xt73r20rv02f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rv02f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1997 1997 1997-11-10 2020 true xt73r20rv02f section xt73r20rv02f  


















. .. . -.‘-..»n«:.k «you by»... v


near 5 5. Clear and (Old

story and rupporting cart. See recieu', Page 2.

mm IMn‘m today. big/J

tonight, [on near 4!). Sunny
tomorrow. bigb near 50.

“Ml Rowan Atkinxon giver 11

great performance. but “Barn“ lac/cs a great









o (jun/pm 6 [)11'rrironi 2

l - Clrl DWI 5 WI“; 3


(froti'u'uril 5 l'rt'a'polnt 4



“IIlVEI‘SltlBS around country connecting

By Delmar Watkins
Staff ll’r'rttt

UK researchers will soon be
able to use the resources of other
universities at speeds unheard of
by current standards.

An alliance of57 universities will
create the National 'I‘echnological
(Srid, a computational infrastruc-
ture allowing researchers to use
resources from other universities.

“It will do 100 times more for
researchers than the current sys-
tem," said John Connolly, direc-
tor of the UK Center of the Coin-
putational Alliance.

This project will make a network

100 times faster than the Internet
for researchers trying to use remote
resources, Connolly said.

Hardware and software not
found on campus could be accessed
if anyone in the alliance has it.

“I Itindreds of researchers at
UK could potentially get access to
more powerful tools to do their
jobs," he said.

This project will allow
researchers at UK to “compute with
the really big supercomputers at the
University of Illinois at Urbana,"

James McDonough, a mechanical

engineering professor said.
“\Vc also have a lot of students
that compute with L'niversity of Illi-

nois at Urbana,” McDonough said.

One application of the system
at UK would include the design of
nanornaterials — computers or
machines designed for extremely
small scales used in electronics,
Connolly said.

“Other research at L'K will
focus on fluid dynamics, computa—
tional simulations of how the stars
move and medical applications,
like image analysis and advanced
disease diagnosis," Connolly said.

“I“.ngineerin problems will
also be solved y tising this net—
work, because of it‘s ability to deal
with high bandwidth or data
transfer rate by the network,"

.\Icl)onough said.

The project's uses are not lini—
ited to scientific research. though.

English professor Kevin Kier—
nen‘s Beowulf manuscript project
will be enhanced by the network,
Connolly said.

The Beowulf project seeks to
ptit the story‘s rare original
manuscript into digital format, so
scholars froiu around the world
can get high—definition pictures of
the manuscript.

The distribution of rare texts
electronically “may be the future
of how libraries will look." Con»
nolly said.

“The National Science Foun-

dation will e\entti.tlly introduce
technology created by the alliance
ittto all sectors of society. The
foundation funded the alliance
with a $170 million grant given to
the L'nncrsity of Illinois at
L‘rbana," he said.

The l'niicrsity of llliiiois at
L‘rbana is leading the alliance.
called the Partnership for \dvanced
Computational Infrastructure.

“The system should be in place
within .1 ycar." .\lcl)onough said.
“Only two partnerships in the
L'nited States are like the
Alliance," \lcl)onotigh said. "The
other partnership is .it the L‘niyei‘-
sity ofS.iii Diego."

L'K, dubbed the “( Iotnputation—
.il gateway to the Southeast." was
the only tinnersity in the southeast
invited into the partnership. "par—
ti.illy due to its past relationship
with the National (Itllllpllltllltilltll
Science Alliance." (:otmolly said.

"l“.lt‘ll of the partners in this
alliance brings expertise, resources
and .i commitment of time and
energy to our efforts." said Larry
Smarr. director ofthe alliance

“In essence," he said. “we .irc
establishing a virtual community
that shares its knowledge and pools
its resources to create t ie coiiiputa~
tional and information infrastruc—
ture of thc .‘lst (it‘llllll’y.“


Fll‘St scrimma

Smith still
not satisfied
with defense

By Brett Dawson

.-I_\:\‘ociate lid/tor

The slogan on the cover ofthe
UK men's basketball media guide
is “All Out, All the Time."

Apparently, that applies even in
Blue-VVhite scrimtnages.

