xt73r20rrh25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rrh25/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1977 Volume 1 -- Number 20 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1976-1977) University of Kentucky Wrestling (1977) coaches Hall, Joe B. Rupp Arena players Casey, Dwayne Keightley, Bill VIP UK vs. University of Tennessee (1977) statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  22-Jan-77 text The Cats' Pause,  22-Jan-77 1977 1977 2012 true xt73r20rrh25 section xt73r20rrh25 'RdkctHcU 0(Wt 'Kitty rfeut tyutHfelct
University Archrves _M*rgret I. King Library - North
Photo by jfcfjt / -2v
P. O. Box 7297 Lexington, Kentucky 40502
Postmaster, please send form 3579 to: P. O. Box 7297, Lexington, Ky. 40502
Published Weekly Except Monthly June, July and August Advertising Representative
CURTIS ADVERTISING AGENCY 2134 Nicholasville Road/Suite 6/Lexington, Kentucky 40503/(606) 276-2555
^Application to mail at second class postage rates is pending at Lexington, Kentucky, 40511 and additional mailing offices.
Subscription Price - $10 per year for minimum of 30 issues, payable in advance. Advertising rates available on request from Curtis Advertising Agency.
Dear Sir:
Congratulations on your fine publication, which brings me news of my beloved Wildcats here in Bruin Country.
I've been a UK basketball fan since my childhood in New Jersey, where I'd spend Monday and Saturday nights religiously listening to Cawood Led-ford describe victories of Rupp's Runts. I'm a Notre Dame grad, but in basketball season, it's "UK All The Way!"
My subscription started with Issue No. 16. Please secnd me No. 13-15. Enclosed is a check to cover the cost. Also, please tell me what the "Super Kittens" are doing now. I'm espically interested in my all-time UK hero, Jimmy Dan Conner.
Go 'Cats,
T. J. Prendergast Costa Mesa, California
7* KJattvu
Dear Sir:
The CP is the kind of a first rate paper the Big Blue deserves. Now, a few friendly words to our frustrated friend Freddie - boy - Walters. We didn't think you fell off the top of Neyland Stadium; we thought you fell through one of the rotten bleachers.
And about another brilliant-remark of yours on how we'll treat Ernie and Bernie in Lexington; any player who shoots another player's free throws (familiar?) and any player who gives obscene gestures (could it be Bernie?) deserve just what they get. And don't call Kentucky bush league just because your team with bush-league tactics is coming to Rupp Arena.
Yes, you were right when you said you couldn't get a seat in Big Blue Country, the largest college basketball arena in the United States will be filled with CATS fans who never boo their players like some other schools. Mr. Walters, please! waste no time in writing your brilliant response.
Yours truly,
Terry Smith The Big Blue Backer Whitley City, Kentucky (Go Tim!)
ville early on Friday morning (December 31) with the intention of driving to Atlanta. However, after several hours of driving through a snowstorm we found ourselves at the Nashville airport at 1:30 p.m. (one hour from kick-off) with no apparent way to get to the game. But, in a last-ditch attempt, I checked with Southern Airways and was told that they had two seats remaining on their flight to Atlanta which was leaving at 1:35. After a hurried telephone call to our friend in Marietta, Georgia, (UK alumnus J. L. Gray) we made arrangement to pick up our tickets at the Atlanta airport and barely boarded our plane  before take-off. After a short flight to Atlanta, we picked up our tickets, got a taxi to the stadium, and arrived at the game with five minutes remaining in the first quarter.
On Saturday morning after the game, we located some very nice Wildcat fans (David and Kathy Mefford of Carrollton) at the Holiday Inn in Marietta and they offered to give us a ride back to Nashville to pick up our car. We finally made it back to Tompkinsville on Saturday night and picked up our children to bring them home to Anchorage on Sunday.
I can tell you that it was well worth the extra effort getting to see our Cats put it on the Tar Heels in the Peach Bowl and I'd like to congratulate all the players and coaches for making it such an enjoyable trip.
Rod Stewart With Peach Bowl MVP Trophy
Dear Sir:
I have certainly enjoyed this week's issue of The Cats' Pause and all the articles about the Peach Bowl. I have been a dedicated "Big Blue" fan all my llife and I thought you might enjoy reading about my adventures en route to Atlanta for the big game.
