xt73r20rtx65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rtx65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1982 1982 1982-04-08 2020 true xt73r20rtx65 section xt73r20rtx65 _—-——-——I—————_—————__-————_ ’ x‘ ——————__
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Very wink-resting / \\ \T »‘ '
Today Wlll bring occasmnal light rain l \\ \_\ l-"Iowertelk -
Willi highs in ”W "“d 4“"i- and 73'" chan- , [l l/ \ $\ \\\, j lilies. the traditional Easier l‘lowci. aic
ging l0 “Sm “‘0“ 0" t'lurrics “”h tempers ( i } ,l ‘4 beautiful to look at, but local gleeiilitiuw
attire» around 30. Moxily cloudy and \ K) / ”Mic“ \ai lll€\ are on W hard in gill“ '.
chill) tomorrow, \Mlil highs near 40. \ .’ Rum.” \a ,md “plan“ ,m page x , ‘
Vd. mv_ No. laThiu'edey.ApI-il a_ [m Univeisity of Kevllucky Leninqlliii ileum.“ A. .. downtown \lfldflll' newspupo-i . w s 4“ I
K [It cky nat'on held in W.nt ’S f . .d i
The coldest April freeze on record reported 23 degrees at 12:01 am. broke a 10-year mark, and the 21 at Connecticut cities were under a state Neb. Police Chief Jerry Thackstron. The blizzard was Cited in at least 37 _ I
nipped the buds of spring across the yesterday, breaking the April 7 the Triflties Airport in East Ten- of emergency. Awinter storm watch was posted in deaths. including eight in Ohio The :‘3‘.
Midwest and deep into Dixie yester- record of 24 set in 1939. And by dawn, nessee shattereda 32-year mark. Schools remained closed and roads northeastern Iowa. southern Min- Coast Guard was searching for a ",. '
day, while a new snowstorm formed the thermometer had dipped to 18. Brisk winds that accompanied the remained treacherous across most of nesota, southern Wisconsin and nor- fishing boat with eight people on g‘ f-‘V.’
in the path of the Blizzard of ’82 that In Louisville, the temperature fell front produced wind-chill readings New York and New England. thern Illinois. board that radioed late Tuesday it _ 'z ’
killed37peopleandlefteight missing. t026at 11:45 p.m.'I\iesday,eclipsing more typical of mid-winter than early Widespread damage to fruit or- Asked if the new storm in the was takingon waterin rough seas and ”(g--
White frost also dusted Kentucky’s the 37-year-old record of28for April 6. spring. Shortly after midnight, chards, backyard gardens and large Midwest would be as severe as this high winds 11 miles east of Seaside .
bluegrass as 8 strong COld front drop- Fifteen minutes later, Louisville was Jackson in southeast Kentucky had farms was reported. Jefferson County week's killer, Nolan Duke of the Na- Heights. NJ . "k? .
ped temperatures into the teens and still at 26, breaking the April 7 record the warmest such reading, 18 Extension Service horticulturist tional Weather Service in Kansas Ci— Four 011 hik . { Lo 2'; "
. msearly yesterday. of 28 degrees set in 1950. Louisville‘s degrees, while Lexington was at 10 Mark Timmons was flooded with ty, Mo., said. “It's too early to tell, I 1 nd :Yegefige in Sim , 2g 5' , :
Records fell by the hour. Cities low finally reached 22. and dropping. calls, many from growers worried but any low-pressure moving into the eSda-m N f; (LEA/er: 3:“ find“:
from Chicago, with 8 degrees, to The pattern was much the same in The blizzard that rewrote weather about the effect of cold on strawber- Plains is going to do something.“ c ll ed the“ 'or t: at ii , grefibj
Augusta, 68., which had readings of other parts of Kentucky and nearby history, burying the great cities of the ries and apples. The departing blizzard had dumped Kain {onelinSren {yester‘ 3" iii? d. . s,
25, reported the lowest temperatures states. The Greater Cincinnati Air- Midwest and Northeast in up to 2 feet Peach producers have already lost a foot of snow on the northern Maine wages. fe ' ' " me e 0 mp“ 9"
ever knowninApril. port in Northern Kentucky recorded of snow, took a parting shot at Maine most of their croptocold weather. city of Caribou by noon yesterday 58 ’ .
Temperatures dipped below zero in 22, the second straight day a new low and roared out to sea, leaving behind A new snowstorm, meanwhile, after paralyzing Portland with 16 in- The cold also had a chilling effect .’ .
northern Minnesota and upper was set. London recorded 21, Jackson aspring landscape of white from New surged out of the Rockies and spread ches in that state‘s worst April on Keeneland, track spokesman R. f ' '
Michigan — where it was a record 17 20- England to the Rockies. over the northern half of the Great snowstorm on record. Numerous ac- James Williams said yesterday. . -.
below at Herman — and were below It was a little warmer in the south National Guard troops were called Plains, with up to 7 inches falling in cidents were reported around the Attendance through Tuesday was ‘ s". ,
freezing over most of the eastern half and west — 23 at Bowling Green and out in Connecticut to help clear away northeastern Nebraska. state with 50 to 60 cars and trucks off down 18.6 percent from last year for " ,‘w'