\Vildcats banged and bruised as
they crashed the boards and strove
for blocked shots. They dove out
of bounds after rebounds. They
scrambled at midcourt for loose

“I think the kids were reallv
very emotional." L'K coach
Tubby Smith said. “They played
really hard."

But Smith’s first “'ildcat
squad put on a mostly ragged
perfortnance in the only Blue—
thite game of the preseason on
Saturday, the more experienced
Blue teatn routing the Whites

Those high-scoring Blues were


8 show prom

the beneficiaries, Smith said, of
L'K's defensive blues.

“I thought our defense in tran-
sition was not very good, we
didn‘t contest shots as well as I’d
like,” Smith said. “I don‘t think
either team played particularly
well defensively, and the \Vhite
team didn't shoot the ball very

Part of the “hire team‘s strug-
gles, Smith said. sprung

Smith's players agreed. admit-
ting they're significantly further
along on the offensive side of the

“In practice. the first team is
starting to get real comfortable
with “'ayne (Turner) at point
guard and running the offense,"
Alills said. “Defensively, though.
there are things Coach Smith has
us doing that (Rick l’itino) didn't

have its doing. It's

rom its inexperience. _ not that one system
Ihree of Lils's four fresh- “Side is right and one is
men — forward Myron t wrong. they‘re iust
Anthony and guards Saul , different and now
Smith and Ryan IIogan 115th; “:23251“ we're having to get
—— suited up wearing m". a 2 stuff out of our
'h' , ngme,buttb¢ , , . _, _
w itc. . heads that was heat
. . “mean-res tbe . ~
But that inexperience in there for three
v marinara. . . ‘.
doesn t account for a Setfinidtmm years and adjusting
combined 21—for—54 ' to (Smith’s) sys-

shooting day for veterans

Jeff Sheppard, Scott Padgett and
Nazr Mohamrned. despite what
Smith called a poor defensive per-

“I am a little concerned
Smith said, “about some of our
veteran players who didn’t shoot
the ball very well.”

Not half as concerned, though,
as he was with defensive short-
comings that allowed Blue stand-
outs Cameron Mills (24 points on
9—for-ll shootin ) and Allen
Edwards (a game- igh 26 points
on 10—for-17 shooting) uncontest—
ed shots.

“I expect (the defense) to be a
little tighter," Smith said. “That's
an area we’re going to have to
work hard in to improve.



Turner, who scored 16 points
and dished out seven assists. con-
curred, noting that things under
Pitino weren‘t all that different.

“\Ve‘ll get adjusted." Turner
said. “\Ve start out like this every

Plvot-al Issues

Perhaps the only spot left to be
filled in L'K's starting lineup is at
center. Smith said neither
Mohammed (20 points, 17
rebounds) nor Jamaal Magloire
(eight points, 10 rebounds and
seven blocks) gained a significant
advantage on Saturday.

“In our system and otir style of


lSB, problems

HIGH ENOUGH Siml Snntlt (tr/tore) gout



for tln’ dun/r u/Jold of]ef]lS/.reppard

during the .m‘imlnngt'. Scott Padgett (right) driver around Hei‘ltimn Emmi



ting organs


Currently 309
people need

The waiting game

By Jessica Coy


llBlIlS save lives

By Ellen Lord
Stu/f ll 'ritr’r

Jenny Miller knows of 55,050
people who are waiting for their
pagers to go off. They carry them
everywhere, listening for 3 age in
the shower and sleeping wit them
on the bed stands by their heads.

They are all waiting for someone
to save their lives.

They're in need of organ trans—

lants and await news of a heart,
lbng, kidney. liver. pancreas or
small intestine donation from a

And they're waiting unnecessarily.

Last year, 20,000 individuals
were eli ible to potentially donate
organs, But only 4,800 families of
those eligible a reed to contribute
organs, said Mil er, director of edu-
cation at the Kentucky Organ
Donor Affiliates.

_ “A new name is added to the
waiting list every 20 minutes,”
Miller said. And seven to nine co-
ple die everyday because they on‘t
get the organs th need, she said.

At the Mid- crica College
Health Association’s 32nd annual
meetin this weekend, Miller spoke
about ODA’s role in Kentucky
and the surrounding area. The
organization aimg “to ensure that

every family is given the option” of
donation at the time of their family
member’s death, she said.

