xt73r20rtz1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rtz1s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1986 1986 1986-10-08 2020 true xt73r20rtz1s section xt73r20rtz1s t i . . . .. I
“A . ' .. ‘ ~ , . . .. - . - . "x .. - 35 a . - . _ '
fi‘tfitvsz‘“? ~ J t 1:..— ..‘s"w " ~ y m» that“ new»: Ws .e:
En 'ronmental crises R C
8 l t . _ eaga urges ongreSS
p ague moun ain areas, f , , ~; I
986 W“ " ‘A‘; ' ' A"
r3\ H.\'\I’. LESTER local environments. but they also A t P 'd t k f l'f ' f b ' I - :I ‘
~\‘tatt \\'ritei have serious consequences" for ad— A , r651 en as S 0r 1 tlng 0 arms arrlers . V I - -.
iacent areas. when natural forces ' - .' - .- I .
I’r.id_\umna I’ Karan has been curry man-made problems through ' B} Tl-JREM‘HIH'X'I‘ Don't undermine my negotiating po sions L”. the pad .vhei‘e i' .ias clear , If , a
fascinated “till the alpine environ- the environment.he said. , I Assoctated Press sition Each of you are key to any I} m the national interest to unite. . ' ' .
ineiit since 1943 when he made his For example. Kai’an explained ._ . chance we have of proceeding with a we have done so I have eierIv comi " -, ‘ .
tiisttriptotliemountains how 50.] 91.05“,“ and increased ..._ “'ASHING'I‘UN , President Rea united government I appreciate dence that we viilI do so again on ' ' '
.\-~ .i geographer. his concern in ground water runoff m the Ilima- \ gan appealed directly to (‘ongress‘ very much I\liu[‘(-Hii['!s in help make thisoemsiiin ', I . -- ~' -. *
:i-i t i1! I\i'.i;\ has i reused tilt the eco- lavas ”I Nepal cause flooding m the . yesterday to erase tough restrictions thistripa success ’ Ilouse .\I.iior'tx leader Jim .- -' ' _ >
ituiia. pi-ohlenis ot the world‘s agricultural plains 01* the Ganges .» . on his nuclear weapons program. ar- Reagan s comments were relayed \triglir I) ’l’.-\.,\ has our vi. Pl“ . ' . ‘I T? 2
. [Hillllll‘lnl1'('L{|tlns River. ;:‘-".;;3{!a"‘ _ . III ‘ :. I : guing that his weekend summit with to reporters va Lari-Iv speakes his ott I'll'lllt‘l' .lt'IItilI iii. 'tie lt‘sll‘lt'lltllls » .' I. .
- Karaii. the ('ollege of Arts & 50h "An (inure Village may suddenlv ’ a; ‘ " Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev chiet spokesman until atter the lielaiid xiii-Nina and -‘ ' . .’
t‘tlt‘t's distinguished professor for he drowned " Karan "sand The . . _ "can only succeed it our govern Tm. ”mm. has approved a budget the regular sUIIlIIll' t'xIw'."i‘tl Io iol I , '. , ,
, lttttitt'i. gave a lecture last night ad- mountain regions also suffer contm- PRAIHl MNA P- I‘ARAN ment IS united , . measure that would ban nuclear lovalate Inmt‘}'t‘ill‘ . , ' .
, dressing crises lacing the mountain- uaI loss 0“ agricultural land because . TWO duh before ”.V'lnts’ ‘0 Iceland. tests. prohihit testing of antisatellite “right said he Ittill 'he president - « .
: out ecosystems and what needs to of landslides.hesaid. l‘il'lh‘ S'dl’uk'l‘.‘ “1 ”‘0 mountains. ”1 Reagan summoned Democratic and “pawns rpqhm. IIthHM. 3., mp that "we do not .\tl.’:I to iiaxe .1 «In: ‘ . 1
'vedonetosoliethem the I; “-‘l “”1““ “"5! ”t Tokyo Ri‘PUMK'U" congressional leaders I" SALT [I treat}. tree/.e ItllltIIIlL’. tor ‘l‘~t"lUdl‘l"‘l before'lie»tt:i;::. ' i ‘- . .; . '-
, In the past few decades. there Besides the Pmmem ”f rapid pop» H" “'M that ”1 m“ IXlSI- llélllttl‘u‘ll a White House breakfast to "make a star Wars tteteiise and lilock produi ~\IX‘de find “17%?” “ I'l"'I)"‘el 1"" V ,‘ fl ‘ .‘
. has been a growing awareness that ulation growth m underdeveloiwd ”'ld llllt‘l'llilllttllill Urgaxnzulmns specnil appeal" for lifting Home In,” ot hum} (mum-Al) “pawn, .\ delaying any «Whine, .-,..\ the , . I . ,
' all I\ not “AI“ in the mountain re; areas. he addressed the increase in havent considered environmental passed barrierstohis armshuildup Senate version oi the catchall spend- (“wed hut ”“1“,“th 'l‘t‘ \tlim- . . II . . .- I.
