xt73tx35407r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx35407r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1998-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1998 text GLSO News, November 1998 1998 1998-11 2019 true xt73tx35407r section xt73tx35407r _- I r I are
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I #7::ng I; I2; I) /” II; If}? 19%? No. 10
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I ‘19. /’ “
II "3/ A publication of "the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization I
world AIDS Day conference After the CIOSE OI SESSIONS at 5 Lexington Men’s Chorus
pm, acthItles that are open to the
AVOI- is holding a World AIDS public will continue with a candlelight Hires New Bit-ecu”
Day Conference on Tuesday, Dec. 1, VIQII at 5130 and a performance 0' The Lexington Men's Choru5, ‘
from 8 am to 5 pm, With DUDIIC activi— 5’99’95 for Angels, , Punks, , and now in their 9th concert season has
ties COhtIhUth ”“0 the night at the Raging Queens followrng the “9” m hired an interim director, Dawn Coon.
Radisson Plaza Hotel in Lexington. the “OM Ba'lroom' (see below) A fifth year student at the University
The cost of the Conference is $50, He ['65 of Kentucky majoring in Vocal I
$60 for those wanting CEU credit, g 2 Performance with a specialization in
and $20 for students. Scholarships Elegies ’0’ Angels, Punks, 30d Opera and a minor in Choral Music
are available for clients and persons Raging Queens W‘“ have three Education, Dawn has agreed to
in need. All registrations must be in ins/arelgirtgrsmgnces :3 Elsi??? direct LMC for the 1998-99 season.
by November 23. For information call lOwianw e ek an d, SEC: and 5_ This Dawn,a native of Fitzwiliiam,
2786274 or 278-7494 play by Bill Russell with music by New Hampshire, knows exactly what
RegIStIatIO" WI” begin at 8 am Janet Hood will again be directed by she IS letting herself in for since she
With the SGSSIOhS beginning at 8145- Homer Tracey and produced by masterminded the choreography for
The keynote speaker for the opening ActOut. LMC's tribute to Broadway last sea-
session will be Ednita Wright who will The performance 0n 080- 1 will son as well as for the annual Pride
speak about HIV prevention and begin at approximately 8 pm If? the show last June. Dawn had the honor
African American women. Ednita Fiadlsson H0“?! Bai'mom and M" be this summer of being invited to attend
was in Lexington for the African Ibiealide’slrIIAIsiogeltjirs‘S’téo‘I"0y:V|Itgr 5:32: the world renowned Chautaqua
American Leadership Conference project. Admission to the play will be Institution and is currently audltlonlng
thl’S summer and IS reported to be a one new toy. These toys will be for masters and doctoral programs
a dynamic Speaker Later I“ the day, donated to children living in families in Vocal/Opera performance Her
keynote speaker Joe Kelly will be affected with HIV/AIDS . .
speaking about federal legislation On Dec, 4 and 5, the play will he cmmufiony newsmnflnued on page 3
having to do with HIV and AIDS. held at the downtown public library at Sponsor ' ‘
There will also be informative 8 DUI Admission $7- When the play YioftheMonth . .
breakout session, round table dis- was PIQGUCEG during Pride month, It 7 , -
cussions, and a variety of poster pre- Tracy (M a wonderful 10b Of pulllng “Iii-xii»: ' , .
, together a large cast of actors and if?“ : ,
sentatlons on recent research, pre- singers to create an experience of "2%-eL
vention services, and an art exhibit great warmth and beauty. You will not thin-[Hrner f
featuring the work of children shOW- want to miss it this time around. Err” g1;
ing how a HIV has impacted their “~”‘7:“—~‘-‘;;;;;;;an ,afirfltl‘n

