xt73r20rtx3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rtx3d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1981 1981 1981-04-01 2020 true xt73r20rtx3d section xt73r20rtx3d VOL LXXXI“. NO- 131 r l-niversit)‘ of Kentucky '
Wednesday, April 1' 1981 HI independent student newspaper l.e\in“ton. Kentucky , 33 ’
0' .- c ‘.r , »' I" ' ‘, ’ " in]. ’l

w. i I 2“, a ” ‘I d 0 w ' Jb ‘ ‘1' it \. A" '. . . ' I
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‘ \' fl, - .‘A )‘G / ..“- ,. r ." , " *i‘. . 5—“ ‘:\ I I, 3 ‘ -. n‘, " ' ,. ,;,-’
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k Q \ » i 3. v i'fi‘x . ‘..‘3i‘nl‘,d1‘. I 3-13!» :1 3 .' 33__
a ' NW“? ' r33. : ._ 736nm; :6 .v‘: 337%" i "of?" » i242;
' " ' V . gr -’ . .r «tame? 3‘. 9y r v ,1 x!" 4x4 a"
3‘ 7' f 3‘ . ‘ ’ L‘ . f 4" “v”, \\ ‘ eh I— x" 5 $12 ’5‘ '§"' ‘~. " '-
v-\‘ "’ ' ..~ I ' 5‘! “A“ f 5:? ‘ i‘ <‘* i ' h 33" ' ":0! dt- ' " Compiled from AP dispatches said. and do something to get himself kill. 3
:33" ‘ . " \ ‘ " . VII/.94 c a f- 0 ~ fi‘o‘qf‘lefikwj’; 3 The hospital listed Brady‘s condi. ed.” said Justice Department ' ‘
. ‘ " ,. :3 ' ,i. t 7 , "'ii‘} 1 , .‘ t', t 1,!" . 1’ " I, . WASHINGTON — Pi‘eSidehi tion officially as "seriOus but improv- sources
. v' .n_ - ‘ . \‘ . ‘ , .""&t 3“ 5 - ¢ , . [I 9’ '9 Reagan. in “exceptionally good con- mg." The sources, who declintd iden :1: '-‘.
i " ' i ‘ ’2 , ., {:3 1‘: .‘h ’x ' , -' 5.}, " 1 v?” ' .. dihOh" and “excellent spirits," Reagan. told for the first time tification. said the letter also ’
3 ‘\ ‘ ‘ V- 5...: ’ - -3_ 3 , 3 $57.5. , 3:3? "5 ‘23; 3 - r’ Q ~ (3. I resumed the duties of the presidency yesterday that his press secretary reflected that Hinckley was in an “I 33 i
V . . “ ’ ' ‘ {‘31. ' 1‘17", .gu Ki? Q k.“ 3» J 07.1% '5 ' 3 yesterday from a hOSPiiai bed after had been critically wounded in the don't care what happens to me‘ ' .
» w, gs" . -, .i‘ :33...» 1‘1,‘ 1.3" .. y ., . 34?" ”3;:- v' ‘ an assailant‘s bullet was removed same fusillade that hit him, replied frameoi mind 3
‘ , ' - ’ , "2‘. a . , , vfig‘, 13.,“ ianfl'fi ‘ \‘It”? '. 7,1): :1. 9.35? ' from his chest. “0h.damn,()h,damn." Sources did not say to whom the g '1}
. ’ I '4 . ' . ‘ . “fiif ' “‘ 1"}, ’bt’ J vi ’rniéa’ _[ .. [355 than 24 hours after he was He was told by the White House letter was addressed. nor would they '-
' ' -. ( . ‘ " ~ ‘ .. \ , v ' 7‘... fi‘fi‘t. ‘, ’\ I" \ _i V ,r‘3 \‘, fit; *Vi shot outside a Washington hotel. physician, Dr. Daniel Ruge, Just say exactly when it was written 22‘ g
. \ _» ‘, . 'fg‘ . ' 3’ ,\- w ’ l‘fiz-ttei3. x' ,‘L'i ., 3‘, 20“ " it, f. Reagan.70. was joking With nurses 3' after noon that press secretary They said it was found in Hinckley‘s ‘5‘5 13
.v‘ " r " i “ 4‘ ‘ - 4, ”‘h 5); Dell. 7‘,“- 3 ' t", - 1': é: " George Washington Umverstty James S Brady, a Secret Service quarters but refused to say exactly ’. "
i . 0 , "-‘ \' - VJ" ”‘33"? “.3 h‘ " T ”:23"? “g ‘ ' i ' 7"" ‘ Hospital and impressmg his dOCiOi‘S agent and a city policeman had also which location they referred to :1" .'
