xt73tx354672 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx354672/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 2002 2002 2002-02-13 2020 true xt73tx354672 section xt73tx354672 Cats face Vanderbilt tonight at Rupp: SportsDain previews the game i error a




—bruary 13, 2002



Porn star dis-
cusses sexual
showbiz and
her life in the
industry |


Students’ opinions vary on lvy's fate

Next step: Director's future at UK uncertain
pending investigation by five-member panel

By Heath Tingle


Webster‘s dictionary de-
fines ethical behavior as ”con-
forming to professional stan-
dards of conduct."

Whether UK Athletics Di-
rector Larry Ivy adhered to eth~
icai behavior is one of many
questions facing the committee
formed by UK President Lee

‘Official hello’: Todd
first since ‘64 to have
formal ceremony

By Emily Hagedorn
sim Width 7 ‘

Plans are being made. rib—
bons are being hung and the
usual gowns and garb are being
fitted for the first time in 38
years. President Lee Todd is
having his inauguration and all
are preparing for the big day.
This Thursday and Friday. stu-
dents. faculty. staff and commu
nity members are coming out
for the big event.

“It is the official hello of a
president to an institution."
said T. Lynn Williamson. direc-
tor of human resources and
member of the inaugural

The last formal inaugura-
tion of a UK president was John
W. Oswald‘s in 1964.

Since then UK presidents
have opted not to have

“The president has to
weigh the consensus and
atmosphere to decide if an inau~
guration is appropriate."
Williamson said.

Otis Singietary. UK presi-

See TODD on 2

Todd to investigate the Athlet-
ics Department.

In an article in Tuesday's
Lexington Herald-Leader Billy
Joe Miles. chairman of the
Board of Trustees. said ivy
should be replaced if the com—
mittee finds proof of unethical

lvy's contract states that he
is expected to run the Athletics
Department and supervise its

e in p i o y e e s
with “reason-
able care" to
keep the pro.
gram within
NCAA and
C o n fe ren ce

The con-
tract also
states that vio
lation of these expectations
would result in lvy's

Brooks Meriwether. a tour-
nalism junior. doesn't think Ivy




Etiai“£f« "iii. ..

The AcoustiKats serenade members of the Alpha Delta Pi social sorority to promote their upcoming concert that will be part of the
inauguration activities. The a capelia group performs a variety of music including Motown hits and pop favorites. They will be per-

wiii be able to escape the coin
mittce‘s possible findings.

"i inst don‘t think it's possi
bie to run a department and not
know what was going on.“
.'\iei‘i‘.\'ethei‘ said.

Last month‘s ruling front
the Ni ‘.-‘\.-\ revealed that UK had
committed :37 infractions.

The infractions mostly oc-
curred whiie ivy was the associ-
ate athletics director to (KM.
Newton. but some of them 0C,
curred under lvy's watch as
athletics director

it' the committee finds no
evidence against ivy. l'K will

JESSE Lisus i xtauristirr

forming Thursday from 3:45 pm. to 4:15 pm. in the NJ. King Library (South).

seat; fittest?

Molly Broad, president of the
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill will speak at the convo-

cation Thursday. Lee Todd sug-
gested Broad because she has
taken UKC through the same build-
ing process that UK is now


Kittie, 3r

The Todds' daughter, Kathryn, will
be singing, “Sunset Boulevard."
"Be Thou My Vision" and "New
Way to Dream," the latter of which
is also the title of Lee Todd's
inaugural address.

be obligated to pay him for the
remainder of his contract if ii
chooses to remove him from the
position. Such a move would
cost i'K $577.5}iio. to fulfill the
8192.500 a year owed to ivy in
the remaining three years of
his contract.

Some students are willing
to suspend Judgment until the
committee reports its findings,

"If they find that he knew.
he should be gone. but if they
find that he didn‘t know. then
he should be allowed to stay
said Travis Pierce. a computer
science freshman.


ivy released a statement
through l'K Media Relations
Director Brooks liowuing say
ing that any comment made be
fore the committee reveals the
findings of its investigation
would be premature.