 Honoring] Matthew I will also remember the words of
_______.,___.‘ by Mary Crone ‘ Mel White who spoke of the principles
1 mgGAYs‘ , ' The vigil in memory of Matthew of Soulforce, the relentless nonviolent
’ ' LESBIAN '- * . Shepard held Thursday Downer ‘8 'i‘iilfifffiiiepr’iffg“? $333353:
~_, ‘- and organized by UK Lambda was a ’. .' ’
ERVI moving tribute, comforting as well as he asks, alter the “MS and the march-
) .. . ORG' ‘ encouraging for those of us able to join es, after fie have expressed of anger
. together. It was wonderful to hear and grief. W? must deCIdle OW we
Kathy Stelne, Richard Mitchell, and W'” honor Mans memory: “”6 “’0'“
William Wharton, director of the to out-love our enemies, it we take the
Human Rights Commission, speak at moral high ground and work relentless-
the memorial vigil it is too often only ly to confront the untruths and end the
The GLSO News . ’ cycle of anger and violence, the victo-
Vol.13 Issue ll our own v0ices we hear at such ry will be ours ,,
events. Not that our voices are not elo- ’
Published Monthly by quent, l was particularly pleased to Mel speaks about the needto sin-
hear from so many young people that cerely forgive our enemies. It IS diffi-
_ evening. cult for most of us to have that amount
The Lexington Gay Many people have made note of of c0mpassron. ldo believe that it is a
- . , . t worthwhile goal but if you are not there
Lesbzan Service ggfimhggsofvino'lwe’nwge‘aet: d ahsatznggr: yet, perhaps the place to start is to
Organization legislation that includes sexual orienta- 9999” love yourself. Then to compas-
tion. lagree that such legislation could sronately love all the members 0’ our
321 Second St. be a step forward in marking the seri- wonderfully diverse LBGT community,
ousness of crimes that are motivated overcoming the prejudices that divide
Editors, by hatred of particular groups of peo- usd and letavmg behllnd fQE‘EV‘i’; the
Mary Crone ple. l want to emphasize, however, that 1” 'gerlnen S weflmzta e 0 l h” {has
it is time to focus attention on the inten- being to? out ’ no out enoug ' 00
Peter Taylor sity of the harassment and assault that political . too fem ...you know what we
DaVina Warner occurs in most American middle and do to ourselves. _
high schools. Early intervention by It ‘5 also time for'more lesbigay-
Layout Editor: Sim-ii: l23:.2£‘lt:l£é“iéii?f’
Charlie Perkins with children is long overdue. for th , ’ {a
Some of the most touching words 0 er progresstve causes and mak
in Matthew’s memory were not found ing connections with a wider circle of
GLSO Annual Dues in the mainstream media. l particular- people. l know some Of US are already
and Newsletter: $15 Iy like the image drawn by Ben Boxer involved...in the Council for Peace and
Dues and Newsletter for who wrote of Matthew: “As he may not Justice, in a variety of churches, in
Couples: $20 have intended in life, he has nOW anti-racism work‘ and so forth. I want
become our warrior in the stars, a bea- more of us to become involved, and to
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are Shaft: “gghéohjzllcwhhgnagéfiffizrlg all: be as OUT. as we can be in whatever
those of the authors and don't necessarily kind ofnr’nanhood _ gentle loving kind _ QVOUDS W9 10m. .
represent those of the GLSO Board. be embodied a manhood which can I know there [5 3‘ lOt 0f work Q be
Submissions are welcome and become the be found in, both heterosexual and done Within Lesbigaytrans organiza-
property Of the GLSO, The staff reserves homosexual." May there come a day “ODS and if that is where you TBSI most
the right to edit submissions and advertise- when gay men are honored for carry- effective, then 90 for it- Whatever YOU
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- ing the archtype and vision of gentle do) find my within your gay life. LOVan
missions or advertisements. maleness into this angry and too vio- ourselves can be the most radical and
lent world. transformative act we perform.
GLSO PAGE 2 —......___._.._._.....__—__.__

