xt73r20rtx7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rtx7r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-08-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 23, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 23, 1983 1983 1983-08-23 2020 true xt73r20rtx7r section xt73r20rtx7r ix”!
Vol.L . Ad dttd
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555.....cvot‘50‘. 0 /soc-;;. \9/ . Know t e ['11 BS e are you dl‘Op a class
‘99 ‘ 90—0 M5556“ SEMES “\fi‘o::
d“ A / ‘E’ioflw . . .
‘0‘“) 5 / 65.5.55 By TRACY WHYTE (107 Gillis Buildingi and withdraw - Go to the Registrar‘s Office in im with the completed lul'lll
his oil 09‘“ / Staff Writer from l5. Hensley said. “Then. they GilllS Building and pick up a A student is entitled to .i ietnnd of
MN 5 Just need to see the dean of their col- withdrawal card, lilone) dew-nding on the d.i\ he
”4/ seem“ ’ lege and not all their professors “ - (‘omplete the front portion of the withdraws from the t'ittll'st- It .i sin
E69 ’ 5 Withdrawing from a course takes a 511' a student withdraws during the card and take it to the Dean of dent \HllltlrdMs from the l tll\t‘f\ll\ .
‘5 ’ number of steps but it could be worth first three weeks of school. no grade Students Office in 513 Patterson by writing the Ht‘ghlf.” \ tittiee
Dc? ’ ” ; the trouble for some students, say ad- or record of enrollment will be mark- Tower, The Dean of Students Office before the first d..\ ot rum-s i..- it in
’ ’ ministrators. ed on the transcript. If a student will take your identification and ac get ioopereent ot thetnitnin returned
" ” / Students may withdraw from any Withdraws after the first three weeks tivity cards including the Sim l‘t'flhlf'dlll'tl lH'
” ” 1. class during the first three weeks of of the course but before the midterm . Take the withdrawal card to w 5 5
" ” -‘ the course. except from those used to (Oct. 17), the student will receive a Financial Aid in 567 Patterson Tower ”h_dr““”5m “um “WNW“ H”.
” ” fulfill freshman English re- w o'l‘ake the Withdrawalcard toyour “'7‘,‘ “j“ “' ""‘N‘ ””"W’" “W
” ’ ’ 5 quirements. The student must submit After the midterm. a student may college dean's office 5‘1““ ‘1‘” ‘5" “m5! " "1“” ' “"1" ”mm”:
” ” ’ . a completed adddrop slip and com- withdraw from a class only with the If you live in married student hous ‘m "0 "mm" mm"! M m“
” ” puter adddrop ticket to his orher dean dean‘s approval of a petition stating ing. take the withdrawal card to it at student “Illlilf‘dus .ittei \niz
’ ” ‘. (see sidebar). reasons. such as illness. serious in- (‘ooperstown Building ““'( tiffiee :m_ but before net i: h.- mll ii-t m.-
’ ’ 5‘ 5 ’ Linda Hensley. records department Jury. personal problems or financial lfyou livein residence hall housing. 50 percent of the lt‘t's .\tt.-i lltl i.
I ’ 5 5 Nov“ 7 supervisor. said some students try to difficulties. If approved. the instruc— take the form to 539 Patterson Tower there is no refund for u nhdi .mnl
’ ’ M095 inn“ '5 withdraw from a class through add- tor will assign a “W.” and then to 2181. Service Building If there are unpaid fees when .i \lii
°V\5“'°“ 55¢ drop. In dong so. the withdrawal may Withdrawing from the University Veterans should go to \‘eteran Ser dent withdraws lie \\ lll one iln- -'l'
cwfifiyfi not be recorded on their transcript. also involves following a strict pr0» vices in 206 Gillis Building propritite 20 or so pereent tlt‘in'fulllli:
5 ”A: ‘7.“6 ”They should come to our office cedure: - Return to the registrar's office on the date the-student withdraws
DAVID PIERCEIGraphics Editor
Waztmg list down Gov. Brown selects
Fewer students want'ng c h ' B0 (1 l
5 By JOHN (”urns Lunsford. ii three u-iir lllt'flllN'l
gg'gaAljl‘A SHELL students. said. “There was a Upperclass students, who lived on there was a possibility of available Managing Editor said llrf‘nlhlll ll-‘Nl Mr" a riff" ’ .