(inc l'K student said the
findings of the committee could
necessitate a complete overhaul
of the Athletics [)epaitment.

"Things seem to be going
wrong right now. and if Todd is
serious about reforming the de
partment. then he needs to
clean house." said (‘asey Mob-
iey. a geology senior

Inauguration schedule


1 pm - Inaugural convocation.
Singietary Center for the Arts.
Address by Molly C. Broad, president of the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2 pm to 4 pm - Reception.

King Alumni House

4:30 pm - inaugural Gala Concert.
Singietary Center for the Arts

9 pm. to 1 am. - Presidential inaugural Student Gala.
Grand Ballroom, Radisson Hotel


10 am. - Processional lineup

11a.m. - Presidential inauguration,

Memorial Coliseum. An inaugural reception will
immediately follow in the Student Center

Grand Ballroom.

Additional events: Thursday
2:15 pm. to 2:45 pm - Music by Paws and Listen
2:45 pm. to 3:45 pm. - Readings by Niiiky Finney.
James Baker flail. Bobbie Ann Mason and

Gurney Norman

3:45 pm to 4:15 p.m. - Music by the Acoustikats.
NJ. King Library (South). Peal Gallery

2:30 pm to 3 pm. - Bluegrass music with Ronald Pen

3:15 pm to 3:45 pm. - Jazz with Richard Domeit and

Miles Osiand

2:15 pm to 4:15 pm — Tours of the building,

NJ. King Library (North). Niles Gallery

Tours with light refreshments,

Career Center, Stuciiert Building. 408 Rose St.

Mg gauge?!

The Todds' son, Troy, will read
"Press On," by Calvin Coolidge and
"in the Arena," by Theodore
Roosevelt, both of which are Lee

Singietary Center for the Arts, President's Room
"By special request: selection of works by
Art Department faculty"

Continuing exhibit of UK memorabilia with presidential
portraits. Exhibit is open from 8 am. to 5 pm

Todd's inspirational favorites.

UMK still striving for Top 20

Task force: Committee plans UK's strategy
to become Top 20 research university

By Sonya Lichtenstein

STAFF WRfi‘EiiA *flWh

UK outlined Tuesday how
it plans to become a nationally
recognized Top 20 research
university at a forum held for
faculty and staff. Although
planning has already taken
place within President Lee
Todd‘s appointed Top 20 Task
Force. UK still has extensive
work ahead in order to reach
Top 20 by 2020. members said.

With UK‘s unique makeup.
including a medical center.

land grant. research and com:
munity college. finding a true
benchmark has been difficult.
explained Phyllis Nash. co-
chair of the task force.

“There are not many insti~
tutions to compare ourselves
to." Nash said. “We have some
unique challenges."

A benchmark of UK‘s is
the University of Michigan.
but because its size is nearly
double UK's. comparisons get
complicated. Nash said. Only a
few other schools share similar
characteristics with UK. she

added. They include Ohio State
i'niversity and the ['niversity
of Wisconsin at Madison.

Another hurdle to over-
come is budget constraints

“Unless the budget situa-
tion is improved. it will retard
our progress toward our goal."
said Mike Nietzei. acting
provost and co-chair of the task
force. “There simply isn‘t
much we can do "

in addition to identifying
some of its difficulties. the task
force outlined ways for [K to
measure its progress

"We have been doing re-
search of the dimensions in
emerging universities." Nash
said, “We also have to plihli‘


cize our own richness ”

Nash said that after defin-
ing a system to measure ad:
vancenient. the task force can
begin to accurately compare
L'K to other public universities.

Identifying six characteris-
tics of a Top 20 school. the task
force defined what ['K should
focus on for achievement.
Nash said.

The characteristics include
coinpiehensive programming.
attracting students and distin-
guished faculty, discovering
new knowledge.
diversifying the i'K communi-
tv and getting the community
to contribute to improving the

Thursday and Friday.

Also. various exhibits will be displayed at the UK Art
Museum. in the Singietary Center for the Arts.

