xt73r20rsd8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rsd8j/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1942 journals kaes_circulars_003_388 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 388 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 388 1942 1942 2014 true xt73r20rsd8j section xt73r20rsd8j CLOTH ING Project For LI--I-I Clubs   r
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  4·H G url s
     »    FORMAL DRESS M
S I   v.S`    ? for party In
  L  e g CY dance I"
? <     ? banquet ,] 
  ` V 1
·*  , i*   n R
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 $*7   V``'  C _ Circular 388  
;r1cu)\l¤{’ C
of QV;
ni 11 6  ·
EXTENSION SERVICE _ A Thomas P, Cooper. Dean and Director

The following nine projects ol clothing work are available
to »1-H Club girls:
- Sewing—A New Ye-nture
School Frocks
Sleeping or Lounging Ensemble j
Play and Work Clothes [
Dress-Up Costume  
»l-H Girl`s Formal Dress
Semitailored Cottons and Ravons i
Tailored Suit or Ensemble { l
Bringing Your \\'ardrobe Up-to-Date
()nly one pro_ject should be undertaken within any one year
ol #l-H club work. A girl starting in 4-H work with no experience ’ j
in sewing should take the iirst pro_ject ("Sewing-—a New Ven
ture") the first year and "School Frocks" the second. Alter com-
pleting these she may choose either one ol the next two ("Sleep—
ing or Lounging Ensemble" or "Play and \1Vork Clothes"). The
next three (‘Dress-Up (lostume," "¢l-I-I Girl’s Formal Dress" and
“Semitailored Cottons and Rayons") may be taken in any order. ` j
depending on the girl's wardrobe needs.
'l`he last two ("Tailored Suit or Ensemble" and "Bringing
Your Wardrobe Up to Date") may be taken in the order desired.
They are lor girls above the average in sewing skill and planning
knowledge, and should be taken only when the other project
retjuirements have been completed.
Girls who have had some experience in sewing belore en- j
rolling in —l-H clothing projects may, upon approval ol` the
leader. or agent. start with the second group, then follow lll? ii (
order given above.
· i
Lexington, Kentucky I
October, 1942 l
_#__......_I.__. L ..   __ L ....   . It ___   . j j
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economies; (Jouege of A§YiC“lwli
and Home Economics, University of Kentucky, and the United States Departmtmi Oi Agn. l
culture, COODBI'atiI1g. Thomas P. Cooper, Director. Issued in furtherance of the Acts Oi  1
May 8 and June 30. 1914. mj/104:

 t l=
. l  
‘ I
Clothing Project for 4-H Clubs
By Iinrrn I..xcr. I)ORO`l`H\' VI`HRl·]l,KELl). and Axrr.-x Bttizx.-xsi l).xv1s
You really need a long party dress? \\'hat fun then to select the
material and pattern. to actually make it yourself, and Hnally, what
genuine satisfaction and pride to wear a dress you have made your- ·  
sell`. \\'hat fun, that is, if you have done a good job. You will do a l
good job too if you plan it carefully and follow the construction sug-
gestions in this 4-H project,
llcc V Head H or study group  
fell liist the occasions for which you will probably need a formal dress. ,l
am- Determine what type will best {it your needs.
2ep- Plan the entire costume—dress, slip, shoes and accessories. I
[`he , Check your knowledge of party manners. Learn the correct pro- `
and cedures so you will feel at ease at a banquet. party. or dance.  
?l€l`· Hand H or work group ‘ V
y Make a formal dress; a slip, and a wrap. if one is needed. f
(ing Make one accessory. { t
yCtl_ Select other accessories. l
ing USC e\‘ery day the manners you know to be correct. illley will be t l
jctsl V ]Jil1`l of you when the time for the party comes. l  
I keep record of work.  
. t l l
the i Choosing for the occasion   i
WllCl`0 will you wear this long party dress? l\t graduation. it bim-
‘ll'°l~ llilllflllg, or perhaps all three oeeasions} One dress well tTllo$C11
mill lll‘ \\'<>l`l1 at any of these or on other occasions. lo seletl 21 <‘ (dress wtth short sleeves or with jacket) more app1o—
ljlll-illfi Wlllle those living near a large urban C€Yll€l` lll?lY lllld lhc m(?r(.
éjfuggilx lhclzilclllll? better suited to then- needs, The kind ol acttvtttes to wllliill
Acts of SS ls W01`ll should be taken rnto consideration. If the (ll`€SS 15
J/to-li  · 3

