xt73r20rrf6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rrf6d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917-15-oct17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-15-oct17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-15-oct17-ec. 1917 1917-15-oct17-ec. 2011 true xt73r20rrf6d section xt73r20rrf6d 

                        C1.VE    XCiTIC   5 CO _ ,J`'KITTE

                           1ctobor 10. 1917.

       The Executive Committee of the Univcrsity of i.ontucky

met in T.( gulaq monthly session on the above uentioned date in

the office of President trung L. ,leVey, with the folloviz g mcmbo r

present: Chairmnan Nichols, R. C. Stoll, C. B. Terrell, Frank ivc-

Kee, P. P. Johnston, Jr. and Doetor S. B. mairks, the last mention,

ed coming into the renm at three o'clock.

       After roll call and reading of the minutes, the following

matters were disposed of in the President's general report:

       President McVey reported that the leave of absence, asked

for by Miss Mary Sweeney, of the Department of Home Economics,

had been extended to November 1.

       In tne matter of Dean rzoberts' request -tnat the Research

Department of the Experiment Station be discontinued, which had

been referred to President McVey, the President asked more time

to consider it.

       In the matter of collegiate rank and training of Extension

workers, which had been referred to President McVey at a previous

meeting, the President said that he wished to take more time to

consider the subject in conference.

       In the matter of preparation of by-laws, which had been

referred to President. McVey at a former meeting of this committee,

the President submitted for tentative consideration of the. Board-

a list of "Rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of the

University of Kentucky". These tentative rules were read to the

Committee in part and discussed merely for the purpose if get-

ting the various viewpoints of the committeemen en the several

phases presented. After considerable discussion, it was decided

that the President should re-draft the rules and submit them for

further consideration at a subsequent meeting.

       President McVey Explained in this connection that the draft

he Submitted was not intended as a final one, but merely for disB-

acu s.in and for the purpose of ascertaining the views of members

iv tile committee on various points involved.



       Uinder the heading "biatters for the attention of the Exe-

uitie6 Committee", President McVey submitted a report covering a

large number nf routine matters.

       The first vnf these bore upon a resolution adopted at a

recent meeting of this Board in which Doctor Robert Graham was re-

quested to formulate and submit for this Board's consideration, a

plan for the manufacture and sale of serum to prevent forage

poi son.

       President McVey reported that he had received from Doctor

Graham such outline of plan as the Board had asked for; that he

had made an investigation of the matter of commercial manufacture

of forage poison serum, but was not convinced at this time that
it would be/safe venture for the University to enter uporf the com-

mercial manufacture of serum. President McVey called attention

to one field test made in Illinois. The results of experiments

made by the Department in the Agricultural College of the Univer-

sity of Kentucky showed that one horse out of fourteen or fifteen

used for serum purposes turned out to be what is known as a serum

house, and that the rest died.  He, therefore, believed that to

put this matter upon a commercial basis, the cost of horses alone

would be so serious a feature as to make results uncertain. Presi-

denti McVey said that so far as he had gone with the investigation,

he was of the opinion that the matter was in too much of an ex-

perimental stage at this time to go into manufacture permanently.

He believed that the University should wait until more positive

results had been procured in this field of work.

       It was the sense of the committee that this matter should

remain open for the time being.

       Under the heading of hog cholera serum, President McVey

reported that he had received a letter from Doctor Graham in

which he stated that the production of this serum could be aecom-

plished at a reasonable profit. Commercial concerns, however,

were producing hog cholera serum at a close figure and he recom-

mended that for the forthcoming year the Experiment Station pur-

chase its supply of cholera serum. Thereupon. Mr. Stoll moved


that the President be authorized to purchase or have purchased hog

cholera serum at such price and in such amou'nts as he deemed advis-

able.  Seconded by Mr. Johnstnn, on roll call, the motion was adopt-

ed unanimously.

       Under the heading of "appointments, President McVey submitted

the following with his recommendations, all of which were approved

by the Committee:

      Miss Christine Hopkins, Instructcr in English, at a salary
      of $70. a month.

      iary Englert, half time stenographer in Home Demonstration
      work, Paducah, at ";25.00 a month.

      Elizabeth Threlkeld, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent, in
      Lexington, salary $100, September 1, to June 30.

      Lizzie B. Fouse, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent for col-
      ored people in Lexington, ,50.00 per month, beginning Sep-
      tember 1, for ten months.