 )’ Men's Chorus, continued from Page 1 Pride Center of the Bluegrass. Want a Hate Cri me Law?
.— beautiful mezzo-soprano voice has Everyone iS invited t0 Reginas at Report Harassment
:r soared in the operas Die 116 N. Upper for a great meal.
e Fledermaus, Le Nozze di Figaro, Seating is expected to fill up, so there When politicians ask why we
k Cost Fan Tutte, the Broadway Will be two seatings at 6:00 and 7:30. need non-discrimination policies and
9 shows, Guys and Dolls and South The price is $11.95 for the delicious hate crimes laws that specify sexual
;- Pacific and the annual UK produced "Old Family Recipe": Spaghetti orientation, they ask for data show—
e "it's a Grand Night for Singing." Marinara, Salad, and Bread. ing there isaproblem. Unfortunately,
;. A familiar face will be seated at if you have never been to a most incidents of harassment and
the piano at LMC performances this Sunday Night at Regina's you are even assault against lesbigaytrans
.— year. Loren Tice, director of LMC for missing a 900d "family" opportUnity individuals go unreported.
i- the past two years has moved to the to meet some new and Old friends. Recently, there has been discus-
it piano bench where he will serve as For information about the Sunday sion and reports of harassment in
a accompanist for the chorus. LMC is Night Supper CiUb. see below. Lexington on Lambdanet. Jeff asks
e excited to have such a dynamic duo all of us who have been harassed to
0 at the helm. The result should be Sunday Night Supper Club. please report these incidents. Jeff’s
;- more great music and fun perfor- Every Sunday Night is ”family phone number is in the GLSO
lr mances for our audience. Mark your night" a Regina's, 116 N. Upper. The Directory. Jeff is looking for some-
y, calendars for "Ring Out" Dec 19—20, Sunday Night Supper Club has just one new to take phone calls for the
e "We Are Family" April 10th and "Sing been added to the GLSO calender. Discrimination Project. If you are
e Out" June 5th in Louisville and June We welcome newcomers to share a interested, give him a call or e-mail
5 12th in Lexington. meal between 6 and 8 pm. him at Jeff@QX.net.
0 You can now report online via
e iVi'i'QY‘WGGVQ P.FL AG the GLSO-KFA Documentation
Join us Sunday, Nov. 18 at the Parents, Friends, and Family of Project‘s online intake form. This
/- Unitarian Church for our next month- Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) will website is at: http://qx.net/jeff/hate/.
2r ly luncheon. Please bring a dish to meet the second Tuesday of each The more data we have, the better
9 share for our DPUUCK following the month at 7:30 pm. at Chapel Hill our rationale for political action.
(— jen'ce (apprOXImately 1.2330 p.m.). Presbyterian Church (corner of
)f om us for a serwce during the next Armstrong Mill and Tates Creek CUUPS
, two month before our much loved ,
‘V minister Kelly Flood retires from our Roads). November 10th this month. . CUUPS, or the Covenant of
d church. Her memorial to Matthew P—FLAG is open to anyone who Unitarian Universalist Pagans meets
n Shepard on page seven under has need of support or is willing to on the fourth Sunday of every month
it Unitarian Views. For more informa- offer support to people who have in the Fellowship Hall Of the Unitarian
0 tion call Davina (271-6174) friends or family members who are Church. Individuals WhO iOiiOW a
3r lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgen- variety Of earth based spiritualities
Spaghetti Dinner dered. (This includes straight spous- have a not iUCk lunch and a program
9 Court Fund Raiser 93,) Nationally, P-Flag lobbies for following the church service at about
1' On Sunday, November 8 the GLBT rights and provides excellent 12-30 YOU do nOt have to be a mem—
st Royal Imperial Soverign Com will be educational booklets that are avail- ber of the church to attend the cuups
‘U hosting a spaghetti dinner fund raiser able through P-Fi—AG and GLSQ meeting.
9 benefiting its designated charities; Toys for Miss Daisy’s Toys for Kiddies can be taken to Movable Feast,