of the nation. 28at Paducah. abandoned cars clogging highways, a “If you’re dreaming of a white spr» the road along Insterstate 95 between the spring meet that began last FTP , f
Here,theNational Weather Service Temperatures at Indianapolis familiar scene in many cities. Four ing, it‘s fine weather,“ said Lynch, Augusta and Houlton. day,
l ”3- a Catholic nun also to speak r -
33‘4“" . ‘ ' / 2..
,‘ he a y ‘ .9 "
)4 i, s -, ./ . -,:
t . /” El Salvador guerrilla featured
‘ ’ t 'ht tM 'lHll
s; - W mats that being present with Rubio partment and the Democratic Revor i
x’ . Assigiam Managing Editor was totally unacceptable,“ he said. lutionary Front in the US " f .~
“ >_ ' - ,. “The State Department, among , 1,
f , . ,,... __ ____ other things, told us that having Faber said one problem is that f;
. . . Victor Rubio. a member of the Rubio present ‘didn‘t help the (an few Americans, even within the .1" .
_ . Democratic Revolutionary Front of rangementi situation.‘ This is unfor» State Department. are experts on El " .l
i i I. ’ El Salvador. will speak about the is- tunate because both sides need to be Salvador‘s history and internal '.
7, , ./‘ sues that divide both El Salvador able to present their views and I be- mechanisms. “Hopefully. forums ,5;
‘ , and the United States at a Memorial lieve it w0iild have been the first like these will help to correct that j
' . x" /./” Hall forum tonight, public contact between the State De situation." he said. :‘-
"1, ,.- tf' ' The member of El Salvador's lefts ' r
‘ ' M f f 4. ist guerilla movement will address
, f, the topic “El Salvador: The Issue of i,
, , m. mv’wf‘ American Involvement" at the free e e .:' 'v
. . ,«r _ ._ so on. room sponsored by sooso- No-first-use nuclear policy
‘ r’ W? ly Concerned Students, the Student " .-
..g ‘ ,, ' Association and the Fellowship of . . V,
‘7‘ », , .' " ‘ f , “W,” Reconciliation. r .1
3‘ I ~ .. “345,”, “Rubio presents a rare opportuni- SuggeSted by former OffICIaIS his
, a”: ksi‘w ty for students to gain an insight
. , . . l, '77 . Ms . ~ ,
, . Q , 5'13; 74;; that few other Americans are . _ :Z 2;",
. ht ' , i , ‘r‘i’ifz, given," said Danny Faber, president WASHINGTON (AP) u A biparti- The four v former defense secre- 2 . ,
.v “ 3M ' , , s"s,s,, of Socially Concerned Students. san group of senior officials from tary Robert McNamara. former na-
I ' ‘. ~“‘ ; s” a ~ “This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance past administrations yesterday tional security adviser MCGeorge ,f'j-
/ ‘f . . r » .., , kios‘" v for students since questions from the asked President Reagan to seriously Bundy. former strategic arms “980- : _
‘7» s M ‘ 2 mafia.“ ' audience willbeaccepted." consider renouncing the first use of tiator Gerard Smith and George .' '
. , - ' “figs In addition to Rubio, Sister Judy nuclear weapons in a conventional Kennan. former US. ambassador to
a . ' ‘* Driscoll of the Catholic Church will war in Europe. the Soviet Union — commented in
. ‘ q?“ 7’ ” 3; ”it? ‘ also speak. Driscoll recently re- The four officials rejected Secre- an article in the upcoming issue of ,"Li'
’. " _/ ' - , ' , ‘r turned to the United States after tary of State Alexander M. Haig Foreign Affairs Quarterly, published i , 1'
i " 7? ;,,.,. . i . * spending a number of years working Jr‘s assertions Tuesday that their by the Council on Foreign Relations ’
‘ iii: 1' ”y in ElSalvador for the church. plan is "tantamount to making Eu- The United States and NATO now ,
. ‘ " “.3: ' - Rubio and Driscoll will answer rope safe for conventional aggres— employ a strategy of “flexible res , u‘ I"
' ~ , g,‘ questions from both the audience Sion.“ spouse.” This means that NATO will i" ', -
z :4 f: v, ’- "' ' ‘ " ’. ~ " and a panel consisting of Ken Cole. “We think a policy of no first use, respond at whatever level aggres- ’ i‘,
’ so; . a I, " man. a political science professor especially if shared with the Soviet sion occurs but will escalate to .23."
_ ' ‘ s. ., specializing in third world devel~ Union, would bring new h0pe to ev- whatever degree is necessary to end '5'. ”i
-. ‘s ‘ c “ . ' ' ' l . opment, and Ken Kurtz, news direc» eryone in every country whose life is the aggresSion. including the we of i. in, _,
‘ f ‘ . / tor of WKYT~TV. shadowed by the hideous possibility nuclear weapons. *_,'. 'g
; i 's ‘ Faber said he was disappointed he of a third great 20th century conflict Previous no«first-use proposals by u, :f
‘, e M was unable to bring representatives in Europe,”they said. the Soviet Union. made over the
' I from the State Department or diplo- “It seems timely and even urgent past 25 years, have been rejected '1' ,o.
' Muoflwm‘ “WW, mats from El Salvador to campus. to begin the careful study of a policy because. in theory. the policy would ‘vf
“Our initial contact with both that could help to sweep this threat limit the alliance to accepting defeat it"-
Ahhough Wimer has SlOlen several days of Spring, work must Continue. Winds and cold weather agencies was favorable but later we clean off the board of international from superior Soviet conventional ’
