xt73r20rts4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rts4s/data/mets.xml Kentucky University of Kentucky. Center for Developmental Change 1968 Other contributors include Field, Thomas P. Photocopies. Unit 1, copy 2 is a photocopy issued by the clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information. Report of a study by an interdisciplinary team of the University of Kentucky, performed under Contract 693 between the University of Kentucky Research Foundation and the Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965-68. Includes bibliographical references. Part of the Bert T. Combs Appalachian Collection. books  English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection.  Community Action Program (U.S.) Economic assistance, Domestic--Kentucky--Knox county. Poor--Kentucky--Knox County Community Action in Appalachia: An Appraisal of the "War on Poverty" in a Rural Setting of Southeastern Kentucky, August 1968; Unit 13: Recent Home Construction in Two Appalachian Counties text Community Action in Appalachia: An Appraisal of the "War on Poverty" in a Rural Setting of Southeastern Kentucky, August 1968; Unit 13: Recent Home Construction in Two Appalachian Counties 1968 1968 2016 true xt73r20rts4s section xt73r20rts4s RECENT HOME CONSTRUCTION
August, 1968 A

 C O M M U N I T Y A C T I O N I N A P P A L A C H I A
An Appraisal of the "War on Poverty"
in a Rural Setting of Southeastern Kentucky
(Report of a study by an 1nterd1scip1inary team of the University
of Kentucky, performed under Contract #693 between the University
of Kentucky Research Foundation and the Office of Economic
Opportunity, 1965-1968)
Thomas Pr Field
Wrlford AM Bladen
Burtis Webb

 Contents of Entire Report:
This is one unit of a report which includes the following units,
each separately bound as is this one:
Unit l-—Paul Street, Introduction and Synthesis
Quality of Life in Rural Poverty Areas
J Unit 2-—Lowndes F. Stephens, Economic Progrgss in an Appalachian
T County: The Relationship Between Economic
and Social Change
T Unit 3——Stephen R. Cain, A Selective Description of a Knox County
1 Mountain Neighborhood
I Unit 4——James W. Gladden, Family Life Styles, Social Participation
4 and S0cio—Cultural Change
Change and Impacts of Community Action
Unit 5——Herbert Hirsch, Poverty, Participation, and Political
Socialization: A Study of the Relationship
_ Between Participation in the Community Action
Program and the Political Socialization of
the Appalachian Child.
Unit b——Morris K. Caudill, The Youth Development Program
Unit 7——Lewis Donohew and B. Krishna Singh, Modernization of
Life Styles
Unit 8——Willis A. Sutton, Jr., Leadership and Community Relatiops
Unit 9——Ottis Murphy and Paul Street, The "Image" of the Knox County
g Community Action Program
Specific Community Action Programs
Unit lO-—Ottis Murphy, The Knox County Economic Opportunity Anti-
Poverty Arts and Crafts Store Project
Unit ll——Paul Street and Linda Tomes, The Early Childhood Program
Unit l2——Paul Street, The Health Education Program
Unit 13--Thomas P. Field, Wilford Bladen, and Burtis Webb, Recent
_ Home Construction in Two Appalachian Counties

The rationale which brought the data together regarding new
housing in Clay and Knox Counties was based on the assumption that
similarities between the two counties were great enough that the
‘ one which had no OEO—CAP, Clay County, could be used to "filter
out" the impacts of OEO—CAP in Knox County, so that the difference
made by OEO-CAP could be observed.
lf one actepts such an assumption, the differences may well
be regarded as generally clear and Pecisive. Clay County built no
type C or type D houses--low income homes of the type promoted by
Knox County—~whereas Knox County built 60. .
Although no ditterences appeared at a significant level in new
housing generated by Knox County CAP in rural areas (assuming
community center areas would generate more new building in their
own areas), when center areas were compared to rural non—center
areas, the explanation appears reasonable that when people are
prompted to build they tend to move out of the more remote hollows
which the centers were set up to serve—~if not to "town," at least
to the "hard road»“ (lt has been noted that Knox County OEO—CAP early
severed itself legally trom the model homes program. so that it
became county·wide, rather than local in focus.)
By comparison to Clay County, the movement of housing in Knox
County seems clearly more toward urban, and presumably toward more
modern living. {Table 3 supports this conclusion, as do observations

