xt73tx351r30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx351r30/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2010 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 3, Fall 2010 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 3, Fall 2010 2010 2010 2012 true xt73tx351r30 section xt73tx351r30 .-r g *4" w .. . _ .‘ “a.“ .4 . " m t
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3 Wildeat Great Wayne Turner'Returns To Campus . 9 ;_ ~ .
0. Livei& Learn: QuotesAbout Edueation . . ' I . -
' 1- Eileen Jonest'MakingA Difference With Inventive Design '
‘- Results From Alumni Attitude Survey Reveal What Matters To Alumni
‘ I

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 • Fall 2010 • Volume 81 • Number 3
  1 8 lélllldcat $l'€S&l_1_Va)én€ T\rl'n€¥b  
eturns 0 0 0mp ete egree -       (
Fe a t u   S Students pose with portraits af the frst wayne Tlrimcg is Hcfmfg tlgc Comrglctlon Of;   Q  
deans afthe UK College 0fMedicine»md loumcyt at Cgan m 99 ’WOI Hgwwaf l y    
ON THE COVER UK Carlege 0fNWSing earning his degree in community e0mmunicari0ns lg   AM _* sl
party; ezamra rhgm glirlcadcrsgip _d¢r¢1¤r>m¢¤r i¤ rhs UK `§  
_ _ _ 0 ege 0 gricu ture.
1 3 Medicine & Nursing: 50 Years By Ke"] Eram
Of Commitment To Kentucky
The College of Medicine and the College of Nursing 2 0 Live gr Learn!
admitted their first class of students in September Sgme you’ll recognize; some you won°t. Check out these
V 1960 FEW Years lstee both eelleges exeel and serve quotations about education from a cross-section of
residents OfKemuekY personalities over the ages.
By Julane Hamon, Laurel Martin and Molly Merkle By Linda perry
, . I   Eileen Jones: Making A Difference In Design
  .  J l_ V {_ K,) ·- As a principal in a leading architectural design W (ra
X1 J lr r L A · ‘   , rr i   r firm, leileenjones tackles her projects with the   —.
V '\_*;{ fil   . grr   Q .».__ precision of an engineer, the research ethic of a   » V , V
7   sary V ·   ff  scientist, and the imagination of a modern-day _ S V   F
* lx   van Gogh — all in the name of inventive ‘l .V if .. , (
{    solutions for her clients. V  
 Q  ·r,V’ V By Beverly Bell * I
l   3 i si
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( _      2 8 Getting T0 Great From Good
M  j gifs   The UK Alumni Association recently participated in an
E gr »   ig   alumni attitude study to gauge perceptions of UK alumni
ei   Y   and compare those perceptions against those of alumni
Q;     r J, T   A   · from other institutions. Five central themes emerged in
§   _ V. representing areas of great importance to alumni.
@ eriifl ~ S T . , By Melissa Newman
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 Association Staff
Publisher: Stan Key ’72
O o Editor: Keui Elam
U N I V E R S I T Y O F Managing Editor: Linda Perry M
Q Senior Graphic Designer: J e1¥Heunsheu
  I I   [<   Publications Production Assistants Christina Neu 00
Alumni Association Brenda Bains Records Data Entry Operator
. Gretchen Bower ’03a Program Coordinator
Board of Directors L. d B H MA Ci km
Jn1y1,2010-June30,2011 ‘“ “ “““ ° · °°°‘““ °‘
P _d Nancy Culp: Administrative Services Assistant
Diane Ms  70 CIS Bryrm Deaton ’04 a Administrative Support Associate 1
Pmidenoeiect Leslie Hayes: Program Coordinator
Caunmie Deshields Grant 79 ED John Hoagland ,89: Associate Director
Treasurer Diana Horn ’70, ’7l: Principal Accciintant
G=°*s=Aé°¤‘·a»"’ MDE Albert Kata ’03aWebmaster
Stan ;g;;t$gED Katie Maher: SmH`Support Associate I
i Brooke c. Asbell *20 BE sandra K. Kinney *72 BE Raaddi M°‘g““‘ IS T°d“ S“PP°“
George L. Arhnr Jr. 0s BE Beniarnin LaMarrer Jr. *7s BE Katie Murphy: Membership Specialist
Lira Greenyye11Ar1nnren *92 c1s Barbara J. Lerren *ss BL. *ss ED . , _ . .
l B.rr.eeAaa.paep»a7cis AngelaR0seMcKenz1e)78ED Mal·eaNma=a 02·Aea¤·a*aD·~¤*as
Mitch Barnharr Janie McKeneieWe11r ”83 As. 00 LAW Meg Phillips ’09a Prograun Coordinator
'i§j;;g;?i§jj;;ggG liijjsggfyjgiiaja MD Darlene Simpson: Senior Data Entry Operator
Kary Bennett 0s c1s Terry B. Mobley *0s ED Jill Smith ’0sa Associate Director
Brian B. Bergrnan 00. 00 EN Charles M. Moore. Jr. ”S9 BE _ .
