xt73tx351p77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73tx351p77/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1925-10-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1925 1925 1925-10-23 2012 true xt73tx351p77 section xt73tx351p77 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL









Bitter Politic.il Fight Expected
With Engineers in Annual
Election of Officers on
November G and 7

Announce Candidates
Sophomores, Juniors, Senior
Also Name Men for
Honor Positions

Get Your Ticket
Athletic Association Asks Cooperation of Students
Tickets for members of the faculty to the Kentucky-Centr- e
football game may be obtained nf the
book store and it is the wish of
the athletic association that these
bo taken ns soon ns possible.
Students who have mntlc reservations
are asked to get their tickets
from the book store. It
is the earnest desire of the athletic
association that those students who
have not yet purchased their tickets for the game and wish to get
Ihcm please do so as soon as possible instead of waiting until the
day before the contest, as the association will be so busy with other
things at that time that they will
not want to take the time from
their other work to fool with the
tickets. There are still plenty of
good seats left and any employe
of the book store will be glad to
sell nny number of them to any

Quite n degree of interest hns bec.i
created on the campus by the Art 3
and Sciences fpeshmen
for the first time as a body to oppose
the ever strong Engineers in the coming class election. At the weekly Matriculation lecture held last Thursday
at the fourth hour they held n clns3
meeting and nominated Findlev Davis
as their candidate for president of
the iresnman class.
The Engineering freshman have selected Warren Bain for their candidate and Ollie Sample is the third
nominee in the race for president so
the election will undoubtedly be very
Pan Hellenic Rules Against
Petitions were filed the first of the Overcrowded Entertainments ;
week nominating candidates for presiConfetti and Inflammable
dent and
of the other
Decorations Barred
classes and of the Men's Student



Those nominated for president of
the Men's Student Council are: John
A. Dabney, senior in the College of
Law and a member of the Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity; W. Emmet
senior in the College of Commerce and a member of the Phi
Delta Theta fraternity
and R. C.
Williamson, senior engineer and a
member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
The nominees for
the senior class are Marie Beckner
and Grace Davis. Miss Beckner is
a member of the Delta Delta Delta
sorority and Miss Davis is a Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
The four men receiving the nomination for president of the junior
class are: James D. Augustus, an
Alpha Tau Omega of the College of
Arts and Sciences; William Denver
DeHaven, a student of the College of
Education and a member of the Delta
Tau Delta fraternity; and Frank Melton, of the "Ag" College and a mem- (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)

Students! Report for
Oratorical Contests
University Debating Team Will
Be Organized Early in
All students of the University of
Kentucky who are interested in entering the Kentucky Oratorical Contest and the Southern Oratorical contest are asked to report to Prof. W.
R. Sutherland of the public speaking
department at once. The debating
team of the university will be organized early in November.
The Kentucky Oratorical Association will hold its contest the first Saturday in March in Lexington. Men
and women both are eligible to enter
this contest.
The Southern Oratorical contest
will probably be held this year in
North Carolina sometime in May,
Professor Sutherland said. Only men
are eligible to enter it.
It is necessary for anyone wishing
to take part in these contests to see
Professor Sutherland immediately as
the preparation needed for them requires a great deal of time.

Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, head of the
department of zoology at the university delivered two lectures at
Ky., Tuesday, October 20.
In the afternoon Dr. Funkhouser
addressed the Carrollton Woman's
club, taking for his subject, "Kentucky Birds." That night he gave
a public lecture on "Archeaology."

No More Chapter Bids
Alas! The death-kneof the "mob
at the numerous and delightful
to be given this year has
been sounded. No more will collegiate
young men, upon sighting the dancing
partners of their choice, have to struggle, push, batter and wind their way
across the erstwhile crowded recreation hall of Pat hall to reach her.
Instead, they may unconcernedly
saunter across the hall, tag the lady
and dance calmly off, with no spirit
of competitive zest or rivalry. This
is due to a recent decision of Mis6
Frankc, dean of women, who deems
if wise to restrict the number of invitations to be sent to the men students to only 150 much to the
of equally many boys
and girls on the campus. She believes
it the best course to follow for the following reasons:
1. The crowds in the last few years
have been too large.
2. The parties could not be held in
Patterson hall unless some plan of
limiting numbers is agreed upon.
The following regulations will go
into efTect this year:
1. There shall be no parking of automobiles on the grounds. Use
and Pine streets.
2. Decorations are not to interfere
with or hang from the lights. Confetti shall not bo used.
3. For tea dances
a. No general invitations may be
b. Each sorority may extend 150
invitations to men.
c. No guest will be admitted without an invitation.
These rules have been presented to
Pan Hellenic Council by the dean of
vomen and the sororities have signified their willingness to abide by them.





