xt73r20rtv39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rtv39/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1941 xv, 113 p.: ill.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number  FW 4.14:Ar 4k/no.34 books English Little Rock, Ark.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Arkansas -- Jackson County -- Catalogs Jackson County (Ark.) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 34. Jackson County (Newport) text Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 34. Jackson County (Newport) 1941 1941 2019 true xt73r20rtv39 section xt73r20rtv39 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ‘
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1 ‘ ‘ .
1 .
, ‘ Prepared by
The Arkansas Historical Records Survey
"Division of Community.S§rvice PrOgrams~
Work Projects Administration'
. "Little Rock, Arkansas
The Arkansas Historical Records Survey
October 1941

J Sargent B. Child, Director
, Raymond Foster, State Supervisor J
J J Harvey E. Becknell, Director J
John. C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor J
Howard H. Jacoway, State Chief J
' J
' 'J Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner ‘ J
Lee G. Spofford,_Chief Regional-Supervisor ,
May Bevens, State Director J
. J
J ,
Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner J
Chas. B. Braun, Regional Director
Floyd Sharp, State Administrator J
‘ J
3 * * * * * * * J
University of Arkansas J
College of Arts and Sciences J
Judge J. Fred Ball 1
_ County Judge of JackSOn County ' J

 i "To bring together the records of the past
i and to house them in buildings where they will
i be preserved for the use of men living in the
i future, a nation must believe in three things.
i , It must believe in the past. It must ..believe
i in the future. It must, above all, believe in
I the capacity of its people so to learn from the
i past that they can gain in judgment for the
I creation of the future."
i ,
i .

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l The Inventory 3: the County Archives of Arkansas is one of a
{ number of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the
E United States by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of
I the Work Projects Administration. The publication herewith pre—
? sented, an inventory of the archives of Jackson County, is number 54
y of the Arkansas series.
‘ The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the
winter of 1955-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment for
l needy unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and
i - clerical workers. In carrying out this objective, the project wns
1 organized to compile inventories of historical materials, particu-
' l ' larly the unpublished government documents and records which are
E basic in the administration offlocal government, and which provide
3 invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social his—
E tory. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the
I requirements of day-to-day administration by the officials of the
I county, and also the needs of lawyers, businessmen, and other citip
f zens who require facts from the public records for the proper con-
duct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be
1 ' used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the
i same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources.
; The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey pro—
{ jects attempt to do more than give merely a list of records —— they
E attempt further to sketch in the historical background of the county
1 or other unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail
f the organization and functions of the government agencies whose re—
} cords they list. The county, town, and other local inventories for
the entire country will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia
l of local government as well as a bibliography of loci archives. Up
_ } to the present time .moro ’than 1,500 Survey publications have
t been issued in the country as a Whole.
The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records
Survey projects, even in a single county, would not be possible with—
out the support of public officials, historical and legal special-
ists, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is
. gratefully acknowledged.
t The Survey Program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served
i as Director until March 1, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B.
; Child. The Survey operates as a Nation—wide series of locally spon-
g sored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs, of
1 which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge.
Commissioner of
. Work Projects