My wife, Edie, and I left Tompkins-
Best wishes,
David W. Huddleston Anchorage, Kentucky
P.S. We'll see you at the Sugar Bowl on New Year's Day, 1979.
Dear Sir:
I have just received my second copy of The Cats' Pause and I enjoy every word of it.
Your articles, statistics and pictures are great. I also like your effficiency of covering all the teams and players in the Southeastern Conference. I don't see how I have missed your paper for so long. Keep up the fine work.
Sincerely yours,
Scott Foster Faubush, Kentucky
Dear Sir:
Enclosed is $10 for my subscription to The Cats' Pause. I recently read one of my friend's Cats' Pause and I really thought it was great.
I listen to all of the Wildcats' basketball games. I saw the Cats play Notre Dame. I also plan to see the Cats play Florida State. Please send the Cats' Pause to me as soon as possible.
Bryan Uzzle Bremen, Kentucky PAGE 3    THE CATS'  PAUSE,  JANUARY 22, 1577
Will The Real Wildcats Please Stand Up?
Tonight, we'll see what the Kentucky Wildcats are made of. They escaped with a pair of victories on the road this past weekend and now they'll be facing a strong test from LSU.
Many SEC followers counted the Wildcats out of the conference race following Tennessee's 71-67 overtime upset win when the loss was suffered here at Rupp Arena.
Most observers felt Kentucky had the impossible task of trying to sweep a pair from Auburn and Florida on the road. The Wildcats did that, but they shortened the lives of many followers by taking both to the wire.
Kentucky showed brief signs in both contests of regaining their old form, but most believe the Cats' downfall are the Cats themselves. They just can't stand prosperity.
Up to now, that theory has been proven correct.
Which brings us to tonight's game with LSU.
The Bengal Tigers, believe it or not, have never won a basketball game in Lexington against the Wildcats. Tonight will be their best chance ever.
Two high-scoring Kentuckians would probably trade the remainder of their schedule for a win here tonight. We don't have to mention names but they are Kenny Higgs and Durand Macklin.
Higgs wanted to come to Kentucky and wasn't asked. Macklin was asked and didn't want to. Nevertheless, a win over Kentucky would the season make.
LSU lost to Tennessee 108-102 despite Macklin scoring 40 and Higgs 17. But Dale Brown will have the Bengal Tigers at an emotional high when they hit the floor tonight.
Kentucky, which has been granted a stay-of-execution with wins over Auburn and Florida, now has a second chance to prove how good the Wildcats are. Will they blow it again"1
Kentucky's loss to Tennessee cost the Cats in the weekly UPI top twenty poll as the Cats fell to the seventh spot while Alabama became the SEC leader in the No. 4 spot.
San Francisco retained the top spot with North Carolina moving all the way up to No. 2 while undefeated Cincinnati (going into Wednesday's game with Louisville) in the third spot. Fifth place is held down by Michigan with Nevada-Las Vegas sixth, and Kentucky seventh. Tennessee, with three wins last week, jumped from 17th to 11th and Louisville is in the No. 16 spot.
A couple of UK players observed birthdays over the weekend as Jay Shidler became 19 on Saturday and James Lee became a man on Monday at the age of 21. Woooo, I wish I hadn't said that.
James Lee has been a man a long time and a lot of SEC opponents will testify to that. Anyway, Lee reached the legal age and celebrated with a 10-point exhibition, including a big dunk, in the 73-71 win over Florida.
While Jay didn't experience one of his better games Saturday against Auburn, he did rejoice, just on a delayed basis. The blonde bomber toed the free throw line with four seconds left to score the deciding points over Florida.
Drawn for BROADCASTING by Jack Schmidt "Next game, you interview the losing team."
Junior Jack Givens picked up the "Most Valuable Player" hardware for the second time this season with his 20-point, 13-rebound exhibition against Auburn Saturday as the Cats rebounded from the Tennessee loss for a 75-68 win over Bob Davis' Tigers.
Earlier, Jack won MVP honors in the Wildcats' 102-78 thrashing of Notre Dame in Louisville last month.
The award was presented by the UK Alumni chapter of Montgomery, Alabama. The award goes on permanent display at UK with each MVP being inscribed on the, trophy. A smaller personal trophy is given to the player.
There's only one catch, Kentucky must wrin before the award is given. Joe Hall won't kick about that condition. It was the first Kentucky win at Auburn in four years.