Performance Postponed From
Monday on Account of Paul
Concert at
Woodland Auditorium

Is Married Life Comedy
Dress Rehearsals Will Begin
This Evening at Playhouse
on Winslow
The opening performance of "Can-dida- ,"
by George Bernard Shaw, will
be given at the Romany theater Tuesday evening, as it was postponed from
Monday evening on account of the
rnui Whitemnn concert at the Woodland auditorium.
Dress rehearsals
begin this evening at the theater.
The costumes of the play will be
of the period of 1890 with the hich
collars, large sleeves, full, trailing
skirts, and hats perched high on the
luxuriant coils and braids of the women's hair. The season is the autumn,
requiring decorations in the rich fall
The scene is the home of a
cultured family of the middle class
hnglish society of that period.
Comedy of Married Life
"Candida" is a delightful comedy of

married life wherein, as usual, the
husband's greatest appeal to his wife's
affections is his weakness. The Rev.
Mr. Morel, Candida's husband, thinks
he can do anything.
The brilliant
but physically weak
Marchbanks, is in love with Candida
and tries to point out that she is
throwing herself away on the Kev.
Mr. Morel. Candida looks on and sees
the fun in everything, but she is
motherly and kind in her reproaches
and observations.
The cast of characters is as fol

Mrs. J. II. Powers
Candida Morel
The Rev. Mr. Morel W. R. Sutherland
Miss Prossy
Mary Lyons
Lexy Mills
Lee Buckley
Addison Yeaman
Mr. Burgess
Wallace Saunders

U. K. Woman's Club to




Delegates From Other Chapters
to Elect New District
The University Woman's club will

entertain delegates from all other
clubs in the Seventh district of the'
Kentucky Federation of Woman's
clubs at the annual fall meeting to be
held in Patterson hall Thursday of
next week.
This will be an
The cities from which representatives
will come are Beattyvule, Campbells-villEminence,
Frankfort, George
town, Irvine, La Grange, Lexington,
Millersburg, Midway, North Middle- own, Paris, Versailles and Winches
ter. The meeting will be in charge
of the district governor, Mrs. John
Gardner, of Winchester.
from all clubs in the district will be
heard. The election of a new district
governor has been set for this time.
Following the meeting Dr. and Mrs.
Frank McVey will give a tea in honor
of the delegates at their home on the
all-da- y


Kentucky Law Articles
Listed in Illinois Keview




vited to participate prominently in
the first national conference on the
American theater to bo neld at the
Carnegie Instituto of Technology in
Pittsburg on November 27 and 28 of
this year.
Announcement of the conference is
considered a recognition of the changing conditions in the theater in this
country, especially with regard to the
growth oi tne community jimyiiuuai;
movement and the widespread interest in college theatricals.
Whether the movies and other forms
of light entertainment have really
"killed" the commercial theater, particularly the "road business," and
whether the new movement in community playhouse activities and m the
elevate standards in
colleges can
American drama, are questions that
will be carefully discussed at tho conference. One of tho chief purposes
of the meeting is to study tho potential influence of tho community
playhouse movement and to ascertain
also, tho nature and extent of the
movement now going on in American

200 Apply to




Attention! Students
Leave Your Lexington Address at Registrar's Office

Students Interested Requested to Watch Bulletin Board
in White Hall

All students nrc nsked to call at
the registrar's office immediately and leave their Lexington
and telephone
number so
that the student and faculty directories may bo completed as soon

