xt73r20rts7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rts7j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2002 text GLSO News, May 2002 2002 2002-05 2019 true xt73r20rts7j section xt73r20rts7j GAYand , , i ' y
we Te 5. .S 9 ME We
1 WWW“? Kmm‘ May 2002
‘ A publication oFthe Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 17 Number 5
Carnegie Songwriter SisterSound
Series Girls Night Out
Jamie Anderson
On Saturday, May 19, at 8 pm,
"...She sings, she bellydances, she SisterSound will present its spring concert.
twiris a mean baton and she's written 3 “Girls Night Out." TiCketS are available at
menstruation song with a tango beat — who the Singletary Center (3594574929) or
needs cable? Ms. Anderson puts on a fine from ChOt‘US members. Prices: $12 regular,
show." ~Lisa Koch (Dos Fallopia) $8 students and seniors, $5 children.
The Carnegie Songwriter Series is This Will be a fun concert With selec-
Very proud to present a mainstay of the tiOhS from some Of our favorite female
women's music scene, Jamie Anderson, in musicians including some memorable
concert on Wednesday, May 1st, at 7:30 songs by “gift groups." There Wt” be
pm at the Carnegie Center, 251 w. 2nd St. songs from the last five decades, .
Five dollars suggested donation. Sincerely by the McGuire Sisters repre-
Touring nationally since 1987, Jamie senting the 50’s and songs by Sarah
is known for her soIid songwriting and McLachlan and the Dixie ChiCkS from the
engaging stage presence. With a voice as current era. £3
smooth as Shawn Coivin and a sense of There Will be a number Of selections
humor as wacky as Suzanne Westenhofer, from Musicals - West Side Story and
Jamie has entertained in hundreds of cof- Grease. HOHY Near’s A Perfect Night, .
fehouses, concert halls and festivals all and Chris Williamson’s Sister Wt" repre- .
over the country. She's performed on the sent lesbian songwriters. Also, look for us
mainstage of the National Women's Music singing at a Legends game in August and '
Festival, gay pn'de events, the Kerrville check OUt our web site at
Folk Festival and for Olivia Tours. Her geocities.com/sistersound/index.htm
songs have been featured on the Dr.
emento ra ' a i An C n
D d'0 J m e (1:33; d 0‘: p23; Sponsor of the Month
. Real Estate Service With
_ SEE PAGE 2 & 3 _ Em
May 4 Bluegrass Fairness is melon
DERBY PARTY-Windy Knoll is; ”mm"
May 6 & 7 ACTOUT AUDITIONS Scott Ackerman
Pride Center 7 Pm Mobile: 859-338-8483
May 18 Another Note Concert vo'ce Me": 859'294'2055
. . Office. 859-269-7331
8 Pm W°°dtand Chr'St'an E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com
See ad on page 5

