xt73r20rrw1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rrw1n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1937-11-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1937 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1937 1937 1937-11-16 2013 true xt73r20rrw1n section xt73r20rrw1n CONVOCATION



10 A. M.











Roger Brown Elected Prexy WILL SPEAK AT PLANSPEP RALLY Boston College Drowns Cats
13-- 0
As Soaked Handful See
Of Men's Student Council; GENERAL
Blues Muff Trio Of Chances
Junior Soph Election Set



Berkley Ifcnneson. Nathan
Elliott Chosen Vice




Capacity Audience Applauds
First Vesper Service Concert

Metropolitan Star Bodanya
Thrills Appreciative
Council To Ask Senate For
Group In MemorThanksgiving Holiday If
ial Hall
Tats Win Or Tie

Roper Brown, editor of the KenMiss Natalie Bodanya. of the
tuckian, was elected president of New York Metropolitan
the men's student founcil while opened the new series of Vesper
Berkley Eenneson and Nathan El services at Memorial Hall on Sunday
ljott wre chosen as vice president afternoon before one of the largest
and secretary treasurer respectively crowds ever to attend one of these
at a meeting of the council held entertainments.
Monday afternoon in Dean T. T.
The program included selections
Jones' office.
from II Seraglio," by Mozart, PucThe council passed a resolution cini's "La Boheme." and other comto request the University senate to positions of Schubert, Mark, and
grant a holiday of Friday and Sat- the contemporary Spanish group.
Miss Bodanya's rendition of
urday. November 26 and 27. In the
Waltz, from "La Boheme"
event the Wildcats won or tied the
football game with was unquestionably the high point
of the concert, for the ovation she
Final plans for the election of received was deafening. The song
junior and sophomore class officers depicts Musetta's entrance to the
were made at the meetings. The cafe with her new and aged lover.
elections will be held jointly on She sees Marcello, whom she really,
Thursday. December 2. it was de- loves, and in order to irritate
she sings the lovely "Waltz"
cided by the council. Petitions of
candidates must be turned in to which tells of her charms and
taunts him with her loveliness.
Dean Jones' office by noon Wednesday, November 24.
Those in attendance were the first
Each petition must bear the sig- to hear this number on the curnatures of 25 members of the class rent concert tour. Miss Bodanya
and no student can sign more than is to sing it at the Metropolitan
tone petition fcr ar.y one office. this winter.
To be eligible for office, a student
Miss Bodanya's voice has extramust have pioper ratine in his ordinary range for a soprano and
college and must have a University its quality enables her to execute
and previous semester standing of the most difficult arias with ease
at least one.
and finesse. Her spectacular rise
Junior and sophomore elections from the East Side of New York
will be held in the same manner as to the Metropolitan has stunned
the senior class election, the coun critics the world over and her
cil decided. Students will vote ac charming personality, , coupled with
cording to college, and no student her magnificent voice, has kept her
will be permitted to vote at the name on the lips of opera enthusi
booth of any college other than asts since her debut last year.
the one in which he is registered.
The entire concert was received
The question of the freshman appreciatively by the audience and
was curtailed by the coun- was one of the best of its kind ever
cil for the present.
presented here.
The cci;nril votod eiainst a joint
student government for men and
women. In explaining its action
the courcil said. "When the stu
dent union building is completed,
it will be necessary to set up a new
Banquet At Downtown Hotel
form of government. In the mean
time the council deems that form
In Their Honor Will
ine a joint council is inadvisable."
Follow Ceremonies
Brown, the new president of the
council, is a member of the Alpha
Eight pledges will be initiated inTau Omega fraternity. Benneson, to Phi Upsilon Omicron. honorary
president of O. D. K is head drum home economics fraternity, at 5 p.
major of the "Best Band in Dixie" m. Thursday, at the home of Miss
and is a member of Triangle. Elli Marie Barkley, 737 South Limeott is a member of the Phi Delta stone street. A banquet will follow
Theta fraternity.
7:30 o'clock in the Rose Room
The next meeting of the council at
will be held at 4 p. m. Tuesday. No at the Phoenix hotel in honor
the new pledges.
23 in Dean Jones' office.
Guest speaker at the banquet will
be Miss Lulie Logan, assistant State
Agent at
Home Demonstration
the Agricultural Extension Division
of the University, who will discuss
her experiences with extension
work. Miss Inez Baisden will sing
"Lilac Tree." accompanied at the
Recently imported from England piano by Jesse Whitfield.
now on display in the Museum
Those who will be initiated are
of Geology, is a section of the Eagle Thelma Breitenstein. Virginia Dyer,
meteorite, found in 1880 Leone GiUet, Minnie Ruth Pyle,
near Eagle Station in Carroll Co.. Frances Word, Frances Young.
Ky., it was announced by David Marie Jane Meshew, and Grace
M. Young, curator of the museum
The specimen, weighing 31 grams,
was secuied from the collection of
James R. Gregory. London. Eng
land. The meteorite was reserved
by cablegram about a month ago
and reached Lexington cn Friday.
mass weighed 80
The original
pounds, most of which is in the
for alumni of Strol
Natural Historical Museum of Vi lers, breakfast dramatic organiza
tion, will be held at 11 a. m.,
in the University Thanksgiving day, when the group
Museum are specimens of 11 of the gathers for its annual meeting in
17 described
meteorites in Ken the dining room of the Phoenix
tucky. the Eagle Station piece being Hotel.
from one of the two pallasites or
The annual meeting is always
iron stone meteorites.
held on the same date as homecoming day. This year a registration
table will be placed in the lobby of
tlie hotel for all returning Strollers.
Members of Strollers on the campus
have been invited to attend.
Seventy-fiv- e
Alumni officers of the organization
students attended
the Catholic club's regular monthly are Herndon J. Evans, Pineville.
L. . Fraizier.
breakfast meeting at 10:15 a. m. president;
vice president.
Sunday in the Gold Roof of the Whitesburg.
Bob Mitchell, Louisville, secretary
Joseph Houlihan presided at the treasurer
busui-s- s
meeting in the absence of
president, who HISTORY HONORARY
Sherman Hinkr-brin- .
A narration of his summers tour
of Europe, including visits to Lc.se-au- x.
Tau Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta.
Lourdes. and the Shrines of honorary
history fraternity will
St. Francis of Assissj and St Anhold an initiation on November 18.
thony was given by the Rev. Father at the Art Center for Josephine
George O Bryan, chaplain of the Tunis. Mary MIrgaret King, Virclub.
ginia King. Leslie Allison and Mr.
E. L. Hall.




