could groan lweu hcrenoh de empty ohm: nr mndhr dar all I  '._-i. '
._ . , : .. a . I, ,i . - ., ,-.I,

5 '7fTirT-li- I  ... . ; ,. (Joell. .. 1:43 New Book] ii . o Bret Rabbits nose. Den Bret Rabbit, be I bvltae't.   I t--. I y
g _. INow,Ideu,. an. uncle Remus. with u 11- pin say aezee: . . Den he turn his eyes upon Tam win his han' upon de l I y.
:7 , ~- .  sun! unity, as soon as thalistla boy, by tak- n .13; you please maiam Miss Fox, Tobe he . , I Cbhlf, 3 ,_ i

 I'fi '1. . lug "his seat announced that lie was ready for -   o 1 ld- ' T15 "WW0m "v 331!!! 1719 DOW. ~ ' - :55-
. .. I I I km turn (is handle wiles you gins after some who dare n I l ,5,
31 .. the evcniug 8 ontertfilmnent to begin. Now, WM 181 t 91- 36 Edmsmuev 9109- u' awiul scen den follow words an' threats an' IE I 5
I2. '  ggg} "if: 31;" :tfiilnrgsaizbne Sginvgg}; "Co"ee. soona Brer Rabbit see Miss Fox 20 - angry blows. '  l I I -
. - I . . TI . . 'vT ...- ' . . t l ' m 'owu en [1 out 8 D20 (16 soldiers enter silent ' 1 iii} 1
I: , . WIIllar Ole Brer Fox 103' his hrs-i: en he.aint gig: 33:32:: $3,353 p u  n . closed. ii an all as doors were I HE:
'."I .. illicit, no mo down tar dis day, ' I f "And was that the list of the Rabbit too, Dan Iknowed 'tvms 1880,311 dc thing had run its I I .53 "5
IN 1 Did he killiilmself, Uncle Remus? the Uncle Rem-397) the little .boy arkcd mm I course. I I?
11 _ 11931:th asked with a curious. 1231: concern. something like a. sigh . An )2 P residency "9"! from de 1390919 now 7 i ' i,
Kw: I _ i , Iole On .dar, honey! the 0 man ex- ' . u I i ' 1 s h e . n r n- 0  I: -:
I . claimed, with a great. affectstion. 01' alarm; (16:31:32 gluigeildongtosbeoyvgognz upcfono 5 Der $35.14 gone for nothlu an dsr will was a   I." E

u I n x A . - ' n  g 
. . hoe 0 (hr! 1 .mmm mom! I (1011; Icornder. I dont wanter tell you no stories. , All 591 mu nmteat futile as de nmrmum or (is I _ I .

I,- I mfg-9r, tall 1,70 bolslory.boii.tcf you kegp Some any out Brei'RabbiLs ole o'mau died : 4- . ii .I
I T vm me "67:  mou 9'" 5'0 er 6  tum emin some p'zeu weer1 on at Brcr Rab- I 06 future opened turner 311' do sperizwok'u  I I: l
. I ,. . . I . .i I . yuan I, .

_ l I _ - l 1,0 mm 119 no! del5,9"- Y0 amt , bit married ole miss Fox. e'u some say not. ' > I All bid we look aroun' me 1m dc marina ob do . - I I
.T- I gunme'room en Y0 30 '31me In Some tells one tale on some tells nudder' l 17: I :5
l '3  -I t" 031W? 37(1Ydmd,.0lhe Plegl'll-Iwepqlmi I some say dnt tum dat time torrerd de Rub! a I I Razexsggn' mi! nickel: at de dreary awesome
3;" , ' ' ions 05.31:, an'nutcra pauSe, he 9 .emus bits ende Foxes make frleus en stay 50' z B I . . I:
. I will??? i . .. 5 , , some say dey kep on quollin. Bit. look Iiko  2333? an atructlon dat was on i: like a. - l. E.
, Bf, \ $1,191.17 "0319 If. 13 Raul) goter it mixt. Leiden: tell vou wat knows. Dal I Bruddera hsn gains: biuder was done raise in ' E
II. {(31} 0.. 0?" :9 16,. enI he DutIun mighty wat 1 hours, you glts simizhc like I heerdit. strife again I l?
6 Do Imoumi. Ilia 3m his ole omnn bKk, en his I There wasa loud: pause which was many I An' da widders an denim ones was monnln' out .

