xt73r20rsf2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rsf2k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1978 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Louisiana State University, October 21, 1978 text University of Kentucky vs. Louisiana State University, October 21, 1978 1978 1978 2014 true xt73r20rsf2k section xt73r20rsf2k *“   L :jf;1;.:¢~. :.‘j;..;r;»:;;q;.i·e —;       ,. = ·      ` ` `4 A   T   A ’ 'V I M , ‘  ‘ l   `
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.; Kentucky vs. L.S.U. — October 21, 1978     1
`   M?" 4’»$ ’,‘M 'lM2l 07%*7    
G: UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad-       1
i dress———Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506.   °ff       I
I Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift, advisor; Jack Perry, Assistant SID,   I   ¤   1
5   flll  P l   ll  F l
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley.     b   .
National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue,   8      
New York, N.v. 10017.    
   “`r r   IWW     nfnll A MM lfro `   .
c 0 N T E N T s       3
Today’s Notes ’n Quotes ...................................,...,,,..........,..................................... 2       f
Governor Carroll .................,...................................,.....,................................,......... 3    :€    A 
President Singletary ......,.........................,...,............,.....,.....,.................................. 5 ‘ { - E {
UK Wildcat Players ..,..............,...................,...,..........................,... 6, 8, 11, 12, 47 . \ . • __ a g I
Athletics Director Hagan ..,..........................,........................................,................... 7 ` __, Z .. 7.. °'· ll l
I I Coach Curci .............................................,.......,.... , ....................,............................ 9 I ’ V "°"'1'§ ‘
The Field Goal ,..... . ................................,.......,........................................................ 1t    
The SEC Heritage of Quarterbacks .....................,............................,......................... 4t d      
Power Fullback .................................. . ......................,.,,............,...,..,,......,.,.,..,........ 9t   TT  ¥ '
UK Student Spotllte ........................................................................,................. 29, 30  Q{*£‘f··, 1 .` T""‘··—~_,   ,
"Old Blue" ...............................................,.............................................................. 31   s_     Ff¢··~··   Q
Wildcat Assistant Coaches ............,.....,...............,........._..,......,,,,__,_,.,,,,,.._..,,,,.. 32, 33 ·        ° · 1
UK Staff .........................................................................,.....,...,.........,.,.................. 34  in   "**   ‘ 1
Louisiana State University .....................,....................,......,....,..................... 35, 44, 45       . ° ,  
Kentucky Numerical Roster ........................,............................................................ 1 36   — f    
Lineups ..............................,...................,...........,......................,.......,...... Centerspread    oak 1.,;{’&‘; .  
Louisiana State Numerical Roster .................,....,........................,.,............................ 41     A
Alumni Activity Line ....,..................................................................,..................,..... 42 R I   -   _  
Kentucky Alphabetical Roster ...........,.....,...........,...................,...........................,.... 46 €   g ln   ER I
The Fake ..................................................,............................................................. 17t ...   t ‘
sec rooroo.11 Record Book .........,,................................,............................................ 20t    W¤tch   _’`i,   Q   
Fundraising ...........................................................,................,............................,.. 22t        
The Halttime Show ., .......................................,.......,,_.,..,..,_..._,,,_,,,,__,___,___,.,_____,,._, 25t   .,.·   X ·
Do-lt-Yourself Stats n Facts ....................,............... , ..,.. , ...........................,............. 28t 26   for   · ‘
Blue-White Fund .....................,.................................,.............................................. 65 T   ly yes; ;~· g
A Growing Campus ...........................,...................................................................... 66 €m¥.¤o¤.e.:¥**°'°9€$  l
Stadium Information ............................................ . ................................................... 68   fg!/’     _)V  d I
° The New Official Wildcat Print ......................................,..,..,...,..,,........................... 70   `gsriiéfgf ‘·. =» ;     .`__ 4- =  3
Wildcat Marching Band ...................................,,....__,,____,____.__________,__ _ _______________________ 73   g, ,=_V   —,L ,   ~ k__r,   »  
Lady Kat Digest ..........................,.............,..........................,..........................,......... 75   i ~:~··   .`V`;   ;   _ Q  1
Other Sports at UK ..............,.....,............,.................................,.............................. 76   ifi   U S Q?—:`.S* -:<_ »
  *§2?· I TIC    ..—”- , .
