xt73tx35232f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx35232f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-05-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  5, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  5, 1944 1944 1944-05-05 2013 true xt73tx35232f section xt73tx35232f The Kentucky Kernel

ON PAGE FOUR- The Kernel Gets
Ready For Derby

Wide Variety
Of Advertisements





Is Adopted
By Committee

SGA Announces

Organization Policy
Statement of policy of the
SGA toward any plans by any
committee, or other faction for
any reorganization of the student organizations on the campus:
Inasmuch as the Constitution of


Faculty Expresses
Ability Of Dean
In Document

the Student Government association has been approved by
the University faculty and the
organization and constitution
has been chartered by the Board
of Trustees, any reorganization
should be made pursuant to
that Constitution and charter.
That Constitution approved
and chartered reads in Article

At its meeting Tuesday morning,
the Executive committee of the
University adopted the following
resolution concerning Dean James
H. Graham of the College of

Whereas charges and criticisms
have been made reflecting on the
competence and Integrity of Col.
James H. Graham, Dean of the
College of Engineering of the University of Kentucky, and
Whereas the members of Faculty
of the College of Engineering after
nine years of service with Dean
Graham feel qualified to evaluate
his character and services to the
University of Kentucky, and
Whereas this Faculty knows the
following statements to be true.
(1) Dean Graham Is a man of the
highest character and integrity.
(2) He has always dealt fairly with
the members of the engineering
staff and student body. (3) He
places the University and the College of Engineering ahead of any
personal gain either financial or
honorary. (4) He is unassuming,
honest, man of his word, and an

One, Section Tw:
"The purpose of the Student
Government association is to
act as the responsible authority
in relations among students,

and student organizations; to
act Jointly with the University
staff in matters affecting the
common interests; and to advise, request, and recommend
action with respect to matters
reserved to the University staff.
Therefore any student group
which wishes to reorganize, the
organization of student organizations shall first secure the approval of the assembly of the
SGA and any plan so devised
must have the approval of the
assembly of the SGA before it
can be effective. And any faculty group shall consult the assembly of the SGA on considering any plan for such

excellent executive.
Now therefore be it resolved by
the Faculty of the College of Engineering in regular session assembled CI) that we express our confi
dence in the ability and leadership
of Dean Graham as an engineering
educator and as an outstanding engineer; f2 that we commend the
President and the Board of Trustees of the University for the stand
taken by them in the defense of
By Betty Tevis
Dean Graham: (3) that we reaffirm
When the University band plays
our loyalty to the University, to the
'Kentucky" at the Derby Saturday
College of Engineering, to Presi
dent Donovan, and to Dean Gra- - afternoon, the author of the song

Hit Tune Is
Derby Feature

Be it further resolved that a copy
of these resolutions be sent to President Donovan, to the Board of
Trustees, and to Dean Graham at
his Washington,
D. C. address
where he, at the time of the adoption of these resolutions, is serving
the War Department on important
business directly connected with
the war effort.
Signed: D. V. Terrell, Perry West,
M. W. Beebe, J. H. Horine, Robt. D.
Hawkins. F. J. Cheek, Jr, W. J.

CVset It. A,. 'Romano-wi- t,
Brihkley Barritt. S B. Wal-


War Department
Accepts Letter
Sent By Trustees
In reply to a query from R. H.
Hobson of the University Board
of Trustees sent to Senator A. B.
Chandler and forwarded by the
senator to the War Department,
Special Assistant to the Secretary
of War Julius H. Amberg has ex
plained the War Department's rela
tion to the much discussed Wenner-Gre- n




cated on University property.
Letter in Full
The letter, printed in full, may
help to explain to University students and faculty that the Department of War is informed about tne
laboratory and is far from alarmed:
"The Legislative and Liaison Division of the General Staff has referred to me the letter addressed to
you by Mr. R. P. Hobson of Louisville, Kentucky, dated April 15,
which letter I return. This letter

pertains to certain contracts between the War Department and the
University of Kentucky for testing
oils provided by the War Department, the tests being conducted at
Aeronautical Rethe Wenner-Gre- n
search Laboratory owned by the
University of Kentucky. The part
of the testing done at the Research
Laboratory is performed by the Ma-wCorporation under an arrangement it has with the University of
Kentucky for the operation of the


li. Chambers, C. S. Grouse,
Meyer. E. ' A." "Bureau, R. E.
Bhavet;. L. E. Nollau. E. B. Fan-is- .