I ‘ i ’ ‘ 3 - ‘ . _ 3 43"."9'4 d sygw \ "i, 3‘ fr‘ L‘fi .. ' withhis stamina. been hit outside the Washington Once source said. "The letter in 1"
i . i . "5 :~ “has” ' '1 f5 . :‘1‘,’ h‘p J "..' At 7315 am. EST '0!) aides visited Hilton Hotel. dlcated he might go out and do ,
- 5’ _ , 3,3,3 51’?» 3 . ,f‘é“ ; 0.33;,3'2' «a .33: Reagan's room and found him sitting Then. Reagan‘s chief of staff. something to get himselfkilled “
5 .3 ‘ .. 9:; . $33119}; ‘ ' $V‘ ‘ ‘9 \\i if, k . ' "‘ 33, y ‘ Up in bed. hi'iiShihg his teeth after James A Baker, told reporters. the Hinckley was charged at midnight 31". ~
/ 3.}: ' ' W”? 341:...‘12‘1‘ z' b "L " v f (‘3. breakfast. Deputy press secretary president askedif Brady had been hit Monday with attempting to .54
" " i *9 \ “im\ ‘ A ‘ — ‘ Q ." .‘ ‘ ”0 Larry Speakes said Reaganused hls in the brain. aSsassmate the president and _"3
. “.,, ,w ' . .‘fi‘h‘. \ "V ' "'- * 'fi 5,3 7; breakfast tray '0 Sigh a dairy price Ruge said he had and Reagan said. 85511th a Secret Service agent . l
w. ’ ,_ , . 3 with‘-\ \ v 3 \ 3 3f ,,.3 ”" i .j "7". support bill the aides had given him. "()h,damn ()hdamnf' Charges in the shooting of Brady and F
.__‘, 7 3.3:: > t ”“1" “$.t ‘ ya}. i _ - ' ' ' 3 “He could probably put in a full Despite the shock of the news about a police officer have yet to befiled "I:
. f}: if; if: ”y east“ 4;, Vikgy.‘ ' "_~ » ’ "‘ -‘ » ’ '2 t... day today if he 89'5 a nap ihiS after- Brady. Vice President George Bush. Hmcklcy. 25. is the son of a wealthy , .3“. I
‘3?“ 7,. I 9; igaflysgf‘sfw, firm“, (I ‘5‘“ ‘\ ,5. . 3» .f-q' noon,“ said hospital spokesman Dr. who visited Reagan at the hospital. Denver oilman and has been pop. 3,
, .3 In ‘ .‘i m“: :fi;}f 3. ' A‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ — ' .s ‘ " .. " u’ . . Dennis O‘Leary. " i WOUid h0i3h9 said the president "looked well. trayed in court as a disturbed drifter 3
a. it: ' f“: 3:},malfl a . ,. QM: \ \. . 1 N' J 3 Slii'Pi'iSin to see him UR walking “He was responsive and asked withahistoryofpsychiatric care
A a! p; 5,3,1 ' .. ,..~ * “To ’4}... at” ,3 ‘ '33 g t‘ g .33, ‘ arouldinacoupleofdays 3 with unfailing courtesy about Bar- Hinckley was being held without
a“; J {V'_ "’,"”"‘”:‘"“‘"£ g “hf“: I i W, i‘ h: E 3 ,’ _ O'Leary, the hospital‘s Chief of bara. my wife Nancy Reagan was bond at a Marine base south of ":h
a l\ 1 I g ””7-‘CI.:,: 3 5 , 3 3\ ,. 3. -‘ 3 £ w - 3 cliniCal affairs. said Reagan “ls do there Washington while awaiting if.
’mr " ' V “M f ‘17"? '9, "3’ ., ‘ t ”,~ ’ g . ' 9 2: his extremely well," could be “So I feel and I think the country psychiatric testingtodetermineif he :V
a A j r ’ ., ‘ ’ .‘ , ' 3 ”:13“ ‘ 3 discharged from the hospital in a {@915 a great sense of relief at the is competent tostandtrial
. ~- .-- . 3 ~ ~ _ 3‘ . ,w ' jr- _ ) week or two, “then a couple of mon- feeling that he L.- on the road to While the FBI investigated Hincklev. .‘
3 33 ,, , 3 . 3- 3., fl 3 37‘5”". ‘- , _ "i thsuntilhe‘s back riding horses." recovery “ the Secret Service. charged with pro : "V
. ,- '1'; 7 “ C ,. He said press secretary James ' L
/.~ P ‘ ' 2&1 ‘ m - .34}. “ 33 3’} ,’ Brady, shot in the forehead in the 3 3:33: ; "1
l . ' a .3. ,. , “ 7,!" -. .. E: in A I ' assassination attempt. was “much ‘ 33 .-,.
. ~ _. ski. *JQ, 3. 1' ‘3, “‘.3 .3. . ' , . improved“ after extensive ex- 33 , -. 3.