 continued from page 1
1."? ,',—‘ GAY and
'1:- LESBIAN Show, Car Talk and stations all over the world. Her
seventh and most recent CD, Listen, has just been
‘55:“: m released and will be available at the show. M
.. TION Appearing with her will be Knoxville singer-
WW' Km“, songwriter, Karen Reynolds. As usual, open mic will
be held immediately following the show. Sign-up
TGLSO NEWS begins at 7 pm. For more information contact be
859.608.5393 or Check out Wishing Chair's web site CC
Volume 17 Issue 5 at www.terrakin.com. Eli/i]
published monthly by 34th Note C‘
The Lexington Gay 5:
Lesbian Another Note presents their Fifth Anniversary St'
Service Organization Concert on May 18 at 8 pm at the Woodland Mi
389 Waller Ave. Christian Church , 530 E. High Street across from ab
Woodland Park. This is a fund raiser for Moveable rei
Editors Feast and they are asking for $8 donations at the Br
Mary Crone John Ridener door. This talented men’s ensemble will be singing of
songs from their past performances. A real treat not Ch
Board Members to be missed-
Terry Mullins, President
Jerry Neff, Vice President Bluegrass fairness Derby Darty L,
Mary Crone, Editor N:
John Ridener, Secretary Forget Millionaire’s Row...get ready for Thrill and he
Thomas Collins Air (ok...it IS cheesy) at the beautiful Windy Knoll M:
Kelly O’Ferrell ‘ Farm just outside Lexington. What better place to cel- ini
Cary SUddUth ebrate Derby than on a central Kentucky horse farm? frc
Tom Collins Bluegrass Fairness invites everyone to the first tw
Bill Chandler Fairness Derby Party on Saturday, May 4, from 12:30
Dan Rogers pm-6 pm. Windy Knoll Farm is located at 3263 N.
Lee Noble Cleveland Road, site of the annual GLSO Pride
GLSO Annual Dues & Derby Day has become a major event in our com- E
Newsletter. munities, and Fairness is seeking to continue this fine e'
In dividu al _ $15 tradition. There is no admission charge but please Ni
_ come and "bet" on your favorite horse at our donation
Couple ' $25 jars. Your donations go to help Bluegrass Fairness pl:
and are tax deductible. '0
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News Alcohol will be allowed, bring your own and er
are those of the authors and don't nec— please drink responsibly. We want to be invited back
Siifiiysrfgfiiigntshgi nggjmgl-asnod to picnic again! Beverages will be sold at the event, 2:
staff reserves the right to edit submis_ and please bring your own traditional Derby foods to th
sions and advertisements as well as munch on. There will also be a shuttle provided to
the ”9*“ ‘0 reject submissmns or help with toting folks' chairs/coolers, etc. from the
advemsements' parking area to the picnic field. See You There! '13:
GLSO Page 2

 CZ '
Why we
May Benefit for Liogflprgghe churclrlt is lollateld atfu 1:132
._ ig an venue in oursvr e. or er
ll Moveable F eaSt information call (502) 587-6225 or go to
p AS the weather gets hotter, 30 do the www.mcclouisville.com. For those closer to
:t benefit shows at CFOSSihQSi Tiffany & Cincinnati, Rev. Bonnie Daniel pastors New
e Company invites everyone to come out and Spirit MCC, 5501 Hamilton Avenue,
support our next performance benefiting Cincinnati. phone: (513) 681-9090. Mcc
Moveable Feast, Wednesday, May 15th- Elizabethtown is pastored by Rev. Cathy
Cover is $500 with the show beginning Porter. For more information, call (270)
promptly at 10:00 pm. Our entertainers for 737.4404.
'y the evening are: Tiffany Andrews, Rayna
Id Starr, Miss Sheena, Val Ee. Sharidand and P-FL AG in Berea
escha. Also, after many years of T 30_35 b f P FLA .
rn absence, we are so proud to announce the he mem ers o _ G In
Ie return of our very special guest Miss Stacey Berea have been meeting the first Monday
Ie Bryant! Please come and join us for a night Of the month at 7 pm In the public Library
. for about a year. Both the local newspaper
ig of wonderful performances for a fantastic and the Berea College Campus News have
m charity! run ads announcing their meeting. The
AC t out GLSO will be providing speakers in the next
month for a question and answer session.
, L Aciom Theater 9m" has.°hose" The Call Ed McCurley at 859-582-0933 for addi-
aramie Proiect as its production for Pride tional information
Month 2002. Auditions for the play will be ' .,
1d held at the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave., ‘-
oll May 6th and 7th at 7 pm. There are 11 roles Central Ken tUCky Peace
al- including male and females ranging in age and Justice
n? from 22-60. Performances will be the last The GLSO is pleased to announce that
"St tWO weekends in June. we will be sending a delegate to the Central
30 Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice
N- MCC - Mission Fulfilled meetings every month. The CKCPJ is an
:le Over the last 9 years, MCC has provid- ?:S°°':t'|°n (:f Slaw groups Wh'cz agdrfss
n— ed Lexington with strong affirmation of , e w oSe a "c 0 peace an t 1:3 '3:
ne God’s grace and unconditional love for '37,”?3' gme groutps art; assocra e “r
se each of us. And through the years, Faith geigious enomrtna ion-o ”53:3 tshecf‘ if
on MCC has sought to maintain a worship 'ojmelcorftcenlraeondpeace w' 'Pt ‘3th "
33 place where God’s people could gather in V' ua, , amiy, an _ communi y-o ers
love, grace and understanding. MCC has emphasrze issues of international peace.
d encouraged us and challenged us. All of the members believe that peace and
:k On April 21, the church held its closing JtUStlci: can best be advanced by working
nt service. Mission _fullfilled. In the future, the oge er.
to community's MCC needs will be met by
to three MCC/s in the area.
he In Louisville, Rev. Dee Dale is the
Pastor of this church that was chartered in
1985. The church holds worship services
on Sunday at 11:00 am and Wednesday at
—- ——-————"—————-W

