xt73r20rtv14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rtv14/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1995 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 1995 KPA Better Newspaper Contest text 1995 KPA Better Newspaper Contest 1995 1995 2019 true xt73r20rtv14 section xt73r20rtv14 3
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Page 2. The Better Newspaper Contest Tab. January 1995 J
Weekl Class 1 It’s easy to cover one meeting each week or so on the same subject It’s the weeks in
y between that take effort and skill This entry showed a knack for developing news
. . Third Place ,7 Rita Mitchell, Fulton Leader
Category 1 - Best Editorial \ ,. _ _ e _ . _
. , . , \ith not the most interesting lOPIL, this reporter has developed a solid contimung
First Place -— Kellev Hamick, Gallatin Countv News , - - . _ .
u , u ‘ _ ' g . stor\ The writer did a tine lob ot reporting what was going to happen
Zoning takes on a hot topic in rural areas and talks sensibly about it '
Second Place _: Mark Cooper, SpencerMagn‘et Cate o 13 — Best Business/A ribusiness Storv
\ _ 8 W 8
Shining Light defuses an emotional local issue bv making a common—sense argu- F , _ \ ~ '
V _ . , , irst l lace m— Mark cooper, Spencer Magnet
ment It deals With the issues one bv one and contributes to the public s understand- s , ‘ y _ . _ ,
mg - Someone canie up \\ ith a better mousetrap and this writer found a it a} to explain a
mud Place _ Clay Warnick, Gallatin County News irtfsrxn:peration in a manner which is, l believe, as interesting to non tariners as it is
’ w a t t v t t i , _ _ l s . , _ ‘ r i ' .
I don t kno that l gree w1 h he u n er, bu he mikes his pt int o stylislin and Second Place # Kellev Warnick, Callatin County News l
Vigorouslv that l have to admire the work . ' . _ .
' A very good local angle on what first developed as a national story ‘
Thir‘l l’la"e m Rita Mit‘ ell F t d ‘
Category 2 - Best Spot News Story W L ‘ Lh ’ E” on Lea er . , ‘ t
4 , , ‘ . . ith all the talk about health—care, it is good to see something developing on a local or J
firm I lace —John 0 Neal Jones, Hickman Courier re iion 1l level This is 1 well-written re ‘ort in 1 most im ortint sub e‘t 1
Second Place — Rita Mitchell, Fulton Leader l” ‘ ' ' ‘ l, ( ‘ ‘ P ‘ ‘ l L‘ ' l
) __ 'a v . - ‘ _
Third I lace Richard L Deax ers, Central City Times Argus Cate 0 14 _ Best General News Picture
F Il’lry l M' h ll F l
Category3 - Best General News Story 6”” ace _ 9‘“ ~ I“ e ’ u ton Lead" . . y i
. . . ood lavout shows the extent of flooding, and shows human scale Good work
First Place -—- Rita Mitchell, Fulton Leader Sc ', , . .
i )cond l lace — Kellev Wamick, Gallatm County News
0nd Place “ Rm. Mitchell, Fulton Leader Cood com osition yood fo‘us — in en '1 ’in ' seasonil news whoto
Third Place —— Kelley Wamick, Gallatin County News Th ) P . ,5 c . t g. g g, t . I»
. ird l lace —— Mark Cooper, Spencer Magnet
Honorable Mention — Mark Chandler, McLean County News C _ a ‘ ,
ooper caught the incumbent at the right moment. L.ood shot
Category 4 ' Best Feature Story Category 15 - Best Spot News Picture
First Place — Mark Cooper, Spencer Magnet F' , . .
. irst l lace — Kellev Warnick, Gallatin County News
Second Place —- Kelley Warnick, Gallatm County News C 7 ' 7
. ,_ . .ood angle and focus captures the aftermath of a chopper accident
Third Place — Chris Jones, Tnmble Banner Democrat Se‘ d P] K ll W . N
Honorable Mention — E L Cold Fulton Leader Um ace — e ey amick, Gallatin County ews
‘ ’ Backing off the scene works well here These three firetighters have a BlC. job on their
. hands
- t o . . .
Category 5 Des C lumn (One Subiect) Third Place — DaVid Dixon, Tn-City News
First Place — Neva Martin, Kenton County Recorder Good fire shot l
Second Place — Jeff Wilder, Cumberland Tri City News ‘ ‘
Third Place — Mark Coo er, 5 encer a ct . l
P P M gn Category 16 - Best News Picture Essay (Spot or General News) |
. , . W ‘ .