. ' ‘ .' ' ‘ , g. V, ‘7’“ ‘ 2" i‘ g -' I ‘ _, ‘3 ploratoryfsugfery to tdete33r3minbe the , __ ' .. 3 f; .1
‘s ' v,- v . » ’ ' [43. . _ ._ ‘. exten o mage o is rain. _- . 3 , .3 I. 3 2...:35; . 3
.3 . a. 3 ‘3,“ ? / ’ ’1'}: ' .' ,i' -' 3 ‘ , Brady's progress, he said, “has been 3' w 3» a Q: 1'. ’
3 ‘fEsA-h ‘ \5 , ‘V . Ia‘ ' “ , ' extraordinary." _ m 7 V“ ._ '5 ' .-
, “" 1.7;“? ‘ 3f . \ . 3*" - / , "'3 ' 33, .. ,_ The doctor reported “fairly exten» ' EM 3 m 3 '
‘..'\ 1‘ M "% ‘ «’ " a. i “d sive damage" to the right side of . ._.. '
t " 3:5“ 3%, 3“,. fl ‘ t 3 -- 2 ‘ 3- “w .7» ' ‘ a; f . Brady‘s brain but minimal damage y ,,- " 33’ 2'
. 3 3 . a , . -‘ .{i‘ "‘_ , z’ “i ,' " M ”,3 3 .. 3., 3 to the left, which controls all speech ; r" ' 3ft: 3 3"!
,“ffi ‘ ' ,5. .h it '(‘QK .3 .— .-t ' 3 $3.3 g ‘“ ‘v‘ifgyti'g, ; andmentalprocesses, ‘. 3. _3,. 9 -:, ;'
; -»\ . ‘33. t " ~ 'M.o‘ y ,3 ’65.!- ' 33.. 3 ,= é'.§._____‘_*__ Both Brady‘s pupils respond to , ,_ ' 3 ' 3 . _ c {“73"
*5 'oo. . ~ ° ," 3’7...‘ «p» , W, ’ " , ‘ 3' ~ . ', ,3, _ g .. light, which O‘Leary said was en- -.. , , ‘ 3, ' 3.;
'c " '1‘ a- a - " , . - 1‘ $9 ". . &. ‘ , ' i I ,1,in 351‘. ' couraging. " i I3
33 3 ' a" ‘. ~ " 3 ‘3\_ 4"": t. é? “3 2" g ‘33:" . ' ...;.; ‘ i“; 37,. The doctor was optimistic about 3 3 ' ‘ *~" '
mt ‘Q‘ h": «:4th ‘0‘. ‘-‘.‘ xi, \‘Wxgih’fi‘tr "‘ ” i 3“ p. Brady's fvemiiai ”mm“ “393““ Rhi‘AiiiiiiEAGAh JAMES s. BRADY
l. t (5-. '3. I3. 4‘ -::'_,. Q r, 3“ e. .,X . ‘3 , a, .W , 3:1,- because all his mental processes ' ' 3 3 3 ,3,
-‘ 0:"! ‘\ . ~ . - A 1... .l 94‘ ‘.. , a}! '. *‘ \t, A 'r‘itl’. . areon the leftSIde,”which sustained Bush said the scene around tecting the president, was in t 3 ‘
. . , . . " ' , little damage. Reagan's hospital room was "like vestigating its own ixirtormance in
Sprln muSIC B) J1“ Fl LLER/Kernel Staff O'Leary said Brady could move his Grand Central Station" the assassination attempt '1' i ,_ _’
g limbs on the right side of the body A The vice president. whose duties HOW Ci’uid Ii happen ihiii in mi: na . “3.7.,
Musicians Bob Wright. Bob Parks and Paul Pustinger weather '0 get iii a “iii? PiCkih'- The trio “'35 playing which “-3 controlled by the left half or 'PCIUde serving as president‘of the mm s 'd'p‘ml‘ d4mll'tifi-(Z': x:ih'h 321331;, I‘ i
took ad nt d of . near theCom lex onSo th . . his brain — on command from his Senate. was at the (apitol less than House. a gunman s i l) c l . i I, .3333
W a ge yemrday s ""seasonab'y “3"" p " (ampus' doctors. half an hour, but he took time to hold in the midst of a sump 0f reporten :. ,-
“We believe he is going to live." an impromptu news conference. and. from 10 feet. fired six shots at f,- .53,
o 0 he said. "but we have no idea where He said he is not an acting presr the prt‘Sldk‘ni (iiiht‘ i'hiit‘d Shiii‘“ 1' g,
h At] nt he is going to end up.“ If there is dent and has no intention of taking "You can! react faster than a -
11 Ian On sees ope In a a paralysis, he said. "it probably will over Reagan's duties. buliei.” Mild Jack Warner ”i iht‘ 5 ~32 -'
affect the left side of his body.“ In the meantime. Federal lflv St’t'ri‘i-Shfi'il‘h i,
The bullet entered Brady‘s head yestigators have found an unmailed Th0 N’i‘rt‘i SWVIU' is undergoing .j if
, , . besidetheleft eye and came to rest in letter written by accused presiden- ihv Sam? “T“hSirUChOh 0' “"“hL‘ 35' 3,; "
By CHRIS ASH be placed in the running for the Vice immediately. the right rear portion 0f the skull. tial assailant John Warnock Hinckley It did aflpr John F KQ‘llan} was :31: . ’3
Associate Editor presidential nomination, summed up Reagan has promised that from which it was removed intact. he Jr. which indicated “he might go m," ('ontinued on page 3 .» -', ‘
his views by saying the “safety net" economic conditions will improve for , o , 3:3,... ,
CiVii rights leader Julian Bond said rinci le devised b Reagan to pre- blacks if his economic policies ac— T h t- d l k R ’-'._‘ ,
last night that despite the failure to Bent the most needyypeople from cat- complish the intended reforms. But 86” S guns 0 woun l e eagan S L,_.‘ i; ‘-
fifld the killers 0f the slain black ching the full brunt of the govern- Bond was not optimistic about this if. ,3
children 0' Atlanta, he '5 confident ment budget cuts ”'5 35 coarse as happening ‘ ”i assume it won‘t." By The Associated Press Cape Cod home Monday watching TV The gun fired and a slug apparent fl ,. .3
that Atlanta police are making their Swiss cheese." He said that during the time of footage of the shooting when one of ly ricocheted off the door into ijisnor, 333.3,33 ‘
Mt efforts and willbesuccoasful. "We are a disproportionate part 0' President Kennedy’s eiECiiOh the SANDWICH. Mass. -— A teenager the boys “apparently remembered McBride said. The teenager was hit “VJ-”F: .