 . , E

. , l


3 i

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 g =.v;f . -"I~: . -: ' PREFACE
’ _- - -_ _ _' ’ I n ‘
I , The Historical Records.Survey was organized in Arkansas in March
I 1956 as a part of the Federal writers' Project. In November of the ,
3 same year the Survey became an independent unit of Federal Project No. “
i ,.1, and functioned under Federal sponsorship until September I, 1939.
, On,September 5,'1939, the unit became.a State—wide locally sponsored
f project under the supervision of Howard H. Jacoway. Mr. JaCOWay re-
[ ; signed September 1, 1940, to become State Chief of the Research and Re- V
‘ cords Programs and was succeeded by Raymond Foster, who had served on
f the supervisory'staff of the Survey since December 1938. '
I . The SurVey in Arkansas is sponsored by the College of Arts and
; -Sciences of the University of Arkansas and co-sponsored by the'county
‘ E judges.ef the State. It operates under the jurisdiction of.Research
E and Records Programs of the Division of Community Service Programs of
§ the Work Projects Administration. The Arkansas unit is under the techni-
i owl and editorial supervision of the central office in Whehington, D. C.
i The chief objective of the Survey in Arkansas is the publication of
5 county inventories, but it also is making a survey of State, municipal,
~ f and church archives, early American imprints, manuscript depositories,
i and'is preparing a guide to Arkansas newspapers. A list of publiCations ‘
} of the Survey will be found on the last page of this volume, '
i ‘ The Survey is preparing a volume which will'include detailed discus-
; . sions of the organization, structure, and evolutFOn of county government
§ ‘in Arkansas. The material for this volume will be taknn'from the State’s
E constitutions and codes, and‘from the acts of the'fllneril Assembly. 'It
. E will consist of all those laws and constitutions; prov-sions that are or
- ; have been governing county offices. .It is believed publication of this. n
i volume will make it'unnecessary to'repeit certiin items of general infers
i mation in the various county inventories. Therefore, the essays in this
2 -Volume are limited to the creation of the office; its present status;
! manner of selection and term of officials;dnd the chief function of the
’ E office or agency. Pending issuance of the'generdl volume on county
1 ,government, it-is suggested that the reader consult the Inventory of the
; E County Archives of Arkansas, No. 25, Faulkner County (Conway; for fiEfS“
E detailed discussions than those fsfind in this inventory.
i . This volume is divided into two parts. vIn the first, or general
i section,.is a historical sketch of the County and-an essay on the govern~
I mental organization'of the county. In the second section are brief'esn
2 says on the county.offices and a listing of the records of these offices.
i The arrangement by functions is as follows: 1) General administration;
§ 2) recording; 3) administration of justice; 4) finance; 5) elections; 6)
2 education; 7) health and welfare, and 8) miscellaneous. The records are
i segregated under subject headings, according to office of origin or
i final deposit, unless other classification of the records is directed by 1
§ law. Under agencies, records have been classified, so far as .pJC'lble, '
' according to the subjects with which they deal. They are described in
t entires whose style is formalized to give the following information:

1 Title of record, dates for which“available, quantity,labeling of volumes
1 or containers, variant titles, description of record contents, manner of 1
3 varrangement, indexing, nature of.reconding, size of volume or containers, 1
and location. . ' ‘" f _ ~ ’ , 1
-‘ - The inventory of the Jackson County archives was begun November 20, 1
1939, and completed in March 1941. This work was done,by Ruth Dodd, 1
unit foreman, and.Pauline Owens,-research checker, under the supervision 1
- of Joel‘H.. Spragins and Rand Barker, District Supervisors of the Survey. 1
. Work done in the State Office included the editing of forms, writ-
1 ing of entries, historical and legal research,mriting and editing of
essays, and publication of the volume. Maida Arnold, Irene Thibault,
' 'Tom J. Bransford, and Arthur Jones collaborated in wmiting the-histori—
cal sketch, and the governmental organization and office essays. For 1
completeness and accuracy of the technical work credit_is due Albert A.
~ -'Condray, forms editor; Mary H. Winburne, entries editor, and Virginia 1
.' Farley, essay editor.- The indexes were compiled by Carl E. Ott, and the 1
1 cutting of stencils and publication of the volume was supervised by 1
. ' Maybelle'Neighbors, Elizabeth Byrd, and Ida Stevens. - ,_ 1
1 . 'v Guy P. Timboe, assistant editor, and Mable s; Brodie, editor in 1
1 charge of public records inventories in the central office, examined the 1
volume in final manuscript form and gave helpful editorial criticism. 1
. The administrative personnel of the Work Projects Administration, of 1
1 ‘ ‘1 Community Service Programs, and of Research and Records Programs have 1
} ~ cooperated with the Survey in all phases of its program. The friendly .
" counsel and suggestions of John.C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor of. 1
‘ ” Historical Records Survey Projects, are gratefully acknowledged._u 1
3 The Survey's official sponsor, its State-wide advisory board, and 1
. ’ the Community Advisory Board of Jackson County contributed valuable as—
sistance to the Project in the compilation and publication of this, 1
volume.' Other contributing agencies were: The Arkansas History Commis- 1
3 sion; the Arkansas State Supreme Court Library; the Little Rock Public 1
1 . Library; the library of the Arkansas Secretary of State; the Arkansas 1
; State Library Cemmission; Arkansas writers' Project, WPA; and the county 1
; officials of Jackson County. , _ 3
f . The Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas, when completed, 1
'Will concist of 76 5315535, one volume for-each of the 75 counties and a
‘ '~ volume on county government.~ The inventories are numbered according to 1
- their position in an alphabetical list of the counties. Thus, the
3 . volume herewith presented, Jackson County, is No. 34. ; 1
1 . 1
. 1 1
~ ~-‘ - s ., :3 viii 3-. .

