xt73r20rtz54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rtz54/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1991 1991 1991-09-23 2020 true xt73r20rtz54 section xt73r20rtz54  

Kentucky Kernel

A .n‘ n v,- m 1.3%,. fifth“; 'i


Patrons call King
difficult to use

Senior Staff Writer

The closest most library patrons
come to adventure is in a Tom
Clancy novel. Unless it
happens to be the Mar-
garet 1. King Library,
where a student may
enter only to never be
heard from again.

Tales of confused

students wandering
aimlessly through the
darkest reaches of King
are the stuff of UK
folklore. Willi every
new year and with eve-
ry new freshman class,
a few more chapters of
frustration and confu-
sion are added to the
ongoing saga.

UK architect Robert
Taylor is one of the
people who wants to
rescue future genera-
tions of students from the fate that
befell him as freshman in l967.

“There was a two-doored eleva-
tor that connected (the original
building and the addition on the
back of it)," Taylor said. “I got in
and pushed the button and some
how wound up at the bottom.

“The back door opened and I
started looking around and I said,
‘Where the hell am 17’ There were
places there where you couldn‘t
get back to (the) front (of the

“'lhat was really unnerving."

Taylor eventually found his way
out, although he doesn't remember
exactly how he did it. Now he of-
fers a living testimonial about the
need for a new, less confounding

“People come to me and say,
‘Do we really need a new library?‘

ny story.‘ "

fusing to use.

can do to remedy the problem.


Then i say, 'Let me tell you a fun-

Taylor is helping plan a pro-
posed new central library that ad
ministrators hope will be less con~

Faith Hardcrs, associate director
for facilities at UK libraries, also
has seen the problem. Students
have stopped her and asked how to
get out of the library. she said.
But, until there is a new library.
there is little she or anyone else

“If you want to find a book and

you go in on that first level,
you've got lots of options as to
where your book might be," she
said. “The building —— by nature
— is inherently confusing and


Fin! in a three-part uric:
on plan: [or a new library.

complex. That is obvious to every-

Kevin Steely and Josh Meadors
can relate to those emotions. Last
week. they were doing
search for upcoming term papers,
struggling to find a book some-
where 0n Level E.

Steely, a chemical engineering
junior, equated finding a book in
King to digging a needle out of the
proverbial haystack.

“it's harder than doing Chinese
arithmetic," Steely said. “It's hard
to know if they‘re going by the
Dewey (Decimal) system or Li-
brary of Congress."

“It's too complicated," said
Meadors. an electrical engineering
freshman. “l‘ve been wandering
around for 30 minutes just trying
to find one book."

Complexity is not the only fault
patrons find with King.

“I think the thing that frustrates
most people when you go in the
front door and as you go through-
out the building is that for the most
part, it is a rather depressing
place," Harders said.

The original building, what to-
day is known as King South, was
built in 1931. It was originally a
closed-stack library, where stu-
dents came to the service desk and
asked for the books they wanted.
Then the librarian then would

See LIBRARY, Back page




Ali Amoli, an undeclared freshman from Lexington, spent Saturday afternoon catching up on his studies Finding a place to study in

Margaret i. King Library, especially during finals week, is often difficult because it only seats 914 people

Plans for new library taking shape

Senior Staff Writer

UK's library of the future is go-
ing to big -~— very big. Planners ex-
pect to be able to hold more books
than the current library and there
will ample room for people to

But what matters most to the
people planning the new $58 mil-
lion library are goose bumps. They
want the hair on the back of a per-
son's neck to stand up the first
time he or she walks through the

“We want them to feel that they
are in a specral place,“ said Faith
Harders, associate director for ta—
cilities at UK libraries.