Home Ec Fraternity

To Initiate Eight

Meteorite Added

To Collection In
Geology Museum

Jane Potter


Selected First

"Sports Queen"
Smith, Trent, Benelli, Griffin,
Palmore Selected For
Court Of Honor

"Voice A Golden Gift" Will Guest Speakers. Yells, Music,
Pa jama Parade, ISonfire,
lie Subject Of Address
Fireworks On Card
In Memorial Hall
At Rally


Diagnosis And Correction Of Winners Will Be Announced
Vocal Faults Will Be
At Homecoming Dance
Striking Drama And Power
Thursday Night
Feature Of Talk
Revealed In Presentation
Of Four Dramatic
Dr. Sherman K. Smith, voice
Plans for a pajama parade, bonChoreographies
lecturer, will be the fires, and the largest pep rally of
scientist and
speaker at the second general convocation of the year at 10 a. m.,
Thursday, November 18, in Memorial hall, using as his subject "Voice
a Golden Gift?"
Dealing chiefly with the problems
of the singing and speaking
Dr. Smith's lecture will include information on the diagnosis and
correction of vocal faults, and vocal
pedagogy dealing with breath,
fundamental totle, and resonance.
Acting now as consultant to the
American Association for Teachers
of Speech for the Deaf. Dr. Smith
is also a member of the summer
staff of the State Teacher's College
in Lansing, Michigan. For a num
ber of years he has lectured
throughout the country on speech
improvement and conducted sum
mer courses in California and Chi
A series of talks has been ar
ranged for Thursday afternoon in
Room 111, McVey hall, at which
Dr. Smith will illustrate the use of
the new voice machine recently acquired by the English department
The schedule is as follows: 1 p. m.,
"Breath;" 2 p. m., "Fundamental
Tone"; and 3 p. m, "Resonance and
Dr. L. L .Dantzler, of the English
department, yesterday, urged students to attend lectures.


