xt73r20rv38m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rv38m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Teachers Association  The Kentucky Teachers Association 1954 newsletters  English The Kentucky Teachers Association   Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The K.T.A. Kernel, Official Publication of the Kentucky Teachers Association, vol. 1, no. 1, May-June 1954 text This publication is held at Kentucky State University Library. The K.T.A. Kernel, Official Publication of the Kentucky Teachers Association, vol. 1, no. 1, May-June 1954 1954 1954 2021 true xt73r20rv38m section xt73r20rv38m  




I entucky


' L






Changes in constitution

.On Friday, April 23, 1954, the
members of the Kentucky Teach—i

K.T.A. Members Approve 1

Vers Association approved severali

constitutional c h an .g e s. Chief?i
among these was the increase of\
the annual dues from $3.00 toll
$4.00 per year. ‘ .i
The teachers also voted to per-
mit the assistant secretary to be;
elected for a term of one or tvhrec‘
years. The constitution already
provides for the secretary-treas—i
urer to be elected for a term of
one or three years. The present
Secretary—Treasurer, Mrs. Anita.
W. Robinson was elected "at the

y May-.1 mm, 1951}



Fee from $3t0 $4

“Yes” Votes Win With
A Majority of Over 2 to 1

On Wednesday, April 23, 1954,{three occasions the K.T.A. mem-
the annual election of the‘Ken- bers have approved the increase

tucky Teachers Association was in annual dues from $3.00 to $4.00.

; held in room No. 140 in the Cen—iDuring the year 1953—54, about

tral High SChOOl building ati400 teachers paid a voluntary
Louisville, Kentucky. PTc’f“Amosmembership fee of $4.00 each.
R' Lasley, Of Hopkinsvflile, being, They were listed as “Honor Mem-
unopposed, was unanimouslyi

elected for the year 1945_1’955' fibers” at the 1954 convention. Two

Those nominated for Vice Pres—i teachers paid life membership

'idents received votes as followstifees 0f $30.00 83011. '

(1) Mrs. Theda Van Lowe or Lox-i The committee which counted


.inigton 135 votes; (2) Mr. William‘ and summarized. the ballots was



1953 constitutiOn for a term of
three years. Under the above con~j
stitutional change, the assistant
secretary, whose duties are inter-1

{WOOd 0f Harlan, 116 votes, andas follows: Mr. Alexander Pink-
§ (3) MTS- M- J. Eges-ter 0f Baducah ‘ ney of Lincoln Institute, K31, Mr.
i77 votes. Mrs. Van Lowe was‘Chairles R. Taylor of Somerset,
itherefore elected as first Vice; Ky, Mrs. Susie S. Minor of Louis.«
iPreSidem' 0f the K-T-A- and MTV ville and Mr. Carl G. Forbes o!

secretary. serves as business man-

/ . . , i . . ,
. assist: as. Convention Delega s

” -a..recdrd..ot.f...‘.ahe proceedings. l


Woven with the ' secretary-treas-
urer can work to better advant-j
age. They together can plan an:
administration that will not ’bei
interrupted by a possible changei

President of K. T. A.
Hopkinsville,’ Ky.


Sec'y.-Tre K. T. A.
Louis : Ky.


each year. At present the assistanti - [


hiibits at the annual convention,

sansstaircases:i Selected by Dlrect I; s

The teachers also voted on the“ The Boapd‘vovf Directors 0f the
following constitutional changesriKentucky eachers Association
“That Article XI, Section I of the'; met on Erid' 3,, April 23, 1954, at

K.T.A. constitution be revised loi‘the Central High School building.
read as follows: “That the Presr-- i

dent or Vice President the eligible% Sgesment A'I: Léisleyél fiwmis'
to succeed himself after have ison, consu tan ’ an e en ire

ing served two successive years ,Board of Directors attended the

provided each or either receives meeting. A183) in attendance was
twothirds of the majority of the Mr. Joseph A Carrol-1 0f meom

votes cast during an annual elec—f infinity: 131:: :1ng elite: 11;?“—
tion.” This provision was form? 81 O rt e ' ' ‘ oar 0 ncc-

erly in the constitution of the? tors.