a 1'1 er minimum increase for room and campus the previous year and applied rooms for students looking for on- "10ml" llul haul ”Miami “he“
board. and it is as low as any school for housing before April 15, will havea campus housing. Gov John Y Brown proved he Brown .‘ippfilntf‘fi hnn to the HM.” d
As usual. there is a waiting list of across the country." Preference for assignments over Lindley said the letter was sent 0m was back in control of the state lM'ausc of the recent resignation
students trying to get campus housing The University has approximately students who didnt live on campus because. “we realize that the waiting when appointed Cabins-5t Secretary of former t ouneil (.hnn- 5_l l).l\ id
at UK. 2 500 residence hall rooms and 875 and freshmen are placed in rooms on list wasn‘t as reat as it h d be . Bruce Lunsford to UK 5 Board of (.rissoni. lioweier lsrmtliilt
The list. however. isn't as long as it houses and apartments in the Univer— a first-come-first-serve basis. previous earsgand we are :ble :5" H: Trustees. decided to return to tilt:
has been in previous years. when it . . . . Lindley said. however. “Upperclass y 5 . . . ge Lunsford will replace former In other ill’lltlll List “t-tifit‘ml.l\

. Sity land utilization area around cam- . most students into housmg fairlv ears . s .. .. . ' .
was cluttered With hundreds of pus that may be rented to students students that lived on campus do have ly in the semester ‘ (:0v. Edward E. Ned Breathitt. Brown reappointed two ( ll|-.
names. There is a pOSSibility that all ' a better chance of getting the space . ' ' Who resigned to reassume a POM ""‘mll‘fi l’t‘KL’.‘ All“ “f'rlt'NH-m
students will be placed in residence Students who have been assigned that they prefer. but that doesn‘t One maJOI‘ Phallge that has 3““le tion on the Council on Higher Northern Kentucky l‘titu-r‘sifx
halls or apartments. rooms and haven't shown up by 6 pm. guarantee an assignment." campus housmg '5 the increase “1 the Education. rt‘pl‘t‘st'fltuln'e. and Judge iii-n

Jean Lindley, director of University tomorrow will have their rooms Approximately 50 percent of VlSl5tatl0n hours for freshmen. Th3” '5 Lunsford. who will be sworn in il Janiin F Shohe rt-prt-st-nldtni' ot
. housing. said. “In the past. we have reassigned to people on the waiting University housing is taken by an incentive for students m “"9 on Friday‘s Board meeting. was the state .it large, will serve unit]
had 400-500 students waiting but list. freshmen and “emphasis has been on campus med sald~ ‘ We need to uncertain as to what he will be (it) April “#87
we're down to about 250 students and Bob Clay, North Campus area coor- freshmen for the. last 20 years because market residence halls. befall“ “'9 ing on the Board. but he said that In an effort to fulfill one of lll.\ min
we think that people will certainly dinator. said. “On the average, there it was thought that they had the are m a different baligame Wllh the his background as state commerce paign pronnses HUM” .Ippfllfitt-tl
have housing if students are in- is approximately 5 percent in each greatest need.“ Burch said, economy. secretary willbeusedin budgetary n tiliiek member in nu l‘flllt.fl|ttfl.il
terested in applying." catagory of freshman females. An increase of 4.75 percent for the Starting Oct. 1. freshmen are allow- mailers. “l will probably work in Morris In the \l-Ih- Andrea \\
Dean of Students Joe Burch said. freshman males, upperclass females twomeals—sevenday plan.5.2percent ed visitors on Mondays and areas that fit my background.“ he Morton. ii Pilllllt-iill flt'tlltsl u.”
“The nationWide steady decline in and upperclass males that don’t show for the two-meals-five-day plan, and Wednesdays from 7 pm. to ll pm. said. Hallwd lolhv Murm) Nah-l mwv
enrollment has affected students look- up for some reason." 4.4 percent for the three-meal-seven- Upperclass males are still allowed prit8 his lack of experience. sity Board of Regents. and
ing for reSidence on campus." Any student interested in housing on day plan has been enacted by the visitors during the week from 5 pm, Lunsford said he has previously llughlyne [inrkins Wilson of ttn.
