xt73r20rrw27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rrw27/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-11-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1948 1948 1948-11-12 2013 true xt73r20rrw27 section xt73r20rrw27 Torchlight Parade
Starts At 7 Tonight

The Ken tucky Kernel

Partly Cloudy, Little
Temperature Change







12, 1948

Number 7

Extended Holiday
Is Not Approved
Groups Drop Plans
Reorganize Petitions
The University faculty has approved a 1949 calendar allowing the

name one-da- y
Thanksgiving holiday,
and voted down a proposal for January commencement.
, No motion was made to grant an
extended Thanksgiving holiday this
year or next, according to Vice President Leo Chamberlain, who presided
at the Monday afternoon meeting.
Extension Is Impractical
An extension this year is impractical. Dr. Chamberlain said. No
formal resolutions jt student petitions for next year have been received by the faculty, he said.
The faculty feels it would be undesirable to break the academic year
ao close to Christmas vacation, according to the vice president.
When news of the faculty action
reached campus groups sponsoring
petitions, these petitions were called
in and reorganized with next year in

Annual Homecoming
Event's Begin Tonight

History Journal
To Be Published


The Journal of Southern History,
the quarterly publication of the
Southern Historical Association, will
be moved to new headquarters at the
University soon.
The journal will be published by
the University Press under the editorship of Dr. Thomas D. Clark,
head cf the UK Department of History.
The placing of the journal at the
University "brings to the campus of
the University a fine scholarly Journal, recognized as one of the best
regional journals published in the
United States," according to Dr.
Founded at LSU in 1935 under the
editorship of Dr. Wendell Stephenson, former UK history professor
See page two for editorial and let- - and editor of the University Press,
the journal is a historical quarterly
See Page four, section two, for fea- - devoted to the publication of articles,
documents, notes, and book reviews
turn and story.
The Student Government Assoc- related U Southern history.
Dr. J. Merton England, assistant
iation tabled a resolution favoring a
vacation when the professor of history at UK, will asfaculty action was made known at sist Dr. Clark as editorial associate
of the publication.
SGA's Monday night meeting.
Request Plans Being Made
Plans to request a vacation next
fall are now underway, Johnny
Crockett, SGA president, said.
At the assembly's direction. Crockett wrote the following open letter
to the student body:
"To The Students:
The students, I think, should be
Theodore Morrison, members of
entitled to know why the Student
Government Assemuly failed to pass the English faculty at Harvard Unifavorably upon a request from one versity and director of the Bread
of the campus organizations for a Loaf Writers' Conference for 16
longer Thanksgiving holiday.
years, will give three talks at the
There has been much grumbling, University of Kentucky next week.
and rightfully so, since the anOne of his appearances, set for
nouncement that school would be 8 p.m. Tuesday in Memorial Hall,
dismissed only on Thanksgiving Day. will be open to the public. His sub
It has been pointed out that the ject will be "Chaucer, the Worldly
vary large majority of schools re- Poet."
ceive three or four days at
First Talk To Be Monday
on Page Three)
His first address, to be given at
3:30 pjn. Monday, in Room 111 of
McVey HalL has been designed par.
ticularly for English and journal-- '
ism majors with a particular interest in creative writing and for fac
ulty members who wish to attend.
were chosen for The general subject will be creative
Seven finalist
the Kentuckian Beauty Pueen crown writing, with emphasis on the prob
Monday night at Memorial Hall.
lems of the beginner.
The finalists, chosen on qualifiThe third talk will be restricted
beauty and poise, in- to students enrolled in the course,
cations of
cludes Frances Saffell, Nancy Brew- -- The Short Story," and will be giver. Bertha Ann Lutes, Patsy Allen, en in the classroom in the Guignol
Porgy Kirkpa trick, Frances White, Theater Building at 3:30 p.m. Nov.
17. It is expected, there, that manufnd PrisciUa McVey.
The Queen will be announced at scripts submitted by students will
the intermission of the Lamp and be considered.
Cross Coronation Ball, Nov. 27.
Morrison Preparing Book
Ray Turley served as master of
Mr. Morrison has been a student
ceremonies. The judges of the con- of Chaucer for many years
test were Dorothy Starr, New York in preparation the manuscript has
model; Mrs. Harry Phelps, buyer: a book.
"The Portable Chaucer,"
O. A. Bakhaus, city manager: and which will be published
in 1950. He
Tom R. Underwood, editor of the is
the author of three books of
Lexington Herald.
poetry, "The Serpent in the Cloud,"
ir Other contestants for queen were
"Notes of Death
Gloria Bilancio. Harriet Russell. Devious Way." and Life." and "The
Before joining the
ye Hooks, Marianna ParkAnna Fa
Harvard faculty he was on the edier. Marianna Poer, Jeanette Blair, torial
MonthMicki Curtis. Betty Hammock, Bet- ly" forstaff of the "Atlantic
five years.
ty Hensley. Barbara Bonham, Elo-is- e
Both at Bread Loaf and at HarKirk. Rita Klein. Jane Wessels,
Jane Barnett. Elizabeth LaRue, vard he has wonand reputation as of
as a helper
Betty fcyon. Christine Cook. Nancy critic of letters
Lexington-ian- s,
Gallon, and Mary Ann McQuaid. beginning writers. Two
Henry Hornsby, whose as yet
untitled Kentucky-mountai- n
will be published in February, and
A. B. Guthrie Jr., author of "The
Big Sky," both received editorial
guidance from Mr. Morrison. The
Orders for 1949 Kenftickians are Bread Loaf Writers' Conference has
now being taken at a special price come to be the acknowledged model
of $4. according to Charles Whaley, for others.
Mr. Morrison is one of a number
Because of rising production costs, of important figures in
the annual will sell for $3 after world whom the English the
the current order drive ends Nov. will bring to the University of Ken24. Copy of the Kentuckian may be tucky campus during
the year. Othreserved by paying a $2 deposit in ers will include Robert Frost, Joseph
the Kernel business office in McVey Kinsey Howard, William Slone and
Hall or at the ticket booth in the Robert P. T. Coffin.
i The cover for this year's KenIs
tuckian is on display on the bulletin board by the check room in
the SUB.