Charles Beniter *91 c1s DayidW Mere1ey*70 BE Alyssa H`°““°"‘ Fraser C°°sd‘"““”
Jer1¤reyJ. Brock 04 BE snran Mount] oy *72 ED Frances Whites Data Entry Operator
Amelia c. Breyyn 0s AG. *07 ED Hannah MinerMyerr ”93 ED
Michael Breyyn *72 BE Jehn c. Nichols. ll *s2 BE
Mar1rW Br0wmng)8O As. 04 LAW John c. Owens *s0 BE ~ ~
Jarner B. Brwnr)67 BE Kirnher1yBar1rr*01 BE Umversrty ef Kentucky
Michae1A. Burleson *74 PHA Sandy Bngie Barrerren 0s AS ~ ~
snran Bnrharr Cardwell 0sAs William B Perdue. ]r.)6$ EN 0s BE Alum"' Magazme
Shane T. Carlin *95 AG Robert B Pickard)$7 *01 EN Vol.81 No. 3
Ahdrew M Cedl 00 AS Chad D— Falk ’94 DES Kmmrlcy Alumni (ISSN 7326297) is published quarterly by
Dahhal €h¤1dars*92*95*04 ED Paala Leash Papa 73 A$» 75 ED the University of Kentucky Alumni Association Lexington,
Janice Warren chrirnan *7s ED joelyn Herndon Brarher *7s ED Kentucky for iss doososying momimsi
Kevin A. cenneii *74 AS G. David Ravencraft ”59 BE _ _ _ _ _
Wiiiism M_ Comm oi BE Dsvioiw Rsmiiss, ego BE © 2010 University e£Kentuchy Alumni Association, except
John R_ giookoii *49 Ag Jim Riohsiiggim *70 Ag L7; ED Where noted. Views and opinions expressed in Iénmrky
Jo Hem Currie *63 AS. ”75 LAW D. Michael Richey *74. *79 AG AZMMM do not necessarily represent the opinions ofits editors,
Wiiiiarn B. Daugherty Jr. *70 DE Nicholas J. Birrer *0l EN the UK Alumni Association ncr the University at Kentucky
Bruce K. Davis *71 LAW Ashley B. Beherrr 0s c1s
scerr Davis *7s BE David A. Bedgerr *s0 EN
Jirn D. Denny *70 BE Charlene K. Elem Rouse *77 DLs
L1aineDnncan*74 EN Ade1eBinre Ban ss AS Hew Te Reach Us
Beverly c. Durham *07 ED Wiiiiarn schaerre *72 LAW Kmwky Aim";
Marianne Smith Edge *77 AG Candace L. seiiarr ”95 0a ED UK Alumni Association
TedE1den ”82 EN Mary L. sheirnan *8l EN King Aiimmi Home
LarryM. Elliott *71 DE David L. sheiren *00 BE L . KY 40 06 OH
Franklin H. Barrie. Jr. *72 BE J. Tim Skinner *20 DLs °"‘“g*°“· 5 L 9
Paul L. Fenwick ”52 AG Daniel L. siiarhr *09 EN Telei>h<>¤e¤ 8502577164a 1r800r260rALUM
Liien Ferguson George B. Spragens *92 BE Fax: 8s9-3234063
William G. Francis *68 AS. *73 LAW James W Stucltert *60 EN *6l BE Email: u_kaiu_mni@u_ky€du
W B Friedrich *71 EN Mary "Kekee” srercriir *72 BE
Linda Lyon Brye *00 AS Hania B. Thompson. Jr. *71 c1s
DanGips0n*69 LN iapare.sirap.a»eeAc Change ef Address 0¤|y
Brenda B. Gerney *70 Hs. *7s ED J. rhernar rncirer *s0 BE Records
John B. Gnihrie ”63 c1s Wiiiiarn B Uede *02 BE UK Aiiiomi Assooispioii
Ann Brand Haney *71 ED Sheila B Vice *70 As. *72 ED . .
