xt73r20rrg9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rrg9q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-05-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1928 1928 1928-05-18 2012 true xt73r20rrg9q section xt73r20rrg9q ITl F

I.-- '







KY, MAY 18, 1928






The Kernel takes this opportun-

Exceptional Schedule, of 200
Courses Offered in Six

University Plans Tour of Blue
Grass for Benefit of


Students will have an exceptional
schedule of 200 courses offered in six
colleges in which to accommodate
themselves in the summer session this
year. The first term of the school
begins June 11 and closes July 14,
and the second term begins July 16
and closes on April 18.
books may be obtained at Dean Taylor's office in the Education building.
The program has been made out to
meet the needs of teachers in both
public and private high" and grade
schools, in junior colleges, city and
county superintendents, persons desiring training for Y. M. C. A., Y. W.
C. A. and social welfare service, and
normal school and college teachers, as
well as undergraduates in agriculture,
arts and sciences, commerce, education, engineering and law who wish to
shorten the period of their college
courses An enrollment of 1200 students is expected. According to Dean
Taylor, a larger number of reservar
tions and inquiries have been made
than in previous years.
The normal schedule which the average' student will be allowed to carry
is six hours each term, but those presenting a standing of 2 or better will
be allowed a maximum of" 13 hours
during the two terms.
Plans are under way for a summer
coaching school, which is to be a short
intensive program for football and
basketball. It will be conducted by
Head Coach Harry Gamage, of the
University, and Coach J. Craig Ruby,
of the University of Illinois.
Plan Blue Grass Tours
The University is planning a series
of ours of the Blue Grass district for
students who will find the trips both
interesting and profitable. Each student will also be presented with a
ticket to the Red Path chautauqua
which will have a week's engagement
in Lexington.
An unusual schedule of courses has
been arranged, one of the most outstanding of which is one that takes
up the study of important Kentuc-kian- s
and is taught by different men
Many of the leading
and women.
professors on the campus will remain
for the summer term and offer a variety of subjects to which the student
can easily adjust himself. Mrs. Kendall Holmes, of Sayre College, will
take Miss Sarah Blanding's place as
dean of women as in former years.
The Schedule
Following is the "summer session


Last date for
men to make application for free tuition and room rent.
June 11 Registration for first
June 12 Classes begin.
June 14 Last date for making
changes in registration or in schedule
without payment of fee.
June 18 Last date upon which a
course may be dropped without a
grade by the dean.
June 19 Last date on which student may withdraw and receive a refund of matriculation fee for the first
July 13 Registration for second
July 14 Examinations for first
July 1G Classes begin.
Last date or making changes in
registration or in schedule without
payment of fee.
July 23 Last date upon which a
course may. be dropped without a
grade by the dean.
July 24 Last date upon which a
student may withdraw and receive a
refund of matriculation fee for the
second term.
Freshman Week
Freshman Week at the University
will be from
for the year 1928-2Thursday. September 13 to 18 in
clusive, according to C. R. Melcher,
dean of men. All freshmen are re
quired to report Thursday, September
13 at 9 o'clock to be assigned to sec
tions for the week's work.
Unoer classmen will not report un
til Monday, September 17, and only
those upper classmen who are assist
ing in the work with the freshmen are
to be on the campus.




4? t

Glee Club Elects
Officers for 1929
The last meeting of the University
Men's Glee Club was held Tuesday,
Mav 15. at 4 o'clock in the Glee Club
room at the Art Center building, and
the election of 1928-2- 9 Glee Club of
ficers held. The new officers are
Melvin L. Nollau, president; Robert
Warren, vice president, and Hugh Ad- cock, secretary-treasure- r.

Professor Lampert, the director,
and the officers of the Glee Club have
arranged a rather elaborate program
for next year, and all those wishing
to try out for the club are asked to
report for the first fall meeting in the
Glee Club room in the Art Center
building at 7:30 o'clock, the first Mon
day night of the fall semester.
Circulars and questionnaires will
be issued to all Glee Club candidates
These circulars and questionnaires
ran be obtained during Freshman
Week and at the beginning of school;
next fall.

ity to thank its advertisers for
their support and cooperation
throughout the school year. It
has been a pleasure to have business relations with you and we
hope that our service has brought
the desired results.
The Kernel will continue publication through the 10 Weeks of
summer school, and will open the
fall term of school on September

Business Office.