==jr? r»’‘·’     .. [
Faculty Members Alumni Members         · _ 1
Dr. Richord Robe, ’78 Thomos P. Bell, ’79   l.i_ EQ 'e..   .`l`   _ ‘   j
Prof. Chorles Rolond, ’78 Dr. Rolph Angelucci, ’81  
Deon Morion E. McKenno, ’79 _ f     _¥   r`
P'· P¤¤l€l R- Rssdvr '79 EX °lll°l° M"""l’€"$ Frunkfgitlt, ti‘`  eg rrorktsio  Mon Q
Dr. Stephen Diochun, ’8O Dr. Otis A. Singletory, Choirmon    it · »     »  
Dr. Chorles Ellinger, ’8O Dr. Roymond Hornbock   Ky. T. Hutstbourne Park .,_f_  1
Dr. N. J. Pisocono, ’8O Jock Blonton   _».`l~     Y_ `   ’ I .
Cliff Hogcin Dr. R. G. Zumwinkle `°§H°pkmSY';lI?* KY‘: R°mm°ll~d Pl°m` ` ,
Dr. W. L. Motthews Berea, Ky; ' I . { l_-I5 .» ·~ .
; Trustee Members Td|bO¤d Tddd i .   g
I Fronk Romsey, Jr., ’79 Dr. Donold B. Clopp ‘jCc·l¤mbus,`lncl. A   25tlT Street
I George W. Griffin Jr. ’81 `Q;.i?ii?`¢ `sl~~. . . I l . K I
, ' ' Student Members   Indra S13 E. Htghwqy I3] ,
  M€mberS—¤f-Large Kgthy Culbertson ` Champaign} HL 170] $°mh.N€¤| SL  
  Albert B. Chondler, ’79 Jim Horrolson     _`     , d
i s. T. Rooch, *80 f i - . . » I
1 I I

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A 4. Kentucky vs. L.S.U. — October 2i, l978     =
T UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad-        
g dress-—Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky, 40506_   ’ff      
T Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift, advisor; Jack Perry, Assistant SID,     I _      
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley.   b   i
_ National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services 320 Lexin ton Avenue   Q  
’ g ’ www   ·"“ - ·~<  rm~»:  r ffsfgft
New York, N.Y. lOOl7.     Q
  if 0  ME   Jnfh   .
c 0 N T la N t s       .
Today’s Notes 'n Quotes .........................................,.,............................................. . 2       {
Governor Carroll ...........................................,.......................................................... 3        
President Singletary ................................................................................................ 5 ` _ ` l
UK Wildcat Players ..............................,....,........................,....,...... 6, 8, ll, l2, 47 . \ . • Y 3 _  
Athletics Director Hagan ..............................................................................,........... 7 ' V Z ..   S" · " l
Coach CUTCI ............... . ............................................................................................ 9 I ‘ - ""‘ }
l The Field Goal ..............,..............................,...............,.....,.................................... It l    
  The SEC Heritage of Quarterbacks ........,..............,.......................................,............ 4t     Q
Power Fullback ..........................................,............. . ........................,...................... 9t     g
UK Student Spotlite .........................,................................................................ 29, 30 . ,`   §1!‘·*f·$~ TT ..` T""‘··—o_,,_ ,
"O|d Blue" .............................................................................................................. 3l i,,,s., i.;..—         .    
Wildcat Assistant Coaches .....................................,.....,.,,,....,,_,_,_,___,,,.__,_..,,,,.,. 32, 33 .     — —=`!~%`¥   AF l
UK stair .....................................................,................,.,..........,._.____..,..._.._....,......., 34 _,_, g       .     _· T
Louisiana State University .....,..................................................,.........,......... 35, 44, 45       _ · _  
Kentucky Numerical Roster ...................................................................................... 36   _ _   T
Lineups .......................................r....................,........................,.............. Centerspread       . 
Louisiana State Numerical Roster .......................................,.................... . ................. 4l     i
’ Alumni Activity Line ......................................................................................,......... 42 R I   -    
Kentucky Alphabetical Roster ................ . ...........................................,..................... 46 E   g m   - l »
  The Fake 17r  .      °l€€ l
- sec Football Record Book ........................................................................................ 20r     W¤tch   T ·
Fundraising ......................................................................,..................................... 22t        
The Halftime Show ..........................,...................,........................,,....................... 25t     from  · .