Harvard Faculty

Member Speaks
Here Next Week


Finalists Chosen
For Kyian Queen

1949 Kyions On Sale
At Special Price


The Barter Theater of Virginia
will present Shakespeare's,"Hamlet"
at 8:15 tonight in the Henry Clay
High School auditorium, under the
sponsorship of the University YM
and YWCA. Proceeds from the sale
of tickets will go to the World Student Service Fund.
Tickets will be on sale until noon
today at Williams Drugs. Graves-Co- x,
Campus Book Store, and the
Y offices in the SUB.
Theater Organised In 1933
The Barter Theater was organized
in Virginia in 1933 and operated for
a number of years as a summer
theater in Abingdon.
Following the war. Barter, which
received its name from the custom
of exenanging food for tickets during the depression, began operating
professional reperas a
tory theater.
Breen Casts Hamlet
The cast for "Hamlet" the or-- 1
200th production,
headed by Robert Breen and Jac- queline Logan. Breen directed and
acted in the original "G. I. Hamlet"
in 1943. Miss Logan, a star in pre- talkie motion pictures, played Mary
Magdalene in Cecil B. DeMille's
"King of Kings."
In addition to Breen and Miss
Photo by Mack Hughei
Logan, the Barter cast includes Leo
Pictured above are the Kyian queen and her six attendants, chosen Monday night . . . but only the judges
Chalzel. Gerry Jedd. Ray Boyle, and
know which is which. Back row: left to right, Forgy Kirkpatrick Frances White. Patsy Allen, and Nancy
.Tamps A nHrpojl
Brewer. Seated are Bertha Ann Lutes, PrisciUa McVey and Cora Frances StaffelL
The play is produced by Nat Kar- son of Broadway and Hollywood.
and is an entirely new theatrical
presentation of the Shakespearian

Kent Hollingsworth
A favored Kentucky Wildcat team
meets the University of Florida Gators on Stoll Field Saturday. Coach
Bryant will have to feed Gatorburg- ers to some 25,000 Homecoming,
hungry, football fans, to register his
first 1948 SEC victory.
The Gatorgrinder will be cranked
by one of the South 's leading passers
when George Blanda starts the
Blanda is
with Kentucky rooters due
to four straight defeatless Saturdays.
will be
Serving as
Halfback Jim Howe and Fullback


Four faculty members and a group
of Home Economics students will
rrpresont UK at the annual meeting of the Kentucky Home Economics Association today and tomorrow at the Brown Hotel in
faculty members



are Miss Elizabeth Helton, Miss
Zclma Monroe, and Miss Helen
of the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics, and Miss
Ruth Sneed of the department of