New Features Introduced Under
Editorship of Dorothy Sellers;
Is Dedicated to Jefferson

ternity Elects Seven Men
to Membership

Sigma Delta Chi, international pro
pledged seven men to membership at
pledging ceremony
Wednesday afternoon. The pledging
was conducted in the rooms of the
journalism department.
The men who were accorded this
honor because of their, preeminence in
the field of journalism were: Wilbur
Frye, Hugh Ellis, Ollie M. James,
Jess Laughlin, Harry Bolser, Wayman
Thomasson and C. W. Hume.
Sigma Delta Chi, the only inter
national journalism fraternity in the
world, was founded at DePauvv University in 1909. At present the chapter roll numbers 42 chapters. The
Kentucky chapter was founded in the
spring of 1925.
Initiation will be held Tuesday
night at 7:30 in the office of the journalism department in the Science
building. Members of the active
chapter are: William H. Glanz, Byron
Pumphrey, I. Newton Combs, O'Rear
K. Barnes, Niel Plummer, Alfred
Robinson, John Bullock, John W.
Jr., LeRoy Smith, James Shropshire, Charles Headley, Hunter Moody,
Don Grote and John Goodloe.


Four Students Make
Debating Team

try-ou- ts


Education College
Plans New Building
Give Two Plays

Strollers Plan to

New Officers Take Steps to Construction of $300,000 Train
ing School Building Will
Make Next Year's Program
Begin in July
More Extensive
Two plays, to be written by stu
dents of the University, will be pro
duced 1' Strollers next year, was the
the decision of the first meeting of the
ear with the 1928-2- 9 officers Monday
afternoon in White hall. Addison
Yeaman, president, presided at the
The Strollers have long felt the
need of developing student talent but
until the present time no steps have
been taken in that direction. Lilly
Parrish, Frank Davidson, and James
Shropshire comprise a committee to
confer with Professor Farquhar, of
the English department and Professor
Grehan, head of the journalism department, on the choice of a play to
be given next season. Frank David
son, Martha Minihan, James Shropshire and Lewis McDannold compose
the committee to make arrangements
for the presentation of two plays.
Because in recent years so much
time has been taken up in
that it has hampered the organization
in getting under way, only seven days
will be devoted to that work next fall.
plays will be
The three best one-apresented on Amateur Night as usual.
The same requirements of being
Stroller eligible will be necessary
to try out for a part in the cast, but
will be much more diffi
cult in order to take in only those
neonle who are really interested in
dramatic work.
try-ou- ts

try-ou- ts

SuKy Holds Final

Meeting of Year

SuKy circle held it's last meeting
of the present semester Tuesday at
which time officers for the fall term
were elected and new members were
taken into the circle.
Officers elected were: James lies
ter, president; Sam Manley, vice pres
ident; Martha Minihan, secretary;

Edith Thomas, assistant (secretary;
and Margaret Wilson, treasurer.
Miss Elizabeth Skinner, Miss Mary
Brown, Miss Mildred Little, Miss
Frances Baskett, Miss Ann Rodes,
Messrs. Robert Gibson, Bill Young,
Blackburn, Henry Bowman,
James Thompson, and George Whit
field were the new members pledged
to the organization.