Category 6 - Best Column (Variety 0‘ SUbJQCIS) are“ Idling l’hiéteclileiyt “l/‘i‘errnllhlliviallili:tSE‘nSSrT‘t‘iJ/drjieiycst)unt A ‘leir icture if 1 ver l
First Place—AR. Reis, Cumberland Tri-City News cold d1 5!, ‘ p ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ y, k ‘ P ‘ ‘ y l
Second Place — Chris Jones, Trimble Banner Democrat ‘ Y - . l
. i Second Place —~ Eric Krosnes, Kenton Count Recorder
Third Place — Neva Martin, Kenton County Recorder _ . . ‘ ‘ , a I
Krosnes does a good Job of followmg youngsters around high school (sood photo I
selection '
ate 0 7 - Best 5 arts Col . ‘
C. 3 ry P umn Third Place -—— Mark Cooper, Spencer Magnet I
FlrSt Place T. Mark Chandler, McLean County News Good tction Sets u the storv bv includin v the fire’s i ynition
Second Place ——Chris Cramke, Kenton County Recorder ‘ ’ P ‘ ' ' b ’ 1"
Cate o 17 - Best Feature Picture
Category 8 - Best Sports Story F . 8, ry . . _
. . irst l lace ~ Eric Krosnes, Kenton County Recorder
First Place —Jamie Bumpus, Fulton Leader C ‘ 1 c _
g .ood JLllUll shot Sharp focus and good timing Vield great results
“ Great use Oflyrics to describe game action Crecont‘l l’l he ,s, Kellev W irnick Callatin Count News
Second Place —— Mark Chandler, McLean County News ( ‘ ' ‘ ‘ y l
. _ _ .ood mood, good sense of plate
Hike the way the story was personalized Third l’l ire l7ri Krosnes Kenton ('ountv Recorder
Third Place — Richard Deawrs, Central City Times Argus (> ‘ .' i
g 4 .ood st-iist-ottoiiipositioii ‘
(sood metaphor
glinprable Mention , .\1ark( ooper, Spencer Magnet (““10” is > Best l‘eiture ”(hm hm“ 1
- i ’ ‘ , . .
‘ ”k “(n lirs‘l'nu lkt'llm \\ irnitk (-allatin( ount\ \ews ‘
«ax-fir ' wt li‘li lt‘l'h‘ll‘L‘ itin t‘lli-’li’ l xw‘fiwmiii‘z’ "
Category 9 - Best Sports l-eature I I
~ ' ‘ ' i .y 1 t l lit Ti ‘ a ‘ ' ( ' l '
First Place ( l1l‘l‘~(irdllll\t' Kenton( ounh Recorder : H ' “ ... Mk, ”I: thllltll‘ '(Hlllvh Rf“)? ‘_: . . . g ‘ , l
The\x‘riterhasdoneatiiii-itrl‘ot.ztingtzitt n x". -‘ * 1- ~ . 'i ‘l't ‘l k . |k{ ~ ‘1‘ V: I" , ‘ ,. l I l” ' 4 M ' i
that holds the reader's interest \1.irt tuit’m w iilkt‘ " t , ' ' - . w. 1 :n ’1‘) , I " l '\ Q T" I“ H ’k " ( l
_ i ,1 t'.’i‘.‘\t‘t.?. , iii '! ‘
Setond l’lat'e laiiiie Bill“; in, l-ulton leader l’- ., H L A ‘ ' “Q“ _ .h tm .n‘. '“H l
Ittseasvtoreportwhatiiit.itliwttrisgointztt :t it'i~-» x ' 1~," n J . i i h l bl ) A“. l A A
interesting teatiire l w t it illlitltw inatlt- lllt' h' t'vi't l
. ( .l I v , i g t ‘ l i
Third l’Iau- Kt'llt“.' \\ irlilt k, (.allatin ( ounh \t‘\‘\\ ‘ "‘7‘ '\ l' f1”. 7} Hits’l ltll qtlukt} turned thumbs 11mm on "‘ ... . 1r., NOW
;1 thucx‘t tor mum} mnmg . ., EDIT'ON . -
Over the wars. Judgcilxccutnc Cturcncc Dana has made 11 clear he
I ts noproponuntot’mnmgutnn} ‘tcxct Whenuutgomgmcnux Mugtsuatc -
’ Joc M> tur made the \uggcstmn that the Fiscal Court study the possmthty E s .