Lynn Harrelson *73 PHA Rebecca Neireryir Wa11rer *74 EN Kmg A1‘“““‘ H°“s"
Tom W Harrir *ss AS Marsha B. Wa11ir *09 NUR L€a¤¤g¤>¤· KY 4050670110
Waiiace Herndon. Jr. *07 BE Rachel L. Webb *0s c1s Telephone: 8s9e2s7e8800, Fax: 859-323-1063
  Shlhlfvah HEUQEBE3 QSLEEWGS Té¤;bE—gr$i; Zilla 9; gis Eemaila u.ka.lu.mni@ukyedu Web: w‘wwuka.lu.mni.net
. rls OpgOO) .),7 O y . it €r)$ . .. ..
R0berrD. nideasaar. *87LAW iaeayr.yy,iae,r.ir.»earAyy Fasd¤Pl·¤ii;¤y··l·;ga»PCi;aa€*·;dbs¤hma·l·¤s
Barricia J. Hughes *91 *07 NUR BJ. Wilharnr *91 AS “ ° S *0 ° “ Fm “ °"°·
Ann Nelson Hnrrr 00 BE Liaine Wiiren 0s sW
James L.]ac0bus *78 *80 AG Scott Witrich 75 BE
gagggj§§;;jnlggggi.§§ij§so7° ED R·¤hadM· WOM aa AG Mcmbcr ofthe caandi saradyaneemene and Support atLdiicarian
www.uka|umni.net 3 (<

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 )) O i r
p e n n g R e m a ks
g Let’s Celebrate Big Blue Pride!
f` I love fall. It’s a special time of year for many reasons. Slhe start of the fall semester brings
students back to campus en mass. You can feel the excitement and anticipation of college
  football (and tailgating!) and Homecoming. And, we’re close enough to peek around the corner
l ’ I l A and see Big Blue Madness. It seems Htting that my Hrst issue as editor of Kentucky Alumni
1 I l " magazine is a fall issue. Slhere is energy in the air when fall rolls around. I hope to bring that same
A fi   · energy to Kentuclej/Alumni. Before we look ahead, I want to take a moment to salute the
l I accomplishments of Liz Demoran, who served as editor of Kentuc/ey Alumni magazine for
5 @9 i\— _ many years. She recently retired after 37 years of service and dedication to the university and
    the alunmi association, and made Kentuc/cj/Alumni magazine into the publication it is today
#4 Kg \ \ I·Ier list of accomplishments is long and varied. Liz left some pretty big shoes to 611. I learned a
lot from her and hope to put that knowledge to good use.
Slhere are amazing things happening at the University of Kentuclqr and with its alunmi. Our vision for Kentuc/ey Alumni magazine is
to celebrate the pride we have in those accomplishments. Slhe fall 2010 issue celebrates the College of Medicine and the College of
Nursing — both marking 50 year anniversaries.]ust think about the students who have graduated from these two colleges over the
years and the lives they have touched. We are also celebrating the 2010 UK Alumni Association Distinguished Service Awards
recipients and the ]oseph T Burch Award recipient. Congratulations to Brenda Gosney Kelly I·Iolland, Lee ]ackson, Dan McCain and
Lee Webb. Slhese dedicated volunteers give freely of their time to support their local alunmi clubs, communities and the university
Slhank you! We truly appreciate everything you do. Slhe celebration of Big Blue pride continues with the story of Wildcat basketball
great Wayne Turner’s journey to complete his college degree. Slhats really something to celebrate! I must admit that Turner is one of my
all—time favorite Cats. I·Iis performance in the epic battle against Duke in the 1998 NCAA Regional Finals is one that Wildcat fans will
never forget. I know Wayne is very excited about walking across the stage at Commencement. We are excited to welcome him into our
alunmi family
You might notice some changes in upcoming issues of Kentuclej/Alumni Let us know what you think. Your feedback is always
welcome. Something new in this issue are “tags.” Slhose are the funny little icons that can be found on select pages. Visit
wwwukalunmi.net/ tag to Hnd out more.
I hope you enjoy this issue of Kentuc/ey Alumni!
Go Cats!