 Trans Resources Adult Education
Lexington Dress/Gender Adult Education classes are now being
Association offered at Shiloh Baptist Church, 237 E. 5th
Lexington Dress/Gender Association .St‘ Prepare for your G ED at your own pace
In an accepting enVIronment. Call John at
meets the second Monday and fourth 425 1151 a‘l t
Sunday or each month in a private resi- URS-ALOCOZ 0: f e-m I . f a
dence in Lexington. E-mail t'on @ao .com or more In orma-
LEXDGA@aol.com or call (859) 488-8888 I '
for more '"format'on Obsessive-Compulsive Cleaners
FTM & Intersex L istserv Spring Pride Center Cleaning
A new listserv for FTM transsexuals and The Pride Centrer needs YOU! We are
male identified intersexuals living or work- 5 . Havmg al .
ing in KY who have made or started to prlng ousec eanlng, _
make an official change in gender statues. May 11’ 2002 from 11 am until 2
For more information e-mail pm.
FTMInKYowner@yahoogroups.com. Rain date, May 25, same time. We need
Kentucky BiWay dusters, windowwashers, vacuumers,
There is a new bisexual support group batthootm :leaners, :nldtflooLshamptooA
that meets in Lexington. Questions can be ersb us SrISWbUl-‘ltafl e Lt]: knorv w .'fc
directed to Lovingheart, founder of Jo you .1 e es '. won a e olng I
Kentucky BiWay at everyone pitches In. Lunch Prowded.
KYBiWay@ureach.com. Check out the iLItEfSEbcome help ”$.sz NEED YOU!
website at http/lwww.geocities.com/kybi- e '8 e you one CIVIC uty '3 year..
way. _ .
§ Healing Sea ' Myofascral Release
. and Bodywork
themaszsacfiwst’rhgsymp’mms ; -
(859) 420-4‘MFR .*. (859) 263—3998
203 Woodland Ave. , Lexington (inside Hair Razors)
*Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
*Licensed Massage Therapist *Member American Massage Therapy Association
GLSO page 4 _

 :3 Real Estate Service With
at ' 'i ‘
. _, ' RESULTS
3d When your needs turn to Real Estate, turn to Scott.
Wheth you hvgyrhhm -
. Ipianmhgamoveupthehelpofatramed
h j *experiemediProfessimelicanmakealtitieif
-- .differericei; lcani‘helpmake thegbuyirig/Selling)”1;
‘ {process-- ahuhahdemoyahleexpehence _ ,,
Give me a call!
Scott Ackerman
Mobile: 859-338-8483
Voice Mail: 859-294—2055
Office: 859-269-7331
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.Com
IE Serving Lexington and all of Central Kentucky Q
much Call me with all your Real Estate Needs ‘fim
— GLSO Page 5