Approximately two hundred students, of whom a large proportion are
freshmen, have turned in their applications and arc trying out for Stroller
eligibles, according to Al. Wcimann,
ns spossible.
According to Miss
director of the dramatic organization.
Grady, who is employed in the ofs
will start on Tuesday infice, the directories are ready to
stead of on Monday, ns was originally go to tho printers but are being
announced, and will continue through
held up in order that the addresses
and telephone numbers of all the
All students trying
out for the students in the university may bo
Strollers nrc requested to watch vhe obtained. If you want your name
in tho directory, call at the regisbulletin board in White hull, as each
evening the schedule of
for trar's office at your carlict conthe next day will be posted thereon. venience and leave the desired inIn addition Frank Brown, chairman of
committee, will nGtify all
the try-ot.
candidates of the time of their
Promptness of nppearnnce at all
is stressed and in case of
tardiness an excuse must be submitted to and approved by Phillip Rusch,
president of the Strollers, or else the
tardy applicants will forfeit their
rights to try-othis year.
Women's Administrative Coun- i. cumiimieu is at wurn nuw iniu it cil Calls Mass Meeting to
is expected that the play selected for
Discuss Activities for
this year's production will be an-- 1
Women on Campus
nounced before Thanksgiving.
year the organization enlarged its
program by making a tour of western
as well as of eastern Kentucky and
the officials hope to carry out a pro- gram just as elaborate this year.
At a compulsory mass meeting of
freshman girls, which is to be held
Meet on the assembly room at Dicker hall
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
the members of the Woman's AdminFirst Business Session Held at istrative council of the university will
A. D. T. Home
speak to the members of the class of
'20 on student activities.
The sorority house mothers
The council is composed of repretheir first business meeting Monday sentatives from the various organiafternoon, Oct. II), at 3:30 o'clock at zations on the campus, among these
the. Alpha Delta Theta house, 40'J being: Kernel staff,
Linden Walk, with Mrs. Anna Neil Y. W. C. A. and Student Council. In
as hostess.
order that the freshman girls might
The usual interests of the sorori- become acquainted with the workings
ties were discussed and reports given of these and how they might become
by the various house mothers of the members of the above mentioned, it
health, spirit, financial problems and is necessary for every woman stu
general welfare of the sorority houses. dent to attend.
Aside from the all important schol
At the close of the meeting a lunch
eon was served in the dining room astic end of a college education, activiby the members of Alpha Delta Theta. ties rank foremost. In order to receive the most of any four year education one must be interested and
work for the university of which he
or she is a member.
It develops perAlumni Association to Give Hop sonality and a sense of cooperation.
The more that is put into an underin Gym Tomorrow
taking, the better will be the results
from it.
out and
The Alumni Association of the uni hear about Freshman, come of which
versity will entertain with a subscrip- you will bethe organizations,
the future leaders.
tion dance from 8:30 to 12 o'clock
in the gymnasium, Saturday night,
October 24. The price of admission New
will be $1 for each couple and the
music will be furnished by the Chi- Supt. Section of K. E. A.
cago Rhythm Kings.
This is the first benefit the Alumni Provisions of Bill Will Not Be
ssociation has sponsored on the
Known Until It Is
campus and, needless to say, the funds
are greatly needed for specific purposes and will eventually return its
value many times increased to the
The executive committee of the
university and student body. It is the
same organization that conducted the LXinSeSnctisnso0cfan
campaign for the stadium and gymna- Saturday,
Oct. 17, in the office of
sium building and many of the ac
Ligon, principal of the
tive members of the organization are Prof. M. E. High school; associate
the leaders in every movement for professor' in
the Educational College,
the help and progress of the univer- and president of
the Kentucky Edu- sity.
cational Association, and drafted a
The committee in charge of the
constitution for the superintend- dance Saturday are: Miss Nancy
ents' section.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson, Mr.
Tlin provisions
and Mrs. Frank Battaile, Mr. and constitution will of the newlj dratted
not be made known
Mrs. Maury Crutcher, Mr. and Mrs.
adop- the
James Server, Dr. and Mrs. John until at thebill is presented tor of the
superintendent's section at Frank- Try-out-










Saturday Night




Kentucky Defeated Tennessee
Mountaineers by Lone Touchdown Last Year; Tigers
Rack for Revenge

