xt73tx352d55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx352d55/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1985-03-14 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 14, 1985, no. 451 text The Green Bean, March 14, 1985, no. 451 1985 1985-03-14 2014 true xt73tx352d55 section xt73tx352d55 A. (2.0 FV   ,
'/.- . l ,
3-1U-85 .__.__, No. U51
9 March 16. Black Press Day
March 21 Memory Day
March 22 Time Management I
March 2M-30 Art Week
. March 28 Librarians as Authors
March 28-29 Special Libraries Section!
KLA - Spring Conference
April 3 Fire Alarm Test 9
Dean's Forum
April 10-12 Academic Library Section!
KLA - Spring Conference  
, May 20 Introduction to Microcomputer ,
Database Management A
Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, March 29, 1985
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, March 25, 1985
Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,
Rob Aken (Editor)

Fire Alarm Test
There will be a fire alarm test Wednesday, April 3 between 7:35 p
and 8:15 a.m. in King Library. It is not necessary to evacuate V
the building at that time.
Committee Appointments
Bill James has been appointed Chairperson of the Librarians
Academic Area Advisory Committee and reappointed to the Equal T
Opportunity Panel.
Michelle Gardner will serve as advisor to the Culture and Arts
Committee of the Kentucky Tomorrow Commission, a statewide g
citizen's commission formed by Lt. Governor Beshear to "help plan ‘
and organize the economic and social revitalization of Kentucky."
The Culture and Arts Committee will attempt to forecast the V
impact of current trends on culture and the arts in Kentucky over ‘
the next 25 years and recommend how they can be fostered within
the changing environment. In addition to arts and humanities
activities, the committee is looking,at Kentucky's libraries. .
Staff Publication
Markiw, Michael. "Establishing Slavic Headings Under AACR2."
Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 5 (Winter 198U), ‘
13-20. ,
Dean's Forum
This semester the Dean's Office of the College of Arts and
Sciences has inaugurated a new lecture series entitled "Dean's
Forum." The purpose of the series is to provide an opportunity
for faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences to share
their research findings with the larger university community.
Keith MacAdam, Associate Professor of Physics, will present the
final lecture of this semester's series on Wednesday, April 3 (at
noon), with a talk entitled "These Most Delicate Atoms." The
talk will be given in the King North Gallery. .