F Do-lt-Yourself Stats n' Facts ...............................,........................,...,.................l..... 28t 26   for   l
Blue—Whlte Fund ...............................,...................................................................... 65   'g.g$_»>a».gi;ea;=§riff l
A Growing Campus ,.......,.....................,...........................l.................,..,.,................ 66   mm  
Stadium information .........,.................................................................. . ..............r... 68   `NFA       . V E `
. The New Official Wildcat Print ................. . .............................,......................,......... 70       `  _fi.i   
Wildcat Marching Band ........................................................................,................... 73       l'‘_,` Qj;  T
. Lady Kat Digest ........................................................................................................ 75     ;__¤;, . L T » —.‘' ·
. Other Sports at UK ......................,.................................,......................................... 76 I     A l   ,·4' ` i
      .,ti   ROW if  rs    A  
T Faculty Members Alumni Members           Y
i Dr. Richard Robe, ’78 Thomas P. Bell, '79       _ ii s   *i   
l Prof. Charles Roland, ’78 Dr. Ralph Angelucci, ’8l     .
Dean Marion E. McKenna, '79 {gg   ,   PF "·  
DP Dcmel R· Ready, [79 EX O {CIO Mein ers _ Frunkfm*§;gKy.;_ Franklin  Mall I
Dr. Stephen Dlachun, ’8O Dr, Otis A. Slngletary, Chairman     »~i‘ <     U = A · B . _ _ g
Dr. Charles Ellinger, ’8O Dr. Raymond l·lornback   Ky. fg —`jH¤¥stb0urne Pork A   Q
Dr. N. J. Pisacano, '8O Jack Blanton   is I   I I ~ L I
l Cliff Hagan Dr. R. G. Zumwinkle   Kyi i**¤¤·m.é¤d PING   I
  T Dr. W. L. Matthews B€r€¤'»Ky___.    [J5   3 · A
T fusfee Members TGHDOH Todd A .; T   { A ._ T  
  Frank Ramsey, Jr., '79 Dr, Donald B. Clapp .i_C§i8!¥tbUs, lhd. » 250625tli Street.  
George W. Griffin Jr. ’8l   »>`=   _ M M ’ ' ·  
I I Student Members f.;CI$¥§k$V*ll€r lnd, SUSE l‘ll9l1W¤Y I3} ‘
embers ¤f l-we Kathy Culbertson Chqmpqrgp, lll. l70l som Nool Sr. A
Albert B. Chandler, ’79 Jim Harralson _   ..
S. T. Roach, '8O f I   _
l l  

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I oday S Notes Il QIIO CS  
By RUSSELL RICE- UK Sports Information Director i  
The big match—up here tonight will feature LSU's senior Heisman JUNIOR YEAR, 1977 SENIOR YEAR, 1978  
Trophy candidate Charles Alexander vs. a UK defense that has Opponent. AH. Nei. TD Opponent AH Net -1-D .
held him better than any team he has faced during his varsity gioiaoa --················ $2   3 wdijoii ···‘   ·····‘········     3
ICE .................... ,. 8 S O ES ............
C3|’€€I’ to date. Florida .................. 31 170 2 Rice ........................ 24 144 2
Vanderbilt ........   26 183 3 Florida .................... 40 156 I
Alexander entered the season with a total of 2,863 yards rush- Kentmky _,,_,__,______ 25 87 0 Qggrgia ____________________ 22 81 1
- - i h- h · _ Oregon ....,............. 31* 237* 4* Kentucky
ing in 33 games, an average of 76 8 yards per game, w ic in Mississippi   23 éi i Mississippi
cludes 301 yards his freshman year, 876 yards asa sophomore and Aiabama ________________ 22 110 0 Alabama
*666 v6r66   i66*6i- ¥Ji§f§'°‘?.'..iTFTT?.,§iii ii 133 l ?“Ji§E§"’°‘ M
` . . 4 - · ` .............. 43* 231 3 W `
His statistics those years against the Wildcats were three ¥Vg_°F;\"gg immw-m3ii* i686, W, _i_g_°-ijmgg
carries for one yard in 1975, 11 carries for 68 yards in 1976 and
25 carries for 87 yards last year, a total of 39 carries for 156 yards, CAREER ST/$‘TlSTlCS
an average of 4.0 yards per carry, and 51.2 yards per game, Aff Yards TDS
. 72 * 3,511* 34*
By contrast, Alexander entered the current season with averages 3
of 5,0 yards per carry and 86.8 yards per game.
