xt73tx354494 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx354494/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1985 1985 1985-11-25 2020 true xt73tx354494 section xt73tx354494 l t . '
~. . . QT s -- * ¥ T . Commandos storm 2 ~
I I I 5 ‘ I. ‘ _. I :1. 4 I I: . vI I [I I‘ I.
u, . . " ‘." ‘ ' O C O ' , " , 3"?!
’ - ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ hlj acked airplane' ‘ ' l
., rf- ,/T l _ 3W3. . . ’ . ‘ IzInI. .II ' I
c: K\\ ‘ fiiif‘ ‘ t" . O I '. 'I i.’ V .‘
r - «4 ~ I ,. about 50 people die
l ‘ . V 3 , ‘:' ' . ‘i"; '._.'4",.'» ',
. "to. e .. . t 4 t t T" ' I- ~'.- ‘V~l“
_... z .3‘ / L I I-. B.‘ “1‘5” l-.R PARMEU'JH boarded 8 Trans \‘mi'lii \ir\\.i\s ‘ '3‘. .‘,:- ’12:”
)I ‘ fig}, - t' . l - '» r; . §.=~T _ Associated Pr?“ Boeing 727 on June it and hliackt-a .I :‘"_’I‘,'.;f:{j
fi ,3” i it t ‘ f . z I’ . . I, I I it on a flight tron; Athens in Home ’- i;-1,,II
. Ia, ». , 1‘ f a”? \ALLL'I'I‘A. Malta Egyptian with 131% people alulald The} forced ;, . ';T”:,:'.-;
I _ i" K \I ,' ' ) . . , ’ ‘b’ j- . , commandos stormed a hijacked it back and forth bet-seen Beirut x" r i:.',t'.
, 1 _ g .. .- {mix 4. " in? ' Egyptalr Jetlmer last night. and an Lebanon. and Alglel‘T Milena .iur «'35; g ’11::
' 1 3‘ : . 3‘ ... ., ' a} I 4 (j ' . . QXPIOSlOll and gunfire during the 85- mg Whlt'h the) released IVA-x? oi the ,y '1 : fr Iifi It}

«I l » . , , , " , sault killed as many as 50 people hostages and killed .i l \ \au ;"-'..'S '.
fig? )1.* g , ‘ \\ , II, I 7 aboard the Boeing 737. a govern lef’rlilt'l\lllall(’llllll(>’\ “ P... .1 ' rIi:.' .2
:33, ~‘" ‘2.“ \ I . . . / ¢ 1. __ ment spokesman 53“} The TWA Jetllnei landed in iieirut “ . I, 1‘ ‘ I-
w . E ‘ F _ \ v lI‘I , It. " ./ 34;? I“ :1 "Th"? are about 30 dead ll.‘ hunt” for the third time with .t‘,‘ Yl')>l4'tL’.t'\ , V ' - 'L
5“: ~3~' t 3% ' N‘ 3.. I 1: .t " a, , w?“ .. We?" . or hr“ ' spokesman Paul “”51“ all Americans. \lill on board l‘iit- iii .1 ." 4’ - . .i 3‘: " 5"

a}??? N: - .- l' h v . 1‘ “331" [Old reporters “”0 hours after lh" lackei's delilanded that lszne'. re -' ,- T" I: '. -l

'T A, C -L‘ f" ,r’ \. pix f 3553“" lease all Palestinian prisoiit,-i\ 1:: is T: 2 _ .'
Ta. ‘ ~qu ,. ._ ' . _ I ’_ He said the hijackers hurled hand Jam ~ ' ’ , .‘_'lI
bi“ ‘ ‘7 4; , I # grenades ill the passengers when tin Junt- tli after \I\ rla li'llt'f ‘.-
i "fig 1 g...‘ I . they realized the plane W35 being \ened the terrorists llt‘t'il tile rt» ,T .‘ ' “1“."
:4 T». . " .r- ': . 4 stormed. and the resulting fire de- ”mm“; htix‘t‘ggps who were miter, .' '29.”. . '.- .'
.. .. 4‘s; - R stroyed the ”Nile Ollht'lelllll“r to lianiaseas and lllt‘l. from ‘.‘.u .‘ r. f ‘-
'it ERMI . 1. , The Victims "were trapped inside thrmam - ~_ 1 T 4
3'53. ., "3.1,, . \ I l /. alléthOUldnltgmsIlg-Hheadded It“) said then: weri 'tiree ‘iivit-t’i T 1. ' l 'h.‘ 'T :5.
t‘ -. . . ' ~ . _ .i .
_ ,1 . I - ere were i ereilt repoits on cans dim,” if". its» «up wimp, . , .
I I. ¥ . ‘ \ " the number ”f hl339k9r>~ lelgllitl and one was killed iii-loin: .i‘ .eas' -' K
‘ ‘ w: ~ from twotofour. two bodies. lllt‘lUlllnL'. that of ilii ,t' ‘
” ' . . I \laltas state-run leleVlMOn Bald \morican yH'H‘ lllf‘fih'i‘i” "n.- pliillt‘ ‘I. - l i - ‘I’ It “.IT'I»
. 14‘. fl . ..’ .6313} " about 80 people were on the Jelliner before the assault s.~,.-i:ii Nthufltlr'l ’. ~. ‘I " . 5 t
I ’ ,» ‘q‘ . when the commandos attacked lt passengers including 'llt in: mint! . -' '.- -. TI
35’ 'i ‘1’ ' V ‘ \T . , ' Sald 28 “'Uundetl 990919 Wt'l‘fi‘ taken Mitertt'anr, also were tossed nit Lilli‘. 3’ Tt : -
‘1, "2;" ,‘a. WSW,“ ' 17'?" _ g . - . . to hospitals ll women were allimml in leiiVT tn ‘. ' I . V. _
' . . » ,2: I 31“ ifs-{1:- n If V .‘llfSUd said Prime Minister l. ar: [tire lht‘t'llntltlallilhthand" .' \ ~ . ’-, -'
II I, ;§;‘iif.’"““‘-{ . ”$14171 _ I II“ - - I melo lesud Bonnit'i authorized the be“ said he (iii: in»: mint «ha? I, .. X : T. :
' . Fr. f. ‘ Wt t . ti . *‘ . 1.. I; assault because "the situation was caused the (twp-Ni), be: it“. 1! pm, : I - .T T- , . . '