Well, the idea is catching on quickly. A new sports weekly will begin full-time operations in another Southeastern Conference city this fall. The news venture will cover the Mississippi State Bulldogs in Stark-ville, Mississippi.
Patterned after The Cats' Pause, the new publication is named Dawgs' Bite. A sample, pre-publication issue was published last month and Mississippi State fans will, no doubt, make it a great success.
Heading up the operation is Pete Sanders whose father-in-law happens to work for the printing plant where we publish our newspaper here in Kentucky. Pete talked with us about such project back in October after he had read a couple of issues of The Cats' Pause. Pete says Dawgs' Bite hopes to have a subscription list of 5,000 when it begins weekly publication on August 17 of this year.
The MS sports weekly address is: Bulldog Publications, Drawer NF, Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762.
Another similar publication may be hitting the newsstands in Alabama this fall. A group of Alabama and Auburn fans hope to launch sports weeklies this year.
By the way, the first issue of Dawgs' Bite was a good one, especially if you're a Bulldog fan. Remember, Wildcat fans can say they were first again.
HITS AND MISSES . . . There's been a slight change in the future for sophomore Bill Tolston, the former quarterback at UK. Tolston is in the
process of transferring to Western Michigan and plans to play football there. Earlier, we reported he was going to Central State in Missouri, but Bill  has  decided  on  the Michigan school which is much closer to his Chicago   home.   Tolston   spent the semester   break   in   California and friends say he is excited with the opportunity to attend Western Michigan .  .  . Where goes Bill Battle? Sources in Knoxville predict the axed head football coach of Tennessee will remain in Knoxville and go into private business. Battle, one of the game's true gentlemen, reported was offered the head job at Oregon and probablv could have had the job at Purdue had he been interested. Friends say Battle has apparently decided that 'coaching' isn't his best suit . . . The loss of Dwight Evans to Tennessee was a big blow to UK's football recruiting but it didn't   come   as   a   great surprise. Evans,   who   personally  wanted to attend Kentucky,  could never persuade his mother to sign her approval. The Franklin-Simpson product ended up in Knoxville because his mother likes Tennessee (some say she doesn't like UK) So happens, Evans also has an uncle who lives in the Knoxville area . . . But don't be so discouraged. Kentucky will have some pretty good signatures to release in a couple of weeks and the future still looks bright . . . A couple of interesting statistics were offered by Coach Joe Hall about his team's performance on the road as compared with Rupp Arena games. The Wildcats, prior to the Auburn game, were shooting 55 percent on the road as compared to-only 43 percent at home.   UK   has   experienced much difficulty in obtaining the Rupp Arena floor for practice since early December. Hall said the Cats have had only-two full-scale practices between the Kansas game in early December and the Tennessee loss last week. While the lack of practice time at the Arena shouldn't hurt Kentucky any more than visiting teams, it does eliminate that "home court" advantage that all other conference teams enjoy when you hit the road in the South . . . Three UK   players   were   involved   in an automobile accident on the way to Bluegrass Airport for the Auburn trip. Dwane Casey, Larry Johnson and Rick Robey all escaped what could have been a deathly tragedy. None of the three were seriously injured but the car was heavily damaged as it skidded off the pavement and overturned three times. All three played against Auburn the next day ... A free prediction service: The finals in Atlanta will pit two SEC teams in the championship game of the NCAA this March. PAGE 4   THE CATS'  PAUSE, JANUARY 22, 1977
With Pair Of FTs And 4 Seconds Left
Jay Sinks Gators 73-71
Fred Walters, yes, there is a bush league.
But it's Alligator Alley in Gainesville, Florida. And you can bet Joe Hall will give you all the proof you need.
Hall's Wildcats had to beat off just about everybody in the state of Florida Monday night, including the timekeeper, to pull out a 73-71 decision over the Florida Gators and remain in contention for the Southeastern Conference crown.
In a game marred by questionable calls all evening, the real "job" came near the end of the contest when it took some fifteen minutes to play the final seven seconds.
In the end, rookie guard Jay Shidler stepped to the free throw line and settled it all with a pair of free throws. But there was a lot of action still remaining although only four seconds showed on the scoreboard.
Actually, it started with thirty seconds left in the game when senior guard Larry Johnson fired up a jumper to give the Wildcats a 71-71 tie.
Coach John Lotz's club then decided to go for one last shot and worked the clock down to seven seconds and signaled for a time-out.