 · made by both Webb and Bladen regarding movement out of the hollows
and toward highways. flhe implication is that the Knox County CAP
has had some impact toward modernization of the population, as
measured by housing comparisons in this unit of the study.
It is perhaps worth considering that if OEO—CAP is successful
in promoting home improvements by rehabilitation of existing homes
it may be working against the "modernization" trend--by making people
content where they are" The matter has a philosophic point of
choice: Should the program be aimed at improvement of life where
it is? Or should it draw, drive, or "bait" people into migration
to more modern settings?

The report here is actually of two independently performed studies
of recent home construction, one in Knox County, Kentucky, the other in
a neighboring county, Clay County. Each was done by a different research
assistant under the direction of Dr. Thomas P. Field. Annex A, the
paper done by Webb with assistance of Pearson, is of Clay County.
Annex B, by Bladen, is of Knox County. An addendum is written by
Street, the principal investigator for the larger study of which this
is a unit. Together these papers represent an attempt to detect and
measure the impact, if any, of a "model homes" program generated as
part of the "Family Development Program" of the Knox County OEO
community action program. As a research design, this one is almost
stark in simplicity——regardless of the somewhat tedious and complicated
necessuies involved in gathering and compiling the information. It is
An area which has an OEO community action program is compared
to one which is in general somewhat similar but does not have
such a program, the comparison being on the basis of amount of
home construction of a type of housing the CAP was intended
to promote that has taken place since the CAP began in the one
The assumption is made that, since there is no OEO community
action program (CAP) in Clay County, the influence of CAP is "filtered
out," so that differences between the two areas in amount of construction
in the last two years may reasonably be attributable to CAP. Obviously,

it is impossible to isolate completely two contiguous areas, such as
these neighboring counties, from diverse forces other than CAP which
might produce differences between them. Neither is it possible to
adjust them, or parts of them, so that they are perfectly matched
except for the "CAP" variablew It is within the limitations represented
by these realities that the report which follows is presentedc
The model homes program was initiated by Knox County OEO=CAP, a
member of the staff of the Family Development Program developing a
low—cost—house design and launching a campaign to get a sample constructed
·_ _ about two years ago. The result was the separate incorporation of an
• enterprise, Knox Quality Homes, Inc , a non-profit undertaking involving
considerable leadership from the OEO—CAP staff in its governing body
but effecting a legally separate operation, OEO—CAP continued, however,
to provide counsel (on finance, for instance) and to work for work-
exchange and loan arrangements to get such low-cost homes built, It
appears, however, that people of the county made their own adaptations,
both in the design of the houses built and in the help and finance
arrangements, so that OEO·CAP progressively has had less direct in-
volvement in construction of low—cost homes in the countyu The impact
of OEO-CAP in this instance, therefore, was greatly diffused, at least
_ within Knox County,as the combined reports herein imply.
——Paul Street, Principal
_ Investigator

l Foreword ii
2 ANNEX A--A Study of New Dwelling Construction
in the Past Two Years in Clay County l
3 ANNEX B--A Study of New Dwelling Construction
in the Past Two Years in Knox County 20
4 ADDENDUM--Synthesis of Two Studies and Their
Relevancy to Knox County CAP 39

This Annex (Clay County) was prepared by Burtis Webb, research
assistant, Geography Department, University of Kentucky, under the
direction of Dr. Thomas P, Field,
Submitted August l, 1968
Historical Review 3
The Location of Clay County 4
Daniel Boone National Forest 6
New Dwellings ll
New Dwelling Locations l2
Findings 19
{ID v

Figure Page
l. Map showing the general location of Clay
County in Southeastern Kentucky 5
2. Map showing the level land in Clay County. 7
3. Map of Daniel Boone National Forest 8
4. A list of drainage basins of Clay County 9
5. Map of drainage basins within Clay County 10
6. Table showing abandonment and increases in
number of new dwellings by drainage
basins in 1966 and 1968 13
7. Map showing the number of new dwellings in
each drainage basin area 16
8. Map showing the number of new farm and new
non-farm dwellings in Clay County 17
9. Table showing various farm and non-farm
comparisons of drainage basin areas of
Clay County of the years 1966-1968_ 18
I V.