Edwards Out of Line-U- p
Alabama Only Eleven to Beat
Tigers So Far This
The Sewanee Tigers, hailing from
their stronghold in the Tennessee
mountains, will invnde the confines
of McLean stadium tomorrow afternoon and meet the Wildcats in an important football classic, which promises to be one of the most hotly contested games on the Kentucky card.
Play will be called promptly at 2:30

i3 out to get revenge for
the spanking they received last year
at the hands of the Wildcats. Kentucky defeated them 7 to 0, but the
Tigers made that one touchdown
come dearly earned to the Wildcats.
Three weeks later Sewanee upset the
largest dope bucket in the South and
Middle West by virtue of their defeat
over Vanderbilt. the conquerors of
Minnesota, in turn, subMinnesota.
dued Illinois and Red Grange. Therefore, in the final analysis, Kentucky
could boast of a 53 point advantage
over Illinois.
Many Veterans in Line-UThe University of the South has an
array of old veterans back in the
line-u- p
this fall and with a hefty
bunch of last year's freshmen material
filling in the gaps, predictions point
to them as strong contenders for the
Southern Conference title. In their
first game this season they defeated
the Tennessee State eleven by a


score of 53 to 0, followed by a
tie with Texas Aggies, 6 to G. The
only mishap they have encountered
so far occurred last Saturday when
they were defeated by the University
of Alabama. 27 to 0.
When the initial whistle sounds tomorrow afternoon, Kentucky will
probably be without the services of
"Moco" Edwards, who is out with an
injured knee, sustained in the last
play of the Washington and Lee
game. But the rest of the gang will
be in their regular positions, ready
to redeem themselves for the miserable showing they presented on last


Several Prominent Speakers on'
Program for Conference Being
Held Under Auspices of
College ot Education

Closes Saturday Noon
The second annual Kentucky
at the
cational conference
University of Kentucky this morning,
The program will continue
Saturday, and the members will
elude the conterence by attending the
The confer- Sewanee-Stat- e
ence is Under the ausPlces of Pe CN
f Educatlon of the university,
g Taylor, head of the
department, has secured a number of
speakers, among whom
a"e; Dr. George A. Works, professor
of rural education at Cornell Univer- sjty. rjr, George K. Arps, dean of the
College of Elementary Education at
Qhio State University; and Dean II.
jJt Donovan, professor of elementary
education at Peabody College,
The program is as follows:
These conferences were started at
the university in 1924, and the pro- gram was so successful, and so well
attended, that the Education college
has been encouraged to make it an
annual affair. Copies of the program
have been wailed to the teachers of
the state, and preparations have beenmade to take care of a thousand viscon-ne- w




Switchboard for Use
Of Students Installed




NO. 5

For Stroller Eligibles




Aid Given Students

To Participate in National American
Theater Conference at Pittsburgh, Pa.