 ' 9
Preface y
3 Former publications of the Survey have been distributed to State 1‘
f f and local libraries, to a limited number of agencies outside the State, “
s, I and to each county judge in Arkansas. Requests for information concern- “
ing any of the publications should be addressed to the State Supervisor, j;
or to Dean H, M. Hosford, University of Arkansas, Fayettevillc, Arkan— if
3 E SEES. .,
f , 1
Y. b 1 State Supervisor ‘
i The Arkansas Historical
Records Survey
war Memorial Building ' ‘
Little Rock, Arkansas 1
i October 1941 1
3 l ‘
E “‘1
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i _ , ‘1
I V " ‘ -~ ,
E A, A. A,, .;....,.r..:{.{.,f... Agricultural Adjustment~Administration %1
i A. Ark. .........................;J.......,...;;.....- Acts of Arkansas 13
E agt. .......................................................... agent i1
g admr. ................................................. administrator i
% alph. .............................................. alphabetical(1y) 3
i amend,d g..........[........................................ amendment i
g app,; a..‘....3.,t1.:......£..;.,;.......;;..........a....... «approved }
[ Ark,¢ .......:,933.;3353:?7}.......;.......;..;.;.... Arkansas Reports %:
' E arr. ;..,.;,.......,,:.3f.......L.;Z.;;;;.;.......;.....a.a.. -arranged' if
g art. ...................;.LLL;....;...;..;;..;...............« »article it
i aver. ....................................................... average 33
1 ba. ........................................................ basement i;
__ E chron. ............................................ chronological(ly) I
3 Cir. .......................................;..............;. circuit
} elk. .......................................................... clerk ‘9
: cc. ........................................................,. county 3‘
‘ Const. ..............,..1............................... Constitution {Q
i Grim. Code ....................;...;................... Criminal Code T
E deft. defendant ([1
i dist. ....................;................................. , district ‘1
: ed. .......................;..[....... ............. edition, editor :1
‘ est! ,..................................................... estimated
' et a1. .....................................s............. and others i‘
9 f. d. ................................o......L.......fi file drawer(s) {‘
; F. S. A. ................;.............. Farm Security Administration a
; gdn. ....................................................... guardian :
E h. ...................................................... handwritten V
; hpf. .s.................................. handwritten on printed form
? hph. ......l..............ya.......... handwritten under printed head
; ibid. ibidem(inthe sameplace) u,
i L. A. T. ...............u................. Laws of Arkansas Territory
1 ms. ...................................................... manuscript
i mimeO. bul. .................................. mimeographed bulletin
E .no(s). .....e......................................}....... number(s>
i numer. ..............L................................. numerica1(ly)
3 N. Y. A. .............................. National Youth Administration
E . .
' off. ......................................................... .office ,
g 31. cit. Opere oitato(intheworkcited) \
i pltr" plaintiff
i P(P)- .................-,....{.....................;.;..;.... 'page(s)
l r. ,..................................$........................ range j
E T60. ....................................................... recorder '
: Rev. Stat. Revisedfitatutes
E 880(8). .....................................,............ sootion(s)
7 sherL ..............................;.....;..........,....... sheriff
‘ strg. ..........r......L........(........;...;............... storage
> t. ................Q..................L........:..1;.........;; typed
f Terr. ..............Q.......;..........{£..{......L...;..' Territorial
E tpf- .......................................... typed on-printed form fl
; treas. ...........:.,...................................... treasurer t
i tWP. ...... ...... ...... .... ....<.°.a..... ...... =...... ....... tovnlship\
! w
i \