Soprano, Pianist


Will Appear In

Concert Sunday

Research Laboratory.
"All of the officers and directors
of Mawen Corporation are United
States citizens. The majority of its
stock, however, is owned by Pan
American Corporation, which, in
might catch it on his radio that turn, is controlled by Mr. Wenner-Gre- n,
is if he's not too busy.
a Swedish national.
You've heard the 6ong. havent
Included on List
you? Guy Lombardo introduced it
two weeks ago; the Spotlight Bands
was included
"Mr. Wenner-Gre- n
program played it Tuesday night; on the proclaimed list of blocked
Betty Brannon and others lucky nationals on February 7. 1942. The
enough to have a score hum it on shares of stock of the Mawen Corthe campus.
poration owned by the Pan AmerAuthor of the song, Henry Power ican Corporation are in a blocked
Prichard, University graduate of account in New York City and the
1939 is radio operator on a troop affairs of the Pan American Corpo
transport in the Atlantic. The ditty, ration are managed by Mr. John H.
by WHAS Louisville Anderson of Nassau. We are in
musicians 'as ; "catchy-t-th- e
. kind
formed that in no way can commuthat runs through your mind" 'was nication be made to Mr. Wenner- written since Priqhard's graduation. Gren.. as to
of Mawen
The Army sergeant, active on cam- - Corporation of Pan American C6r
pug fchen a student here, composed pbratlon. The Mawen Corporation,
a Jnutsical review for Strollers, a being foreign-owneoperates unbut then outstanding der Treasury 'Department- - - license
dramatic club.
and makes monthly reports to that
Remnants 13 members to be Department covering its transacspecific, of the "Best Band in Dixie" tions.
will play Prlchard'i song in LouisDocuments on File
ville at the Derby. We hope with
"I find that copies of all pertinent
Kentucky radio men
documents relating to the Wennerthat it will be a success.
"Paducah" was the nearest thing Gren Research Laboratory and to
we've had to a popular state song. the maintenance and operating conAnd Texas. West Virginia, Okla- tract between the University and
the Mawen Corporation have been
homa are a few of the other southin the files of the War Department
ern states already honored.
Thanks to Sgt. Henry Prichard since early in 1941. Accordingly, to
for putting us on the map. We'd answer specifically Mr. Hobson's in
quiry. we are fully advised of the
like to play "Kentucky" at graduoperation of the Wenner-Gre- n
ation this June!
on the
campus of the University of Ken
tucky by the Mawen Corporation
and this arangement is entirely sat'
isfactory to the War Deparment."
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
University, is now
women at the
attending a conference on "War
Employment and Its
and Post-WDemands for Educational Adjust
ments," which is being sponsored by
Dr. Wellington Patrick, 61, former
the Institute of Women's Professional relations in Washington,
director of the University Extension
department, died at 8 o'clock Thurs
D. C.
The Institute, which is eleven day morning at the Good Samaratan
years old, makes studies of the hospital following a long illness.
changing fields of occupations lor
Dr. Patrick was on sabbatical leave
women, and is attended by educafrom a position as
of the De
tors and statesmen from all over partment of Historyhead Education.
program will carry
the nation. Its
He had been on the staff of the Uni
through two days, during wffich verslty since 1918.
post-wplanning and reha'
Funeral arrangements had not
bilitation problems will also be diS'
been completed at press time.