Mortar Board Taking
Orders For Mums


for chrysan-

themums are being taken by


Board, senior

Morwomen's hon-

orary, today in the post office and
in front of the SUB.
Mums will also be sold Saturday
morning from 2 at the Phoenix Hotel, Lafayette Hotel, Williams Drug Store and Dunns Drug
,6tore; and from 2 p.m. in front
of the stadium.




pounds lettered in '46 and '47
grabbed 10 tosses last year and galloped 144 yards, scored once.
Guard in '46, Tackle and End in '47,
will concentrate on tackle
against the Wildcats 200 pounds
Coach Ray Bear describes him as
strong, dependable
majoring in
horticulture of all things.
pound fullback
team's punter
had rushing average of 4.0 yards last
year, most of his duty is bumping
Bill Boiler.
the line.
One the menu:
155 pound
fast, sophomore halfback a razzle-daCHUCK HUNSINGER
pass receiver
powerful, elusive, good
Continued on Page Four)
a halfback danced 64 yards on
punt return for score against Geor
gia last week.
HAL GRIFFIN junior, 5' 8", 185
pounds breakaway halfback who's
always dangerous averaged
yards per punt return last year to set
new national collegiate record.
FLETCHER GROVES Captain-Gu- ard,
180 pounds
mainstay in a line so rugged it forced
mighty Georgia to take to the air.
Gator's reguDOUG BELDEN
lar "T" quarterback for last two
years in '47 completed 35 passes for
479 yards and two scores plays defensive halfback.
JOHN GILBERT a senior Center, 180 pounds experienced reserve
until outstanding performance in
last weeks' 2 defeat by Georgia
moved him off the bench time and
again he hit Fassin' Johnny Rauch
before he could start throwin'.
out-aga- in


Pledges Accepted
By Press Club

Four men were pledged to the
Henry Watterson Press Club at a
meeting in the Student Union
Building November 4.
Harry Green, George Reynolds,
Allen Terhune, and Charles Whaley
ae 'the 'pledges of the men's pi of
journalism society.
To be eligible for membership, a
journalism student must have attained the classification of sophomore and have a 1.8 standing in
journalism and a 1.5 overall standing.
Prof. J. A. McCauley of the Journalism department addressed the
group on the value of schools of
journalism opposed to practical
training of newspaper men.
The pledges will be initiated at
the beginning of the next semester,
after completing a journalistic project assigned to them.

Beverly Davis


Gifts To University



Kin-nair- d,




Art Student Wins
$500 Scholarship
For 1948 Term
Beverly Jeanne Davis, junior in
the Arts and Sciences College, has
been awared the Frances Jewell
McVey scholarship for the 1948-4- 9
term. Dean Sarah B. Holmes has

The scholarship, set up in 1946 to
honor the wife of Frank L. Mc- 'Vev. Pres,idfinA
thls vear"
stlPend of
The grant is awarded annuaUy by
the University scholarship committee
to a deserving woman student, and
represents interest on an investment
of nearly $20,000 contributed by more
than 500 friends of Mrs. McVey.






Team Of "98 To Be Honored
The Best Band in Dixie will paat the
rade during the half-tim- e
game. The band members will form
an alligator in honor of the Florida team. They will also form 1893.
in honor of Kentucky's outstanding,
unbeaten, unscored-o- n team of that
year. Bernie Shively. athletic director, will introduce the seven living
members of that team and their
Following the game. President and
Mrs. Donovan will hold an open
house at Maxwell Place for the
alumni and friends of the University.
Homeroming Danee Informal
The informal Homecoming dancn
will get underway at 8 p.m. Music
will be furnished by the Kentucky
State Collegians from Frankfort.
Admission will be $1. and tickets
are on sale at the ticket booth in
the SUB and will be on sale at
the door tomorrow night. Tables
may be reserved with the purchase
of five tickets.
The Alumni Association will sponsor an informal dance at the Lafayette Hotel at 8:30 p.m.






julep cup to the outstanding alumnus at a




pep rally will be held.
Alumni will register at three local
hotels and at the campus office of
the Alumni Association Saturdav
morning. There will be a luncheon
in the Student Union Ballroom for
alumni and former students at 11:30
Exhibits Being Prepared
Residence units, fraternities, and
sororities are working on exhibits
with the Homecoming theme. Judging of the exhibits will start at
10:30 a.m. Saturday, and thr winners will be announced at the Homecoming Dance.
Bryant Whitfield . representing
Alma Magna Mater, will give a