For the children

mini mm srm

Martina-tarmac umumrmursmm

' 2' ' Thestudenstitv We” ., ; _.. W. W- WW WWW







EThe Low-down

45 28

The groundhog
is a big fat liar.


Journalism school chooses director

Retired Courier-Journal reporter and neWs
bureau chief Richard Wilson has been named in-
terim director of UK's School 11f Journalism and
'l‘elecommun1cations. He will succeed Leland
“Buck" Ryan. the current director. July 1. Wil
son will head the school until June :10. 200:1. His
appointment is subject to approval by the Board
of Trustees at its March :‘1 meeting.

LexTran provides free rides to gala
Free transportation will be provided by Lex





The Who have
lined up 18 dates
for a summer tour
that will kick of!
on June 28 in Las
Vegas. According
to a posting on
guitarist Pete
official Web site,

' the concerts may

feature new
material and a
new album may

House passes bill to ‘clean up' state

FRANKFURT. Ky. The House on Tuesday
passed solid-waste legislation that supporters
said would finally clean 11p Kentucky. Before it
becomes law. with its levy 1111 fast-food cups and
drink containers to raise money for dump and lit-
ter cleanup. it must pass the Senate. which is an
even more uncertain proposition. The House
vote was 49-47. The proposal, sponsored by Rep.
Greg Stumbo. I)-l’restonsburg. places a one-half
cent levy on cups from fast-food restaurants.
takeout cups from other retail establishments
and virtually all beverage containers under 24


Officer accused of rape commits suicide
NORFOT K. \ a. \ Navy officer accused of



Continued from page 1

dent from 1968 to 19117 cited unrest in the student population
and financial problems as his reasons for not having an inaugu-
ration. 1)ur mg this period the Civil Rights Movement and Viet-
nam War demonstrations were at their peak pervading many
college campuses. Williamson said that all official activities that
year including commencement weie canceled.

Charles Wethington UK president from 1989 to 2001 also
decided to for go the pomp and circumstance associated with an
inaugural ceremony Williamson said this was because of bud-
get constraints

Considering the time that has elapsed between the start of
Todd‘s employment on l.111yl‘.£001. and now it seemed he
would also be 1efr 1111ing from this ceremonial statute.

‘Timing is part of it.‘ 'said Russ Williams the staff repre-
sentative on the Board of 'l‘rustees and senior training specialist
for human resources 1‘1111 he pretty much hit the ground run
ning and had a lot of issues to deal with first before he could