 Cattled 74mm, 51, the ‘Rainéom sale. As a rule, I do not do yard agooo' idea, but I told her that I knew
Bl, Rummy. 90,,“ sales. But when I saw that giant rain- a short cut and it was not that far.
bow something came over me, and I Reluctantly Kat pulled off In the car. I
Counting rainbows is a mental hit the brakes and swerved the car hiked the print up onto my shoulder
exercise I practice while driving. I over to the curb. A woman had the and started walking.
count all rainbows whether they are print in her hand, but I was willing to I heard the woman at the yard
on cars or teller machines or copy bargain. sale say, “i hope YOU don‘t live too far
service signs. On occasion a driver Some fast talking and the print away.“ Without looking back, I yelled,
has helped me out by speeding past was mine. I was so excited about my “I live right around the corner.” The
and cutting me off in traffic just so purchase that it did not cross my words had no sooner left my mouth
that | see the ralnbow on the back of mind that the print would never fit into when a gust of wind caught the print
their car. These rainbows get a spe- the car. I moved and shifted basket- and sent me and the print staggering
cial #1 which i count with my longest balls and softballs and windshield and prancing across the lawn.
finger. wipers and oil and every other thing I managed to catch my balance
My daughter’s college friend in the car trunk. lopened all the car without dropping the print. I dared
thinks the rainbow sticker is a pretty doors. I unhitched the back seats so not look back. I knew the group at
neat thing to have on your car. One that they would lay flat. I laid the the yard sale had witnessed my
day she asked where we got our front seats down flat. lraised the car homemade ballet moves. l lowered
stickers. Kat and i both looked at hood, but Kat said, “Absolutely Not!" the print so that I could balance the
each other, what exactly was she Isuggested wrapping the print in weight along the side of my body.
saying? a blanket and putting it on top of the Vifith print in hand, I headed home.
We patiently listened to a very car while each of us held it with one Home was about 30 minutes away.
elaborate and detailed explanation hand as we drove home. Kat shook With each step the wind toyed
about the beauty of the rainbow. her head no and started putting stuff with the print. Car horns honked and
Finally Kat interrupted and asked, back into the trunk. The print was people yelled from their cars. Itried
“Are you trying to get some cute too large to fit into the car and that to look composed and gracefully
woman’s attention?" My daughter’s was that. keep my balance, Taking the short
friend sucked in a deep breath and It made no difference to me out had saved me exactly two min-
held it. i started counting to ten and whether It fit or not, I was not leaving utes of walking time. My arms were
wondered why the room was sud- the yard sale without the print. I getting tired and the dark clouds
denly empty, I didn’t see my daughter stood by the car clutching the print overhead Were getting darker.
and her other guests ieaye. with both hands and staring at the About five blocks from home I
Istretched the count out to 93nd people at the yard sale who were spotted my daughter and her
9/10 before my daughter's friend staring at me. They had been watch- boyfriend in his truck. Good, I was
loudly exhaled and launched into a ing me the whole time. I smiled. tired of carrying the print. lpanicked
grand explanation about not being They smiled. We smiled some more. when they turned the wrong way,
gay, No problem, we still offered her My face was starting to hurt from the they did not see me. I started to yell
our extra rainbow sticker. She said exchange of smiles. and trot after them. The wind caught
that she would admire rainbow stick- One of the women broke the the print as if it was a kite, and me
ers on other peoples‘ cars. It was silence with a revelation, “Your pic— and the print went dancing down a
then that I heard our guests laughing ture’s not going to fit.” I said, “It fits.“ small hill. All I could do was hang on.
in the other room. Kat looked at me, then got into the When the spinning stopped I
All laughing aside, I understand car and closed the door. My smile found myself in someone’s yard and
how she was taken by the rainbow. It went limo the someone was looking at me from
happened to me not too long ago I got down on one knee and the window. I smiled then turned to
when I spotted a 4’x4’ framed cloth whispered to Kat through the win- watch as my daughter and her
screen print of a rainbow at a yard dow. “You drive the car home and l boyfriend drove out of sight.
will walk." Kat did not think that was Continued on next page

 aw I scrambled back to the sidewalk r ANT A 5y 3 AT .NG ' “We didn’t even have a sen-

ar. with print in hand. A string of curse REALITY LMNC tence that would have required a

. l words was released with each by Kelly O’Ferrell word for it. Hell,ldidn'teven get one

er breath. Who thought this was a Tammy, my partner and I were to talk about until I moved out of the
good idea? What possessed me to laying on the couch laughing so hard house.”

rd think I could carry this ‘thing’ home. I thought I'd die. For some reason, I knew Tam was the one for me

er I looked up and Kat was coming Tam was asking me about “Mutt" early on (even though we differed in

d toward me with a smile and water. somebody and I said, "I don't know the areas of finances, jobs and

te’ She did not say a word as we carried who Muff Diamond Is." housework) because we laughed so

th the print the rest of the way home. “I didn’t say muff diamond," she much when we were together.

nt As we came into the house, I replied “I said muff diving.” Of course, you wouldn’t have

19 promised Kat that from now on I Well, obviously I didn’t know known that the other night. lhad told
would count rainbows, not carry what or who Muff Diving was either. a friend that we'd be at her house by

:e them. About ten minutes later it Once the term was explained (mutt 6:30. Translation for me: 6:20.

ed started to rain. Kat and I sat down to being yet another word for vagina) I, Translation for Tam: by 7:00. So,

at listen to the rain and look at the rain- of course, wanted to know who in the when Tam said that she needed to

1y bow. world came up with the word "mutt". stop and get something to eat, I

ad Intercultural Lesbians! “probably the same person who thought I was going to kill her. When

1e ‘ F came up with toto, couchie, twat and I came out 0' the Super America “m“

Iy. \/ ( r down there," Tam said. my bag of ice and saw her standing

9. ‘ tasked a friend of mine what In a long line in Arby’s, I asked her if

word she used instead of vagina she COU'd drop me 0" at my friend’s

5d EARLY AND OFI‘EN when she was growing up. house and then she could come

id continued next page

ad . .

