xt73tx352g6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx352g6v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 2006-08/09 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Off the Shelf, August/September 2006 text Off the Shelf, August/September 2006 2006 2006-08/09 2014 true xt73tx352g6v section xt73tx352g6v A monthly look at life in the UK Libraries

August/September 2006

Exceptional Merit Recipients 2006
by Carol Pitts Diedrichs, Dean of Libraries
The Libraries are pleased to recognize 16 faculty and staff members who consistently
exceeded expectations in the past year. The recipients are:
Jay Baker - Supported the technical infrastructure for numerous additional projects
including the SFX server, the National Digital Newspaper Project, and the iArchives
Rick Brewer - Identified and pursued a way
to support an expressed desire by faculty
and students for more information, training
and support for wireless PDA devices.
Laura Davison - Identified and pursued a
way to support an expressed desire by
faculty and students for more information,
training and support for wireless PDA
Esther Edwards - Provided administrative
support for Development, the Library
Associates, and other Dean’s Office activities
while continuing her primary assignment in L to R: Judy Fugate, Sherree Osborne, Janet
Layman, Sharon McGuire, and Cindy Parker.
Special Collections and Digital Programs.
Jason Flahardy - Contributed in an unprecedented way to working through procedures,
policies, standards and best practices that will bring consistency to archival work in SCDP
e.g. designed and implemented an accessioning procedure to identify collections,
researched and documented provenance and created collection level records, solved long
existing problems of collection management in Archives and enabled access to previously
unknown materials.
Judy Fugate - Provided outstanding assistance in the transition to new management of the
materials budget including helping her colleagues sort through complex budget issues and
tackling a subject analysis project to identify what percent of the journal titles in two
subject areas were available in electronic form developing a methodology which can be
used by other academic liaisons.
Beth Kraemer - Tackled the Herculean task of creating a php / mysql database for our
website as well as extending our involvement with the LOCKSS project to include beta
tests for government documents and electronic theses and dissertations.
Janet Layman - Took outstanding initiative to learn new cataloging skills and bringing a
public services perspective to the work of making materials accessible to the library’s

� Sharon McGuire - Tackled a significant binding backlog while on loan to the Math Library
processing 861 volumes and updating the associated records in Voyager.
Mary Molinaro - Planned and coordinated the establishment of a new Digital Lab in the King
Building as a focal point for digital activities within
the Libraries.
Sherree Osborne - Provided exceptional staff support
for the first University of Kentucky Libraries
Distinguished Author's Series featuring David
Cindy Parker - Played a major role in the
implementation of the Libraries' Book Express
Service including customizing ILLIAD, creating and
testing the templates necessary for the faculty to
make requests, and developing and presenting two
training modules for library staff.

L to R: Mary Molinaro and Becky Ryder.

Adrianne Ritter-Phillips - Embraced her role as the
foremost public face of the Law Library including planning and executing displays; improving
and organizing interlibrary loan statistics, procedures, and records retention; and facilitating
curriculum support via interlibrary loan.
Becky Ryder - Created the Preservation Reformatting Center to re-establish a process for
microfilming Kentucky newspapers.
Marsha Seamans - Formed a new “cataloging” department, bringing some much needed
standardization to our cataloging practices, and worked with the branches on several projects
including Engineering to address long term problems they have with their collections.

Sue Smith - Strengthened the support provided to the College of Engineering by implementing a
targeted instruction program for upper division classes, adapting the Find-It tutorial for lower
division classes, and developing a renovation plan to improve the physical library.
By definition, the 16 employeesConsistently exceeded all job expectations.
Demonstrated an on-going pattern of high-level 'knock your socks off'
extraordinary performance that significantly impacted the entire unit or
Libraries at a level recognized as outstanding by peers, unit leaders and
Characterized as never been done before, unmatched, not equaled and
easily recognized by others in the unit as being extraordinary.
This rating is intended to recognize specific, exceptional, 'above and beyond'
performance in the particular year under review, and not to recognize high-level
performance that is generally consistent from year to year. These accomplishments
made a significant difference in our success in 2005/2006.
Congratulations to each of the recipients.