, 4,? ‘i‘ ‘ ‘ .23} W 0' 5a 3“" ‘ it getting out of hand H He added that pelted after the i-idiziricii ins blew . , ' ' V I 3 z
55-... . aft cm, : .». - .. , 4 iiwasiotalli'an hgl'ptianoperation open the two doors ilt- i'alietl inn: . . j ;

~T~ , k . :fIIIIII . - - gambit; "v.5 ~ ‘11s: .\lllsuId quoted the pilot. Capt 'l;llf'lI\ standard prim-«gun- . T' -. , ' -
l . ‘T‘T ,_ ' " : WW3; ~ ‘1. '3: T« “an; (ialal. 35 Sailing [lleh hllack Authorities issued a t..;’ medical .T I ",- .‘- 'l
. , . . Auuussio "a'oe‘S'u'f {eater was "a ma an.” w.tl sang alcrt' calling for all “edict“ mg.- :m; ' I'I - ‘ ,-
UK w'de receiver E'" P'"5 attempts '9 break the QTOSP 0f Ten- during the Wildcats 4:20 loss to the Vols Saturday afternoon. , and danced f‘ai‘h time he Sh‘ll a hit“ emergency blood donaholi: 'l‘he . ' . » 1‘ "
nessee delenstve back Terry McDaniel for a few extra yards The defeat ended Kentuckysseoson with o 5-6 record. ! tage and “ls-“3d the “Ody ”0m ill“ runway (ind most ti-riiiiv-n; tights ‘ - W . V.
l planeontothe tarmac had been turned oil early-i ill the ‘ . , l
0 ’ (ialal earlier told authorities by mening and thex mm. {I‘M I,“ I. ;- - .
en “C y oses as game 0 0 . rlva ‘ radio thatIthe hijath’l‘S had killed after the assault ' . ,, ” ,
50W“ PWP 9 l,e\'\‘ said the commando» rrriwu; . ~ ' ' 3
Tough Tennessee defense oor Wildc t ff 1 ' 5 6 f U ‘*‘ ”‘9 “’mmam “Timed mt earlier Sunni) mini rain.“
, p a 0 61156 resu I m - season or K plane. oalal killed the hijack leader ,mhtammnsmipram. ‘ . _ ,
. , with an ax. Mifsud said Both the 1 (‘3 :1 ti; T is 91 his \ it ’ >

it) “llthlll \I‘T fact that Tennessee had more to Tennessee. now 7+2 overall In doing so. the Volunteers not pilot and the co-pilot were wounded than r-.:.ll:fi,:.;’;\pm;:i lvn‘iillen Adi. ' i- .1 .

59MB hdilm‘ lose A IOST‘ would have all but and 4-1 on the conference, will do only avenged last season s 17-1: l inthe struggle troopers selected irom \lr‘M-r ,i' ,r-- - V p i I I
‘I . ruled out the Southeastern (‘on- Cide its bowl fate in Saturday‘s loss to the Wildcats but the\ l Joel Len. the deputi l' S litribas» .indpdpag’yiht ,m “Hymn-int.“ ‘ - ‘ " . .1
listen though a bowl bid was out ference Championship and a bid game With Vanderbilt handed t K coach Jerry t'lai- ' sy chief. told reporters the comman- V V l ' . l . '