Returning to the floor, Florida's Don Bostic fired an in-bounds pass to Richard Glasper who stumbled and failed as he tried to bat the ball back to Bostic. Jay Shidler picked up the loose ball for Kentucky and raced down the floor for a lay-up but he was fouled by Bostic at midcourt.
After the game, Shidler said he backed off because his man was throwing in the ball. "I was to slack off and help inside," said Shidler, "when Glasper fell, I just picked the ball up."
During the action, the timekeeper failed to recognize the foul and all the time had expired on the clock.
So while the timekeeper put four seconds back on the clock, Shidler paced the free throw circle then calmly hit a pair of charity shots (can you call them that in Gainesville?) for a 73-71 lead.
Shidler then tipped the throw-in out of bounds at midcourt on the ensuring play but two seconds still showed on the clock.
Time-out for Florida.
On the next in-bounds player, James Lee intercepted the in-bounds play but walked with the ball while trying to protect it. Unbelievably, two seconds still showed on the clock after the interception and infraction.
Another Florida time-out.
The Gators threw the ball in again and this time hit the top of the backboard and the ball then struck a guide-wire and bounced out of bounds as the horn sounded.
Officials ruled the clock should have never started since the ball failed to be touched by any player in bounds so the two seconds were restored to the scoreboard and the ball awarded to Kentucky since Florida threw the ball
Lee took the inbounds play but was immediately fouled with one second still on the clock. Lee missed the free throw but the horn sounded for the final time as Florida went for the missed shot.
"It was a great win for us but I don't understand how we can have a walking violation and a foul called in just one second," said Hall of the game's late actions, "that's the most I've ever seen happen in one second."
Shidler, the hero of the moment, took it all in stride and made no big thing of his deciding free throws.
"I was just hoping I could make them," explained the blond bomber,
"I wasn't trying to think about a whole lot. More thinking means more pressure and I just wanted to step up and go through my natural motion. If they go in, they go in. If they don't, that's just the breaks."
Kentucky jumped out to a pair of seven-point leads in the final half but Florida rallied each time and actually led as late as the final thirty.one seconds of the game.
The Wildcats were red-hot in the early going, hitting their first six shots enroute to a 24-16 lead.
But the Cats cooled off considerably and hit below the fifty percent mark for the game while the Gators got off to a slow start and then blistered the nets
on 15 of 23 attempts in the last twenty minutes for a 65 percent clip.
The game was knotted twelve times and Kentucky was outrebounded by the Gators by a mark of 37-33 as Bob Smyth was high with 12. Jack Givens was Kentucky's best effort with seven while James Lee and Rick Robey had six each.
Givens paced the scoring attack with 19 points despite hitting only 7 of 16 from the field. Robey fired in 12 points
KENTUCKY			-73			
Robey 4-8	4-7	6	k	12	1	23
Givens                  7 _ 1 6	5-6	7	4	19	3	35
Phillips 2-6	4-6	3	3	8	1	26
Johnson 4-8	1 -2	4	3	9	4	39
Shidler- 4-12	3-3	1	3	11	2	34
Claytor 1-1	o-o	1	2	2	0	5
Lee 5-6	0-2	6	k	10	1	26
Casey 0-1	o-o	0	0	0	0	3
Haskis Haskins 1-1	o-o	0	1	2	0	5
Williams 0-0	0-0	0	0	0	0	4
Team Rebounds		5				
TOTALS 28-59	17-26	33	24	73	12	200
FLORIDA -			71			
Glasper 2-5	5-6	3	3	9	3	34
Sanders 1-4	1 -2	2	5	3	2	23
Smyth 6-10	2-3	12	1	14	2	32
Cesare 2-5	3-5	6	3	7	2	33
Brewster 6-10	0-0	2	3	12	0	21
Bostic 4-6	0-2	2	5	8	1	14
Fritz 1-2	o-o	1	0	2	1	1 1
Coy 0-0	0-0	0	0	0	0	1
Clarson 2-5	2-2	2	3	6	0	13
Bonner 4-7	2-2	3	5	10	1	19
Team Rebounds		k				
TOTALS ?8-54	1 5-22	37	27	71	1 2	200
Attendance: 5,712						
and James Lee had another fine night, coming off the bench with 10 points including the pair which won the contest.
Smyth was the top gunner for Florida with 14 points while Brewster finished with 12 and Al Bonner with 10.