Because of KODA's involve-
ment, Kentucky had a 50 percent
donation consent rate, compared to
the 25-30 percent in 1990, Miller
said. The current national average
is also 25—30 percent. Last year 317
organs became available from 90
Kentucky donors, Miller said.

“Our whole point is people need
to talk about (donation) before-
hand. They don't think anyone is
going to die," said Jackie Decroo, a
s ecial services coordinator at

ODA. As part ofa national aware—
ness program, she visits high
schools in eastern Kentucky and
talks to students about consenting
to donate their organs by signing
the back of their driver‘s licenses.

Miller cited several misunder-
standings, such as dismemberment
and conflicts with religion, that pre-
vent people from signing the back
of their license.

“All major religions support
organ donations,” she said. And
“anything we would procure would
not affect the body‘s a pearance"
during an open-casket neral, she

Potential donors also Worry that
doctorzmight declare them brain


in Kentucky.

Organ needed # needed
Lung 17

Heart 79
Klan-Wm to
Kidney 1 54

Liver 49

source: UK Medical Center




cums ROSEITHAL Kane/ruff
dead prematurely if they sign an
organ donor card. Miller said, how-
ever, that “the physician who
declares brain death cannot have
anything to do with the transplant
program." In addition, KODA
never takes organs if the family does
not consent, even if the person
signed their driver’s license, she

Cheryl Simpson, a registered
nurse at the Student Health Service
at Eastern Kentucky University,
learned that she would need an
organ transplant last year. She
received Hepatitis C from a three-
unit blood transfusion 28 years ago.

“I'm looking for a liver,” she told
attendees of the MACHA meeting.
She said that because of the great
need for donations, “you have to be










Staff ll 'r'iter

“I woke tip this morning say—
ing ‘lt's dentist time, dentist
time‘.m said Kcrerra (ilen. a 6—
year—old frotn Georgetown, Ky.

After waiting for more than
an hour, Kererra left the ranks
of 60 other children still in the
waiting room, passed through
the double doors and entered
the hustle and bustle of the
ASI)A Saturday Morning

Inside. rows and rows of
pink, rcen and blue sun lass-
clad clgildren reclined in (lzental
chairs as UK dental students
went to work.

The dental students were
supervised by college faculty
and graduate dentists, all of
whom volunteered to get out of
bed early Saturday morning for
a good cause.

Students from the University
ofMiami, Ohio as well as future
dentists at UK came to observe
dental procedures.

The American Student Den-
tal Association Saturday Morn-
ing Clinic is a community ser—
vice rogram for children from
families with limited incomes,
and is sponsored by the UK
Chapter of the ASDA in coop-
cra ion with the UK College of

The clinic provides free care
to children by cleaning their
teeth. esaiiiining for tooth
decay and giving fluoride treat-
menis. Students are also able to
perform necessary X—rays, fill
cavities and apply dental

The clinic is held about six
titncs a year atid as Byron Col-
ley. a fourth-year student den—
tist and chairman of the clinic.
said. “Some Saturdays .ire busi—
cr than others."

“This is definitely one of the
busiest Saturdays 1 have seen
yet. and I've been volunteering
for this pro rain for over 13
years," said an Sever, director
of Acadetiiic Affairs.

The increased interest could
be because the Saturday .Vlorns
ing Clinic is tnore well-known,
and children are beginning to
be referred to the clinic by
school nurses, counselors and
teachers, Sever said.

“Many of the children here
today have never been to the
dentist. and this clinic is defi-
nitely not the ideal place for a
first time dental visit,” Sever
said. “There’s a lot of noise
here, which might make kids
nervous. and we don’t have the
time that we would like to
have to calm all the child's

‘lt's dBfltlfl time, dentist time'

UK dental students help children conqner‘frams, cavities


“However," he said, “the
dental students are doing a
great job lightening tip the
atmosphere. the have .i great
rapport with the children."