 ‘ Abbreviations, Symbols, and
‘ Explanatory Notes ‘
’ ‘ U. S. Stat. .....;................... United States Statutes At Large
‘ v. ............................................................ vault
. vol(s). ...............................o..u...~.....ua...au- volume(s)
WPA .o.............,....,.....m.....‘m.w Work PrOjects Administration
4. ..h. i
I V i .. . Symbols . . . ...‘. ..... , . «-' l
‘ . .. , . i . .. a ,. ,.‘,. q. .. , 4.. . l
V'— ‘QIOOOIO)I0UOD'Iu|~OIo>ocoooluocu‘cibub-hncl'tl" to date and continuing i
'-apneadouu‘nnuuuup-no-noaueo-co¢'n~o~-------.Vu'.‘.o"-.'o‘obo‘o'o’o'o' ’fOOt) feet ’
H ‘I_“O'QOIOugII.-lp-ulI'AIOOIJIIv.oI...OII'I'IIon-Oltll'i’bboluoool‘ "inCh(eS)
‘ X od-on-np-pyoo.zy-ovp-ooa-u-ounusuI-oo‘bouvo-voounun by (dimensions) E
‘;.’ ’ ..l. . . . .Explanatory Notes' . ., - .. . , ... . ‘
‘ .. ,.. 1-‘~ I
Titles of fieCOrdsl.l .. e...., . .A 7.. .. ,... . ‘ . ., .... t
,,:-=.. . . _ 4._e_ V',,, , ....1. ., . ' E
', Exact titles of.records are.written.in solid capitals without paren- E
theses as in entry 5. In the absence,of.titles,descriptiveititles have g
been assigned; which.are.written.in.solid capitals and enclosed in §
1 brackets as in entry.1.. If a record title is not descriptive of-the conr g
tents of the,record,,an assigned,explanatoryttitle-(or explanatory wordéfi
‘ ‘ written with initial capitals and.enclosed in parentheses;’has-beed'ad4; E
,‘ ded as in entry 21. The current or most recent~title of'a record is. ' ;
used as the entry title and title variation.is indicated.as-in entry-27. E
, [i ~All dates.used;are_inclusive.. Missing records.are,indioated.by’ I
z ‘ broken dates. . . .. .. V .,,. V .., r _ 3. E
Quantitx _' 'p‘ . ',., _‘ , ' 1 _ ,,;1 ‘._ .,,.,. . . _,., . i
r :, When two or more types of containers are considered in.a.sing1e en- '§
try,.the quantity is shown in chronological order, in.so far as possible. 1
Labeling _ V '_ l‘, , _ ‘ , ._‘~ . .. _ .,,,. ... . g . i
A“ Figures or letters in_parentheses, following the number of vol-l H“
: umes, file boxes, or other type of container, indicate the.1abeling.. g
r If no labeling is indicated,.it may be assumed that there is.none. - -- f
. .... , .. . . _ _.,. . , ... v.. , . z
' Discontinuance . . _. ., ,., ., .. .. 4. ,, . . . "s i
—"‘—"-——“—-— i I
‘ 1' '1‘. ’,, _, . _.'y. . . .l, , u , ...5. t . r . l
3 ”Where no statement is made that the.record.was.discontinuedvat the‘ E
‘ last.date shown‘in_the,entry, it could not be.definitely.established- %
that such was the case. Where no comment is made.on the absence~of - ~‘ g
- prior, subsequent or intermediate records, no definite.information cou1d* l
‘ be.obtained. _ , - ‘. ,., ‘_, ...- . _, ...e,,..... .1 f


Abbreviations, Symbols, and lt
‘ Explanatory Notes ‘ ' ‘ H;

FEE Description 2£_Records i:
llt , - ’ . . . _ . . it
(s) The description of the contents of a record applies only to the cur lfl
ion rent or most recent record unless change in contents is actually shown if
i in a record entry. _ ; ‘-.' it

{ Indexing t
ing i All indexes to records,unless otherwise stated, are self-contained. %9
set x
35% t Condition of Records ‘p
is ‘" ' """“""-""- ‘
' ‘ Records are in good condition unless otherwise indicated. 1:
[ Dimensions 3‘