; Lllttlls ot the world." Karan said. "In tourism m the mountains of North tactors “""ll “I‘ll”; 1” hVIP Ulldl'"""' "It is exceedingly difficult for me mghillcontams nosuch restrictions ll'lUscnants theissue I't’Slli'tt‘iI now .5 I, ' ; , H .
‘ practice. however. little or nothing America: _“95tem hurope Iand WWW“ ”‘tllttns ”“PF‘M‘ ”1“” “W” to enter into discussions with the So- -~1 believe vet?» strongly that a "It was the presidents ptis‘llltll‘. .’ . . -II .
I hast-hanged -- Japan «Iwhichi threatens the fragile oiiiiis viets when legislative restrictions meeting or this kiiiil can onl\ \IIAI that “A, “mild preter 2i. p4,» a . . V.
N,” ”new” overgrazed pastures. mountaintmironment lloviever. he suggested that ’envr apply t“ ”‘9 "9"." areas that Iare ceed it our govermiieiit is united. 'I‘Iix‘nanm {”11 Itor In" ‘I‘II‘IIY‘H' PHI; , ~ ' i ;
. .ilivl reforestation are niaIior probe Karan referred to Japanese social ronmeiital maintenance proiects‘ undIeIr negotiatlfins With ”10 5““ Iii-agar: Mild 'I iaimot stress the “”hII‘dI’PI’”Witty Alli-””1“ lzI‘Wl‘I ”1.; .~ , ' . . j
7 it‘ll“ 1!? ”HM" I't’t-lltttb. Karan sold scientists. who have found that “the t‘HLlhl he "incorporated into rational ”>- Reagantoldthe lawmakers importance ot this enough I need d”"”"\‘“ and “‘Hi‘" ‘t""""*”L “n" . - ' . . .:
siieli processes are a threat to number of tourists exceeds the car economic development "I ask you not to tie my hands your bipartisan support Hii occa . sl \i\ill l':.. I ., ' 1
z ‘ t ' i . a , . .- - ‘
AI l .iiii I'BS maneections
i ‘ t * l t i z s. i t r . _ .
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- ”I forSGA osn n
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, r {$7 A .‘ : _I . 5 13 candidates to compete for to 0 spots . . .
: I I 5 A I g A . I
; . a f n, 3".“ s I I f . . . .
t i ' l . s in Student Government Assoc1ation
.« i i ‘ E ‘
i I ~ ______ . ,
g ' I E , § in .i \NIPZSHHI \( iii III. I
i ' "'t ll'i‘._'\lifl"" , ‘ .' '
2 Q ! “"“" ’u' ‘ (The treshman . .
i V ~~ , The Stiitii-rt liovernnieiit \.\‘~lit‘lii clegtiryns are) a SOOd A ' . A
' “ ‘ -‘i t\ " tion will lltd't its 7101a tl’t‘sltlfluli sen . . . . ,I . ,
. , r“ _ ator UMIIIU”. yihnhao. I“: :;-e~li “21} IO IHIIIGIL’ younger . I
: .‘- men will he ahle tit cas' the r \tllt‘.‘ members into SCiA . .
I Q, ‘ at \arioiis lixations ant: ’ii1es or: . . , '
3 - campus that Will possibly be .
. (‘rH I’ *aves. chairman ot the ~ I. ' '
- _. i (“L “ .. A . , , ,_ , our tuturc leaders. , '
‘ _ 3 t‘lt‘tllttlls boar». \tlli tna o. til» I. . I
I A f ; 5 candidates running. There are {We Jason \\|II|ams .
I: § . .. ‘L z pairs runniiigIon tickets. aloiii.‘ with SGA e\ecuti\e branch I' II- ' ' .
i I: -‘ . three Independent s . I ,
I ‘ i A He said those candidates who are _ , . .