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
New Pride Center? exercises and share our work. No experi-
Our three year lease for the pride ence necessary, regular attendance not
Center space is almost half over, so it is required. 3"“9 a pen and some paper
time to begin to look ahead and plan for the and lo'" ”5-
future. We could use a bigger space with at _ _
least two large meeting rooms. Many of us Family MOVIES
dream of owning our own building. Several
agizlfierglghrggfigt office space 'fth'S dream Lesbian Movie Night On Friday, May
' _ , 10th at 7 pm we will be showing What’s
wagging; ggrj‘nfi't‘t‘gfigzdedfl‘yec‘jbsg Cooking, a multi-family, multi—cultural look
. . . . ' at Thanksgiving. We are introduced to a
It: Zizggetzfisfifizzggfiig'dciaf’haes gilt: Jewish family with a lesbian daughter and
' h rt , H' ' f 'l 'th h”-
Membership on this committee is open to all | aenrdgar‘ingehuzb 8:15: 32cc rig: 2:: e r Sign;
and t“? permuted); itrti1VItelorganizationstgat Vietnamese family struggling with
wan 0 tet' pa 0 e panning 0 sen a Americanized children, and an African
reprifizncilhfnittee recently has posted a American Family where tensions arise
b tw f l f th d h'
security policy for the center. All individuals WEED 3:2; 1:26::::;d Sushi; 055$:
2:313)? :1? 323$: CW;9L:c;aLS; $12323”: and Juliana Margulies do a great job as
. ' . the lesbian couple. The film also stars
:lhealiaw; egzzugegsu?nadcgngofisstobgzipt: Mercedes Ruehl, Alfre Woodard and Joan
‘ h .
develop a working relationship with the C en
police department. You may see a police M . N' -“ b M
car in the parking lot from time to time. This QtEnatstheglgtigeUtCthere 'lo'rllenrlngjijeawill S:
:nlgjgzwnegjfglfllrdrfiguefi for them to keep Wonder Boy. An unfinished novel, a
. ' . . stolen car, a murdered pet, an unstable
plarlfnllrfgj arepggesrzsteggfltziltng lgartryOf m; student, a failing marriage and a pregnant
' lover are
caryky@yahoo.com. among the crises piling up like a log-jam is
. _ this often hilarious story of bright promise
Discussmn Grout) gone awry. Grady Tripp (Michael Douglas)
The GLSO Discussion Group continues is a college professor and award winning
to be a popular opportunity to meet and talk novelist whose latest book is seven years
with a variety of GLBT folks. Every comma" 0” page 7
Wednesday at 7 pm, you are invited to . _. , _ fl . ,
share good conversation and laughter. For ,j'g'5):};Se'fifl’1All‘ Articlesié'News, and
information, contact Ginger during the day 5i:3‘537l5l‘é~'5TlDllfikfififldflécfiohs, to”
at the Pride Center (859-253-3233). ‘ i ‘ ‘1; ‘1 ' ‘
Writing Practice (wtth“newstetter” 3,5153 subject)
On the second and fourth Saturdays of DEADLINES ‘
each month, Davina has organized a writing , ‘9 4-7 r ' “ f »' .
practice group. In April that will be the 13th ‘_jA:fllcl§:'andAdsPa?e' .May1520
and the 27th. We experiment with writing “ ,S we nowi‘are‘commg' 3y
GLSO Page 6

ot ,
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5e Empress XX Natalie Gaye & Emperor XX Chris Rhorer
IS) invite you to attend Coronation XXI of the .
I”: imperial Court of Kentucky
n ' 9" ' ‘ '
2 Radlsson Plaza Hotel » - 2
Lexington. Kentucky ,
, ".lune9,20021w : ;. 3 ~ ' ' .
t) = r 1 .
— GLSO Page7