      I. C. Graddy, County Agent, 1M4uhlenberg County, salary slOO
      a month.

      ,Cnarles Lester hill, Emergency Gounty Agent, McLean County,
      A133.33 1/3 per month for 9' months, beginning September 16.

      Maryland Amburgy, Emergency Group Agent, McCreary, Wayne,
      and Clinton Counties, `P100 a month, 9 1/3 months, beginning
      September 21.

      Guerney C. Baker, Emergency Assisttznt County Agent, Perry
      County, `75.00 per month for 9 1/3 months, beginning Septem-
      ber 20.

      Budget for Emergency Demonstration Funds--approved,

      Lillie Goldnamer, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent, Union,
      Webster, McLean, Hopkins, Caldwell and Ohio Counties, 075.00
      per month, 9 1/6 months, beginning September 26.

      Mary McDowell, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent for Adair,
      Green, Taylor, Marion and Washington Counties, $75.00 a month,
      for 9 1/6 months, beginning 9/26.

      Molly Worthington, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent, Gar-
      rad, Lincoln, Casey, and Pulaski Counties, %75. a month for
      9 1/6 months, beginning September 26,

      Mrs. Mary S. Harbison, Emergency Home Demonstuation Agent,
      Oldham, Trimble, Henry Carroll, Gallatin, Owen and Grant Coun.
      ties, $75 a month, for)9 1/6 months, beginning 9/26.

      Leona B. Carter, Lmergency Home Demonstration Agent for Wolfe,
      idagoffin, Morgan, Menifee, and Elliott Counties; $75. per
      month for 9 1/6 months, beginning September 26.

      Sallie Black, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent, Knox, Leslie,
      Bell Counties V`75 per month for 9 1/6 months, beginning Sep-
      tember 26.

      Mrs. W1allace Moore Bartlett, Emergency Home Demonstration
      District agent, Urban Home Demonstrator, Cities 25000 and
      above in Kentucky. $116.66 2/3 a month for nine menths begin-
      ning October 1.


                         - 4.

     Mrs. Hester Lowry, E'mergency Home Demonstration Agent,
     Louisville, *}100 per month for nine months, beginning
     October 1.

     Urs. anna B. Goddard, District Home Demonstration Agent
     for Kentucky $116.66 2/3 per month for 9 months, begin-
     ning October 1.

     Miss Pairlee Davis, formerly Home Demonstration Agent in
     Bath, Rowan, Carter, Greenup and Lawrence Counties, to be
     Home Demonstration Agent , reappointment, $100 a month
     for ten months, beginning October 1.

     S. J. Lowry, County xgent, Oldham County, $150 a month, 12
     months beginning November 16.

     Henry Allen Lain, Emergency County Agent, (colored) Maditor.
     County, $75 a month, beginning October 16, 8J months.

     Mabel Vrooman Davis, County Home Demonstration Agent, J3s-
     samine County, $.100 a month for twelve months, beginning
     October 16.

     Robert F. Spence, County Agent, parts of Madison, Estill,
     Jackson, and Roekeastle Counties.  $116.66 2//3 a month.
     Total 01400.

     .Miss Eloise N. Graves, Emergency District Home Demonstra-
     tion 'Agent, for Kentucky, $2116.66 2/3 a month for 81 months,
     begi-nning October 2.

     T. G. Yaxis, Instructor in animal Husbandry, College of
     Agriculture, Assistant in the Experiment Station, 41200 a
     years $-300 from the Teaching Division, :,`900 from the Ex-
     periment Station.

     President niMcVey informed the Board that he had authorized

the attendance of Dean George Roberts of the College of Agricul-

ture at the American Association of Agricultural Colleges and

Experiment Stations.

     President McVey read a letter from E. W. Allen,chiet officer

of Experiment Stations, U.S. Department of Agriculture, concern-

ing distribution of the.1atch & Adams funds. President MoVey

stated further that he had asked Dean Aoberts for a statement of

adjustment of matters referred to in the Allen letter and fur-

ther stated that he would call personally upon Mr. .allen, and

discuss these more at length with him when he returned to Wash-


     In the matter of distrinution in the Mechanical & Elaeotrical

Engineering Budget, President L4cVey reported the request of Dean

Anderson that $300 saved upon the salary of C. C. Harp be applied

to the Student Labor Account, and that an additional 0282*.2g be

transferred from "supplies" to the Student Labor account. Upon

recommendation of the President, the Executive Committee ap-

proved the transfer and arrangement.