The University department of
music will present in a Joint graduation recital Ann Scott Maher, soprano, and Beth Caddy, pianist, at
4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial hall.
Ann Scott Maher
Miss Maher, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Maher of Washington,
is a candidate for an AB degree in
music. She was formerly a student
at Eastern State Teachers college
where she was active in musical activities. At the University she has
been a member of the Women's
Dr. Homer W. Carpenter
Glee club and Choristers. She will
be accompanied by Robert Kuhl-ma- n,
voice instructor at the University.
Beth Caddy
Miss Caddy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel H. Caddy of Lexington, is a candidate for an AB degree in music. At the University,
she is a member of the Women's
Glee club. Phi Beta, national honThe baccalaureate address to the orary music fraternity, and is an
1944 graduating class at the Uni- actress
and staff worker at Guig-nversity will be given by Dr. Homer
theatre. She recently attended
W. Carpenter, pastor of the First Asbury college, Wilmore.
Christian church of Louisville for
The program is as follows: "Inthe past 15 years, at 4 p. m., Sun- vocation (Sommi Dei)" from Rada-mist- o,
day, May 28, at exercises in MeHandel-Bib"Pergi, Amor,"
morial hall.
from 13 Nozze di Firgaro, Mozart;
Dr. Herman Lee Donovan will by Miss Maher.
preside at the baccalaureate pro"Arioso In
Major," Bach-Piragram.
"Allegro di molto," Bach;
pasDr. Carpenter formerly held
torates at the First Christian by Miss May
Night." Brahms: "A
church in Chattanooga, Tenn., the Dream," Grieg:
The First PrimFirst Christian church in Rich- rose." Grieg; "Why,"
mond, and the First Christian
Shelbyville. At one time Miss Maher.
church at
"Fantasia in D Minor," Mozart;
he served at chancellor of Tranby Miss Caddy.
sylvania college.
"Vissi D'Arte. Vissi D'Amore"
Former president of the interna from
tional convention of the Disciples Maher. Tosca, Puccini; by Miss
of Christ, Dr. Carpenter was ?Tie
"Le petit Ane blanc" (The Little
guest speaker at the world's conLester, White Donkey), Ibert; "Fantaisie
vention of that body held at
Impromptu," Op. 68, Chopin;
by Miss
He holds the BA degree from Caddy.
Transylvania college and the Bach"The Star," Rogers; "Visions
elor and Doctor of Divinity degrees Sjeberg; "Mountains," Rasbach; by
from the College of the Bible.
Miss Maher.


Plans Made
Homer Carpenter
To Give Address





Kernel Staff
Calls Meeting
There will be a compulsory
meeting of all reporters and
t staff members of Trie Kernel at
4 tm. Monday m'the hewH
room, according to No

By Shirley Meister

'The tountry.
f 4- fas'; to TM
South "as vital an institution as
were the church and the Democratic party." This sentence summarizes. Jha main, thfuncot-rpuifl- .
Petticoats and Plows, The Southern
Country Store," by Dr. Thomas D.
Clark, acting head of the Univer-

University Library
To Receive Volumes
Of Louisville Papers
The University library will receive a gift this week of approximately one hundred bound volumes
of the Courier - Journal and the
Louisville Times which will be added to the newspaper file in the li-

The volumes, which have been in
vault for 30
the Courier-Journyears, are being donated by the
newspapers. The presentation will
also include three volumes of the

Dean Sarah Holmes
Attends Meeting

Louisville Herald-Pos- t.
Part of the volumes will be given
to the Journalism department for
laboratory work.
The University library has an almost complete file on the Lexington Leader and the Lexington Herald and country newspapers have
also given files to the collection.



. . . win meet at 5 p.m. Monday in
the Union building.
BSU noonday prayer service
. . . will be held at 12:30 pm. Thursday in room 119 of the Union building.
Dutch Lunch club
. . . will meet at 12 noon today in
the YWCA office. Members are to
bring their own lunch.


By Mildred Long


. . . will meet at 4 p m. Wednesday
at the home of Alice Dean, 420
Transylvania park.
Pry or
will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
in room 313 of the Biological Sci-

Dietrich Roetter needs no Introduction to University students. He
is known for his performance in
the latest Guignol play, as a graduate assistant in the bacteriology
department, and his tall, good looks


and charming manners certainly
have not passed unnoticed on a
campus over-ru- n
with girls.
WednesHowever, the very interesting
story of his adventurous life is not
Philosophy club
During the nine years,
. . . will meet at 7:45 p.m. Monday. familiar.
Dr. Logan Wilson will read a paper since he fled from Nazi Germany,
en "American Dilemmas of Cast Dietrich, a native of Berlin, has
and Class," and officers for the lived in London, New York, Wisconsin, and Lexington. He was gradcoining year will be elected.
uated with an AB in history from
"BSU Prayer group . . .
. . . will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday Amherst college in Mass., and then
in the Union building, before going in January of 1944, came to the
fo.- University to wo.-aiu-cheoa Us masters
to one oi Uic

ences building.