made the job difficult for this cable television worker making repairs to a line along Versailles Rood were told by the Salvadoran diplo- affairs" forces "cope;
near Keeneland. .‘.' ‘x.
' ‘ . , . _ >7
Speaal nee S c I ran have mac to 0 er
.—__——— ' . 'o
By KATHIE MlLUON She said there are now 163 Chll‘ separation Will have emotional prob- ease with her white mother. Janie family but she “wanted to be At first, Janie found it hard to ac ii“.
Staff Writer dren listed with the Lexington lems,“she said. walks with a slight limp because of adopted." cept her bi-racial identity She said v.1
branch agency, most of whom are She said there are about 16 chil- cerebral palsy and only a short time Janie said when she was firsi she could not adjust to being black .A.’
#,_ waiting for white, healthy families. dren in the agency that are defined ago was one of the children in the adopted her mother set many rules » ,'
Nicole is a small, black 8-yearold “We want to find the best possible as having multiple (three or more) Special Needs Ad0ption Program. for her to follow. ()ne of the rules until her mother started takin hir .'
with a mild mental handicap. Nicole homes for these children," said handicaps. A child who is black. Before Janie was adopted. she was Janie had to say. “I love you," to black history events She said itt . .‘;: i. ‘
is affectionate and understanding, Sturgeon. slow and has emotional problems is was placed in a foster home. She frequently so she could get used to hard to adjust'when ”No‘u mien, » i: .‘r ,
but has a difficult time expressing Sturgeon said potential adoptive considered a multi-handicap person. said it was sad to leave her foster beingapart of the family. one color .. ' Ju“ g
herself. She has been waiting most parents should be in fairly good shesaid. ' r1 j
of her life for the right family to health, of a reasonable age and have “A child with a mental handicap ,' ‘
adopt her so she could benefit from a stable income. Marital statis is can be a child that is a slow learner '
the love and security a permanent notafactor in deciding eligibity. to a child that‘s considered to be se- - ' ,
home can bring. Prospective parents should also verely retarded,“Sturgeon said. ‘ i 7'
Nicole is one of the many children have two personal references, a doc- There is a lot a special needs child . -
in the Special Needs Adoption Pro- tor's reference. a clergy reference can give to a family, according to '. .
gram, a division of the Department (optimal) and a credit reference. Sturgeon. .y..-,.g...;;,,, _-
of Human Resources, which tries to The agency also requires five weeks “There are a lot of challenges \x‘sk‘fis-jizggggiaé ; .
find permanent homes for children of classes designed to prepare adop- with these children, but also there i ‘K '
with specialneeds. tive parents for iroblems they may arealot of rewards," ‘ ‘ , ._ a s .' ‘
SNAP was established in March encounter and to aid in the adjust- Approximately 20 black children ' . * ;,
um as an experimental project, and ment tothe adoption process. are listed with the agency, and Stur- ~‘ ‘ . ':‘
became a full-time agency in Sep- “We feel like we are fairly flexi- geon said a growing need for black ' _ . ‘ -
tember. The agency has 3 Lexington ble,“ Sturgeon said. families to adopt these children has ”5w; j -, ‘
endalouisville office. Sturgeon said subsidies — money arisen. .. .-.,.'.-;3:.'-;5.'-'Z~,‘ .
To be considered as a “special set aside by the federal and state “We always need black families . ’ ‘~~'»'~"‘rA-.‘; ' .
heath" case, a Child mist fit into government — are available to help and we would like to be able to find “:32. -,-,.-.-""" "
me or mm of four categories: cover the children’s medical or fi- more,"she said. * ~ .
white normal children over ten, nancial expenses. The amount of the She said while most of the black “
black children over three, children subsidy depends on the individual children have few or no handicaps. fl _ . ‘
with physical or mental handicaps, needsofthechild. they are unable to be placed in ' 4255'";f.<é$’-:~‘~f‘3i~'r':?3‘~‘°'"'
and groups of three or more broth- “Each one is on an individual homes because they are older and , .-._._._ ..-. ,, ,1 If. 1 55” ~.- “ '
en and states, according to Virgin- basis, depending on the child‘s people want to adopt babies or , -'-“-"‘X '- ‘ "‘3 ' - .-.;_.;.__._.,.._...,.‘523/” -
la Sturgeon. social worker for needs," said Sturgeon.“We don't smaller children. 53‘“? [F ~
SNAP. want to‘putundue financial stress on “If we make people more aware, )\\.\.t\ 'l , .. '-
"Chlldren are referred to our pro- theperson." we can place these children,“ she ‘ ‘
gram when all the weitim familia Sturgeon said all the children have said. ‘
In be state have been searched and either physical, mental or emotional Janie is a petite, bi-racial child
here’s no family that's felt to be handicaps. with bright eyes and curly brown
fight,"eeidShn-geon. “Any child that has gone through hair. She miles a lot and seems at
-. ‘