News To Use

Wade Hall Quilts Are Shared Between Libraries

Quilts in Mary Molinaro’s

Four quilts from the Libraries’ Wade
Hall Quilt Collection were prepared
and hung in the M. I. King Building
over the summer. Two of the quilts
Quilts in the Great Hall
now grace the long wall of the Great
Hall and the other two add to the décor of the office of the Director of
the Preservation and Digital Programs Department. In addition to the
quilts that are on permanent display in the William T. Young Library
and in the lobby of the M. I. King Building, the Quilt Collection
contains additional quilts that are being held in storage.

� News To Use (continued)
Spot Bonus Award Winner
Laura Hall was recently awarded a spot bonus award.
Laura worked long and hard to improve the microform reading
capability on the second floor of Young Library. Right after the
ALA conference, Laura and Shawn Livingston drafted a proposal
to replace the microform readers. The proposal outlined the
problems with the current readers, the cost to maintain them and
provide free printing, and the reviews of the readers of choice.
This excellent proposal was funded and the machines were
ordered. The machines came in sooner than expected and the
changeover happened during a busy time of the academic year.
The change was not without its glitches, but Laura worked long
Laura Hall
and hard to address patron complaints and fulfill every need. The
feedback we are receiving from the majority of our public is that the readers are a great
improvement over the old ones. The brunt of this entire changeover fell on Laura’s shoulders
and she handled the problems and the training in a calm, collective manner. Laura did an
excellent job in shepherding this change. Congratulations!

New Book Express Service Fast Growing in Popularity!
The new Book Express Service, begun on June 12th, has proved to be an early
success with promise of continued growth. This new service for faculty, staff
and graduate students allows for book delivery to multiple campus library
locations, including the Library Link. Word has quickly spread about its
benefit to faculty:
"This is a terrific service, and we on the faculty really appreciate IT. I will make full use of it."
……. Daniel Breazeale, Professor, Department of Philosophy
“I LOVE Book Express and tell everyone I know about it.”
…….Cynthia Ruder, Associate Professor, Department of Russian & Eastern Studies
Utilizing the Voyager call slip function, this easy to use service would not have been possible
without the testing and training of the Working Group: Tari Keller, Jen Martin, Lesley
Wolfgang-Jackson, Mary VanHuss, Cindy Parker, Mary Spencer and Gail Kennedy. Delivery
for the service is running on the existing library van and cart delivery system. When possible,
deliveries go directly to the requesting library without recycling through Young.
The Access and Delivery Division is responsible for the ongoing management and
coordination of Book Express, including web page content management. In order to keep the
use of this service growing, they encourage everyone to become familiar with the detailed use
instructions located on the Libraries’ web site:

The beginning of a new school year is a great opportunity to spread the word about this
wonderful service provided by the UK Libraries! Questions or comments should be directed
to: ddrq@uky.edu

Ovid’s/Starbucks is Officially Open for Business!


� News To Use (continued)
Fine Arts Library Receives NEH Grant for Jazz Series
The University of Kentucky Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library and
Learning Center has been selected as a program site for the documentary film
viewing and discussion series, "Looking At: Jazz, America's Art Form." Within
the context of six curated programs, the series will explore the history of jazz
music. The program will be made available through collaborative efforts of the UK Little Fine
Arts Library which will coordinate and produce the film series, the UK School of Music
which will provide scholars to introduce the films and lead the discussions, and the
Lexington Public Library which will provide the space to host the series in its downtown
branch library auditorium.
As a program site, UK Libraries will receive a $1,000 National Endowment for the
Humanities grant to help defray program expenses as well as other resources that will be
added to the library’s permanent collection. Paula Hickner secured the grant for UK and will
be the project coordinator. For more information see 

Colorful Banners Welcome New Students!

The Cats Den

Chinese Students
and Scholars

Student Development

A special initiative proposed this year by the Libraries’ Diversity Committee has resulted in a
quantity of colorful banners surrounding the foyer of the William T. Young Library. In an
effort to publicize the diversity of student interests reflected in associations established at UK,
the Diversity Committee invited all student associations to make and display Welcome
banners during the first weeks of the new school year. Fourteen student groups submitted
banners as part of the project. The response to these creative and colorful banners has been
very positive with students and visitors alike!