Independent party . . .
. . . will meet at 6:45 p.m.
day in the Union building.



Vandenbosch, Dupre
Will Speak Tuesday
In Forum Series
Dr. J. Huntley Dupre, professor
of history, and Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of the department of
political science, will speak on
"What Shall We Do With Our Enemies" at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday in the
first of the three forums on a postwar world which will be held in the
Music room of the Union building,
sponsored by the
Dr. Vandenbosch
will discuss
"Our Enemy, Japan," and Dr. Dupre
will discuss "Germany."
On May 16, Dr. John Kuiper,
head of the philosophy department,
will talk on "Youth in America after the War" in the second of the
series of the forum.
Dr. Dupre will finish the series by
speaking on "Chances for Post War
International Organizations."

sity history department.
Presenting historical information
in an entertaining and colorful
manner, Dr. Clark illustrates the
country store as an institution
which became a community clear
ing house after the Civil War and
played a major part in the life of
the southern fanner.

The University now has a
record of 6,000 former students
and staff members in the service. Twenty-fiv- e
are missing in
action, 43 have been captured
and 123 have received citations.


Meeting At UK
conference of the unideans from midwestern
states was held on Wednesday and
Thursday at the University.
The meeting opened with three
addresses given at a dinner meeting Wednesday night, in the Union

two-da- y

building, by Dr. H- - L. Donovan,
Dean J. C. Knode. University of
New Mexico, and Dean T. R.
University of Minnesota.
Approximately 75 deans attended.
Among them were Dean H. M. Has-for- d.
University of Arkansas; Dean
Jacob Vanek, University of Colorado; Dean T. M. McClure and
Dean G. E. Moore, University of
Illinois; Dean Fernandus Payne,
University of Indiana: Dean H. K.
Newburn, University of Iowa; Dean
Paul E. Lawson. University of Kansas; Dean W. H. Stephenson,
Louisiana State University; Dean
Edward H. Krauss, University of
Michigan; Dean L. S. Woodbourne,
University of Michigan; Dean L.
R. Hesler, University of Tennessee:
Dean K. T. Parlin, University of
Dean M. H. Ingram, University
of Wisconsin; Dean T. T. Miller,
University of Wyoming; Dean Jay
C. Knode, University of New Mexico; Dean T. R. McConnell, University of Minnesota; Dean V. A.
Coulter. University of Mississippi:
Dean W. C. Curtis and Dean F. F.
Stephens, University of Missouri:
Dean C. H. Oldfather. University of
Dean William G. Bek, University
of North Dakota; Dean E. B.
Meacham, University of Oklahoma;
Dean D. L. Stradley and Dean Harlan Hatcher. Ohio State University: Dean A. M. Pardee, University
of South Dakota, and Dean Paul
P. Boyd and Dean M. M. White of
the University of Kentucky.


Story Starts In Berlin
His story starts in 1933 in Berlin.
That was the year Hitler came to
power. Dietrich was 12, and like
most other boys went to school. In
the German schools he studied Latin when he was 11, and Greek the
next year, and was "drilled to the
bone." He also had an English governess, and learned to speak English from her. His father. Fried-ric- h
Roetter. was a lawyer.
Until 1935 his family lived comfortably in Berlin, and then Mr.
Roetter defended the Communist
leader, Ernst Thaelmann, in the
Nazi courts, although he was not
himself a Communist. He was put
into prison, in the same cell with
the man he had defended, and' remained there four months. He became ill from the treatment he re- -