Organization Holds
Breakfast Meeting



There will be a dinner afterwards
at the Lafayette hotel, with a short

mass meeting of all University
women interested in nflery will be
held at 7:15 p. m. Tuesday in the
Women's gym.
Colonel Brewer will appoint the
rifle coach from one of the senior
men in R. O T. C. who is int?r-rstin riflery. Sue Sparks is manager of the team and is arranging
a tentative schedule with other
colleges for mHtehes to be shot in
February and tlai'JU.

act as toastmaster. The purposes and ideals of Phi Alpha
Theta will be presented by a member of the chapter.



Henry Adams, president,






The faculty of the College of
Law will hold its
luncheon meeting at 12:15 p. m.,
Tuesday, November 16, in the

Uni-vers- ity

Hopef uls Due November 2 ;
Champs To Be Crowned In
Eight Divisions


schools on December 3. it was an
nounced yesterday by University
Mary Louise .McKenna and
Dean Jr., soloists, and the 15
piece U. K. radio staff orchestra
will present the programs. W. Gayle
Starns, assistant director of the extension department and formerly
principal of Maysville high school,
will address both student bodies.

or quadrilles.

panied by splendid
music and combining with thrilling
power the resources of mass movement and solo dancing, it outlined
with gruesome effectiveness the be
ginning, conduct, close, and after
math of armed conflict. The amazing coordination of the men around
the green table, hatching death for
millions, and the march of the dead
in the seventh scene furnished the
best moments of the dance.
Throughout the selection the work
of Rudolph Pescht, In the role of
Death, and Ernst Uthoff. as the
Standard-Beare- r,

remained unsur

passed. It is no longer a matter of
wonder that this bitter and significant satire was the winner of first
prize in International Congress of
the Dance in 1932.
Star of the evening's performance
premier danseur
Hans Zuellig. Playing the leading
part in two of the ballets, he re
vealed a sublime grace and an almost supernatural ability for delineating human emotion in muscular movement. His best rendition
was In the character of the young
workman In "Big City." In that
role his slightest motion because
forcefully dramatic. Out of the
wistful story of a young laborer
searching for his beloved, who has
gone dancing with a wealthy young
libertine, he extracted every ounce
of pathos and feeling. The poignant
last scene of the ballet, with its
distinctive lighting, was a masterpiece of terpsichore.
The best choreographical effects
were achieved in the dance hall
scene in "Big City" and in the con
ference scene in "The Green Table.
In the former a remarkable result
was attained in the shift from one
dance hall to another. Before one
scarcely realized it the dancers had
changed, one group mysteriously
disappearing and another appear
ing with the magic smoothness of
a dissolving movie shot. In "The
Green Table" the phenomenal unity
and accuracy of motion made the
first scene unforgettable.
Other choreographies on the program were "Ballade," an undistincr
tive dance-dranot improved by
its unmelodic and monotonous musical score; and "A Ball In Old
Vienna," a fluffy, charming, vivacious comedy of the sentimental

Muscle bound young hopefuls
with ambitions of becoming boxing
or wrestling champions of the University must have their entries in
by November 24. The bouts will
commence December 1. according to
H. C. Hackensmith of the department of physical education.
rules will govern
both boxing and wrestling bouts,
which will be held in the Gym Annex. Champions will be crowned in
the following weight divisions: 115,
125. 135, 145, 155, 165. 175 and un
limited. According to present plans,
each contestant shall be allowed
three pounds in weighing in.
Boxing bouts will consist of three
two minute rounds, with one minute rest periods between the rounds.
Bouts will be judged on points.
Wrestling bouts will be of four
minutes duration, with a fall counting as a win. In case neither gladiator is able to throw the other dur
ing the four minute grunt and
groan period, a time advantage of
thirty seconds shall count as a win,
and if no contestant has a time aa
vantage of thirty seconds, they will
continue grappling for two one minute extra periods. In this extra session of battling, any number of
seconds time advantage will be
sufficient to win the bout.
Fraternities may enter two men
in each bout between 3 and 5 p. m.
Entries for handball competition
close November 17, at 6 p. m.. and
the championship matches start in
the Gym Annex. November 19
Games will consist of two out of
three except in the home stretch, 1840 s.
which will consist of three out of
The next Community Concert offive.
Tournament rules will consist of fering will be the recital of Kathryn
Meisle, contralto, on January 11.
service in courts, alternating right
and left. Entry fee will consist of
twenty c nts per individual or one LEVI, RAMSEY ELECTED
dollar per team of seven men in the NEW BULLETIN
singles and eight men in the doubles.
Jane Levi and Ruth Ramsey have
been appointed editors of the Uni
versity Bulletin to succeed Leslie
Dr. Frank L. McVev will SDeak Lee Jones and Marjorie Rieser who
to the graduating class of the Wll have resigned, it was announced
liamstown high school on May !'6. Monday. S. Louise Calbert will con1938. it was announced yesterday.
tinue to work with the new editors.



