xt73xs5j9s16_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113.dao.xml unknown 0.64 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 59m113 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Hathaway family papers Composers -- Correspondence. Bible carried by Captain Leland Hathaway during the Civil War text Bible carried by Captain Leland Hathaway during the Civil War 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113/Box_1/Folder_10/3735.pdf 1845 1845 1845 section false xt73xs5j9s16_11 xt73xs5j9s16 ‘.- V ' _ I. " 4.5:: 1L1: ‘ _, y
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, 15-! " '( 11: 5 . , \\\\\, ML: : 5-35
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, g: 5.. ..;~-\:%:§ 5 . 5.2.537 5 :5. 559%,; , "C “5:5. , 5.
i ‘:¢"‘?‘3‘5 §;;3';\\‘¥§\§\§ 5:5 fi’EW/P 5;»!- j’éé/Zz ;, [’5 "If: _ .
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..1\.J§x(-;.:'Sm.i, \ \§\\\._ - 9,, .. gov/,j/{é/yy 55:: .
.ffla‘fi‘ 155,59; 5B5\ §§¢s§¥w g; gig—gxl/jzéfl, 55-51555”,

A, :, 5,: 5‘5». :1 5 \. My” zazézcj/V; ; . ‘35::

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9 my" ’5’ a KWQWVWCV/Kggfiiww650991385555° 1: V . ‘ .
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,1 i £1.)3“‘;J!1:‘lll\kl5b\fll‘f?h--¥\> :. I .,.. 1 k ‘
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 éfl‘ ’ " 4‘ ‘-"‘ is
, .
it i}, ,,
‘5‘”? TO THE MOST “1G“ AND MIGHTY l‘iLiNCi‘i ‘ a
it 7 J AM h b,
,1 ‘ "V THE GRACE or GOD,
i ' t 1 The Transinmrs of the Bihie wiah Grace, Mercy, and Tome,
. f , a . through .msus UiiitiST our Loni.
I , “f ‘ ' f ’f/”‘
‘ / ~/ - , ,1 : I i . G'REAT :mii mnnifoiti work the \)\(‘,:S'Int:h, must drenui Sovereign, which Aimighl)‘
" 71, 714;, ,5] £4, : 1 - 4‘1 Gun, the Father hi hi mercies, bestowed upon us the iicopic oi Euylunu.
"" v A», W , , when first he tent Your )iuicaty's ltoyzii Person to mic and rnign over uh. Fur
“AI/5H fl {Ki/V ' ! whereas it was the cxpectution hi rnimy. who wihheri hut Wcii unto our firm, that
V w,’ x 7, (1,: / V, ‘ upon the netting of i'm'u ‘Srijxht Occidental Star, Queen EHIAIIWU?» of most hnwy '
. r' ‘ ' f a ' , ’ ineinury, wmc thick and painnbie cimuih of darkness. wouhi t-r) have uvcrahmiuwcii
J I z 3 ‘ ' this Lnnii, thut mch shouiii hmc been in doubt which way they were in mu;
‘ ‘. C/ " Z gr ‘ M .3 ‘ anti that it shouhi hzu‘iiiy be known, who was to direct the uuscttieli State; the
' 2 ’ V , x' " llmicnr'incc at Your iii-\ich‘v as: of the Sun in his Iit-rcuwth inxt-inti' iii: )riicd
,_ /pg,r/7_7¢ , i r.‘.,,,,- . .. H, W , .114
,I‘ ' ' f m ‘ r those iiupnusnii :inli suflgieuii mists, unii gave unto nil that were we“ mick-Ami
i 4‘ , ~ ,. ! chectiing mun-c oi izornl'uri ', csncui'iiixvdivu we. hchciii the (invcrnnmnt Cniilhhtflicl‘
: . I D ' in Your Highness, anti Your hour‘i Semi, by (in ununuhwu Title, anti this niéo '
/' i é J ’. ‘, accompanied with \u-ncc (and tmnuuiiiity :it home anti abroad. ‘.
‘1 _ r f {r iiut among: :1“ our 3095’, there wit: no one that more fiiicu our heart!, than the ‘
7 I / . / .,' hirncu continuimce of the profiting of ‘(i'wi'u mermi Word among us; which is
952/7". -~ M"? /" .c . that incstimxihic treasure, which ”@zpcheth uh the riches of the mirth; hamusu
"W ff . thn i'rui‘u thurcnt cxtenrlgtwscii'ynnt oniy to the‘time spent in this truuaimry , V._ x