Construction of the 300,000 train
ing school building to be erected on
the campus is expected to begin the
first of July, according to a report
coming from the office cf Dean W. S.
Taylor, of the College of Education.
The. general education board and
the legislature of Kentucky made possible the establishing of - this new
school by donating the necessary
nurses' training school, kindergarten,
an elementary school of six grades,
and a junior and senior high school.
The school will have a capable fac
ulty, and it will serve as an experimental training school for the work
of the College of Education. It will be
under the direction of Prof. M. E. Li- gon, principal of the University High

University Holds
Four Day Session
For Fire Fighters
The first short course for fire fight
ers held at the University ends today
after a session of four days. Under
the auspices of the College of Engin
eering and the Lexington fire depart
ment training school the course has
been a great aid in teaching modern
methods of tire prevention to
persons who attend
ed the lectures and demonstrations,
registered Tuesday
The firemen
morning at Dicker hall and at Fire
Station No. 6 on South Limestone
street, and were welcomed with an
address by Dean Paul Anderson and
a talk on "Fire Prevention, Remedial
Fire Hazards," by George Blair, of
the Kentucky Actuarial Bureau, of
Capts. William Gurk, of
Lexington, and Chief Bureau Hensley,
of Ashland, were the instructors.

Elizabeth Addams
Wins Scholarship

Shropshire Addams, of
the art department has been awarded
a third scholarship by the Carnegie
corporation for study at Harvard
University during the present sum
During the summer of 1927
Mrs. Addams was a student at Harvard, taking a course in "Museum
Administration" under Paul J. Sachs.
She worked in a laboratory of the
Will Hold
Fogg museum,
11 newthe small museum.which is a model
Mrs. Addams
will continue the work began last
twenty-fift- h
coronation of the year and will also take a course in
King and Queen of Centre College Medieval Art history.
The course
Carnival will take place Monday begins July 2 and will last six weeks.
night, June 11, at the Centre stadium.
Lyle "Red' Thompson, of Long Island,
N. Y., was chosen king of the carnival at an election held several weeks
ago. Miss Bernice Arnold a student
All seniors who expect to be grad
at Danville College for Women, has uated in June are requested to secure
been elected queen by a vote taken their caps and gowns from Miss Bean
among the letter men of Centre,
jat the Campus Book store at once.

Carnival June



Field Day, Senior Ball and Class
Day Exercises Are
Major Events

Doctor Pitzer to Deliver Baccalaureate Sermon; Bands
Will Give Program
Plans for the University's sixty-firseason
annual commencement
from May 23 to May 28 will include
a military field day, the Senior ball,
class day exercises, and other preparations in addition to the customary
baccalatfreate services. Dr. Alfred
Horatio Upham, president of Miany
University, will be the principal
speaker for the commencement exercises of the largest class ever to don
the cap and gown of the University.
The field day of the R. O. T. C,
May 23, at which graduates of the ad
vanced corps will be presented their
degrees by General Jamerson, will be
the first event of the week. The Senior ball, the big event of the year in
its division, will be held the following
evening in the Men's gymnasium.
Class day will open Saturday morn
ing at 8:30 o'clock with a breakfast
given to the seniors by President and
Mrs. McVey. The class of 1908 will
hold a reunion at 9 o'clock in the Little theater. The exercises of the class
are scheduled for 10 o'clock in the
Men's gymnasium.
The board of
trustees will meet in the president's
office at 11:30. Dr. and Mrs. McVey
will give a reception for the alumni
and guests at 4 o'clock at .their home,
Maxwell Place. The class of 1908
will hold their banquet at 6:30 o'clock
in the Palm room of the Phoenix
Dr. Harland H. Pitzer, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, is to
deliver the address at the baccalaur
eate services Sunday afternoon at
3:30 in the Men's gymnasium.- - A
concert by the combined University,
bands at 4:30 will complete the afterst


The climax of the season, the com
mencement exercises, are to be held
in the gymnasium Monday, May 28
at 10 o'clock. The Senior procession
will form in front of the president's
house at 9:30 and proceed to the
gymnasium, where Vr. upham will
deliver the. addrass.
McVey will have charge of the
conferring of degrees.
A luncheon is to be held in Paterson hall in
the afternoon in honor of the speak
ers, guests of honor, board of trustees,
and alumni and seniors. A meeting
of the alumni association, in Patterson hall at 3 o'clock will close the
commencement season.