K.N.E.A. The vote for this change The direéiors approved the
was: Yes, 143; No, 46. ibudiget submitted by the secre—
The com-plate‘conS-titution of the: tary—treasurer which included an
Kentucky Teachers Association. office assistant to aid the secre—
will be printed in the October-i tary in theclcrical aspects of her
November, 1954 issue of the" work.
K.T.A. Journal. The above changes! The directors authorized the
will be incorporated in this re—jK.T.A. president, A. R. Lasley of
print 'of the K.T.A. convention. lHopkinsvilde, and the secretary—
. —---——_ "7’7““ ltreasurer, Mrs. Anita W. Robin—
Speclal fiommmee NamEd 1‘0 son, to be the official delegates to

vthe meeting of the National Edu-

Silldy Integration Prublems ication Association convention to

The Kentucky Teachers Associ— i be held in New York City, June

ation closed a precedent setting? 27 to JUIy 4’ 1954- The main meet—
meeting climaxed by a record of' inigs are to be at the famous Mad-
achievement toward preparation ison Square Garden. Ahernate
for integrated systems. delegates were named they are
During its business sessions the MYS' Bernice Brooks 0? Hopkins—
president, Amos R. Lasley of Hop- ville and ‘MIT- C- B NUCkOHS 0f
kinsville, appointed Dr. Charles Ashland.
H, Parrish of University of Louis— The directors also authorized
ville; Dr. R. B. Atwood, president Professor E. 0. David of Cynthi—
of KSC; Dr. D. G. Wilson of KSC; ' '

5 ana, retiring 6116'": if time. Board
30f Directors, to ‘ _ it the
,K.T.A. at the Am: .13 Associa--
Etion of Rural Eo‘u I] at Wash-v
iington, DC, Oct 3 o 6, 1954.
1Professor «)lls, print-i»
fpal of the Bookc; " Washington
1 School of Ashland. .rrtu-cky, was
iauthorized to rep . the K.T.A.
at the annual re 3 meeting of
1the American rs Associa—
ition at Wheeling. "t Vinginia,
on April 30 and . 1954.

i All of these dc have been
requested to make ports in an

jissue of' the K.’I..—3. unmal dur—

L'William WOOd as second V199 Louisville. The above committee

President. M1" Robert LaWery Of also tallied votes on the amend-
Louisville was re—elected asi‘ ments and reported each to have
assistant secretary and Miss Alice carried by more than the two-
Samuels of Frankfort as historian. thirds vote required by the K.T.A..
The greatest contest was for constitution. .
membership on the Board of Di—

f:&?.i%i.th§ iii’ifi‘iyiifiafiiiii, H. I}. T. 6. Plan Urged
3‘???‘eéiiiiidi‘éwifiifiil‘iid‘gg,i For Kentucky Schools

KY» 112 VG’EBS; (2) W. C. Mathis! A resolution urging that the
or Drakesboro, Ky., 91 votes; (3)iR.O.T.C. program be opened to .

Ky, 79 votes; (4) E. 0. David Offpared for introduction today a!"
Cynthian‘a, Ky., 54 V0165, and (5) 1 the final session of the Kentucky
W. Tab/101‘ 56315 01' LBXifl‘gton.;Teachers Association convention.