“They shouldn't feel like they
are walking into the Student Cen-
ter or walking into the Fayette
Mall," Harders said. “We really
want an academic feeling and the

What do studems'want
in a new library?

i Students surveyed cited
these as the top four
prioritles in a new library:

Computer laciiities 7i
24-hour study area 68
General seating 53
Group study space 52

Based on parentage a sludenfs who ranked the
Vim as a high priority


sense of being some place spe

The still~unnamed budding is
being referred to as the “Common-
wealth Library" by Paul Willis,
UK‘s director of libraries. The lo-
cation hasn't been finalized but it

What do faculty want
in a new library? ..
i ; Faculty surveyed cited these

i {as the top four priorities in a
gnew library:

‘ JComputer families
, lBrowsing area
'General seating

' Late~eveninqsludyarea I:

‘ Based on percent ige at 'arv ~. w r‘, '4"I9(1 " u new.
‘ '33 a high promy
‘ l

, ‘SOURCE UK Ski F S' 7A" "r S B‘v" ‘r

is expected to be atom: ilrfltop \
mm in the area or Clifton (‘ircitx
Willis said the earliest date the
library could open iix doors is laii
The. pure SIYC oi the tit-w build-
ing should be enough to iniect aw

into the hearts of even the mo~t ar‘
dent skeptics.

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UK psychiatry professor recalls

Staff Writer

Moscow last month, Dr. Thomas
Miller could sense that a dramatic
event was about to unfold.

“There was a feeling that some-
thing was going to happen, but I
didn’t know what or when.” Miller

As it turned out, Miller, chief of

psychology at the Cooper Drive
Veterans Administration Medical
Center, was correct Just three
weeks after he an'ivcd back in the
United States, there was an attempt-
ed coup to overthrow Soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev.

Miller. also a professor of psychi-
atry at UK, spent several weeks
studying at the National Mental
Health Research Center in Moscow,
helping Soviet researchers deal with

Actor Newman lends

Contributing Writer

Holding a hammer in his cool
hand and a nail between his teeth,
actor Paul Newman joined with
more than l,(X)0 community volun-
teers Friday to put the finishing
touches on 15 new homes for the
working poor.

Newman. in town as pan of 3
Habitat for Humanity campaign,

spoke briefly to an anxious crowd
before beginning his shift, saying “l
really came here to work and not to

Newman, like the hundreds of
others who jammed construction
sites near Hawkins Avenue this
week, donated his time and money
to make the dream of affordable
housing a reality for nearly 75 peo-

Lexington was one of three cities

victims of post traumatic stress dis-
order resulting from the war in Af—

Reflecting on his monthlong trip
to the Soviet Union, Miller talked
about topics ranging from his re-
search to strife in Armenia. He also
discussed the conditions surround—
ing the coup attempt

Miller said Soviet Citizens hate
Gorbachev because “he‘s great on
the international front, but not good


recently chosen by Habitat for Hu-
manity lntemational to build 15
homes in one week. The modest
homes are built with volunteer la-
bor and some donated materials,
and are sold to the “working poor"
at no profit.

DaVid Stockham, UK dean of stu-
dents and sponsor of the campus
Habitat chapter, said Lexington was
the only city to complete its taslc ln
addition, volunteers began a 16th

recent turmoil in Soviet Union

on the domestic scene."

Some believe hard—line Commu-
nists are limiting the food supply.

“1 think it‘s true." Miller said.
“They not only hold back food, but
progress . lrcaiiybelieve that"

Miller said he also is concerned
about recent reports that Russian
Presrdent Boris Yeltsin is expen-
encing health problems because
Yeltsin is such an influential figure
for the Soviet people.

“One coup has been defeated. but
i wouldn't be surprised it another
occurs ~— especiaiiy it Yeltsin be—
comes ill." Miller said.

When he heard about the coup at—
tempt, Miller cud he inmcdiatcl}
thought of his friends in the Soviet

“1 was worried that all Gorbachev
had done to relieve them of their re-
strictions in their lives would he
lost," Miller said. i also thought

:he military would be used a.~ ll was
in Hungary '

Miller has been going to the >0-
vret Union as part of his work Since
late NW8. He said people iii the

iiau'xi Hal.“
much we share Wilh Sowet Cifllt‘nS

it't‘d lU ic'dili'k lit-vs

"'th Russians are wry human.
Miller said. lhcv want the Mtfl‘lt'
:hings we do. but they do lac .i or
we life because trieir dualizx i; izt
l\n tax botuitilui as ours

hammer for sake of ”humanity“

house Saturday.