3r 3 . 3%”? 7 i ' ' ‘ ‘

is ' ' ‘

2d . Proudly Servmg Kentucky 5 Lesbian,

y, .. Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered

all . ° '

m “x. and Stray? Communities.

'2 ‘ ‘ ' = e .,

n. ”It EALTY


.d - antitgfitg


to ”m‘m“m“m‘” EQUAL HOUSING

3, 278'75°1 OPPORTUNITY

-— GLSO PA E 5

 back and get something to eat. She lars (the fantasy world bank). one so different? Over the past few
informed me that it was just 6:14 and So, having lived in the fantasy years of living together, we’ve been
we had plenty of time. world while we were dating, imagine able to move away from both of our

lremembera similar time about my stunned amazement when the extremes. I’m thrilled that I didn’t
three years ago on our wedding day. dishes started piling up in the sink meet and marry someone just like me.
Iwas furious by the time we were soon after Tam and I moved in We’ve had our fair share of
heading to get the chairs. I can turn together. Or my terror when Tam arguments about money, housework
a perfectly enjoyable experience into wasn't sure, a week before the rent and jobs. But with each disagree-
a war zone with my own need to get was due, where her share was com- ment, we come imperceptibly closer
something done. ing from! And, of course, there was and closer to something that works

I remember sitting in that truck the time she just didn’t show up at for us. That’s what my ”picker" picked
ready to scream. That’s when I work and wondered why they asked - someone I wanted to be more like
heard Tam start singing, “If you're her not to return. Details, details! butdidn’t know how.
happy and you know it, stomp your Then, there’s my equally Eloppe I‘m grateful I was able to see the
feet." I banged my feet on the floor site life style. I had to be told to go to forest for the trees some five years
once. bed at night with a bowl in the kitchen ago. Tarn is a beautiful forest with

“If your happy and you know it, sink. I grew up in a house where different trees than I grew up seeing.
stomp your feet," she sang again. dishes were never left in the sink. Early on, I thought that if she would

By the end of the song, I had We tried splitting up the housework a just change and do things the way I
stomped my way to happy. hundred different ways. I, of course, had always done them - the only way

There must have been some wrote out our chores and posted it on I’d grown up seeing them done - then
reason why I ignored all those things the refrigerator. I’d be happy. It‘s tiring enough being
that were different about us when we Then, there’s my money issues - a recovering, anal—retentive person
were dating. That fantasy world there’s either not going to be enough striving for perfection without having
worked for me in this case. You or there‘s not going to be enough. to live with someone just like me. By
know that fantasy world? That place We split our bills down the middle for committing to staying together, we’ve
where we place things that need to the first couple of years of living been able to find our own way.
matter but as long as we don’t think together. I’d get out the calculator Our commitment gave reality a
about them then they don’t exist. and see what half of $74.39 was for chance!

Like the fact that I need to keep the groceries. Then, I‘d be on the ' .. —
a certain amount of money out of my phone with a friend the moment after (Dancdaéeauon 7
self-employed pay checks to pay the ltold Tam what her half was. He Mufti—cultural Dance
IRS. When I met with my tax friend, would always ask me, “Is this a . i . ' 1 ,
she informed me that my estimated 'you/me’ relationship, or a ‘we’ rela— Friday; November 20
taxes for the year were about $1000. tionship?" I didn’t know what he was 8 TO 12 PM '
How much had I saved up? None. asking forthe longest time. City Govamment Bath-00m
Fantasy world. And, as far as jobs go, except for 200 6; Main St

lcan just go along and pretend that dude ranch excursion and the ._ , j '
like — what? - something magical will past two years, I’d worked in an , donah°m$3 +0 $5 ,
happen. You know, like, ldon't know. office since the 11th grade. I knew Mat‘Y CM“? has fiCke’fs-
See? That’s fantasy world talk. how to show up M-F, 8—5. But, I see articfeon page 10" _
Nothing ever gets resolved. never knew when I was sick enough t_________ f V}