l I
em stole-n it... min. in", we" Me- Crouch Klvbv Mom!“ at. clue-ob: Ioun
, tam” mth-r-t UanM Nancy Loni. ,,,,,,,,r,,.,,,. AllsEdliol G’ODh-tsfdtun Photo Edna.
Jon's Edwin Morris
A»... (Milo. mi 1.4.». John um. Iow- Kolw mu. Mlduleon 'oeev Imi- J-B- VII-Nou-
. e muas Ion Mtivtuq-Hqt 4 hi ,,,p,g,1..,,. Aswsioni Managing fan w Awwnm Show. titan. Assistant Art» (dam (ovoui Mum ,t )ngt Pholugloph.’
" D can’t exist ’thout press freedom
. The freedom to speak one‘s mind is cen- For instance, a few years ago an individu- ‘ 3‘,‘ , EED
tral to democracy, and the freedom to print al managed to blueprint a working design \}‘\> -&’}'§""..13;’¢: NOW,‘(0U DON T ’ Q5 .Ll—Y N
- - - ~ ' ' ' - ' ‘e “5 ~ -.'\" "“5. 5'39 I 51-!
and disseminate those Views 15 equally sa- for an atomic bomb uSing only physics text- A.‘~\‘\\ . / #1 £533. TD KNW WHAT‘S S‘TATfib “\l
: cred. books, the Encyclopediae Britannica and ffjg-c-gttsw.\;_.:.~\ r.” //// l 4.4% E D AN (25R
. No nation on Earth has a free press com- other widely-available public information. . l .t 3‘. // 7/4 , THIS DOCUMENI "-H’ MAY N
7- parable to ours in terms of variety of publi- His work was to be published in Progressive - ("‘5 (hi, i /,,, MY” N UH‘MWO’VAL
,; . . . . . . - . \ it I (l i / / //‘ ER]: MEA /
cations and Circulation figures Its Vitality 15 Magazine. _ M ‘ . , / , I}!