”i have every confidence they‘re the people who benefit from the ser- prevailing attitude was one of trying was shot in the chest as he and a there was a gun in the basement," once in the loft Wk. ”f the chest. 33.53.34,
going '0 get to the bottom 0' these vices proposed to be Chi " public '0 improve blacks' hVihS conditions, friend played With a PiSiOi while wat~ police Officer William McBride said similar to the location of the presi 3‘." 'f".
68805." he said. “People have been housing, Medicare, Medicaid. but maintained that this attitude ching television accounts of the at- The two got a .25caliber pistol and dent‘s woundhc said "9
misled by television, where they AlthOugh all Americans will feel the changed during the Vietnam War. tempt to assassinate President “as they watched this program the 3 d 33 d 3,33 r ‘3 MW 3.31333, ‘
have seen clues SPi'ihS Wt 0f effect, black Americans will feel it “As our brightest and our best Reagan,police said. weapon was passed around," he said M‘ I?“ 95'“ ,ml',‘ , i g" —, " .’
nowhere and cases solved in the last the most." were beaten down by bullets, a shift me boy, Shawn Eisnor. was McBride said Eisnor‘s friend 3p, ligdmbi 1h“ hiht r W} 3'33
five minutesof the hour. Bond expressed concern over the began. Y0ung people gave up the war hospitalized and listed in stable con- proached the television room and McBride blamed the accident on ~‘3
“We’ve 80' '0 be mihdhii 30h 0' recent conservative trend which will. on poverty and turned inward to ‘lift dition. jokingly called out: “Don‘t comp “a little carelessness." adding. "1 3.3:;
Sam (the nickname given to David he said, result in “future judges be- thelid on their id.‘ “ Eisnor and an unidentified friend. through the door . . if you do, I‘ll wouldn't say they were playing '33 3_
Berkowitz, arrested in August 1977 mg concerned not with individual The 19605 were a decade 0f both 14, were in the Eisnor family‘s shoot.“ assassination ' {33.1
for committing mass murders in libertiw but maintaining the status- cynicism and narcissism, Bond said. 0 o o .
New York City) was caught by a quo" and a possible change or culminating with the election of Flasher Strlkes a In t 11b rar .
policeman checking 0" a parking elimination of the 1965 Voting Rights former President Richard Nixo;i ga a y 3 :3'
ticket,“ said Bond, the president of Act, which will beu for reconsidera- Bond‘s hopes for the future improv ' , . , _ . , : 3 _ 3 3., ,- {3‘
the Atlanta chapter of the National tion by Congress nei't’t year. in 1975 after Nixon left office, replac- gniltis'ggfi‘igm‘ “£238 3:16:58 18:: the: 12:53:23; :rogtgdent:3rep3t3ir3tfd3;3h3e3\ Linn been 3.3»3
Association for the Advancement of He claimed that Reagan and Sen. edby “carefree" Gerald Ford. l 3c 2&0, aincii‘ecs tallanianps'ith a mm 3"; ‘. oni31arlt3‘ ,2’3 V‘ lti‘h'iq 9:30": - ",
0310'“ People. Jessie Helms. R-North Carolina, a “In 1976 we turned toa man (Jim- Des ite . kr : use b . cam us by'ld and bushv hair He 'was ind-ting dt '5 ('th in "I: ;
”Ail ofuswant the Police to tell us conservative Congressional leader, my Carter) who surely knew the . p quic e.po ' p ‘ m - ‘ 5 u ml“ 5‘ “r '1“ '0' "r “m p‘” 3' '
. . . , police and library staff members. reported tohavea goatee. edinthe scott Street lot. they saw the ,' .