Romany Players
(By Ollie M. James)
"Whip of Fire," by Girdler
Fitch, now playing at the Romany
theater, is a scientific-myster- y
concerning itself with the revolutionary theories of a young doctor of
with regard to criminal procei
dure. Jeanette Lampert, R. D.
Alvin Hammel, Ellsworth Per-riEmmett Canaday, Wilbur Chambers, Mrs. T. T. Jones, Jack Ramey,
James Gates, Robert Curd, (Caroline
Speyer and Julian Leffler compose the
The cast of the play was
sen with regard to the characters and
the members displayed adequate proof
of the capable direction they had received from Prof. Carol Sax. The
play itself was interesting and, for
The only
the most partt
evidences of weakness in dramatic
structure were in those scenes whose
tension compelled the audience to
grasp at straws of comic interlude
In several instances the audience
laughed at lines which were never in
tended to produce levity.
Alvin Hammel gave the most striking character portrayal of the play
as Bill Garon, a homicidal maniac,
about whom much of the action cen
tered itself. Mr. Hammel completely,
submerged his own identity in the
part, and at no time threatened to
step out of character. R. D. Mcln-tyra newcomer to the world of the
mask, gave an excellent representation of Dr. Barton, the psyciatrist,
through whose mouth the author discussed his views upon the plan of
subjecting potential criminals to a
examination to determine beforehand their tendency toward criminal behavior.
Jeanette Lampert, as Lucette, the
fiancee of the doctor, wjth her
beauty, added to her many dramatic assets won the hearts of the
Miss Lampert's presence
in the cast was particularly fortun- The

psy-ciat- ry






(Continued on Page Eight)
With the printing of this edi"thirty" is written for the
last time on The Kernel copy for
the regular school year of 1927-2The Kernel, will, however, continue
to be printed this summer for the
regular summer session. We simply take this opportunity to say
that we hope The Kernel has afforded as much enjoyment to its
readers as it has to those who have
worked on it.





Second Semester,


'Whip of Fire9



Sigma Delta Chi
Announces Pledges

The Kentuckian for 1928, under
the editorship of Dorothy Sellers,
was issued Monday at the bookstore
and has a number of new features in
addition to the usual material. Its
various classifications include Administration, Activities, Classes, Organizations, Athletics, and the Beauty
Section, with pictures in each.
The cover is deep blue, embossed
U. K.
with a silhouette in gold of a Confederate soldier. The Civil War motif
is carried out through the entire book. Auxier, Weaver, Dysard, and
Porter Win Places Over 12
The book is dedicated to "Jefferson
Davis, Soldier, Gentleman, and President of the Southern Confederation."
excedingly well
Four men were chosen to represent
The drawings are
the University in the field of debatdone.
held in
different class groups are in- ing next year at the
In the
cluded the photographs and activities White hall Tuesday night. They are:
of all seniors, and the names of the Raymond Auxier, Richard Weaver,
juniors, sophomores, and freshmen.
William Dysard, and James Porter.
.The section of publications includes There were twelve candidates for the
pictures of the members of The Ken- team.
The judges for the contest were
tuckian and The Kernel staffs. This
is followed by the Athletic Divi3ion Prof. W. R. Sutherland, Prof. Adolphe
footBigge, and Mr. John R. Bullock. Each
and the members of the varsity
ball, basketball, baseball, track, and candidate was required to make a five
college hu- minute constructive speech and a
tennis teams. The usuaf
mor is apparent under the caption of three minute rebuttal on the subject:
That good government,
The Beauty Section is made up of like life itself, is essentially appro
pictures of the winners of the Beauty priation, injury, conquest, suppres
Contest sponsored by the Kentuckians sion, and exploration."
will be held some
A second try-olast fall. The girls who were pro
claimed the most beautiful were Anna time in the fall for the purpose of
Mary Miller, Mary Huston Malloy, filling the other four places on the
Ruth Bonnm, Eleanor Dowd, Sarah team. This is given to allow those
Dorsey Harris, Sara Warwick, Nell students not in school at present fo
try for a position on the squad.
Patton and Mary Wyant.



Thursday Ca.m.) May 21
Chemistry, first year French
and Spanish.
Thursday (p.m.), May 24
. Hygiene.
Friday, May 25
First hour classes.
Tuesday, May 29
Second hour classes.