KM, 50 V0168. 410581311 A. Carroll 0f There is no reserve officers’
Lincoln Ridge and W, C. Mathistrajning at Kentucky State COL
of Drakes‘boro are therefore tholege, Frankfort; Louisville’s Cen-
two elected members of thejtml High School, or any of the
K.’I’.A. Board of Directors andlsmaller Negro institutions in the
will serve for two years, 1954 to‘ state, it was pointed out by H. E.
1956. i Goodloe and W. H. Perry .lr., who

Other K.T.A. Directors whosei drafted the 195011151011-

iOl‘ll'lS expire at the 1955 conven: GOOlee, principal of Western
tion are c. E. Nuchol‘ls of Asb-lHigh School at Owensbomg is 3’
.iand, Ky, and E. W. Whitcside of; past president of the K.T.A. and
iPaducazh, KY- The term Of MTS-iis chairman of the resolutions


:ing 1954-55, giving ie highliightsiAniia W. Robinson, SCCIEtaTy‘lcommittee. Perry, a member of

‘of the conventi ' ' .tended. By

ithis procedure, (

subsequent repov'
icial delegates at 1,.
;conventions me; '

i The Board of
{named an N.E.A.
.Standards and
glicies for Kentu
,tee consisted of D
Dr. R. B. Atwood
rish, Atwood .S. W‘
Anita W. ROJir
,treasurer of the I A.

; The Board 0: D: ctors elected
:Atwood S. Wilsrn

! tary of the KIA. '

sultan‘t for the ;

ITA. to the
a above.
=ectors also
aission on
rational po-
l'nis commit—
D. Wilson.
. C. H. Hair-
and Mrs.


H. E. Goodloe, Owensboro, and

:- M. in comment!” “r! “Gm"?
KIA. Guest Speaker

study problems of integration.
This is the time for you to think
On May 17, 1954, the U. s, of setting up grants—in-aid that
Supreme Court declared Segrega- W111 kill twobirds With one StOTIG.
tion in public schools illegal. The| 011"th one hand, by naming them
October, 1954, K.T.A. Journal will? after your own stalwarts you will
outline recommendations andino'c let the _memory 0f the Negro
suggestions for desegregation iné teachers in Kentucky in a trying

I . . . .
Kentucky. time perish ,_ obJectively on the


vine. On the other ‘

go to workmen ing materials
which, help to put i proper focus
the experience 0 'nerica with
Negroes and of Newes with their
American enviro ,fent you will
be playing a ml which will
strengthen the 1305 ion of these
Negroes who mustmwork to see
that integration is Dipperly carried
out for all Amcriceins.


.chers might;
'be helped by the iiltndance and,

lati‘ng that these ’ts—in-aid will,

,ii'easurer, does “Qt expire until} the committee, is a former K.T.A.
1956.‘Atwood S. Wilson. secretary' secretary—treasurer. He is the
eniefi-Llusyoi tigemllil.l\;.fE.1§ii.x:e 012:? p1.ihci§a;:f Mgfilison Junior High
meme: D ““9 " C Schoo, uisvi e. -
‘ as (the K.T.A. consultant. Cites Futile Efforts ‘
i A 5138:3531 feature of. th? 134'; Perry said numerous eff)???
iK.T.A. eecti-on was vo irig-on e have been made to esta is
following amendment to the CO]1"R.O.T.C. units in Negro institu—
stitution: “That “the in“? duésitions in the state, but all have
01 the Kentucky Teac ers SSOCl‘gbeen in vain. There are only a
altion be inoneased from $3.00 m‘fe‘w Negro R.O.T.C. units in the
$4.00 per year.” There were 1371nati-on, he said.
“Yes” votes and 67 “No” votes oni Dr. Ray Bixle-r, assistant pro-
this amendment. This is moreifessor of psychology at the Unfi-
than two to one and in. accordance versity of Louisville, made one of
with the K.T.A. constitution, tins the principal addresses at the con-
change in membership ues ‘ e—ivenfion at Central High.
comes effective May 1, 1954. He uyged the Negro teachers to
At the 1953 Session of the, give their students a full picture
K.T.A., the resolutions committecicn‘ Americanhistory ans1 govern;
recommended an increase in theiment, including its pro .ems and
annual membership fee. from $3.00; short comings. A pupil shoui
to $4.00 per year. This resolution; know, for instance, that America
was approved by the general ses—i has waged “imperialistic wars
sion of teachers at which it was, against defenseless nations.” he
presented. On Thursday,'April 22,1 said.
1954, the secretary—treasurer of, The current “rampart tendency
the K.T.A. presented a budget for to confuse ‘Americanism’ With
1954—55 based on a proposed $4.001 democracy” may move teachers to
annual membership. This reportitry to gloss over the things Whig:
was approved by the teachers in have been. and are, wrong W1
session. It is to be noted that on our country, Dr. Bixler said.