A Statement from the Council on Library Resources
Those who are concerned with libraries and books have long not private. To judge the validity of scholarly work, the records
recognized and often strongly asserted the need for unconstrained of past and present research must be open to scrutiny. This is the
access to information as a condition essential to every democratic only way the intellectual audit trail that is at the heart of discov-
society. The computer, telecommunications, and text storage tech- ery can be maintained. Limited or conditional access to biblio-
nologies that now play a prominent and at times dominant role in graphic records (or information about infomation in any form)
many aspects of library service and information systems have is of particular concern. Universities, their members, and all of
created a very different and complicated new environment, The society must keep bibliographic channels open and accessible. In
established structure is changing and powerful economic forces are a real sense, the index to the accumulated record of mankind is
having a profound influence on all aspects of scholarly commu- the hallmark of a democratic and open society. V c
nication, libraries, and information services generally. While tech-
nology is powerful and brings a promise of unmatched oppor- Second, ways must be found to assure continuing attention for
tunities, it is essential to remember that ready access to information those aspects of culture and leaming that are important but, in a
is not automatically assured. That goal must be constantly and commercial sense, not necessarily in fashion. In financial terms,
aggressively pursued. The statement that follows, from the Board the capital investment and operating costs of new, technology-
of Directors of CLR, is simply a reassertion of an old principle, based information systems are great and funding plans of many
one that now seems to need special attention. kinds are necessary. But there is too often a tendency to assume
exact correlation between the economic value of information and
l For twenty—eight years the Board of the Council on Library its intrinsic worth. Uncritical adherence to the concept of infor-
Resources has concerned itself with the development and per- mation as a commodity will distort the agendas of institutions and
formance of academic and research libraries. In terms of collec— disciplines alike. In order that the concerns of libraries and the
tions and service obligations, those libraries have grown greatly needs of scholars might be expressed and met, better ways must _
during that time. Teachers, scholars, and research faculty are be found to build responsible partnerships among all elements of
more dependent on them than ever before. During those same ` the system of scholarly communication—public and private,
years, libraries have also become more complex organizations commercial and not-for-profit, personal and institutional. Public
than they once were. Computer applications have transformed interest in the principle of open access must appropriately influ-
operations, opening the way to development of many specialized ence the structure of the information system and its components.
services and sophisticated methods of management and control. It is certain that the information needs of society cannot be
Economic realities have encouraged and telecommunications defined by the marketplace alone.
(linked with computing) have made possible new affiliations .
among libraries and, also,the rapid growth of businesses concen- Finally, the MW 8Hd d¢¢P€Y 8fflll8ii01tS HOW taking shape
trating on the organization and distribution of information to among libraries and their parent institutions carry hoth responsi-
custgmgrg of an kinds, wgyldwidg bilities and dependencies that affect access. Cooperative col
lecting and preservation activities, for example, imply an cud to
These changing pattems of organization and recent technical institutional parochialism because extended access is a corollary
innovations bring, along with promise, some potential problems of cooperation. As individual libraries become, to varying de-
affecting access to information that must be resolved if full bene- grees, components of "the nation’s library," the nation’s scholars
fits are to be realized. The first concerns certain restrictive prac- become their users. That fact needs to be explicitly acknowl-
tices of a few of the growing number of commercial and nonprofit edged and accepted for, in the long term, if present trends con-
database producers and suppliers, especially as they promote tinue, it will reshape the goals and methods of research libraries.
their products and services to the academic research community.
Simply put, there are conditions for doing business in univer- Even this incomplete list of matters needing attention if open
sities. For vendors of services and information to be useful, even access is to be achieved gives some hint or the difficulties ahead.
acceptable, participants, those conditions need to be upheld and There are no simple answers or absolute prescriptions. Success is
met. The need for high quality and reliability is obvious. Even not so much a matter of balancing interests and seeking an appro-
more important, research and scholarship require unconstrained priate response as it is one of providing many responses that, in
access to information. Scholarship is personal, but its results are the final analysis, are themselves balanced and thus meet reason-

able expectations. All information is not the same; the uncritical ciety. Whether change will be improvement as well and whether
L homogenization of the term is probably a source of much diffi- further social integration will lead to a fuller sharing of the ben-
culty. Publishing, producing, and distributing information in- efits of technical progress are matters for wide discussion and
volves costs that must somehow be met. The value of information thoughtful action. Our universities, collectively, are an important
often changes with use, time, and form. Unconstrained access forum for this discussion and, inescapably, they are leaders in
does not imply cost—free information any more than free informa- setting the course for action as well. Libraries, as central com-
t tion assures accessibility. The information society is in part a ponents of universities traditionally charged with responsibility
Q ` state of mind, characterized by shifting needs and methods. In- for accumulating, organizing, preserving, and promoting the use
V ` creasingly, it is also becoming a set of established systems that of the accumulated record, must rise to this challenge of un-
bring risks of constraints along with promises of efficiency. For surpassed importance.
this very reason, there is a great need to establish the principles
‘ and set the conditions under which information will be made For its part, the Council on Library Resources will keep this
accessible. It is the shaping of those principles, both the process topic at the forefront of its program. With others who support the
and the substance, that is at the heart of our problem. cause, we will work to make a powerful, unambiguous case un-
derscoring the public’s expectations for accessible and expansive
As did the development of moveable—type printing more than information services and we will take all appropriate steps to help
500 years ago, today’s computing, communications, and storage assure that libraries continue to till their established role as the
technologies can profoundly affect civilization by accelerating source for the full record of the past and as the indispensable base
the rate of change and reducing the isolation of segments of so- for information services in the fixture. t
{ Board of Directors, Council on Library Resources `
Page Ackerman Warren J. Haas,
William O. Baker Presldem
, ramen Battin   _ Cam P· H“‘k‘“s
Laura Bornholdt John A' Humvhrv
Han/cy Brooks Maximilian W. Kempner,
Chairman ·
Charles D. Churchwell, .
Vice Chairman Elizabeth 'I`. Kennan
Fred C, Cole Herman Lrebaers
James S- Coles Howard R. Swearer P
Samuel DuBois Cook Robert Vospcr
Martin M. Cummings Frederick H. Wagman
Ruth Mt Davis Herman B Wells
Thomas H. Wright
January 1985