1927-2- 8

Wednesday, May
Third hour classes.

Thursday, May 31
Fourth hour classes.

Shops, Laboratories, Examples
of Work to Be on Exhibition
From 1 to 5 P. M.

Friday, May 1
Fifth hour classes.


Saturday, June 2
Sixth hour classes.

"Big Hammer and Tong Men"
to Give Prizes for Best


Today is engineer's day at the University, the most eventful day for
the College of Engineering during the
entire year. This day is the day on
which the public is especially invited
to inspect the laboratories and shops
of the college, and the work accom
plished by the students during the
past term will be on exhibition from
1 to 5 o'clock this afternoon.
The College of Engineering in
cludes a large number of departments
and numerous laboratories and shops.
Included among them are the wood,
The schedule for the final examina- - heads of the departments. The time machine, blacksmith, and automobile
radio laboratories, the foundry, and
tions which is given above was sent for these examinations should be
from the registrar's office Wed- - ported to the registrar's office. In the mechanical drawing and designing
nesday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday case there is a conflict between
Dance to Be Held Tonight
will be examined in the morn-'istr- y
and romance language examina- .
days' festivities will be closed
nig, aimi luesuay, iiiursuay, c. i. l
ouiuruuj ' uuus, cneinisiry will laKe me prece- - byThe annual
carnival ball, which
Classes dence.
classes in the afternoon.
will be held from 9 until 1 o'clock in
meeting four or more limes a week
All class work will close afer the
the evening. Masks and costumes
will be examined in the morning.
last class Wednesday afternoon, May
Forenoon examinations will begin 23. The semester grades should be will be worn. Two orchestras, the
Rhythm Kings and the Kentuckians,
at 8:30 and afternoon examinations filed with the registrar within 48 will
furnish a continuous program of
at 2:00. The time for examinations hours after the examination, excepin seventh, eighth, and ninth hour ting those examinations which are music. Decorations consisting of 14
classes is to be arranged by the in- held on the last day, which are to be colors and four chandeliers have been
arranged in the Men's gymnasium by
structors with the approval of the sent in within 24 hours.
members of the Engineering College.
Representatives from the Kuprion
Company, of Louisville, arrived yesterday with a complete line of costumes at reasonable prices. Costumes
may be obtained from them at any
time today.
Prizes for the best
dressed couple and the best single
costume will be a feature of the proGeneral George Jamerson, of League of Nations Is Subject gram.
Tenth Infantry, Will Review of Talk Given by Political SciTickets for the the dance may be
University Unit; Senior Offience Professor; Is Illustrated obtained from Mr. Dicker at his of
fice, or from any member of the Col
by Slides.
cers to Receive Commissions.
lege of Engineering. Tickets will also
The University R. O. T. C. unit
Dr. A. M. Vandenbosch, of the pol- - be on sale at the door.
The committee in charge of ar- will hold its annual field day exer-- itical science department, gave an il
ngements consists oi j. u uicKer,
cises May 23 in honor of the senior lustrated lecture yesterday afternoon
chairman; Fred Fister, W. IL Cain,
officers who will receive commissions in th
Fdnmtinn hniMini on the i
W. Rainey, Robert McGary, R. K.
on that date. The commissions will League of Nations.
Dodson, C. Gill, J. Laghlin, Bill Walbe presented by Brig. Gen. George H
by slides ters, R E. Featherstone, L. M. Smith,
The talk was illustrated
Jamerson, of Virginia, commander issued by 'the League of Nations Nonof the 10th infantry brigade of Fort partisan Association, of New York, W. L. Alberts, S. H. Robertson and
R. D Cooke.
Benjamin Harrison, Ind.
and showed the League in its work
Led by the blue and white Univer and influence on the world as a whole.
sity band, the unit will pass in review The lecture opened with pictorial Commerce
for the last time this year. While graphs showing the countries that are
E. T.
marching down the field, the senior members of the League and the popuofficers will fall out of line and the lations of those nations. The list of
regiment, in command of junior of- slides included views of the buildings
ficers, will pass in review before them at Versailles, the outlying posts of the
E. T. Proctor, Lexington insurance
and the regular army officers pres League in various countries, and noman, addressed the class in salesmanent. Then the roll will be called of table personages in the League.
ship, at the second hour Thursday,
those who are to be recruited" from
The complete financial plan of the
among the sophomores to fill the va League was shown proving that the in the commerce building, on "Buildcancy in the advance course left by operation of the body is but a frac- ing a Clientele."
Mr. Proctor is one of the best inthe 75 seniors who will be graduated tion of cost of armament in the leadformed insurance men in the South,
commencement day.
ing nations alone.
Several views
Besides the review, there will be were given of international problems and gave the class many interesting
several other interesting events of that were settled by the League in a anecdotes from his own experience
the day. A silver loving cup will be peaceful way that might have other- in the selling field. He said, in subawarded to the best drilled cade.t, who wise been the cause of war. The stance, that in building up a clientele,
will be selected in a competitive man- mandated countries of the nations in the salesman must study his territory,
ual of arms drill. A cup also will be the League were shown on the maps his prospective clients, and their inawarded to the ranking cadet in" each of the world. Numerous pictures were dividual needs.
"If the prospective salesman in the
