xt73r20rv20c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rv20c/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1986-05 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, May 1986, volume 9 number 4 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, May 1986, volume 9 number 4 1986 1986-05 2020 true xt73r20rv20c section xt73r20rv20c  

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MAY 1986 NO. 4

Harry Rosenberg Family Endows
Annual CKJ F Forum Program

in Betty’s Memory

The first annual CKJF Forum Program
endowed in memory of Betty Rosenberg will
be Saturday, May 31.

Ihe Forum will begin at 8 p.m. at
Congregation Uhavay Zion with a Havdalah
service led by Rabbi Uriel Smith. Carol
Meyers, biblical archaeologist and a
professor at Duke University, will then
speak on a dig in northern lsrael which
uncovered a fragment of an ark from an
ancient synagogue. ihe evening will
conclude with a reception sponsored by the
Rosenberg family.

Betty Rosenberg will always be remem-
bered for her devotion to her family and
the Jewish community. Mrs. Rosenberg, who
died in 1984, was extremely active in the
Jewish community. She was president of
the LeXington section of the National
Council of Jewish women, president of the
Uhavay (ion Sisterhood, vice president of
Hadassah and chairwoman of the women’s
diVision of the United Jewish Appeal.

As a successful businesswoman, she not
only involved herself in the family
jewelry business, but was also the owner
of lown & Country Insurance Agency and
Ritz Jewelry and Luggage Shop.

CKJF President Gloria Katz stated,
”CKJF is most appreciative of Harry
Rosenberg, his children, Joe, Gloria
Lipson and Joyce Mischner, as well as the
other members of the family, who have made
this annual Elizabeth Rosenberg Memorial
program possible through their endowment
to CKJr.

”This endowment is a pioneering step
for the Central Kentucky Jewish community.
We hope others will choose to assure the
quality of Jewish life in Central Kentucky
through endowment gifts to our federa-

Due to the generosity of the
Rosenbergs, this CKJF Forum program is
being presented free of charge and is open
to the public.







Bob and Judy Baumann Report on

their Visit to a UJA Assisted

Moshav Near the Legendary Site
of Sodom & Semorrah

The directions _to Moshav Ne‘ot
Hakikkar were certainly succinct: Take
the main road to the southern tip of the
Dead Sea. Locate the first fork to the
left (towards Jordan) and follow it to
the end. In the midst of all the
Negev’s rocks the fig trees of Ne‘ot
Hakikkar were unmistakable.

we visited this Moshav to see how the
are utilized.

Joyce Anavy, our guide, was original—
ly from Lebanon and her English had a
soft French accent. She is an elementa-
ry school teacher while her husband, who
has an agricultural degree from Rehovot,
is the farmer in the family.

Ne‘ot Hakikkar is on the southern
floodplain of the Dead Sea. This means
it is on a relatively flat bed of sand —
preferable to most sites in the Negev


UJQ Guide Yossi Kalmanovich, Joyce Anavy &
Judy Baumann.


which are rocky. Unfortunately the
salty water is only inches below the
sands on most of the Moshav.

Uur UJA money, channeled through the
Rural Settlement Department of the
Jewish Agency, plus previous funds from
the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and
Hadassah paid for the construction of
drainage canals to carry off some of the
salty water and lower the water table.
Each year, as new fields are opened, UJA
also helps pay for the extra water which
is needed to leach enough salt out of
the fields so that crops can grow.

this Moshav is a frontier community
on the 1948 cease—fire line with Jordan!
Before a new field can be opened the
lsrael Defense Forces send in a mine
sweeping unit to egglggg hidden land

Scattered among the fields are fenced
off areas containing so many mines that
they could not be cleared. Several
years ago a 5 year old boy brought his










@glguufl x




father an unusual metal object he found
lying alongside a field -— it was a land
mine. tven the army can’t find all of
them. Children are not allowed into the
fields without a supervising adult.
Ne’ot Hakikkar is 600 feet below sea
level, and, because the summer tempera-

tures can reach 50 degreeS' C, this
Moshav plants vegetables such as egg—
plant, tomatoes and melons for the
winter and early spring markets. They

also have 50 dunam of date palms.

lranian dates were said to be the best
in the world. Years ago Israel smuggled
thousands of date seedlings out of Iran
and over the years the scientists at
Hehovot have improved the breed so that
there is a large market for Israeli
dates. lhey are certainly the largest,
richest, and most tender dates we have
ever eaten!