Everyone livmg on campus, except campus must fill out an application, University. to 11 pm. On the weekends. visitation worked with some of the Board Jefferson ('ount} sehool system
those students in the Greg Page send in a $100 installment and sign a For the first time in several years.a is from 5 pm. to 1am. on Friday. members. saying “I've done a lot was appmnted to the Western Ken
Apartments, must have a meal plan. contract that is good for the entire newsletter was sent to some students from noon to 1 am. on Saturday and of roles here" With higher educa- tucky l'fiIH‘rHli “ward of
- Rosemary Pond. associate dean of academic year. during the summer telling them that noon to 11 pm. on Sunday. tion. ltcflf‘nls
5 . . 55; '5 5 '55.o{_5 55 .55 ,i ' z‘\ 5 5 m .5. ,w ~5 i i. 55f ' i , ‘5.--.‘- 55, "
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i t,".’ 5 5 l , 5 22‘ 5“ .. 5 5.5 5 ’5 ‘5 :,55 {[15 , “*5 5 it 4,55 5 5 5. fit
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. ~ . Ah ~- 3- ~ as empera ures soar
5.5 5 5 .5. £55555 . 5255”“ ‘(J‘fi 555;, 1‘; £45 5 ; 55. $55 if :i‘fltv‘ , ’55;
5 '~ g;- 5-. ...I it 5555.5 M3 ; 5 .5 5 . f?“ 55 5 , With temperatures soaring near main concern. "Does it always get interior design jtllltfir from
a". 5.5 _ gfi g, ,5}? $55 9 5 . .5 It 100 degrees. students were finding this hot "she asked LonisVille "I really didn't think it
$5M, .- s , 53’ ’ ‘55 ’ f i i the going tough as they moved into Other students were waiting for was all going to be this busy - .
.5 _: 5 5 ‘1 55 5‘ 3 ,5 .g ' 5 0. ‘~ campus residence halls on Sunday the parties to begin. Smith said waiting for on eleuiior
...5-: I ' " w x w 5,. , t. and yesterday. George Hancock, a business and in Blanding Tower
: Ml fig 5 5 , f Wh l d economics freshman form Bowling
~ ' 5 ‘ . - 5g . 3&5. Jeni er .3 en an Amy Long. Green, said moving into Haggin Mark Smithson. resident adviser
""3. , 55 ‘ E ' bath undeCIded freshmen 5f0rm Hall was not as hard as he had 0' Blanding l and ('hf'lh' N0“. rf‘Sl
. M ' ‘_ finodfbuggamoved '"lo Kinzan thought. “No, i can‘t say i have dent adv'tser of Kirwan Tower said
5555 . ~ 5 the fill'ly "negy morning. W ‘3" had any problems getting all set. everything was going iit‘f'tirfllfig to .
,’: 5.. ,5» - ‘ 5 5 open ' tled in." he said “I'm just glad to plan “So far. everything has been
I I ‘ 5 They had plenty of time to spare be finally away from home and in as smooth US Silk." said Smithson.
. 5 . 5- 5. in afternoon trying to stay cool and college.“ an al‘t‘oumlmt M'mur
‘ * ' .. gnaw-W” wondering where they were going Leaving home meant spending
‘ 3“: " A - 5;: toeat later that night. all day waiting for elevators and _ 5 5 5 5 5_
~ M ,5 5 ' ' 5 Long said the heat was their parking space for Ella Smith. an 5‘ "n “""""l
— 5 ._ vi} Jenny Burkart. (left). an undecrded sophomore. Sits on Students crowd around the entrance of thwafl lower
: ‘ i 3 her luggage. awaiting help to move into her Standing Ill resrdence hall. awaiting a turn at one of the three
s ' 55 \5 . «5555.555 ' : residence hall room elevators
. t5 2 ' .> _.. . 5 r ' , i
5 .5555 . 5 55 . 55 . .
5 . i' «.555 . , . *r‘ ‘55 . Photos by Jack Sliver:
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 2 - TH! KINWCKY KIINII. 7M1. August 23. lm
Steps to succeed at scheduling .