‘ -. a reflection of the strong pulse of a healthy But the government got Wind of the “of, . ., 2,}, fig), SECURITY' --- j
. democracy. planned story and slapped a prior restraint ' ‘ " - ; j—r 1/ //° ’ S , 3:77,, _.

, 2,, But President Ronald Reagan apparently order on the Progressive, prohibiting it from ,:‘:;““\ ‘ /~\ : e; ‘ \__\;_. _ : 'H ,_.___,

3‘ t . . . . . ..E I a C\ ._ ~ - — I ’ __. ref—'Lti, -
believes that pulse is beating too quickly — publishing the plans on the grounds that they . 7; g \ m/ “\rvs‘s - g 3 _._;\.‘:$:-_ ; ~ .71:

.V " he wants to slow it down to a speed more might endanger “national security.” . >':“\ =\, ( i, _\ f» 3 . ~..s_=:; ~— _ ”/42
suited to his style. Late last week, he or- In the long run, the story was published tlfi‘ x.’ ”7. '33; _.~ g x :;\ ‘3 "I: — —.:.__ 542‘?
3': dered further restrictions on the already-lim- following a lengthy period of litigation. -‘ j :. ‘ §%\ *' \{ 3% \:\\‘\\ \\ 'fi‘ - __';: Z; ’1’, f!
._-. ited Freedom of Information Act, one of the Today, however, such a reversal would be $54 . o4 : '4: . 6% ._\ ix: ,. ~g - 3.; ;_. 7 :; iii

most important tools of the working press, harder to come by, considering the closed- g. «i=2: jam??? 5% \‘ 3 :‘\\ so ‘ ‘ j. .-_::'—"—’-_’ ; a
citing a need to further protect matters of mindedness fostered by the Reagan adminis- 'ng, 4» W; :\\¢.\ ‘ r “'4‘“; _—_ :5‘3'

“nationalsecurity.” tration and the conservatism of the Burger- f: ‘1 - 7 ~33" (=ng O ' -:' 45;“

' Increasing restriction of the press is a by— /Rehnquist-led Supreme Court. f; :1" like m;- M‘s) : “a;

f product of the growing paranoia manifesting A nation that makes it citizens Victims of ”:5 , “hf Y L %;,,rf1,, 9‘. ‘0], _ f;

itself in right-wing demagoguery — the same unspecified fears — prosecuting them in the “14% ./ it» . 1,2,, 39' 4‘5 22 ®‘ -
trend that secured for Reagan the Republi- name of national security for undefined V y ' ._\ git-f . ’ a ' j 4 e 0* [a —.

,. can nomination and eventually swept him “crimes” — is well on its way to totalitaria- f ‘:;,j,; ‘ t, 3 . . mg: "Vf’ ’53. ./ 12:?) #-
2.: into office. At its roots is the premise that nism. _ 71”,] 1‘54 1% A” ‘ ._ ' ~

the statusquo, i.e. “national security," must Thomas Jefferson said that if he was given 5“}; ("gal v ’ .3 -., ‘ Q

be protected above all else. If free reporting a choice between democracy and a free ’ I], w v (i: M W '1’“) ”a r,

encourages change, it must be quashed. press, he would choose freedom of the press I‘; . "4 MW W15», ‘ 3 : ?’¥;~{:‘r¢»

‘ Instead. reporters and even average citi- because without it, democracy cannot eXist. g , , :3 , . Li’ylfill/Ilm , “ , I W k 4,, \2 KW

. zens with an interest in free communication And the late, great Supreme Court Justice 2 ”hi- *' W"? ”HIM/I’M .,_ fl 4 w. a" «3A’13‘ ”3 7
_l j are expected to ignore facts that might be Hugo Black always StOOd fast on 111% literal x7 . ’ figs I ’Qé (as: ‘ .fiwf; ‘

‘- offensive to the powers-that-be if made pub- reading of the constitution concerning the reg ' f: ‘x‘. T ' , 6. it x w ::\:3_
lic. press: “when it says ‘Congress shall make 3.. ”3}" fl ‘1 t 0’ 5“ ,.\5;; ¥_

Even more reprehensible, facts that any no law (abridging the freedom of speech or ‘g’y‘f,’ .. i n ' W ‘3 . ‘ .. 1/... E ‘l

'5, . individual with the gumption to ferret the press),’ it means Congress shall make no “if: g ,7 ' i " ”hi/"y. t V :"l" i‘i g

- through an average public library might find law." ._ '0’“ _ 075 't- ~ ~ 1 . h» \ , /\@

,g are also of questionable legality, if widely These are words and thoughts apparently ggg,_::_gj;,g_;;i.:_tg;‘ ' ”k (’é J: k K Q V, ’ -,§§,sz"3,0,,

. .1 disseminated in an organized fashion. alien to our present leadership.