Ne’ot Hakikkar also tried to raise
winter flowers for the lucrative Europe-
an market several years ago. Unfortu-
nately they are so far from an airport
they could not get the crop to the
continent within the 18 hours necessary
for a saleable commodity. They still
grow some flowers but only for their own

Given the adverse climate in the
Negev growing vegetables is a risky
business. All crops are started between
two layers of plastic. The top layer
above the plant holds in the heat and
prevents frost damage during the cold
desert nights while the bottom layer
(under the drip hose used for irriga—
tion) prevents the precious water from
diffusing out into the sand. The top
layer of plastic must be removed before
the weather becomes too hot causing the
plant to bake and die under the plas—
tic. If the top plastic is removed too
soon a late frost will wipe out the

lhis being a Moshav each family
its own fields. while we were there,
some families were uncovering their
fields while others were debating the
risk of a late frost. Much of a fami-
ly’s yearly income depends upon this and
similar decisions.






Stiff; :

at Hehovot for intensive culture in the
Negev developed black spots and died at

Last year the special tomatoes

Ne’ot Hakikkar. This was in spite of
special irrigation of the soil to remove
salt, drip irrigation, plastic cover—
ings, etc. Though the scientists have
been investigating, the cause is still
unknown and there is concern about
poisoning by trace elements from the
Dead Sea. This is not the first and may

well not be the last crop that died
unexpectedly in this harsh climate.

We found brave and idealistic set—
tlers at Ne’ot Hakikkar. UJA supplies

the start-up capital to erect the
initial buildings and prepare the fields
so they can help achieve their (and our)
dream to make the desert blossom.

Moreover, through our UJA donations
we support the expertise to find new
cultivars and new techniques uniquely
suited to harsh conditions. Our UJA
funds supply these expensive plants and
equipment without charge when they are
newly introduced while the farmers
supply their limited field space, water
and labor. It is a unique partnership
between the Jews in the Diaspora and our
lsraeli brethern on new agricultural
settlements within lsrael’s original




Following is a list of contributors to the 1986 CKJF—UJA Campaign
who have agreed to have their gift published by gift category.
we salute all the contributors



$Eb,000 and above
Steven Caller

$18,000 - $84,999

$8,000 - $11,999

$6,000 — $7,999

$4,000 - $5,999
Mike Ades

Arthur Salomon

$8,800 - $3,999
Leon Cooper
Halley Faust
Marvin Frank
Alvin Goldman
Erle Levy
Morris Rozen

$8,000 - $8,799
Robert Baumann
Louis Dubilier
Steven Goldstein
Leon Ravvin

$1,200 ~ $1,999
Robert Belin
Louis Boyarsky
Bruce Broudy
lrw1n Lohen
Phil Hoffman
Avram Levine
William Levy
lomas Milch
David Rose
Stanley Saxe

$700 — $1,199
Michael Baer
Marvin Bing
led Friedman
Stephen Kesten
Nilliam Leffler
Leonard Lerner
Uav1d Raritz
Hyman Shraberg

$350 — $699
Louis Ades
Steven Bram

Henry Darmstadter
David Fine
Kenneth Germain
Sheldon Hymson
James Levenson

$100 — $345
Martin Barr
Philip Berger
Jared Bryan
David Feinberg
Arthur Frank
John Harrison
Sanford Joseph
Albert Lichha
David Liebschutz
Wiktor Marek
Les Moosnick
David Usser
Allen Paritz
John Rosenberg
Ira Rosenthal
Jeffrey Schloss
H.D. Uriel Smith
Alan Stein

Joel Sokoloff
David Nachtel

$1 - $99

Robert Babbage
Ben Baer

Matthew Barrett
Bennett Bayer
Juris Berzins
Michael Braun
Danny Candler
Robert Gazden
Steve Lhicurel
Abe Cohen

lra Looper

Robert Deckelbaum
Leonard Dintenfass
Gerald Dubilier
Louis leove

Joe Fitzpatrick

to this year’s campaign.