I ‘ I , . ; . l I l I'Ullllllw "“ ”th'“ “r" ””I'W “‘ 1"" The three llliIt'pt‘t‘ittt'l‘.’ t.;'. 1. :ates 1 . ' . . ’
A. ‘ Villlll’dlfilllllfi IIUI‘IWN“ ”I“? "I“ "’4‘“ are Iim ('ratt Ill-end Maori-s ant: , ’ '- I;
n 1 Q 9' , tor ”M” l‘hl‘m.‘ lax: ii l.\tii:etii‘al‘..irr. - . I . 'I
,. . . m 7.1-...” 0 .— ;: . . . .. ' w. w \_Q,~ .. Jason “Numb” 51“ ‘x‘m‘m;\;r“ 'Iwitiorrous tri-shmai. seizatoi ‘lt' ; .. ' - »
I ' . ' I MW :I'C feIAIxs,I-.;..g‘ ‘: 1"“; '; "7“! :I. Hg fi ’Q t 3’ g tive assistant said the purpose or .ii; “per. .II students xiii: Lave III : .~ vI - . I .‘
A ’; “ifs ; '31; - ‘fi A. 7?": xi; {I a; ; £915???” ‘fis; - a: M35“ 1; 3;? ’} electing itestiniaii senatoh 2> "' I‘” run. it ‘e t'\\ than lo « rut! tioiit‘s ‘ ‘ . ~ .
an :4}; A ‘3?» ;' it"; ’1‘” ".- 4' ”‘1" “""mzell: ”Wt“ 13: ?[]""l;i‘1"“l" VIA“ iliit' Jade-ills littlsl Inesi‘lit ii ’ ‘I ' I: ‘ .
' 1W” maul: staitr r.’ III and achxtlx «a ti ; Q; "; I“; -.
“It s important that trestn'iei: ENNIHHW «or; tote toi two candi . .‘ , 'I
haie a vote or. the senate I' s 'I‘m" II II I . III . I ' I' ‘ .
I II also a good way to initiate )oiinuei \‘I'Imi‘I “1‘ ‘H ‘1““" n“ “"hmmg ' ,. ‘
Auuum Km. 5'" memhers into $1M that will possitrlv W” “"“I""”“ I I II . ' I ". '_ ,- '
one on one be out” tiittn’c leaders ' \\:I!l.llli\ H"“'""m Blllldtlt: “ “ ”‘ "’ - .ill I . .
s; id I’m '_. - , ' '
I ; \I.| Kin: Libran t pm to H .‘ I.
I Mike Whitworth who recently moved to Lexington from Texas but ended up playing 0 little one on none on the basketball In addition to rlii- luai ft'pshnum p ii: I ,. I‘ - .- .
. I was supposed to meet some friends to play some basketball COUr'S ”9“ '0 the tennis center Yes'e'dOY WWW" l’“‘”"‘”>‘ "“'Iifli’]"- ”M“ student teiiim- in to a iii to 33o I . '~
I are two others open llie medical I‘ll‘ ~ I. ‘ A‘
school and l.e\nii.1toii t'oiiiiiiiiiiit, ‘ I , . t I.
O O O I (‘ollege will also elect their M‘IIJIHI‘s W'Ilm'tll. ("lupin (ominous. and . A , ‘ '
Greek organizations SOllClt e y e donors ‘ " " ' ”
‘ r H ' . . ,
. These positions will he \iriteins .' ”Ii
. - ~ he'au. ~ ll >llI'III,\i Ii -I ' t - .‘vlemai s noo. .illi lit Jtiilt'llis ' ’ ~
In s’IHRUN lt.\T(‘lll-‘()Rl) Students wishing to donate their part of the eye that covers the iris given the chance to use it for trans- \. A)“. V H [H I”) H I”; m (III ion W; -h,., Mums-c _g, 'Ilt‘il‘ '. i f
, StattWriter eyes' corneas when they die are and allows light to enter the interior plants It must be used within two .p “ respei-tne schools IAIIIII I ;o II in II ' ‘ .‘ i I
asked to sign a donor card that oftheeye days.shesaid Freshmen running (in “(kph are AII.. zopiz, ' ‘ I’
1‘” ‘2‘“ donor dl‘lVE‘ Will be h9|d gives the medical centers bank The ['K Medical (‘enter‘s bank \anc) “INN.” Itouulas \hhhh ” » ' - a '.
tl‘ltm 5’ 3 m I” 3 pm. tomorrow out- priority for using the eyes. K9." said. “'35 established In 193l- 53”“ “9b“ It the e) es cannot he transplanted 'I‘ini Ileiiihree. I,iicI\ lighiiiii. Itriaii 'l‘hir viiiiiiers u: ‘r.i t'il't (an i :re _ ' .