Approximately $7,000 Donated To Help Furnish Student
Union Building; Organizations Urged To Contribute
$7000 has been
contributed to help furnish the new
Student Union building, according
Monday by
to an announcement
James K Shropshire, a member of
the furnishing committee.
At the time the .building wbs
started a number of faculty mem
brrs pledged donations and it is
hoped that they will pay these
pledges immediately.
Fraternities, sororities and other
campus organizations promised one
dollar of each initiation fee. These
organization:) are urged to make

these contributions as soon as pos
The construction contract calls
for the building to be completed in
February. 1938. Members of the
staff of the Engineering college
have expressed a belief that the
building will be ready for occupa
tion at an earlier date.
Organizations and students are
urged to make contributions im
mediately so that there will be a
large enough fund to furnish the
building when it is complete.
A committee composed of Dean
Sarah Blanding. Prof. E. W. Ran

nells. Prof. Laura Deephouse. and
Miss Dorothy Murrell left Monday
for Chicago where they will shop
for furnishings for the building.
The alumni office. YM and YW
offices, and other organizations that
will have offices in the buildings
are cooperating with the committee
in furnishng their offices.
Organizations that have contrib
uted toward the Student Union fur
nishing fund follow:
Kappa Delta Pi. $91; Phi Beta. $7;
University iWoman's club. $17.25;
Student donations, $101; Delta Tau
Delta, $45: Omicron Delta Kappa,

Scheduled For
The last all campus hop be
fore Christmas holidays will
be held from 9 to 13 'clock
Saturday at the Alumni gym.
it was announced Monday by
Dean T. T. Jones.
As many boys
are asked to bring dates to
the dance, as in the past the
number of stags has greatly
outnumbered the number of
these with dates.
If this continues. Dean
Jones announced, it will be
necessary to charge the stags

and strikingly dramatic choreographies as the second attraction of
the Community Concert series.
Probably the greatest performers
of modern dance, the Jooss group
in its recital almost completely de
serted the classic tradition. For this
reason it was neither so graceful
nor so charming as the Ballet
Russe; but what it lacked in mere
beauty was more than compensated
for by the powerful drama and ex
pression of its repertory. Running
the theatrical gauntlet from tragedy
to satire, it portrayed with dread
ful accuracy he deepest human
emotions, without resorting once to
Outstanding on an already ex
cellent program was the final of
fering of the evening, the famous
"Green Table." In eight scenes this
brilliantly satirical ballet depicted
the terrifying tale of war. Accom



The usual admittance price
of 25 cents will be charged
Saturday. Six no breaks will
be held.

Jackson Chosen
AsQueen For
"Fall Festival"
Events Are Scheduled
To Appwir On Program