g; . Cuihuns co.Ie, en do her done gone out. Bret broken by the oldman: , der Pain. f II; T:
iox, Ilia Incl bad bout die, on he tuckn snly I Hits gin do mics for you I. be uoddin  Homes:ng WW0 amin. det 1 slautzhfer 9 ll Ill"
'5 ' 1'31 abb't " ' l l; . wr. r- P  4 ' 2 igiI-ITI 'I
bit sc ,,_1II1;1363, 09.51%? If . 33 I J. i 551'- honey.- Bimeby youll 'drap (3 en 1'11 I Ande gory Lm was wailin in her anguish au' de- \ III I
II .- . .If 9 1ch f? @0151 torn- IlcJ bee... "1 l hatter tote you up tar do big: ouse. I hear I spam _ III, I.J
iI. . 3: mm 55 "T1 1: bl he. Ilm dccr, 1, : out baby crylu, en bimeby Miss Sallyll y up : ' Woe nn nrle: 33' min new to ll dais awful place I i liil
E- .: lumen ,0 put out to,.;ds hump. but plESeBL _j; en bc a. hollern utter you. I An n.0,, in awtul miscrvIan klvored up my lace. III {S
l- . _Icr no coinebac... on he say or tier none [zone Oh. Iwnsht asleep 7: the little boy replied. , I Kass I seem tossede'stmchondnt hiidoometogreat  l. i} .
I - I.. I out. lire: Fox 'lowdut he want or invite icr I IIII was just thinking 73 i 311' small , I I I I:
I. I , dinner. but he dont say nuhin, en biwcbv  Well dag-3 mm}, H said the 01d marl  W35 de'wuseqnances tendin' "m 19 scene WW 1 Ii. I
=. I Bi'er Rabbit he unI'r. my. Sean's: . ' u I ' ., . n ' - ' l hall. ~I II, 
f I, 3' . II. . II . . I . .~ I I I _ Ef you ll clime up on my back, he contiu~ 'l , I .-
l; ._. _ I . III .ox, kill. you art In much), nice nod, speaking softly, n1 speck l aint too 015 Aziu tie dream change wid mo an do years seem II 3
I. - 2 Deer. some, an den ,brcr rox, =1u up. u spon, l fer tex- be yo boss tum yer to: de house. I Anulggueggyabhgm nn' smiln 'le m 1111 I" I I
' . l amp0;. , Many en manys de time out [totem yo Uuk. II t in  ' e a e 0  " I
r I . " "1 on come icr my house lcrmorrer 61 yo Jcems datnway en Mars. Jeems wuz heavier War :n-Dd' had let n wid (let an , h an' d I I. III; I
.'w, ; - . , foxes aint too sick. eh 1 km show you whar I not den at yoli 1in: I stings. gun or I 1 If; l
I} . - 3 ion kin gir- pfeuty bccfino mucl' clan dis' ver, I  ~ -~T~ _...____._E__ . .I I. 4111' do peace Oh Jesus 'cended wid do healm' in its : I I Ill I
3' I 39? 7 {For the Courier-Jaime. Wluks- . I I III '
i I " well sho niiff. dc ncx day iofiii Prir Iab- u v n . My heartlep up TOlOlCXD' 311' do 6an 11! to my eyes i 'I. -I'I I
V I/ " ' I Dir. on liver 90 : sm, so in: L J L \ I UNCLE. "SEs DREAM  A51 $: look Dun, ms in a (out an glad l L
I. - l  "SW55 a man down Y'iiiclel' by Miss Mend 5 Here come 019 the agin w torwtaikwidyou some. I, '.   Ii?
l,  .  ' : (:ws wat go: hemp er line mille. on hr: got-{er l mo. . ' I w Uponggmu homestead; truitfultnrimanlohd- g
M "  . "\V v 1 ~ . ' \ 1,, ,..,.,,,,, l, ...,I ,v . A ' '.  I : I
. .::~=:7::~. namingiz'amszlrssrnzn..:, Imaewrum was new Io .....
II. _ I 8d} . 9"! (ll. Iuit .. optn n... nioni, an I <18 breeze. . d ?I
l/ .I ' . You Inn Jump, in on git dos as much meat e5 nifauvlim' teber got himan hemn't alt m ob I I An' Gasligrgaers in do cotton elds wus wuckln wid I . > {I
II , ' .. . you {151mm, 59". re: Fox, sezec; mg,  I 1, i1'
. . -  'llcll, ill no long, ysari. ih'ci'I Rabbit, I I He won't as well keep talkln'. 11839 day 11861113me Da nilizogirsgno! What 1 day? amides nebber did I I I

, III-:I 1' I sexes en you kin jump In: on den il "Ohio's . so free  . ' i .  ' .
(I .  I folleriu nitcr. 5021134".  . k i I Au' {31:31:01}; Ika n1 dis an oat. no matter what 9 3115: a 1 1 W de 517 and 8 I . I

_ _I , WiIl imi dry out viii. en (lav wen-i nroiner- l  . I An' der eye sot in aslantin' an' liar lied Widout no I l"

I . Imriin' zoun Uni-Innis? do cattle, dcv dill, Lwel I I Mn'lvggowavl ill-natured. bullboun' w teal pro- halrn  II  {I .