what they know, but when they tell us have publicly vowed to eliminate the words of our hymns, less than a year no ther flasher escaped a when Police ugre those flashed to report 3 -h m d {I 'h ‘d ”33 33 3 33 3 3,3. 3 3 .
they're also telling the killers," said Affirmative Action program. Bond later he had forgotten the numbers :30" 335,” day afternoon pp the incidents because the additional man“ 0 ‘ 3“ ‘ ‘m‘ ‘ 5“” .' "-3,
Egdressnd ln3:gp:gspec:1’t3f:rf:c;i;§):3:l :argdpllfoihempgfira:13f0r3:t:3c3:‘33e:3531ngat3h§ ongourrdpacghjc‘igfized the 1930 elec- The incident was the 3r3nost recent 3i3n information may yiefld addfiftionalil J :‘htwrli giitective Sgts 2|]; Hill and 1 - .i.
. .. . . . . ,. . _ an outbreak of flas ings at te cues .urren y. 53 ety o icias o n o ey investigate t e report. - .
31313113 gagost stpea .k er gogthte St; minorities by firms domg busmess tion as :clthgzn Effin library, and police have increased estimate that only 50 percent of the they learned that a parking attendant ~ ' ' . '
1;" W rk 0cm ionscee ra ion mm the federalgovemment ls end- Dum $11G . Foimulvll .. their investigation. Safety officials incidents are reported. had observed a man fitting the 3 ,
$33331” criticized the vigilante ed. many blacks yobs Win disappear grits an mean a ' said the quicker an incident is In an unrelated incident. police ar« description enter a nearby ' ‘ . ‘
groups which have been formed in » .Q‘.‘\vn»' reported, the better the chance of fin- rested a Zf‘ryearold Lexington man restaurant Further investigation ‘ 3 - i3
Atlanta in an attempt toendthewave ‘5 m _ .. ding the flasher. in connection with an indecent ex- revealed that White was employed at '- -. 3 3
of violence which has multed in the ‘. ‘ \ "_ Police records indicate a student posure incident at Dickey Hall.Police the restaurant g -3 -3
murders of 21 and disappearancos of ' [’3 _ was flashed on the second level of the records said James S. White was , . ., 3
two other black children. He called , :1 \ . central core book stacks in the Mi charged With two counts of indecent mine was apprehended and charg 3 H. ‘
those groups "unnecessary distrac— T f» ' Kinglibrary atapproximatelyrtpm. exposure. 3 3 3 ed with the incident a few minutes _ ~‘ ~ .
tions from the normal course of Q - Workers notified police at3:04p.m. Police Chief Paul Harrison said later at police headquarters , 3 ' . -
”my . t..- or the inCidlent an3d fetfrhhe a pr;- ..__,____—_—s ._.__,.—.._______ , ~ 2 .
o ’ v , ‘ ‘ ‘
m. . 6...... m... and .. t messiah: :2... mitt... node . , toutsm - ~
president 0’ the Southern Poverty ‘ later. a floor-by-floor search was _ , - .
Law Center, expressed concern over - ~ . The Kernel gives its endorsement
, , 0 q ' madeofbothsectionsofthcbuildmg. . . . . .
the effects of President Reagans . . At one point during the search an for Student Association preSIdent and Get out. get warm, get brown. if ~» ~
gamgnic policies on American open door alarm sounded on the vice president. Scetoday‘s editorial. you're already brown, get browner 3 . ‘
~ c ' ' Tem ratures will be in the low 7(5 - ‘ -
‘ “Reagan and his budget bu" lowunidle'oflt «33,3231. Enigma: m? with lows tonight in the mid to ‘ ‘
cherers are robbing from the poor More of the alarm opened the upper «18 it will be even warmer ' 3
andhmngthepocketsofthench." door ' One Flew 0"" ”‘9 Ci‘Chm's N9“ Tomorrow with highs in the mid 7th
M. who 3' the i963 Democratic By FRANK SALVINOIKeI-nelsuff Poi n the scene said the alleged author Ken Kesey has some advice
Convention became the first black to Civil rights leader Julian Bond speaking to a Memorial Hall audience. flashgrcedid not fit previous descfip. forUKstudents Seepage 6.
h I O . ‘ 3 . 3 , t . A

 3. _ _.__ . e__,,- , A, , _ _, _ W , ,3 I- . - . __-,...-._.,..- e..- s-.. -.A ,.,._-#._fi__-,._-_fl,_~._._¥_._._.__.———————
‘I I I I l
‘ ve. in t t ' (‘IrllAalI IIUI ‘
l e d It Or| a I S & I :SItol‘rl:rC:le] 2.322?ng $8222. gram Etyiitor 2:21am! Editor Egumzlitor
. chbkoDu-kl “M“. h
l commc nis n - rm...