SHIP the Student Government ASSO’ Students who sign the back 0f their rah Silk. the 9)"? bank's program because the donor had a disease, the Sumner. Karl Ladegast. .\Iike l)eh- announced a' to 'oii.or:ovi night lIl . . I '
WNW)” offices on the “IS! floor 0f driver's license can 3150 donate coordinator. . L'K Medical Center uses the tissue linger. Mike t‘t‘oshie. ('hip Jackson the tree speech area of the Morten! . . ‘ I’-
the Student (‘enter theireyes. She was not aware of the drive for research. Silk said and Mark Hyman “.th .
The drive is cosponsored by the This is the second year TKE has being held by TKE and D2. but said I »
Tau Kappa EpSilon fraternity and held suchadrive.Keysaid. that the Fayette County Medical 80- ° . I -
lht‘ “0““ 20‘“ sorority. The fraternity asked Delta Zeta to Ciety is holding a similar drive She mnesty n terna Iona I »
The eye donor drive is being held co-spOnsor the drive to get more said that more (11‘1"95 need ‘0 be
for the [K Medical Center's eye publicity for the event and to help held, . WA 0 V0 0 '
hank The bank was set up for the staff the sign-up desk. Key said. It is "We try to make everyone aware ' 1:3 33?“? t0 hOId candlell ht lg] 4
center by the Lions Club, said Doug also easier to get students to rip of the importance of signing an W: m ‘3 m . ,‘
Key. TKIC secretary and assistant to proach a table if there are women organ donor card."Silk said. Ami“ as a NM! *2 - -
tlie fi‘aternity‘s public services as wellas men sitting there.he said. The eye bank is not a bank m the Rwy,“ W w.“§ 8) Will Reiishiiii inform people about religious op- » -
chairman . A . . 5) « a l l s 3 - A ”i W (‘ontributin writer ression
. . Most people do not realize that stnst that iIilood )anins ilk said W .Milflfllfl‘c M ii P ,. ‘h' AI \IIIIIII . Iti I
"\te Just like domg a lot of public when they Sign up to donate their The corneas are not stored. When mwar , A§ IlK i aptu ititlt ary (gina .
service." said Key. an advertising eyes. they are only donating the cor- donated eye tissue becomes avail- -..--M-..,..-.s;....m ”swash Tonight Amnesty International wink will speak about the govern
sophomore neas. Key said. The cornea is the able. LexingtonAarea surgeons are t ‘ A' ’~ ~ will sponsor £1 candlelight \‘lgll tea; mental oppression of the Roman
c» . . wuss tract attention to its efforts to en t‘atholict‘hurchinl.atin;\merica
0 0 O O O O 3:“ . J m. “A religious repression around the Freeland said members from a ‘
lll‘VlVOI‘ in military Sandinistas say W n m ~ .
’ ., M 3“ M Any; Amnesty International is an aide in SolldarlH' with People of Iran"
_. *"“s< ~ .- mfl-‘t‘e etahifisuyggg I , .
i . , . . V, , . . ’13; ...s m M“ “Q‘- pendent. non-partisan movement. \\'l“ill.\'0§p(‘dk at the vigil
It) “URI-M shlbki connection between Hasenfus and companied Hasenfus saidIthe other Amifiw “fl «swig whosemaintocusis human rights The group IS composed mestly of
Associated Press the LS, government. two men killedeere Americans they A we”; According to Steve Freeland. Iranian students concerned with the
. I . . Hasenfus was allowed to speak to identified as Wallace Blaine Sawger A “ : .A “so chapter president of the l'K chapter human rights in theircountry
MANAtit A. Nicaragua — AIn local journalists briefly in San Car- Jr and Bill (ooper. Their home- W‘VfiiggLLQ . AM“; of Amnesty International. the main There is also a possibility that the
American who survwed when Sandi- Ios. a port on Lake Nicaragua near towns were notavailable , I “was! ,c A ~ .wm ..».~«u~ » reasons for the fig” are m I“ [K Baha‘i faith. a religious organization
iiista soldiers shot down a cargo the crash I5ite. He said the plane Nicaragua had said initially that and the public know what the group from Iran formed in the 50A will be
plane said yesterday he is an aVl- began its Journey in Miami. picked allthree dead men were Americans. stands for represented.Freeland said
ation specialist who boarded the C- him up in El Salvador. then took a The bodies were said to be in bad “We‘re trying {0 raise the con« During the candlelight vigil. the
123m ElSalvador Nicaraguan aboard inIHonduras and condition and still at the crash site .01.? . III .311? .. M sciousness of the religious oppres musical group “Out of the Dark
Vic'ira uan officials have I ’med entered Nicaraguan air space from in a remote Jungle area north of the *.AIA fish A} sion that exists in other countries." ness." will preform. The trio. com-
.' ‘ f ‘ cf" C05” Rica at a Site known as La San Juan River. WhlICh helicopters 2;?" ‘ . ‘ if ~ Freeland said, “There is a real need posed of former Amnesty Interna‘
33‘8““ laienfus. 45~ QIIIranngt‘fi Noca on the San Juan River. . had difficulty in reaching because of fees” w ‘9: ~ for awareness." tional members. focuses "5 music
I "‘3 '53" .mer'ca" m" ’y a “5' According to Hasenfus. the Nica- poor weather- . I I g? ‘ggA . The candlelight meeting will also onhuman rights.