George Kavanaugh, University Y.
M. C. A. secretary, left yesterday for
Washington, D. C, to attend the International Convention of the Y M.
C. A., which opens in that city to101 1'
morrow and ends on Monday. He will
Supt. C. E. Birkhead, of the Win- return on Tuesday. All branches of Inclusion of Items Is Distinct
Chester city schools, requested that
Recognition of Merits of
the "Y" will be represented in the
the meeting be held with Professor
convention, delegates being there from
Grand Commandery of Kentucky Ligon so that the new section con- Local Journal
all parts of the world. The opening
Makes Loans
stitution would be in conformity with
address will be made by President
The Illinois Law Review for No
the K. E. A. constitution.
vember, 1925, contained a list of the
of Ken
The Grand Commandery
attend- Members of
important articles which appeared in tucky, is offering through its educa- ing the meetingthe committeeSuperin- were: City
legal periodicals during 1924-192tional committee, assistance to stu- tendents Birkhead, L. G. Wesley, of
This list includes no less than five ar
financial way. The Knights Nicholasville; J. W.
Lancaster of
The Y. M. C. A. Cabinet met in its ticles from the Kentucky Law Jour- dents in a Kentucky
greatly in Georgetown; J. H. Payne, of Rich- Temolar of
regular business meeting Tuesday nal. The inclusion of these articles terested in providing anare
oportunity for mond, and Lee Kirkpatrick, of Paris:
evening in the "Y" rooms in the is a distinct recognition of the mer- wortny ooys anu
gins who aspire io County Superintendents Riley, of
Frank B. Lenz, who its of the local journal.
Alumni building.
Under their plan Boone county. Miss Mattie Dalton.
a college education.
has been a Y. M. C. A. secretary in
recognized by the Illi they make loans to juniors and sen- of Fayette county; J. W. Rainey, of
The articles
China for the last six years, made a
nois Law Journal in its list are:
iors with interest at 5 per cent begin- Campbell county, and J. E. Paxton, of
short talk on the "Problems Facing
ning when the student leaves college. Shelby county.
The General Development of Work
A. in Lnina."
the Y. M.
men's Compensation Acts, by Roy The maximum loan that can be made
Kentucky Law Journal. in any college year is $200. Mr. W.
XIII 20; ;The Nature and Effect of iiicKman warier, oi uuuviuu, jyj.,
Freshman-Sophomor- e
Changes in Constitution, by U. 11. secretary and treasurer.
Law Journal
Seymour, Kentucky
XIII 51; Future Property Interests in
Kentucky, by V. Lewis Roberts, Ken
tucky Law Journal XXIII 94; The
Sources, Progress and Printed Evidences of the Written Law in Ken
tucky, by Lyman Chalkley, Kentucky Two Minute Service Tele-phon- Busy
Hours to Solve
colleges for the promotion of interest Law Journal XIII 113.
Have you noticed anything myste- in tho serious drama.
on the campus? Sh! . It is., a
Includes All
secret but it you win stray uuo uie
The invitation list, according to Dr
swan; hik"- t ntviiu"4iii who "vi-.- i
mens Kynuuisium
Thomas S. Baker, president of Car
in Boyd hall for the use of students mect
ur cycs. There, wrapped in
noiri,. instihitn of Toehnoloirv. and au
both Patterson and Boyd halls. perspiration, a
number of
thor of the plan of tho conference, inHercules can al- The numbers are 21 and 2988. ihe .out
cludes all of the American univer Deans Taylor and Turck; Prof. same as used last year. Tho tele- - (vays ,ful apostles ofpracticing Walter
be 'fouiul
H. .1. Scarborough Lead
sities and colleges and the communi
Then, if you
phone office is at present a center of Camp's dailv dozen.
As far as it is DOS
v iiln vliinincq.
great interest to many of the stu- - 9eek further evidence, walk into a
sible, informal student organizations
dents especially those who cannot downtown drug store and ask for a
which give serious ulays are being inn iiuxziLfii nun. i nu uiui tv win
The Monday Night Biblo Class of
nuw liiu
vited to send delegates. In addition, the Young Men's Christian Associa- lmag mi? ImwiiVlMV uuiiK nillv l0 iiiv.iv iiiii in unii.nii;nlliilv
moment ere
the list includes theatrical critics and tion opened it's twenty-sevent- h
con for strictly business calls if they are answering that their supply was ex representatives of those theatrical
resi- - hausted weeks ago.
Hut like postum.
year with a meeting Mon- to adequately servo the many
groups that include producers, play secutive at the Y. M. C. A. building. dents of the halls.
day night
"there's a reason" and the secret of
actors and artists.
,ii n AlKiW
..it.l..:.. ,:""UY
Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College ?".r.,cT.
."""."V. '
"The program," according to Presii"
presided, his subject uu
n ur
""?V.l. 'f " '.."
dent Baker, "will bo so arranged as of Education
being "Education and Success." The aSKCU io luiivi- - iiivu iiumui-i- ,
meill issueu wum wiu iiciui ui invito
to bring out not only tho nature of meeting began at (3:15 with a supper
the annuartug-of-wa- r
numbers and names are then listed
tho work done at the colleges, but which was served in one of the Y. M. ....,1 .l..1l...,.u in ncI.i- - iwoivnil This office that
lw. I,.l,l KVil.iv DMnhnr .'(1 lit fMlffnn
nlun in show the siirnifieance of the
possible that pond.
it is
community theaters. It is felt that C. A. dining songs were given suppor means that possible quite the girl does
under it is qulto
a number of
0 tlmt fateful day tho university
Uh rolniioii between the college the
community theaters the direction of Roger Adams, who is not get to use tho phone for quite hen der wil
ntrienlK mul the
f,L some 20 score
n.,w.Mm,. nftor the eall is received.
ot all musical programs for
is very close. The representatives of m charge
girl does not answer her room dass
number of sophisti- the colleges wil be given an oppor- the
Xdiators Tf rom the secoml year
bell, her call is written out and do- -'
All teachers of the class for this
tunity to tell what their institution is
her when she
There, on
doing for the cultivation oi mo tiraina. year liavo been chosen from the Uni- livt red to inquire for thomuni or, 8tU(cts to the conflict.
the banks of the historic Clifton pond,
Snoli miPstintiK us the purpose of the versity of Kentucky faculty and in- when she
will gather
nhono number townsnoonlo and
fiito's nrivnto
Dean W. S. Taylor, Dean
work, the financial support, college clude:
to view tho combat
credits, etc., will be considered dur- - Charles J. Turck and Professor II :.. tnivi .,..,1 lUioc. ltf..M.'u tiiimluit' in. lw urge
their champions on to
and to
h 0855.
J. Scarborough.
injf tho sessions."