“I the question, the [K f00th?!” ‘0 the Sugar BUWl home his worst defeat in four I dos attacked at 8:20 p in 2'?“ p m The )etliner was hl lacked “MU" 1" ' ‘ . l ‘
{elem insisted .It had plenty to “()ur defense ““5 a-T good as seasonsatt’lx' lTZSTl. about 24 hours after the letlin- l.” 3“ minutes after hum”; "”1”“ . .
pf” for “5 Th'rd‘Sll‘alghlIwm Whatever the case. the Volunr any team could have. anytime Slmpl.‘ but, the lOSo epitomized er en route from Athens. Greece. to naturda} for (“llm 4’“ -" ti l'dili“ ' ' .. ._ 1 »
hing record. salvaging a disap— teers in no way Jeopardlzed their anywhere." said Tennessee coach the Wildcats disappointing 58.37 I (aim. Egypt. was commandeered i'ilnM’rlelUIl ”“9 ill 'llt' Tk.‘ l’ilitlii‘T ' , .
pomtlng season and the satisfac~ postseason play Saturday af- Johnny Majors after the game son What began with great ex I anddivertedtojualta Mild ill“) W‘Tt‘ mt’Ii‘ihs'iT t" the - . . ,2 ‘
tlonhof beatingIIlts .\0 lriyal ternoon. as they kept their reason “()ur defense was opportunistic pectatlons‘ ended in all unimpres- l He said that “at first report. it apr group hit} W T H"\llllllltlllill'll’_\ ' ’ J
m: 5::“12‘; Emmi: got none of for livmg by drubbing l'K 42-0 at We showed patience. persex'er» 51W 3-6 overall record, 15 in the pears all the hijackers were killed " Greek security [Milieu \i it as pm, I . l ‘

_ g exp dined by the (0mm0nwealth Stadium. ence and grit “ \ccRH trains The Athem airport also was wlit‘rt' pie were .Tihoarii l’:i.;_\lil;tll :iciil - . ‘ - ‘ I . -
l__——————————————___________________________l two armed Lebanese terrorists 3156-18 ' .4 , 2’ ‘
' 'ft f A hl d 0'] dd d ' y . '1"
urprlse g1 rom S an I a S to FCCOI‘ -break1ng ear ~ ' -’ -.
.‘ ‘ ’1 v ' ‘
B\ SAlLAJA MALI-IMPATI relations. "We're elated and thrilled Vonderheide director of [K infor- teem With which people hold to this when the L'nlversitv needed h ‘ ' l '1
1. . ., , ,T , » mt inwhl' :~.r.\,.-. .iT
Senior staftwnter 0\er theprugress" mation seerces This is the second L'nlversity " most " ' l he i-Sl.:;r:t‘:r\h:,n\;l:a hmmmm' U ml 'I C- : . l. .
such donation the company has With the gift. the company him The president w bl t hed l " l A 3 l. "
d t . - I. v. . . .- . I. . 'as \‘lSl y ouc , . , I I III) v . ‘7 '1

A surprise $1 million donation Robert {\lcCowan, an Ashland 0” ma Ie oLKin the last flI\C}E‘al‘.\ fired-Preside?! this A siiigleutry for b} the honor and said it was the m(‘- “align rfrnainirg IsptIttIl.IltitIIIot llIlItI ii .- ‘-‘, .I . I
from the Ashland 0” Inc upped this vice Chairman and UK Board of ‘Ver think n is very Important for III. 4 years OI st rylce to the l niyer- est thing that has happened to him gmwrma. {firm} t . Il‘ (IitIIrInica. en ,. ’, ~. .I ,I. I1 if I
year's $223 million record in private Trustees Chairman. made the an: large corporations to do what s p05. si } n his A bliigletar} m his liffiaccordlng to Hornback h-~ , H. CI‘ptIir mtInr IIt:I.ianiIl \Itli . . II I, ' T. {I- .
contributions to PR even more. nouncement of the gift Saturdav sible to aid higher education." 31¢. Professorship in the Hulll'rlnllltxs m“ : .ds gnen a selles «it pinyin .ilul.iyn_~ it ,II . 14' .I .

night at the annual I'K Fellows DI; (‘owansaid be established with Slimline of the "He was quite emotional and m“ engiiiet‘rinfl (“1109' lliiriil‘w -' -‘ T , -

.. . -. , . ._ . . velopmentt‘ouncildinner v gilt rightfully so." Hornback added ”a“ ' " in;

We \e raised over $.22 million ' “It is very encouraging for us to “We wanted to recognize the con- "This sort of thing doesn't happen liec'iuse it 4 . " ' ' ‘4
this year which is an increase over h , h . ‘ ' ' ' ‘ . . .4 - : .. ‘ " d mu" m «mm " ‘ ' » . "
. , . aye t em think so much of l k to tributlons that Otis Singletali has \C‘l'.‘ often, from the engineering «hoot m. - '
the record high of $18 million raised "Ashland Oil has a long history give such an amount." Hornback made to the [mi-9mm. or ‘r th . , . - . ‘ , " ‘ .- - . ' l“
l' ‘t . " ‘ d Rar d f - ’ . . ,. 4 , ,. ‘ , . e e The money for the chair will be work for -'\>hldml ”'l ii i\ Uiiv ‘
if; kw”. 53' ymon IB- Horn- 9" being generous to higher educa- said.I It is a reflection of the fine years. Mctowan said. "He has put into an endowment and the m place where thm hive "l partitii' t" '| i , ' "

c . \lce president for LmVEl’Slt} tion. especially to LK. said Bernie quality of faculty and the high es~ been an important leader at times terest will be used to bring outstandi interesti'he said .‘I. .