Brconna Jones. 0, shows no
fear as she gets into the dcntist's

“I never liked going to the
dentist when 1 was litt e, and I
didn't want to pass that fear on
to my children. I tried to make
it seem like this trin was a big
adventure," said Stephanie
(ilen, mother of Bi‘eonna and

“I think a lot of us are just as
nervous as some of the children
are," said Emily Ruda, a den-
tistry sophomore, who said her
experience at the clinic has been
rewarding and challenging.

Ruda's sentiments are shared
by many of the dental students
who vo unteer at the clinic not
only to hel children but also to
gain some hands-on experience.

“The clinic is part of the
student's training,” Sever said.
“( )ne of the things we try to do
is instill in students a sense of
obligation to their community.
For manv of them, experiences
such as this can be the deciding
factor in their decision to pur-
sue a career in the dental





’JWW’L- —. v, . .

1 yd‘fl't» ...

2 Hum/in, .\o:emher III. 1997. Kentucky Kernel





110 we

‘Starship Troopers’ shows just how horrible
war can he with its gruesome death scenes

By 0. Jason Stapleton

[film'tamment [.1le

()n the surface. Star—
\hip 'I'roopt'ri may seem
like nothing more than
\‘llt’\'i\.ll (if the species I)”
an intergalactic level.

The threat to human—
ity comes in the fortn ot
the Bugs, giant insects
from another galaxy.

It actually goes much




ment—produced propaganda for the
Federal Service H the futuristic ver-
sion ofthe Armed Forces.

In order to be con—
sidered a citizen with
full rights, a person
ntust put in time as a
part of the Service.

Sta/whip 'I‘rooperx
follows the paths
that fottr high school
friends follow
throttgh the variotts

deeper titan inst humans HHHl/Z "branches" of the
versus Bugs though. It is __ l’ederal Service.

also tackles issues deal- (outoffiue) johnny Rico
ing with war and the mil- ‘Stanbip (Casper Van Dien)

itary and its effects on T
those that get caught tip
ttt it.

The film does a good
lob ofoperating on several differ-
ent letels. it opens with govern—

Tn'Star Picture:

’ is the tttain charac—
ter. who joins the
liederal Service for
the wrong reason.
He is in l()\c with Carmen lbanez
(Denise Richardson) and she has

applied to be in the Fleet Acade-
my, the prestigious branch that
turns out starship pilots.

Rico doesn't have the test
scores for the Academy, so he is
forced to join up with the Mobile
lnfantty. lie is joined in the .\11 by
high school friend Di'IJy Flores
(Dina Meyer.)

Everything falls apart when
Rico gets a “Dear john" letter
from Cartnen.

Rico was ready to quit the ser-
vice when he found out that his
bottle of Bucnos Aires was
destroyed in a Bug attack.

The tnovie then kicks into warp
speed and sends the metttbers of
the Federal Service off to war.

Before going into his first bat—
tle, Rico runs into Cartnen. The
changes that the two have gone
through is pretty dramatic. Rico







Photo frtnirxhrd

"0m.” '0" LIKE "I “"0“ "ME? Death and propaganda take renten‘tage in ‘Starxhip 'I'rooperx. ‘ This mocie
Mount the dark underside ofu'ar and the military. It play at H’oodhill. South Park and Tar/land Cinemas.

pretty tnuch sums up the differ-
ence between them when he says,
“Fleet does the flying while .\11
does the dying."

Once the fighting begins
though, the only thing that mat-
ters is staying alive.

The Bugs had laid an elaborate
trap for the humans and they
walked right into it.

At this point the movie turns
extremely graphic. Decapitations
and other brutalizations become
common place as the Bugs sys—
tematically destroy hutnan torces.

Several scenes of extremely
mangled bodies make _Iason
Vorhees and Freddie Kruger look
like rank amatettrs in comparison
to the brutal Bugs.

.Although the gory scenes may
not be appropriate for children,
they do help to illustrate the true
horrors of war.

The humans take great losses
in the early battles, and learn that
they have underestimated their
oppent. How they overcome that
fatal mistake lies in the three
friends froin Buenos Aires thottgh.


‘Bean’ falls SIIOI‘I 0i (It


Photo taunt/veil
“"18“ STUPOB Roma :1 tlcinxon
as his (lassir rhararter. Mr. Bean.
falltfar xhort ofexpectations.