 , il
   _;   :I.»   — Q ‘
OCLC             E tl        
    gr;     .     iii:  ·' Y { FJ    
. . .. ·= @ "ili "A@'”r`3’
A Cooperatrve Effort  
. r , J — ..·,     .»-4   =»‘     V··. e = F.;   .. »
°. V Establishing and maintaining record quality in the """i"*W·[»·r ~’is···‘‘ "¤ L “ ‘‘‘‘ ‘l"’“` `'''` T"` , { "§l“i<·¥&,$    ,
OCLC Online Union Catalog is a cooperative effort lu,.   s... F .     ,
among OCLC, the networks, and users of the On-       .   .     =
line System. OCLC recognizes the importance of       ·,_.   L5 ` L
supporting the library users who create biblio-     {gf; ‘ii' l  “-   . ,
graphic records. To this end, OCLC and network       i   E 3* ` i
staff conduct workshops and provide user if   t  . `»   E?     `L``  ei   _ Y   _ . i
documentation for library staff who use the Online ,   ·=;    _' _·"·` .·’     V " · . _` _  
System- The net effect of l§l'llS Ifiliillllg Qijtj [h@S(j s     gg   V-   '    
A materials is to help users create accurate online Q iii-   `—: Q `   , E
records. OCLC and network staff also provide gen- "` g   .i · J., i i
eral user support services, answering questions and @ i     ·. ;`i_ E V L , r
offering advice about record creation quality con-   r        ·` _       j ~
trol, and system usage. lr? Q-  A g       L_ pl · L- ¥
To further demonstrate its ct>riii·rii»:nient to the   ··L·   @’  “’:*"?rL*$·'°* ‘‘-‘ ` =‘‘‘   A l
quality or online tiara, octc i-erei-lily iiiirisit-ti nm **?¤—-t-’5 =*¤¤li¤~¢ l>=¤¤ Q¤=·litv €¤¤¤¤¤ S¤¤ff
new programs—Enhance and Merge leloltliiigggs »—»—- to L
improve the quality of bihli¤ €¤y=¤<>_g_— _Q<§l·li r%;s%··;ii··¤ Mtlism is Mi. z·i      E
and participates in (,()NSl;ll. Unit also zezippaviws it =—-* J
staff whose efforts are dedicaictl to data. quality. The B.let·gt- iioitlings function was installed in
And the availability of the LC blame-Atithority File S:·ti>tei‘·ili>et· i93i. This capability allows OCLC’s
improves record integrity througli natm and ¤;L·r·i¤a¤·.r 3% -.11 ijjtiziiitr Control staff to delete dupli- T
uniform title standardization. cats- rrzcords ;`%‘/ifs the Online Union Catalog while
rerstininy, i.§fii·L:ii*` imtizt. During the fiscal year ending i
Enhanc P1 Q A lun; wei,   rcelered 1i,é23 duplicate rec- L
€ °G (TQ]? ordsl This   is ait.ie·d by Enhance libraries,
_ I __ which twiport the .iii;·ii;.ate records they encounter
The Enhance capability allows selected libraries to [0 lh.; (,,,,,,1,Q. ;g_.,,$ (-Maury Control staff This is
improve the q“**l“Y of ’“°‘”`°lS illlml IW "*h“` tht; first titre that duplicates other than serials have
0CLC uscrs- C¤rr<>¤tly» the ii¤l¤=i¤¢¤ iii‘·r=¤‘i¢5- tsp- tiers si·t.:»et»st»ti Stir tirieiitm. The starr artrieipate
‘ l’CSCIlIll'lg dlffCl'€I`lI sizes fllltl l`y'l3C7S iii lll`Jl`ilflffS, Cilll dclctjng ou-k,,.; Tyégl   gddhional dltplicatc
HlO(llfy Hfld replace l)()Olj.’ bwlit W C l   W   V
users and OCLC staff. To date, the rt·still;:s are im- The CT·1fT·l`·ff%3=é·i   }Y"}¥`i‘l'fiii)i`i of SERials) project, im-
pressive. The OCLC staff inonitoring the r.-rolect plcs~¤;nsr·d ih l‘.‘   ·;» an ongoing effort that con-
have already seen an impact. Old records are being tinues to eriiarg, and improve bibliographic infor-
upgraded to match full LC copy or tccataiogerl ac- mation about serial titles. Institutions participating
cording to AACR2 (Anglo-rinzericms lls;lriecl =.·!»n·;entioi1s;. Under the auspices of
tinues to authorize additional iiistit-.eii=>;v.·, io pai- tfr ML-rséiiii, bilvliogera;=h°<> information is authen-
ticipate in Enhance, this number vt iii iitciritscz. ·ii<·i·=etl by the 5 ?s;.·;try of Congress or. in the case