P'f 3: . .
Add/Dru rocedures eas it ~ “W“ - '
p J‘l Ashland Florists -
t; 5 Alterations Er Repair For w IOOMBS Y ._
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To add/drop a course after classes be added or dropped onm one and the add drop computer card to 0! ‘ .
begin tomorrow, follow these five add/drop slip. 'd l h your Ilean's office. h ha ed ~ MW 0 In“ Weaving Lookfor our .
steps: Take the add! rop sip to t e your sta us as c ng as a I‘m.r and. COIISI coupon '-

department that is offering the result of add/drop, then go to the & & c On M '
Pick up an add/drop slip from course. Registrar‘s Office to have your fees "Olllllod I...“ "a'nmw'm'h' -:
your adviser or the dean of your col- Receive a computer add r'drop reassessed. Bring your student iden- -'
lege and complete the form. New card from the department offering the tification and activity card. “OE. M .
classes should be added before old course. 372 E. Main St. 254-3833 mm 2
ones are dropped. Seven classes can Return both the add drop slip TRACY WHY'I‘E
' We at Casio figured you could use a Both feature fractional calculations (a
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few extra bucks). So we're offering a $5 units). So now you can work with fractions A PARTY ;
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digit exponent. a free application manual. "Strategies for ® .c
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e a“; student aid this semester. take advantage of E
T ,9...“ ., W ll olur $5 rebate offer- And bring a Came to Watermelon! Volleyball! Games! ,3
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Here's how to get your $5.00 rebate. :;
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This coupon and all necessary materiatmustbepostmarked notater than midnightOctober 30.1983.Modelsother A A‘ ‘ I V E
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Big Mac SandWIch or any Large W“"‘“W""’M””‘MW"”
Sandwich or Chicken McNuggets UK srunism onoup INSURANCE
m h — - New imitates Company New PrenaIIn' Bates!
° " H hl' ht P FRE ' ‘
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Mc- "ll”? .9 ma c I en I The University through a committee made up of students and administrators has , .
. changed the carrier of the UK Student Group Insurance Plan. Credit Life Insurance Com- :
= pany of Springfield, Ohio, is offering a Comprehensive Major Medical Plan at a very low ‘
-~ . o... $ .
Mo 8. "ave = To Enroll In the UK Student Insurance Plan: I
- w See the Insurance Representatives at the Student Center (foot of the ball room stairs)
_——————-—————————_—-—_ j between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. during the week of August 26th. .
_—'——'_———— - o. .
P—I b —\ After that week. pick up an application packet, complete the application form, and l ,
M . _
B. V Y. =————-—— mail in your payment, Packets are located to the left of the elevator at the 3rd floor of
MC ‘0‘ .9 a c z Medical Center Annex 4 (the Health Service Clinic). MAILSD PAYMENTS MUS‘I' I!
" . ; POS'I’MAIKID ev summon so. 1m. ? :
—————————-————_——____ ”-—- ,
“ ’ ""M ‘l'o Continua Your Partlclpation In the UK Student Insurance Plan (tornnrly Iluo i ;
' Croce/Iluo Shield): 5
= You should receive a packet from the new insurance company, Credit Life, explaining ~ ;
—' . h TI §§~ how to continue your coverage. This will be sent to the most recent address you had ‘ :
= B M V & given Blue Cross/Blue Shield. if you have not received this packet by September i2, l :
= ”c 'g a c —-—I————'—'—'_,__________ I983, contact 233-629l so that your fall payment can be made on time! ALI. CON‘I'INU-
_—————-——-——_—_—__ ___——-—-—-—"-:;—— . ‘ o l
_ —-————W ’17:, , I T
_ H--.” on 5
“ You may see the Insurance Representatives at the Student Center (foot of the ball- 5
- B. V '- room stairs) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. during the week of August 22nd to August 5
.9 a c 26th. complete a new application, and make payment for continuing coverage. :
. l
2 l
---------- You may pick up a continuing payment packet, after the week of August 22nd, com- :
_.—__ ‘ ’W---—_=========-’-222222222: plate a new application. and mail in your payment. Packets are located to the left of .' '
, J .— ' AH Ag? 1 . McDofla d; ® the elevator at the 3rd floor of Medical Center Annex 4 (the Health Service Clinic).