Libraries Receives Donovan Grant for Video Gallery
By Gail Kennedy
When the new Information Commons opens in the basement of the William T.
Young Library it will include virtual windows. A Donovan Trust grant
obtained by Gail Kennedy will support the installation of a video gallery that can display
artwork, student projects and, potentially, life outside the walls of the IC through a live
camera feed. The installation is being designed by Prof. Doreen Maloney, Assoc. Prof. of
New Media, in the College of Fine Arts. The plan is actually quite simple—ceiling mounted
multimedia projectors trained on the exterior walls of the Student Memorial Reading Room.
The most exciting prospect of the virtual gallery is the limitless options for exhibits. Imagine
descending the stairs to the IC and being greeted by views of a Kentucky horse farm, the
farmers’ market, a seascape, gardens, famous paintings, sculptures, student and faculty
artwork. The Libraries’ spectacular photographic archives, including historic scenes of the
University and Lexington, would create very interesting exhibitions. Images from ARTstor
and other databases could be used to create constantly changing art exhibitions. Any student
media project could be a candidate for the virtual gallery and the IC could sponsor special
exhibitions of student work during the year. If you have ideas for image or video exhibits,
please share them with Gail or any member of the Information Commons Working Group.


� News To Use (continued)
Committee and Working Group Appointments Announced
Library faculty and staff have been appointed to serve on the following
committees and working groups (WG). Details on terms of service and notes
can be found at: . The
committee structure, with charges, is listed at .
Assessment: Wiza, Judy, Chair; Fugate, Judy; Kraemer, Beth; Seamans, Marsha; Bowman,
Awards Jury: Lewis, Nancy, Chair; Franklin, Kathy; Jones, Julene; Seamans, Marsha; Tobin,
Rita; Sackett, Judy.
Collections Advisory: Thomson, Mary Beth, Chair; Hogg, Gordon; Seago, Kate; Shaw, Meg;
Carver, Jan; Jones, Roxanna.
Diversity: Jones, Reinette, Chair; Brown, Terri; Clarke, Benita; Hoch, Eeva; McLaren, Mary;
Staggs-Neel, Jo; Sackett, Judy.
Employee Development: Amos, Craig, Chair; Davison, Laura; Greenwell, Stacey; Hall, Laura;
Kraemer, Beth; Stevens, Adrienne.
Employee Newsletter: Hughes, Jessica, Chair; Cline, Cindy; Daniels, Cheri; Davenport,
Dennis; Hall, Laura; Scaggs, Deirdre.
Integrated Library System: Scannell, Kerri, Chair; Brewer, Rick; Cline, Cindy; Lewis, Nancy;
Nuckolls, Karen; Rodriquez, Sandy; Seago, Kate; Spencer, Mary; Keller, Tari.
Marketing and Outreach: Perry, Valerie, Chair; Davis, Helane; Hilton, Bev; Hines, Miranda;
Hughes, Jessica; Smith, Sue; Theirl, Winn.
Organizational Procedures: Hilton, Bev, Chair; Cantagallo, Carla; McAninch, Sandee; Whayne,
Laura; Sackett, Judy.
Promotion/Tenure: Seago, Kate, Chair; Whayne, Laura, Vice Chair; Birchfield, Jim; Burgett,
Teresa; Heister, Tag; Marshall, Bill; Suchanek, Jeff; Sackett, Judy.
Salary Review: Brewer, Rick; Nuckolls, Karen; Lewis, Nancy; Sackett, Judy.
Staff Advisory Council: Keller, Lauren, Chair; Lefevre, Kathryne, Vice Chair; Geyer, Mary;
Matthews, Jennifer; Osborne, Sherree; Ritter-Phillips, Adrienne.
Web Advisory Council: Cantagallo, Carla, Chair; Davis, Frank; Davis, Helane; Powell, Lalana;
Vaughn, Mary; Aken, Rob.
Disaster Planning WG: Hioki, Kazulo, Chair; Keller, Lauren; Ingram, Mark; DeMarcus, Nancy;
McAninch, Sandee; Scaggs, Deirdre; Wood, Dee.
Faculty Procedures WG: Kennedy, Gail, Chair; Carver, Jan; Jones, Reinette; Kraemer, Beth;
Osborne, Amy; Suchanek, Jeff; Thierl, Winn.
Information Commons WG: Greider, Toni, Chair; Adridge, Peggy; Denomme, Mark;
Greenwell, Stacey; Hoch, Eeva; Kennedy, Gail; Livingston, Shawn; Malone, Shareese; McLaren,
Mary; Miller, Gus; Gaunce, Clay.
Postgraduate Residency WG: Sackett, Judy, Chair; Jones, Reinette; Livingston, Shawn; Stith,
Reserves WG: Wilson, Pat, Chair; Fugate, Judy; Greenwell, Stacey; Hines, Miranda; Jackson,
Lesley; LeFevre, Kathryne; Ritter-Phillips, Adrienne.