Stipend Highest In History
to Dean Holmes, this
I years stipend
is the higest since the
,7 ; .;U inauguration of. the scholarship.
' ",Z. ;,
Selection Of the student is made
by the University
comthe House President's Council, Nov. mittee primarily on scholarship high
the basis of
scholarship. Personality of the inThe Kappa Deltas received a new dividual and campus activies are
trophy because they have won the also considered.
award for the last three years. The
Miss Davis, a graduate of Wilmore
girls winning the contest were Emma Lou Patrick and Sally Youtsey. High School, has University average
.The trophy presented to Ham- of 2.48. She is an art major, and is
ilton House, residence hall group. considered an outstandingsculpture.
in painting, design, and
bank. Eloise Eubank. Helen Hoi- - f Zeta Tau Alpha. n,Jf
De""- - Cni Delt" Pnl and ""S Art
iin rTmhmT
c b gn
for Vague.
Blue ribbon winners in the soror- h teTarv magazine
ity group were Delta Zeta. second, capus
T1 scholarship becomes effect-girland Zeta Tau Alpha, third. The ive immediately
and is paid in five
were Phyllis Cliver, Shirley
Porter, Cathy Cook, and Lorraine monthly installments of $100 each
Kentucky Research Foun-- I
Illeria. second; and Martha Purdy
University cor- dation. a
and Lou Trimble, third.
scholar- Tfw other awards of the residence Pration administering thenon-staotiler
hall group were presented to Jewell shlP lund
Hall. Mei Sueh Tsai and Marjorie monev- Cutler were second, and Charlene
Previous recipients of the scholar- Orr, Anne Littleton, and Betsy Tan- - ship are Helen Hutchcraft. 1946-4dy won third place.
and Mary Sue McWhirter. 1947-4-

In Room


the Student Union Board.
Pep Rally Schedukd
SuKy will get the celebration
under way tonight with a torchlight
parade and pep rally. The parade,
lead by SuKy members and cheerleaders on a truck, will form at 7
p.m. in front of Alumni Gymnasium. The parade will move down
town to the Phoenix Hotel where
cheers will be lead from the SuKy
truck. The parade will return to
the intramural field where a bonfire





Pledges Tapped



Tau Beta Pi


Tau Beta Pi, national enginef-rinhonorary, broke away from the traditional tapping exercises in Memorial Hall by pledging at the assemblies of the various engineering ec
tions this week.
Pledges will be required to carry
sledge hammer wrappel
with ten feet of green ribbon and U
ruler with w hich to measur
the ribbon, for one week.
Mechanical and engineering students pledged are Billy Hall, Joh:i
Eugene Kozak. Owen
Lewis. James Hansee. Francis Slone.
Warren Walton, and S. T. Bryant.
Members of the electrical engineering section who were pledged include Beverly Miracle. Georae Far-ne- y.
Hubert Ernst. James O'Bryiin.
Raymond Kemper. Edwin Caiitle.-- ,
Fred Perkins. Cecil Barnett. Ka-- I
McCready. Niel Hall. John May
Robert Boggess, Donald Morrow,
Arnold Murphy, and J. A. Young.
Mining and metallurgical pledgts
are Richard Beaver. Ralph Prestoi.
John Whitmer. James Stone. Bob
Grimm, and Edwards Rowady.
Civil engineering students pledged
were Robert Frye, Carl Hart,
Gutermuth, Roy Wallac-;- .
George Williams. John Crawford,
Fred Crary, and Gordon Witt.


Debating Team Reorganization
:On UK Campus Is Announced


By Pat Thomas
"The University has been without Who Gets Slapped," and "My Sisa debating team since 1938 but with ter Eileen."
sufficient student interest organized
Debate To Start Soon
debate will soon make a comeback,"
"We expect to do some intercol

For Tennessee Game





Buses Replace Train


Trophies Given





Home Ec Convention



Wildcats Meet Gators
In Homecoming Game

Barbara Ann Warren
annual Homecoming celebration for one of the largest
gatherings of alumni and former
students ever to visit the campin
will be held this week-en- d
football game
the Kentucky-Florid- a
as the main attraction.
Festivities of the week-en- d
close Saturday night with the