. r . a c - I .
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, v- - ' . Moose Not : The deadlines are tor new enrollments and tor continuing pay- ;
:l M 7.. , 1* , largo sandwich :‘srd Chicken Mm.” l / I: Mo. are :trktty m. Aloe. iii. University and the Health Service ominot ;
| - ,‘ r" ' . a gota ;{ talropayinontstor p . E
w 1.", 1’ s4 organ-18 Highlight Pen FRE§l [55‘ II . . I.
' S“ _ 5 »' ‘ Offer expires Sept. 30. it”. while-opp". htt- l l L It's A Good Policy At A and PrIoo ‘ 3
Good ”I, .9 ”1 g...“ limestone. Ono coupon per anteater. per visit. please. ; ,‘ 1 _ non’t let the Deadlines slip lyl . .
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Amww llnl S. Rod-bu Y ‘ i ”\i
Editor-in-Chid Executive Editor P l' - l
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John Griffin Sec” MIMI. Jon-u A. “oil 1 g by
Managing Editor New: Editor EditoriolAssistonf RNA“ "a q J _ \ / '3'
S h 5‘ RE V. l
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um m er C an 8S 7 l
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reach the Kernel e. ”fix. PRESIDENTS a}, s - . .
. . . . i331!“ _ f, in :
. Change, in most cases, is a slow process, especrally at an I! , m, I’— ‘ :
institution as large as UK. A steady movement, whether I -. .. I . ' l ‘ l
pOSitive or negative, can nonetheless be observed in almost s v", . l , l‘ i
- every aspect of this campus. ! s / PART 2: fl WW '1
Over the summer, the facullty received a much-needed ‘ / .J i
_ ’1. \ ‘7 4 it
salary increase from the Board of Trustees a move that I" I» / u
will bring UK’s pay rate up to other benchmark universities. ,/ .. ' ' a» ,/ Km :
Donald Clapp, Vice presrdent for administration, chose the 3,, M. ‘ ' ~$ a“ . 3
bluegrass fields of the Airdrie Stud Farm over the paperwork ' fl/ 3
mountains of the administration building. He will be leaving f 3
UK for the horse farm as soon as a replacement can be found. 3
A report by the Kentucky Council on Higher Education sug- . :
gested changes that didn’t please President Otis A. 0 ege 0 er S res m en 0 p p or an I y 3
Singletary. Indignant to the suggestion that UK’s College of :
Dentistry should merge with the University of Louisville’s J I f . d , g f ta] t, t, m If d_ . d b f h d, ed 1, Th f “(s h tak E
h - - - - . - - ames . . . we were a ways men s, in mm iga lng par les pe or- lscoverles ma e y every res man lSCUSS ear 181‘. e 0 W 0 e
Shdom, Stingleéag Cited :Paccurlam?s With the mformatlon From our childhood days ming Shakespeare. class since Adam attended Ma Nature classes that they would rather not 1'0
a ques lone e repor S COHC uSlons. And we made our plans, —-§-—————— University and set the standard for know the names of are wasting more 3
And, change has even touched the Kentucky Kernel from And we had to go our separate ways. é. . responsibility and good character. than time and money. :
our desrgn to our philosophy of coverage. The Kernel, born I went on the road: v. .' i Jim Certainly you will all be kept busy. They are wasting an Opportunity -
from the Cadet, was founded in 1394 and has been the Your pursued an education."I ; ,. ‘ _', l STOLL It is upperclassmen, sophomores It has been saida college communi- 4
Primary communication link for the campus for almost 90 [My Jo” .t .v and a g°°dly number of sewn" ty Offers the freedom 0f.adu.“h°°d‘
ears The K l‘s f’ t bl. t' . t th U . . t , I, semester freshmen - who tend to the togetherness 0f fraternization, the
y . . erne Is “‘5 O igaI 1011 15 0 e nlveI‘Sl y S _ slump into a kind of resigned miracle of growth and the civilization
community, prov1ding news and information that affects the Yeah, yeah, 1 know the peggers go pessimism as they me back onto the of open debate-occasionally resulting
students, faculty and staff of this institution. To the freshman class of 1983: 1 just hand-in—hand with essays on dead campus. in the tumult of controversy"
The Kernel, along with several other aspects of this want to tell you a couple things. philosophers, but boring is a matter of Don’t let this happen to you. If you happen to take much stock in
University. has changed this summer. We recognize the EXPlOit 8“ Opportunity today! choice. Try writing your next per- 1 mean. i am as much a PM 0011089 Etudes sue“ 35 "1°59 PUblISh'
res onsibilit our news ,, I‘ has to the communit d 1 By the end of high school, the mose suasive paper on something original, crastinator as the next guy. and I‘ve ed by The NéW York Times, this par-
t .p y pope . y {m .p an enthused scholar has more than a few like defining pornography as “an en- been known to miss class with reasons ticular 0011989 community also offers
Io increase our coverage 9f rengtel‘ed Stlldent 01' gamzatlonS- complaints about the system. ColLege dangered literature," and see if that that were more artistic than the social interaction 0f virtually CO"-
includmg the Umversrty s greek system can become just more of the sa e: doesn't take the drudgery out ofacou- believable, but I really enjoy it when stant parties.