 R I. ' N
Jubilee Fellowship of much of the Catholic community that
there should be ministry to and for the gay
Jubilee Fellowship is a Christ-centered and lesbian communities.
charismatic church where people of all Dignity is active in our community in a
genders, sexual orientation and color are variety of ways. We participate in the
welcome. For us, charismatic means we AIDS ministry and Moveable Feast.
believe in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Additional information is available at 859-
and our worship style is lively and upbeat. 268-1351.
We believe that Jesus is alive and well and
desires a daily personal relationship with
each one of us. _ _ _ _
We would like to have you join us for wor- Unltarlan Unlversallst
ship and study. Our church currently meets
every Wednesday night at 7 Pm- For more People often ask “What do Unitarian
information or directions please call Universa'ists believe?” and many of US
Beverly or Corina at 264-7006 or e-mail US who are members of this Church still stum- .
at cwbm121893@aol.com. We i°0k for- ble over our answer. That is partly because
ward to hearing from YOU- we honor the right of each person to C
. engage in a free and responsible search for L
Integflty truth and meaning. That is one of our /
. . seven basic principals. (It can be argued
Integrity, an Episcopal support group that these principles are beliefs, more
for LBGT people, meets at St. Michael’s about them in another article.) ‘
Episcopal Church on Bellefonte Dr. We There is no dogma or creed that you
welcome everyone to join us on the second have to swear to believe in order to join our
Sunday of each month at 4 pm. We have church. This means that members who I
increased our membership and would love attend church together hold a variety of reli-
to include other interested folks. Call gious beliefs. So it is possible for us to say
Rev.David Boyd or Rev. Sandy Stone for what we personally believe, but somewhat
info at 277-7511 or JBlntegrity@aol.com difficult to say what beliefs we hold in com-
. . mon. We do covenant together, promise
Dlgnlty to support each other and the church, chal-
Dignity Lexington continues to meet at lenge each other to Spiritual 9"0Wth1 and
the Pride Center on the first and third advance peace. justice. and liberal reli-
Sundays of the month at? pm. On the first QiOUS expression. (there is more 0" that
Sunday we will have a pot luck and fellow- list-for another time.)
ship. On the third Sunday, we conduct a Our current minister is Reverend
worship service followed by dinner at a Cynthia Cain. She isa Buddhist as well as
local restaurant. There is a shared discus- a Unitarian Universalist. This does not
sion of the scripture readings followed by a mean that her sermons are “about"
Fellowship hour. Our doors are open to Buddhism, although some Of them may be.
everyone. Come and join a great group. On May 5th, Rev. Cain’s sermon is entitled
Dignity is not officially accepted by the “Be Free Where You Are" and will focus in
hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, part 0" the poet Robert Burns. On May 12.
but its membership does reflect the views ...Continued on page 10
GLSO Page 8

 yam kWOW what they 50v 0 e o

at QPth Skewef5 [131'ng
la 99
'25 Way {glewers
. SATURDAY, MAY 4111..
I Q0525 For Kentucky 02%v 2002
”:2 we’ll have the race on iota 5mm 67V
use 111 V .‘i. '
.2: SUNDAY, MAY 12m . .. £5
[10:5 /W\\4W\5 FOY VOMV' wotkef i ..
lore — is she a met/wiser oi: P'FLAG? i av
you w ,
22}? FRIDAY, MAY 24111 St SATURDAY, MAY 25m . . .
[$th (Donates will ice at bike Bar For
“‘2" . , Mammal 0.“, weekend
2:; ~
{:21 ' r .
end ‘ "‘ b
E I.
itled .
15,3: 3 Bars . . . I Place