     President McVey reported that he had given permission to

Professor Le. i. Frankel to perform certain expert work requiring


                         .5 -

about six hours, for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.

     A request from Professor E. L. Gillis, Registrar, that

i5.00 be added monthly to the salaries of Misses Graddy and

Owens was referred to the President with power to act,,

     The request that McHenry Rhoads, Supervisor of High Schools

be given authority to make a report on the junior colleges of

the State, was granted by the Executive Committee.

     President McVey reported that Professor W. J. Carrel of the

Department of Civil Engineering had asked fmr leave of absence

to enter the Reserve Officers Corps with the title of Captain in

the Engineering Corps of the Army. The Executive Committee in-

structed the President to call attention of Professor Carrel to

a former ruling by this Board in which all teachers or instructors

in the University had been previously given permission to go to

the defense of the country on leave of absence, with the right

to return, and resume their work at the close of such services

     A request from Dean Lafferty asking that $180 budgeted for

library 'se transferred to general expense account and that $250

budgeted for the service of a local lawyer be transferred to gen-

eral expense Account, was referred to President McVey with power

t o act .

     Permission for Dean Roberts, College of Agriculture, to at-

tend a certain conference at Purdue October 23 at no expense to

the University was granted by the Board.

     In the matter of fire escapes for the-men's dormitories,

which had been asked for in a letter from Professor C. R. Meloher,

Dean of Men, President McVey, and Business tgent, D. H. Peak,

were authorized to act.

     President NcVey reported two recommendations from Doctor A. M.

Peter, Acting Director of Experiment Station, recronmending first

the appointment of Alet Stewart permanently as laboratory 4,suist.

ant in Poultry Husbandry at $75 a month, beginning September 1,

second, that the cornices, part of the roof, and all the outside

galvanized iron and wood work of the Station building, and of the

Washington revenue greenhouse be painted this fall at a cost of

between 48350 and @400, and that the dairy and large barn at the


 farm be also painted, the whole work to be done at an expense

 not exceeding '500 or '600. The first recommendation was author-

 ized by the Board.

      The recommendation specifying improvements, was not acted up-


      At this point, President McVey called in Captain N. H. Royden,

 U-3.S.., new Commandant of the University, and introduced him to

 the members of the Board. Captain Royden asked permission to make

 a statement which was to the effect that he did not consider the

 Commandant's quarters on the grounds in adequate condition for

 the occupancy of his faiilyt

     President lMcVey replied that he quite agreed with the Comman-

dant that the building was not in the best repair, and that he

was sure that satisfactory arrangements for a home for the Comman-

dant could be made at once. President McVey and the Business "Agent

were authorized to take up the matters of quarters with the Comn-

mandant, and make satisfactory arrangements for the Commandant's

resid ence.

     Captain Royden withdrew..

     President McVey recommended the organization of the Summer

School for the forthcoming summer; that it be maintained is the

University Summer School under one organization, that of the Uni-

versity of Kentucky, and under a fixed schedule of fees announced

and approved by the Executive Committee in due time.

     In accordance therewith, Mr. St4ll moved that the President' s

recommendation affecting the Summer School be concurred in by this

Board and further that President deVey submit a plan for the Sum-

mer School, incorporating the recommendations here made to be re-

ported at a subsequent meeting of the Board. Seconded by Mir. John-

ston, this motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

     President McVey reported that he had assured Captain Royden,

new Military Commandant', that the University would bear the trav-

eilling expense of his family from Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. to his new

post in Lexington.  This action was approved by the Board.

     In the matter of a successor to Doctor Kastle, as Director of

Experiment Station and Dean of the College of Agriculture, which

had been referred to President McVey for recommendation, the Presi.

dent reported that he was not in p-osition just yet to Bake a re-




     Mr. Stoll said that it swas urgent that a suitable director

of the Experiment Station and Dean of the College of AgeicuiA

ture be installed as soon as possible, and requested that Presi-

dent McVey, if possible, have the matter in shape for recommen-

dation to the Board of Trustees in its forthcoming meeting in

Dec ember.

     Mr. McKee moved that President McVey and Business Agent,

D. H. Peak be given full power to act in the matter of the eon-

struction of a roadway running through and connecting the iMulli-

gan property with the road system of the campus. Seconded by

Doctor Marks, the motion was adopted.

     Mr. Stoll moved that the Business Agent be authorized to

furnish properly and adequately the office of President McVey,

the expense to be borne one half by the University and one half

by the Experiment Station.  Seconded, by Doctor Marks, on call

of the roll, this motion was- adopted by unanimous vote.