:rI serving lIfIII tEIAIISaIIvadg:I 3nd the Iraguan was one of three men killed Sandinista officials said the plane AWJ‘ws-g H , A “give the members a formal meet- “We‘re looking to promote new
Ir‘ntf‘pnr Vs' 0 0““ n 8) Iln In the Crash. “‘35 Shot down “1th a SOVIel-made III'I ... A; 3% IvIe “1.17"; ”A s." ing in order to renew” [MIT Interes‘ mmlvation tOW'ard thls W'Orthwmle
:38 (TI: a‘m'giuzai; t‘dyiibecrrfi);gh‘t8 It was not clear from the Ameri- surface-tdair missde at a 590‘ 35 ’A’ ”3% I. , AI . . inthecause." Freeland said, cause.“ Freeland said.
mirth: leftist Sandinistas s - can's brief remarks whether he was miles north 0‘ C08“ Rica and 91 5s; ”A: A;I it? _ Throughout the night several The vigil will start at 7:30 pm. at
‘ ‘ ' amilitary manoracivilian. "“15 southeast 0‘ Manama " ‘ ‘ g M speakers will stress the importance the ampitheater behind Memorial
- . . . st ,. 5 1 ‘ 39‘19‘3Ka *5 .A ‘
-. ()ffiCials in Washington denied any Nicaraguan army officers who ac- Seesl'mluin. Pagc.‘ ‘tg‘mfifih ‘ 0‘ PENSIONS freedom and the need to Hall.

 i » i i l
‘ :‘ 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL WM” acme, 1m
- . . Andy Domtori
.-~ _ 3 PO RTS Sports Editor
\\:' \' .-
A t k l d 1' th Il 01115 f01‘ defense
"\ ‘f‘j‘. p
f ‘ _ \ 1.5 .l‘ . kk,(.lt.n>.\‘.u,.”Marduk. talk ”(-5 [enamous —-——_-———’ “When they tUSMl turned the hall over they were more." Neal said "We had eight to to guys around the
:13. .' . _ _ . . M... 0, my” play, it “a. praise for play was evident very big plays for us.“ Claiborne said. “They came at hallon every play '
.5 . f C. . \ .\. .. “ W: \m trankly. they were Just tired from the opening T very opportune times and i think that's why we were L'K linebacker .lett Ki'eiiier said the swarming de
.‘- ;. n.“ .. - . gun The Golden Odd able toscore like we did," tense is due to the experience the players have gained
t. \ _ _1(.,(.,..,(..._\ tigured the “8). to end all Eagles had the ball JONES Gardner led the way in take-aways. The sophomore iromplayiiigtogether
«gay: .3“: .. . . ‘ ~ . ”my. their play matter And that twice in the first defensive end intercepted a pass. recovered a tumble. __I felt “N “wk m“ WWW] ”I . g _ ) t ‘ '1
"t. ._ . . when Eagles laid goose eggs on the quarter and gained and intheprocess became part-time prophet. .. . - .. ‘ ‘ 2 t . 1. ts “ch whims ”M 1
‘5 3.1227- . three yards on six er. he said lawiybody teels ieally t'oiiitortahle with
'. . c‘ .~ .‘ x , . ‘ c w . . . ~ .
g. . T .- - ~ . . _ . . 5 2 . . . , . - , “Last week tagainst LC) 1 got defensive lineman oi evei'ybmly else. lhey kiitm that ii they get their (in ii ioi.
._ ‘r' ‘ “‘1" ”mm. ieady tor. ”“3 game than plays The) duh-H comert a my down until there was the week for the team." he said after the game Saturc done. somebody else “ill get theirs done, and were
- ~ . .\ ~ _. 1'. -. .:.« i".> year. said iletensive end truy 0nl\h litremaininginthefirsthalf. .. , , - , . . , ..
: r .2 cs ... > . ' : . . , » , - dav And all week. i was telling the other players that goingtostoptheiii
, ii an! . \c ~ . -. : 21" «1‘ it ill exerybody s e) es on the lhe tats were espeCially tough on third- and fourth- ”7&5 omgior the $1330 laver of the week) ..