' ° h R d R' G 9
Will Robinson Forest become t e next e iver orge .
The controversy over whether to Mountian Rind; UK acquired miner- Singletary appointed a committee to vironmental Quality Commission, million in profit will trickle in over If that attitude seems cynical to

, mine coal in I'K's Robinson Forest al rights in 1930. decide the fate of the forest, the con- the Sierra Club, the Kentucky Farm mm 15 years if the forest is mined. you, perhaps someone would appre-

probably mirrors the economic era Mining the land possibly net a for- troversy began especially since no Bureau and many private citizens in He called this “peanuts" in a ciate the suggestion of a compro—

we live in After all, Harvard. the tune for the University at a time member of the committee is know- opposition to mining the forest at March 21 HeraldLeader story be- mise. Since the forestry department

."r Massachusettts Institute of Technol when federal, state and private ledgable of the educational assets of all. cause it represents only one-third of only needs a minimum of 1,000 acres

‘ ., ogy. Stanford I'niversity and the funds are more and more scarce. forest land. As a result of UK‘s po- Meanwhile, administrators in- UK’s annual budget. Even so, that to maintain accreditation, maybe

~ ,‘Ij; University of (aliforma-Berkeley Strip mining the forest is obviously tential action against the woods, vented another “benefit“ of mining means several million dollars in rev- the University could set aside that

_. . have all signed contracts with pI‘l' a controversial issue. Opponents ovver 150 people attended an organi- the land: “reclamation research." enue each year to a University that acreage and mine the other 14,000

_‘ vate industry to fund gene splicing argue that much of the profit would zational meeting (in late February) Why destroy nature's treasures for campaigns actively for five dollar acres.

3,: prOJects, some may even benefit bespent on reclaimation of the land. of the Save Robinson Forest Com- such a frivolous project when one donations from alumni, Better yet, I like the way Tom
.;- from commerCIal profits. and m}- They are quick to point out that mittee. could study any of the already exist- Is an $80 million endowment more Fitzgerald, an attorney for the Ap
alties areacertainty the land was donated in 1923 specif— The group circulated a petition ing reclamation sites? valuable than the infinite educatio- palachian Research and Defense

y «3, icaily to be used for forestry re- and recounted the pros and cons of But capitalists will be capitalists, nal and ecological treasures of an Fund put it, “when your ace is gone,