Dan Frank

Alan Freedman
Ken Freedman
Aron Friedman
Richard Gelb
Marc Glasser
deard Goldenberg
Douglas Goldman
Marty Gorden
Jake Green

Len Harper
Benjamin Hoffman
Mark Hoffman
Scott Hoffman
Paul Kaufman
Noah Koller
Bruce Kruglick
Eddie Levine
James Liebman
Lee Marx

Adam Miller

Sam Mischner
lom Myers

Moshe Nizan
Moshe Reuveni
Corwin Robison
Hyman Rosenberg
Louis Rosenberg
Dan Rosensohn
Sam Rosenstein
Martin Rosenthal
Jerzy Rozenberg
Jonathan Salomon
Seth Salomon
Mark Scarr

Dale Schermer
Harold Sherman
Mark Simon
Charles Spiegel
Ed Stein

lrvin H. Stern
LOUlS Strauss
Steven Hides


$b,b00 and above
Susan Caller
Penny Miller

$A,000 ~ $5,A99
Phyllis Scher

$8,250 — $3,999

$1,b00 - $8,8A9
Evelyn Hymson

$1,000 - $1,499
Edith Frankel
Zelda Gall
Evelyn Geller
Lllie Goldman
Sara Ann Levy
Harriet Rose

$500 - $999
Janice Brock
Gail Cohen
Harriet Looper
Vinnie Dubilier
Karen Ldelstein
Chris Eidelson
Aide Fine
Susan Goldstein
Nancy Hoffman
Judy LeVine
Marilyn Moosnick
Gheri Rose
Ricki Rosenberg
Simone Salomon
Judy Saxe
Nancy Scher
Larol Veal
Hortense Nolf

$300 — $A99
Judith Baumann
Linda Levy
Pauline Levy
Adalin Moskowitz
Linda Ravvin

 $150 - $899
Charlotte Baer
Lila Boyarsky
Harriet & Hose Brazin
Elizabeth Broudy
Marcia Chatoff
Joanne Frank

Ada Gail

Rebecca Golton
Renee Hymson
Gloria Kat:

Ruth Kessler
Nancy Kesten

Jo Mink

Ethel Paritz
Helen Paritz
Dora Pollack
Rosalyn Rozen
Ethel Schwartz
Vivian Shraberg
Susan Sussman-Ammerman
Cookie Henneker
Mary Nenneker

$50 — $149

Hilda Abraham

Jo Belin

Jeannie Bertino
Sylvia Boggs
Diana Clewett
Lynn Cooper-Myers
Lois Germain
Helen Goldfarb
Barbara Grossman
Eva Kaplan

Terri Kohn

Edith Lach
Marjorie Lerner
Ann Levenson
Susan Mason

Ruth Osser

Sadie Usser

Dee Peretz
Pauline Huttenberg

Libby Scher
Eileen Scherl
Natalie Sherman
Sybil Stern
Marilyn Swan
Janet Tamaren
Carla Holff
Judith worell

$1 — $49
Ellen Arnett
Janice Bales
Paula Bayer
Betsy Bennett
Lisa Berzins

Marcia Blacker
Leslie Braun
Charlene Brenner
Susan Lantor

Jo Ann Cazden
Tracy tooper
Janis Doctrow
Mindy Doctrow
Mimi Dollinger
Ellie Dubilier
Shlomit Elitzur
Alex Fain

Mary Fleming-Simon
Vivian Frank
Nancy Freedman
Janet Friedell
Beth Friedman
Diana Friedman
Rae Friedman
Starr Gantz
lrmgard Gesund
Tamalyn Glasser
Marianne Gleason
Paula Goldman
Sylvia Green
Debbie Grodin
Dawn Haber

Bess Herman
Debbie Joffe-Davidson

Sheila John
Nancy Kaufman
Mindy Kovinow
Shirley Lakes
Phyllis Lemberg
Lou Ann Levy
Elise Mandel
Elizabeth Marek
Barri Maxson
Annette Milch
Bettie Miller
Mimi Moosnick
Jennifer Neblett
Michal Nizan
Lenore Pappas
Vicki Pettus
Ellen Pulmano
Marion Rabiner
Toni Reiss-Plavin
Eti Reuveni
Amanda Robison
Lillian Rosenberg
Martha Rosenberg
Hattie Rosenstein
Arlene Rosenthal
Sallie Shakib
Ann Stein
Laura Szekely
Temple Adath lsrael
5th Grade Sunday School
Karen Wekstein
Miriam Zuckerman



Gloria T. Katz, President David Green, Editor
Judith Saxe, M.S.W., Administrator Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager
333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, Kentucky AOSOA (606)252—7622








FF? rm

1... i_.<_--_ -_; ..