The (.atttptts Calendar is a ircc service \\lll( it appears in the. Monday edition ()1 the Ketttttt Ivy Kernel.

By Jonathan D. Gent

Charlie Chaplin was a great

A genius with a gift to not only
make mind-numbingly brilliant
films. bttt to also make people
laugh. The same for Buster
Keaton. Both men relied on their
pantomime acting ability to carry
themselves through the silent age
of film. Rowan Atkinson (the title
character of Bean, is a sitnilarly
talented man; however, some
things are different.

l’irst. Bean has no meaning
behind its humor. Chaplin and
Keaton both used political back-


. wWwA --—-

(‘\('11l.\.111(l spotting merits, must time all intormation to the. Student Attititics room 203 or (all 257-8807, or c-tnail ttlscu‘nt H pop.ttl\y.cdtt

M(3N[)AY l [/10

-UK Priority registration for the
1998 Sprin Semester (thru 11/21)


-SAB Rasdall Galle presents:
Mixed Meditations, aster of Fine
Arts Thesis Exhibition, Libby W
Barnes, Rm. 257 Student Ctr (thru
*Latino Students Association
MOVIE: The Courage of the
People, Rm. 110 Classroom Bldg
—Dept. of Theatre is now raising
money for it’s Guignol Theatre
Restoration Project, “name” each
theatre seat for a minimum of $350
for a Gala opening in 1999- its
50th anniversary tear; 257-3145

-UK Sierrans Meetin , 8:00pm,
Rm. 106 Student Ctr, iscuss out-
in rs, Climate Change Awareness
\l‘eek, & Run for the Rainforest;
25 3-0643


—Career Ctr. Orientations: M—F
3:00 In (thru 11/26) CALL 257-
274 ) to sign u

-Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every
weekday, 12:10pm, 320 Rose St;

-UK Ski & Snowboard Club
Meeting, 7:00pm, Rm. 245 Student

’l‘lll‘ZSl)/\Y l l/l I

-EXHIBIT: Pinan'alirm into
Mademii-m, The Clarence H.
White School of Phtot aphy, UK
ArtMuseum thru 11/ 3)
:IlZXIflBbfg: e Flag in 13d

wentict - en tun win
A. Ulrich Mughym of Art, UK Art
Museum thru 11/30)
-EXHIB : Faces: Portrait: in the
0351;?“ UK Art Museum (thru
- IT: A Fine Line: Mater
Etching: firm the Collection, UK Art
Museum (thru 1/ 18/98)


drops for their sight gags so they
could appease more than just the
masses. All the viewer gets ftom
the humor of Bean is some igno-
rant mugging about. a few off-
color iokes about bodily fluids, and
well. that's it. No important mes—
sage. no political agenda. Nothing.
The plot of Bean in a nutshell:
An idiot (that would be Bean) is
sent by his superiors in London to
help transport the painting
“\Vhistler’s Mother" to the L'nited
States without screwing everything
up. And yes, it is really (really) that
simple. 1 lard to believe, isn't it?
Let's begin with the statement
that no one has to worry about
this movie crowding anyone at the

BI‘ slapstick comedies

Academy Awards. Finally, the first
movie in the history of
the world to stack bad
acting on top of bad
direction, on top of
poor writing (that‘s not
even mentioning the
cotttplete lack of visual



the TV series “Bean”) is his hilari-
ous work on the “Black-
adder" series for BBC.
The director. Mel
Smith, follows tip one
mediocre film (The
Tall Gay, and a decent
second try (Radio/and

style)! Then Burt . .llurders'), with this
Reynolds makes a murmur”) complete disaster. His
cameo? Sorry, Burt. t directing style is at

The only saving ”2 best erratic, and at
grace for t is film is worst. well just cra .
Rowan Atkinson. He (outoffive) To his defensE,
has shown his comic «Ram, though, with a card-
talent in Four ”’eddingr Grmercy board funnyface char-

aml a Funeral, not to
mention in The Lion
King. Also to his credit (discounting

acter like this (is jim
Carrey in this movie?),
one couldn‘t do tnuch better. He

should go back to acting, where he
is well known as the albino froni
The Prinrexr B ride.