 . \ J
of Canadian imprints, by the National Library of adherence to these rules and to national standards
Canada. Under certain circumstances, bibliographic much easier. OCLC staff routinely revise headings
' information is self—authenticated by CONSER par- in bibliographic records based on changes and ad- ,
ticipants. Key titles and International Standard ditions to the Name-Authority File.
Serial Numbers (ISSNs) are assigned or verified by l
the National Serials Data Program or ISDS/Canada. ,
To date, over 230,000 authenticated records Quallty   A
have been sent to recipients of the LC MARC Dis- _ _ _ z
tgibutign S€[·vj_cg-Sg[·ig]S '[`gpgs_ The OUIIUC DHI?. QUZIIIY COIlI1'0l SCCIIOH {S the E
heart of OCLC’s quality control activities. During z
the last fiscal year, the section’s 13 staff members
_ _. NaH]€-Auth0ritY Filg corrected 136,891 records. Between july and §
. _ November 1984, the staff corrected 66,161 rec-
LC’s Name-Authority File contains over 1,100,000 ords, including upgrading 3,298 records to
records for personal, corporate, and conference match LC copy and upgrading pre-AACR2 headings _
names, geographic names of political and civil to the AACR2 form on more than 10,000 records.
jurisdictions, and uniform titles. In December Since july 1983, the staff have reduced the time A
1980, the LC Name-Authority File was matched lag between error detection and correction from A
against headings in bibliographic records in the eight weeks to three days or less. In addition to
Online Union Catalog to convert them to the the work of the Online Data Quality Control Sec-
AACR2 authoritative form, thus improving access tion, the members of the Retrospective Conversion
_ to bibliographic records and easing libraries’ transi- Section have corrected more than 40,000 records
tions to AACR2. New and retrospectively created since july 1984.
records contain AACR2 forms of names, making i
Five Book Vendors To Use OCLC Acquisitions Subsystem
OCLC announced the first five vendors signed up to use its Direct ,
Transmission (DX) service: Blackwell North American, Coutts,
Midwest, Research Micropublishers, and Yankee Book Peddler.
Others are expected to follow.
DX enables users of the OCLC Acquisitions Subsystem to place y$s
orders electronically. An order is generated at a library, i
forwarded electronically to OCLC, and stored there until the —
vendor dials in to retrieve it.
The vendor needs only a dumb terminal to use the service and,
says OCLC, can completely eliminate manual processing of orders
and deliver books faster. The DX service is live 92 hours a ;
week, the same as the online system. (Library Hotline, lh (Feb. ,z
is, i9ss>, 6> I
¥ I

   )} 7
§ The following program, available to UK employees, will be held in A
§ room 15 (basement) of Memorial Hall. To enroll, contact Rosemary
1 Veach (7-1851).
{ , Time Management March 22 or April 17 V
§¥_ 8:15 am - noon ,
5 This seminar will provide insights into the dimensions of time f
§ management and permit you to assess the way you manage your time. *
{ You will improve your skills in establishing priorities; ;
g delegating; goal setting; and handling paperwork, phone calls, H
E and drop-in visitors. You'11 learn to work more effectively with 1
1 your secretary and your manager and to reduce time wasted in
{ meetings. Note: Secretaries have found it beneficial to attend
{ this workshop with their supervisor. However, this is not
E mandatory. I ‘
i .
g Rao, Dittakavi N. Library Networks: A Selected Bibliography.
Q Monticello: Vance Bibliographies, 1§8H.
  (Ref/Z/716*H.A2/PBUO/P-1596), 2
{ . Research Methodology in Library and Information (
I Science: A Selected Bibliography.: Monticello: Vance
i Bibliographies, 198U. ZRef7Z/716¤/.A2/P8¤O/P—1595) _
) SPEC Kit #111 g
1 . SPEC Kit #111 (Cooperative Collection Development) contains ll (
~ ; documents illustrating cooperative activities; including
guidelines, plans, task force reports, worksheets, and program
Librarians as Authors March 28
This institute, conducted by Dr. Michael Harris of the College of _
Library and Information Science at UK is designed to provide
would-be writers in library and information science with some ,
insight into the complex (and often secret) workings of the
library press. Topics covered include: selecting a topic; tips
on writing papers and books; an outline of the hierarchy of
, prestige in the journal literature; discussion of editorial