up-pl- ies

Southern Farmers r
These small pieces of paper are
divulgers of the "meal, molasses
and meat" diet, the failures of
j crops, the lack of education and
tne aosence oi oeauiy ana recreation in southern farmers' existence.
To gather his material and obtain first hand information on the
country store. Dr. Clark traveled
Country Store
throughout the south, visited south1865 until 1915 the country
ern University libraries, talked to
grocery, tailor shop,
store was a
the merchants and descendants of
post office, library, pharmacy, fun- country store proprietors, and studten-cestore, news- ied account books
eral director,
found in the
paper, and social gathering place basements of the remaining stores.
for the rural population of the
"Pills, Petticoats and Plows" is
south. One could buy anything in not only a volume of historical value
ugly, square, two storied wood- to scholars but is a true and fasthe
en buildings from bustles to bug- cinating picture of the American
scene during a period of reconThese stores were brought into struction and rehabilitation In the
existence by northern peddlers and south.
manufacturing companies who realized that new southern communiBoard '
ties were developing after the war
and that the plantation system had To Hold
vanished. The old trade system had
disappeared and the country store
Mortar Board, honorary fraternity
was needed to take its place.
for senior women, will hold initiaAll business transactions
on tion ceremonies at 6:30 am. Suna credit basis and the merchants' day, in the Botanical gardens.
ledger became a source of informaThe ceremony will be followed by
tion as to family's financial stand- a breakfast at 9 a.m. In the Red
ing. Here one can trace a family's room of the Lafayette hotel. All
history by reading the quantity and alumnae, actives and pledges of the
quality of its purchases.
organization will be present.


hospital, and shortly after was released.
In 1936 Dietrich and his brothers
Charles and Jurgen, were chosen
to be English interpreters at the
Olympic games in Berlin, but they
didn't get to the Olympics. Their
home was searched by the Gestapo,
and they learned secretly that Mr.
Roetter was to be sent back to prison. Dietrich and his brothers fled
to the home of their governess in
Scotland, their mother escaped to
Belgium, and Mr. Friedrich Roetter
got away across the Czech border.
"We lost everything we had," he
said, "except our furniture which
we had sent to our English governess as a wedding gift."
Father Remains In Europe
Two weeks later, the boys Joined
their mother in London, while their
iailisr re:iuii;fc.. tu

ing anti-Nasupport. Dietrich enrolled in an Ealing county boys'
school, and 'in 1937 he was graduated. He went to Birmingham,
and worked for Cadbury Brothers
chocolate manufacturers, learning
the business from the bottom up.
With his knowledge of languages,
he would have eventually been sent
abroad as their agent, but the war
started. Cadbury's was changed
into a food plant by the governfor
ment and England went
the war. Aliens were classified as
dangerous, enemy or friendly, and
the Roetter family, like all foreigners, were eyed with suspicion by the
wary British.
Too Young For Service
Dietrich tried unsuccessfully to
Join some branch of the armed services, but he was too young, and
siuc6 hL Ge.'uuiU

all-o- ut

c.:.-tiul- jty


been officially taken from his family when they fled from the country, and as he was not a British
citizen, he was literally a "man
without a country." He said "there
was nothing left in England for
me, so in December 1939, I came to
New York with mother and Jurgen." The voyage across the Atlantic was quite an experience in itself
for the ship was crowded with refugees.
They made Forest Hills, N. Y.
their home for about nine months,
and Dietrich worked at various jobs.
Then he went to Amherst, Mass. to
college. He was graduated in three
years with an AB degree in history,
work t the
and did
same time.
Moves to Madison
In 1940 Mrs. Roetter, ana Mr.
Roettsr, who had toL.ti


Finals To Begin
Thursday, June 1
In Most Colleges


Thursday. June

t- -





if" in

Ramelle Patterson

Patterson Is
Parly Leader
Independents Name
Sophomore Woman
Ramelle Patterson, arts and sciences sophomore from Louisville,
has been chosen as chairman of the
recently elected executive committee of the Independent party.
Other members of the committee
chosen to head the party in the
place of the usual president and
vice president, are Gardener Reed,
law; Marie Kemper, engineering;
Orville "Bud" Miller, agriculture;
Bill Gormley, graduate school;
Juanita Hendry, commerce; and
Nancy Lowe, education.
Charlene Burr is, Paris, was electaced executive secretary-treasurcording to the new constitution of

the party.

Halls To Be


a. m.;

Classes meeting first hour on any
cycle starting on either Monday or
a. m. ; Classes meeting
first hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
p. m.; Classes meeting second hour on any cycle starting on
either Monday or Wednesday.
p. m.; Classes meeting sec
ond hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
Friday. June 2:
a. m.;
Classes meeting third hour on any
cycle starting on either Monday or
a. m.; Classes meeting
third hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
p. m.; Classes meeting
fourth hour on any cycle starting on
either Monday or Wednesday.
p. nv; Classes meeting
fourth hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
Saturday. June 3:
a. m:
Classes meeting fifth hour on any
cycle starting on either Monday or
a. m.; Classes meeting
fifth hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
p. m.; Classes meeting sixth
p. m.; Classes meeting seventh or eighth hours, appointments.