class. There will be a competitive shown of treaties, agreements, comdrill between the best companies in pacts drawn up between various coun- class would be unselfish considering
first the customer and his needs, and
each battalion. They will be graded tries under the supervision of the would
connect with the best firm in
according to the manner in which League.
the chosen field, regardless of present
they execute all commands, and acThe entire program was presented remuneration, then their ultimate succording to general appearance and
political sci- cess would be assured other things
the auspices
ability. The company which best sat- underdepartment of theUniversity.
of the
being equal," Mr. Proctor said.
isfies the reviewers as to its training
and knowledge of maneuvers will be
Glee Club
proclaimed the best one in the R. O.
T. C. unit.
Col. H. P Hobbs will deliver his
final address to the University R 0.
T. C. He is leaving his post at the Organization Will Present "The
Feast of Little Lanterns"
end of the present term fo take comIn the Southern Conference track
While in Columbus
mand of the 11th infantry at Fort
meet at Birmingham last Saturday
Benjamin Harrison, Ind.
afternoon, William Gess, captain of
The University Girls' Glee. Club will the Wildcat track team, established a
leave for Columbus, Ohio, tomorrow new southern record for the half mile
morning to present a Chinese operet run when he won that event in 1:55.8
and clipped almost two seconds from
ta, "The Feast of the Little Lan- the old record of 1:57.5. Gess won by
Ohio a wide margin.
terns," before an audience at
State University tomorrow evening.
His team mate, Lewis Root, finished
The University of Kentucky While in Columbus, the girls are to fifth in the high hurdles after running
Rhythm Kings orchestra will sail be the guests of the Ohio State Girls' third in the trials on Friday. The re
June 6 on the R. M. S. Berengaria, the Glee Club, which presented a concert lay team which was composed of
third largest liner in the world, as
the Men's gymnasium several Hayes Owens, Andy Akin, Wayman
the official ship orchestra, according weeks ago.
Thomasson, and Bill Gets finished
to a statement made yesterday by
girls are to fourth in the mile relay that was won
A cast of thirty-tw- o
Toy Sandefur, director of the
trip, along with Mrs. Lola by Vanderbilt in close to record time.
tra. The band expects to fill a six make the who is to act as chaperon In this event Gess beat the Georgia
engagement in France Rober.tson,
weeks' playing
the party, Prof. Carl A. Lampert, Tech anchor man who had previously
while overseas, Director Sandefur an for
director of the operetta, and Elmer won the 440 yard dash.
Captain Gess has not stopped train
According to present arrangements, G. Sulzer, assistant director. Miss ing and he is planning to compete in
Jeanette Lampert, who assisted in
the band will conclude their summer the direction of the operetta, will be the national intercollegiate meet at
program with a tour of some he
Chicago about June 14, after which he
largest summer resorts of Canada, re- unable to make the trip.
The personnel of the cast includes will go to Cincinnati or Boston to
turning to the University next fall inNancy Goodloe, as the princess; Jose compete in the trials for the Olympic
The personnel of the orchestra is as phine Frazer, as Wee Ling; Evelyn
Sandusky, as a governess, and Nell
follows: Toy Sandefur, manager and
banjo: Eugene Royce, trumpet and Spradlin, as Mai Ku, a juggler. The
arranger; Patrick Thompson, violin, remainder of the voices compose the
By Mine
The club presented the
saxophone and clarinet; Jack Rash, chorus.
and clarinet; Sherman "Feast of the Little Lanterns," in the
The convention of the Mine Inspec
piano; Elden DuRand, trombone and Men's gymnasium last Saturday eve tors Institute of America, which bebaritone, and Hugh Adcock, bass. The ning, before an audience of several gan Monday in Lexington, closed its
orchestra is at present playing at the hundred persons. It was reported meeting with a visit to the Univer
at that time that the production would
Wildcat Lair.
be well worth making the Ohio trip sity Wednesday.
from all the principal coal mining
to offer to the Ohio State audience
sections in the United States, Canada,
and Mexico were present at the conDue
The visit to the University included
A Rarty consisting of freshman en- a complete inspection of the College
Nominations for president of the
Men's Student Council for next year gineers and their friends spent last of Engineering and was conducted by
must be turned in to the office of the Sunday at Natural Bridge The par J. G. Cramer, manager of the Phoenix
dean of men by 4. o'clock Monday aft- ty left at 8 o'clock, via the L and N. hotel, under whose auspices the inernoon. The petition must be signed railroad and returned at 8 o'clock in spection was made, and Ed Wilder,
by 25 men students of the University. the evening. The party, consisting secretary of the Lexington Board of
The election will bo held Wednesday of approximately 135 boys and girls, Commerce.
with polls for each college on the cam- chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
After leaving the campus, the conpus, the man receiving the largest Dicker, spent the day in sightseeing vention was taken over the );tock
of votes being made president in the near vicinity of Natural farms and other points of interest in
Fayette county. "
vice president.
and the runner-u- p
Thursday, May 24, 8:00 a. m. Torts and Equity II
Friday, May 25,. 8:00 a. m. Property IV.
Saturday, May 26, 8:00 a. m. A'gency and
Saturday, May 20, 2:00 p. m. International Law.
Monday, May 28, 2:00 p. m. Constitutional Law.
Tuesday, May 29, 8:00 a. m. Crimes and Mortgages.
Thursday, May 31, 8:00 a. m. Property II., Civil Procedure.
Friday, June 1, 8:00 a. m. Partnership.
Saturday, June 2, 8:00 a. m. Contracts II. and Sales.