—- An Equal Educational Opportunity For Every Kentucky Child —


J. V. Robinson of , ElitabéthtUWn,i Negro boys in Kentucky'ivas if???” i. ‘



“llolloge Bhiot Says Court

Page 2





May-June, 1954




A digest of the 1954 K.T.A.:Conve'ntion

May-June, 1954 Numberl



Volume 1


Published by the Kentucky Teachers' Association
Editorial Office at l925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Mrs. Anita W. Robinson, Executive. Secretary, Louisville,
Managing Editor
A. R. Lasley,'Hopkinsville, PreSident of K. T. A.
Atwood S. Wilson, Louisville, Associate Editor

Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Asst. Editor and Business Manager
Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Contributing Editor
Mrs. B. L. Douglas, Louisville, Contributing Editor

Published Bimonthly during the school year
October, December, February and April
Membership in the K.T.A. (F our Dollars) includes subscription
to the Journal



THE K. T. A. OFFICERS OF 1954-1955

Pres, A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, Ky.
lst Vice—Pres, Mrs. Theda Van Lowe, Lexington, Ky.
2nd Vice-Pres, William Wood, Harlan, Ky.
Sec'y-Treas., Anita W. Robinson, Louisville, Ky.
Ass't. Sec'y., Robert S. Lowery, Louisville, Ky.
Historian, Alice D. Samuels, Frankfort, Ky.

Board of Directors

R. L. Lasley, President, 'Hopkinsville, Ky.
Carroll, Lincoln Ridge, Ky. E. W. W‘hi-teside, Paducah, Ky.
Nucholls, Ashland, Ky. H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro, Ky.

I. A.
Atwood S. Wilson, Louisville, Consultant



Editorial Comment

The officers of the K. T. A. feel that the first session of the
Kentucky Teachers Association which has just closed was high
ly successful. There are many who',_have reported that it was
among the most informative conventions that they have ever
attended. Most Of the departmental chairmen were enthusiastic






fore you ”With my first annual
message asifyour humble servant
of this great teacher organization,
and in a brief: manner I attempt—


organizatiofi“; from

K.N.E.A. to
K.T.A. .

Since our7 last meeting I have
had both thézhonor and the plea—
sure of representng this organiza-
tion at cherish. which was held
in Miamig'. Florida, July 28-30,
1953. A report of this meeting was
carried ingthé October-November,
1953, issuét'of: the K.T.A. Journal.
Therefore, Iéz‘shall not comment
upon this meeting, save to express
my -profoundl§appreciation for the
opportunity 1-,“ serve as your re-
presentative. iii

Our organi Vition has made some
notable pro ‘ 55. The secretary-
treasurer 'haséisbeen most efficient
and co-opW with her work.
The Board’roii Directors, Advisory
Committee; nsultants, and De-
partmental'héads have all served
well. The on liyzient just prior to
the openiijig :had reached more
than 1.000? art it is expected to
reach 1,500, :b' ore the end of this
meeting. Mo than seventy-five
percent ofiith teachers who have
enrolled @hai’re become honor
members {Sibyg paying the $4.00
membership {fee Two new de—
§3.“Future Teachers of
Land “Business Educa-
tion” havesibé‘en added to the or-
ganizationmy Legislative Com-
mittee, ofitwhtch Dr. R. B. Atwood



in their reports while a few reported; here improvements might
be made by the K. T. A. An effort 'll be made to improve the
sessions of the departments so as t avoid conflicts. We hope
“to have departmental sessions arran ed so that music, art, pri-
mary and (other teachers” conference “W'ill not convene at the
'same hour. \ v,

Those teachers who attended the meeting are to be con-
gratulated and it is hoped that the 1955i convention will be
characterized by a much larger attendance. This first issue of
the “K. T. A. Kernel" has been designed to inform those teach-

ers who did not attend the meeting concerning the main ad:

drsses that were given and to give them in a brief form the bus—
iness discussed by the members of the association and to see
the annual financial report of the Secretary—Treasurer.