“We can be proud." said Stock-
ham, who devoted his time to the
construction of the UK-sponsored
home. “Lexington was the only city
to pull it off and we were the small-

About 350 students and staff
from UK and Asbury and Berea
colleges worked all last week to en—
sure the UK-sponsored home would
be ready to turn over to Anthony

and Patricia Hughes.

Anthony, an employee of Lexing~
ton Public Safety; and Katrina, 3 ii-
branan. have been packed for
weeks. anxiously awaiting comple-
tion of the project.

“My wife can‘t even sleep." \altl
a giddy Anthony Hughes. “She gt‘l.\
me up to come over at 5 o‘clock in
the morning Just to look at ll when
there ain‘t nobody around."

Habitat founder Millard i-‘ullcr.

\md the lcxtngton proycct was a
“spectacular success."

“Lexington will definitely be an
inspirauon to other cities," i'uller
said. ”One of the things that this cx~
pcnence has proven is that you can
do a successful, large-scale [WOJCCI
without a celebrity on site.

”This was .1 success before Paul
Newman showed up and to do

See NEWMAN, Back page




Wildcats’ road blues continue against
Hoosiers. Story, Page 4.




Kentucky Kernel staff meeting at
3 pm. in 035 Enoch J. Grehan


Journalism Building.


. Talk shows glut
TV. Column,
Page 3.

Diversrons ...... . ..... 3
Sports Monday. . ...4
Viewpomt. . .. . ..8
Classmeds... ............ 9











2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday, September 23, 1991



Information on this calendar of events is collected from the Student Activities
on the Calendar a Campus Calendar Form must be filled out at


am - us Calendar



Board Room 203/204 Student Center. University of Kermcky. The Norm-tion is published as
the Student Activitiee Office. Submission of ptiotogrqshe or grephice ie encouragedl


uppiiedbyiheon-cempue looneor. For SnidemOrgenizedoneorUnlvenlty Depertrnentebmekeentn‘ee
DEADLINE: EnrbemtreedimesmmmomcemlemMeweek priornpubkadml








Monday 9/23

- Exhibit: 'Reinterpretations‘; Free; Gal-
breath Gallery (thru Oct. 12); call 254-

- Exhibit. 'Time...Pieces'; Free; UK Art
Museum (thru Oct. 6)

- Exhibition: UK Student Exhibition of Fine
Arts, 1991 Series; Free; Markey Cancer
Center-Siltz Gallery; 8:303m-4230pm; call

- Concert: 'Something Old, Something
New’; $3; Central Christian Church, Short
81.; 3pm; call 278-8297

Wednesday 9/25

- SAB Noon Outdoor Concert Series, 'ldi-
of Box'; 12pm; Lawn between the St. Cen-
ter and Limestone St.

- SAB Movie: What About Bob?‘; $2.00;
Worsham Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm
(Wed.- Sat), 4:00pm (Sun)

Thursday 9/26

- SAB Movie: What About Bob?'; $2.00;
Worsham Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm
(Wed.- Sat), 4:00pm (Sun)

- Performance: UK Symphony Orchestra;
Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 8pm; call 7-

Frlday 9/27

- SAB Movie: What About Bob?'; $2.00;
Worsnam Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm
(Wed - Sat), 4:00pm (Sun)

Saturday 9/28

. RAR Movie' What About Bob?': $2.00:
Worsham Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm
(Wed- Sat), 4:00pm (Sun)

. Performance: 'God's Trombones';
$13.50 advance, $15 day of show. $10
student/senior; SCFA Concert Hall: 8pm:
call 7-1706 or 7-4130


Sunday 9/29

- SAB Movie: What About Bob?'; $2.00;
Worsham Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm
(Wed- Sat.), 4:00pm (Sun)

- Center Sunday Series: 'UK Symphonic
Winds': Free: Concert Hall; 3pm; call 7-

- Center Sunday Series: 'Octoberfest.
Chris Newberry and the Singing Huns';
Free: SCFA Recital Hall; 3pm; call 7-4929
- Exhibition: Edward Troye: 'Famous
American Thoroughbreds': Art Museum,
Rose St. and Euclid Ave: call 7-5716 (thru