Super Sunday ”So has passed leaving in
its wake 333 gifts from people who. recog-
nized that we are ”Une People with Une

Super Sunday Lo-chairs Vinnie Dubilier
and Joe Rosenberg can stand back and be
proud of their outstanding efforts.
”Everyone who contributed should feel
great about being part of a good cam-
paign,” stated Mrs. Dubilier.


From generation to generation:
Elizabeth Rosenberg


led Friedman

"We cannot begin to thank enough all
the people who volunteered their time and
talents to make this such a successful
project,“ she continued.

Of the 333 gifts, 75 were new gifts.
lhe total pledged to General Campaign was
$16,494, and the total pledged on Super
Sunday ’86 was $18,401, which is an
increase of nearly $1500 over 1985’s Super
Sunday total.

Uverall, 581 people have pledged their
support to the 1986 CKJF-UJA Campaign with
a total of $236,904.

if you have not yet made your 1986
pledge, contact Men’s Division Chair
Robert Baumann or Women’s Division Chair
Simone Salomon or call the CKJF office.




bamp Shalom is on the move! Camp
Director Mark Scarr and the camp committee
have hired a talented hard-working staff,
and are preparing an exciting schedule of

Although the registration deadline has
passed, there are still some openings
available for campers.

[he camp, for 4 to a year olds, will
take place June 9 - 87 at a site adjacent
to Jacobson Park. Registration forms were
sent to all CKJF members. Further informa—
tion and forms are available from the CKJF
office (ESE—7622).

Camp Shalom, which was attended by over
so youngsters in 1985, is a Jewish day
camp offering the Adventure Program for 4
and 5 year olds and the bmzayee Program
for ages 6 to 8.


. 4V'

Lamp Shalom is an ongoing project
sponsored by the Community Activities
tommittee of CKJF through your contribu-
tions to the CKJF-UJA Campaign.







i ll " LLk:
Dear Dean Haer,

Dean William Hallorah sent me the
video-tape of “And 1 Has There,“ which I
viewed a few days ago. I was very im-

pressed with the format of interspersing
interviews of survivors of the Holocaust
with those of members of the United States
Army who had liberated the Nazi camps.
May I extend my compliments to the people
who produced this very excellent film.

Recently 1 saw Claude Lanzmann’s EDQEO’
the 9.5 hour documentary, and found it to
be even more artistic and exemplary than
the critics had led me to believe. "And I
Has There" is also an outstanding documen-
tary, recording events of that terrible
period of history which must be remembered

"And 1 Was There" will be shown to my
class shortly after the spring recess. It
will be added to our growing library of
Holocaust video tapes and will be shown to
all students who take the Holocaust
Literature courses.

Please accept my thanks on behalf of
the Department of Comparative Literature.
Sincerely yours,

Esther K. Ansfield
University of Wisconsin

Editor’s Note: "And 1 Was There", the
documentary on the Holocaust featuring
surVivors and liberators, was produced by
the Community Relations Committee of CKJF
and HLEX—TV in 1984. It has won awards
including the ”Louie“ from Louisville’s
Advertising Club and a silver award in
public relations from the Council of
Jewish Federations.

CKJF has also distributed the film
throughout Kentucky to such places as
Sinking Fork School in Hopkinsville,
Crawford Junior High School in Lexington,
the U.K. Department of History, and to
Sylvia Green’s nephew in Louisville. The
J.C.C. in Newark, Delaware viewed the film
as well.

seeks to fill its professional staff
position. This staff member reports to a
volunteer policy-setting board of direc—
tors, works independently, and has consid-
erable program responsibility. The
priorities for the position include OJA
campaign support, administrative tasks,
and program support for Community Pela—
tions, Social Services, and Community
Activities, and volunteer committees. Tr
CKJF Administrator also supervises to
office manager.

'I' IT:

The position is a half time alps
position (1100 hours/year). The as erv
range is $9500 to $11,000, seoendihf on
experience. The position is available n
July 1. Applications received ail; 3e
reviewed beginning June 1.

Please send resume, references and/or
address inquiries to: Michael A. Beer,

985 Maywick Dr., Lexington, KY 9050A.




ii}; a \E'TT.‘ hi

'i. "J. i L__..‘_"

CKJF BULLETIN EDITOR: Volunteer position
beginning August 1; nine issues per year;
work with professional staff on content
and layout; 5—6 hours per month. “we can
adjust to ygg; time.”