 -l lixrrxstox Ctizctttsta No. SSS
to be worn at banquets and informal evening parties. then the less
formal type is best; if the dress is for dancing only, the strictly formal
may be a wise choice. The simple dress with which different jackets
or accessories may be worn will prove best for the average girl.
A Suiting the individual
A style of dress appropriate to the individual is just as important
with a formal as with any other type of dress. The tl1in girl shonltl
choose a dress which will minimize her slenderness. A sleeveless loit-
ct1t dress is not for her. The stout girl should avoid rufHes and frills.
They make her appear more stout. The dainty girl looks her best in
sheer, fragile materials such as voile, organdy, or lace; the athletic
type in piques, ginghams, bright-colored printed muslins, and raynns
made into the more tailored style of dress. Simple styles are best lor
teen age girls. Extreme and sophisticated dresses are not in keeping
with this age. They are for older people.
The type of material should be determined by the season and tl1t· .
occasions on which the dress is to be worn. Summer formals may liv
made of dimity, powder puff muslin, gingham, organdy, voile. antl
pique; winter ones of rayon, crepe, tafieta, marquisette, rayon j€1‘S€}'- ‘
and cotton lace.
Initial cost of a dress as well as its up-keep should be taken intn
consideration. (Jottons are easily laundered while the tafletas ztntl .
some of the other materials require dry cleaning thus increasing thc
cost of upkeep. Formal dresses are not worn as many times as sclnmnl
or street clothes. so quality in the former is not qttite so important °
as in the latter. Effect may be secured with very little expense. Usttalll _
the club girl prefers having two inexpensive dresses rather than mnt
expensive dress.
The slip should be made on the same lines as the dress so it iull
fit smoothly. Use a cotton slip for a cotton dress; a rayon slip trnlt V
any material. Rayons which have dull finishes are best. \\'lit·tln·t 7
cotton or rayon it should be firmly woven and have considerable hotly
especially if the dress fabric is sheer. \\'hite or a color to mattli tltr
lll`€SS is llsllillly the best choice, Brassiereg and panties may lit: illilllf lll
the same material as the slip. Both should fit smoothly.

 1 l·
»l-H Cmijs Fotuuar. DR1;ss 5 l ,
formal . _ _ . . . _
_ L Accessories HIUSL be lll keeping with the dress. Dress shoes should
"tc’ets . . . .
fi be worn. Oxfords are not appropriate. A plain white pump or sandal
` may be used witl1 the summer formal as well as with other summer
dresses. Special evening slippers in keeping with the material and
>orta111 style of dress may be worn with the more formal dresses.
should Sim>le C\’CI`lll]` ba   to hold cosmetics
ss low- If may be easily made by tl1e 4-H Club girl. ,,
lfrills. / I Velveteen, corduroy, jersey, satin, taffeta. 1 l
best in and ni t1e are satisfactort materials.
l )
athletic A ba see 1llllSLI`21l1()l] below l8" x
raymis 2<·'") carried over tl1e arm can be made
1est lor from a strai ht >iece of fabric, 2 wooden ,
S l ,
LC€I)lIlg button molds, 2 metal or bone rings about
1%, inches in diameter. Fold fabric; in hall`.  
with short sides together. Seam short side l
, ,,1, • 5 inches from each end. Turn hems under ,
mt ‘ · . . .
,)C the remaining 8 inches and hem bv hand. ,4
may _ . ` . . ‘ 1
, ‘m,, Shirr each long side tightly. Cover wooden
e. 1 · · , 5 .
.mc,, _ Qullted Evemng bag button molds with same l2ll)l`l(Y as bag {lll(l ·
l ‘ · WW to each end of bag on right ,8, · ‘
sidc. Malte two narrow straps of ;‘
,   _ " A_ " Ars" __
ldllllt, »l inches long, and attach to "">5 ( _l B *_ ' { 1
en mm tath metal Ylllg. bhp rings over  
ms and Vilfll Clld of bag. Attach loose end , 5 gg l A
. l , of Q-   . 1, . SY li §   l
lllg tit tl(.l stiap to bag at end of seam E k , j
,gCll()l)l (·’\ 111 illustration). 'l`his method g g \
l)()I`lillll wl construction allows rings to close , l
Ugualll lm?. £`l\'111g it the appearance in the Fm l ,
,,,,, ,,,,11 rllttstmtion (mmptetetl bag). Fm Steps ‘" ‘“"k"‘g 3 f°"“al b“g i l
LJ r"' —
, it will ¤ l "/ 2 5 1 2
. l
tp   /  “
\'l~¤l""‘ , ¢:»=¤». l S
[C boil)- ‘7 P Attachin arts:
8 D
,u»],]]1t‘ (1) button molds
, l (2) straps
natlt"’ _ K { (3) rings
i x
, Completed bag