Invite Student Dramatic Organizations

that give serious plays have



Will Be Demonstrated in
At Clifton Pond, October 30, at 2:30



Teach "Y" Bible Classes





Tug-of-W- ar

and the death y
superiority will
strinrirle for class
Tho YCSXlUa lio j the laps
U lint oortnm it is that some
f 3?5S of
of o e
the Icy
of defeat
"roppij "
i mP8 V...,,,,
ain t
that the
early days in the
Back in the
wu'ly tcJrm when Bob Mitchell was
nuw nguie on the campus them
ws the goon oic if am t AccordingLtl LIIL'&U illlVIVIlt UUUIUlUiVOi no jlarnms of Oueonsbwry rules nrovi liled
in those timiffi but the victory w ent
to the foico witn tlic j,rtutu s trength

victory. Then, at

2:U0 p. m.,


nal will be given

tug-of-u- ii

ailll UlgenUllJ.
H was the year 1U12 tlio taculty,
helioving the supply of iodine and
splints would be exhausted soon if
some remedy were not devised, voted
to aooiisn uie annum emu
student body rose up in arms and to





uwwi '



cable and,' inaugiuattU




departWo still have twenty-tw- o
teachers, and
ments, nnd nincty-thrc- o
something like a thousand students,
approximately half of tho Btudent
body. We still have n real mission
in the world the training for a libRather, we still have
eral education.
mission cultural educaa three-fol- d
training, nnd
professional training, such as journalism nnd industrial chemistry.
Wo nrc gaining slowly in equipment also. You all know that tho
Old Dormitory is now White Hall
(named in honor of Professor J. G.
White) nnd houses the departments
of botany nnd music nnd sociology,
as well as the new College of ComYou recall that the "New
Dorm" is used for Instruction in
hygiene, Romance lnnguagcs, psy- -'
chology, bacteriology, nnd houses the


V. C.

Wilson, Alumni Secretary
.1. Osborne

Assistant Editor, Helen



Detroit, October 30 (Last Friday
-- Regular) dinner nt Dixieland Inn.

William B. Munson is the first grnd-uatUniversity of Kentucky.
of the
He is the only member of the class
of '09.





Saturday Regular (luncheon nt 1:15
Brown hotel.
Philndelphin, November 7 (First
Regular) luncheon
The next two living grndualcs are Saturday
members of the above class. They arc Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce street.
John Allen Dean, attorney, 413
Ky., and Snturdny Regular luncheon
street, Owensboro,
Thomas Rollins Hardin, who has re- Chamber of Commerce, comer Main
tired from the teaching profession and Seneca street.