_ -—————*-~ it
‘. ‘ Dimensions are always given in inches, unless otherwise indicated, 1“
i and, therefore, the symbol for inches (") is omitted. 1;,
- l
fen. E Location 2£_BEFOFdS 3“
vs A”
i All records are in the county courthouse unless otherwise noted. it
30D, ; When all or a majority of the records of an office have a common 10- k}
rdéfi } cation, the location is indicated in the last sentence of the office t
34- E essay instead of in each individual entry. 1w
7 I ‘I:
37. i Cross References t
. “““‘ _______ 19
. 3 Title-line cross references are used to show the continuity of a g}

V l record series which has been kept separately for a period of time and f

I with other records for different periods of time. An example is that t

3 i in entry 4: "1934-- in County Court Record, entry 5." They are also t
used in all artificial entries, those set up to cover records which must M

. be shown separately under their proper office even though they are kept K
. in files or records appearing elsewhere in the inventory, as, for ex— h

an- % ample, the title-line reference in entry 15: "In Deed Record, entry 9.” 1
ole. { The description of the entry shows the title and entry number of the h
,.: % record from which the cross reference is made, as, for example, these i

' . 3 words in entry 9: "Also contains: Leases, 1848——, entry 15." Dates g
. ”N f shown in the description of the master entry or entry of miscellaneous L
[ contents are used only for the part or parts of the record contained 3

§ therein, and are shown only when they vary from those of the master en- fl

-- : tr . Vd

l y


; Citations E


is l A citation of an act of the Legislature of the Territory of Arkan- t
l sas, or of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, or an act of 5

~‘ I a legislative body of another Territory or State, refers to the page L
11d* g number of the official publication of the laws. ' EL
- ' l xii V

 ‘ Abbreviations, symbols, and -
I Explanatory Notes ’ . ’
. A citation of a decision of the Arkansas State Supreme Court gives
- the style of the case and the volume and page number of the publication.

_ The title of any other published volume is always shown in full the §
‘ .first.time used, in some cases in short-title form thereafter.. I
' E
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. --; . H I
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, ' 19111
.1.-l : .v v‘I‘v‘ :1 ,‘ .. ., .._ _‘ Page I:

. . ..l. _. NH
7 FOreW'QrdtopocloIonouse...non-Inca0‘...anIonq‘ngaccccoconut-0090.00.00. V II:

~ -‘ 1H
. Prefacexao.oocoo-voop-uoopnlpynoolonot...0.9.90...thou-Iootoconocnoouc Vii III
I __ 1

~ 111
~ -Abbreviations,.3ymbols, andEchlenatoryNotes ...'................... x 111

‘ - II
o 2 . ..-.;r ',".- —.11...‘ ~ II" l'. \».1 I II1I
j General It
. 2. Govermnenta'l organization I‘lGOOOICOOOIICOCI.CO;I;“GOIOCOUOOIICIIV 12 MEI
’ ' Chart'o‘f county govepnmen-‘at. 'Ir!ocooo.'°ttocoo-cocoounnuaoooooOO 17 II”;

. ~ 11‘:


- s. Housing, Care. .and,Acce§sihili3,cy,pf the Records 19 111

1 Floor Plans or Courthouse 0-ooccuocoloocooIcon-noooooo-oooloo 25 IIII
'- . ,1, .' .2, II,\-. . ,. ;- ..~&.~. ,r . 1. I M‘

I ‘ - ‘ ' ‘ In
. ‘ - , County Offices and Their Recordsa II


" _‘ ‘10 county court onIoaIoonc'oootoooa9'00coo-coconooo-Ioopcoolounce-0.0 32 If»,
' II
E II. County Highway Gomj-SSion ocan:adan.ooooooococ-oooooqooooo'occ- 54 IIII
I III. Internal Improvement Commissioner (Defunct) ...............,.... 55 I}
. _ _, 7,.-- 1h
1. v4r:-‘-L« VI. . _I. r- . III:

I . IIIRealerpperty conveyances; “DeilyIregister; papers, deeds; :I
leaSes; mortgages; liens and lis pendens, Surveys and plats. II