He had an eight-game streak of 100—plus yards gained until
Saturday, when he suffered a muscle strain early in the second
half against Georgia and was through for the night with 22 carries Oct- 10, 1978
for 81 yards. Without his services, the Tigers were upset, 24-17, AS 3 penn State Supporter for 54 years and a Spectator at last
bY the B¤ll€l0Q$- Saturday’s football game, please convey my appreciation and thanks
, t D‘ t Cl k cl th b f Ul<’ "Wld t" M h'
The Georgia statistics brought Alexander's career rushing total O Imc Or ar Q ET Q mem ers O S . I Ca arc mg
_ ii _ i _ Band for a most enioyable pregame and halftime program. l was Er
to 723 carries for 3,5 yards in 38 games, lnc uded in that Especially impressed with the playing and Singing Of HMY Old Kern Wi
total are 16 career 100 plus yards games. He also has Scored 34 tucky Home," an experience l shall always remember. GI
t hd H . . .
Career CUC Owns ms mg Thanks for some great entertainment on a chilly night. bg
Here are Alexander's up-to-date career rushing statistics, with , E
, Sincerely, Y
asterisks denoting some of the 22 LSU rushing and scoring records L F _i Oi
ee enci
he 666 666*666 time DE aaa, MD rr
CHARLES ALEXANDER — Game-By-Game ———-—-—— de
FRESHMAN YEAR, 1975 SOPHOMORE YEAR, 1976 Guests at tonight's game include Bill Kearney, Sugar Bowl; Alex i (
M · · it 6
Opponent AH Net TD Opponent AH Net TD arsh and Frank Courtney, Tangerine Bowl,iMr. and Mrs.>Cl’iuC R
Nebraska i_iv___ii_'i____ 8 _2 O Ncbrexka '_.·_ i __i__·_ii_ 8 17 O Martin, Fiesta Bowl; Jim Shaffer, assistant director of public rela- I
time MM ,.,...,..... 8 a 0 oregon state .,........ 14 at 0 tions and promotion, NCAA; Cliff Harper, special consultant, ood l‘l
il?il€?d· ······--»-~---——·v·-—·—   gg 3 l;il€<}d ··--··········-·~~ » ·-·-·     gi Elmore "Scoop" Hudgins, assistant commissioner for public rela- {O
O|'| EI .,..... . ............ OI'I E ............... . .... ·
Tennessee ..............,. 5 5 O Vanderbilt ....,......... 17 152 I Hons, SOUth€aSt€rn COnf€r€nC€` Ki
Kentucky ...4,.,..,.4.... 3 1 O Kentucky ..,.,...,......, 11 68 O
South Carolina ........ 14 53 O Mississippi ...,,......,.. I6 138 1 -— 1——  
Mississippi ..,.......,... 12 65 O Alabama .................. 9 43 O il'1
Alabama .....,.i.,......., 7 16 O Mississippi State ..,... 15 74 O _ I . .
    .,..,. , .0 O   .,..,,,.........,.., it 61 2 6*6.*16 COVER D666 6% 6 66666 ***6 ·666*·6 6* *66 66y 66 9
Tnlnnn __i___i_____iii___v_ 21 81 2 umn ·______i»____iii__i_»_i_ 22 M] 2 tonight s cover. For diplomatic reasons, artist Ted Watts, of Oswego, i
TOTALS .....,............ lO8 30l 2 TOTALS ...,.............. 155 876 7 Kansas, choose someone far removed from the Kentucky scene.

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it the honorable ~ _*\·$,:},-__ z   · , _ 44 .g hy . .
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El JULIAN M. CARROLL -.   ,1, \A*§j,  yl;      A·,·g t
  Governor of Kentucky l '__ Aly QA/*'   _ A*‘_?” i i- é ' l
i s·· ix.-, 4 ’ *   ·
l   '  Y//fr ·     ., ~
l . , ·~ V  = Y ya, iq ,¢<·- 1
Julion Morton Corroll become Kentucky s 58th gov- . .7/    ty, »j’j_ 7/  
ernor on Dec. 28, l974, succeeding Wendell H. Ford,   i·   j' gr
who wos elected to the U.S. Senote. Ccirroll wos     4 7/ f 
elected to o full four-yeor term os governor in Novem- el   ’A A
ber l975 ond wos inouguroted in December of thot ffjfl l—i/,/I  / · A
yeor. Born in fv\cCrocken County in l93l, Corroll   *ilQ,'/,,/ V L_ , [ , j
Glfended Poduccih Junior College ofter groduoting   tyllll/#5/  
from Heoth High School, He wos groducited from the ·,·A·»`§?    '   
University of Kentucky in 1954 ond received his low " l·'A  *’ lffwlf *‘ i
degree from UK in l956. Before becoming governor, l
Corroll served three yeors os lieutenont governor ond ,
ten yeors os ci member of the Kentucky House of V 
Representotives, the lost tour os Speoker of the House. C   l
He is on octive member of the Optimist Club ond o  
former Joycee. He ottoined the highest office in  
Kentucky for Iciymen of the Cumberlond Presbytericin S       ,
Church in l966—67 when he wos nomed moderotor of  
gis lientuiky Synod. hjwlge Governor ond his wife, 201      
* cironn, ove our c i rent
· I
A 3 l

 The sun shrnes bright on  
· ?