224 E. Main St - 255-1551 - Must be 21 years old with ID

 continued from pageB has been working hard as well on their
she will be speaking on the concept of time. Entertainer of the Year shows, which each
Services are at 10:45 every Sunday and person has agreed to sponsor. So far to
everyone is welcome to attend. date, Janelle Claiborne, Nicole Diamond,
If you are looking for something other Cavier Towers and Lady Marmalade have
than a service, we also have committees all put on the very unique and exciting
and discussion groups. The Social Action shows, raising a total of over $2700.
Roundtable coordinates many projects that Imperial Prince Royale Orvis Kean also
members are involve in: mentoring at risk sponsored a Variety Show nite which
children, environmental work, food drives, raised $770.
political protests, and more. Last year we In addition to these events, the Court
sponsored a refugee family from Bosnia sponsored the 1st Hair Care, which was
and helped them get settled in Lexington. held at Posh Salon, on Sunday, April 6,
The Humanist Forum meets every 2002. Local Hairdressers from several
month, the Womens Spirituality Group salons donated their time, and Toke, the
meets twice a month, the UU Pagans meet owner of Posh graciously allowed the Court
every Sunday after church. There is a the used of the salon from 1-4 pm. Almost
Sunday afternoon group exploring A $2100 was raised for Moveable Feast, and
Course in Miracles, Yoga practice several the Court would like to give a note of thanks
times a week, and Inteniveave potlucks on to the stylists, Posh, Panera, and LM
the second Sunday of the month. Check Communications for their help in this event.
out our web Site at www.uucl.org. There is On April 23rd the 6th Annual Falsie
a lot going on. Please call the office at 223- Awards was presented at the State Theater
1448, Mary Crone at 266-5904, or check for on Main St. these awards, sponsored by
more information. the Royal Academy of Drag Arts and
_____________.___ Sciences in conjunction with the Imperial
The Imperial Court Of Kentucky Court of KY. This year’s Falsies was tribute
, to Chelsea Pearl, with many of her out-of-
The lmpenal Court of Kentucky has been town friends performing at the event.
very busy in the past few months. in March, Don’t forget the Court has many upcom-
eight members of our court including the ing shows and our Candidate shows for
Reigning Emperor»Chris and EmpreSS Emperor and Empress was held in April.
Natalie and former Emperor 19 EV attend- Also, anyone who may be interested in run-
ed the Night Of a Thousand Gowns ning for a seat on our Board may pick up
Coronation for the imperial Court of New applications after May 1_
York. The female line of Empress Natalie
GLSO page 10

,3? GLSO News Sponsors 2002
$09 Richardson Vision Center...................................278-4201
lso 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
Ch Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-205
urt (mobile) 338-8483
ass For all your real estate needs
rai SisterSound..............................243-0243
he Diverse music for all women ,
)st TheCreativeTeam ........................494-1832
nd Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner
IMS Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014
nt. A Charity Organization
a: TheBarCompIex .........................255-1551
by 224 East Main Street
.2: Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223—1448
ite Seeking a Diverse Congregation ..
0 Kentucky Fairness Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296-7812
m- www.bluegrassfairness.org
3.7 Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
in- 1513 Nicholasville Road
”p WindyKnoIlFarm .........................299-741o
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Lexington Men's Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231-0090
Rehearsal every Sunday
Prudential Securities, David Cupps . . . . . . . . . . .243-5033
Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families
PegasusTravel ...........................253-1644
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO
— I GLSO page 11