44 tem
Kelli Elam
S G G D l U G.
www.uka|umni.net 5 ((

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 2 Presidential Conversation
UK And WEG: A World-Class Partnership
,,—·e Lexington will have a different horse buzz this fall. Sure, we will attract the usual crowds to the
gg“~·=· Bluegrass for Keeneland’s October racing meet. But it is another equine event that has Kentuck-
  ians ready to put our best foot — or shall 1 say hoof- forward.
i * iv     Horse enthusiasts from across the globe will descend upon the Kentucky Horse Park Sept. 25
    j ’ through Oct. 10 to witness and experience the 2010 Alltech EE1 World Equestrian Games
* __;_   hlhis is the Hrst time the games will venture outside of Europe, and 1 know Kentucky’s
C j   famed horse country is ready to put on quite the show
A ]ust as \WEG provides Kentucky and the nations horse industry a prime opportunity to show-
  case our excellence, the games will allow the University of Kentuclqr a unique opportunity to
j E g share our story with a global audience.
4 l UK has developed an array of parmerships with \WEG, as we seek to add value to the games.
B Q . Countless alunmi, faculty staf£ and students will be volunteering throughout the games to make
- ·¢ - W sure that the Commonwealth is represented in a Hrst-class manner.
hlhe UK College of Agriculture has been working with the games since the very begimiing. Eac-
ulty stafH and students within the Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center have worked on an array of horse-related issues. Our for-
eign language department has been working to provide translators for our global guests. UK Opera hlheatres Everett McCorvey has
designed and planned the opening and closing ceremonies.
UK HealthCare is serving as the chief medical provider for the games. And though we hope all the athletes and guests enjoy a safe
stay in the Bluegrass, our world-class medical team will be prepared if anyone needs medical attention. hlhose that seek emergency med-
ical care will be seen in our new emergency room. hlhe emergency room, which is part of our new $570 million UK Chandler Hospi-
tal, opened in]uly It is a fantastic facility providing our doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals with all the latest in high-tech
medical equipment. hlhe rest of the revamped facility will start opening during spring and summer of 20 1 1.
As excited as 1 am for the world to see the kind of leading-edge care that is on display here at Kentuckys flagship university 1 am more
excited about what this new facility will mean to Kentuclqr patients and their families. We   - U   T p   s   q ,_ are _;-x,.r,:— -_
now have the type of Hrst-rate facilities in the Commonwealth that our patients deserve. 1 - --’t 1 C ‘   ..ri C  - gg  *1        5
hope Kentuckians will feel conhdent knowing that no matter their ailment, no matter their 4     p   T. gf.;     if gi j /`~— -
afHiction, they can come to UK Chandler Hospital and realize they are receiving the worlds   \j_  #{1     Q     plq-   ;
best CHIC. l/" ji? '; W 1  Y  nw V   C/r_ _r_f rm  
Enjoy this edition of Kmtuc/Q/Alumni magazine. hlhere is a great feature about the College if       F P   _; ery P tece   i
of Medicine and College of Nursing turning 50, and some terrihc stories about some of our   pa         gi}   _§
fellow alumni who are leaders in their Helds. Yi   vm   fi? i  0 ·’   jig;   ,1. xg
Sincerel , 1 gr *? 5" ll     I ii- »   V A , ` ·  
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 2 UK B E a 1:
Governor Appoints 3 To Board Of Trustees
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear announced the appointments of He formed the Boneal Charitable Foundation and also provides
William Stamps Parish ]r. of Versailles, Oliver Keith Gannon of leadership to a number of charitable, educational and trade
Mt. Sterling, and Terry Mobley of Lexington to the UK Board of groups.
Trustees. Mobley recently retired from UK, where he served for 33 years
Parish manages Lane’s End Parm and currently serves as chair- in many capacities, including director of development and chief
man ofthe Breeders’ Cup and Horse PAC. He also is a founding development officer, interim athletics director, vice president for
member ofthe Kentucky Equine Education Project. development and most recently vice president for institutional ad-
Gannon is CEO and principal owner of Boneal Incorporated, a vancement. He has been a member ofthe UK Alumni Association
provider of manufacturing services, sourcing, procurement and lo- Board of Directors since 1977. Mobley ’65 ED, was a three-year
gistics support to private corporations and government agencies. starter for UK Coach Adolph Rupp’s teams from 1962-65.