� News To Use (continued)
Committee and Working Group Appointments (Cont.)
Science and Engineering Library Service Design WG: Greider, Toni, Chair; Atwood, David;
Bussey, Kenny; Carver, Jan; Denomme, Mark; Hancher, Donn; Hecker, Tom; Li, Bing-An;
Moecher, David; Perry, Peter; Ritchie, Wayne; Smith, Sue; Spencer, Mary; Von Mann,
Science and Engineering Library and Storage and Staging WG: McLaren, Mary, Chair;
Curtis, Gwen; Lewis, Nancy; Miller, Gus; Molinaro, Mary; Thomson, Mary Beth; Wilson,
SFX Implementation WG: Vickery, Kelly, Chair; Aken, Rob; Aken, Stephanie; Carrington,
Brad; Davis, Frank.
Space and Storage WG: Wilson, Pat, Chair; Bowman, Lynne; Lewis, Nancy; McAninch,
Sandee; McLaren, Mary; Turner, Bob.
Web Content WG: Whayne, Laura, Chair; Aken, Rob; Amos, Craig; Buckland, Jill;
Carrington, Brad; Livingston, Shawn; Sharp, Debbie; Shaw, Meg; Vass, Mary; Vaughn,
Mary; Whayne, Laura.
Library Staff Organization: Geyer, Mary; Martin, Jen; Dawn, Gaye; Franklin, Kathy;
Matthews, Jennifer.

Stacey Greenwell was recently awarded the Professional Award of the Kentucky
Chapter of the Special Libraries Association. The Professional Award is given to
an individual or group in recognition of a specific achievement in the field of librarianship or the subject field in which they serve. Stacey's impressive level of
professional activity at the national and state levels makes her most deserving of
this award.
Mary McLaren - has written an article entitled, "Implementing and Dismantling
Teams in Technical Services at the University of Kentucky Libraries," which was
recently published in the book, Teams in Library Technical Services, edited by
Rosann Bazirjian and Rebecca Mugridge: Scarecrow Press, 2006.
Mary Molinaro - was selected as one of 8 people in the country to serve on a review panel for Fulbright senior specialist scholars in library science. The Fulbright
Scholar Program provides grants in over 140 countries for faculty, administrators
and professionals for lecturing, researching and conducting seminars
Stephanie Aken - was named a member of Ingenta’s North America Library
Advisory Board.
Terry Birdwhistell - will lend his expertise to upcoming events surrounding the
Kentucky Oral History Commission's 30th anniversary. Terry is scheduled to participate in panel discussions on issues facing oral history in Kentucky and internationally, and will be honored for his pioneering work in this field.
Kathy Franklin, Mary Geyer, & Martha David - were accepted into the UK Advance Leadership Institute.
Mary Beth Thomson - has been elected as Director-at-Large for the EPSCoR
Science Information Group.