‘3 Vicki Poole .
l \I Jqu “m Aulltant Day Editor :z-ggywflloech mum? I Use Willie: I rum
1 . Day Editor John Little Auutant Sports Editor Auluant Entertainment Editor StquArtilu
. i The Anludi land utk‘unc- I‘llrllfl\ and opinions. [Mien and uranium Md be typed. lnpk~ DIIQG. MM
, ' soured and Include nine. resident-t- and proper Idenliflutmn including 1 h ll) lot student: ud l I Cm.“- Ml
. . 5 “planes. ltllen should he limit-d lo 200 word: and opinions and tome-l- Iii I” worth. \ Senior 5m” w,“".
We, ,, ##H ,. “..-.-.-.....#_-,fl._fl__-._,.__w_.__ '___________________————————————————"
‘ B s and Cl k h t 1' mi ’ ’“° '
. ogge 8 ar 8 ow mos p 0 se . “acme” z" . ,,
g . ‘ If students at UK ever need an effective way it’s set up, a few pe0ple can tie things i we , , ' ,' ' 0P . ~ A\
' ‘ " Student Association, it is now. up." _ ' (K . ., . , . \I
, . , - ' Just look at the writing on the wall: Of course, a senate cannot accomplish \\ 0 3/73/3333, 2‘
- , ~ - - - . . ,’ 33’3/3/3/333/4/3 {w 32
.~ . , - Students are facing perhaps the most anything without strong leadership. And _ // /3///§3§/;/3 ’9? i,
. . . L * fiscally conservative times ever — a time many of the aforementioned projects were ' , ,733“ ~ //%/ 3h, .‘t,
. . , . when budget cut attitudes are not only a result of this. N 3/ 3/3 «.33- % 6 3., \
., . ;‘ -.; . ' _ . prevalent in Washington but have Because a strong SA needs to have a / TQ- 3% 3/3 3% 3 g ,3, .
, ~ , ‘- - ‘ precipitated down through our own state balance of power between leadership and Q, /% \, ’0
, '. .t and local governments. invonvement, we are endorsing the can- m . f. / 33%. ’33 1 .4- .
- '~ ‘ Students themselves have splintered into didacy of Scott Boggess for president and ,\ 3% i. 33 . / " m
' . , , - . special interests, focusing on their own Bobby Clark for vice president. . f .3 ’1? . ‘
,I . , . -. . .I , careers and lifestyles without looking at Although each is running with a different -§—’ 33. 33 , (I j I . U
. a ‘ what is going on around them. partner, we believe a mixture of the two / ~ , ' "
,- . ' . And in the interim, the tunnel-visioned wouldbeto the students’ best inter-fits, I d l . \ / I! m E . ,
"" ‘ . f ' . future leaders Of our society are perhaps Clark has proven his ability to effectively Q, . " , . ‘ , fl .3
' x . ' _. . neglecting the most valuable resource present student concerns to state officials y . } . \g. m
‘ . I ,. ., available to them: education. and politicians. He has also proven his abili- ~ _ ‘9 ’ , N
.v . , ' Because of this, we believe UK students’ ty to lead through undertaking several pro. ' : , / "O
. No. 1 concern today and tomorrow at the jects this year—many of which proved suc- ‘ , O, ‘ I " Q4 3
- .' " polls should be electing a senate that has cessful. h & /"’ '
' - t hhthed members and powerful leadership. While Tom Uram, another vice presiden- hi3 , )2 ’ . 3 a
f The first of these two qualities should not tial candidate, has proven his leadership j 33% ' fi'» , «3. (33 [3'73
‘ , V be overlooked: , qualities as well through organizing several 7 ;~ ti ”a. A " a @ a. ,1 //
. 1 ‘ AlthOUgh this year 5 ,SA members Sho‘hd good political affairs forums, Clark has the ‘5 , ,. " " ‘5 ‘ (r a. 3 ”4 3 .3
‘ be commended for the" achievements, — edge because of his experience as a senate \Z; t . 3 , 3 :3 4 /
- planning a parking heket amnesty week, leader who performed administrative assis- \” - ““5”,“ ’ 3+
, ’ : challenging the General Telephone propos- tant tasks skillfully, h, -’ //
. . . ignrgtig$53:sfihgggfigguiugffifiewfimuty’- Boggess Will prOVide a benefiCial balance ., c/ 33 / . ‘
't ‘ ing Card expanding legal services —— un- to Clark because 0t hts. concernIthat the W ‘ 1...... .. /’ ' I ‘ul’ts W3" 8|
t ' " doubtedlt some of the problems that have senate “work together m achievmg com- .3... '~ /
‘ . . . y . mon goals.“ He is anewcomer to the senate
. arisen in these and other proyects happened . . . .
. _ . _ . . - who quickly became involved in committee . .
, . because leaders did not effectively utilize . . . . .