The K. T. A. Iournal for November, 1954, will contain de-
partmental reports and reports of other committees in Kentucky
not in this publication. Teachers of Kentucky are called upon
to continue their excellent support of the program of‘the K.T.A.
and to write us any suggestion that you might have to improve

" this organization and the services that it offers.



ing at Louisville on April 21, 1954.

Abolislhing segregation in pub-
lic schools in the South will cause
no “revolution” or violence, and‘
even (Governor) Jimmy Byrnes
in South Carolina and (Governor)
Herman Talmadge in Georgia are
not going to be able to turn the
schools over to private hands,” he

Calls Bias Greatest Sin

Dr. Mayes compared the Negro
fight against segregation to wom—
en’s fight for ithe right to vote in
the 1870’s and said, “In 20 years
we’re going to laugh and laugh
and laugh about how excited we
were over nothing.”

To End School Segregation

A college president predicted
that segregation in public schools
will be abolished by a United

, States Supreme Court ruling.

Dr. Benjamin Mayes, president
of Morehouse College, Atlanta,
told the Kentucky Teachers
Assoeiation that the court cannot
afford to rule otherwise.

The Supreme Court is expected
to rule soon on the constitution-‘
ality of public school segregation
in five :test cases now pending be—
fore it.

Foresees Laughter Later

“The court cannot afford to tell
the billions of colored persons in
Asia, the Near East, Africa, and
Europe that the basis for citizen—
ship in the United States is the
color of a man’s skin,” Dr. Mayes

“America can‘t remain half—

But he warned that discrimina—
tion will still exist in a de-segre-
gated society, even as We know

ton, and Chicago.

The competent Negro teacher
he said, has nothing to fear about
getting and advancing in a teach—
ing job in non—segregated schools.
segregated, any more than it can “I have the idea that many
remain half-free and half—slave,” Negro Iteaohers in the South are
he said at a public, session atEmuch better qualified to teach
Central High School. The K.T.A.i than some white teachers,” he
opened its three—day annual meet—told the group.


it exists today in New York, Bos-.


is chairman, Worked very closely
with the, K .A., State Depart-
ment ofAE'du ion,>and the Ken-
tucky Legist‘aturewjn securing the
passage of the Minimum Founda-

’ Mrs. Spaullioo Appeals

lover the country in‘ connection
with my work in Washington, it
For Technical Advancement has been my ”WWW t° °b—
serve progress made in many

Mr. President, Distinguished Plat- 3 fields of endeavor.

form Guests, Fellow Ken- I could cite evidences of. this

tuckians: forward movement in race rela-
The word “Home” is perhaps tions, education, political particip-
hext to the word “Mother” one of l ation, and in many ways in Which
the most precious in the Englishi we are making our influence felt
language, 01" for that matter, inion the pattern of American life.
any language. , E I feel, however, that no mature
To return home is the mOStigroup of adults, convening in a
pleasurable Of. all Journeys; to be}; professional association, wishes to
Invited home 15 “9t merely a plea— i spend time in self-congratulation.
sure, ”but a real 303‘ it think you will agree ,that we
I am a native Kentuckian and'ma1y better devote time to gin-ding
have never ceased to be proud Oil ourselves for tasks that lie ahead.
that fact, although my fatheri I have been taking a look at the
moved 0111' family from Logan, 1950 Census to see what the fig-
COUD’LY'TO nearby Naslhville Whenl-ures tell us about the economic
.I/ was a Very youngchild. I grer life of the Negro in Kentucky. I
up in Tennessee» and Spent the, want to think with you about the ,
years of my married life in WESt§meaning of «til-lose figures and
Virginia. Since they are close‘ about the prospects ahead.
enough to be called sister states to‘ Nation-wide I think we are
Kentucky, 1 have never felt very safe in the Eissertion that gains
far away from home. made in recent years in the gen-