=K' v.v -» .v: 'tii hotel We heard all we could down situations For the game, USM made only two of g p ' Last “0‘.ch hwmwnmmg “NU“ “as the (at N m.“
' - \l- ‘ ‘ " ' D“ ’ L 5'“ “we going I” d” m" and W third down converSion attempts. Coach Jerry Ck“- On Monday, Gardner wasn't named codeiensn'e Pill)“ shutout siiieed the} opened the 1984 campaign “fill a
. .égf‘yiglgfth c . .. 355“!“th N hornesaidthatwas one ofthekeys to the ““0”" 91‘ 0i week for the SEC Rather he shared the honor 4241 thrashing til lowly Kent State And all the players
. j l”:- . ~ <_ : - ~ M‘t‘h “ch that their deft“? “ as "We made the big plays." he said. “Our defense rose 0“” the whole Southeast region With Alabama llnt’hil‘t‘k agreed the mo. especially the play oi the deteiise v. ii
{2.1: 2....) 13". ' ' r - “MN-'1 v‘uld dwell-‘1‘ 9 end Larwell to lhc‘ occassion and stopped them on several [hirdflnd er Cornelius Bennett. help [his team Lts ll llt‘cltl> liiltt lllt‘ llt'ul‘l til llit' >L'l1t'tl11lt'
351.. 3-:‘333 s. '. ' \ .trw we wanted to shut them out I shortsituations -'
'_-..':._." {5‘3 . \,N ' “v.1: them. $341. but we had our minds . .. T . . Even though only one player was honored it took ”This game is going to git-e (bur amen“. a [m 0, mm.
L'!‘ _ . v i in L l\ s “in 0\er (incinnati. the defense also mail? more than one Wildcat toshui down the Golden Eagles. deiice “ Neal said "its really going to help us with
.3ch g. in“. , . , , ‘ ' _ d; . . . the big plays. returmng two interceptions for touch [hmwtrlngmgH.“‘nwwmmli‘u)..
51:51:27! i l y“ A h ”h satur l} was wearing ‘lm‘ll‘ Against L'SM. the defense didn't score. b”! turn- The statistics showed that the fine defensive Pla) “as ‘ ‘ L ' “ ' i“ l
3: .s‘fi'22'.";"~","-“"r “W“ helped lead the offense ‘0 Pa." dm- The Cats ateam effort. Eight players had fiveor more tackles
...‘;;""r.‘ , - - silti’. Ls‘.\1 out. they shut them tort-ed four turnovers and each Golden Eagle miscue re-
l"; 4"! suited ma Kentucky score, “It seemed like everybody was flying to the hall a lot 5111.1" “Witt" 1...: : rm. \ .t .. ....c mfiw: \i‘l‘lll’
: “it“; ',_~ I'L: ". O 9 h 1 o o
i,’ '. i, if, ~.c
3'35 deat prompts stres1gnation Academic regulation bites Bearcats
I; 1: c,,"_—::':': 11- wuiilt-W 111 Ht!) While contending he had been con- on athletic and policy program is-
.-’_';‘, . ' 5 ~ ieiiiplating resigning tor as long as sues aftersteppmgastdeon Novl CINCINNATI «APA _ L'mversr ineligible tor L-runpctitiim .m» .. t'etite!‘ Kt‘Hil \\;lli.iii1s. .111 ii:
l\\l' \eiirs llull conceded that the . . - r . J ‘ ~ . ' - \ . t'l " ‘I
..-“« J. ‘ P‘“ V . . t_\ of Cincmnati heau basketball hfooto it)l\\dl(l Loiiis Batik. o. Hutu ‘ i ’ “m \l ’ '1)”: Bid" m‘mom andl 1h: $982111”?! ”l' coach Tony Yates announced y'esc Camden. N .1 1-11 guard i~11nar \ll six are enrolled .11 1 ( mt
..;-. -_-" __ . ~~ Kc" v _.'.".:v*"\ 'Ilt‘et'cltr U \estinitions acre era t is ec1- ‘ , ' . ' " \- .- ' ..: r - ct . c v i. .,
‘ 5' Tr . g '. .\l.i."'\i\llltl yesterc \wn is Charles F. Sturtz. Vice chancellor terday that only one of the do (Jihbon. lll‘l‘t‘hlilgltil‘l. ix} , t 1» ii iiii . ‘ltttl\lllL .iii .lillltllt lt
.. 3 [.311 . ., _ .. ‘ ' h n 'h in ~ . for administrative affairs will serve schools seven freshman recru1ts centei heith Stailcs 01 t illL‘l!lll.ill. illtUil eiriiitcin-aid. .lt't‘til'tllilil to
2: it»; " ' If f“\"_"“*‘y”»‘_m‘ leex'k'ilncilth on an interim basis Slaughter said will be academically eligible to and 6-1 guard Terrell Jackson. in: Yates. leaving their tour )t‘.ii'\ «it l
»-“.'.'1.‘,J.~'\.~' .. ',‘ . t ..r_ ' ' t L ' _ . ‘ ‘ ‘ .' _ . ‘ i-.~ 5 c i ’. ‘ "ll: ; -
" ’ 1- c ' , " Tuwh't llluil star Len lie \\lll serve t‘hanceilor John B while a national search is conducted play m the 19868758350” forward “Hm Rom” 0” m l ”I“ >111) ”H “I l
if": . Slaughter for .1 year as an adviser forapermamentreplacement. l
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 l l‘ . ,
i , | .