S 0 w» m . . e " -- _l'
Greening ‘ _ -: ,, Engineering college gets grant . ,
i‘ t. nfi- it ”A" I_IIIII.i é.‘ L $4. ’I'S’. 4, .‘AaI-pn fiffiffi " V i t . D i ‘ r '-
. _-. ,T: “A - «Nu-5 a»; as» ‘T» ‘ ' 35": . _ . u ' I . V -
SChedUICd ,4 (4‘ $259,000 gift to help build new microelectronics laboratory . _ ‘
. I - . ' - ByBRM)(1)()pI.;R Ray M1 BowenI dean of the Col- ”However. in terms (ll an instrui‘ . . , " ,
or tonlg t . , , StaffWriter lege of Engineering. said the grant tiotial faCilit): we will be able to ' .. ‘~'
. . l , ". will give students the opportunity to compete With the best schools in - . ' h
z / . A Lexington firm has contnbuted have instruction in the fabrication thecountry.”hesaid . , .-
Staff reports .- W000 to the l'mversitV to help the and design 0f microprocessors H Earl L 5“ml“- 3 pr‘lffi‘sm 0‘ i‘li‘t‘ - . T' ' l
2" College of Engineering keep pace Bowen said building a microelec- "W81 engineering said "it «imp . ' . f.

A free screening of the movie 3,: I; with the ever—growing sophistication tronics laboratory will better we ment that Will be bought \ch the . ' ‘
“White Nights" will be shown at it _‘ t .- ofcomputer technology. pare students for work after college grant money will be comparable to .
7:30 tonight in the Worsham The- _ , g T I . I "Industry uses this type of technolo- eqmpment used in the microelectro I ‘
ater. _ ~' .. I”. y , . IAffillated With theIBrown and Wil— gy. and electrical engineering stu« the field . . .' ~

Student Activities Board cinema ' “am-“‘0", Tobacco (0' ”’9 Brow“ dents using micmprocessom Will be . ~.
chairperson Mary Blakeman said . Foundation grant will enable the col better equipped to do the job.” he Monaural... ‘ . . . T,
470 free tickets will be distributed at .I..;»»r omit; . w .M .. ”3° ‘° 9“"‘1 a mim'eflmm l?” said» i '
the Student Center information desk I " ‘ «Jaw» oratory in the electrical engineering mitt said the laboratory w'lll .
starting at 10am. ‘° apartment, allow students to gain handson ex- 'NS'DE .

“White Nights" stars Mikhail Bar- mvorcamnm “Th' thi tha ll be perience and they ”Wlll be dOlllS
yshnikov 35 a 50““ detector who Mikhail Bar shnikov and Gre o H‘ne ' " ‘ ' " ls ‘5 some ngI twe WI types 0f things that will better pre-
inadvertently finds himself behind IV I I 9 "Y ' sdcnce '" Wh‘le N'ths- able to utilize to build up our prO- pare students to enter the industry " .
the Iron Curtain. Other portions were filmed in En- to film “White Nights." But. Borden gram. said Frederick C. 'l‘rutt. . wmwumr sea-

The film takes its name from the gland.Scotland and Portugal. said it was “a fairly expensive Chairman 01' the electrical engi- Bowen said the yam will help to a my a T. ,4“ over th_
prolonged Siberian twilight known Speaking at a press conference in mowe. , .lntheteens. neering department ult will allow solidify the electncal engineering western Sun. In“ “wk M me
asthe midnight sun. Dallas neither Bill Borden the Borden said he made several us to create a lab in the microelec program at UK “There are 59h°°l5 ”.mMMJ.