College Of Pharmacy Na mes Dean WRFL Increases Signal
Timothy S. Tracy has been named dean ofthe UK College of WRFL'FM> Radie Free LCXi“8TC“> THSCCHCC C HCYV mmsmisiiml
Pharmacy He has been professor and head ofthe Department of Ex- CCWCI CH the CCP CCPCCCCISCH Oficc TCWCL CXPCPCIHB the Stations
petiniental and Clinical phainiacologs, at the Univetsits, ofMin_ wattage from 250 watts to 7,900 watts. The additional wattage allows
nesota College ofphatniacya , its signal to reach most of Central Kentucky
Ttacs, has gatnetecl exttainutal funding WRPL, located at 88.1 on the PM dial, has been broadcasting to
thtough the National institutes of Health and   Lexington and surrounding areas for over 22 years. It has taken nearly
is the ptincipal investigatot on two NIH sup_ $5 gt a decade of ftmd-raising and campaigning from various disc jockeys,
potted giants and co_inVestigatot on a thitcl t  l l general managers and multiple volunteers for WRPL to upgrade its
project with total funding of more than $2.7        if V . POWCL _ _ _
million, in addition) he is the author of numen    in  i   it i t  E t Por more information on W RPL, go to the website at wrfl.fm
ous scientihc publications, book chapters and    a_   ` i,  C gl ~ ~
two books. He also holds two patents. T    l I lil ,   _ .
The UK College of Pharmacy is ranked _l__ lh T l _ t —   (
among the top Hve pharmacy schools in the lmot y racy ·~   I ln { 4 ’
nation. I   `
• •   I ` U
New Dean Of Libraries Has e Mt -
History Of Service With UK
Terry Birdwhistell has been selected as the next dean ofthe UK Li-
braries. .
Birdwhistell, who served as interim dean, U K   | Ia nce   ps Restore
was most recently associate dean for Special - ·; — ·» “ ° °
Collections and Digital Programs, in addition   _   _ . Ira ql H lg h er  
to sewing as co_clitectot ofthe Wendell Ha ‘ ' _. an   The University of Kentucky has been chosen as one of Hve US.
lzoicl public policy Reseaich Centei and holcl_ _i ·f V —‘ schools to help bring higher education back to Iraq through the
ing an acliunct faculty appointnient in the UK i Academy for Educational Development Center Iraq University
College ofpclucation   V E Linkages Program. This nonproHt organization works globally to
Bitclwhistell is a nienipei ofthe UK College   ii   create solutions to critical problems in health, education, social and
awa li. .. .
of Education Hall of Pame and in 2007 was -I-err Birdwhistell CCCHCHHC dCVClCPmCm·
naniecl one ofthe #25 Movets and Shapets at y Through this grant, UK will receive $1 million to be spent over
UK cluting the past ~l—Wents,_hVe Yeats» in UK threetyears in the areas of curriculum development and distance
Office of Reseatchs Odyssey ywdgdzmu learning. UK is partnered with the University of Kufa in Najaf in
southern Iraq with civil engineering, business administration and
English as a second language as focus areas.
Compiled from UK Web sites, UK Public Relations news reports, and
Kentuclgr Alumni magazine staff reporting.
>> 8 Fan 2010

 C C C C
Self-Motivation Aids Weight-Loss Success
New research from the UK College of Agriculture may help motivation starts to wane, which was after four weeks. The results
many Americans who have trouble losing weight and maintaining from this study, directed by Kelly Webber, an assistant professor
that loss reach a healthy weight. The study measured motivation with the College of Agriculture, led to a second study where she
levels of 66 overweight or obese female participants during a 16- experimented with using motivational strategies to help people
week study focused on the role motivation plays in people’s ability lose weight. The Hndings indicated that those who were self-moti-
to lose weight. vated to begin with did not beneht much from the extra
The study found participants who were self-motivated were motivational strategies.
more likely to lose weight than those who were motivated to par- Results from the studies were published this year in the ]ournal
ticipate by someone else. In addition, the research pinpointed the {Nutrition Education antlBeloaoior and the International ]ournal
exact time in the weight-loss study when participants) positive {Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Ford To Use UK Research UK'Smart Skin Patch'
On Emissions Helping Nicotine Addiction
Eord Motor Company and researchers at UK are collaborating on A UK research team’s innovative “smart skin patch” to treat
new, more efficient ways to cleanse vehicle emissions. Their work has nicotine addiction is catching the attention of scientists around
yielded a catalytic converter system that combines two existing ap- the country. The team, which includes Bruce Hinds and William
proaches to eliminate nitrogen oxide emissions and help lower emis- Bryan ofthe UK College of Engineering and Audra Stinchomb of
sions of carbon dioxide. It is one ofthe most signihcant advances in the UK College of Pharmacy, has conducted extensive studies
emission control technology since the catalytic converter was intro- with carbon nanotube membranes and nano-scale device fabrica-
duced in the 1970s. tion.