Friday Night


Dobies Score In First, I,at
Quarters In Battle Of
Fenway Beach
Kernel Sports Editor
Boston. Mass.. Nov. 13 A 13 0 defeat and a free mud bath were the
rewards cf Kentucky's Wildcats
who traveled 2.300 miles this week
end to meet Boston College here
There is a medical cli
que who sanctions the application
Of diluted earth to all parts of the
body. If this be true the Wildcats
re potential winners of 4 H club
Never were two
health trophies.
football teams so close and inti
mate with nature as were the Bos
tons aiid Kentuckys last Saturday.
By gametime the New England
skies had turned the gridiron into
a likely site for the Olympic backstroke tryouts. As the playing min
utes crawled by the field forced the
squads into what seemed like a bur
lesque on water polo. Yet the en
gagement was billed as football and
it was written Into the records as
Possibly part of the reason for
losing is the Wildcats' away-frohome complex. Some reason can be
traced to the soupy ball park and
the rest can be found in Kentucky's
failing to capitalize on three scor
ing chances.
Twice in the second quarter Ken
tucky had first down within the BC
eight yard line but could not push
or throw it over. In the third chuk
ker. the Cats drove
the Hubs
30 down to their eight right onto
the only "dry" spot on the field.
But the whistle ended that frame
and moved the soggy oval down to
the shores of Lake Fenway. At that
point with third down Kentucky
lost the ball partly because of the
formidable Boston line and partly
because of the lack of water wires.
A hat stealing wind, nose numb
ing temperature, and the all day
shower bath held the attendance to
about 2.000 the crowd size that
would watch the Red Sox and St.
Louis Browns anele on a Tuesday
afternoon. Despite the fact that the
tussle was a major intersections!
tilt very few people dared to observe the southerners and heralded
Bob Davis. Tis said the attendance
(Continued on Page Fouri

Jean Jackson, Chi Omega, sophomore in the College of Agriculture,
will preside as queen of the annual
"Fall Festival" of Alpha Zeta, honorary agricultural fraternity, to be
held Friday afternoon at the live-

stock pavilion.
Miss Jackson was elected Friday
by members of Block and Bridle,
honorary animal husbandry fraternity, and will be crowned at 9
o'clock Friday. Attendants will be
Miss Virginia Pettus, Kappa Delta,
and Miss Cleo Lane. Independent.
Scheduled on the night's program
are a milk maid's milking contest
which will be open to any girl on
the campus: a parade of the animals that the College of Agriculture will exhibit at the International Livestock Exposition at Chi
cago; a few novel lessons in nutrition by the Home Economics club;
a whip act: a bull fight; and pledge
contests. Prizes will be awarded to
contest winners and to those holding winning admission ticket stubs.
Departmental and club booths.
depicting the work of the different
departments and clubs in the College of Agriculture, will be on display.
Music will be furnished by a brass
band. Cider, buttermilk, candy, and
ice cream will be on sale. Admission
will be 25 cents per person.

American Student
Union Convention
Meets At Vassar
Vassar college. Poughkeepsie, New
York, will be the scene of the annual convention of the American
Student union to be held December
according to an announcement received yesterday by Nauner-l- e
Calhoun, chairman of the University chapter.
One of the major works of the
convention will be the drawing up
of a document that will present
principles that the union considers
inherent in an enduring educational system.
Speakers during the convention
will include Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and President McCrackin of
Vassar college. Invitations to send
delegates to the convention will be
extended to various student groups
on the campus, according to Miss

Phi Epsilon Phi


tree-plant- ing

The picture for the Kentuckian
the Norwood Mining and Metallurgical society will
be taken at 10 a. m. Friday, November 19. in front of Norwood
of all members of



There will be a meeting of Suky
5 p. m. Tuesday in the Alumni


There will be a meeting of ail
Kentuckian salesmen at 3 p. m
Thursday, in Room 53. McVey hall


Lamp and Cross will hold a meeting at 4:15 this afternoon in trm
Y. M. C. A. rooms in the Armory.

The Social Service group of th
at 3 p. m . Thursday in the Woman's building t'i
YWCA will meet





There will be a meeting of the
senior cabinet of the YMCA at 7:15
Thursday, in the Y rooms
in the Armory.
Meetings of the cast of "Of All
Things" will be held at 7 o'clock
Tuesday and Thursday nights in
Room 111. McVey hall.

All fraternities, sororities,
other organizations giving formal
this year
in their
Trpp dancesand second must turnfor datrs
to the Dean of Men's office by

Phi Epsilon Phi. national honor
ary botany fraternity, will perform
ceremony in com
memoration of the 100th anniver
sary of the founding of the public
school system in the commonwealth
of Kentucky, and the 150th anni
versary of the national cwi.'.tiiu- tion. for which Gov. A. B. Chandler has set aside a stale-wi- de
bor Day. The planting will be held
Wednesday. November 17. at the
front entrance of the campus.
Dr. Frank T. McFarland, head nf
the Botany department and ad
visor to the local chapter of Phi
Epsilon Phi. will make a short dedicatory address. Paul P. Boyd will
throw the first shovel full of eann.
Miss Sue D. Sparks will
committee on plans, and Joseph C.
Moore, local president of Phi EpsU
Ion Phi. will have charge of the
ceremony. A white limestone mark- er will be set up near the tree,