VOL. 33109 'l‘ran for those attending the President‘s lnaugur- , , .
ISSUE 3194 al tiala on Thursday. Buses will r1111 everv :10 “5° be '" the raping a junior 11111st1d sailor shot himself to think about an inauguration."
-——-~— I 1 ‘ f‘ " .1 to the R i ‘s 1 H( t 1T f 1111 works. Tickets for death Tuesday morning. when he was scheduled Williamson said in addition to the work that staff and facul- 3 St
1‘3”“ I 5 111111 “imp?“ ‘ :11 “ii 11 ) t r1 . in f' tth :1 to appear at a military hear ing on 1ape and other ‘ ~ Z , _ , , . ~ . “y-‘a
ESTABLISHED IN 11;.111 pm. to 11 pm. From 11 pm. to 1.111 a.m.. buses e ”5 . r-e ch'1r Yes the Navy and olice said (‘mdr William ty have done for the event. students and community members 511N110
‘392 will run every 15 minutes. Students may catch “‘0‘“ w1llgo on ‘1 E’ H ‘ p L‘ ' ' ' - 413” helped
11101911101111 11111 hm.“ at 11111 1,,”ng Mat-Hm. Euéhd A... sale Feb. 17. Sh} “me 1“ “”1““ .111t11111111I11‘att11r11‘11111 2111111231 Fifty students from the 01111-11111 the Registrar will usher the R1
SINCE 1971 11111111 at Alumni Gym and Student Center. (‘olum- Internet sales for g 2;? (1:11:31mgt()1t\dt‘h11l1111111213le111121 Stgtione ceremony and :10 students 11 om Residence Life will pass out pro— age p(
hm Awmw b} the [1100,1111 Faculty (“rub and 111 performancesin James City County Deputy Police Chief Ken Mid grams. Williamson said. 111 addition the UK Opera Theater and _E
from ht the VT 111mm 1‘ yhimg Library, Boston, Georgia dlebrook said Maintenance workers found UK Slyzmphony ()1‘11111stra are performing at Thursday' 5 lnau- Ind1a1
‘~ and Washington ,1 . ‘ ' ‘ ,. , ; gura la aConcei‘t. 89X ll
Call 257.1915 or . . Petr re 5 body at about 9.30 am. on a beat 11 near a .. i) , , ‘ . , , - , ., - 1 , . .
e-mail Women's Conference set for March $22532? Sghiib. scenic overlook on‘ Colonial Parkway. near why $fs1isiZE1liizg‘éigégll Williiih 13323:; d long t1me and that S $3515:
kernel@uky.edu Thteleéghth annuall 81;th 3111111111: Confer on-sale dates Jamestown Island. Middlebrook said. . ”th119 floupsfhiw mntribuwdfab?1$£00th§magson h :11
~——— —— encea , . sponsoret 1y 11 rican-l merican ran e estimate( . est 0 1111 money was un 01 y . . . .. t e in- 1m 1
80111105 Lind Research Program, Will be held "0:, early March EIII'OII CEO says he's SOI'I'V, pleads 5th vestment company in charge of UK's retirement plans. Sh? 51‘
- ' :11111’1211211 Tlhtbconfertgnce W111 begin With 11 through early WASHINGTON Vilified by lawmakers as ‘ The Todd family is also taking an active part in the festivi- Mid?
Call 257.2.872 or “1, 1111.101 (7t ”to, ngnfrphnhm 3’13pr 93‘1”)“; May. Bassist John a con man who betrayed Americans‘ trust. for- “95- IOdd 5.5011» Troy, W111 present readings 311d 1115 daughter. km) ‘.
dye-£39. @ “ $511301 at t 1:1 , t 64; Cl Vt ht St SF; md ”If”: Entwistle's site, mer Enron chairman Kenneth Lay expressed Kathryn. W1“ 51.11%}. . . ,. . GGDR]
:ke is‘rng R1111 1si mate a h . if; 1111 d ‘t‘lqhurlld www.johnentwist|e "profound sadness" Tuesday about the impact of _ It) 5 3 {1.19111} ‘WOHY We d9 everything 33 a family. Sflld b 1'
Y ernecom but guiding: It It; 1 e 1211‘ 11. an fgues 5.5 1111 d .com, has a Enron‘s financial collapse on investors and em Wife. 1 atsy. That s the way we ve always lived our lives. Once S9563:
. . _ 1,1111% :1 1“. 1E: Md“)! “if?“ igorma‘tiongand complete “51 of ployees but rejected pleas to testify about it. Lay YOU 51?”?! ‘0 plan events £15 a family when you are young, 1" tag;
" ‘ ‘ L 11111 (10;; 111 11:1}? $1.6 flail} 1.-' merican ‘ tu ' on-sale dates. told a packed Senate hearing that he was “deeply (‘VOIWS into OWI'Y‘hmtl Y0“ ‘10- dent'i
Catt 2577-871” 1” “I“ ”9“” 1 rogram “1 ’ ’ ‘ troubled" by asserting his constitutional right with]
tax 3234905 . under the Fifth Amendment not to answer ques ...
UK alumnus to show work Friday tions about the financial dealings that led to En- 50" out and fl
- When [ (‘an ‘1 Find the Words: New Work by ron 5 bankruptCY~ There are no more tickets available for Thursday night's Presidential l was
Edtor in chief Fran k X. walk-g,- will be featured in the Lexing- inaugural Gala at the Radisson Hotel. All 1,200 free tickets have been hell'?‘
if you have com- ton Carnegie Center's Laurie S. Bottoms Gallery Attorney General warns 0' latest threat distributed. show;
ments.e-mail beginning Friday. The exhibit runs through WASHINGTON Attornev General John T
. . 1r s . - u _ v , .
them to AShit-W “d“ It]. “3' 3:11;)”; (iglgekmtfmn 5 fraélery HOD‘ a Ashcroft urged Americans to adopt “the highest W “3““
:2.“ 3%) 1111p “m “1 e e rom .1p.m. 0 p.111. state of alert" in the search for 16 men possibly £33513
.3 WV . linked to Osama bin Laden's terrorist network 00 ' . ‘
“V“:‘lrggg'g‘g‘sm SAB pre-releases 50" or Ity Boys and believed to have planned an attack against rrectlons 11515195
ca _‘_ An advance screening of the film Sorority the United 31319901115 people m Yemen._'l‘he FBI ca eh]
[1111‘s will be shown at 9 pm. on Feb. 26 in the 521d Tuesday 11 based an 111111511311): detailed pub- A story in Tuesday's Kernel on the UK biking committee - , .
\Vorsham Theater. which is located in the Stu- 110 warning on informationfrom 1nterv1ews by did not list the Web site to view the hiking survey. The Web site set W.
dent Center. Passes are available in the Student US' offic1als wnh (1913111095 in Guantanamo Bay. is www.chem.uky.edu bikes surveyhtml. gomc;
Center Ticket Office. the Student Center Room Cuba. and in Afghanistan. Three 9311.1” alerts 1101311:
31);; or can be obtained by listening to WRFL. The were vague as to th“ date 0f any potential attack. To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915. h a (111‘
event is sponsored by Calgon and the Student Ac- get th