(Phone: 606-277-3072, evenings & week-
l‘uEE“ 'S FRQM NEW AlfiERlCAlQF—i.

.j-- g.

1' ,-“- a I
' ‘ a... ‘nw’r—l .-"\.‘ —, ,:_-‘
fie LJiJI.“ “$4513.34”,-

The Simanovskys, the Russian family who
first settled in Lexington with the help
of CKJF, is now putting down happy and
successful roots in Los Angeles.

Judy and Abe Levine and their daughter,
Beth, saw the Simanovskys during an April
trip to California.

”We are delighted to find they are
doing very well,” Judy said. ”They think
about people in Lexington often and wanted
to be remembered.”

Leonid Simanovsky is working for the
County of Los Angeles as a civil engineer
handling sanitary sewer design, which is
his field of expertise. His wife,
Natalia, has a temporary full-time job as
a civil engineer. They are planning to
buy a condominium.

Their son, Roman, is attending the City

College of Los Angeles. Daughter Marina
is finishing her first year at City
College, and, their youngest child, Olga,

is in the eighth grade.

continued on page 10 ....................



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Six young Lexington Jews had the
opportunity to see freed Russian diSSldEnt
Hnatoly Shcharansky after his arrival in

Shcharansky, who was freed from a
Soviet prison in rebruary, spoke April 5
at a rally in Jerusalem sponsored by the
World Union of Jewish Students.

He described his life in Soviet prison
and answered questions from the students.

”His answers were very sharp,” Harriet
Saxe wrote in a letter to her parents,
Stanley and Judy Saxe. ”He has a great
sense of humor and is quite modest.
Physically he is quite small and seems to
still be weak.

”Despite his appearance, he gives the
appearance of being an incredibly strong

Also attending the rally were Harriet’s
brother, Neal, Elaine Cohen, Debbie
Wekstein, Leslie Levy and Adam Joseph.

Shcharansky said quiet diplomacy will
never open the gates for Soviet Jews
unless it is accompanied by public pro—
test. He said that even if negotiations
should begin to renew diplomatic relations
between lsrael and the Soviet Union it is
”very important” that Israel does not curb
actions in support of Russian Jews.

Shcharansky came to the United States
this month for a visit to thank the
American people and their leaders for
their help in obtaining his release.

the United Jewish Appeal pledged
continued support for Project Renewal in
lsrael during an International Conference
on Urban Revitalization held recently in

Project Renewal, which is supported by
the CKJr campaign, is helping support the
rehabilitation of 88 lsraeli neighborhoods
inhabited by about 570,000 Jews.

lhe conference was addressed by lsraeli
Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who said the
government would push to expand Project
Renewal by creating high—technology
enterprises in development towns and
distressed areas. Residents will be
trained to work in these businesses.

continued ...............................



DaVid Levy, minister of construction
and housing, said more neighborhoods would
be added to the project’s roster.

Jerusalem Mayor leddy Kollek sent a
memorandum to the conference in which he
Cited the firm partnership between Jewish
communities around the world and disadvan-
taged lsraeli neighborhoods as one of the
major achievements of Project Renewal.

Kollek also said the project had
improved living conditions and raised the
level of community services, had created
opportunities in education and employment,
had involved neighborhood residents in
controlling their own affairs, and had
encouraged greater political involvement.

Refusenik Family
Receives Books

A family of Jewish retuseniks in the
SoViet Union will be able to study the
lalmud thanks to a professor at the
University of Kentucky and the Central
Kentucky Jewish Federation.

berald Janacek, who is cnairman of the
Department of Russian and tastern Studies
at U.K., received a request for the books
from the Reznikov family, friends in
Moscow who are refuseniks. lhey wanted
two sets of books in English to further

their Jewish studies; lext of the lalmud

Lflishnah) in three volumes and Legends_ oi

the lalmud in five volumes.

Mike daer was able to obtain the books
from Jewish bookstores in Chicago and CKJF
prov1ded the necessary funds, about $60.

”1 suspect they were very hard to come

by in the Soviet Union,“ Susan Janacek
said of the books. ”1 sent them in by a
channel we have,” Mrs. Janacek said. Her

husband is on a three—month sabbatical in
Moscow through June 1.