� Comings and Goings
Darren Blackburn ~has resigned from his position as Library Technician
Senior in the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library. He began with the Libraries
in Young Library Reference while a student, accepted a staff position in
Reference in 1998, and transferred to the Fine Arts Library in late 2000.
Emma Mills ~ has resigned her Library Technician position in Collection
Development, Collections and Technical Services Division. Emma has
worked for the Libraries twice as a library technician, from October 1999 to
March 2002, and again since October 2002.
Colleen Harris~ has been hired as the new evening shift Library
Technician Senior in Young Reference. She was previously the Night
Supervisor in Young Circulation, and is looking forward to working earlier
Trina Stockes ~has been hired to fill the Library Technician position in
Medical Center Library Interlibrary Loans. Trina's previous library
experience includes positions at Midway College and Virginia Wesleyan
College, where she was Interlibrary Loan Coordinator.
Cheri Daniels ~has been hired as the new Library Technician Senior in
Young InterLibrary Loan. She has been a library technician in Interlibrary
loan since 2000.
Kathryne LeFevre ~ has accepted the Library Technician Senior position in
the Chemistry/Physics Library, replacing Mary Van Huss. Kathryne, was
previously a Library Technician in the Education Library.
Peggy Phillips ~has been hired into the Library Technician Senior position
in Young Serials.
Betsy Hughes ~ has been hired into the Library Technician Senior position
in Electronic Resources.
Tanya Reeves ~ has accepted the Library Technician position in
Interlibrary Loan in Young Library, replacing Timothy Garrison. Tanya,
has been a Student Assistant in ILL working on her Master's Thesis at UK!
Lance Burke~ Reference Librarian in the Law Library, has resigned in
order to accept a position with the Elon University Law Library located in
Greensboro, North Carolina. Lance joined the UK faculty in April 2004; his
last day of employment at UK was July 31.
Jennifer Mattern ~ has accepted the Library Technician position for the
Fines Office in Young Library.
Gordon Hogg~has been hired as Special Collections Library Director in the
Special Collections and Digital Programs Division, effective September 1.
Ann Fath~ has resigned her position as Head of the Collection
Development Department, Collections and Technical Services, effective
September 15. She has accepted the position of Head of Serials at the Getty
Research Institute in Los Angeles, California.
Diane Owens ~ has begun working in the Office of the Dean as a Graduate
Assistant. Diane has a B.A. in Systems Analysis and worked for 10 years as
a systems analyst, project manager, and sales technology consultant at
Proctor & Gamble before becoming an independent business consultant in
Renee Rhineheimer ~ has begun work as the new Staff Support Associate
II in Business Services, Library Administration.

� What’s Coming Up?
Sept. 8 Libraries' Summer Celebration! 10:00 - noon, Young Library Auditorium and
Gallery. All library faculty and staff invited!
Sep. 8-9 Kentucky Conference on Oral History: Accomplished Past. Changing Future.
Hosted by the Kentucky Oral History Commission at the historic Brown Hotel in
downtown Louisville. See  for
more information.
Sept. 18-19 Faculty Performance Management Workshop. Shelley Phipps, Assistant Dean at
the University of Arizona Libraries, will conduct this workshop. Shelley is a experienced
facilitator and has years of experience in human resources and faculty development.
Sept. 27-30 Kentucky Library Association's annual conference will be held in Louisville.
Oct. 30 - 31 KHECC, CLIK AND SAALCK Conference entitled "Breaking Down Barriers:
Moving Forward Together" will be held at the METS Center in Northern Kentucky.
Conference themes include Information Technology, E-Learning, Library Information
Services, Faculty Development and sessions that are Cross-Track involving more than one

Norma Jean Gibson
July 27, 1930 – December 30, 2004

On August 11, 2006, the University of Kentucky Libraries
Fall Faculty Retreat was dedicated to Norma Jean Gibson,
July 27, 1930 - December 30, 2004, in honor of her 40 years
of service to the UK Libraries, students and faculty. Her
generous bequest supports the Libraries’ staff development endowment that funds enrichment activities and
professional development for UK Librarians
Norma Jean Gibson was a native Lexingtonian who committed her life to all things Kentucky. After attending Lafayette High School she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Library Science from the University of Kentucky
and was immediately employed by the UK Fine Arts Library. She eventually moved to the Margaret I. King Library where she spent the rest of her career as a reference
librarian. She was devoted to preserving Kentucky’s historic architecture and natural environment, active in her
church and community, attended UK basketball games,
and continued to engage in new experiences throughout
her years.


� Spotlight Series
The Spotlight Series features Andy Spears who retired after 32
years of employment at the UK Libraries.