{-3 .. search and study according to UK destroying the forest. Some predict and the strongest reason to mine the intact forest that took decades to all you've got left is the hole,"
1" ‘ if Forestry Department Chairman. that the effort to save the forest will forest seems to be the dhort term, evolve? While $80 million is nothing
’ . Bart Thielges. He also stated that become the “Red River Gorge of the one-time financial gain foreseen by to scoff at (especially if it is earning : 1932, John Fritz
"p J°'“‘ the Forestry Department accredita- 1980‘s." the University. While Singletary's interest) it probably wouldn’t be
‘1’; Z. \ Fritz tion will be threatened if the mining The UK Committee to Save Robin- forest committee is taking the mat- enough to raise UK‘s rating in the John Fritz is a graduate student in
3,1."- ~ .4 is permitted. son Forest joins the Appalachian ter into advisement, Thielges me New York Times' Selective Guide to Toxicology and is producer of Tele-
; Those schools have their hemmhp Thielges claims it is a dangerous Research and Defense Fund, the En- dicts yet another tragedy: only $80 Colleges. cable's 'Science Newsline."
.3 3""; - nant DNA and [K has its coal Both precedent for UK to break the condi-
are worth a fortune, and both are no???“ at prgaperty donatedeiéi 3;“st .
: controversial because they could de 'l l 59 a ngerous prec en or 1
(V3,. stroy educational assets of the very tampering With the terms 0f trusts C d t d th 4 / — I 0 p
','.'.j institutions that seek to benefit from left 10 the University? 15 it‘legqal 1° 0mman men S nee e 2 com romlse
”“Chf‘nantc‘alawis. . ”mate meigrmsonhe donamn' WASHINGTON—The controvers stitution of the United States. 2) That the following Command- daries, the committee recommends
the). The DNA gurus are keeping the While critics allege that the trust . .. y H . . _ di la ed , bl' th tthi Commandmentberevised to
"..",',- results of their research top secret. protects the forest from financial ex- over the exhibition 0f the Ten Com- . .As this 15 a controversral and sen- ments may be sp y ' H? pu 1C if St t1 1 tat tes d
:1". against long standing 509,,th tra- ploitation, some University officials mandments in public schools maybe Sitive matter, the committee'pro- places and educational lnStltUtlonS. 0° 0"" ocurren‘ 1883 S U an
dition. so profiteering competitors say the trust may actually require close to a resolution. The in- poses a compromise, to be entitled, as they reflect thevaluesof American contemporary soma trends, and that
.‘.-.- i" won't scoop their patents The coal 1K to mine the coal. This question vestigating committee today issued a ‘The 412 — 10 Compromise,‘ wherein soCIety and conform to the US. Con- it heretofore shall read. Thou shalt
' "5‘33. gums- at in “am to mm the educa will likely filter up to the courts as report on its findings concerning the the public display of the revised Com- stitution: {W knowmgly 01‘ willfully ParthIPatB
tional and research value of Robin ”101‘9990P19‘3k951d650n”19155118 constitutionality of the Command- mandments shall be permitted in A) “Remember the Sabbath Day, In sexual behavior of a deViant
’,‘, son Forest for some easy cash and Thielges said ROblnSO“ Forest ments to the Department of Health, public places and educational in- t0 keepit holy." (Thecommittee finds nature, “Oh that 't Violates contem-
; have been under pressure from the ”la." b9 the ”0“].V remaining major Education and Welfare, made public stitutions, and to this effect recom- no objection With this ideal, as "SUP— porary statutes pertaining. to rape
5} .. 3 '2 -_. industry to mine the land N‘Prf’senlame area Of Its lifpe In the at a press conference this morning: mends the following revisions: ports the three-day weekend.) and sodomy (by legal defimtion), or
,‘x, 3:; Educational institutions are southeastern United States. accord- B) “Thou shalt not kill." (This behavior that is found to be in viola-
:1: ;' scrambhng for ““yg [0 ”1(Tea5c rev mg I” (l report in me KerifuCky K97“ -G—t———_—_ Commandment conforms With the tion of laws governing sexual harass'
f, enuc and [K is no exception Harv ""1 ‘ I108 laws and statutesofthe United States merit,“ ‘
“i":- l, vard has hm”15 and DNA. [K has John ()verstreet._a reSident forest- To- HEW I _ and all its territories, and shall beac-
’i";v.'::?,;_': basketball and ma] Both little 912‘ er at Robinson said that the forest ”6m, Capitol Hill 0 Inlon ceptable for public display, provided “Furthermore, the committee
313i, “‘95 1"" mad-f ‘0 S” I" market __ :lfizxgngg gag? 51?;3“? xiii:- Re: The Ten Commandments p it is universally understood that this recommends, in light of the sensitivi-
17.; ', , frfinnflm,:::,rlm0;“lr,l:gtf ”t, :1"; 5nd abundant plant and aiiipmal life. M—‘ww " ‘ Commandment is void in time of war ty of the FCC's deliberation over the