01‘ hrmgtng “311mg tn 1h: .‘mmty . hc Wu: mot .mh mth stony stlcncc. . H” ‘ u N‘ E
. . . ’ 12:, ~ ,
Howcxcr, nu unc \hntttd hCl1C‘«C tur u mmutc Judge Dih'h or Counw "‘ Mm n '1 A‘
I ‘ Y ‘
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From \tumc tn (Ithtumtgt. 1mm Honda 11': Wushmgmn and 1mm IH’S . " i Iang’éfi’Mdnm ‘ .
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‘ ,. ummyh, H I .‘4, 1‘.” ‘
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M 1- { . ‘ . “ , . -. ' . Wang {0' Best EdIt . ' (3 Gallatin CoUnt N
... ~ .1 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ '1 ~- ‘ MaQnE! Won First Po'naL Wh'le. above Mark Cy ews won Fir“ '
.. . . .  - ,, m. . . oo
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Page 4, The Better Newspaper Contest Tab, January 1995 i
Category 8 - Best Sports Story
Weekly Class 2 First Place Chris Browning, Crittenden Press 2'
This represents a thorough lob of IocaIi/ing a state issue and demonstrates when a E
Category 1 ' 895‘ Editorial sports writer should possess good reporting skills Chris did his readers a tremendous . -
First Place — Ninie Classcock, Springfield Sun con-m. “1m mlc deki (“yd we I
Editorial is about as strong a statement as an editor can make in tavor of a highway Second plmrti , Ed Cahill, Russell Springs Times joumal EV
PWIECt N'me CI‘T‘I‘C‘TCI‘ “’H’ her story “NINTH." “Tm 5mm}; “'“Td‘r l-‘»‘“”““"“K lid is to be commended tor making a track meet story readable, personal but intorma- E
sentences, dramatic presentation of fact and opinion A compelling piece or work “W (MM ‘I‘L‘H’ wrmirg have my mm, (0 L10 m,“ A {me I‘lb 0f capturing mun. than E
Second Place A Ninie Classcock, Springfield Sun iiist results i
“Say No Bobby” is a splendid example of how thorough reporting can I‘Utld A Third Place , James Cook, Clay City Times '
POWQITUI editorial N‘m" Cl“>~‘5"5k ‘5 3 superb story-teller Cood Eob oi reporting perhaps one of the biggest sports stories in 17 years You untold
Third Place — Dave Cazalet, Russell Springs Times Journal what happened, but would like to have heard more from the players in this case
“Secret Contracts" is an excellent explanation of the need tor open records laws, and Honorable Mention m (jemge Ferrell, Jackson County Sun '
“‘T iuds’es With the 24“” and ""1“” t0 ”9‘“ "“‘l‘m‘r‘ “WWII-“Y Enioyed the lead to this story and your description of how a team could lose i Ett—
point lead in five minutes The "Fat Lady" approach works Well for this report
Category 2 - Best Spot News Story
First Place — Chris Evans, Crittenden Press Category 9 _ Best Sports Feature
This story went a long way to explain not oiin a murder happened. but what effect it First Place TIE . Ch“, (jmmkti' Campbell County Recorder
‘ had on J community 7 ()ood personality profile, strong use of quotes, stats are woven unobtrusively into the
Second Place _. Ninie LJIasscock, Springfield Sun cm“, '
The writer had an interesting lead and this story was easy to read, in tact, you didn’t ngt mm, TIE . (1mg Browning, Crittenden Press
want to CW” “93de It Interesting sports feature, good lead that draws you into story Changes sentence
TTlle Place ”‘ “-8 Elkm", Irvine Citizen VOICQ and Times structure Story is easy to read from beginning to end
A complicated story to write by shear volume of arrests Well organi/ed Second Place SS gflat'Bnmvn, Cadiz Record .