Richard Curtis, the creator and
scriptwriter of Bean, sells out on
this one. Curtis not only wrote the
“Blackadder” series, but snatched
an Academy Award for his screen:
play, Four H'eddingx and a Funeral.
Quite a step down, really.

This is a weak film in all areas:
If you want the mugging about of
a hapless hero, go rent a Charlie
Chaplin or Buster Keaton. Hell,
even 3 jim Carrey film would be
better. It is very possible that
everyone on the planet‘s IQ
dropped about 40 points because
of this movie.


All registered orgtanilations wishintt to publish tncctinus, lectures, spct ial
one week ptior to publit ation.



-SAB Concert Committee re-
sents UK Un lu ged, Local alent,
every Tues, 15:05—2:00pm, Center
Theatre, Student Ctr

-SAB Board Meeting, 5:00pm, 203
Student Ctr; 257-8867
-Amnes ' International Meeting,
6:30pm, m. 205 Student Ctr;
CALL Kristen Houle 226—0642 for
more info
-Golden Key National Honor
Society Meeting, 7:30pm, Rm. 111
Student Ctr
-UK Sierrans Climate Change
Awareness Week Committee
Meeting, all students & organiza—
tions welcome, 8:00pm, Rm. 106
Student Ctr; 252-2850 ext. 1084

-UK Career Ctr Workshop:
“Business Etiquette," 12:00 m,
Rm. 208 Mathews Bldg; 25 -2746
-Donovan Scholars Program
Forum: “Pro rams of the Carnegie
Center for Literacy and Learning,”
Jan Isenhour, 3:30pm, Lex. Senior
Citizens Ctr

-Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship Quest/Worshi Time,
7:00 m, Rm. 245 Student Ctr; 252-
-UK Wesley Foundation United
Methodist Student Center PHAT
TUESDAY (Praise Honor And
Thanks), 7:30pm, Rm. 230 Student
Ctr; 254-0231
-Baptist Student Union TNT
(Tues Ni ht Together) Meeting,
7:30pm, haple-429 Columbia Ave;
-Newman Ctr Student Night,

7:30pm, 320 Rose Lni 255-8566 s

- netball Sing: tournament
brac‘ltets 3 2:00pm,
Staten 257-6 .... "-
-Fencin Club, 8:00-9230gm,
Alumni ym Lo 257-38 2

-UK Men’s Bu e

Audion?“ Exhibiti
Delay), :3 ,

1 vs. Court


vt-oD-W’QG‘ 4 -: -.

International Flavor,” 7: m,
Site TBA, CALL 257-413

WEDNESDAY 1 l/ l 2

1'UK Russian & Eastern Studies pre-
sents a Rimsian film, “Alexander
chs ,” to all, 4:30pm, Rm.
340 B , 257-3761

—PPASSA Pro-Physician
Assistant Studies Student
Association Meeting, 5:00pm, Rm.
231 Student Ctr

—SAB Next 8 e Series Meeting,
6:15pm, Rm. 20 Old Student Ctr;
25 7-8867

-UK Sierrans Climate Change
Awareness Week Committee
Meeting, all students & organiza-
tions welcome, 8:00pm, Rm. 106
Student Ctr; 252-2850 ext. 1084

—UK Career Ctr Workshop:
“Creative Job Search Strategies,”
12: m, Rm. 208 Mathews Bldg;
257-2 46 0

Latter-day Samt Student
Association Brown Ba Meeting,
12:00-12:50pm, Rm. 2 1 Student
-Cats for Christ Encounter,
7:00pm, Rm. 230 Student Ctr

-UK Percussion Society, Yamaha

Corp, 8: SAB tlilgh tJazz pre-
sents “Double Ime,’ ~8:00pm,
Singletary Ctr Rectal Hull, FREE ,
Admission (Master Class at}
5:00pm) - '

-Green Thum l) Environmental ,


Club Meeting, 7:30pm, Rm. 205 gmgmfmpm “may, .