Sunday Brunch in the Glass Garden.  
Ser reo rn tee r on —~/ow rovorrres ond o onoroe of own sundoe rnosrerroreoe  
Gee; Goroen Qestoyonr rs o sreornsnro round of oeefr rn ine norurol oeouiy of our
fee; ‘or   eyes os wer os me oorxred ro order oy o GXQUISIIGIV ooroornred Gloss
T;~_,"QI_iO@·Q~Qt I3; I re trees Be sure To sox/e rust o ori I·IyoIT I?ege¤C\/ Lexrnglon, St
ond fio mers rn our oeourrw ·,r or room beoouse we nove o éIO0 \/\/esi \/Ioe Telephone _
Iiroeodoeo seveo-s‘ory g oss enost tenaorrng dessert Iouffer [o0o] 233-41444. Q'!
  S. ‘e oro ,d ees, or so greers ooeese coke to Iignr onoooIoIe fronn 40.00 o na. ro 300 om in
/·` “ ’]’;I']I'ICIAr To \/O J O'€OI`-_   : ;;- ,:` Jr% ·<$- .‘ .`I  ,, !  
The University of Kentucky has become one of the   *~. IT -_       —   i`  
TYTGIOV institutions of higher l€¤rning in the United   It-"-jr     ..  
States under the leadership of Dr. Otis Singletary, the   A`, II 'I  I-   .2 ii. ``i'_ '   ;
. . . , Y 4` ` s...•-¢n_•~ *·-*¢::—·· . Y ·; {
eighth president of the University,   L   ._ mp _ if i
I Dr. Singletary was named president of the University 1L` A I * .   i    
in August, l9o9. He had previously served as execu· l` .3} I
tive vice-chancellor for academic affairs in the Univer- :'_•;·' i
, sity of Texas System and director of the Job Corps pro- . '   i
_ gram for the Office of Economic Opportunity. *,:`:` i
_ _ _ • , i
  Dr. Singletary, a native of Gulfport, Miss., holds de- ~·'°·_'· ‘
g grees from Millsaps College and Louisiana State Uni- I ` ‘,•,· l
  versity. ·,4_· I
  As president of the principal institution of higher   " i
  learning in the Commonwealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly l
  concerned with the University’s role as a land-grant i
  institution, a "peop|e's university" accessible to all          
  who can profit from education. President, University of Kentucky  
  In the nine years he has been president, the Uni- i I
  versity has grown to where there are now more than   _
  22,000 students on the Lexington campus and more  
  than l7,000 students in Ul<’s I3 community colleges, Dr. Singletary is the author of two books and several   .
gt and the University has become one of the major re- rnOnOgrGphS. I
  search institutions in the country. A Navy veteran of World War ll and the Korean  
  Recognition of his service to the University was ev- Conflict, he is a commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve.   .
  idenced by the UK Alumni Association, which pre- He and Mrs. Singletary, the former Gloria Walton,  
  sented to Dr. Singletary its Alumni Service Award-an have three children; Bonnie, Scot and Kendall.  
  honor rarely bestowed upon a non-alumnus of the Uni- The Singletarys live at Maxwell Place, traditional  
§ versity. home of UK presidents.  
LOCATION-Lexington, Ky., a community of 208,llO in VICE-PRESIDENT, STUDENT AFFAIRS--  
the heart of Kentucl:a··  J I T ` ia ,T   T · {T "` { | IT ,
A -    .   I . J A PA }; A A · _ A V   ·A. A {Af; 49 {AM  
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TIGHT ENDS—NicI< Litzsinger, Scott Petersen and Gre ~y _ TT I   , T I Tr
g ew A R _ A 4 A
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{ ·`T; " AAA   _fY€T~· · Tg.g·»   . WIDE RECEIVERS—Greg Long and Chrls T
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