Monday 9/23
- Meeting: UK HEMP organization, Free:


Rm 115. Oid St Center. 7.30pm. cail


iii/VALE ©IF


@111? the MGIE




Monday 9/23

- Weekly meetings: Water Ski Team at
Club; Free; Rm 106 St. Center; 9pm; call

. Weekly meetings: SAB Cinema Comm;
Free; Rm 228 St. Center; 5pm; call 7-8867
. Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz
Comm; Free; Rm 204 Old St. Center; 4pm;
call 7-8867

Tuesday 9/24

- Weekly meetings: SAB Concert Commit-
tee; Free; Rm. 228 New St. Center; 3pm;
call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Chess Club; Free; Rm
111 St. Center; 4-10pm; call 887-2574

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter Open Student Meeting; Free; Newman
Center, Apt. 8; 11am; call 255-8566

. Weekly meetings: SAB Indoor Rec.
Comm; Free; Rm 115 St. Center; 6:15pm;
call 7-8867

Wednesday 9/25

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship,
Holy Communion; St. Augustine's Chapel;
5:30pm; call 254-3726

. Weekly meetings: Encounter; Free; Rm
205, New St. Center; 7pm; call 276-2362

- Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E. meeting; Free;
Rm 309. Old 81. Center; 7pm

Thursday 9/25

. Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8—2686

- Woekiy moeiings. Cariierbuiy Ciu'o-
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7:30pm; call 254-3726
. Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter Night; Newman Center; 7:30-8:30pm;
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Thursday Night Live;
Free; 502 Columbia Av.; 7:30pm; call 233-

- Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz
Comm; Free; Rm 204 Old St. Center; 5pm;
call 7-8867

Saturday 9/27
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;
Free: Newman Center; 6pm; call 255-8566

Sunday 9/28

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686
oWeekly meetings: Canterbury Fellowship,
Holy Communion; Free; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 10:30am and 5:30pm; call 254-

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass;
Free; Newman Center; 9 and 11:30am, 5
and 8:30pm; call 255-8566




Tuesday 9/24

- Speaker: 'Managing a Newspaper' by
Timothy M, Keily; Free; Rm 230 St. Cen—
ter; 4—5pm. caIl 7-8314

Wednesday 9/25 3
- Lecture: The Problem of EM, Kevrn J
Browne; Free; Rm 111. St. Center. 89m.
cail 269—1063

- Meeting: RHA Assoc; Free, Patterson
Hall: 9pm

- Lecture: Molecular AnaIySis of an Anti-
body Combining Site‘; Free; Rm MN563,

- Meeting: National Education Assocra-
tion Student Program; Free; Rm 122:
7:30pm; call 272—7209

Thursday 9/26

- Speaker: "Kentucky History. Dr. Thom-
as Clark; Free; Rm 230 St. Center; 4.
5pm; call 7-8314

Frlday 9/27

- Lecture. 'Scanning Eiectron Microscopy
and X-Ray MicroanaIySis for the Casual
User'; Free; Rm 137 Chem -Phys. Bldg;
3:30pm: call 7-7086

Monday 9/23
- Concert: Skin Yard w/ Brain Salad; $5; The
Wrocklage; 8pm; call 257-WRFL




- Lecture 'Express:on and Mutational
Analysrs of Two Human Purine Binding
Proteins: adenosme deaminase and ter-
minal transferase'; Free: Rm MN363;


Sunday 9/29

. Lecture-Center Sunday Series. The
Kiss of the Snow Queen; Artificial Intelli-
gence and Emotion': Free: SCFA Presi-
dents Room, 2pm

Frld " M11866 1




- SAB Noon Outdoor Concert Series,
'ldiot Box

- SAB Movie: “What About Bob?