Student Ctr
-UK Lunbda Meeting, 7:3

Rm. 231 bch Student Ctr;

Vir 'nia
SensibrC 1

-Ba tist Student Union Devotion
andiunch, $1 All You Can Eat!,
12:15pm, 429 Columbia Ave; 257-

-UK Wesle Foundation
Thursda blight Dinner & Praise,
6200-721 m, 508 Columbia Ave,
$2; 254-0 31

-Christian Student Fellowship
Thursday Night Live, 7:00pm, 502
Columbia Ave; 233-0313

—Cam us Crusade for Christ
Weekf) Meetin , 7:30pm, Student
Ctr orsham heater
-Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Meetin , 9:00pm, CSF Bld . (cor-
ner of oodland & Colum ia Ave)

-Fcncin Club, 8:00-9z30pm,
Alumni ym Loft; 257-381

-UK Volleyball vs. Tennessee, '
7:30pm; Lexin ton, KY

*Jewish Student Organhdon/l'mlel
Foundation mat the Dorm,
Cafeua-ia; 255-8348, All are wel—

-Circle of Imani Million Woman
March thco/ Discussion, 8:00pm,
Rm. 111 Student Ctr; 253-2425

FRIDAY t tum .
Am .

'Dept. ofArtprwmts “Minimum
from ‘ ,”
mm by

aw mafia.“

-SAB S I'ght Jazz Series pre
3515':- éMmkng?nk.oné .
Paid Admistion 3 my if.


wage Ida).

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lecture at 7:15pm in the Recital

-Tentative ML King Cultural Ctr
Drummin Worksho & Dance
Class, TB CALL 2 7-4130 for

more info

-Newman Center Catholic Mass,
6:00pm, 320 Rose Ln; 255-8566


-Raquctball Singles tournament

begins, Seaton Ctr Ra netball

Courts (thru 11/16) 25 -6584

-UK Football @ Vanderbilt,

2:00 in

-UT£Women’s Basketball vs.
Hungary-Exhibition, 7:00pm;
Lexin on, KY

-UK ollcyball @ Tennessee,

-Newman Center Catholic Mass,
9:00 & 11:30am, 5:00 8: 8:30pm,
320 Rose Ln; 255-8566
-Christian Student Fellowshi
University Praise Service, 11:0 am,
502 Columbia Ave; 233-0313





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From good to had for ll

Iy Jay 8. Tate
Sport: Editor

For the first five ints of a
gily-e‘n match, the Ulfovolleyball
team is as good as any in the South—
éd‘s‘mm Conference.

.Jt’s the other 10 points keeping
Mats from success.
Take for instance Friday night’s
m tch againsr No. 4 Florida. Big

ue, having upped its intensity
since a midnight workout Wednes-
day morning, made every game
l60k winnable during the early
stages. But the late stages projected
a much different story.

Though down only 5-7 in the
first game, UK lost it, 7-15.

T ough down only 4-6 in the
second game, UK lost it, 5-15.

Though up in the third game 4-


2, UKlost it, 6-15.

“At least we play well u to five
points in every game,” head
coach Fran Flory said Frida . “But
tonight we showed a lack o desire
and determination to finish the
game. I think we played according
to the score instead of just playing
to execute in every game.”

And playing to execute is all
about Florida. The Gator offense,
run by fifth-year senior Nikki
Shade, posted a powerful .352 bit-
tin efficiency against the yielding
Wi dcats. Front-line nasties Nina
Foster and Jenni Keene combined
to blast through UK’s blockers for
20 kills on only 28 attem ts.

More importantly, I e Gators
thoroughly shut down the Cats’
offensive stalwarts. Powerful out-
side hitter LaTanya Webb finished
the match hitting —.136. Ball-con-
trol outside hitter Katie Eiserman
finished hitting -.158.

Nothing was getting through
the Florida block.

“You can’t win a match with
your two best hitters hitting like
that,” Flory said. “It was a very
poor effort on their part — our set-
ting was good enough for them to
hit at least .100.”

But the Gators’ 11 blocks sent
even the Cats’ good swings right
back into their face.

“We concentrated on our block-
ing,” Florida head coach Mary

Wise said. “After looking at her
Louisville stats (a match in which
Webb posted 36 kills), we knew
that Webb is a player that can real—
ly go off. What we tried to do was
not give her easy swings and easy

Against South Carolina yester-
day, the same trends continued to

After a strong first~game win,
the Cats came our hot in the sec-
ond game, jumping to a 7-4 lead.
But a flurry of miscues, including a
string of Gamecock ti 5 which
landed in the middle of the UK
defense, eventually led to a Big
Blue collapse and another “L”, 3—1.