' _..1 Personel property: Sales; WPFtE?EPfii bonds, commissions and It

. credentials, Discharges; Miscellaneous” . It

. I111II

: VIC CiI‘C’Luizb C-burt co‘oucoo'cooi-I000.090.00.000oucooptdoooooobclcvdoot 417 It;
' ' . 1 M,_. CivilIdivision; Case.papersg proceedings; naturalization; . II
‘. ’ judgments and executions; fees. Criminal division: Case papers; . IU
‘ " . tingu6§£§;,indictments; fees, “I
, . . 1w

: , 131?
VII' Chapcel’y ,CPuFt t,0¢,o,o,9.¢.oo¢ocol-a.o.oocooooo:-ooaocoo-000.000.0000.... 54 III:
I Case papers. Proceedings. Foreclosures. Delinquent thes,_ "I
F.1n9ncial.. ,_ . . I31“

. " 11,:
I VIII.IPI’Ob1t.C Court. loomcocboo-t,toooo,noooocoI.ccoococoooooooooooolooeo 57 II1
Case papers. Wills, Bonds and Letters. Accounts. Inven— I

....tpries, apprdisements and sales, IProceedings. Financial, I



f xv 1t
. 1
, 111

 ‘ Table of Contents
} ‘ IXI' l court Of ’C'O'mon 9168.5 -(D~e*f'mC-t) 'l o‘tll'c‘odoo-ro'o o-a-o-uwrvmcr.Crane... 60 ' XX‘
, , X. ' "Juvenile ‘COU‘I‘t" ‘0'9". o’o‘o o‘c‘o‘u'o‘o 0'0 o'n’vo'vo‘o‘o‘u‘o o'u'o-o'ro a r-o woo-mo 0'. our. 0 a o o o » 6]-
‘ XI;’J‘USbi-C€' Ofi.'bhe'Bea’oe do“.II-n‘ciconooonoccooomconcoeoru-rooout..." 62 V: XXX
XIIIO' County Attorney (Defunct) I.....U.....BU.'C...‘....I....D"9... 65
V _XIVI Sheriff I.’..C.....°..C..I..3.0..II........I..0...’IO'......... 63 : XXX:
" ‘I-‘vnA1u‘vsAvv |:-\Q"'a Pl nyevls ' I ~ I‘ -' .~ I
‘ ‘IXVo'fl'COPOfle-v 30“..‘I‘i’é."l".‘n'0~flid‘dOO.IODOIOOIOOOOIUIOOOO'OI'DZOOIIOOIO. 64‘ XX)
“ XVI."CODStab18 ‘ooooooooooooooouuoIOOCcODIOI-Ooo'oocltoo‘oo’oodtonhceooo- 65 XXXT‘
' XVIII. Jury COIeriSSiOI’l .ocia-oooo-oookoicooooooooehocQ-ocooo-oo-Inaoovoo 67
‘ ‘ 'XIXuI‘ComitY‘GleJ-"k coocoocdli‘oo‘iiddoo’idll‘doddtonsultan-ccoaao‘ocac-o'oo 67
‘ p} Miscellaneous. Financial: Accounts; warrants. Assessment
‘ ' '~«---and'taxationa» Improvement districts; collections; tax'swles,'t
: redemption, Election. “Marriages. Corporations. Professional
‘ .... Licenses.~vhivestock. Fees;r Public works.T Schdols. Appoint—" '
‘ XX. Tax IXSSBSSOI‘ 0":F.Q‘L'.‘B..0..’.....I...‘9'.9‘("r..°.'.....‘.~.........0 75
, HI. county Board- Of Equalization OIOOIOOIC-QOOJOO-ODOCC000......IOIODI. 76
. . ‘ ,' 4‘" . z ‘ v . 7‘ ..-
‘V 4 X‘XII. Tax COllec-tor .‘..°'...I...........°..I‘.§:‘..‘....'Q......i..... 77
1 .. i.,,_......,..,.. . .p.....,.; ,,.,_,f _.“~l‘_‘.” ~ , __
XXIII. county Treasurer .0...‘.OIQIOI'I....O..0..UO0......COCOOCOO.‘UC. 77
5 ’ .. --tPcpors;--Accounts;w.warrants;..Toecherskuoentracts. Improve-i
ment-bonds. V 3' ' ' r f
‘ : XXIV. Commissioners of Accounts (Defunct) ,.....,......,.,..,,.,,,... 79 '
1 -XXV;«~Gounty~Board.of~Election‘GOmmissioners.45.;....;,.,,...........-: 79
- XXVI. Board of Registration (Defunct) ................¢..Q.—.......... 80
, XXVII.‘"County‘SChOOL‘Sli'E9CFVi-SOI‘A.‘."J.¢}33'¢¢.~3433‘14;a...3........,,...- 80
‘ XXVIII. Local Textbook Selecting Committee 81 _
XXIX. county BOQl‘Cl ()1. Education I...:.......'.....a..‘...........'.... 81 ;
mo SChOOl Directors ooooooolocooccocouoocucoooonoon-cacaococooccoo 82 ,
Li I