re-o- ut






Proctor in
Salesmanship Talk






Sets Record
For Half
Conference Meet

Rhythm Kings to
European Tour


University Is Visited

Men's Student
Nominations Are





Subscribe for

Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association.

James Park,





L. Kirk, '24

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter HHIenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes,' '15
W. C. Wilson, '13



With this issue of The Kentucky Kernel the Alumni Association of the University closes another year. Speaking for
the officers of the Association, we wish to thank all those loyal
Alumni who showed their loyalty by supporting the Association
in its efforts for our Alma Mater. It is usual to be just a little
sad when another milestone of time is passed, but we fail in
that emotion this year, in looking forward with pleasure and
anticipation to the work to be done next year.
Our Alma Mater is growing and expanding each yeai
Each year more and more service is being given to Kentucky
and the youth of Kentucky. We still have much growth in
store for us, and it will be some time until we have attained
our full stride. When that is accomplished there are a goodly
number of us who will think back with a great deal of pleasure
on the years when we worked to help make it possible for' our
Alma Mater to take its rightful place in the sun of education
in the United States. In bidding you all farewell until next
fall, we extend to you each and all our hearty appreciation for
your support and hope that again next year you will be among
the loyal ones.
time to building up the
This summer we will devote
membership of our Association. We who received tthe benefits
of our