Florida, which entered the game with a 10-3 record, had hopes of challenging for the SEC crown and coach John Lotz admitted he thought the Gators had a good crack at it. But the loss to Kentucky puts a damper on those hopes.
Kentucky, now 11-2, returns home and prepares for a pair of games this weekend. The Cats host tough LSU Saturday night at 7:30 then take on Ole Miss Monday night at 7:30 p.m. Both games are at Rupp Arena.
SEC standings
Tennessee Alabama 1 Kentucky Miss. St. Florida
Conf. All
W. L. w. L.
6  0 12 2
S   0 14 0
4   1 11 2
3  2 11 3
3  3 10 4
Conf. W. L.
2 3 2 4 1 4 1 4 0 6
W. I . 9 5 8 5 7 7 5 8 5 9
OVC standings
Mid. Tenn. Morehead Austin Peav Murray
Conf. All
W. L. W. L.
4   0 12 2
3   1 7 5
3   1 13 2
3   1 11 4
Team Tenn. Tech East Tenn. Western Eastern
Conf. All
W. L. W. L.
13 5 9
13 5 9
13 4 9
0   4 3 8
Metro 7 standings
Conf. All
Team W. L. W. L. Team
Cincinnati       2 0  12 0 Tulane ..
Louisville -.-.2 0 10 2 Fla. St.
Memphis St. .2  1   14  2 St. Louis
Ga. Tech ____2 1   9 4
conf. Alt
W. L. W. L.
2   2 5 8
0   2 8 6
...0   4 1 12
Big 10 standings
Purdue Michigan Minnesota Indiana Ohio St.
Conf. All
w. L. W. L.
4  0 10 3
4  0 11 1
2 1 11 1
3 2 8 6
Mich. St. Iowa Illinois N'western
2 2   7 6 Wisconsin
Conf. All
V/. L. W. L.
2   2 5 8
13 9 4
13 9 7
13 3 10
0   4 4 8 PAGE 5   THE CATS' PAUSE, JANUARY 22, 1977
We 9re Not Back. But We've Started Back
Question - Kentucky broke a three-year losing streak in the win at Auburn Saturday and it came just after the disappointing loss to Tennessee in Rupp Arena. Is Kentucky back to the Kentucky of old now?
Coach Hall- No, we're not back, but we've started back and that's most important right now. We had several players who played much better against Auburn and the defense was better at times. Our defense looked very good at times and that's an indication we are coming back around.
Question - The fact that this is the first time in four years that Kentucky has beaten Auburn at Auburn, is there any special significance to this?
Coach Hall- It's real encouraging for us. We have to be very pleased with any kind of a win down here. Auburn is a very fine team and it took a great effort for us to win. I can't say, in any way, that I was displeased with the game today.
Question - Shooting had been a big problem in a couple or three games but Kentucky seemed to suffer problems in other areas, particularly in the Georgia, Vanderbilt and Tennessee games. Can you pinpoint what caused this ?
Coach Hall- The emotion state of our team going into the Auburn game was bad, real bad, and it probably can be attributed to our offensive game. It was probably our shooting (lack of) which made us doubt ourselves against Tennessee and I think it probably had an effect on our total game. It's much like a centerfielder who is in a hitting slump and then finally it affects his other game and he drops a fly ball or makes a bad throw.
Question - In the Tennessee game, Kentucky did not have a single player to hit fifty percent of his shots. Isn't that almost unheard of in Kentucky?
Coach Hall- I've never had a team where we had eleven players in a shooting slump at that same time and that's very alarming to us, especially when all of them are fifty percent or better shooters. It's a midyear slump and stallness which sometimes set in this time of the year.
Question - Truman Claytor played a lot in the Auburn game and looked very good on defense, didn't he?
Coach Hall- Claytor came in and picked (Eddie) Johnson up and did an excellent job, defensively. He didn't allow him to penetrate and took the ball away from him a couple of times. His defensive play kinda sparked us early when he came in. Claytor is coming back around and getting his confidence and if he does, he's going to be a big help to us.
Question - Jack Givens won his second MVP award in the Auburn game and he certainly earned it, didn't he?
Coach Hall- I'd give him another award if I had one to give because he led both teams in rebounds with 13 rebounds. And when you outrebound everyone that Auburn has, the way those guys jump, you've really done something. It was very satisfying for us to outrebound them 46-33 since Auburn went into the game as one of the top five teams in the nation in rebounding.