tivities Board.

Complled from wire reports



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Stacie Meihaus
Scene Editor
Phone: 257 I9I5 | Email kernelart eyahoo. com


g I was like ‘guys want to buy my panties?’ I had
never heard of such a thing.”


Sex, pies and videotape

XXX: Indiana woman shares her story about life in the porn industry

By Stacie Melhaus


Roni Raye is not yotir aver-
age porn star.

Even though the 35—year-old
Indiana woman has been in the
sex industry for eight years.
she hasn't slept with any man
besides her husband,

“I can't tell you about a
hundred guys I‘ve been with."
she said. "I‘m a girl from the

Midwest. Ijust want to show off

my body. have fun with it and
keep it lightweight."

Raye‘s industry experience
began when her first husband
suggested they take some pic-
tures. Raye was working as a
dental assistant and was bored
with her job. she said.

"We took some pictures
and they turned out fairly well.
I was like 'Oh. OK. What the
hell'?‘ I’m an exhibitionist. I like
showing off." she said.

The couple sent the pic-
tures to some amateur maga-
zines. and then Raye began ap-
pearing in them. Then. the pub-
lisher of Velvet magazine
called her.

"He starts having phone
sex with me. I thought ‘there‘s
something wrong here.‘ Later I
found out that that was his
kink. He liked to get girls that
hadn't been in the business to
get them to engage in phone sex


Lexington industry colored


with him. And if he was turned
on enough. he’d get them to
come out there "

Raye was invited to New
York for a photo shoot. and
even though she had some
reservations about going. she
took the oIIer.

“I told them. "I'm not going
to have sex with anybody just
to get in a magazine, you can
forget it."' she said.

The publisher assured her
that he just wanted to photo
graph her,

As for her parents. Raye
told them what was going on.

"My mom would of course
rather me be a dental assistant
or a writer like a wanted to be.
but she dealt with it because
she loves me." she said.

But Raye‘s step-father was
less than supportive.

Raye was fired from the
dental office soon after the pho»
tos were published

To help compensate for her
job loss. sht- began selling
videos. both solo and with her
husband. Afterwards. she start
ed a phone sex line and selling
products through a fan club she
and a friend began.

"I was like. ‘guys‘ want to
buy my panties'." I had never
heard of such a thing." she said

Soon. Raye left
her husband.

“He wanted to do things

that I didn't really want to do."
slit“ \Illl.