I felt wonderful when I put that to stay home or how to stop doing Carol—You ordered two T—shirts
tax money in it’s own savings something I didn‘t like. .
account. The real world feels great I probably wondered about my from GLSO m June and then
because I know I’m not going to fig- “picker" during that first year with changed your phone number!
ure out how to shit hundreds of dol- Tam. How could I have picked some- C all Mary 266-5904.

 w U 'i . Vi secuted. We may feel at times that obstacles, and ostracism, to continue
in 1)., p 3,57%" ews... our message of welcoming those to create a safe, welcoming religious
Jr 9;” ‘ A” w" _ . “ , who are outcasts in society -- espe- home in homophobic, tear-driven,
i’t \ If ”’0’” w” 0”" "Wm/mg K‘s/[”5 cially people who are gay, or who brutal times. You are good people,
9. CW" {mm ”’9 Um'w'ewi ”’9 [’"fm’i’lil'i identify themselves as pagan -- can and your ministry is vital.
of "Wile/W VIE/“A“; in, ”"9 Uni’apian ostracize us from the larger church Let your love shinel Kelly
rk (/Iniwnsa/isi Clmrrir Orlexlnqion. Kelly wi/Hve Community.
3- leaving Oil/”(liUI‘CA all/1e enrich/re year. We are But ii is OUr primary principle -‘ PMS The Unitarian Universalist
3r beginning a search [or a new minis/eri in begin to value and promote the inherent Fellowship of Laramie has estab-
is serving In file {all OIFQQQ. C)UPSUHJCJL/ sepvires worth and dignity Of every person -- "$th a memorial fund in Matthew's
K1 are at 10:45,- please come par] us a visil. that makes our ChUTCh a great, 9000 name to help carry on the social jus-
:e Matthew Shepard‘s death digs a place. A place'where what it means tice and human rights work to which
deep pit in my heart. Hatred strikes ‘0 '0: unconditionally, to accept one he dedicated, and ultimately sacri-
'9 again, leaving a legacy of helpless— grgaclfiedoinintl piagicjde‘ '5 no JUS aged, his iii-8.. They Slavedalready
's . , - gun organizmg a pu lC e uca ion
:h ness, ddeépalr' deatht. di—iow :18” 3; NOW, more than ever, we must and grass roots lobbying campaign
3. respon in a way a. e '68 e ‘3 persevere in living out our precious in Wyoming, where the state legisla-
ld Of givmg Up? Ot going numb? How message 0‘ l0V6- in the day5. weeks, ture has voted down anti-bias bills
l do we find meaning in SW“ a sense- months ahead, as this church com- the last three years.
,y less act? munity articulates who you are, what It you wouldylike to help, you
,n What comes to mind, and heart, you stand for, who you serve, and may send donations to: Matthew
,9 is perseverance. Homophobia is who will serve as your minister, think Sieephaég Jlgfir'i‘gr'f'UFl‘d‘dinggw'gfii‘F’;
n rampant, yet our church continues to of Matthew Shepard's life, and death. of Laramie PO 36X {340} University
9 offer a home for those who are per- Think of what it means, in spite of the Station, Laramie, wy 82071.
re 0 O
.. _ Real Estate Serv1ce Wlth
a 4W;
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' ' GLSO Page 7