 7:...~ ‘l I
* Table of Contents Cy"!
uge ‘ 7 Pa go 7! ‘1
60 . m1. He'llth Ulli-t goo-o.0.000.000...boon:cooouooo-oococbc-onntoot-~00. 82 ii;
, Index. Reports. Case histories. Immunization. Schools. 1]?
6]. ~, Vital statistics. J:; 7!
. l
' M
62 ; XXXII. County Board of Medical Examiners. (Defu'nct).,”,,.,.,....,,.... 85 id!
‘ ~ - am
62 XXXIII. County Department of Public Welfare ....,,........,,.,.,,,,,.... 85 if;
' Corro spondonce . Applications . Vis itation. Ii‘ing;;1cj,:n;1., Child i 5“
65 welfare. W
- ‘HW
63 V XXXIV. Conf‘‘ ~4 ,.,.. g~ >1 '
.V « ... r ‘n.- . v
‘ -.-.‘1~'< v - I | ,, .V . v. ‘

 l v »- Ti"
‘ H
_ , . 51!:4
, (First-entry, p. 3g) %%
, , ., . _ _ 1. HISTORICAL SKETCH a}
- TH
, Physibal Features . . - HE
j .. Jackson County,_situated in the north central part-of Arkansas, is $4
bounded on the north by Lawrence County; on tho east by Craighead, Poin: ”h
sett, and Cross Counties; on the south by Woodruff and White; and on the My
w;st by :hit 21C InlJpondence. (l) With the exception of a small area fit
in the southwestern part which is in the rolling hills of the Arkansas: id
Valley, the 637 square miles of the county hie in the fertile Mississip- WE
. pi llluvial Plain. (2) In this comparatively level land, averaging 240 ”H
, feet above sea level,'is‘the'c0nf1uence of two'major'Arkansas streams, “W
the White_and Black Rivers. The Black River forms half of the western 1%
boundary and empties into the larger stream near old Jacksenport. From It
there the White River winds in a southerly direction through the county. WW
The Cache River drains the eastern part, and the interstreum areas are 3%
traversed by numberous bayous. (5) Except in the river swamps where ”4
there are growths of cotton wood, tupelo, and cypress, the timber is 1?
chiefly cut—over forestséof mixed bottomland.hardwoods. (4) “fl
c - . ili
The fertile alluvium in the river bottoms and abandoned stream‘ L?
channels, the channels, the small section of sandstone and shale in the. LJ
southwestern portion, and the sandy loam covering the larger part of the WU
county make possible a wide variety of agricultural products. (5) The fit
county has a mean annual temperature of 61.1 degrees, varying from an at
average of 80 degrees in July to 40 degrees in January. The average WM
precipitation of 47.78 inches and the_long growing season of 216 days m?
permit in many instances the growing.of-two crops in one season on the j”
~ same land. (6) ' , ' . - I fit
. - ' ‘ ' 51???
Early- Settlement ' A I! i;
._____.__________. . . it
a Following the first settlers who lived by hunting and trapping came fit
a thrifty class of people, many of them the younger members of families flfl
of large estates east of the Mississippi. Some of them came to redeem Mi
their soldiers‘ grants, as may have been true of Thomas Widoman, whose my
home was the temporary county seat. Wideman, a man of oducationandflbili- “fl
. ty, had been an officer in the Indian wars in Florida. His numerous 1,
services to Jackson County Were recognized