 6 llxirwsios ClRCLlI.i\R iXo. Sm
Make short _jackets of the same material as the dress. Use linen
or pique for summer dresses: corduroy. velvet, or flannel for winter
evening wraps. Choose a color which may be worn with a number nl ll
different dresses; for example, white. black, or red harmonize with at "
, variety of dresses. ‘“
Dress it
Alter pattern if necessary. ll
Place on fabric following pattern directions. 11
Pin, baste, and try on. H
Finish the waist and skirt scams of sheer fabrics such as organth. il
voile, dotted swiss with narrow french seams; the armseye with a not N
binding or a mock french seam; neck and sleeves with french bintl- ul
ing; embroidery, or lace. _ F]
Applying lace tl
Lace edging should be gathered slightly before applying it. for
this purpose gently pull the thread in the straight edge of the lHC¤- 4 "‘
lf ll1C lace is applied LO an edge such as collar or cuff, place strztlglll li'
edge of lace to edge of garment with right side of lace to right sid€ ttl li'
garment. Using hne thread and small stitches overcast lace to garment l`
adjusting fullness as you work. pj
join laces and embroideries by matching designs. then seam with
llat or french seam or `buttonhole edges together. in
Hems hl
The hem at the bottom of the skirtyshould be very narrow if tht _ D
skirt is full. It may be put in by hand or on the machine. lf tln·
‘fabric is very soft and shear, light weight horse hair braid n121}‘ llf tt
tacked invisibly to the bottom of the skirt on the wrong sisary‘. however. to wait ttntil the entire group is served. liat slowly.   ‘
mtjglit talk with the persons near you. ll there are sottvenirs at your ])l2l\\'t’l` ‘
ttt the same lorm. .—\rrive on time. Greet the hostess and any special ,
¥l'('*l*· lilll(`l` into th(· activity plannetl by the hostess. lie it gtlotl s]>t>1`t.
it tt . Dances 7 t
n£f\_i{;iy ly \\illl‘tt·y`t>ttt` escort calls lor yyou (lo not keep hint waiting l00 l0llg`-
· jl.hi` ml(’;;ll ·Uytt\itl he should park his autotnol)tl(~ and C()l]·l(‘ to hyotlli doot.
lc Slim Hlmlnls the horn·ol the automobile to ygnntottnce llls·1ll`l`l\`2ll ts had
mlm]? ‘\\‘I*· ·\llt)\\` ltirn to open the (l(l()l` ol the 2llll()lllt)l)llt' lotiyttll. Q
IMM, Wh wi'] lQl*`itt1`t\‘€ at the place ol the party yottr-lescottnwill enter
y him {yn l'-   ltftnge where you will meet alter remoymg yytttps. . lent
_ y · ( together speak to the hostess. Do not reluse to dance with
(ml l’Cl`$0\l you know who (nts in on you, _\ good (l2tnCC1` Zll\\`Zi}$ ll?i*
tt? llllill Iilliml Ol l)Vtl`tNCl`s. ,·\l`ter a (lEll](`(j is over your partner should 1`Cl11£tlt1
lC]>€ml` ;fi"l‘ mu ttntil the next (lZ1l](`(j starts Or ttntil your next pTtl`tnCt` C0mff>·
Nilllll lkmltlg the party say good night to Iltt ltt>slC>*»

 S Exwxsrox (Z1r w.
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Total   . ·   3
List 1l(ldili()l]2ll g2l]`lI1ClllS mudc 101* }'()ll1`SCH· zmd 0Lhc1‘5:__&{_,/  
. V ` ¤
\V}\2ll (’H·0l`l h1ll lIl2l(lC to i1ll])1`0\'(‘ y(>llI` lU2llN1(*l`S?___,,2
Dam _ l94 Signed JX! ,
/C/uh nzemher) ‘*\
Approved .,//  
(Projerl I,¢·a1le*r) _.’  ' `
.·\pp1‘0\‘cd .,.// `
rCm1nl\‘ ]‘?Yfl’H.Yi(H1 Jgwrll) `