Hebrew language tapes were also sent to
the Reznikovs, Mrs. Janacek said.

Professor Janacek has been a friend of
Sena Reznikov, his wife, Sulama, and their
three sons for about seven years, Mrs.
Janacek said.

Reznikov, an engineer, became more
interested in the religious aspects of
Judaism when be became a refusenik about
seven years ago, Mrs. Janacek said.

He has had to take a demotion as a
result of applying to leave and fears for
his job, Mrs. Janacek said. His eldest
son is a student in a technological
institute in Moscow. Another son is a
teenager and the third is in elementary
school, Mrs. Janacek said.


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‘ .' " '—'i ,3!" _ —} .
Ciliai'flincfri "m ' A.EL'

Usually at this time of year the
Central Kentucky Jewish community turns
its attention to celebrating another year
of lsrael s independence. lhis year
lsrael received double attention, and
those who participated enjoyed twice the

Un april 19, a gala opening of "Another
Israel" took place at Victorian Square.

[his multi-media show, provided for us by
the Embassy of lsrael, was framed with our
own local talent. Live music and lively
Tolk dancing, accompanied by delicious
refreshments, turned this into a delight-
ful evening.

Much credit and thanks go to Nat
Sandler, chair of the Lommunity Activities
Committee, who coordinated the event;
assisted by a multitude of hard—working
committee members and volunteers who
pitched in to host and publicize this
production, and to lmer Steier, the
Shaliach from Louisville, who helped to
taCilitate this outstanding program.

Cooperating with CKJF on the ”Another
lsrael“ program were B’nai B’rith, the
Faculty Association on Jewish Affairs,
LeXington Lhapter of Hadassah, Lexington
Havurah, Uhavay Zion Synagogue and its


Sisterhood, Temple Adath lsrael, its
Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Mitzvah Uorps,
and the UniverSity at Kentucky Hillel,

we were pleased that seven school and
church groups came to see “Another Israel”
and the exhibit that accompanied it during
the three days following the opening. All
in all, several hundred people came to
View this colorful montage about Israel.

[his project was made possible through
the efforts of the LKJF Community Activi—
ties Committee and was funded in part by
CKJF through your contributions to the
annual bKJF-UJA campaign.



"g'na — ---
.7 C’ Hfl ' A. .r’ Zia/7A L1 .7

On Wednesday, May 14, the LKJF Communi-
ty Activities Committee sponsored an
outstanding community—wide celebration of
Israel's 38th anniversary oT independence.
LKJF vom Ha’étzmaut Lhair Karen Diamond
emphaSized that the two local high school

age youth groups YUUNB JUDAEA and LEXTY
(Lexington Temple Youth) engineered and
presented this exciting event.

”the credit Tor the success of the

program goes to these hard-working groups
chaired by Barbara Baumann and Mark
Lerner, respectively,“ Mrs. Diamond

”1 can’t remember the last time we had
such a great family event,“ said Judy
Baumann, who, along with Susan Mason and
Freda Lerner. coordinated the food and
worked with a corps of volunteers through—
out the day and evening. ”lhere must have
been one hundred children and teenagers
there,” she continued.

continued on page 10 ....................









An overwhelming crowd of about 800
people enjoyed face painting, singing,
dancing, arts & crafts and typical Israeli

Uur appreciation to Steve Bram, Temple
administrator, for coordinating the use oT
lemple Adath Israel; to Rick’s Place in
Imperial Plaza for use of the kitchen for
making the falafel; and to Flowers by
Meyers for providing helium for the
balloons. {hanks also to Mimi Moosnick
for the entertaining Israeli dancing.

the annual observance of Israel’s
Independence is one of the many ongoing
projects funded by LKJF with your contri—
butions to the annual CKJF-UJA campaign.



international Folk Dancing

Lome j01n us on lhursdays for Interna-
tional Folk Dancing, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
at Iemple Adath Israel. bnjoy the music
and dances from a variety of countries,

including Israel. Dances will be taught
and reviewed each week. Everyone is

For more information contact Paula

Harrison, 873—3498, or the temple office at


TlPPlNG OUR {iii—IS AG.- ital

Four Jewish LeXington youngsters have
been named National Merit Scholar final-
ists. they are Tasha Goldstein, Laura
Steiner and Jeremy Holsk, all of Henry
Clay High School, and Barbara Baumann oT

in other honors, three Jewish young—
sters at Henry Clay earned top scores in
the Lexington area on the National French
Exam. Ruth Belin tied for first place in
French II, while Jennifer Miller scored
second in French IV. lasha Boldstein was
second in French V.