To capture this unique quality of film‘s associate producer nor‘ Eric trips. many of them lengthy_ to the tronics area which is what we want that invest $3 or $4 million in their
light much of the filming occurred “W. the screenplay writer Soviet Union to do research for the to do to keep pace with growing electrical engineering program and “A m M.“ . UK "mm
on the Finnish island of Reposaari. “mid 3., merry how much it cos; film. 1 didnt walk in and tell them “”10le “can ‘C"'ii‘i"~"e““h "H“- mm or the Onrla Dickens

SccSCllEl-ZNING. page '7 “I w My hill“ “ the
C II ' t' ’ t b d f 'l “w “'" '°' '
- . see
0 ege 0 ommunica lOIlS SCCI‘B ary remem. ere Ol' smi e min-«‘-
By WENIDY SUSAN SMITH history of severe asthma and em we had no idea how serious her ill. “She was invariably gracious. Morgan is survived by her hus-
Staff Writer physema. . boss was until she went into the hos helpful. cheerful and friendly,“ he band. JOlin Simmons Morgan; two
. I She was admitted to Humans Hos- pltalOttWednesday." said. “She graced our office With SONS. John Calvert M0788" and Sie‘

The College of ICommumcatiorIis pital In Lexington Wednesday for Since 1972. Morgan worked with constant cheerand helpfulness. PM" W" ”0‘3” ”0‘“ 0‘ LexinfiT Muir-Mud I“ with
closed its doors Friday afternoon in acute bronchitis and asthma. Her Katherine Hume. director of the “Betty was a lady.“ Lindeman ‘0"- two brothers, two sisters and 0 II. “a
mem of Bett Cal death . . . - .. - - . ' °' "‘ 1"

ory y veIrt Moi-gm, . was attnbuted to mpiratory speech league and assistant to the said. She had a beautiful smile and threegrandchildren. “flu-fifin” a,
secretary for the college 3 Kentucky fullure. I deanofthecollege, always had good words and an inter- Funeral services Wl“ be at l P m. w d m II it do
“18" School Speech 1198806. who “No meI had any idea how sick est in everybody. She always had a today at Kerr Brothers Funeral ‘ . g m u .g m
died early that morning. she was. said Karen Lindeman, Herbert Drennon. dean of the (‘ol- smile on her face and never let her Horne.463£. Mil“ Sl- 1h” “ II in h in

bu t off' f the ' - - - . . . . . , h
the I chel' or College Iot lege of Commumcations. said Mor- problems interfere with anythirg _'n'° College 0‘ Communicatiom 0“ 3‘ ' D d H H m

M n 62 of m R d hi mumcat'm‘ “we "ac “and an Md COIIIPIOM m‘ny years Of When SOIIICOHE was W". she was fl“ Will elm after noon my “I. “3““ .~

0'88 . . °° - d a about her the last few mmths, but loyalservice. theretolift them up" theservicea.