She moved to Indiana.
where she met it man she mar-
ried a year later. and who she is
still married to today

She said her new husband
is supportive of her work, as
long as she is happy with it.

"I want to do this but I
want to do this on my own
terms.” she told him.

Raye continued to do solo
\ ideos She began to receive
tlack from others in the indus-
try who said she wouldn't
m ike money II silietontiiiut-d to
only se ll lsolo piodurts.

"I kept saying that I can do
anything I want. And that‘s
about the time the Internet
came about." she said.

Now. Raye publishes cata~
logs. customizes videos (start
mg at SISI’I for Jill ininutesi. and
operates a phone \t'X hotline
and a Website

There is a five minute min
itiiuiii on the phone. but I had a
guy that talked I'or only 3o sec
otids. I like those kind of guys
because I can get back to
putting my toast III the toaster
or whatever. ' she stiltl

Raye said that the videos
give he i the most tiouble. Men
propose ideas for customized

videos. and s he prepares the
video :‘or them.


"There we times where I've
Iciked orgasms. of course You
do it because you want to get it
over with Its just not interest-
mg to you that day." she said,

Raye says she gets all sorts
of strange yideo requests. such

as the men who order videos of

her getting hit In the face
with pies

"I had another gtiy whojust
wanted :1 video of my nose
There s nothing sexual
about that."

She estimates callers are
between the ages of 26 and it?)
and that 77} percent of them are
married or have girlfriends.
Some lesbians and couples call
her. and some w'iyes often call
her looking for adyice.

She said she receives about
Blili pieces of mail a week.
what i she hopes to (onti ibute
to. ._ books he plans to write

Alt though the business has
been positive for her and her
husband's sex life. Raye said
she's still a normal person.

"When I got outside. I still
go grocery shopping I still go to
movies I cook and clean my
Illille‘ like anybody else I don't
walk around It] sexy lingerie all
the time "

Porn star

To find out more about adult
film star Roni Raye. visit her Web
site http:l/atcontact.com/roni-



Customers browse the bright-colored clothes and items in Intimate Apparel. The store is located at 2573 Richmond Road and stocks a variety of
clothes, lotions, books and other toys of the adult nature. No one under IG-years-old may enter the premises.

Close to home: Lexington store strives to offer retail to rev up
the sex lives of its patrons with videos, lingerie, lotions and toys

By Sarah Zopfi

Lexington may not be
known as a hotspot for sex iii-
dustry stores. but there are
some places in town that offer
accessories to put some spice in
the customer‘s lives.

Tinted glass doors greet
customers as they approach the
entrance of Intimate Apparel
along with a sign that yields
warning to persons under 16
they are not allowed to enter,
But for the others. human cu-
riosity leads to opening the
door where a world of color and
variety opens their eyes.

One wall is layered with
rows of vibrant feather boas.
The mannequins promote vari»
ous attires wearing everything
from lace to silk robes. The left

wall is neatly stocked with liter-
ature of the Karma Sutra and
Tantric worlds while the back
of the store highlights shoes
frotn stiletto heels to platform
clogs. Variety is key

Storeowner Lisa Brother-
ton. said this variety is what
keeps Intimate Apparel intrigu-
ing and in business

“I opened this store eight
years ago because I wanted the
people of Lexmgton to have :i
wide variety of products to
choose from." she said

I'pon entering Intimate Ap
parel some customers may find
that the ability to make their
fantastes come true is at their
fingertips. Brotherton stocks
her store from ceiling to floor
\Vlih momentos. clothing and
toys that seem to silently
scream scantily clad phrases

“Touch ine." "Play with me"
and simply “I‘ll be interesting."
“This store is meant to be
fun and at the same time allow
for customers to feel secure in
purchasing items that would
otherwise make for an uncom-
fortable situation." she said.
For Brotherton. catering
Intimate Apparels selection
and atmosphere is her ultimate
goal for success
"I listen to people‘s desires
and try to get what they want."
Iirotheiton said “When I place
orders. I order the stuII I hate
along with the stutll love "
While some peoplo are un~
der the assumption that stores
iii the same genre as Intimate
Apparel host remotely male
customers. employee Lynne
lienz wants women to know

that Intimate Apparel
both women and men

"Women should always lit
able to let their in hibitiohs go
just like men do." she sai d "I
work here to provide good rus
tomer service, so that if a
woman wants to come in and
buy something. she can without