Written Permission
No final examinations shall be
given before the last three days of
any quarter except on written permission from the registrar.
In the case of a conflict, the inHaving housed men of the ASTP structor involved shall report this
fact to the registrar at least two
since their arrival here, both Pat- weeki before
the final examination
terson and Boyd halls are now un period. In such a case, the regisdergoing a complete redecoration trar shall decide when the examinproject in preparation of the hous- ation is to be be given.
ing of women residents again, acThe final examination in Orienta
cording to Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, tion shall be given at the last regular class period before the final
dean of women at the University.
period- At present, finishing touches are
being-mad- eorr'tlrf plastering and II any instructor wishes to give
one-hofinal examination he
workmen have started painting in
Boyd hall. Plans have been made may do so, but the examination
to paint the walls in high pastel must be given within the two-hoperiod assigned, the registrar has

Patterson, Boyd

To House Women

Orders such as these were delivered to the merchant from a customer by a Negro tenant or a small
child for "a gallon of molasses,
twelve pounds of bacon, and a bushel of meal,
would be sent and the merchant hoped to be paid by profits
from "next year's cotton crop."
.on-.m- y

Are Released
Final examination schedules and
regulations have been released for
the close of the present quarter for
aU colleges except law according to
Dean Leo M. Chamberlain, registrar
of the University.





75 Deans


6,000 Now




A new entrance will replace the
old one which has distinguished
Patterson hall since it was first
built. The steps have already been
Further work will be impossible
until the Army releases the two
halls which they formerly used;
Jewell hall will also be redone as
soon as space is available to allow
for it, Mr. Holmes stated.
The work will be completed September 1, when the release is expected to have been granted. Chtil
then, the women's residence halls
will retain their present organization with women residing in the
smaller housing units.

Shelby House Names
Rowland President
Judy Rowland, Owensboro. has
recently been elected president of
Shelby House for the coming year.
Other officers are Amelia Mason.
Russellville, vice president; Catherine Plain, Bremen, recording secretary; Hazel Glasscock. Perryville,
secretary ; Helen
Monier. Berea, treasurer; Nancy
Lockery, Sacramento, socla'; chairman; and Lucy Byrd Oliver, Glasgow, reporter.

Dietrich Roetter's Story Begins In Berlin, Germany In 1933



Wellington Patrick
Dies Thursday





Deans Hold

Clark Calls Country Store
Old Southern Institution


noV-extin- ct


Maker, Caddy To Give
Joint Graduation Recital

Wenner-Gre- n

Are Explained

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1944

moved to Madison, Wis. Since then
they have lectured and written
about their experiences, and when
Mr. Roetter finishes his Ph.D. at
the University of Wisconsin he is
going to teach there. Charles, the
oldest brother, is living in England,
where he graduated from Cam
bridge in law, and married an English girl. Jurgen is in the army of
the United States.
And the army of the United
States is just where Dietrich is
going to be shortly. He leaves fhis
week. After a month in the service
he will become officially an American which will please htm very
Dietrich likes Lexington, and the
University, but he said he found his
school "quite
distracting." No doubt, the
!uzl iitiii ju- -t a- - extract!!! j.
co-e- ds


BSU Banquet
To Be Held May 19
The Baptist Student union annual banquet will be held May 19
at Calvary Baptist church with Dr.
James Steward, pastor of the
Broadway Christian church In
as guest speaker.
The inauguration of new council
members will also be held at thi3
time. Tickets may be obtained for
the affair, which is to be
by Monday. The price win
be approximately 85 cents per ticket.
Members of the publicity committee from whom tickets may be
purchased are June Baker, chairman. Mary Lillian Davis, Catherine
Hardin, and Gene Whicker.
Cou-isvil- le,