 . l t t l
2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL My, Novmzs, 1'“
Information on this calendar at events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office,
203/204 Student Center, University at Kentucky. The inter-
motion is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake ol clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
' ities Office.
. ‘ a m u s a e n a r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man-
‘ day preceeding the publications date.
. " - I ‘ .2 ' i-‘tibitiors hurt P-cxett BFA Exhibit Sculpture Point. ' Concerts UK Jazz Ensemble | Concert Center tor the - Meetings. SAB Concert Committee meeting 228 SC 5 ' O'l‘e" Thanksglvmg HolidOYS‘ ReSidence Halls WI” be
' . mg Ciawiitgs Prints Center tor the Arts BY appomtment Arts 8 pm Call 73‘45 p m. Coll 7-3867 Closed
. ._ , ,' . -_a|1‘170¢s 0 Meetings 5A8 Public Relations Committee meeting - Meetings Maranatha Christian Fellowship- Students 'Acodemics. Thanksgiving Holiday-Academic Holiday
\ .V >- ' n Mower, Bridge Over the River Kwa. $1 75 w UKlD 1155C 4p m. Ca||7i8867 With a Purpose Free. Maronatha Center, 7 p.m., Call 231~ ° Meetings: 309"“ Student Union Student Luncheon $1
- - ; ‘ V. Wérshom Theatre 7 30;: m ' Meetings UK Water Ski Club meeting everyone welr 7001 Baptist Student Center, 730 p.m., CaII7-3989
. ' O Other Bohai Lecture Series Dynamics at Peace 0 8. come' Please stop by' 228 SC 7p.m. Call277»0618 0 Meetings UK Fencing Club meeting- tree instructions
." . I ' l A lullk‘w‘m) WI‘" Mary Anne Geula 203 SC 7 30p m ° MOV'GS Bridge Over the River Kwat $1.75 w UKlD Alumni Gym, 7.30pm; Call 233-5201
‘,: g -,~ g ’ u ; _ Worshom Theatre 7'30p.m. 0 Other: German Club's 'Cale Deutschland' German
- , ,' , _‘ 0 Other TNT~Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite Togethr House. 5p.m.
-’ . ' ei Bapi'ist Student Center 12 Noon: Call 7-3989 0 Exhibitions Art Exhibit 'Kurt Pickett-Ceramic Scuip‘
. A, ; . i . I Recitals Garduate Rental Connie Golden, organ Me ture'. Inner room at Triangle Gallery 10 am . 3 pm Call
5' i _ ‘ ‘1‘ _ . mortal Hall 8 pm. Call 7-4900 233-1263
,. . ‘ " ' . ‘ Exhibitions Art Exhibit Kurt Pickett-Ceramic Sculp
. j“ _' g _. . " ture Inner room at Triangle Gallery 10 a m 3 p in Call
., 733003
- “ < ,- ’ :Aodermcs Thonl‘SQ'V'”9 Holl‘iot' ACOdem" HOIldo‘t 0 Plays UK Theatre Production A Christmas Carol $5 0 Other Last day to cancel new applications lor housing ' Exhibitions Tusko Exhibit Rasdoll Gallery Call 254
‘ ~ ' ,. fige-‘iggg 7UK Badminton Cu“ Seaton Gym 5 3O 6 30 pub $4»stu, Guignol Theatre 3 8 7 30p m Call 7 I502 “only students not in residence halls for the semester) 6026
. ' , C . Othcl‘ '(7 , 38 l hl ' Exhibitions Art Exhibit Kurt PickettrCeramm Sculp 0 Academics Deadline lor submission ol application 8 ' SPOFVS UK Lady Kat Basketball vs Morehead St Uni
‘ - Wt 91'3‘ TOIITQUEJ '8'] Socua P 'OSOPh'mlvilUd‘es ”1 Ed sure Inner room at Triangle Gallery 10 a m 3 p in Call receipt at all materials lor admission readmission or Vers'lY MemOHOICOlISeum 7 30p m Call 7-6046
‘_ , ’ U“; "j" 1 ‘ EV 0‘ K d9 | 3f" m' C?” 7’4’ 5 A 233 1263 transler to College olLawlor‘Ba Spring semester ° Exhibitions Art Exhibition 8 Sale- Advance Graphirs
‘ - - Y ) rug”: cave all 0': C 055" Clem'sonws A 'ddlel 0 Academics. Last day to sit for a final examination tor 245 SC 10am 75pm. Call 78867
, , ' _ . i‘ 246 V ‘5 eve on State Memoria (Ollseum 03" candidates for December graduate degree ' Movies Fun with Dick and Jane $1.75 vv UKlD
° 0 Meetings UK Badminton Club meeting Seaton Gym Worsham Theatre 7 30p m.
‘ ‘ ‘ 2 30-3 30p m Coll278-7138 ' Other UK Football Banquet SC Grand Ballroom 6 3O
. ‘ _ , 0 Plays UK Theatre Production A Christmas Carol , SS» p.m. Call 71757
pub $4 stu. Guignol Theatre 3 p m. Call 71592
. ‘ ‘ I
.‘ ». ‘7 >7“ 5 doe 04'” ”‘9 R‘V9' KWO' 57 ‘5 it Ul‘i'C WO'WO’“ ”‘90"? 7 30 ll 26 UK Jazz EnsemblelConcer‘ Centertor the Arts 8p m Call7-3145 11 2930 Lady Kat Dial Classic Clemson vs Middle Tenn 8 Ky vs. Cleveland
1‘ ‘4 -. -. 1“” ll 25-12 20 Kurt Pickett BFA Exhibit Sculpture, Painting Drawings, Prints State MemorialColiseum, Cal|7r6046
7 ' . , ' - I. f I. ‘ 2o 8"de Over the RN“ hwo' 5" 75 "‘ UKlD Worshom Theatre 730 Center tor the Arts By oppomtment Coll 7-1706 12 2. UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. Morehead St. University, Memorial Coliseum
~> if ' ,' ' ‘ » ' >7 "‘ ll 26,2830 Art Exhibit Kurt Pickett Ceramic Sculpture Inner room at TrianA 7 30 p.m
; z.‘ x A .. . , - '2 2 ‘un With Dick and Jane SI 75w UKlD Worsharn Theatre 7 30 p.r,in gle Gallery 100.m.-3p.m Co|l23371263
- ~ " . ‘ ' " . 12 2-12 20 Tuska Exhibit RasdallGallery Col|254~6026
,; , ‘ . - ‘, ‘- 5, l2 2 Art Exhibition 8. Sale Advance Graphics 245 SC 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Call 7
f. 1.173. _ ' f 8867
. \ ‘ ' ‘1 . h g
Wm ”“"‘”"‘""‘°"'°
‘1 . ‘. - . ’ i...-
,.‘ , {"1 ~ :3 A], x ‘l 26 5A8 Publ'C RE'O'IO'VS Committee meeting “5 5C 4 P m CO“ 78867 11 2830 Thanksgiving Holiday Academic Holiday
.- 1 u, . I '- . .. j: :6 UK ZVGIYBF 75M ClUb ”‘69""9' e"90’0"? we'come' Please 5'0? bY' 228 11 25 Baha'i Lecture Series Dynamics at Peace' 0 8 A lollowing with Mary
g, . ‘15., . , 4 ) "155",; :‘al 27 0613 _ Anne Geula 203 SC 7 30p m
a ,' .1 : .- .. f B ‘ 0"“9" Committee m“5‘9""9 278 5C 5 p ’“ Lo” 7 3867 11 26 TNT» Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite Together. Baptist Student Cert.
J : 1 . . _ I. 1/ Morcnotha Christian Fellowship- Students With a Purpose Free Mar- .9, 17 Noon Call7v3989
j 1 . > ' ,1 To?” cen'e' 7 p m C°ll 23‘ 700‘ 11 2830 Thanksgiving Holiday- Residence Halls will beclosed
.. Y; , . - ‘ , ,, B Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon $1 Baptist Student Center 11 28 German Club S Cole Deutschland' German House 59 m
,. . _. '3’me 73989 . , . . , . ' “
, i, . ti II i - -
. f , , 1 28 UK Fencing Club meeting tree instructions Alumni Gym 7 30 p m Bldg; 3c5°pon3wgclr7 5‘33: PhIIOSODhKOI S'Ud'e‘ m Education, '3‘ Taylor Ed-
- v ; ' Call 733 5201 ' ' ' " ’
. , ll K Th t ' ' - - '
. - ,.- ' ii 29 UK Badminton Club Seaton Gym, 5 30‘s 300m (011278-7138 “923,335 ,gg;°m""g‘j,°,f;'fig,,;‘ “mm“ c°'°l :5 ”b" 84 5”" Gu'g'm'
, I i K - - 7
;' , i , 1 4 . 1- 2 U Badminton Club Seaton 0"" 2 30 3 309"" 0’“ 273 7'38 11 26 Graduate Recital Connie Golden organ, Memorial Hall. 8 p.m., 7-49CX)
, ' . ,_ ' 12 1 Deadline for submission ol application 8 receipt at all materials lor ad-
_' . ', mission readmission or tronsler to College at Law tor '86 Spring semester
. g ' '. 12 1 Last day to sit tor a iinol examination tor candidates lor December grad-
' ' - uatedegree
. , ' , l2 1 Last day to cancel new applications lor housing (only students not in
'1 . , ' ‘ residence halls tor the semester)
f ‘ ’ . .' l2 2 UK Football Banquet SC Grand Ballroom. 6.30pm.. Call 71757 LOOKING AHEAD
. ', , 12 1 UK Theatre Production A Christmas Carol' $5-pub., $4-stu. Guignol
, Theatre 3p m Call 71592
, . ' f 123 UK Basketball vs. Cincinnati at home. Rupp Arena, Call 7-3838
12 3 Senior Recital: John Hawkins, horn. Center lor the Arts; 5 pm” Call 7-
’ ’ , 4900
. 12 4 UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. Southern Illinois University, Memorial Col
iseum, 7.30 p.m. Coll 7-6046
, 12 5-7 Christmas Madrigal Dinners- $15. SC Ballroom; 6'45 p.m., Call 719%
I2 5: University Orchestra; Free; Center tor the Arts, 6 p.m.. Call 73145
' 12 5: Room 22 Jazz Ensemble; Free; Center tor the Arts. 8 pm; Call 7-3145
127 SAB Christmas Camp lar children 5 It up’children at UK laculty, statt
and students. 56 per child; pick up term in 203 SC, UK SC; Call 7-8867