, work and exhibits a leadership quality that
. . the talents of all senators. . b th t d H 'bl
I ' Because many senators were not involved ts A: S rong an 3?)“ .E' h ll th '
'; in the decision making, there were mixups . . a newcomer, e Wt. c a enge e ex-
, A, - . isting power team of which Clark and Britt
_ , ., as well as a high number of senate reSigna- B k t _ _ _
' . ‘ '.~' tions and a low number of candidates for roc man wereapar ' Seasoned advocate Oh‘mhsh" there ‘5 a great heed t°t ”"59““
" college senate seats Clear] the residential and vice senawrs‘ Debbte Barley has prove" her abthty to
. .- ‘.I - ' . . _ y: P . I consider Dean Garritson a sincere and dedicated represent students fairly and actively. Her continued
- - ‘— " The “”1" Of the matter ‘5 that SA ts a St“' PFeS‘dehhat. .C.ahdldates “1““, several candidate for the office of senator in the UK Student work with Student Association is greatly needed.
‘ dent 39"“th and as such should 1hV°tve Viable POSSlblhtleS for next year 5 senate. Association. Throughout my acquaintance with Mr. 0n Earley‘s “In the Right Direction" ticket are
"; ', students both on the senate and at the We believe. howevever. that the combina- Garritson, he has shown unusual sensitivity to the senators Sali McSherry, Denise Damron, and Tim
' j university. To quote one disillusioned tion of Boggess and Clark would create the needsandproblemsofminority studentsonUK's cam- Adams. These students have demonstrated utmost
' ' ‘ .A senator who resigned, “We just keep going best organization possible to responsibly pusandadamantly supportedtherightsofallstudents concemforaworking SA.
- -’ I I‘ to these meetings. There was a lot of lead student senators — and consequently, as a whole. If he is successful in his bid for office, I Iurge all student tovote — and tovote “in the right
" .’ - f' ' (senators) trying to get things done, but the the student body. believeIMr. Garritson will continue to live up to his direction" for Earley, McSherry, Damron, and
. = . reputation as a “seasoned advocate" for all UK Adams.
1' 7- f ’ students.
SA .9 record thlS last year says ......
.~ . Leon Bates Senator-at-Large
. - -,' 3 Biol senior
g. . Ar, -. 't ’ t ' h “f , Spoonamore for Senate
_ l S lme or some BS 00 Obkus chance
' ~ ' ., . . . We are concerned about the u 0min elections
, ' A ‘. To run for student g0vernment of » F—-—-— to increase the voice of women in all 11 vtvmldulliilgevégégifoar: austltfentjat’t t’lt‘tl? upcorréing because the Student Association, either dirictly or in-
. ~ . 1 fice you have to be smart enough to ; ; area’s of the university‘s administra- felt: '2': . .f tIyIan urs g" f e pies en; directly, affects the life of every student at this univer-
, understand the system, but dumb 3 " ’ 3 tion; and Malvaria would provide hta lid vace-pretsi en matting ares ymar (1914:? sity. A student government is effective only if its
I ' -"_ enough to think it‘s important. At . 1 more than effective representation, 8?: haan "1:: $901. nh . aryf mtli attw te members care about the campus community. Thus, it
' least that axiom is generally true — i is and besides, she was the only t'1 g 161“ are .e vious c Sea 95‘ these t 0 pt)” if our dutytoelect responsiblecampus leaders who will ,
I‘ I. : there are exceptions that cut both i lames _ l engineering—senator candidate to iIons. y atmpftgnqe $3“. Ing Wt . “58 wo con- listen to our needs and concenrs and will act upon
. ways. Que in. ‘1 even show up at the candidate's firms the 'd Itshts IegiItimate tICket tosupport. them.
“ . For example, there are some can- i griffin , ! forum. desty xsoglghhin e.mm9:tva§€t; refiwhedé‘o mitt: St; We believe that Lynn Spoonamore, candidate for
‘ ' .- didates who think student govern- ’I , ’. " l behalf Witho ten Stg :Ica uacfoalm eIsu 3]" Senator-at-Large, is such a person. She is dedicated,
"'I . i ment is so important that they take TI , l For all other races, I suggest that two ‘ll ltd .tttmgfia 3%. a t: e 51::th es: hard-working, and conscientious, and will always
- Shortmhs in their haste to represent 5 ‘ 3 .I when you are in doubt onacandidate, LeSl’WI pr&th;: Maj: ”:8“; titty ’t‘ “ny place first the best interests of the students. We urge
,' t .; ' their constituents. They let their per- ‘i ' vote for a change from the past. The an etftf'oiltean: vote :32] 18 d (gr f 9505‘ “sms'th It; all students who share our concern about the future of
. :I'I, sonal judgement take the place of ”r—‘flw—‘fr‘ UK Student Senate is so anemic an mm Bin hame 9 .d at“ d .0" “yum: 3“ SAtoelectLynnSpoonamoretothe Senate.TheSenate
, . . hard research and solid business figures on General Telephone's effi- organization that it is easy to g rpreSi en an Vice-presi en ‘ needs more students like Lynn because LYNN
7 " ‘ ‘~ L practice - which is not always an un~ ciency and productivity, and doesn't understand their annual blood drive Dou Th SPOONAMORE WILLMAKEADIFFERENCE!
t :‘i I it 5UCC€SSM method - but it is hard to crave the spotlight. —they surely know the need for fresh g omas . .