' characteristics of major journals and publishers; and an (
assessment of the significance of writing and publishing to
career advancement.
The format for the sessions is informal, with two talks in the 3
afternoon from 1:00-5:00 p.m., a happy hour with cash bar, and
dinner. Dinner will be followed by a discussion of the topics g
_, covered earlier in the day. _ %
iv Advanced registration is mandatory (deadline: March 18). The
institute will be held at the Holiday Inn Eastgate, I 275 and §
Eastgate Blvd. in Cincinnati. Sponsored by the Greater j
Cincinnati Library Consortium. Fees (including dinner): GCLC
members - $35; Non-members - $N0. See Rob Aken for maps and j
enrollment forms. {
Special Libraries Section/KLA ( 3
Spring Conference March 28-29 3 .
Speakers for the SLS/KLA Spring Conference at Shakertown will be Q
Dr. Lawrence Allen of the College»of Library and Information 4
Science at UK ("What You Need to Know as a Supervisor") and Dr. ?
Bruce Kemelgor of the Business Management Department at the 2
University of Louisville ("Staff Motivation"). There will also I
be a presentation on the Kentucky Coal Network. 7
The registration/reservation deadline is March 18. Fees vary `
from $l0—$20. See Rob Aken for registration/reservation forms. j
Academic Library Section/KLA ` April 10-12 é
The ALS/KLA Spring Conference begins with a pre-conference on §
April l0 ("The Librarian and the Law"). The main conference, 9
beginning on April ll, will focus on "The Libraries of Tomorrow: j
Past and Present," with demonstrations of laser disks and EKU’s ;
on-line catalog. Speakers include Omer Hamlin ("Space Utilization f
for Collection Management"); Martha Bowman ("Planning for A
Automation"), and an OCLC representative.
The conference will be held at the Perkins Conference Center at I
Eastern Kentucky University. The registration deadline is March 1
27. See Rob Aken for fee schedules, and registration forms. g
Introduction to Microcomputer E
Database Management May 20, l-5 pm T,
Joe Phillips of the Lexington Community College Library will 1
direct this workshop for instructors, librarians, small business · 1
managers, and clerical personnel who have little or no knowledge 7
of microcomputers and database management software. ‘
I i

   7   '`''''' WV" "  
{ D
  ° I
é Participants will learn how to use two popular database
{ management programs, (PFS File/Report and DB Master), to build and V
g manipulate files, and to format and print reports.
§ Software programs used for demonstration are available for both f
A IBM and Apple microcomputers.
Q Uses for information gained from this workshop range from
yi' formation of mailing lists to extensive inventories and
E ` bibliographic records.
g Criteria for selecting database management software will be i
Q presented. The workshop will be held in the LCC's Oswald »
Q Building, room 215. Fee: $50.
( For further information, contact Jim Embry (606) 257-2692 or Joe
Q Phillips (606) 257-6095. _ _
il » V
€_ The following programs will be held at noon in King North ‘
Q Gallery.
E Friday, March l5 "Basically Bach IV" (
F Program: The Goldberg
i Variations-—Lucien Stark, ‘
~ piano. 1
g Friday, March 29 "Basically Bach V" -"
{ Lecture: "Bach in Twentieth A
,_ Century Leipzig" by Dr. Wesley T
i Morgan. L
Q 1
A Friday, April 5 "Basically Bach VI" }
i Program: Sonata in g minor-- ,
, Roger Cazden, flute; Michael
§ Toy, piano. Bouree from A
g Violin Partita I--Brent (
» Conley, harp; Cello Suite I-- ;
A Maria Ketron, double-bass; (
Sonata in g minor--Paul ?
Kucharski, euphonium; David
A Branstrator, piano.