1 count it a rare privilege to be . . .
_ . , . ‘ eral struggle against inequality
able to share this Fourth General can be attributed in large part to

Session of the Kentucky Teachers the increased economic strength
Association With you. Only the caused by the lessening of dis-
pleasure 0f duty and 0f prior crimination in employment.
.commr-ttments have prevented me, When Negroe g , th dd d
from being with you earlier. Were , ._ , , S am . e a e
it not for the miracles of modern finadncialb ablhtbf resulting from
transportation, my presence even goo 30 i at high? gages they
now would have been an impossi~ prgss on or gm}? 5“ 0 .er areasl
bilit y. n any wor ay in norma
However I am delighted to be times, at least seven million Ne-
with you and would like to talk 5:081:42? gjgbtso 2:01:33: xAvmeggca
. g e w . es "

[for a few moments from the sub- _
than ever before. Of 15 million

ject: .
“Education for Economic Ad- organized workers, 1,500,000 arex
Negroes. l

vancement in Kentucky”

' Before beginning my subject,

may I take this opportunity to pay; zon is the fact that minority

tribute to the teaching profession: workers are protected by laws

as a whole, and to each of youi against discrimination in employ-

individually. iment in .11 states and in 25 cities.
As we approach the era of into- i There are: A

gra-tion in which thisyand succeed—l Seven states wherelfpirgemploye

ing generations will see the artifi-l ment laws are enforced: New

cially created barriers of race,,York, New Jersey, Massachusetts,




tion Program. The Research Com-

' of the im


much land
Today we
serious and controversial


and Lneet
hour. 3

like to speak to you briefly on
the subject? “Schools, America’s

Bulwark of, efense".
In a w ‘ f~"idealogists and
isms and tie frustrations which

have resulted from the develop-
ment of the “H” Bomb, the “A”
Bomb, guided missiles, and super-
sonic airplanes, we have become
greatly concerned about our fu-
ture civilizationl and the destiny of
all mankind on the earth. Sud-
denly, from the four corners of
the earth, there has sprung up an
increasing number of fiophets of
doom. The fears of these prophets
have been aggravated by the ever
increasing spread of Communism
and creeping Socialism. It would
seem that these fears and frustra—
tions are based solely upon the
material forces of the earth and
fail to take into account the
mighty spiritual forces which are
not only my powerful, but
which ultimately determine the
state and destiny of all mankind.

'Ilhis great nation of ours has
turned to the schools for a solu-
tion to the many ills. However,
the loyalty of our schools is being
challenged now ,by Congressional
investigating committees and


(Continued on Page 3)

gross has be It made, there .is still those who brought us thus far on
rat to be possessed.

e faced with many
issues. because I have carried a life long states have fair employment 01‘-

We must f cg them sanely .andifeeling of gratitude to the early-dinances 0f varying degrees of ef-

envy, preju ice and superstition,
,e challenge of the

,Were l peirmitted to change the

course of this address, I should

creed, and color crumble before! CODDECticut, Rhode Island, Wash-

In four states the legislation is

mittee has made a thorough study the onslaught of right, justice, and' ington, and Oregon.
‘ ‘of integration on reason,‘let us enshrine forever inl
1thouigh much pr0_ our hearts the sacred memory ofieither ineffective 01‘ not well en-

‘ Colorado,

forced: New Mexico,
Indiana, and Wisconsin.