Vince Easterling, a UK chemical engineering Ph.D. candidate, and Scientists and researchers believe UK’s novel technology has the
Mark Crocker, faculty at the UK Center for Applied Energy Re- potential to revolutionize transdermal drug delivery. The technol-
search, along with members ofthe Eord Research and Innovation ogy utilizes a programmable transdermal patch to deliver a cus-
Center, are building on a system already in limited use in some cars in tomized therapy to each patient based on their individualized
Europe and ]apan. They also are in direct competition with other US. needs. This will dramatically reduce treatment costs and increase
vehicle manufacturers engaged in similar research. accessibility for patients.
I·Iinds, along with UK Plant and Soil Sciences Assistant Profes-
• • • sor David McNear ]r., was recently honored by President Obama
H el PI n g   h a n   rl b u S I n ess with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engi-
Kentucky Air National Guard Lt. Col. Carney]ackson and 64 Uccfs (PECASE)·
other team members have been working toward their mission of
promotingagribusinees in Afghanistan by providing resources and U K Resea rch Featu red In
education in the provinces of Kapisa, Bamyan, Parwan and Pan- _
eee. Human Molecular Genetics
]ackson, a veterinarian for the UK Livestock Disease and Diag- _ _ _
nostic Ceetet, was deployed ee Afghanistan last year where ee eed Kttttttthttt at tht UK Ctmtgt tt Mtdttmt hart dttttwtttd tt
his team used their research at UK to teach better techniques for new eless eh RNAs’ eehed Preeessee smeh hueleehu RNAs’ er _
planting and harvesting, battling plant disease and improving irri- PsneRNAs‘ These eegnneery nnelele selds eenenn eener genes In
gation. The team is also developing training materials for pasture ene nedy One PSHOKNA In Psnnennn seems ee eenenn ene gene
management, animal health, parasitology and necropsy (animal that regulates hnngen
autopsy) techniques ee train local Afghan vetemeaeiaes, paravets Ut tttt¤ttb» ltd by Sttttttt Stéttttttt UK Pt¤fttt¤t ¤tttt¤1tt¤1¤t
eed animal veteeieaey care workers. The goal is for eee Afghan and ttuttlttt bt¤thttttttttY» Pttwtdtt tt ttmdtl that txplatttt Why Pt¤·
people to adopt the new or improved strategies and be able to sus- ple whe hieh this PsheRNA may have the here genetic disorder
mm the Projects themselves, Prader-Willi syndrome. Those who suffer from the syndrome ex-
perience constant hunger and are prone to developing type 2 dia-
Compiled from news reports betes
abeut research at UK' The research was featured on the cover ofthe scientihc journal
For more information abnut Huinan Molecular Genetics.
research ta king place at UK,
visit www.research.uky.edu
www.uka|umni.net 9 ((

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Alumni Support Critical To Presidential Scholarship Initiative
With the launch ofthe President’s new scholarship initiative, UK alumni can provide scholarships used to
alumni can significantly increase the amount of support avail- help meet financial need, recognize students
able to deserving students at UK. As you hear the theme “see with outstanding academic merit, and in- ‘•`
blue, make a difference” over the coming months, remember crease campus diversity. You can change the  
that alumni and friends are critical partners in this undertak- life ofa UK student today. Contact the Of- Pmmms
ing. The goal of this initiative is to ensure that students pursue fice of Development or UK Alumni Associa- Sf,?i$i'§{§lQ”
an education and fulfill their academic dreams. 1n a struggling tion to find out how.
CCOHOHIY, private SHPPOIAIZ is lI'1CIC€1S11'1gly 1I1'1POI[€1H[ [O S`[l1dCI’1iZS.
Phonathon Breaks Records in 2010 Society Of 1865
On]uly 30, 2010, support from alumni helped the UK The University of Kentucky has a recognition program for
Phonathon break its long-standing record for the number of alumni and friends who make a planned gift to UK. The Soci-
phonathon pledg