“The tips absolutely killed us
and we refused to adjust,” Flory
said. “That was (USC) adjusting to
something that our defense was
givin them."

T ough the net effect was near-
ly the same, yesterday’s match was
a totally different enterprise in two
important ways:

1.) UK’s outside hitter tandem

-of Eiserman and Webb awoke

against the Gamecocks. Eiserman
finished with 14 kills and a team—
high 12 digs, while \Vebb ripped
27 kills and hit .436 for the game.

“This is the best I’ve played in
the SEC all year," Webb said. “I
was feeling really good.”

2.) UK’s front—line blocking,
which struggled against Florida’s

powerful hitters, took control of
the shorter USC attack, notching
nine total blocks.Jacl n Homan led
the assault with five locks includ-
ing three solo blocks.

“W'e really went after them
today,” Homan said.

But whatever improvements the
Cats enjoyed against South Caroli-
na were nullified by another round
of what is uickly becoming UK’s
creed: “ y Are we Inconsis-

Throu h the match, Big Blue's
hitting ef iciency continued to fol—
low a downward spiral ~— from .318
to .283 to .262 to a woeful final-
game efficiency of .091. But one of
the problems which was to be
remedied by Wednesday’s mid-
night practice was the team‘s lack
of consistent effort.

And consistency was nowhere to
be found against U SC.

“\Ve knew we weren't goin to
solve (the inconsistency),” F ory
said. “One practice doesn’t turn a
team around. There‘s not a one-
practice solution. If l did that, I
could write a book and I wouldn't
be coaching — I’d be a millionaire
and sitting on a beach somewhere."

“For the first two games, I
thought we were pretty consistent,”
Homan said. “But after that, it
went back into the roller coaster
effect — we’re high one moment
and low one moment.”


Kellliulry Ai'nirl. Ila/“1.1), Kory/ill” Ill, 1997 .



P110108 BY JAMES CRISP Arr”:


DIG IT The UK volleyball team lot! m‘o matches this Ii'eel'eml despite the
effom of Jar/y" Homan (above) and Katie Eiserman (lefi).


l Sauce
UK women
: fall despite


By Bob Herbs!
Sports Editor

seems every time the UK women’s
s0ccer team meets Vanderbilt,
sOmething memorable happens.

j When the foes met three weeks
a , the Cats received two red cards.

e year ago in the NCAA Touma-
ment, No. 23 Vanderbilt defeated
UK in sudden-death overtime.

‘ Friday in the semifinals of the
Southeastern Conference Tour-
nament at Percy Beard Stadium, it
seemed like a pretty boring game
—'— until the 75th minute.

. Down by two goals, the Wild-
cats made a furious rally with scores
in the 75th and 77th minute to tie
the game. But a goal by Vanderbilt
with less than four minutes remain-
ing gave the Commodores a 3-2
win and sent the Wildcats home,
but not with their heads down.

' “We just fought together as a
team,” said three—time All SEC
forward Kim LaBelle who played
in her final game as a Wildcat.
“This was the first game we came
together as a team. It’s taken all
season for us to come down here
and lay that good.”

' anderbilt took a quick lead in

the first half b taking advantage
of a penalty kick that resulted
when UK defender Margo Hafer
took a down a Commodore inside
the goalbox.

Me an Wender penalty’s kick
was b asted into the upper left
corner to give Vandy the lead.

“It was questionable,” said UK
head coach Warren Lipka about the
official’s call. “Margo slid and toe-
poked the ball out of bounds and
number six (Vandy’ Asthildur Hel-
gadottir) falls down and they call it.”

Eleven minutes later Helgadot-
tir’s six-yard header off a Kris
Braunston cross ass gave Vandy a
two-goal lead. he ‘Dores took
the lead to the half when Lipka
did some questioning of his team.

“I basicall asked them what
type of people they were during
halftime,” Lipka said. “Are you
people that will stand up to a fight
or walk away? They s .owed me
they were people that would stand
up to a fi ht.”

The Wildcats couldn’t get past
the Vandy