10:45 am UU Church 8:00 Pm AA Step Study 1 ' 6:00 pm l-'rontnu1uers 7:00 pm Men‘s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
1 1:30 am LMCC ‘ (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride E 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Center) 51110110” Umup 7:30 pm UK Lambda \ - 1 4. ‘
6:00pm Sunday Night 1 7:00pm MCC Study Group (Student Center) .- 'II’I , :-.
Supper Club (Regina’s) I 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' i ‘ .E, '; J _' 416/
6:00 pm SisterSound 1 . «a .' .’
rehearsal . ' ~ ‘ ‘
l .
8 9 1 1 o 11 12 13 14
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board Mtg E 6:00 pm l-‘rontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
1 l :30 an] LMC C (Pride Center) 1 (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm R.1.S.C. Spaghetti 8:00 pm AA Step Study 1 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA R S n
Dinner (Regina‘s) ' Support Group 730 pm UK Lambda
6:00 pm SisterSound E 7:00 pm MCC Study Group (Student Center)
rehearsal I 8:00 pm Gay/LesbianAA 5 5 7 S LimestOne
Lexmgton Ky
_ 3 '
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 253 0014
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:30 pm Networking 6:00 pm l-‘rontrunners 7:00 pm Men‘s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners -
11:30am LMCC Potluck (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA .
Center) Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda featurlng the famous
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00 pm MCC Study Group (Student Center)
rehearsal 7:30 pm Faimess Lexington
GLSO NEWS DEADLINE (We cam) Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
SUBMIT ADDITIONS Evening: Miss Sunday '
AND/OR CORRECTIONS Night SllpperChlb SCfVlng blueberry
273-9649 8:00 pm (lay/LesbianAA bUCkWheat pancakes,
eggs benedlct arnold
22 23 25 26 27 28 '
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men‘s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners SPanlSh ome lettes
11:30 am LMCC (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
12:15 p. Interweave 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA gourmet desserts,
Potluck Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00 pm MCC Study Group (Student Center) and mUCh more
rehearsal 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
All of our breads and
29 30 —
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study desserts are baked dally
6:00 pm SisterSound In 0111' kltChCn
Free Evenlng Parking

by Mary Crone 1
Central Kentucky has become home to people from TO‘PP Q S RBSW and BM
many parts of our nation and world. Yet there are signifi—
cant barriers in our community. Differences in race, reli- ,
gion, economic status and sexual preference too often TA U ‘
divide us. Here is an opportunity to lower the barriers. 9 e4 1
The One World Festival has been planned as a way Q9 , ¢ ,
to learn about the variety of cultures now represented in A i
the Bluegrass, to enjoy some of what these cultures , ., ' ‘
have to offer, and to celebrate our growing diversity. We f 1
need to communicate across differences in order to ‘ .- . _‘ V. ‘ N I
make Lexington a more harmonious community for -— a [i n } st i
everyone. I /, .. .1 - [t ,
The first event for adults is a community dance, the “H” ‘ ‘ ' . “
One World DanCeiebv-ofion, featuring the music and , - ' .
dance styles of several different cultures. When people . . g
dance to the music of other cultures they communicate ' -' 3 ‘
and share in those cultures in ways that are impossible to -’ .1 ' -_‘
describe in words. Dancing together is simply a great , ' i. "
way for people to get to know each other better. ;; ' ' ' , , .
Two dances will be held on Friday November 20. I i Q~ .
One, for youth will be held at Arts Place. This will be in ‘ . v b .
conjuction with the People to People program sponsored i1 f) % .
by NCCJ. The other dance is for adults and will be held 2 3‘
in the newly renovated Ballroom in the Government ‘
Center (200 E. Main St) from 8pm until midnight. A dona— ,, /fii§e§es
tion of between $3 and $5 is requested. (See me-Mary W
Crone for tickets, 266-5904) . * ‘
The One World Film Festival is being planned for \ -
early l999. Films will be chosen to reflect issues of diver- \‘i’
sity and to encourage multicultural awareness. We will .
provide forums for discussion after some of these films. Dams amrm Fwd ‘
We plan on showrng some documentaries as well as full
length movies. We believe that this film festival will grow » Happy Hour 4—7 Daily (M-Safl
in years to come.
I know that many of us avoid going to events that are ail DOM sum! .
“mixed“, straight and gay. The more we can paticipate
actively in other progressive organizations and events,
the more support we will receive in return. The stated " “ ’ ” "
purpose of The One World Festival is to bring people
from different backgrounds together, and we are invited. 120 8' upper St .
Several LBGT organizations have donated money to (606) 255-9588
these events and will be listed as supporters. I appreci-
ate that... Now lets get out there and show them how to

 LESBIAN BEAUTY sport endeavor, considering becom— SheClimbs, Inc., and a member of
IS LESBIAN HEALTH ing a vegetarian, experimenting With the American Alpine Club.
by Shannon Stuart-Smith reelpes that use tofu, getting that Rock climbing is a wonderful
, mammogram that you‘ve been sport accessrble to nearly everyone.
, Female beauty or attractiveness putting off, cutting back on alcohol Unfortunately too few women, includ-
'" the lesbian community has clearly c