Longratulations go to Sidney Gall who
was named volunteer arbitrator of the year
by Ihe Better Business Bureau.

Mazal lov to Rhonda triedman who won

honors in a Special Ulympics swimming

continued ............... .:': .............



Congratulations to Abigail Randall and
Rebecca Pulmano for their honors in the
State of Kentucky PIA Reflections musical
competition and to David Liebman who
qualified for the state speech tournament.
Ihe same to Daniel Baer who was again
elected as president of the Kentucky
Junior Historical Society.


Ihe last meeting (before summer break)
of lemple Adath Israel Sisterhood Mitzvah
Corps will take place Iuesday, May 87 at
1a noon at the temple.

A luncheon, hosted by the Mitzvah Lorps
board, will be _followed by the
installation of officers and a musical

. .. fir . ._.i;. ea fi: ,fi
NEWS TEQUM haw Adi/lath) a,
5;: Sungnnuggyg ......... continued

Beth spoke with Roman. ”He said there
were so many things about Los Angeles he
liked, but he also said he missed Lexing~
ton dearly,” Judy said.

lhe Simanovskys came to Lexington in
1980 from Leningrad. Many members of our
Jewish community worked to prepare for the
Simanovskys and help them become adjusted
to American life during the years they
lived in Lexington before moving to Los

lhe Simanovskys were brought to Lexing—
ton through the efforts of the CKJF New
American Resettlement Program funded by
your contributions to the annual CKJF/UJA














Plants hate salt. ~

Give them anything resembling
brackish water and they’ll wither.

Yet despite the fact that the only
water under Israel's Negev desert is a
vast subterranean reservoir of salty
water Israel has succeeded in

While vegetables such
as asparagus, peppers and
cucumbers grow larger, tastier.
And all produce almost double
the yield of conventional crops.
Which just proves the Israelis are

turning this curse into a blessing -- really worth their salt.
The secret is drip inigation and the innovative pro-
gramming of the Jewish Agency‘ 5 Rural Settlement By supporting Israel‘s Rural Settlement Program
department. funded by the United Jewish Appeal/ through the UJA/ Federation Campaign, you are
Federation Campaign. helping transform a dry. barren desert into an
Israeli scientists are discovering that by adding agricultural miracle.
essential nutrients through the drip process and A miracle that can act as a ray of hope for hunger-
preventing the absorption of too much salt. plants stricken nations.
grow to love brackish water. And that's something we as Jews around the world
So much so that fruits like strawberries. melons can feel proud of.
and dates grow bigger and more succulent than ever. Please give generously today.

1986 CKJF/ UJA Campaign

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While activities Tor the most part grind to a halt Tor the Kentucky
summer, there are a few upcoming events youlll want to mark on your

Sat., May 31: LKJF Forum, Uhavay {ion Synagogue, 8 pm
Sunday, June 1: Temple Adath lsrael Confirmation
luesday, June 5: Uhavay LION & Adath lsrael board meetings at 7:30 pm
lhursday, June 5: CKJF Forum Committee meeting, 8 pm, CKJF otTice
Sunday, June 8: Camp Shalom orientation
Mon., June 9 through Fri., June 87: CAMP SHALUM
iues., June 10: Hadassah board meeting
lhurs. eve., June 1a — Sat. eve., June 14: Shavuot
Sunday, June 1b through bat., June El: NCLJ’s Qnytown, Kr
Hed., June 85: CKJF board meeting, CKJF ofTice, a pm
(no July CKJF board meeting)
lues., July 1: Uhavay Zion & Qdath Israel board meetings at 7:30 pm
Sat., July as: LKJF Interact l & ll
Mon., July 88: CKJF 50c1al Services Comm. mtng, 7:30 pm; LKJF oTc.
lues., Rug. 5: Uhavay :ion & Adath Israel board meetings at 7:30 pm
Fri., August 82: Naomi & Laurie Llewett’s Bat Mitzvah at the lemple
Ned., Rug. :7: LKJF board meeting, CKJF office, 8 pm
Fri., Aug. 69: Gregory Freed Bar Mitzvah at the lemple