 Call number in M 2002
Directory for Location. ay
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
Pride Center (Call for place) 12130-3 pm Fairness Derby
7 pm Jubilee Fellowship Party
(See Article) Windy Knoll Farm
7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Call for place)
7:30 pm Camegie Song Series
Carnegie Center
5 6 7 8 9 1 O 1 1
10:45 am UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm ACT OUT Auditions 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Men's Night Out 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Prided Center Open 10-3
5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus 7 pm ACT OUT Auditions Pride Center Pride Center “Wonder Boy“ “What’s Cooking" 10 am Lex. Men's Choms
(Call for place) Pride Center 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship Pride Center Pride Center Executive Committee
6 pm SisterSound 7 pm P-FLAG Berea Southland Lanes (See article) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center
(Call for place) Pubilc Library—Berea 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place) 10 am Writing Workshop
7 pm Dignity - Pride Center 8 pm AA Step Study (Call for place) Pride Center .
7 pm C.O.L.T.s Pride Center (Call for place)
7 pm HUGS (See article)
1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8
10:45 am UU Church 7 pm Fairness Steering 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Pride Month Committee 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-12
4 pm IntegfitySt. Michael’s Committee-Pride Center 7 pm P-flag (Call for place) Pride Center Pride Center (Call for place) 1.3 pm Closed for Workshop "
5:30 meféifohfinghgfi‘gLs 7 pm LexDGA8 pm AA 7 pm “One World Film " 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship
(Call for place) (Call for place) Peace of Mind (See article)
6 pm SisterSound 8 pm AA Step Study 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA \
(Call for place) (Call for place) Southland Lanes (Call for place)
6 pm lmgfigglcgfigr 10 pm Benefit for Moveable
7 pm HUGS (See article) Feas‘ (C'°ss'"95)
19 2O 21 22 23 24 25
10:45 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
3 Pm C'flSSiC Movie ,. Pride Center 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center (Call for place) 10 am Writing Workshop
Pfiz‘g 5,22%?!“ 8 pm AA Step Study Southland Lanes 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship Pride Center
5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus (Call for place) (See article)
(Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6 pm SisterSomd—Conoeit (Call for place)
(Call for place)
7 pm Dignity - Pride Center
7 pm HUGS (See article)
26 27 28 , 29 _ _ 3O 31 ,
10:45 am UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Discusswn Group 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus 8 pm AA Step Study Southland Lanes Pride Center (Call for place)
(Call for place) (Call for place) 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship
6 pm SisterSound (See article)
(Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6 pm Imperial Court (Call for place)
Pride Center .
7 pm HUGS (See article)
7 pm LexDGA
________________________________________ ________________——_________—__
GLSO Pare12 GLSO Page 13

 Our Side of Town by TK & Me
3 months ago Jenny had an idea R1
What i Mi
we need in the newslet- told the editor you b
‘1, ter is a good comic strip. volunteered to do a a
“i ‘ ‘ comic strip g2 N
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Today the idea has Jenny of |
Jenny, a Bobbi, wa
have you got that you done anything funny Ma
comic strip for the newslet- lately? upl
ter done yet? The deadline
is in 3 days. fi ‘ ‘2; Wl'l
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Fifth Anniversary Concert the
Saturday May 18 8 pm ‘
. . Cr
Woodland Christian Church w:
530 E. High Street ’-‘
to benefit I
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WW teas: wt
”“1”" fro
$8 suggested donation at the door fel
GLSO page 14 -'