Sunday Musicale

UK Group Attends


'Hamlet' Tonight


Student leads are held by Harry
Two Greyhound buses have replaced the train chartered by SuKy
as transportation facilities to Knox-vilfor the Kentucky-Tennessgame Nov. 20. Available seats have
been reduced from 175 to 35 in addi
tion to 35 reservations for SuKy
"Pvemalion." new Guiimol Dro
Ticket prices, which include round
Aimo Kiviniemi, tenor, will aptrip fare and admission to the game, duction, will open at the theater
pear as soloist in a
on Euclid Avenue Monday night.
Reservaof classical and modern composi- have been lowered to $11.refunds of
Beth Caddy and Charlie Drew
4 o'clock Sunday afternoon tions for the trip and
tions at
the train fare may be made at the will vie for top honors as the leads,
in Memorial Hall.
9 a.m. and the most important student
One of the highlights of the con ticket booth in the SUB from
roles will be filled by PrisciUa Hancert will be Mr. Kiviniemi's presen- to 5 p.m.
cher, sophomore, and Harry Stanwill leave
tation of a representative Finnish Union busesa.m. Nov. 20.the Student ton, junior.
and return
at 6
song, "Laululle," by Yrjo Kilpinen.
The box office will be open from
p.m. after the
The program will also include songs from Knoxville at 11
2 to 5 tomorrow for ticket sales, and
from the Baroque school of music, game.
will remain open from 12 to 9
operatic types, English moderns, and
p.m., beginning Monday, until the
an assortment of compositions by
end of the run.
contemporary composers.
Tickets will be 75 cents for stuA native of Ohio and of Finnish
dents and $1,25 for townspeople.
descent, Mr. Kiviniemi has been asMiss Caddy Cast As Eliza
sociated w ith the University of KenFour gifts to the University were
Miss Caddy, University graduate
tucky music faculty as an instructor accepted by the executive committee
in voice since September, 1946. He of the Board of Trustees at a meet- of '45, will appear as Eliza, a Cockney girl, opposite Drew, who will
has studied both in this country ing, Nov. 6.
Eliza's reand in Italy and has made a special
A collection of 202 medical books portray Mr. Higgins,
study of Finnish art song literature. and periodicals from Dr. R. Julian former. Miss Caddy has appeared in
five Guignol productions, including"
A veteran of World War II, he served Estill and the late Dr. T. H.
five years in the U. S. Signal Corps.
Lexington, was presented to "Junior Miss" and "John Loves Mary."
He spent 31 months overseas and the Library.
Drew, a Philadelphia n with radio
participated in the African and ItalOther Library acceptances were
and television experience, has been
ian campaigns.
248 books from Dr. Joe Varden, Pawith the Germantown
This, the third in a series of ris, and steel engravings of Sir Isaac affiliated
Sunday afternoon musicales spon- Newton and William Shakespeare Theater Guild, the Junior Theater
sored by the music department, will from Mrs. George P. Sprague, Lex- Guild, and has done work in summer stock. He appeared in the Guigbe open to the public, tmd there ington.
will be no charge.
An addition to the Ashland Oil nol production, "Joan of Lorraine."
Mrs. Kiviniemi will serve a.s ac- - and Refining Company Scholarship
Students Making Debuts
Fund was accepted.
Miss Hancher and Stanton are


Dance Climaxes
Weekend Fetes


Stanton and PrisciUa Hancher.

Pygmalion' Opens Monday;
Caddy, Drew Share Honors
making their debuts in the roles of
Clara Eynsford-Hil- l.
a young society
girl, and Eliza's father, a dustman.
Despite the fact that all the lines
are spoken with an English accent
or Cockney dialect, Kent Scot is the
only Englishman in the cast. In
the role of Colonel Pickering, friend
of Mr. Higgins, Scot will help to
transform the illiterate Cockney
Eliza into a polishes duchess. Scot
has previously appeared in "John
Loves Mary" and "Joan of Lorraine."
Graduate In Cast
Other members of the cast include
Norma Bradley Arnold, making her
debut in the role of Mrs. Higgins:
Alice Dean Barstow. University
graduate. aS the housekeeper; Charlotte Corn Renfro, veteran Guignol actress, as Mrs. Eynsford-Hil- l,
English society woman; and William Nave, economics major at UK,
as Freddie Eynsford-Hil- l.
Louise Hill, Henry Clay High
School senior with radio experience.
will be cast as the parlor maid.
Rvstanrier. ojill h .InhnnV Ren- frow, UK graduate; Michael Green,
only freshman in the cast; Gordon
Brown, 1947 graduate: and Kent
ju Hollingsworth,