 i . - i
WW__._ __
Sports Ediior
Jot-rim ’
Assistant Sports Editor _
:-°'.\:. é'é::.:-E:<, EEE:EE:::EE“ _,_. Iteéfifieee irefieefi5&5;.- .:§§E§‘t»‘33'.'I-;§é‘.‘u ta)1".3'323-125"?2‘18.»Eilv‘lil’h'éf":‘léél‘iifl‘h-I’ih: 4%h(’1:‘\, ,:.-,;r‘ ;- . 23"“? 352552255335313:5533"i _‘_ "1. 3 *I’z, Ti.¥2"\gp,<¢3-‘: (filth-:- 2‘22, "'- :4" ”gifts, 19‘ .‘hziffijhhlfhhfi:2’35 afé'ih et‘zte‘vastn‘. ' e} w 22° >1: . .
sechsz-ghh%§%§fi%fwgw‘ov%a22 fighth‘hwi 5* ». ’ fa, 92% «$2.1m» M’Dwrflrfifi
‘sweet’ win M h ll . .. .,
t l :2: . I . I
over cats 3 ByJASON WILLIAMS shall zone for shots in the paint 5 '. ., , .
StaffWriter “l was really surprised that Mar , ‘3 '- ‘
g BRl-Z'I'THAIT .» shall didn‘t play better ' Nichols ,' _':.‘.
Stiaff Writer °' HUNTINGTON. W.\'a. - If first said. "but we did play excellent de- i -“ 17;} , j, .»
~ , . impressiorw mean anytlung. the fense and offense ‘ y , j - °.