ODK tag sales. $518.16; Ken
tucky Kernel, $263.75. and 1930 Ken
tuckian. $89.86.
The 1931 Kentuckian, $12 66; the
1932 Kentuckian.
$131.21; the 1933
Kentuckian. $916.31: the 1936 Ken
tuckian, $1620.01. and Phi Upsilon
Omicron, $1.
Block and Bridle. $1; Pershing
rifles. $33: Mortar Board. $12: Sig
ma Phi Epsilon. $29: Kappa Kappa
Gamma. $12; Sigma Chi. $6; Men s
halls laundry commissions, $600.73:
and accumulated Interest. $171.61. . later.

Hub Forwards Stop Wynnes
Thrice Within Beantown
Ten Yard Line As
2.000 Whoop

Two-B- d

an audience which
filled the Woodland park auditorium Friday night, the Jooss European Ballet presented four superb


Hear U. K. Programs UK Law Students
Stroller Alumni's
Eighteen University broadcasting
Hear Address By
musicians will be featured in pro
Homecoming Plans grams
before the student bodies of
Harlan Attorney
Includes Breakfast Maysville and Flemingsburg high


Entries Of 'Muscle Bound


J. B. Snyder, attorney of Harlan,
Kentucky, delivered an address before the law students on Saturday
morning, November 13, in the Law
building. The title of his speech
was "Arrest antf Incarceration as
a Basis for Civil Actions in Tort."
Mr. Snyder pointed out the dif
ference between decrees Issued in
excess of jurisdiction and decrees
issued where there is no Jurisdiction.
He also gave illustrations
PHI ALPHA THETA TO MEET where the judge had usurped the
function of the grand jury and
Phi Alpha Theta. honorary his- pointed out the proper way for the
tory fraternity, will hold a meeting judge w deal with matters which
at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday. November properly should come before a
16, in the Women's building. Plans grand jury.
for its initiation and banquet which
He further discussed the problem
will be held at tho LaFayette hotel of implied and express malice and
on Thursday, November 18. will be its relation to lack of probable
cause in malicious prosecutions.

football game, November 25, have
been announced by Gene Warren,
president of SuKy circle.
The pep rally will be held Wed
nesday night, November 24, in the
Alumni gymnasium. Present plans
include a number of guest speakers,
yells led by the University's cheer
leaders, fireworks and music.
Following the rally, a pajama
parade will .be staged through the
downtown districts of Lexington
with students of the University
making up the group. A similar
parade, held last year on the eve
of Homecoming Day, was temred a
complete success by the student
After the parade, the group will
gather on Stoll field and the old
custom of doing away with freshman caps will occupy the program.
At 9:30 a. m. Thursday, the judging of the most effectively decorated fraternity and sorority houses
will begin. Members of the judging
committee have not yet been named.
Winners of the contest will be
named after the game with Tennessee at a dance which is to conclude the Homecoming Day program. The dance will be given from
9 to 12, Thursday night, in the
Gene Bryant
Alumni gymnasium.
and his orchestra will furnish the