Clever lead, concise writing, nice variation in paragraph structure Appealing ]u\tapo-
Category 3 ‘ 895' General News Story sition of siblings’ personalities and rivalries
FIT“ Place — Ninie Classcock, Springfield Sun Third Place ~~~ Travis Flora, Berea Citizen
0‘35““de reporting combined With lively “Tm“lli i” make Ill" iht’ (INF f'rht place Well—written story With good use ot quotes Cute question paragraph for fourth
winner. . - paragraph foreshadows part on Trina Goodrich This was a good story
Second Place - Chris Evans, Crittenden Press
Interesting topic, evocative writing on a subject that effects many citizens Category 10 _ 395‘ Investigative or Analytical 5.0,),
Third Place —- Ron Daley, Troublesome Creek Times pmt Place __ Chris Evans, Crittenden Press
COOd coverage Of a trend that has serious, far-reaching ”“de on ”‘9 community Thorough reporting about an error that left a county being owed $68,0th in back taxes
Translation 0f enrollment deS Tm" funding 10559515 strong and “PI'C'HY defines the by railroad company. Chart was helpful to readers understanding too Good work
story’s grayity . Second Place , Steve ()lding/Joe Stone, Campbell County Recorder
Honorable Mention ‘" TWV" FIN“: Berea Citizen Concise vet intormative two-part piece about Northern Kentucky's need tor a regional
V‘V'd depiction "f long-time community ”(MN detention center Liked leads on each story I
Third Place —~ Travis Flora, Berea Citizen
Category 4 ' 395' Feature Story Every now and then offiCials‘ need a "Jack—emhp” story This one is short, sweet and
FIT“ Place ’“ Robin Stevens, Cadiz Record to the point, and they can’t argue With the record" Bet attendance improved' Cood
Fresh, bright and full of images EUbtl
Second Place — Ninie Classcock, Springfield Sun
Probably the best written, in terms of flow, pace and rhythm, from more than 45 Category 11 _ Best Story Series
entries Well above the “‘T‘Vd First Place —— Beth Curlin, Irvine Citizen Voice & Times
Th‘rd Place — Ken Met/., Bath County News 0“”00" Good comprehensive look at nuts and bolts of Kentucky Education Reform Act atter
Th” “WY ‘5 unpolished, but from the heart tour years as it is impacting locally Great quotes from West Irvine Elementary
Category 5 ' 395' Column (One Subjectt Second Place Ken Simon, Clay City Times
T FIT“ Place ‘* N'me 01355“)th Springfield 5“" Intriguing story, apparently still on-going Industrious reporting Nice iob of trying to
V Among many good entries, her ”Act of Kindness” column topped the list (Jood explain convoluted situation '
wnter Third Place ~ Mike French, Berea Citizen
Second Place — M'ke French, Berea Citizen Another series on KERA Fine representation or educator's opinions, but doesn't show
- “'5 strength ’5 that ”Ch 0f hls columns about personal matters “1‘“ ”wk" you ”mll‘ me how KERA is working in classroom, which is a strength of first place Well—written
There’s something special about expanding your horizons nonetheless
Thmj Place ‘— H-B- Elkins, Irvine Citizen Voice 8‘ Times Honorable Mention W Karen Calhoun, Troublesome Creek Times
0‘19 0f the only entries ‘0 WT"? about issues in community, “I“ W" personal MW" Series on trees in Knott C ountv where timber is important business Remarkable tor
dotes Columnist has leadership power every bit as much as editorials, and II B used sheer VHhmwi '
Honorable Mention _ Ralph 3* DaV'Sr Jackson County 5"" Category 12 - Best On-(ioing/Extended Coverage Stories :
Hilarious column on birth of his son was close to contender tor third plat e First Place Ed CaliiII/DaVId (Ii/.ilet, Russell Springs Times Ioumal '
. _ This story on open records dispute was a public seryice as well as bulldog tenacious in 3
Category 6 ~ Best Column (Vanety of Subyects) pursuing “gm, (Zood tht
FIT“ Place _ Ralph 8' DEW”! Jackson County Sun Second Plat e Travis Flora, Berea Citizen
Gm’d m” “f serious, humorous and personal at an easy I“ “”“l M‘K'h “'"I‘ " f“”“‘.\' Series on nerve gas exposed community to real dangers and kept heat on government
“"19 to clean up its act (tnc e again, thorough t overage also pertorms a public service
Second Place "_ RUSS M9”: Bath County News Outlook Third Place Ninie (llasst‘ock, Springfield Sun '
Interesting subjects and R‘Md sense ”f humor Columns are m“ 1“”14 I’iiblit exposure t ertainly didn't help this nudist i olony, but the twists and turns of its
Third Place _' Ninle Classcock, Springfield 5"" saga made for good reading and reporting I
Good mix of subjects, light but personal style
(‘ategory l3 - Best Business/Agribusiness Story
Category 7 ' 895' Sports Column First I’lat e Ioii I’auI McKinney, (irant County News 3