Call it fate‘ call u chance. call it ‘\ ;, 1985-86 Lady Kats mil bear no re- That was not idle boasting l'K. i, .3 ; 1'5”: 5‘1" ‘I
luck But don't forget to call the f ‘ ‘7 semblance topreViom imposters aided by several fastbreak lavups -'.£'- {_1 -. ,5
Tennessee Volunteers champions if 4’, 2 4 The Kats backed up their superi» shot 62 percent from the field to .- 1‘- 4 2;)
they‘re in the Sugar Bowl on New ”fie , 4‘ as. ority on paper as they defeated Mar- Marshall'swpercent ,- f’ '2’.’ f1
Year's Dav. l M H, " 2° ,. . shall's Lady Herd 102-73 in Hender» .‘t'l, .' 't", ,f.

By trouhcing l'K 420 Saturday at Q . ‘ 2535?, . at; son Center during the season opener Karen Mosley made seven of her 1‘ 1; );,--°' , ,i
Commonwealth Stadium. Tennessee t , i ' ' a for both teams They also erased 10 shots for 14 points. and sophor j :5; ii
needs only to beat Vanderbilt this N ' ° , e. t _ some doubts as to whether they more guard Belitta (‘roley went 5. 3 NJ" 2.:
Saturdav .at home m Knoxville to ' he _ . could regroup from the various for-lo for to pomts Freshman Jodie ;" rug/1".- . 1'
capture'the Southeastern Conference ' ‘ 2. L problems that have led to mediocre Whitaker had an impressive debut 3.3. it; - iv:
championship «\u: - x _ records the lasttwoseasons with seven rebounds and fiie as- fin; V1} '31-:

"This is what I‘ve worked for all fl ' 4 ' ‘ I “Kentucky is nowhere near the sists it", fig. ‘.- ‘v'l
my life. said Tennessee coach , , _w 2.; ._ team they were last year. said Sixfoom center Melanie Viarren .. -_ Him
Johnnv Majors. who returned to “r ‘ t ., 3" Marshall coach Judy bouthard. “med a career-high elfihl 901““ m I" git-2.5235 ‘
coach'at his alma mater m 12177. n” - t it whose 95-80 loss in Lexmgton last eight minutes. and sophomore guard 3-,; .T- . 2‘.
it happens ithappens .. r2 l i season gave the Kats‘ its last victo- Monique Tarantini. l'l-(‘s West \'ir~ ,. j 1";

"I don‘tlbelieve anvbodv is looking . ,' .- .- ’ r5" “I‘llgive 9 as State byaWide marginf h if f manIES oi‘good ”1 was hoping we WOUld have A alColiseum ' ° " " l- , ‘

.. . - - - - But an impressive irst- a e - played a 10‘ better." he said. Vichols was also the team leader “We wont be OVt‘l‘l'imil/leni ust ‘ V 3 ° . ‘ 3
. Ilennessee ethter‘ed'the 138" $552: fort by the Demons almost basketball, bUi the "but we won by 19 pomts. and we m- points with 31 on lB-tor-l? from because \\e \e pin;- {.1 One. good g . -. °‘
““ 3 mm M m‘m’ (1995mm 0. marred Eddie SUV-0M first Few h 15 Id 2 h' k played a lot of peeple Detenswe- the field and rebounds with eight game. Hall said ’We know weve . - : '- - . i
answered espec‘ially on defense 1 . . . , . th Wldul Oi er on ii in , . . . . . ‘ . , . .
B ) ml of them have been an; ar season game as e I (d ,, 15-“9dldhtplai as “8118s I had The 6-foot senior. along with L'Ks got to put several good games to» . . ;
villi: n 5 CO???) d d I ed “’6 played “'6“ at 311- hoped. bUt l was just happy 10 other lrontline players. had little gether ili(_'l)l’1\lli((‘ l'lllt)\A(‘l‘\ of Lady 3. , - .
‘ | .- - . . . e uh er 0g )emons >13." - - - winourfirst one ” tro ble n thfou h the Mar Katbaskethallthatwe refitr real .‘ '.‘ -' l y;

“I” l I ~" “hh game "i the ”“3”“ with the Cats for most of the first l‘lddlh button. “(.5 second game of the year u DOPPI g g 31" ,_ . . .1 , - '
against .ttlabama. Star quarter-back half before UK gained ILS compo- [k coaCh 15 In HonoluhL when It takes on h ° ' .I I ’ ‘. h '7 .l
T”“-" h"”'“""“ 3”" mm" “_“h a sure and cruised to a W58 Vicm- (‘haminade t'niversity tomorrow KENTUCKY -, ' T , ._
knee lll]Ui‘_\' Seldom-used senior ry Friday night at Rupp Arena _ night Kernel ‘ - . - . .
Deiryllhtcko) lx-cfamethe start}: k "We played m spurts." Sutton thenight "i think I can speak for the j ; . _

h h” 0"” “'9 games. ‘C ey said "If you look at the game ~ - . .. . . . . .2 . . . , ‘

. . . - .. . . . ° ~ ~ Senior loiwaid henny Walker. whole team when I say that we . , .