- Lecture: 'The Problem of Evil'

. Meeting: RHA Assoc

- Lecture: 'Molecular Analysis of an Anti-
body Combining Site

- Meeting: National Education Associa-
tion Student Program


- Concert: 'Something Old, Something New
- Meeting: UK HEMP organization
- Weekly meetings: Water Ski Team & Club

- Class: Self Defense Classes for Women:

- Speaker: ”Managing a Newspaper‘
- Weekly meetings: SAB Concert Commit-
- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee
- Weekly meetlnge: Chess Club
- Weekly meetings: SAB Indoor Rec.
. Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter Open Student Meeting
- UK Hockey: CoolCat Tryouts
. Campus lntramurals: Golf Entry Deed-







Tuesday 9/24
- Concert: JESUS JONES (with special
guest 'Ned's Atomic Dustbin'); sponsored
by SAB; $12 student, $14 general public;
St. Center Grand Ballroom; 8pm; call 7-

Frlday 9/27
Concert: Bastro with Crain; $5; The
Wrocklage; call 257-WRFL

- SAB Movie: What About Bob?
- Performance: UK Symphony Orchestra.
- Speaker: 'Kentudty History, Dr. Thomas
- Weekfy meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopai Student Fellowship
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Night
. Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopal Student Fellowship
- Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz
- UK Hockey: CoolCat Tryouts




Sunday 9/29
- Class: Self Defense Classes for Women:
Free; Alumni gym, Loft; 3pm; call 273-
- Comedy Event: Kate Clinton, guest co-
median; $12 regular, $10 students/seniors,
and $8 children; SCFA Recital Hall;
7:30pm, call 7-4929


Jim Shembhu/Contrlbutlng Artist

136‘ Monday 9/23


- SAB Movie: What About Bob?
- Lecture: 'Scanning Electron Microscopy
and X-Ray Microanalysis for the Casual
- Lecture: 'Expression and Mutational Analy-
sis of Two Human Purine Binding Proteins
- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs North Carolina;
at North Carolina
- Volleyball: Male Beach Volleyball Tour-
nament entry deadline

- SAB Movie: ‘What About Bob?
. Performance: 'God's Trombones'
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday Mass
- UK Football: Kentucky vs Kent State;
Commonwealth Stadium
. UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs Duke; at
- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Western Ky.; at

- SAB Movie: 'What About Bob?‘

- Center Sunday Series: ’UK Symphonic

- Center Sunday Series: 'Octoberfest,
Chris Newberry and the Singing Huns'

- Lecture-Center Sunday Series: 'The Kiss
of the Snow Queen

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee
- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner, All-


- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner, All-U-
Can-Eat; $2; Newman Center; 6pm; call

. Weekly meetings: University Praise Ser-
vice; Free; 502 Columbia Av.- UK; 113m;
call 233-0313

- Campus Rec: Aikido; Admission TBA;
Alumni Gym, loft; 8:30pm; call 273-9877

Tuesday 9/24

- UK Hockey: CoolCat Tryouts; Free; Lex-
ington Ice Center; 9pm

~ Campus lntramurals: Golf Entry Dead-
line; Seaton Center; call 7-3928

- Golf: Golf Singles. Entry Deadline; $6;
Rm 145 Seaton Center; call 7-6584

Wednesday 9/25
- Campus Rec: Aikido; Admission TBA;
Alumni Gym, loft; 8:30pm; call 273-9877

Thursday 9/26
- UK Hockey: CoolCat Tryouts; Free; Lex-
ington Ice Center; 9pm

Friday 9/27

- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs North Caroli-
na; at North Carolina; 7:30pm

- Volleyball: Male Beach Volleyball Tour-
nament entry deadline; $5 per team; 145
Seaton Center; 4pm; call 7-3928

Saturday 9/28

- UK Football: Kentucky vs Kent State;
Commonwealth Stadium; 8pm

- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs Duke; at
Duke; 7:30pm

- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Western Ky.; at
Western; 8pm

Sunday 9/29

- Campus Rec: Aikido; Admission TBA;
Alumni Gym, loft; 1pm; call 273-9877

- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs U. of Arkansas;
at Western Ky.; 8pm





Kentucky Kernel, Monday, September 23, 1991 - 3



Yakety Yak: Talk shows glut television

If your last name begins with the
letter “A", expect to be contacted
soon about getting your own syndi-
cated talk show. (Being a “"G, I
won’t be contacted until sometime
next April.) After all, we're running
short of celebrities to give talk
shows to.