By Shirley Meister
Question: What is your core for
spring fever?
Joe Mettler, A AS, junior: Change
of season.
Ann V. Webb, Aj., sophomore:
Love available.
Herbert FogeL AAS. sophomore:
A trip over Jewell hall roof In a
slow balloon.
Betty Brannen, A AS. freshman:
Summer . . .!
Nancy Shropshire, A AS, Junior:
Plenty of sun and picnics at
Louise Milward. AAS, Junior: Going to art.
Ellen Zigler, Eng., freshman: No
Ann Bronston, AAS. freshman:
Melrose McGnrk. AAS. freshman:
A good
Roth Perlmntter, AAS, freshman:
Who wants to be cured?
Marian Yates, AAS. Junior: Visiting Roy in Hopkins vtlle.
Lib Snelling, AAS, freshman: My
cures arent around anymore.
Mary Lois Sheets, AAS. sopho- c.
It's in the Navy.

� The Kernel Ad Page






Norma Weathepspoon
Janet Edwards



festered at the Post oflica at Lexington, Kentucky,
aecono uia Batter under the Act of Marco I, UU

Bettve McCi anahan
Vincent Spagnloi.o


Innxtf Intereolieplate of Prese Association
LeitCfton Board
Kentucky Presa Association
Editorial Associativa


MMn tonmwm.


CaicMp Sos'sp U

11.50 OM Tear


I 50r

One Quarter

itpri Baker. MarT Lillian Davis, Catherine Ooman, Carolyn
Hill. Eleanor Keen, Mildred Long, Shirley Melster, Ruth
Wanda Lee spears, Uene Whicker, Dora Mereobloom,

ore to be ceMAsrsd t
stfMd aratrlM ad
o; (A untm rfcemsejtxj, ad to not mcturut
JTAt tenwi.
th epiitlo


Betty Tevis .
Betty Lee rleishmon

The men inf Loral 78', United Broiheihood
of Something or Other probably find the man
vho spoke' last Week at Y very nice. The.Y
thought lie- yvas nice,, too. But one of his" state- iiients will Jive. in. the minds of grammarians
his talk.
He was aiiwrriig a question, asked by Ellen
O'Bannon, about, ja poor woman in a delirium
because the Union"
(halt we call
wouldn't accept her and she couldn't get a' job
without being a Union member.
"Well, you lell your friend." said the man
from the Brotherhood, "to take her problem
Complaints Board and she will be thrashed
out ou the jtaor of the Union Hall."



to-th- e


Slips in print last week:
Grad Betty Bohannon, who never punched a
linotpe key: in her four years at UK, is shown
in John SunVrfield's C-- J Sunday Roto layonr on
UK as a gvh' school "o)erating a linotype."
Now we thin). Miss Bohannon is a comely miss


it t: ft ft

Mahem: (To be shouted in

immediate sujieriot):





of the hands of the clock
through that too brief interval during which one tries to pour from
the tip of an unsuggesting fountain pen all that one has learned
'so the faculty and our fond parents hope) during the past semester or quarter, and the anxiety
mixed with relief, chagrin, or despair felt at the
the papers are returned. Those can
never be forgotten even down our
post-morte- m

Enclosed is my contribution for
two-bi- ts
which I send in the hope
that it may enable you to secure
dictionary for
Miss Denman In time to save the
day. Who knows? It may be that
this 25 cents will help raise the
fund to the point where an unabridged dictionary can be secured.
And the sentiment
it will
serve also as a monument to those



We feei you have done much to
further the ideals and purposes of
Student Government activities on

518 W. MAIN

113 N. LIME








Opposite Slarlii




Rprine m tne air and all.
Ellen Cook and Marjorie Hunsinger

1L Four Alarm Fire
had everything! Glrla
were running in all directions in the
Now we've


four-purpo- se




Watch next week's
Kernel for informa
tion about the place
of distribution and

If you are an



of the Chi Omega house. Luckily
it was a case of all smoke and no


I've never been a red convertible
And never hope to be one
But one thing I can say for sure
Before I die I'll have one.

student you

can wire flowers to your Mother. We
see that they arrive on time, and are
fresh flowers. To wire flowers we
must have your order early to insure
you prompt delivery.





West Short St.

Phone 280

Winchester Road

Phones 404, 440



Main St.

Phone 2177


Phone 1419

East Maxwell St.

Phone 354

Short and Lime

119 West Main St.


502 Woodland Ave.




Phone 7000

Phone 1152


items as the