Twenty-five cities outside these

the way.
I feel this matter very deeply,


We must rise abovel teachers who gave me a glimpse; fectiveness: 13 in Ohio, 5 in Penn—

of a larger life of service to hum—l sylvania, 2 in Michigan, and one
anity. I caught this glimpse in the each in Arizona, California, Illi-
day to day contact with men and DGiS, Iowa, and Minnesota.
women in the school system of Another hopeful sign is the EX-
Nashville who were giving their ecutive Order establishing a GOV-
lives to the cause of education. In ernment Contract Committee
those days we were taught that in: which revises and strengthens an
return for the privilege of an odor-1 earlier order. This directive pro—
caition, it was a duty and a sacred, vides that the head of each con—
obligation to help others ltracting agency of the Govern-
We should remember with grail, merit of the United States shall
itude our forefathers who manag—, be responsible for obtaining com-
ed to acquire the rudiments of pliance by any- contractor or Sui -
learning by, stealth and cunning, contractor with non-discrimina—
and sometimes with the conniv-"Eion DIOViSiODS.
ance of whites, when education of In his charge to the Committ-
Negroes was a crime, punishable tee, President Eisenhower said:
by severest penalties, ; “On no level of our national
Besides the long list of self-sac-l existence can inequality be jus-
rificin-g men and women froml tified. Within the Federal Gov-
both races who held aloft a light: ernment itself, however, toler—
in the darkness of ignorance, I ance of inequality W0111d be
there are the great individual odius. What we cherish as an
philanthropists, and the organiza— ideal for our nation as a Whole
tions they fostered such as the must ’be honestly exemplified
Rosenwald Fund, the Jeanes and‘ by the Federal establishment.”
Slater Funds, the Phelps-Stokes The safeguards of legislation
and directives such as these

Fund, the General Education
against discrimination in employ-

Board and others.
It is to these pioneers that we merit point toward a brighter day.
Now let us turn our attention to-

also owe an undying debt of gra-

Brightest spot on the job hori- l

titude. They made it possible for
us to be here today, confidently
assured of a brighter future.

You, the teachers of today, are
inheritors of a sacred trust. I.
know you are carrying on in at
manner worthy of the great tiradi-

Since beginning to travel widely



ward the employment picture in
this state. '

In 1950, there were 201,291 Ne-
groes in Kentucky, only 6.9 per—
cent of the total population. Of
this number, there were 99,360
males and 102,561 females mean-
ing of course that the Kentucky
girl has to work a little hard for







a huslbam
not find 1

men, 14 ;
found in t
of this nu
in Kentu
the census

4,498 vo
9,347 w
10 t1
men in K
the lower
ladder if
of 50 tht
Here is
these fig
have: 1
34 'electr
civil en
ers, no el
May Vt
places in
a1 age wit
pared in
Now le
en in Ker

Of the
years of
(31, and
1,043 of t

On the
were ser
ample, th
sional nui
_' ,2 stenograp

This is
cause of

, women Vi

ant fields
ians and
. workers.
sional nu
entering ’
t-h-eirr opp
ment wer
1Women w
woman pl
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C, household workers,


May-June, 1954



a husband, but I hope she does
not find that discouraging.
Approximately 50 thousand
men, 14 years of age and over,
found in the 1950 labor force. Out
of this number, 1,361 Negro males
in Kentucky were classified by
the census as holding professional,
technical, and kindred jobs.
4,498 were farmers and farm
managers. 4

9,347 were service workers of

various kinds.\

About 10 thousand were fac-
tory operatives and another
10 thousand were laborers,
except on farms and in mines.

Clearly, then, the bulk of Negro
men in Kentucky are employed at
the lower rungs of the economic
ladder if less than 2 thousand out
of 50 thousand are classified as
professional or technical workers.

Here is a partial breakdown of
these figures. In Kentucky we
have: 1 Negro architect, 9 ac-
countants, 2 chemists, 17 dentists,
34 electricians, 166 plumbers, 2
civil engineers, l mechanical
engineer, no aeronautical engine-
ers, no electrical engineers.

May we not thoughtfully ask
ourselves how we will take our
places in a scientific and technic—
al age with such a few people preo
pared in scientific and technical

Now let us take a look at the
economic picture for Negro wom-
en in Kentucky.

Of the 25,887 females over 14
years of age, only 1,418 were
c“.asssified as professional, techni-
(Lal, and kindred workers and
31,043 of these were teachers.