said Dr. Gifford Blyton, associate
professor of speech and director of
debate and discussion activities.
Dr. Blyton, who came here from
Western Michigan College, Kalamazoo, where he was director of men's
forensics, was brought here for the
purpose of reorganizing UK debate.
Students from all parts of the
country and Canada on his debating
squads from Western Michigan College won 80 per cent of the debates
stay there.
during his seven-yeAlthough this record is impressive.
Dr. Blyton believes that successful
debating does not stress winning.
"Intelligent discussion is stronger
than misdirected eloquence of
speech," he commented.
Wants Tan Kappa Alpha At I K
In addition to the revival of de- bating. Dr. Blyton hopes to reacti- vate Tau Kappa Alpha, national
forensic honorary. He is the regional
governor of Tau Kappa Alpha and
is at present
of Tau
Kappa Alpha's National Discussion
Conference and Legislative Assembly
which will be held at Purdue University late in March.
Tau Kappa Alpha is open to all
students who complete one year of
forensic work and scholastically are
in the upper 35 per cent of the student body.
Has Traveled Extensively
Dr. Blyton has traveled in nearly
every state in the U.S., Alaska, Canada, and the Bahamas. He also took
work at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, in 1944. He
has assisted in writing two texts on
mwh onH U nniv nrritinff a tent fn
During his career as a student and
teacher of speech. Dr. Blyton has
had dramatic experience in such
I plays
as "Romeo and Juliet," "He



legiate debating with local schools
soon," Dr. Blyton said when asked
about the progress of his new team.
"At present we are hampered by
lack of funds but we are assured of
being able to debate with
schools during the 1949 season."

NSA Convention

Plans Discussed
Plans for a sectional convention of
the National Student Association to
be held at UK November
discussed at the Student Government Association meeting Monday.
The purpose of the convention is
to interest the 21 colleges and uin- versities in this area in affiliating
jsa. Tentative arrangements
for tne activities of approximately
40 delegates are being made by John


20-2- 1.


Chemical Society Names
Barnett As President

Howard Barnett has been elected
president of the F. E. Tuttle Chapter
Crockett, SGA president.
of the Student Affiliate of the AmerA resolution favoring a Thanksgiving vacation was tabled by the ican Chemical Society.
assembly, with the stipulation that
SUB Offers Ballroom
an open letter be written to the stuFor Dances Rent Free
dent 1)ody by President Crockett explaining the action.
organization, inAny
Robert Dean has been elected cluding student
fraternities and sororities,
lower-clarepresentative from the will be allowed to hold one dance
Engineering College to fill the va- in the Student Uncancy created by the resignation of RENT FREE according to Maekie
ion Ballroom,
Jim Pride.
RasdalL director of the SUB.
Maxine Paxon. representative-at- In order to encourase social
large from the College of Education
dancing on the campus, the Social
and Ed Brooking, upperclassman
Committee has relaxed the Sol
from the College of Arts and rental fee charged for the ball- room for the school year 1948-4OCienceS, were installed Ul me
sembly at the Monday meeting.
The group sponsoring the dance
In order to be elgible. students must have faculty recognition anci
wishing to be candidates in SGA's have the request approved by the
fall election must file applications by Social Committee.







Poae Two




Furthermore, it would be kind of
from subscriptions is sufficient to
cover expenses, making so many ads
j think your idea for Thanks- - nice for out of state students to
giving day holiday is a fine one. get home for a change. A holiday
CHARLES SCHIFFLER. '48 It could be that if we had a little
break from our studies we just
Dear Editor- Your truly,
wholeheartedly agree with the might be able to give out with a
editorial in this morning's Kernel little PPon Thanksgiving holidays. Please
use all your influence and that of
the Kernel to give us a break.
Those of us who don"t live in
-Kentucky can't make it home on a
holiweekend or a Thursday-onl- y

The Kentucky Kernel
III rtcnet articln mi eolnmnt ore ( b
the opimoM o r
themnetret, arid do tint He
the optnwn of Tne Kernel.



Mroxunm ran





Al Naw Vo. N. Y.
Mm taa uuin a, hucm

4IO Madison

$1.00 per semester

Enlwd at th Post office at Lrxlufrton.