and now lives





The next living graduate is Edgar
Thomas Brown, who with one exception lias an unbroken record of dues
paid to the Association since 1914.
lie is now a retired fruit farmer
R. R. No. 1, Hart, Mich.
Ballard Preston Ward, who married
Miss Sallio M. Wilson, April 4, 188G
is living at R. R. No. 1, Rural Retreat. Virginia. They have one daughMr
ter, Mrs. Bess Ward Kccsling.
Ward is a farmer and stockman.
Of the four members of the class
of '79, Charles Blakely is in the real
estate and general insurance business
under the name of C. G. Blakely and
Company, 535 Kansas avenue, Topeka
With one exception, he hat
paid dues to the Association every
year since 1914. Napoleon Bonaparte
Hays, attorney who was formerly lr
Durant. Okla.. returned to Lexingtor
several years ago, is now living at
051 Lexington avenue. Ihc other twe
Perry anc
members, Caleb Sykes
Henrv Moses Wright are on the "not
located" list, and we would appreciate
it if someone would send us then

living nt


North Stone



Denny P. Smith, president of the
Alumni Association, has moveu to
Miami, Florida, where he is prac
ticing law.
Dr. William C. Hobdy. 2841 Divis
adcro, has offices 740 Flood building,
San Francisco, Calif.
Capt. John I. Bryan is with the U.
S. Revenue Cutter Service, Now York
He should be addressed care
Coast Guard Office, St. Marks Apt.,
St. George, New York City.
Dr. Edwin C. Aulick is instructor
at the Ohio Mechanics Institute, Cin
lie is living at 8 East

Eichth street.
Carlton C. Curtis, 855 Pine street,
San Francisco, is cashier with the

A. A. Housman




gomery street.
Dr. L. S. Hughes is surgeon with
the National Home for Disabled Sol
diers. Danville. 111.
Mrs. P. F. Kesheirc.'t r, formerly
Miss Lillie Kroesing, class secretary,
is living nt 311 Madison Place, Lex
correct addresses.
Mattison B. Jones, member of the
Alfred M. Peter, life member of hrm of Jones, Wilson and Stephen
the Association, is head of the depart- son, 522 Citizens National Bank build
ment of chemistry at the Kentucky ing, Los Angeles, is living at 727
Station Kenneth Iload, Glendale, Calif.
attorney, is
Nicholas John Weller,
Miss Mary L.
living at Pineville.
He is the iathei of home economics Atkins, supervisor
in the Lexington
of Miss Eva F. Weller '25 and L.
Miss Mary L. Didlake, who with
N. Weller, '11.
one exception has a perfect record
George C. Whatley is on our "lost'
for dues paid to the Association since
list. Please send us his address.
1914, is assistant in the department
of entomology and botany, Kentucky
Dr. John L. Patterson is Chan Agricultural
of Ken she lives at 248 Market street. Station
cellor at the University
Mrs. Charles Judson Smith, who is
John A. Shackelford is an attor the mother of Gilbert K. Smith '23.
ney at Tacoma. Washington.
Frances L. Smith '25 and three other
John William Stoll is president of daughters, two of them students at the
the First and City National Bank at University of Kentucky, is living at
225 South Limestone street, Lexing'83
ton. Mrs. Smith has always been an
James W. Taylor's address has interested and active member of the
been missing for some time in this Association.
Please send it to us. Air
Miss Roberta Newman, 145 East
Taylor is the only living member of Second street, has been principal of
this class.
Arlington school, Lexington, for sev
eral years.
Clarence S. Graves is manager of
Richard C. Stoll, circuit judge of
the marketing department of the Lex Fayette county, has been a member of
ington Laundry Company.
the Board of Trustees of the Univers
ity of Kentucky since 1898. Judge
George T. Gess, attorney, is living
btoll is a life member of the Asso
R. F. D.. Lexinirton. Ky.
J. Crittenden Gordon is superintend
Rufus Lee Weaver, attorney
ent of county schools at Burlington offices at 299 Madison avenue, with
only shows his interest in the Uni
versity and the Alumni Association
Dues and subscription to The Ker by paying dues, but also by sending
ncl, $3.
articles for the Kernel and letters of
John W. Willmott, life member, is
William C. Prewitt has law offices a practicing attorney, being a member
in the Bushong building, Fort Worth of the firm of Willmott and Roberts,
Wewoka, Okla.
Paul I. Murrill is chemical and con
Kearney Lee Hifner, contractor and suiting engineer with the R. T. Van
He lives at 900
builder, is living at Lake worth derbilt company.
Texas. For several years we have West Seventh street, Plainficld, N. J
been unable to locate the other mem Mr. Murill is also a life member of
ber of this class, Thomas W. Shack the associ