On the other hand, 13,991 were
and 6,026
were service ‘workers. For ex—
ample, there are only 106 profes-
sional nurses in the state, only 124
stenographers, - -

This is an alarming picture be-
cause of the chronic shortages of
women workers in many import-
ant fields suoh as medical technic-
ians and highly skilled clerical

- workers. The shortage of profes-

sional nurses in the country is
alarming. Women are ' continually
entering new lines of work, and
their opportunities for advance—
ment were never more favorable.

Nation-wide, in 1950, non—white
women were 10 percent of the
woman population and 13 percent
of the woman labor force. Of the
classification “non—white”, 97 per-
cent are Negroes.

Marked occupational changes
occurred from 1940 to 1950 in
their employment. The proportion
of all non-white women who were
in professional, clerical, and sales
occupations rose from 6 percent
in 1940 to 11 percent in 1950.
There were 7 percent working as
factory operatives in 1940; that
figure doubled by 1950 to 14 per-

Nation—wide, private household
employment, which accounted for
nearly three-fifths of the non-
white women workers
declined to little more than two—
fifths in 1950.

Looking at these nation-wide
figures, we can see slow progress.
However, let us take a critical
look at the size of our job on a
state-wide basis with a determin—
ation to make faster progress in
the days to come.

I have not compared these fig—
ures to similar figures for the
white group because the Negro
population is a small percentage
of the whole. It is because of the
relatively small percentage of Ne-
groes in the total population that

in 1940,.

it seems to me offers Kentucky
such a unique opportunity to lead
the way in securing better jobs
for Negroes. ' i

The State Agricultural and In-
dustrial Board, established in 1948
has already-worked directly with
28 industries outside Kentucky
that established plants here worth
$462,000,000 and presently
l ploys 6,500. Industrial employ~
ment in Kentucky has increased
by about 20,000 since 1948.

It is the aim of Kentucky to
bring within its .borders by 1960,
$15,000,000,000 worth of new and
expanded industrial plants creat—
ing 288,000 new jobs.

Let us not raise the hue and cry
that Negroes will not be em—
ployed. In this day,progress is
being made faster than we are
able to keep up with it. Let the
aim of Kentucky educators be to
prepare people to accept better
jobs in full confidence that op-
portunities will be made avail-
able. ‘

It is not true, anyway, that
working in industry is the sole
Source of economic advancement.
We have need for many other
goods and services. ’

In a day that could be charac-
terized as the “Era of Taxes"
when no economic group escapes
payment, where are our account-
ants, book-keepers, and auditors?

At a time when we see an al-
most feverish construotion of
homes and buildings of all types
where are our architects, design-
ers, draftsmen, electricians, con~
tractors and craftsmen?

With the marvels of electricity
and of modern home equipment
reaching even into remote rural

dealers, electricians, and repair-

We need a great army of skilled
workers of all" kinds to serve our
varied needs, hdding to the econo-
mic self-sufficiency of the entire
group at the-same time.

Our young people must be pre-

economic ladder. They must be
educated for economic advance-

pontunities and privileges
developing as fast, if not faster, as
in any other section of the coun—

The economic status of Negroes
as evidenced by the decennial
census figures taken every ten
years, has not radically, substan-
tially changed for decades. Ne—
groes were the bulk of service

strictly non-political speech, I
d'er which the Republican party
swept to victory in 1952, “It’s
Time For a Change.”

It is time we changed from the
low paying, least. skilled, most
poorly paid jobs to the skilled,
technical, professional, and scien-
tific categories of employment. It
is time we changed from the “last
hired, first fired” category to the
rightful position occupied in the
economic world by well-trained,
efficient workers.

The educators of Kentucky can
play a leading part in bringing
that change about by a study of
what is required by the economic
and industrial life of Kentucky;
by fitting young people to meet
the requirements; and by working
with them to open up opportun—
ities to use their skills.

With every‘ commendation for


em— ;

pared to climb hig