II I LIUCW Lory sirncirI up wid no one day wnz 1 When a, mrderon disnlgger such a heap ob 5011-, I 'CBDt $393? 1, k9 a possum tail 3 hangin' down I -. I I '
., i a :c-T. Iicr' Fox. .16 up, did, on holler jokes. , .  ' I I Q I,

I- ; Ilookiiyil ch (in cozI' 'iu'uz cr moat wide .I Kasolzell you an: ur' tooiln' is tithing 0 come- Wheggi, $131,033? com 1mm"I keg'IIwon- _IIIII 'EI'I
I_ . . I 0min. rI 0 iii: ', in hey jum-I en-wigu day : queues  . , It; mus' binnwtul congoiin to 0mm ode ankle! so  Em III
'  I w my Bray yox I. in. II 53-, _ - . - 5 When yougota mmslonbot torinmllexan'sense. I . . . g, .- I:
E . . I Y' 7 "  You kin (:iiiinoa Lil)!1,".'/llclfei, Brer Hab- I 8 rm 9 down tamoxdo shimmy 'Rn dglgopeflltumy e.bow sighed an whisper to me  I. I IliI

, I : _, _ bil, rljiui. lldon? an.  usin dIIii_n.iI_g;.;Ii :3.-493; I An' why: lean in intura I W16 it for mysel. . Den hgshgngie how it havpenIdst do ningers an I I IEII

I,  T:':i'..r;:r {:3.-hi; he, ' onc'l ici', : {a 1 I 'posed 5 - . 'III .
$L. I. I ._II, ,, .VIIIZIIIm; 05:1,; {-5,;-9'1): III-::ei My. I NO (13523? bein' s of. dis 15qu I want From do people in de country when they all wus bred l I ,I

,- . . I, .._.,: 2..., In... . . . . . .,
l" _: I ..f  'y'lw' 1 I" :midxi 0 will! x-TRY I M dam? b my 'zmnein' kon'yspondencs he - How $313033an callad Politics" do darkloswus I II
.,-I . . . ran-r, nor-3:2, i col... air $903153. .c blislcli  j, , , ,  debnll :, I
I I , hirer. , . . .. 1; ' I "  I ngggglgfm 1' WMI'M '3" m Kicked tromtsillile to side by parties an by menus de I.II T-I
.,  I . ire; :_nI. 5:1 {1:5,:.=;e'.i,"zzh "(1'3" var-hag _ . _ I . wus' D I . ~.

I I ' ' WW J I M , - I But toggalgyou mam! (m 1 9" "Do on How c132; r(tool mm mm movln' to de Wes an to do VT".

IIII1"_ ..- en "(16320, e: Wiles Idev Wuz cuttin en  To die harry blessed country im' in! race he most . I l

I 551??? dishwdymlli Em Rnbm he Kass oldn'z to d hitsi lks sends dam e: An 14%;? m' 1,0,, M 3m mmhm deuddm I " II:

I. :  33, unfecdgcoggga 1.8 519 en 1" 9m - 3, dgvvg  W  . 3 In de EXIImel dailoiiow on at scene wldin de 3'

Iv-QU _ hmvNow deh, Bea Brat Fox, Tweer zone It: dililggwspel trul I'ae :emn . in: mm: as in me . De white tolksin tier strivmmi had done; push em to .'.I}' d

I- T. _ I s 0, Boxes. ' ' b de wail. / .'I

l ..I  H rwiaz we (1115 do 501 Brer Rabbit, Bout de "1 dat mom to do 571 0 monyes. An' der use all belu' ober day was laid upon do ahei 4 l . I

I. g - . sezeo. Ig '  I "Max:213. cabin CW]: de cock-crow an Ida I An' diertemnaut day was settled in a Elma oi! lo den I II II

n, I . u b 7 - 1 _ , , .' q u I I 3: .