We hope to recognize several groups and individuals that memorization and boring persuasive ple of hours in the library. I‘m there. And, after all, there are some things
have been overlooked in the past It is the desire and goal of papers. I As first—year students, you will ex— Those that are merely getting their even freshmen don‘t have to be told.
. . . - Only college is more than that. perience the basic “freedom credits on paper as expediently as
this newsPaPer F0 provrde Stablhty for our readers dunng College is a community unto itself. a metamorphosis “ and stumble possible are missing as much as those James A. Stoll is a theater arts junior
these changing tlmes- continuous stream of activities rang- through the traditional mine field of that ignore the wonderful activites I and Kernel editorial assistant.
noon COUNTY by Berke Breathed III-00M COUNTY by Berke Breathed
, Fm! HAP! HAP! were like sore
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Mickey Patterson
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
‘ Redb'rds pitcher ants to slide back into th ' A
By (‘ONCEPCION LEDEZMA for me, I just get in, throw and not get W tion: “He (Hacker) said to me, ‘You was getting a little disappointed that
Staff Writer too excited. ‘ ‘ , , . have to come see him to see how effec- he wasn’t with the big Chlb," Madison
. “It's more to me like getting into an I d rather leCh a fastball 80 miles per tive Keener is, because you won't be said. “I think he has a real good
LOUISVILLE . Louisville Redbird interesting situation, being hopeful ' impressed if I told you how hard he chance of being called up when the
righthander Jeff Keener, a former thatIhave my stuff and then see what hour that runs 0" Sill/(S, than one faSt and throws.’ teams expand their roster (to 40)
All-American pitcher for UK, is not happens. I try not to let a situation Straight, because these guys here can smack "I went and what impressed me Sept. 1."
like most ace relievers with a flaky COHtI‘Ol my pitching.“ - was his sharp breaking pitches. I Keener did get a taste of major
personality or an unusual method of Keener‘s “stuff" consists mostly of a fas’ .0”? "0 matfer Wifat the Speed’ SO thought that if he gets control on those league experience with the Cardinals
psyching out opposing batters. a sinking fastball, curve, and a varie- speed IS" I everything. I m very fortunate pitches that he'dbeagreat pitcher for in 1982. He appeared in 19 games in
The soft-sp0ken side-armer is still ty of breaking pitches." ’ ' H us." which he compiled a 1-1 record with
an effective rescuer of late-inning “It looks as if he‘s throwing a that I m able to throw [Ike that' Keener was just that forUKboth as an impressive 1.61 ERA and struck
jams for the St. Louis Cardinal's Class Frisbee out there,“ said player- Jeff K 99 I18!“ , a starter and as a reliever. In 1981, he out 25 (in 22 innings).
AAA team. The third-year pro has a commentator J0hn Fulgam in a re- Redbirds pitcher seta UK record with a 13-1 record; led The Redbirds are currently setting
9—5 record and is second in the cent telecast. the UK pitching staff with 24 ap- a pace to be the first minor league
American Association Baseball “My fastball isn‘t fast atall." admits — pearancos; and led th