i 305”,“ Khohimd :9,” Kim]: Students use the forest as an outdoor “It is the decision of this committee 1) That the following Command- and martial law.) .. _ airing of programs agg/orlilnatenalof
“I The land is estimated to hold about classroom, and StUdl'fi on the lnd that, pending Senate approval, mentsberepealed: C) Thou shalt not steal. (Dlt- a [deilglfius natureb‘e dt';dnetw9{i(s
nit, ; g; mljhm, “ms of [W- sulfur high have resulted in approximately 50 legislative action be taken to revise A) ”Thou shalt have no other to) an 003 stations a .V1 toedi. fr
1'.- ‘~i_.' quail” min The forest has donated professional publications the existing Ten Commandments to gods before me." (It is the ruling of delete portions 0t 0601 3- ,DeMllm‘ S
il-‘fl-U m [K m 192;; by the E () [(Ohlngon When t'niversity President Otis ensure their conformity with the Con- this committee that suchaCommand- '——'—""— The Ten Commandments, 50 4‘5 to
,.' ; ment is totalitarian in nature and not ctfinform Ylthégls action. aodtlhat t
3". ' or n e with the conce t of c a oremen ion mo ion pic ure
'.,1, BLmM TY \Vs u Berke 31'8th Elggragiic p Thou Shalt rEOt heretofore referred to as, ‘The Four
5 if." 2‘”,7P:£”‘l:‘ ,, IQJW’gqfif ‘ “my; a w ‘ ‘ B) “Thou shalt not make unto hnowmgly OT Wlll- ard‘::?li'comggggi?::tfdthwth:n .
.: WI w :4" w "Li {m spews l? we fi‘flm the" any “a?" image. (This com' fully participate in pm ee Ion? . . gel '
7- ,‘ . N 'h m ” WV" "1‘ 17'5"" "i To amtooize For? worm mandment '5 interpreted by modern . “In concluSion, in keeping With the
.' We or: grief-f; w" w W m5 trrru SURE. writ 5m, 0“ theologians as discouraging idolatry sexual behavwr Of administration’s observance of
. ‘. , , ‘v‘ ‘1‘ E‘jjgf‘fx’fl“ Paar pas OKAY 10me ? My' WW7 and materialism, and thus is not ac- d ' t t separation of Church and State, all
p "M ‘ . ‘ \ table 'tdiscour es a ro r a eVIan na ure’ nted r li i in-
,, \ \‘ "\ . f cep .3351 38 . P De . . legally represe e gous
..I'-. .' ti: 1‘ . . . n \‘h 1 \\ \\, L (U , ( appreCiationofthe capitalist ideal.) such that It VlO- stitutions shall be permitted, this ac-
' 3 :i ‘ , " CI, ‘ ’w K I, . Q7 . :‘ w ,7 , -‘ . C) “Thou shalt not take the name lates conte mpo- tion notwithstanding, to display
3 f’ :3 ~ ‘ ,3 ,T, \ 3‘1 “fit MM »- P“ . . M‘f ;_~ . mi «f». to". of the Lord thy God in vain.“ (The , whatever Commandments they wish
’5’."- , 5/7,?“ ‘ ‘-\lt\i-‘T.\‘Qiis/~ RV ‘I\T ‘ Wit“; . :‘ ,‘Z 3/{ committee finds this Commandment rary statutes . . . within the parameters of their in-
.'.‘ ”[455: - ~-”ur ”£32“, “that“, ,4. he» ,,.,....\i,,‘; ,__ ”M,“ .-‘ ”La“; »— ambiguous and therefore of little stitutions, provided that such
,1 7 .\" .. ' ' ' 1‘ _ (on f ‘. ’ " Q a, e . 3.4.13 " , ethical value, as the textofthe Com- ..,_w___:.__‘.:*_,.__*w . materialisnot found tobecauseofil-
_;. -, ’7 ‘ ~' . -‘ ' ‘ ; "j" ‘- ‘\ __, ,e h" . , Ff...‘ - us. ’.~: mandment does not clearly define legal or conspiratory action within
' God’s given nameorsurname.) D) “Thou shalt not bear false theUnitedStates or its territories."
4; wow u; D) “Honor thy father and thy witness against thy neighbor.“ (The
._ , :17: xvii: 53‘ 5,.“ $3345? 3, MN my mother." (Due to modern psychiatric committee approves this Command- No prOminent civil action group has
. I, . M mm. M1,. , ‘9“, 7,1,, M, VtAU mm W 35% 3220ng convention, the commutee rejects merit as stated forthwith, as it is of offered comment on the committee 5
, 1,». ‘Lu “4 1w ‘f, "w mm “Muses W, W. this Commandment. as a number 0f cormderable ethical value Within cer- proposal at this time. However.
.' W .-.,.t.~~ W " W! "l' W leading psychiatrists hold that in- tain social environments, and as it is reports indicate that several major
,' , ' . tense identification with parent a cornerstone of the United States printing and engraving firms are
\ «\ ,2”: figures, particularly mothersmeybe judicial system.) preparing to bid for publication rights
‘ ’ I ,5 \ . 6 1' ~ ’N ’0 , - ’rfi — a contributing factor to deviant to the revised commandments, and
1 ‘Cl, 3 \' l , 2 fl ' I ‘1 / 3 ( behavior in adulthood.) 3) That the remaining command- several have alluded to advertising
, ' ’- JL, \\ f ‘ it, - 3, w" ,v 43 .5 f\_;/ ' E) “Thou shalt not covet mentbemodifledforpublicdisplay: packages offering rebates and trade-
' , A _-\~ “21 J _ >1 MW / _ ' / 1,7”. . (This Commandmentisunacceptable A)"Thou shalt not commit ins.
. H ,. “ \.{ '51- ' _ -~ ~‘ . as it discourages the profit motive, adultery." (Asthetextdoeenotclear-
1, , l \ " (it i j and thus could potentially deter ly define the term “adultery" or Scott Robinson lsaforrner Editorial
. ' capital investment.) establish clear behavioral boun- Editor ofthc Kernel
' .