I' .' . youll hug; l: dieznruuzggz Brer Fox, .611: A doleiI) r3311}? an easy like an waitin for do Wimr 331;? 13% on by hund'eds, like de Injuns I JII )IT .

:" 2'  1 _ n v _ 5 l i I;

. I'r: . I . N03, mannin yer cum de ma W781? do Whenlgugtggg gaggun beside me 51383.le mighty All. (19 black in" an: at! Nd WMM'IDEHUQ:( . was .,II 5
I I cow b long ter, an be ax who kill Bookav. .Sayln Bitmap Ike' w'tollow me no, habn bit oh I bored widdepas.  I \ir... I QI:
If ~ . - Nobody dont _say nuthin. Den Irle man say tear u '  ' . OblmzhgkzuhMIW my color an' I fall 1115' at to z .

hell cut her open en see en den he whirl in An' on: cold hair it 'pmu'ed to ma was swept . . I . ii
I _ en' twant no time to he had er intrulg II across my race. Whenlggulluggtkium I let' me an." thank 9 I . I '
:3.: . j . npreadout. Bror Babbitt- ha crope out do gall, | I An' Iseem'tg stint up trlmbil'. BD' 1001 tenth M GMGO lI  I-
._I;\I' en _Isny, sezee: . mun IIapaoe.  m ' ' '  I I II
If; I.  ~ ." 'Mister Man! Oh, Mister Man! Ill tell  l Isee WK deme' standtn' "1 do bright moon- HAPPY HOMES 'I I if
if '* YO? who 170, COIYII 1Y0 1001 in 16 maul, Au' he beckon an' I follow em out din-into da night.  . ,  I I~ I III
I... ._ T an an iron llne nu.- Bezee. He scam tuleud 1110 onward obar mountaintop nn' ' [For the Courier-Journam lI,>,l .7
i": . I, Wid c131. de man tuck a stick nndlam down plain, . For: hmm, I think no what under Gods I I I 
53" .  on de maul so hard (bit he kill Biel Fox atone T'Well we reach a lubly city. (lat he bole me was de . ' ' ' 1 .
5  . dead. Wen Brer Rabbit. see Brer Fox wnz brain . blowing, they should be. It requires but ' i .iII
ggI} I' x; : laid out for good, he makes like he mighty 0" d1 "3 g gggiened country, whar "'3 31" .limsEeort 0 make home cheerful and Damn. , ' I. III
11"  . son-y, en be up, i de m Ior Br FOX I-Iwasniliee 32:: oh tribulation an ob peacefulnew as ' , 3  4'
I - k II .Iiiiead. Man say he aint keerin, en den 13m .wou). -.  ' ' TELL MAMMA. I  I I ..I

1' ~ T ' nbbit tuckn brung itte'r Bret Fox home. An' uran nu' me an' beautiful in allseem him to me. ' I :1
'37 ' . Dar ha see ole Miss Fox, on he tell cr dat he WM do ribber giidin' gently down beside it to (is Have you lmf'd EYPWTT I. . l l
l . Johnnie (liar! aslicd momma, I I

I . . done {click her some nice bee! wal. er ole 595- . I' As Johnnie came home - I "I

,1: : . man gout 91-, but she aint getter look at. it D8 smog; 1:6 1110 onward n de streets um well we - With a smile and a dim. .I_ l I,

I; ill-'3 '7 twel 5115 go ter 93" . n v . I . I'm goingm llell one 17!
a-y 1;. Bret Fox son waz name Tobe, en Brer To awtdggahm some m 1 ' "1 mlirhty To-niorroxiu'j he said: - . . 'II ',
IF; 7 . Rabbit tell Tobe fer ter keep still wles his We glide in: nude do'wayu t'weli we reach I: nor- . That limeIDiclg I'Orcl'l'sys  .f _I ..II'

.:; mammy cook dc nice beef wnt his daddy sent mous hall." 15 pre), a mple H I I . E l

I5 II im. Iiobe, hewusImight-v hungry, en he look Den wa stood up in'a gallery an' look down .von it I' But what is it called,_dearf_"., ..  _I 75 E.

III. - I in de pot he did Wiles tie cookin wuz gwlne , 3"- , , _ , , Asked smiling mawrf r I . 1

I33: I  on, on dar hehaeelhis daddys head, on wid am Twasbagggigmggely Wane, an '3" ricn mill JohiIiIlie thisuei er profound I I. .I I

if... _': - i he sot up a ow en to a his mummy. Miss L i ' I . _ I 0! Ye IueI" - . I ' .