What’s worse, we’re running
short of talk show guests. Do you
do anything to anyone anywhere? If
so, you stand a good chance of be-
ing booked. (For a talk show, that
is.) I'm confident that Phil. Oprah.
Sally, Geraldo, Maury, Larry.
Chuck, Ron, Bob, Byron, Arsenio,
Dave, Regis, Kathy Lee, Gary, Jay,
Johnny, John, Jane, Joan, Jesse,
Jenny and the others (I know I'm
forgetting some) are ready to hear
your story.

I don‘t know how most of these
hosts were selected. I'm assuming a
raffle was employed in some cases.
After all, “Scrabble" and “Love
Connection“ host Chuck Woolery
isn't exactly the person I’d most
like to have hobnobbing with satan-
ists or cross-dressing garbage men.
Save that for Geraldo, the show that
makes “A Current Affair“ look like
“Meet the Press."

Check out Oprah. reputedly the
greatest woman since Joan of Arc.
Enjoy as Oprah’s meaningless
questions and apparent lack of prep-
aration get in the way ofa potential-
ly enlightening topic. Ron Reagan


‘Oresteia’ to
kick off UK
Theatre season

Staff reports

The UK Department of
Theatre has announced its
l99l-92 season, which be-
gins next month with a per-
formance of Aeschylus‘ “The

“The Oresteia," which
opens Oct. 10 at the Guignol
Theatre. is directed by Rus-
sell HendersonStudent sub-
scriptions for the 1991-92
season are $20 per set plus a
$1.50 processing fee. Stu-
dents in various classes are
requrred to View the plays.

The following is a list of
plays and their dates for the

“The Oresteta," Oct. lO-lZ,
l7~l9: “To Kill a Mocking-
bird," Nov. 21-23. Dec. 4-6;
“The Foreigner," Feb. 13—15,
20-22; “A Wrinkle In Time,"
April 9—11, to-tx.




Jr. is barely noticeable on his show;
he usually lets the guests argue
things through with a minimum of
interference. If the topic and guests
are interesting, this format actually

Arsenio Hall‘s show is consid-
ered to be the most “hip" (in lieu of
“funny") show on the air today. Ar-
senio never actually tells jokes. He
might get three-fourths of the way
through one, laughing all the way,
when he suddenly stops. If he does
get through it, there‘s no punch
line. He’s popular nonetheless.

Sometimes, I‘ll watch Arsenio's
show when he “gives it up" for a
guest I like. Once in a while, Arse-
nio asks a question that reveals he
did some kind of research. He man-
ages to squeeze it in between the
nonsensical questions or his logic-
free comments and impersonations.

I guess I prefer to ”give it up" for
the oldies. But David Letterman,
long worshipped by college stu-
dents (including this one), isn‘t
quite as good as he once was. Let-
terman seems to try much less hard-
er than he once did. I can remember

laughing my head off at New Gift
Items, The Museum of the Hard To
Believe, the NBC Bookmobile, Lar-
ry “Bud” Melman's Bus Service,
Do‘s And Don'ts With Frank and
Fred, or Dave's Video Funhouse.
Why doesn’t he do those things any
more? Today. it’s a few (intention-
ally) lame opening jokes. a Top Ten
list, and (our viewer mail letters on
Friday night. (It used to be five.)

Is this an act of blasphemy? Not
really. I still think it’s the best talk
show on the air. The Top Ten list is
one of the most consistently funny
features on TV today. talk show or
otherwise. Viewer mail is still fun-
ny. In fact. Letterman is as funny as
ever when he works at it. He just
doesn‘t seem to work at it as often
as he used to.

I take pride in having been a Let-
terman addict since before “Late
Night" hit the airwaves in 1982.
How many people out there remem-
ber Letterman‘s morning show in
1980? Though it only ran a few
months on NBC, the show had the
same warped. goofy style as the late
night version. The time slot was
wrong for that kind of show. Few
morning viewers knew what to
make of Letterman and his loony
brand of humor. This eleven-year-
old may have been enthralled, but
the average housewife preferred
game shows.