     The following report was submitted by the Business Agent,

action of Board on is' various paragraphs being indicated'in pa-

rentheses at the close of the several paragraphs%

                                   October 17, 1917.

     To Doctor Frank L. MaVey, and
     The .3:xecutji vre Committee,
     U:niver'sity cf Kentucky.


                            Doctor Patterson's Furnace.

          Contract has been made with Beard & Lyons, Lexington,
     to repair the furnace in the residence occupied by Doctor
     Patterson. The work is to be done for $55.O0. if a
     thermostat is put in, the additional cost will be 030, the
     thermostat being suggested at advisable, but it has not
     been determined  upon.

          (Board autnorized expenditure of 45500 for furnace,
     but took no action as to introduction of thermostat.)

                            Repairs needed and repairs

          I have been asked to put additional radiators in
    Dooms of Professor Rees and Professor Davi~s. In addition
    to this probablyZ five other radiators are needed in the.
    Main building. Professor Killebrew reports that three
    raidators are needed in the Civil building. In the Main
    building, the radiating surface is not sufficient to heat
    the buildings in severe weather. In the Civil building
    Come of the radiators now in use are worn out. Estimated
    Cost of each radiator, j20.

          (Authority granted to supply limited number of
     radiators, the matter being left to discretion of President
     and Business Agent.)



     The Deans Vf tio Engineering colleges think it ad-
visable to put a partition in one of the rooms -in the Civil
buildin; for the purpose of dividing one office from a
cloak room. We would have to purchase but littel of the
material for this purpose, and the additional cost o6uld
be-about ,,g30.

     (Left to discretion of the President).

     Doctor Patterson repeatedly requests me to repair his
carriage house, but I feel that I can not take such action
except by order of this Committee. I estimate the cost at
025. There will probably be enough left in furnace appro-
priation to do this work.

     (Appropriation allowed)

     Mrs. Marshall requests one dozen new chairs for the
Boys' Dormitories. The cost will probably be 218.


     It has been suggested that certain repairs be made
on Commandant's dwelling including painting.   I think that
if such work is done, it will entail an expenditure of not
less than `250.00.

     (Matter disposed of in foregoing paragraph).

     The flag pole was bent by the wind storm of last smay.
Mr. Moore was able to pull it back somewhat, but he could
not get it straight.  Estimate of cost of repairs go as
high as .;75-00O


     Most of these things I would attend to in the usual
course, but the Budget for building repairs will not per-
mit t-ese expenditures.  I doubt that it will be sufficient
to meet minor needs.

                Barker-President  Vs.   Crum

     I refer to you the enclosed statement for d18.75 for
printed briefs in-above styled action.   Exhibit 1.
     (Ordered paid.)

                     Mulligan Property

     The Committee on the Mulligan property has asked me to
report progress of work through my usual report.   The clean-
ing up of premises has proceeded slowly, the expenditure so
far amounting to ;'79.20.  The old barn will be removed by
hands from Experiment Station farm, and the material taken
there for use.  They have delayed it on account of fall work
on farm* We have made some shall sales of wood, and other
materials. The proceeds of all such sales will be turned
over to the G Exp eeriment station funds.

     The barn and pasture have been rented for %20.00 a
month. This matter is being attended to by the real estate
agent of Phoenix and Third Trust Company, and we have not
interfered with it. At proper time, they will no doubt dis-
continue the rental and make accounting of the sum collected.

     I submit drawings and report of Professor D. V. Ter-
rell, exhibit 2, of proposecs road over campus to this pro-
perty.  He suggests a cost of '345.78, but thinks it may
be decreased slightly.

      (Gatter previously disposed of.)

      The Combs Lumber Company began work on week following
last meeting of the Executive Committee. The work seems to
be progressing nicely. The contract, which I submit, ex-
hibit 3, has been examined by Mr. R. C. Stoll, and your com-
mittee, but the committee decided not to sign it until it



had been examined by the Executive Committee. We feel
that the contract should be approved.
    (Building Committee authorized to sign contract.)


     Doctor Boyd and myself leased the cafeteria to Mrs.
A. T. Million, and she began-operation of it on Monday
October 1, 1917.  The rate of board is $3.50 a week, and
she reports sixty regular boarders.  I submit contract,
Exhibit 4, for your approval.

                    Coal stolen

     I regret to report that I have information that coal
is being staled from campus. The guilty parties were not
known by my informant.  This seems to me to bring up anew
the question of a nightwatchman,
     (No action.)