Brotherton also tries to
make all her customers feel at
home and unrestrained in their
experience at Intimate App irel

Most c ustomer s are t hank
ful for out variety ind know m.
want them to have- everything I
want this store to be open to
every walk of life ”


Sexy store
Intimate Apparel is located on
2573 Richmond Road. It is open
from to am. to 9 pm. Monday
through Saturday.


iine music & spirits

Featuring Lorry Redmon
Thursday Friday (ind Saturday nights
Opening Act Thursday:

Bi tli Ketiiiey

Opening Act Friday:

Opening Act Saturday:
lorry luriihert

Thurs_Fri_SoI 8' I


269 West Main Street,
Lexington Ky 40507

2 for I Wells
& Draft Specials

‘94, "Q"? .Ds-eiV/‘94 -' Q"V/ "Veg!
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.4 I Bedroom Ammagvaflablc now! 9/
.v/ Includes. ’ ./

Spacious I bedroom floor plan ‘
Dishwasher 7"
- Ice maker ‘
- Patio with storage area
- Fitness center
- Swimming pool
' Sand volleyball
- Clubhouse with pool table
- Laundry facility
- Busline to campus
. Most large pets welcome

‘1‘ Enjoy the sweet life at The Hunnington ‘1

2555454 v/
"WQV/ ”Andi

sYOUR tnip

’L'é’éllféte Bldg

Amsterdam....$353 BUMET HOTELS

Nam M..........$141

Wadiigmn n.c...S111

Fares are "Luedmp tent“- Lenogton
Resuicuors "My soot-y Tax not. included


min a MCIXX


20% OFF:

1' ‘ All products

Unreal Deal:
$1 wash, cut & font

for 15 days
Reg $25

‘mage by
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 :Tvicoticsokv. FEBRUARY 13, 2002 | itEiiruciiv KERNEL

Bars. clubs, venues:

Walk like a man who AIA ..................................... 23i—7263 Th‘












- Kitty 0' Shea's .................. 255'3078
means buSIHess". Cheapsme Bar and 6710....254-0046 p0!
KamakaZies ................... 255-8863
Singer/Songwriter Rulus Wainwright Two Keys ...................... 254-5000 nest it
will host an evening ol entertainment at Lynaqh's ............ 255-6614 A Bean
8 nun. Sunday, Feb. 24 at the Small RUDD Arena, _____ 233.4567 Gosfor
Venue lndlana in lndianaoolis. Tickets Lem ton 0 M 2 33-45 67 In the
cost $10. Wainwright has opened tor q, p ---- The to
such acts as Tori Amos and Roxy Music, Am” 51“” ------------- 233'0663 ”00""
but this outting marks his first solo Club 141 .............................. 233-4262
headlining tour. Wainwright will lie 395‘ A
more rueitisiiro Russel
showcasing tunes from his new album Cincinnati venues S P
m0 Dank Hock”! Pom' (513 area code): WeiiinSn
Jun band Ekoostick Hookah Bo am 872-8801 penny
wfll play at 8 pan. Wednesday, PM” FURN'SHED .0 """"""" _6 0 Tom w
r... 20 at Lynwhrs‘ Tleets Riverbend .......... 232 22
cost $8. Canned goods will be Taft Theatre ..... “"721-0411 3.“ A
«hosted at the door and The Crown.... 421-4111 Halle E
m to the was Pantry SUdSY Malones ......... "771'3550 Judi D‘
F,“ Bank. Ripley's ..... .' ........................ 861-6800 :i'scgfi
Playhouse in the Park ....... 345-2242 Renee
Louisville venues 995*?
(502 area code): $272:
Kentucky Center for the M300“
Arts .......... ...aoo-775-7777 nan“
Toy Tiger ............... 458-2020 Kate V
Kentucky Opera ............. 584-7777
. . _ Best 5
Lomswlle Gardens... ..... 574 0060 Jim Bi
Actor's Theatre .................. 584-1205 Ethan
A GUIDE To WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND UK Headliners Music Hall ....... 584-8088 Ben Ki
Bliss 66. 10 pm. A1A. Tickets cost 86. James Mathus 8 His Knockdown Ticketmaster ....................... 3613100 '3“ “1
Society. 9 pm. Monday, Feb. 25. 33;";
ge Janai-rfi1wlgossa?iahe Feiges' Lynaqh 5. Tickets cost $7. Movie theaters:
, pm. it; on ose. ic e 5 cos . _ Best I
more mmsm I I I UK Symphony Band. 8 pm. Sun day, South Park ........................... 272 6611 Jimmi
~ q . Woodhlil ............... ....269-1911
Feb. 24. Sinqletary Ct nter. Tickets Manst
Bela neck 5 U N D A Y are nee Lexington Green. ..271-2070 5h,“
Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyers _ Vonda Shephard. 7230 pm Lexington Man 0' War .................... 266-4645
will play together at 8 pm. FOT the WEEk 0f Feb 13 FED. ‘9 099” House. T'Ckets “’5‘ 324-50 ' Na Roots. 8 .m, Sunda , Feb. 24, Kentucky Theatre... ....... 231-6997 395“
Thursday in the Kentucky - - Headliners, Loutsville. Tickets cost $12. Turfiand ............ 277-2825 RiiiieH
Thelm- Tickets mt 531- Carmike ............ 263-2370 Robe:
‘ " ” F R | D A Y Wayne Shorter Quartet. 8 pm. Tuesday, Peter
W E D N E S D A Y . Over The Rhine w/ Jenn Adams. is); gggs'nq'em Center. Tickets Campus “Sting: 5:33:
narknnouse {Egect 10 pm. Lvnaqh 8- 9:30 pm. Lynaqh's. Tickets cost $10. Ekoostik Hookah 10 p m Wednesday ' 257.3357
rc ers cos , . . . ,
Feb. 20. Lynaqh's. Tickets cost $8. 8 H dd k % rt M h 257'3‘91 395“
lll Subliminal ‘0 r7 Hi h on Rose Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra. 5:33:98», cite} piipkiijgncggyt $1$92156 "2574929 A Bea
Tickets cost '3'3 p. " .q ' 8 pm. Sinqletaiv CW9“ “the“ C0“ Dose w/ Red Grass. 10 pm. Wednesday, for students, ‘ V M . 257'4929 gig/f:
334/516 for Siudenise Feb. 20. High on Rose. Tickets cost $3. Art Museum ..... 257-5716 The 1
Victor Wooten. 9 pm. Headliners, . Alien Ant Farm 8 Guests 8 in Student Center.... .257-8427 Ring
LoUisere. Tickets cost $17. Static-X w/TSoLil Fly. 8:3020.m. Bogart s, Green Genes. 10 pm, Thursday, Feb, 2]. Wednesday, March 6. 80.0635; Kentucky Kernel.. ".2574915 Shrek
C'"C'"“a“- 'C 9“ C0513 5‘ Lvnaoh'S- Tickets cost 53} Cincinnati. Tickets cost $20. Kennedy Booksto 252-0331 Best n
T H U R 5 D A Y . UK Bookstore ...... 257-2947 Ame/i
Bela Fleck & Edgar Meyers. 8 pm. :‘mf‘ti'm'd ‘Sas'gts- ‘0 W” “"1“ 0" R0“?- Catawampus Universe. 10 pm. Friday, Busta Rhymes_ a pm Thursday ...225-7771 60st
Kentucky Theatre, Tickets cost $31, '5 e 5505‘ ‘ Feb. 22. Lynaqh's. Tickets cost $5. March 7_ Bogart's, Cincinnati. Tickets Meme
cost $27.50. M0n51
The Shuers. 10 pm