. KENTUCKY/(ERNEL Wednesday October 8, 1986 3 "
Shuttle testin dela ed 5.. T ' ’ ' ' '
. . E * I. .‘ J y g' r 3:2,,- 3’ '
' O 2 . i ‘ x
by lightning near pad , "L .. _ -.-. ' ~ 2”” as: 2 2 .
ByiuiwARImI-zmaiuct -—-—-——-——-—— l ~ _ . .- .- _ mo " . . .
Asstx'iated Press A Manson“ M y“ l ‘. - 5' .N 2 . E 2. " E
CAPE (‘ANAVERAL Fla An 2?" ”"30"“ NASA! I _ 3 . l . , _
electrical storm early yesterda} 3 "y precautions. So. P39. ' " ' l .V . 3 f ' .
forced a dela) of at least one day in ' ‘ E . - .. v’ .‘ l . L .
the rollout of space shuttle Atlantis — E f l v' ’64:: l ' " ' .' ‘
toiéjéin :eeks 01 [8“: r I» that n boilding since the Challenger acci- it; E . 3 ..ny 'bitfiliflo'. '.~ 3‘, E i . . _ 1'”:
there‘is lié‘litii‘iiigralilt'liin ‘l’lfihmles ot dent. After the “55‘ n M“ be re- E 2 ' 2 ““ ‘IL‘33"31"’F"‘N9;¢’.T - a“ l - 2 I ' '. .' "2
2 -" ~ I 2 2 t 2 i . - "3.3x". 22'"; ." u . . 2 «st—4 ' ' .—
the Kennedy Space (‘enter. it “'1“ utnul othe hangir 3' v a .."t, -,_§. l:o—.:“"‘:'I.“‘u’a' ' 3 " V ( . 2 l -:' -" ' i
””t ""0"" " Shum" out "l ”5 “55m" The tests Wlll include the emer- 3' WA" :1 3 ."."u¥:‘73:¢3”’::’.’ ' a'.’ ;. ' _ l '. . '. ’3 ;
l’lybu‘l‘lmg genm escape of seven astronauts \ " “t“ ' .’ff'-’Ej 1;" 3;" J" : ".' ~ 2 3 l 3; l . 2 .- ' ;~_
Lightning \ias flashing within that ”Hm a simulated launch pad {W as : 1’.‘ f‘ 2 _ 2 . “@524 {2 I; I?" 1.. . .1! .2, . ‘.
”me 2“ ”"01 a m hm when Alla” NASA seeks to eliminate the gueSs~ l x ” ,3 . '2 if." ..i' 'L’.,',:'ag .‘n L . _ 3‘ f ', j‘.». 22 '
tis was scheduled to start the SIX" work on several emergency and \\.\‘\ " E “n '11:". ‘ .fi {.5 ’34,? ‘33,» 2; ~ ‘ 2". -‘E.2_‘ :2 'r fj-‘Iq‘;
hour move to the launch pad per2 other pad procedures, "'i" . Ex . “"3 y. " . ,j’ A117 . ' ;’"§fv'._3§’;.t" . _ _ E :E E» ". ; f
ched upright on the back ot a giant .. ‘E XE - 2 ,: . NE“ W . {cw-CK- J1, Wit-5 5 - M“ . 5.; -; _"E' 3
transportervehicle Hriglnall)‘ Atlantis was to have .22 ff“? - -‘\\ 3 ' Vi; ’" 73": 533' 1!? ig'é‘ , 'b'z'f'fii: .3 '2;
NASA spokesman Jim Ball said bu.” moved to the pad primarily to g of ‘ . 2. ' .. I‘FHE _ .,r 4.5:" ,3}: ‘. ‘ .. 3 ,2. E"..“."; E:
the move ““5 5"h9dl‘le‘l tor the check out $3.2 million worth of new "“ V w\. 2 ' . I “fiyEQiJ; 3’ if: ‘93 i ' '7 , i":":.'-..- .' 1"“?! 1’
Slim? “”19 {0‘13}! “Nth” lx‘l'lllli’ pad weather protection equipment m‘ . “N \ . 1*},E’ifii‘ ‘39.: ."3 2 2. "1:433
“nil designed to shield shuttle thermal : ' ‘EE E; ‘ {up} 0,'i;‘ “1”;“§§s"‘- 2" ’ '2‘ -'_j
It would be the lust space shuttle tiles from damage caused by rain or fl Mag; ' 5. ”23's. 2" fig" . 'il‘.."_','-."3." 2,. 2'55}?