Ktotuctcjr, aa Mcond rlasa matter
the Art of March s. 1879.



i..C.rwIra lu

CtlUf PmUitktn


Helen Deiss
Harry Green
Kentucky IntreolleFiate Prew Association o., Wjrrcn
Lexlnton Board of Commerce
K.ntucttv Presa AMOclntton
Nauonai Editorial
Allen Terhune

Thanksgiving Off In

Well - by daggone
ii's homecoming time -



Friday, November 12, 1943

Managing Editor
News Editor
Sports Editor
Business Manager


When i he kern uiiicd a Thanksgiving var.it inn in last week's
kImmi i;il. and when iidjiis Hani;tiinns lcgan t in iihtl in
few KOile corueiiud really believed that the fatuity would
Hi'dtil the hniida this ear.
Students tlid leel thai snh an expression of student opinion
at his lime von Id inline me fat ulty at lion on next vear's calendar.
J he latnlty mil Nfouday and approved a
Thanks-tnxinholiday lor I'jl'.K I his was a logital attion in view of the
l.i that no siudciit A tiiions had as yet neen presented lo them.
T he fatuity is a reasonable group and probably would resjxmd
to a foimal indie ai ion of student opinion.
Calendars are not easy 10 arrange, but i actually all semester-swesthiHils manage a Thanksgiving vacation, without
culling the Christmas holidays.
I'k srudents are not just vncaJiing to rreate an agitation.
We ate not jusi trying to "gel out of sthool," for we realize that






displaced person)







Dear Editor:
I agree with you one hundred per
cent concerning

Wecome, Grads

Homecoming is the signal Tor mass painting ajul consiiut.ion
one hundled
work in front ol fraternity and sorority houses and dorms, pep home and would enjoy a good
rallies, elalxrate band preparations for
and the return Thanksgiving dinner.
Sincerely youra,
of L'K alumni lo the campus.
Probably more come to see ihe fool hall game than to pav their
resKcts 10 their alma mater, but there will lie many graduates Dear Editor:
we imisi c omiK-iisaifor the time to have a normal-lengtsemesJust finished scanning the "Weeklie seen wandering around campus lanthnaiks tomorrow, and
ly Advertiser
and as usual felt a
ter. Our reavms lor wanting a holiday seem justified, we think. lo
celebrating reunions with old friends.
faint feeling of disgust.
We really wain and believe we need a full length Thanksgiv- Your reporters seem to be getting
The University welcomes these alumni.
probably will
We hope thai they find the homecoming decorations as color- - little training and jobs after gradBetause the I'H'I calendar has already been adopted, student ful. the parties as good, and the team preferably betier ili.m dut- - have trouble getting
tionps, led bv iht: Student Government Assotialion, should lake in' imdcroraduate davs
It looks on the surface as though
the Kernel is being run as a racket.
at tion iiiimetlialeiy.
It by no means follows the prinIxi s not wail until next Thanksgiving to try lo get results me no success at all. Let"s don't two great things, and every oppor- - cipals of good journalism.
adopt something that would only be tunity for them should be encour- I am sure there must be some
(iii stall a
student rcciuest.
good reason for the inadequacy of
a joke to many on our campus. Let's iged.
improve instead projects already
the paper and I feel that you should
aner some local political potentate underway which are only half finish-ha- d
devote an editorial to the subject.
Surely the $15,000 a year received
son expelled for dis- - ed.
Letters To The Editor honesty. his
Russell des Cognets Jr.
I believe also that the honor
are primarily for smaller private schools where contacts are Dear Madam:
To the Editor of the Kernel:
closer and
I agree completely with your edi- little more of
The honor system is very unlikely fellowship there isfind
in the very torial about Thanksgiving holidays,
to work at our stale university. As large publicthan
I have heard indeed many stu- IT'S TOO SOON TO KNOW
one who has had four years of prep
Try it if you must. I hate to say dente complaining of being deprived
school honor systems, and mho loved
Ella Fitzgerald
you'll be sorry. So serious a thing of visit home because of UK regu- it, I do not need to even look around
should not be attempted only to gain lations on this matter,
me in many classes to sincerely beTraditions and family spirit are
lieve that such a system is workable a half success, which would seem to
Tex Beneke
primarily for younger, more formaFAR AWAY PLACES
tive, more pliable students, especially
at tno schools where the sexes are
Marjaret Whitinf



Looks so good
Wears so well x



Black and White

and his







sys-ter- ns


congregated separately.
Universities should not have the
impossible job of indoctrinating fully
formed men and women in the co