. , 7‘ . ,1 / , ;{/L 4.2.77 1 , wm‘hi, ‘hut thructeth and i1 :noseth men unto tiny etcrnui humuncss which is l f; \fhfigfifu
‘ ’ :1” f} n/ , é“: / .V, nich m hem-ch. __ \p r ,5 ' ’, wta-ijflfil}
' ‘ ‘ {44/ r, M , / ‘ Then not to sufic '- tn mu m the urnurui, but thcr to take it. up, ml" to 1 ' ’ r ,-‘- :1 j u?
, , M 7‘M / 7"‘M , /f, A V ,t _ continue it in that suit wherein thc famous Prcticce‘ssnr at Your iiighuera did ’1‘ i 7):: 11:15.." v ‘- 1"
'12; .7"; /5/j‘, 7 A ’ V " ' «7 iczwc it: my, to g" {on uni with the confidence mui rcsoiution Oi 2; Man in “ i~ :5 , -‘ 7.3%.
/ -" V4“ i «-4; /x,‘- 4/4», 2: ,. » mninminin-g the truth orbhrist, and 1iropn'zuting it (hr hrui “cur, is; that which ,. z ‘1 ‘ ,1 r '1“
,/ / ; r”‘ \ , w’r" 5' i 7 huthwhuunu mui iirmiyknit the hohrtu oi uh Your Mnfiu-sty'a \oyui uniire’xix‘mw , ;j;r’,,r.»w_l-;\ - J
. v ,1 r ,. ’ ' \mnnic unto Ymr, thut Your very name is \irettinus among them: their eye «\ot‘ ~ ’ “\r./‘\
' ' ’ ' "" / i/K-AW ((4., 7M ..2 ; hchuhi You with comfort, umi they \iiesaYou in their heurtu, as thut smittifit‘ ‘
/ ’ fl g 1. _ l vim-on, whu, nun-u- God. is the iiiiinc'iinte huihpr or their true hzxphimsi, A!
p‘» 3 J rt";- ‘7 _ f / ' ‘P v ' , f '1 this their contentment doth nut diminish ur decay, but every any incretiscth n
_ / ' ” ‘ g), [)(EEMQ’L' . ,, , 4| tnhcth strength, when they ohscrve, that the zeal of Your iiiujcsty tnnimi T
v , ' ' - M / ,4; w » z ‘3 , hum-e oc Gui doth hot uuéii‘hr g0 bziukn‘urd, hut is more mui mare hind ,[
C— , _ 7 / 1 ‘ ""' ~ vf . . " ,r , maniicuting itscif {thread in. the i'urthcst parts of Climmuium, by n‘r’it’xt’)
. ’ . , V é//(v-‘ n f’ '7' :1 5 iicrehcu (it the Truth, (which hath given such u bimv uum that mtm oi SL'V‘
‘/'/ 555/; L. 51/.— // I‘ I ' ‘ 1; wiii not be. heniqM and every iiuy ht home, by rciiginus and iearnmi dihmurb'
' “KR/"fr,“ A , ' ' by frequenting the hnuso of God, by hmring the Word nrcnchcri, by cheriahii ‘
7 / ‘ * 4mg; H4 , / ' 1 the Teachers thereof, by caring for the Church, ,m it must tender and mm
' " :1 1 £3 :, nursing: Father. ,
v E V Thpre are infinite arguments oi this right christian anti rniigious nfieutiion ii 1
' {if ‘ Ynur Mnjuty; hut nonu is mm‘c foruibic to iicuizirc it to othcm than tin: mhcmcn
\' F3 (uni nernctuntcd desire oi nccoinpiishing :inl‘ puhiiuhiny, oi this work, which no“ .
" 1‘ > ' with an humiiity we pres‘cnt unto Your Majesty. For when Your iiiuhnusa hutik
~ fr 0mm out of deep judgment apprehended how convenient it was, that. nut oi’ the f
‘1, , ‘ *‘ Originni Sacred Tongues, together with com‘mring or the inhuurs, both in our 1
v ‘ t ;" ‘ own, and other foreign Lnngun'zt-S, nf runny war-thy mm whu went before uv‘ ,r
. 7} 1 thcrc hhouid he one more exact ’l‘mnsintiunmf the hniy Scriptures into th 1
\ . h vatgliish Tongue; Your Majesty did never (‘Or-ifiti to urge :inii tu excite thrxw t3}
, ‘ a a; whom it mm commended, thut the work might he hastened, and that u
it \msinc.~s miuht be expedited in so decent a manner, an a. matter at such impm
» . {’1 | .77 ancc might ,iustiy require.
' x- 4 ' .
_,’_.,. ,, ,, ,, ,, - ,,:"“-
" .4. I

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- ' ‘ 15.21,» W5 -V.. ,“r' ‘.'U'."‘;‘-.s*2_r gas/3:152:10. ...: , . 2 fi-rrqfi = -
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‘ .12?“ “Lg/@774? i. 2 ‘xQ\§\§§ . .53" ‘5.
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