I333 .I' Fox, she git mighty mad Weu she ne she WM a?gagf mm "m m 1 5mm hm Al\}1Lxgllilfrllelliillydp you, I I I

- L11 . - . 000m1 119, ole m9 head, en 5110 03- 11D de Dev Was tumble excited. an' Imade out fru myrenr, WHYI this, (1811,. mammn, .  I

T., 3,33. T ' dogs, she did, en Sickt em on Bret Rabbit; on But do talkin an' an quarrelin' Wu 'bout an empty I, um, to learn to play "Wm m . g, I-
. 51;}..1 , I ole Miss Fox. en Tobe, en de dogs, day push cheek" , ,~ - u . in ' d 1' mother  1

;-I--. ;.'  Bret Rabbit; so gloss dgt tha glitter take a. 1101- Home $593;ng do Rent men seem to Wm 13 for , aggugokgyz.,yznd. ' :II ;

. {2? .T T 161' tree. isa ox. e e e obe fer ter stay . ' . I u rm 1: b-   I? l :?

_Ig der on mine Brer Rabbit, wile she goes en T An x,fgngf howled aronn 1" same 3 dogs do . flewg 1;, :oI-I-olv', I.II '

. Kit <18 MI en 611 She 3: Bret Rabbit Day was *vided into motions. partyspin: runnin' A}.-. . Tllhe wo..iu=.corne after - -~- ; "l I}

E? T no 12019 Tobe ef he go ter de brunch en git nn . high. . MyIiunocont lamb, . . , III.
I955? , - 1!. drink er water dais hell 2111 im a dollar. An' no action seem too shabby for to [min der object And}\ou)%each him lug lllSc _

I; . I. Tobe, be put out, he did, en bring some water in; Elma" 5"" to'mm'rm  .  I l
,1?  ' in his hat, but.ny d8 time 133 ghoit bag}. Brer D 3:th car speakers 10" 9 3" d9 1 T Dont go with him, darling I II at?

19f; _ .  Rabbit done an en gone. 16 iss ox. she , _ Ie'llloud youastrain . ;'

:33. . . cut an cut twel down come (16 tree, but no And tuig" was 18 honestest. an had de best.- g would teach you to he . I. la,

Lg; .: . R bbltdzii' D n h l d bl ' . . . , . . And to steal, my boy bonnie; .i' .
L3"- , .. . Brer n_ . e B. a By 6 31138 0!) Descene kep mien wilder-mu Iteured day doom d i has. Il .
3&1'.  , ~ Tobe. en she say she amneter lash ash im, to blows . . 1,} ll 3mm, 4.3;, ",9 my_ 1H:

.  , l on Tobe. he put out en run, (18 ole oman utter i When do spent calliny whtion to as great big [oIld- Alllhe bad naut'}, pugs 3;}; 1g
. , im. Bimcby, he come up wid Bret Rabbit, . , in 103 , ' That would ruin mv Johnnie," 5

x.fgj:;,-,Ij ' en set down for if?" tell 'lm how twnz, an A lmageut man 9 widn xmbe, determine So Tohnnio mch day -I ' I.

I:.;~r:ggf.j: -,  . . . wiles dey wnzavsc in dnr, yer come ole Miss I . '.   ' ' . ' 3

3:73??? :2 ZI Fox a alippin up en 'zrub um bore. Den she An bzygpahciem troops 0b soldiers new to nu deIout  Ageliienil ifisllllllghre, . Il:

A: If? I; Itell um wnt she gwmo (10.. Bret Rabbit she . Be seen to be a. le wld his man man: his With her mnycrs and her pleading; I? _I.-I. .I.

- ;m 5,523; III-,z- , gwiueter kill, en 'Iobe she gwineter lam c1 its reach. - Like Cinistfsiie has taken II: I {a " .;
.g.~.zv<: \? de 1113 lick. Den Bret Rabbit any, nezee: (An' a [nullity 211' ch 51161100 (in: WEB 5370539? f3? _ Her lamb in her arms, : ,'l  _ 3.:?
wcitmwwza i * 1! mil please mam, Miss Fox, lay me on den 5900) And h 010- little gift I I I:   ""-
.Igwrr ~:v~ 2 de KIM-65w and aroun off my now go 1 He walk straighten between 'em all do 13113111 01) (list To Gods presence is lead;..g. I 
9P??? .'"73; ' $5524 "  7  7' n m . 7  ' . biz hull - MARY A. DENISON. I ~

 wijs; .7 - 13'1 t smell, 0 mo  p [ l deld- An upon do mm 'semhly fell a dummies: like a W" I

- m _
 am .