 RBDiLSOOVCYiMQ OMY HEStOYfl gender questioning individuals will attend.
, Family members of gender euphoric per-
MaYtfl RDbLWSOW sons are encouraged to participate as well.
b3 Thomas Collins We also'tyelcorrge suxfiortive friends and
, communi mem ers o ave an in eres
Marty Robinson, (19424993) was a US in issues arising due to gender presenta—
gay actIVIst. The son of a doctor, Robinson tion identity and variance.
studied biology at Brooklyn College for The groups meets on the second Monday
three years, came out, and moved to and fourth Sunday of each month at 7 pm.
GreenWIch Village, where he supported Call (859) 433-8388 or e-mail
himself by working as a gamenter' , , LexDGA@aol.com for the location.
Robinson was drawn into gay actiwsm Meetings are free and you may dress how-
on the second night Of the. Stonewall ever you feel comfortable. The meetings
Uprismg. He Jo'ned the Mattachine SOCIety are not a substitute for therapy; the groups
Of New York and “mm" a matter Of weeks founders do not offer therapy or counsel-
was heading the action committee ing.
Mattachine had formed in response to the
uprising. He first came to prominence LMC on Broadway
when _he and J'm Owles walked 0‘” Of a If traveling to NYC to see the hit musical
Gay Liberation Front meeting and founded “the Producers” is in your schedule or
Gay Activists Alliance (GAA)on December budget for the summer, why not catch the
21' 1969' . _ Lexington Men's chorus during what they
The most V'e'b'e leader 0f GAA’ he do best: entertaining. On June 8th at 8 pm
directed a number of important protest at the Lexington Opera House, LMC will
actions and appeared on national televi- “produce” their own version of the the pop-
sion as a spokesperson for the movement. ular musical. The premise: two would-be
Discouraged by the initial defeat of a pro- producers (Milton and Randy playing the
posed gay rights ordinance in New York Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick char-
City, he withdrew from active participation acters) are working on a scheme to stage
'n the movement '" the mid-1970's, bUt the “world’s gayest musical" to take on the
returned a decade later to become one Of road to Provincetown and Fire Island for
the few Gay Liberation era leaders who the summer season. As they begin tryouts
was also prominent '” AIDS actIVIsm. in Lexington, you will hear many Broadway
You can read more about Marty favorites as solos, duets, ensembles and
Robinson in the book "The Gay full chorus.
Crusaders" by Kay Tobin and Randy The show includes selections from
Wicker. Mame, Sunset Boulevard, Evita,
- Oklahoma, Les Miz, The Music Man, Rent,
Lexmgton Dress _ Into the Woods, The Lion King and of
aNd Gender Alliance course The Producers. Once you have
LDGA is a new social support group for seen LMC’s version of Chicago’s “Cell
anyone who transcends gender norms and Block Tango," you may never go back to
wishes to socialize with other like-minded the original.
people or discuss issues they face. The The Lexington Men’s Chorus Pride show
group is open and supportive for anyone has been a traditional favorite for 10 years
who dresses, acts, or thinks differently and this celebration of local “talent” is sure
from the gender in which they were raised. to be a crowd pleaser. Tickets are $20l$15
The group founders hope that male and and are available from chorus members or
female crossdressers, transvestites, drag by calling 269-9739 or order online at
kings and queens, transgendered individu- www.lmclq.org.
als, transsexuals, gender outlaws, and
GLSO Page 15

 . sodomy statutes prohibited anal sex for all Start
KY ouee' “II‘OI‘H couples regardless of gender. In 1974 this Curt
Eoflem K9 Univenily statute was revised to only penalize such its p
b J fiJo actIVItIes by same-sex couple and was quee
y _e "es . expanded to also cover other sexual acts gathi
t E_KU has cgntnbfuted to loaal queelr :15; between same-sex couples including oral izing
ory In a num er 0 ways. ueer a u n sex
. . . ' su
and facu'ty “a“? bee" hefY'Iy 'T‘V°"’edt '"I During this period, EKU criminal justice pfi
:ueer :omfmunity orfhén'zm '" cg" ra students were regularly used to entrap gay by a
en ”C y or over irty years. ougf men at several Lexington queer bars. new:
Eurnhatm . WES ans early gesrdentt-o Often carrying a concealed recorder, the thel
exrng on S ay erVIces rganiza '0" undercover students would seek to engage grou
<, a
, _ _ ' _ , ' versation. he men targeted by these that
tion in continual operation In Kentucky.l . young and attractive male students often lic u
f 'Dr. Sue Strong gas linstrumentat. I" were older and average in appearance. lf port
orming. severa es '3" gay paren 'f‘g they responded to the undercover student's this
groups m th‘? 1980? and later. Along with flirting and suggested that the two of them of st
:lug‘ntiel'afunilgag'zont' giggigéesgggg' go home together, the student would then EKL
n o r ac n s u
_ , _ , _ , _ press the other man for what type of sexu- olle
very active in CIVII rights orgarlc‘zmg through al acts they might perform. If a sexual act 2 gr
groups sum as Fairness. arta was then offered, the student and ‘ ersl
Miranda, an EKU professor, has ’--- ~ .- . . other police involved in the sting GUI
served 'as Kent