Figure Page
A. Map showing density and distribution of
dwellings in Knox County 22
B, Map showing house abandonment in Knox County 23
C, Maps showing density of farm dwellings and
drainage basins and urban areas in Knox
County 24
D. The Drainage Basins of Knox County, Kentucky 25
E. Knox County Statistics by Drainage Basin as
of July 31, 1968 26
F, Frequency by Drainage Basin Area 27
G. Distribution by Drainage Basin Area 28
H, Growth or Loss by Drainage Basin Area 29
I, Drainage Basin Area ~ OEO Area Relationship `3O
J, Distribution by OEO Center Area 31
K. Frequency of Distribution by OEO Center Area 32
L, Growth by OEO Center Area 33
M, Growth or Loss by OEO Community Center Area 34
N, Knox County—C1ay County Comparison 36
O, h Class C and Class D Construction 38

by Burtis Webb
To obtain a valid measurement of the effect of the community
action program on the building of new homes in Knox County some kind
of "control" area was needed. After careful consideration of several
counties, Clay County was chosen. Two important reasons for this
selection were: (l) Clay County has no community action program in
any broad sense as does Knox County and (2) the proximity and similarity
of Clay County. (It borders Knox County on the North, and like Knox,
is part of the Southern Appalachian system.)
Although in total area Clay County is larger (484 square miles
compared to Knox County's 389 square miles) Knox County has 68 square
miles of level land as compared to the 58 square miles in Clay County.
These figures indicate that the terrain in Clay County is somewhat
more hilly. Also, this greater amount of level land accounts for the
somewhat larger number of people and houses found in Knox County.
The following table interprets likenesses and differences between the
two counties.

• 2
Knox County Clay County
Area 389 sq, mi, 484 sq. mi.
Level land 68 sq. mi, 58 sq, mi.
Population 1966 24,860 20,727
Number House-
holds, 1960 6,336 4,554
Number House—
holds 1966 7,711 4,993
Populatlon per
household 1960 3,92 4,55
non~white 1,6 2,2
Percentage of
loss 1950-1960 16,9 10,2
Percentage of fam1lies
and unrelated lndlvid-
uals with 1ncome less
than $3,000 in 1960 70,5 73,0
Per capita lncome,
1960 $501. $627,
Med1an age in years,
1960 23.3 19,3
Median years school
completed, those
25 years old or
older, 1960 8,0 7,0
Rank on scale of "most
urban" to "most
rura1_" 1960 95,5 108.5
*Based on 1HfOKmAElOU from "Kentucky”s Population in the
1%0“S," 5.€§,9*:E.E§-,P§Y,§1EP,;[P..€I1.E_§?.£l§.§-2,» Universify Of Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Rural Soclology,
· Lex1ngton, September 1963,

Both counties have broad river basins: the Goose Creek-
Kentucky River basin in Clay County and the Cumberland River basin
in Knox County. Major highways bisect both counties, U. S, 80,
Kyi 421 and Ky, ll in Clay County and U, S. 25E,, U. S. 229 and Ky.
ll in Knox Countyw Although UHS0 25E is the more heavily traveled,
the potential growth through the influence of these highways is
somewhat similarh
lt is assumed that differences between the two counties do
not represent variables which might confute the logic of the basic
design of this study,
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the number,
class, and location of new dwellings built in Clay County during the
past two yearsl Since a survey similar to this one was made in the
county in 1966, significant trends that show up in the investigation
will be compared to trends found in Knox County through a similar
U study, By comparing the findings of the two investigations, it is
hoped that the effectiveness of the community action program in
stimulating new home construction among low—income people in Knox
County can, in some degree, be measured.
Historical Review L
» Clay County, formed from parts of Madison, Knox,and Floyd
counties, was organized and became a county June 6, l806¤ U
Clay County was laid Out by a man by the name of Green Clay
twho was a surveyor and who had been a high ranking soldier and
officer in skirmishes with the Indians. The county, after being

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