First Place "’ Chr" Cramke, Campbell County Recorder Threat of A‘s‘t s‘ ottii e closing would be important story tor any .igrit iiltiiral L t‘llllllll‘ ‘ l
Withouta doubt, Mr Cramkeis the top W’rltt’rln ihlsttttt-gttl'y Iil‘sttiltillthstlppc‘tll ht IIITV [luccyunv“Wynn-pgcpncptytthat ”HE'HI’LHNNJN'(‘l'1[](;r,i[|'( runny I'lltltllig 1
- all readers, because his subiects are people and not lust .Itltlt‘?t's \oii don’t have to be lead (WM ”4".” U, ‘0ng and mm” NIH. “a,”
S sports-minded to enjoy h" “’0“ Set ond I'l.i< e Travis I'Iora, Berea (‘itilen
. Second Place — T""l Bystrek, Springfield 8“" ( atc hy lead (.ood lob ot presenting both \Itit"s ot tontroiitation Its a pity owners
Tom ”(H95 a W'de range ”f topics 'n h" columns, ml‘lllfl ‘ “'1‘ “I“ “"m “WW" “”‘l ”‘ didn't l hoose to t ominent and thereby help bring about .i better understanding ()t
”19959 M the “Flt FIVE” '1 chance f‘" "Th?“ “I '9” ”W” "“TV (“NI I“by ioiirse this int ident is symptomatic ot bigger problem Ilet everyone iii town read this
Third Place — Scott Brown, Cadiz Record cm”, l ompletely through ’
‘ .‘ Scott is In tune in Tngg County sports, and With his past, as demonstrated With his Third Place SW“, ()lding, Campbell County Recorder
:. columns "Smells like school spirit” shows it’s good for reporters not to always be Th“ WW), hf.“ the importance and Immmmw 0, mp “W, but l; probably h H“. [MM
3: critical. 600d iOb” crafted of the lot Tightly written, yet chock full ot facts about the Tri-State harvest ,
i i program While the topic isn't sexy, this is inst simply a Well-written piece E
t ' ‘ l
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t, ,, v _ _ . 1 .
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 1 i - \ .
, l
i The Better Newspaper Contest Tab, January 1995, Page 5
___—_—___—_ WEEKLY CLASS 2
, Category 14 - Best General News Picture Second Place Tim Webb, Clay City Times
,_ FlrSt l lace - Beth Curlm, Irvme Citizen VOICQ & Times (.ood camera technique selection ot shutter speed alloWs lust right amount ot blur
E. Curlin’s sharp eye saw the color possibilities of rainbows in sprinkler mist She turned Third 1’13“, W, Beth Curlin, Irvine Citizen Voice & Times
‘l I a routine aSSIgnment into something special Good lob, capturing kids’ ioy
I; Second Place w Tim Webb, Clay City Times
I‘ Cood graduation shot! Category 18 - Best Feature Picture Essay
i Third Place — Ninie Classcock, Springfield Sun First Place —— Ninie Classcock, Springfield Sun
It NICE character study In low“ marketplace Photographer captures a close—knit community in celebration
,I c i
; Second Place — Eric Krosnes, Campbell County Recorder
'9 Category 15 - Best Spot News Picture Good sequence of shot 1 have a hunch the skater bruised more than his ego
_ , . . .
FirSt l lace — Mike French, 39793 Clhlen Third Place — Eric Krosnes, Campbell County Recorder «
Photographer’s ch0ice of angle shows how close acmdent came to home Good news Good, technically sound news photos /1
Second Place — HB. Elkins, Irvine Citizen Voice 8: Times Category 19 - Best Sports Picture
Good news shot to accompany the weeks lead story, First Place — Eric Krosnes, Campbell County Recorder ! .
Third Place ——— Russ Metz, Bath County News Outlook Good timing and focus" _ , L
Good fire photo. Strong compoSition Second Place — Shorty LasSiter/ Springfield Sun \ \ /
Not all the news is on the court. Good work by photographer \t
Category 16 - Best News Picture Essay (Spot or General News) Third Place — Ed Cahill, Russell Springs Times Journal ,f\\
First Place —— Nmie Classcock, Springfield Sun Again, good timing and focus make this a working sports shot
Strong photos matched with good layout.l Unusual subject matter made even more ,
interesting by photographer’s eye. Category 20 - Best Sports Picture Essay
Second Place — Tim Webb, Clay City Times First Place ,C Ed Cahill, Russell Springs Times Joumal
Good photo collection captures a frozen day locals Will remember for a long time Good selection of players’ photos gives sense of being at the park In future, though, ,
Third Place — Jon Paul McKinney, Grant County News try varying the si/e of the pictures
Local faces bring life to the debate over lUbJCCO taxes Second Place Ed Cahill, Russell Springs Times Journal
Collection of photos creates excitement about upcoming season
Category 17 - Best Feature Picture Third Place m Shorty Lassiter, Springfield Sun
First Place — Ninie Classcock, Springfield Sun (jood action shots
Good composition, good personality studies on all the kids M VIE
C y l ‘ — ' .
I e GI ant ... t n , Act of kind :(s highlights 1 . .
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