Question - You played the man-toman defense longer against Auburn than anytime this year. Is there any particular reason?
Coach Hall- It is the longest that we've stayed in the man-to-man defense the entire season. What we're doing, is we're trying to bring back our
man-to-man defense. We think this is our basic defense. We had been going to the zone and we felt like our players were waiting for the zone, instead of going on and playing the tough man-to-man defense. I expect you'll be seeing us stay with the man-to-man a little longer until we get our defense back where it should be, until we get basic and sound with it.
Question - What did you tell the players before the Auburn game?
Coach hall- You probably won't believe this, but we just turned the game over to them (the players) and got out of their way. It was obvious that the only thing we were doing was putting pressure on them at a time that they didn't need any more pressure, because what was happening to them was already there and we don't have time to come out of it. We were real light on them all night and let them
have their heads.
Question - What about the win over Florida? It was some kind of an ending there in the final four seconds. Tell us your thoughts.
Coach Hall- I have to think the Florida crowd really helped Florida, and although we never had a comfortable lead, the crowd seemed to bring them back every time we got any king of a lead. We were really satisfied with the poise our players showed down the stretch there and won this game under real tough conditions.
Question - Kentucky finally found its eye and shot well in the first half, but the shooting left you again in the second half. What happened?
Coach Hall- We shot 56 percent the first half and that really helped us early in the game. We really needed that because the rest of the game we didn't hit that well. Florida hit 41 percent the first half and still led us by one at the half and they hit 65 percent the last half and we won. So you can see the rest of our game really improved even though we didn't shoot so well. In the turnover department, they had 16 for the game and we had only five and that was a big factor, probably the difference.
Question - Jay Shidler, the freshman, stepped to the line with four seconds left and the score tied. You had to be proud of the way he cooly connected for the winning points.
Coach Hall- That certainly broke Jay Shidler in. For a freshman to go to the line in that situation with the crowd reacting the way they were, certainly took ice water for him. I think that will do a lot for Jay. Anytime that you have an opportunity to win a game and you come through like he did, it helps you grow up in a positive way. I hated to see him under that pressure but I had a lot of confidence in him making those free throws and he's probably the best free throw shooter on the team. Maybe he's going to lead us out of this free throw slump we're in.
Question - You're now heading home for two games with LSU and Ole Miss. It's got to be a good feeling going home with two wins at Auburn and Florida, but Kentucky hasn't played that well at home.
Coach Hall- That's true, but the main thing is to get to work. It's going to take some good, fundamental organization practices to get us playing the caliber of ball we're capable of playing and we're really looking forward to this opportunity to work with the players this week and to have these two games at home before going on the road again. Wonder What Joe's Telling Them
Let's Get With It, Gang PAGE 7   THE CATS' PAUSE, JANUARY 22, 1977
Xwtcidfy Wildcat "Bagdad
GIVENS	1 1	381	94-	177	53.	1	25"	30	83-	3	82-	-7-	5	28	20-	0	213	19-	4	19
ROBEY	1 1	309	62-	1 11	55.	9	32-	55	58.	2	91-	-8	3	13	39"	1	156	14.	2	24
LEE	1 1	302	ho-	78	51 	3	32-	-47	68.	1	77"	-7	0	14	36-	-2	112	10.	2	23
JOHNSON	1 1	368	38-	94	40.	4	24-	-34	70.	6	45-	-4	1	45	31-	-1	100	9	1	20
PHILLIPS	9	163	39-	70	55-	7	16-	-28	57.	1	44	-4	9	9	26-	-1	94	10	4	21
SH IDLER	9	266	41-	95	43-	2	1 1-	-14	78.	6	. 22	-2	4	25	30-	-0	93	10	3	21
CASEY	10	1 20	10-	29	34.	9	15-	-22	68	2	7	-0	7	13	16-	-0	35	7 J	5	16