Andy Spears – Senior Program Manager for Audio Visual Services,
Teaching and Academic Support Center (TASC)
It is not often that a UK Libraries’ employee retires with as many
continuous working years as Andy Spears. As of June 10, 2006, Andy
can claim a remarkable and successful 32 years at UK. Andy’s
expertise in media technology, his leadership on committees and
character in general, his gracious and personal demeanor, and his
bright and instantaneous smile will certainly be missed.
Andy was born in Lexington, KY, but grew up in Pike County. Prior
to Andy’s birth, his dad, Charles E. Spears, and mom, Requa, traveled
from Pike County to Lexington several times during the course of the
year. During the summer months, Mr. Spears came to UK to take
Master level classes and Mrs. Spears traveled to visit her doctors here
in Lexington. Now both retired, Mr. Spears was superintendent of the
Pikeville Independent Schools and Mrs. Spears was a Home
Economics teacher for the Pikeville County Schools. Some of Andy’s
memories of his Pikeville school days include: playing the alto and
French horns, playing football and being vice president of his senior class in high school. Andy has a
younger brother, Bill, who currently lives in Cary, Illinois with his wife and three children.
Andy’s family always enjoyed going to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Lakes on weekends,
holidays and vacations. Andy’s dad was a fisherman and enjoyed his time there. As long as he could
remember, Andy, too, has been a fisherman as well as a boater and a water skier. Looks like this was the
beginning of his love of sailing!
Andy is a graduate of the University of Kentucky, where he was a telecommunications major.
His first job, volunteer filmmaker, was as a UK college senior. He produced a film for Appalshop in
Whitesburg, KY. It was a full-length feature film, titled Black Harvest, (about coal mining) which featured
Rhue McClanahan, from the Golden Girls TV series. He was hired on at UK as a Cinematographer and
Editor in University Television. He was then promoted to an Associate Producer/Director, then on to
Producer/Director, then Production Manager. In 1992 he was transferred to the UK Libraries and was
Team Leader of AudioVisual Services at the W. T. Young Library. In 2003 he moved to the Teaching and
Academic Support Center (TASC) in his current position.
Andy met Carol, his wife of 28 years, at the UK University Television. They have 3 children (Mark, Scott
and Sue), six grandchildren with the 7th due in February. Lucky Carol and Andy! They all live in
About 10 years ago, Andy began sailing. He has been a member of the U.S. Sail and Power Squadron for
22 years. This national organization promotes safe boating, teaches seamanship, safety and boating
techniques. Andy has been teaching this class every spring for the last 10 years. Andy and Carol currently
have a mono-hull sailboat at Cave Run and a catamaran in Placida, Florida. They plan to live in
Lexington. In winter, they will travel to Placida and sail the coast of FL. Eventually, if all works out well,
they plan to sail to the Bahamas. They also plan to travel by RV and explore some U.S. sites (perhaps the
interior of Alaska). Going back to eastern Kentucky (Pike County) is also in their plans. Time will tell!

Sounds wonderful, Andy. We wish you the best of health and always safe travels. Good luck.
You will be missed!


� Tech Talk
By Stacey Greenwell, Head, Desktop Support

New SharePoint site for Library Technical Support
As you probably already know, the Libraries will be using SharePoint for many of our
Intranet functions. SharePoint is a Microsoft tool which provides easy document sharing
and collaboration via a web browser. More information will be available soon, including
some live demos.
I do want to highlight the Library Technical Support site on SharePoint:

This site replaces the former Library Technical Support website and includes all the same
information, notably the help pages on specific topics such as Outlook. Check it out; I
plan to add more pages on frequently asked questions as time permits.
Out of Office Assistant in Outlook
If you are using UK’s Campus Exchange server (and just about all of us are), don’t be
afraid of Outlook’s Out of Office Assistant. Our campus Exchange server is configured
so that the Out of Office Assistant only replies to other campus Exchange users—not
listservs! Unfortunately it does not reply to U-Connect email users or off-campus emails.
If you want to enable the Out of Office Assistant before taking off, simply go to Tools>Out of Office Assistant. Set to “Out of the Office,” type your message, and click OK.
When you launch Outlook upon your return, Outlook will prompt you to turn the
assistant off. It’s that easy!
Keyboard Shortcuts
Here are a few oldies but goodies. I’ve shared these repeatedly in the last few weeks, so I
thought I’d just add them to this month’s column:
Ctrl + F to Find -- Most applications support this shortcut. When you are looking for one
tiny bit of text in a long, long document, this is an essential tool.
F5 -- Pressing this function key will refresh your screen to show any updates (e.g. you
just deleted something and it looks like it is still there—pressing F5 will refresh the view
and make it disappear). When you are working on a PowerPoint file, pressing F5 will
automatically launch the Slideshow view.
Blog of the Month
I can’t believe I haven’t selected Michael Stephens’ Tame the Web as Blog of the Month
yet! I was reading this excellent discussion of using technology in libraries waaaaay
before Michael became so cool. Some of you may have attended his session at the KY
Spring Conference. I wasn’t able to attend that conference, but you can be sure I will
attend his session at the KLA Annual Conference. Michael focuses largely on using
technology responsibly—utilizing technology to enhance the patron’s experience, not just
because it’s hot. Check out his blog: 


� Ask Libbie (the librarian)
Q: Please help me! All these new SAP procedures are making my head spin! I sat next
to Pat Lloyd in many of the training classes and she seems to know "what's
happening"! But poor me, I just can't seem to absorb it all at one time! Is there a
summary of these procedures that you can send me that apply to us at the UK
A: Why certainly. So happy to. Pat Lloyd and I “hobnob” together and when I asked
my lovely friend, she was delighted to share the information. Here goes--Bi-Weekly Paid Employees
1. Three new time sheets –
(a) Campus (without cost allocation – grants) **most library employees will
use this.
(b) Campus (employees on grant accounts)
2. Use online timesheet – automatically calculates weekly hours and total hours
3. Time sheets MUST BE typed. Use employee names in this order: last name,
first name, middle initial. No Nicknames.
4. Signatures must be neat and legible.
5. Each employee will receive a system generated “personnel number” which
will never change.
6. “Person ID” number will replace the social security number. It can be obtained
from remuneration statement (paycheck stub).
7. Job codes are no longer needed.
8. “Organization unit” numbers (used to be department numbers) are required
on time sheets. (Department 88000 is now Organization unit 30000288 ; 88100
is now 30000289 ; 88200 is now 30000290) Include the name of the department.
9. Earning codes have changed. (See list of codes at bottom of the new time
10. SAP payroll numbers are based on a calendar year.
For example: Payroll #19 is from 9/3 - 9/16 ; Paid on 9/22
11. Time sheets are to be submitted by noon on Monday of payroll week (that is
the second Monday of the pay period). Revisions must be submitted as early
as possible on Thursday (preferably by noon).
12. Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) (or otherwise called Sick Leave) AND
Vacation benefits will be accrued each pay period on bi-weekly and staff
employee remuneration statements. (Example: 3.75 hours of TDL and 4.69
hours for a 3-week vacation)
Monthly Paid Employees
Faculty’s TDL and Vacation benefits will not be tracked in SAP. They will be
maintained in a separate database and reports will be sent separately at the first of each
General and New Hires
1. All employees must use direct deposit. Direct deposit form and voided check must
be submitted with new hire paperwork.
2. Paycheck stubs are now called “remuneration statements”.
3. New hires can begin work any time during a pay period. Submit payroll paperwork
to Melody no later than the first Wednesday of a pay period; otherwise, the
employee will not be paid until the following pay period.
4. Any change in FTE status, pay increase due to a promotion / reclassification /
transfer, termination, etc. must be at the beginning of a pay period.


� In Memory
Library employee, Lloyd E. (Skip) Webb, died
unexpectedly on Aug. 10, 2006 after arriving at
work in the Medical Center Library. He is
survived by his wife Sara and two sons, Eagen
and Chapin.
Skip worked at the Medical Center for the last 33 years as a
library technician in the serials department. His primary
responsibility was processing binding shipments to and from
the bindery. Skip was very proud of the bound journal
collection at the Medical Center Library. Skip also provided
service to library patrons who needed assistance locating
library materials, performing some computer searches, and
researching various topics. Skip expressed genuine interest in
the peop