Jay Leno is one of the funniest

the Kentucky tier-neg

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comedians in the United States, and
there is no one better to take over
“The Tonight Show." But for it to
work, he really needs to remake the
show in his own image. I realize he
can't do that yet, since the show is
still Johnny Carson's, but he will
have to eventually. So far. the only
pan of the Leno “Tonight Show"
that works completely is the mono-

This isn’t surprising: Leno is the
best stand-up in the country. But his
visual gags — the new gift items,
for example — don‘t quite click.
But, like Letterman, Leno's own
winning personality and brilliant
wit make his “Tonight Show" stints
among the best of the talk show

Many of these shows will be
gone in a few months. It's not hard
to figure out why. Ninety percent of
them have nothing to distance
themselves from the pack. They
blur together as one giant talk show
with dozens of hosts, each roaming
through the audience with a hand-
held mike. I’ll pass.

Instead, I‘ll just keep flipping
through the channels, pausing occa-
sionally to savor those rare mo-
ments when something other than a
new talk show is being telecast

Senior Srafjr Writer Toby Gibbs is
a UK employee and a Kernel col-

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4 - Kontucky Kernel. Monday, September 23, 1991





Assnstant Sports Editor

report card handed to the UK foot-
ball team in Saturday's game
againSt Indiana sparkled in every
subject except one. The Wildcats
couldn't earn a "\V" 111 winning and

“1 was proud of the effon," UK
coach Bill Curry said of his team’s
13~lll loss at Indiana. “But the ob-
iective was li‘ it ill It was :1 pain-
tul iesson."

.\tter three \c’OI’ClCSS. grueling
quarters of football, both offenses
broke the game open, seonng a
combined total of 23-poiiits m the
majority of w hich Indiana's way.

The early report had the Cats (1-
L a 10-point underdog, mostly be
.‘ause of a defense that yielded 233
yards mshing in its debut against
\liami (Ohio).

And the quesuon posed to L'K's

program was this If L'K had a

problem stopping the Miami run-
ning game, would things get any
easier against one of the nation‘s
best backs - the Hoosiers'
Vaughn Dunbar“?

But the Cats‘ defense answered
the question, holding Dunbar to an
average of 3.8 yards per carry.
Dunbar ran for 147 net yards, but it
took him a career—high 39 attempts
to do so.

Two weeks ago against sixth-
ranked Notre Dame. Dunbar aver-
aged 4.0 yards per carry

See GAME. Page 5

Win and

Senior Sta“ Writer

BLOOMINGTON. Ind. —- Terry
Samuels was plugged in and tuned
out. Sitting in the locker room in a
coat and tie. his eyes closed, head’
phones on. the mammoth UK full-
back appeared to be far away from
what had just happened on the foot—
ball field

When he took off his head-
phones. Samuels, whose vorce is
strangely soft and high for a bruis-
ing grant. was forced back into real‘

He had to talk about one of the
most painful losses UK has ever
suffered m a 13—10 loss to Indiana.
A loss that was marked not by [JR
being outplayed. but by UK mental—
ly collapsing when the chips were

No. 8 Texas
defeats UK
in volleyball

Senior Statt Wr'fer

The volleyball players in Memo-
rial Coliseum screamed more yes-
terday than doomed coeds in “Fri-
day the 13th."

In the scene at Memonal. Jason,
played by the Texas Longhorns,
tries to decapitate, maim or other-
wise (lismernbvr the screaming
cocds. played by Lady Rats

The Victims at one pomt appear
on the verge of defeating Jason. But
as any horror fan knows, this killer
never dies. and yesterday he re—
turned from the dead to slash out a
3-1 victory to take back to Crystal
Lake (just outSide of Austin).

For 25th-ranked Kentucky, cries
of “Mine, mine, mine!" or “Side
out, Side out," along with various
grunts and a few expletives took the
place of panic-stickcn shneks for

But whether the set was a live
volleyball court or a filmed summer
camp, the outcome was the same.

The Longhoms' chief assassin.
Nikki Busch, led the attac