State High Schools To

the year, which will be held in preparation for the Homecoming Day



Potter, Lexington, Alpha
Alpha Gamma Delta, was crowned
first "Sports Queen" of the University, at the "Swing Session" spon- RADIO
sored by the Women's Athletic Association and the Men's Swimming
team, held in the Alumni gym Sat- Kernel Columnist Enumerates
Means Of Collecting 'Best
urday night.
Dirt' During Address Over
Composing the quean's court of
Two Stations
honor were Virginia Smith, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Ann Trent. Delta
Cliff Shaw, associate news editor
Delta Delta; Marjorie Griffin; Alpha Delta Theta; Fannie Benelli, ind scandal columnist of the KerZeta Tau Alpha; and Mattigen? nel, was guest speaker on the weekly program of the Campus Parade,
Palmore, ndependent.
The queen was elected Friday by given Monday afternoon, November
men students attending the dance, 15, over stations WHAS and WLAP.
Shaw, who was interviewed conand was presented by C. D. Morat.
who acted as master of ceremonies. cerning his work as columnist on
the paper, explained methods of
A "swing contest," limited to University students, was won by Mil- collecting "scfiadal" and gave a
dred Kash, Alpha Gamma Delia, series of anecdotes relating to the
and Lowell Collins. Alpha Tau subject.
Omega. Judges for the semi-finThe "Three Mosquitoes," a male
of the contest were Marjoiio Hall, trio, appeared on the program with
Leila Bush Hamilton, Joe Jordan, vocalists Martha Kelly and "TinkRoss Chepeleff, and Joe Hudtfel-sto- n. er" Dean. Miss Kelly sang a chorThe winning couple was de- us of "The Moon Got In My Eyes."
termined by the applause of the and Dean sang "You Can't Stop Me
From Dreaming."
The committee in chaige of the
Featured in a special arrangement
Sned-eke- r,
dance was headed by Eleanor
by orchestra leader Reid Hoskins,
and was composed of Run?lle was the current hit of the week,
Palmore, Jane Welch, Frances
"Viene, Viene, Viene." Karl Vogel,
Martha Hawkins, Sherman director and commentator of the
Hinkebein, C. D. Morat. Felix Mur programs, announced
that the last
ray, Feller Ramsey, Ronald Sharp, Campus Parade of
the. season will
and Jimmy Grosclose.
be given at 1:45 p. m. Monday, November 22, over the University netJane

Enthusiastic Audience Attends
Jooss European Ballet Recital


Delta Sigma Chi. honorary journalism fraternity will meet at 7.30
o'clock. Tuesday, at Mr. Sulzer s
residence at 324 Aylesford Place.
It is important that all members


El Ateneo Castellano

will hold 1's

third meeting of the year at 3 p. m.
Tuesday in the Womans building.

Theta Sigma Phi, women's jihii
nausm fraternity, will meet at 5
p. m. Tuesday In the Woman's

Moving pictures on "Glass Blow
ing Technique" and "Electricity in
Cherrustrv." will he shrwn a.r
meeting of AlDha Chi Sisma nro


chemistry fraternity, at

4 p. ni. Thursday.

the lecture







at the Pest
Etrrematter undrr Office atof March 1. Kentucky,
tU Act






Ctlltf Pmtlitkm Krtmrwtuiv
Vobk. N. Y.
Madison Ava.
. aotioa - Los ikiui






Raymond T. Lathrem ..

Managing Editor

I'l nn

Business Manager


im. Mt 1).


Advertising Manager


A Yogel
Paul liedrklge

Oscar Patterson
Pete Smith
Circulation Manager


Associate News Editors

Sports Editor


Marrin Os


Tom Wairlna
Bob Rankin



For Gexl,

J B. Fsulconer
LouU Hstrm


Optional Class


W visor


111- -

icrcsl. The Kernel
wishes again to suggest die highly feas
ible il:m f optional class attendance for seniors.
l.nt w.n: the adoption of this plan was one of
the piinip.d hopes of The Kernel, but since it
f.iiled then, tliete has leeii the advantages of
anotlx't car to weigh the possibilities of chance
lot success 01 f.iilutc of the optional class attendance rule: and again the definite conclusion
v fti I) has lieen reached by many, is that such a
plan is highly feasible, and that this campus is
lnll prepaied to inatiguiate it.
would, fust of all, le pointed out that this
idea is neither original nor necessarily radical.
Ii has lieen successfully tried in other institutions, and has proved to lie highly satisfactory.
Ixiili in its practical woikability, and ins other
nioie inioriant and tangible phases.
The idea, is an outgrowth of general educational practices and theories in the West and
where most of the lest ideas which
te nd to set education on a higher level, are originated. In every institution which has tried
the optional class attendance plan, it has wot keel
Rising and giatifving well.
It certainlv cannot le disputed that seniors
are capable of handling individual problems
under such a plan. If they tan not, then the
I'nivc-isithas failed in its puiose to teach
students individual thinking: it has failed in its
puixsc to prepare maturely capable future citizens.
But we do not
this to lie true.
What then is hindering the adoption of a such
plan on the campus of this University?
Class 100111 discipline is a valuable and neces-saiclement in the making of educated eople.
is far mote useful and appropriate than is.
sav. military discipline.
But surely it must be
an admitted fact that senior students need not
Ik- placed under such jurisdiction.
If the necessity exist