The following is the sixth part of a special nine part series A
drawn from Mary Ruth Brown's article in The Encyclopedia of I
Library and Information Science. ·
Branch Libraries T
» The nine branches, located in various other campus buildings,— A
A- provide library resources and services for the disciplines of 5
architecture, arts, biological sciences, chemistry-physics, ·
education, engineering, geology, mathematical sciences, and I
music. Branch librarians are responsible for collection »
development in their own subject areas and for day-to-day I
administration of their particular units. Each library has an g
instructional services program, publishes guides and '
A bibliographies, and often offers individualized services to
— faculty and students not easily provided by a large general I
library. 3
with the exception of the Art Library, all of the branches are V §
faced with severe collection and reader space problems. With 2 _
space at a premium all over campus, serious consideration is
being given to consolidation of some of the branches into larger
units. ,
A reading room for faculty and students is operated jointly by i
the University Library System and the Journalism Department. A 7
library staff member is in charge of the room and its services, 3
while the Journalism Department has the financial responsibility 4
for building the room’s reference and newspaper collection. -
University Extension and the University Libraries increasingly j
felt the need to provide off-campus students and faculty with the g
same level of library services available on campus. In July 1979 Q
an extension librarian position was created to develop services
for off—campus classes, and at the same time an Extension E
Collection was begun to provide reserve materials for these j
classes. »
Reprinted from The Encyclopedia of Library and Information A
Science, vol. 37, pp.l92-193, by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, Inc. f ,
E (For more information, see the Director's Office.) _ {
{ California
Government Documents Acquisition and Bibliographic Control `
Librarian, Stanford University. Salary: $2¤,300-$37,200. ’
Deadline: May 15. “ Q

Y , 10
I Conservation Administrative Intern, Stanford University. Salary:
· $21,900-$27,900. Deadline: April l5. A
Assistant Librarian, Public Health Library, University of g
California at Berkeley. Salary: $21,02M-$26,892. Deadline:
_ March 22. i
Aly' Colorado -
J Director of Libraries, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.  
Salary: not specified. Deadline: April 8.
, Fierida Q
Assistant Library Director, Florida State University. Salary: i
, $23,850 minimum. Deadline: March 2l. “ ,
{ · Georgia A
A Instruction Librarian, Georgia Institute of Technology. Salary: ;
¥ $16,5000 minimum. Deadline: March 29.
{ Illinois i
g Development Officer, Center for Research Libraries. Salary:
: $2U,000-$36,000. Deadline: not specified. I
1 A
Q Head of Cataloging, Center for Research Libraries. Salary: i
A Q $2M,0O0—$36,000. Deadline: not specified.
Technical Services Librarian (Music emphasis), Northwestern i
A University. Salary: $20,000-$2¤,000. Deadline: May l.
New York Q
Collections Librarian, Cornell University. Salary: $31,235 .
minimum. Deadline: May 30. I
Special Collections Department Head, SUNY at Albany. Salary:
$21,000 minimum. Deadline: April 30.
Associate for Technical Services, Health Sciences Library, SUNY 4
at Buffalo. Salary: $2U,000 minimum. Deadline: not specified. A

 lf,   I
Director of Audio-visual Services and Chair of Learning
Resources Council, Kent State University. Salary: $¤0,000
minimum. Deadline: April 15. _
Oregon i
A ` Assistant to University Librarian for Personnel, University of I
Oregon. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: May 1.
Life Sciences Reference Librarian, Pennsylvania State University. A
$16,800 minimum. Deadline: April 30. _
Technical Service Librarian for East Asian Library, University of T
Pittsburgh. Salary: not specified. Deadline: April 5.
Japanese Bibliographer—Cataloger, ,University of Pittsburgh.
Salary: not specified. Deadline: April 30.
Head, Monographic Cataloging Unit, University of Virginia.
Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deadline: May 16.
University Assistant, University of Washington. Salary: $21,600 A
minimum. Deadline: April 26. ‘
Head, Original Monograph Cataloging, University of Washington.
Salary: $26,000 minimum. Deadline: April 26.
· i