                    Ordnance Stores.

     The War Department of U. S. Government ordered return
of certain rifles held in ordnance stores here; and in ac-
cordance with that order, ten Springfield rifles were ship-
ped October 16, 1917, to Commanding Officer, Rock Island
Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois.

                    Accountant Morris' Report

     Accountant John F. Morris has sent his report of the
examination of Patterson Hall books and Experiment Station
books. He certifies that the books are correct.    I submit
his report, exhibit 5.

     Hle suggests therein a system For business office. This
I will- consider in connection with Doctor McVey when we are
able to get to that point.  His charge for the work is
O25O.00, `225, of this should be paid b-y! the-Experiment Sta-
tion and $25 by Patterson Hall.

     (On motion of 11Mir. Terrell, seconded by Doctor Marks,
Board authorized payment, all members present voting aye.)

                    Mulligan Mantel suit.

     Exhibit 6, shows the proposed settlement of the above
named suit.  I have been informed that the costs amount to
6.55 .
     (Note: action elsewhere in these minutes.)

                    Financial Report.

-'x      Exhibit 7- financial report
          Exhibit 8- Report Teaching Division
          Fx'-ibit 9. Experiment Station

          Bank balance Sept. 30, 1917              43357.64

          actual balance Sept. 30, 1917             6203.45


                            D. H. Peak.
                            Business Agent.



    The f ollovwing combined financial statement, Univer-
sity of Kentucky, September.30, 1917 was received and or-
dered sp;:ead -upon the minutes:

Bank balance August 31,1917
    Teaching  Division
    Experiment Station
    Extension Division
    Patterson Hall

Checks paid by bank:
     Teaching Division
     Experiment Stativn
     Extension Division
     Patterso~n Hall
Bank balance
Cash items ready for deposits-
     Teaching Division
     Experiment Station
     Extension Division
     Patterson Hall

Outstanding checks:
     Teaching Division
     Experiment Station
     Extension Division
     Patterson Hall
Actual balance Sept. 30, 1917.

Patterson Hall to Univ. Account
Experiment Sta. to Exten. Div.
Actual balance


_3 4 75 . 72  79 276 i

 18612 .30
   602.24       65389.63

   _24}. 49      12577348

 107.21       50127.67

t 200.
1120.94          130  24

     In the matter of the suit filed by the University against

certain of the Mulligan heirs, in which the plaintiff alleges

removal of a certain mantel from the Mulligan property-recently

purchased by the University, and treated under section 6 in the

report of the Business Agent, the proposed compromise referred

to is set forth in the following letter from J. C. Shelby, re-

presenting the Mulligan heirs, and addressed to the Secretary

of this Board:  

                                         Oct. 15, 1917.
     Enoch Grehan, Esq.,
     Lexington, Ky.
     Dear Sir:.
          Referring to the conversation relative to dining
     room mantel that I had with you as, a member of the Com-
     mittee in charge of renovating the Mulligan house pur-
     chased by the University of Kentucky for occupancy by
     the President of the University.

          I have communicated with Mr. Frank L. Smith, of the
     Combs Lumber'Company, the architect who has supervision
     of the repairs being made upon this house, and am ad.
     vised by him that a mantel of the design that he con-
     templates placing in the dining room will cost from forty
     to fifty dollars, not over the latter amount, exclusive
     of grate, and that the cost of repairing the plaster
     cornice or molding in the dining room will be about twenty

          I am instructed by the Misses Mulligan to say that
     they will pay the cost of a new mantel, not exceeding
     $50, and the cost of repairing the cornice or molding


    above mentioned, not exceeding Y20.00, and also the court
    COStS, excluding fee of plaintiff's attorneys for ser-
    vices, aX in compromise of the suit of the Phoenix and
    Thi-rd Trust Company, as Trustee of the University, now
    pending against them in the Fayette Circuit Court, and' you
    may accordingly so state to the Executive Committee of
    the Board of Trustees of the University at the meeting which
    I understand is to be held on Wednesday.

                              Yours very truly,

                          (Signed)    J. C. Shelby.

     After discussion, the Board authorized the Secretary to

notify Mr. Shelby that it declined the proposition made by him

in behalf of the iviulligan heirs,

     A report from the Secretary of the Board of Control of Pa_.

teraon Hall, containing a general eotitement of oonditi-nho in3 the

Hall was submitted to the Board and placed on filre.

     Board adjourned.