to be moved out oi the assemhl} “ind-blown objects. "‘33: (NR. 3332* . = "E ,‘ "34333353‘"? “gt-"2": ="t;"'.'"‘-,'7I2:.5: ‘3:
O 2 “3‘“ s '3 ti" . , 1'2 3 2 3 "M": f" '3‘ ‘ 3: "all". "3"".
E . “,4, '{Em E 4‘ . E. _ 1.8”; E In"? 2,: (23". .:;§‘ , \ 11.5.53; .15.}:;E.~';:E‘(_J
that it be ".iithou! t‘t'>il'l('tl(ltl> on the \\ hllt" the NWlelS are expected to xwfifi§§$&~ 3'“ ‘ i": if" ' "1332273; 3§§ ’* :’ ‘3 ' 2 3"". ‘31 HQ. 1 {if} I:""’3.‘."- i.-
pt‘timtleiit's [Mlll('E\-lndhlllg aliililies P1153 ”‘91" demands for it "WWW“- sgét'g "" ..“ i "1 {g‘IfESE'sig‘ ‘3 30% 7.‘ ’2’?" 7'; 3 . L -=‘2 30W 3K3: ' A: '12,: ' a" ,I' 3"
in SALT 11. nuclear lt‘\lltt;: .iiiil lllt um on nuclear weapons tests. Shultz 32," Eimig .3" 3 '53:! "fig; 2 i" '3 2 i“ . “Evftt‘fi‘ ,‘fiff'v S. ..i.".~"‘2'"';-A‘"
other areas we lime laid out. \iilll ”Nd that ”“5 long 35 YOU hi”? nU' "i e“’«‘3 2 ".13! it?" Efjfivfgi‘ifif‘f’ »' ' "2‘33 3‘; ; i it ":‘tows‘ie "I. "a". . 33:11."; i: {E
Spwkvs ("Ivar Maw». you have" to conduct "‘ ,3; is; 2 2 ‘ ’ “ . 3. \ 32.13223 in"? ibis.‘«.‘ ;2 2’ 2'.»
Meanwhile, Secrehiri oi S'ati- te>t> Just to all the sudden stop W" 7" “g" "3 2 "’3 " "2 3 gasp.” ‘~ fi‘fim .~ xjN , :3 E‘sg‘s, . E .‘ f" ”v,
(ieorue l’ Shult/ will the Lllttlttlll testing. \H‘ don't think would be a s . 'i",
should give "additional impulse .llltl Wiseidealrom our standpoint." SW'eet bounds iii-"3'". Writ-‘5
L‘uulaiice‘ loi" curbing iiieiliunr In their M‘Hmd meeting in less f-"iiiil'd'mi'fli 2.1”
range nuclear missiles iii Europe than a year Reagan and Gorbachm .. A E .. .h ’E_.:\_;i;2:'E'."',
thlll ,\\tii llul that at; .igiei-iiieiii \Hli {\lll L‘Ulttt‘l' mturila) and Sunda} in Laura "“73"" "7"" 7" ’ ~' "' i1" '" I" ‘ ‘ ‘ J3" "’ "- "2» its? .;‘."=_2,":_.‘f'2é’1
not lK' “a piece oi cake ix) am ti l\\lt2~tllt'}{ “hilt‘ trame house iii I dug" h" 3"“ ”i3" '4 " 21 ~ ”to . " ~' :3 ‘ i» 1' ” ' 5 3 " g" " 2 . 2 t"2‘.“"x:/".' L
means " lit‘)l\lil\'lk. Iceland —__..__-_H...,_.-_o‘._.c --_fl._.. . ._L‘.".' "33-3-35: _, .‘i
_c W” cm...“ . . my. . -
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