I, ,‘.I -. justify gambling with the interests of blood, so let's give it to them. Ag communications "mo" Patty Lankford Sara Gayle
the voters, TO those unfamiliar with the ins . . . Undecided Fashion Merchandising
. j T I‘ This was the case with the in- and outs of the UK Student Associa- In the nght Dl‘rec‘lon
,. - ,3. _. surance program administered by tion, Clark is an in and Garritson is As a Student Association Senator-at-Large, I Kathy Adams Sally Oster
t... , Dean Garritson. Earlier this year, an out. Clark has risen to comptroller . . . . . recognize the necessity for people to vote. Better stu- Physical 'nierapy Accounting
“,If Garritson let the goalof his office and of the current administration while James (:I'Illln IS a speed1 SEHIOT- dent representation is possible but only if students do
."‘.4. ?-_ his organization ~ to acquire more Garriston resigned from his staff His COlumn normally appears every mand it. The beginning: go to the polls and mark the Jennifer Horn Dormant-own
money for its discretionary funds ac- post earlier this year. Both. however. Tuesday- boxes. Fairly basic stuff, Mechanical Engineering Undecided freshman
I count — dictate the terms of a group are candidates for election this week,
' '- ‘I ' ' 1 life insurance policy to be offered to though not against each other. Gar-
, .- students on or soon Association neonnnnningrnnsennesean uc ear com at c0 mes to t e Sma scr een
‘j', .' letterhead. Recently I visited Clark to discover
-, t j Apparently ‘ d prerequisne to the strategy SA would take tn testify- I'm tired 0f living a SCCI‘El life; l'm necessary. "That, Lt. Uhuru, doesn't first score of more than 200,000 last
.. I,.Ii , . underwriting the policy was the pay ing before the Public SerVice Com- coming out of the closet . m M S r n on,” I lean week
5; €3.13 ment of an iflated ”administrative mission. He is also involved in the I‘maMissileCommand freak - sup"? 9 a .l ’ c 99 ' ' . . .
.. . fee“ that would have SA mail, label court battle against the governor to I . . -I - bachIin my chair. The Romulan croft But never mind, I Will continue.
. z . .yI , . . . There, I ve said it —— the load is off - A are In attach formation. “Energize And I’m not alone. There are
, 9,: and send a cover letter together with overturn the utility regulation m mind the burden is off rn ., fl , th nds th ds of
i. .32, '5. a company‘s brochure for a fee reorganization y ' ~ y "Chafd ' t 0" phasers, I order, my vowe m upon «man we
.- . .- higher than the actual cost of doing . Shoulders, the monkey is off my .. fl . urgent, but calm. . MiSSile Command affIiCiandos and
so The difference would be S A's Ifullyexpectedthefighttobemore back. . . 3a; The Vulcan science omcer speaks. our names are legion. (Gentle
fir l '3"; “profit .. symbolic than substantive, but Clark Missde Command, in case you mC- -_I “Captain, I think it only logical to readers: Forgive another interrup
513', 7". ' , was surprisingly well prepared. He’d didn't know, is a video game, one of M ' j“ t . point out that Capt. Kirk in such tion, but I wanted to call your atten-
If, f m" 394“?”an psrggramgast photocopied and obtained thousands those computerized television sets donald $33,, situations..." tion to the “names are legion"
‘. .' 3, 3 glad Stuyr 8:" ”39,309 p739 etL of pages of reports and studies on thathave turned pinball machines in- M "Blast it, Spock, Idon't care what phrase. I have never been sure of
til; it _ d' d "gm ,Satkh aIr} .. arri utility regulation. In addition, Clark toflashy dinosaurs. " Capt. Kirk did. I'm in command of what it means, but I've always
;' 33’ , '. son) :ha ewor imse ' ._ was in the process of conducting his (Gentle readers: If you're expec- kt: this ship now." The bridge officers wanted touse it. So there it is.)
oi’ i." Ano er exception to the rule '5 own study, one that attracted the at- tinga column filled with sensitive in- i fall silent with respect and awe. Sometimes the people you least
.‘I‘ t:"." It Bothyj' (:18th aICIandidIate for SAVICC tention of the commission, on the sight into a pressing social issue. "Warp four, Scotty, we've got a bat- suspect are hooked to the game. For
"-"3. - ”it en! “[2: “mm“ 93 a tttgkta relative efficiencies of utilities tough luck; you're not going to find it the six cities on the coast." tie to fight. . example, a woman reporter who is
31; ' gimfigzsn C-IIarIincSe 55:25;an smtalrt across the country. Clark does his here. Better luck next time. Inciden- I cast a sardonic, yet warm glance I‘m addicted to the game. I could an acquaintance confessed last week
.- enough to understand the