STEPHENS	9	90	1 2-	37	32.	4	2-	-5	40.	0	i i 	-1	2	8	12-	-o	26	2	9	3
WILLIAMS, L.	8	79	8-	22	36.	4	6-	-12	50.	0	20	-2	5	1	13-	o	22	2.	8	12
CLAYTOR	7	74	5-	20	25	0	2-	-3	66.	7	k	-0	7	12	9-	-o	12	1	7	-9
HASKINS	10	87	3-	8	37	5	2	-6	33	3	18	-1	8	6	7-	-0	8	0	8	4
WILLIAMS, S.	1	1	o-	-f		-	0	-0		-	0	-0	.0	0	0	-0	0	-	--	0
LAWLESS	1	1	o-	0		--	0	-o	---	--	0	-0	.0	0	2	-o	0	-	--	0
	RE BOUNDS							KY	TEAM	53	Deadbal			1 -	KY	-0PP 17		-24		
KY TOTALS 1		352-742	47-4	167-256	65.2	474-43-1 174 24+-5	871 79	2 172
OPP TOTALS      1 1		277-641	43-2	143-213	67.1	398-36.2 148 257-17	747 67	9 230
AT	HOME	Won 5,	LOst 2 -	AWAY:	Won 3,	Lost 0 - NEUTRAL: Won	1, Lost	0 Lost
Marathon Oi1 AAU Wi scons i n Texas Christian I nd i ana Kansas
South Caroli na Bowli ng G reen Utah
Notre Dame Georg i a Vande rb i11 Tennessee
(EX)    (MC-6,988) 110 93
(H-23,266) 72 64
(H-22,312) 103 53
(A-17,632) 66 51
(H-23,107) 90 63
(A-10,987) 98 67
(H-16,305) 77 59
(H-18,751) 68 70
*(N-l6,613) 102 78
(H-22,100) 64+ 59
(A-15,626) 64 62
(H-23,271) 67+ 71 Freedom Hall, Louisville, Ky.
Givens 19, Robey 10
Robey 13, Robey 13
Robey 21, Robey 15
Johnson,  Shidler 20, Johnson 7
Givens 15, Lee 7
Givens 28, Phi 11ips 12
Givens 28, Robey 14 (UKIT)
Robey 19,  Lee 13 (UKIT)
Givens 30, Robey 8
Givens  17,  Lee 7
Robey 21, Robey 9
Givens 23,  Lee 12
+ Overtime
6-13     1-13    2-11     3-14    4-1      0-15 1-3 REMAINING JANUARY SCHEDULE:
LW 2-5
TC 0-3
MH 0-0
sw 0-1
BL 0-0
January 22 LSU HOME
January 24 Ole Miss HOME
January 29 Alabama AWAY
January 31 Miss. State AWAY
With Bill Straub
If someone came up and offered you $100,000 for every Southeastern Conference championship Florida has won, don't count on becoming a rich man.
The Gators have been in the SEC for a long time now--since its inception as a matter of fact-- but through all those years a major title has eluded them. Florida has never won an SEC football championship although it came close before blowing it this year nor have the Gators copped a basketball crown.
Of course Florida has had a few seasons where it nearly broke its string of undenied mediocrity. During the 1966-67 season, the Gators finished a very respectable second behind Tennessee. During the 1966-67 campaign they finished third.
But other than those two auspicious campaigns, Florida has done little. It would be premature to say that streak will be broken this year --premature and dead wrong--but it would be equally mistaken to say some improvements have not been made. .
Coach John Lotz arrived upon the Gainsville campus in 1973 following a stint as assistant coach at North Carolina. His first year on the job, Lotz led the Gators to a 15-11 overall mark, good for fourth place in the SEC. It marked the Gators' first winning season in five years.
Since then, however, things have progressed a bit less well. His second season Florida finished a disappointing 12-16 losing four games by one point. Last year, the Gators ended the season at 12-14 with upset wins over Alabama and Tennessee.
The 1976-77 campaign was expected to be another lackluster effort for the Gators. Although holding a distinct homecourt advantage in outmoded and sometimes dangerous Alligator Alley, Florida was again expected to lose more games that it won. It hasn't happened that way.
Prior   to   Monday's   game with
Dale Brown
Kentucky, the Gators have a 10-3 overall mark. That constitutes a 7-1 record in pre-conference competition. Evidently, for the first time in a long time, this Alligator's bite is worse than his bark.
There really isn't a whole lot of difference between this Gator squad and past ones. Since Lotz arrived, Florida has always been a good shooting team. This has been no exception-the Gators are currently hitting 50.9 percent of their shots.
It's on the other side of the court that they've come up lacking. Just like the football team, the defense leaves something to be desired. Florida is giving up over 70 points per game --seventh in the SEC --and it could be worse.
One man who has made a big difference is Richard Glasper, a 20-year-old transfer from Edison Junior College in Florida. The 6-0 guard from Labelle has t