xt73r20rrf22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73r20rrf22/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1916-01-jan16-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-01-jan16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-01-jan16-ec. 1916 1916-01-jan16-ec. 2011 true xt73r20rrf22 section xt73r20rrf22 


          The Executive Committee of State University met in

regular session at the President's office, Jnn.l9th. 1916. There

were present C. B. Nichols, R. C. Stoll, G. G. Brock, P. P. John-

son, Jr. J. E. Brown and C. B. Terrell.

         President Barker read his 1,monthly recort together with

the report of Deans of various departments which were ordered filed

Upon motion made by Mr. Stoll, seconded and carried the following

resolution was adopted;

         Whereas certain communications have been received by some

of the members of this Committee from James B. Reynolds Esq. re-

lative to the alleged action of certain students of this Univer-

sity and in said letter he offered to put all the information in

his possession at the deposal of the Authorities of this Univered.ty

and whereas a request was made by members of this* Committee for

said information and said Reynolds has refused to give it, and

whereas this the first meeting of this Committee since such informa-

tion was refused.

Now therefore be it resolved that all the Communications be refer-

red to the President of this UJniversity who is directed forth

with to investigate the ma ter contained in said Communications

and to take such action thereon as he may deem prooer.

      The President shall report the action taken here under to

the next regular meeting of this Committee or to a special meet-

ing which will be called as he thinks proper.

                 a    e"PI -         It '' ie.


         At this juncture, President Barker sent telegram to I-Ir. Rey-

nolds inviting him to meet with the Executive Cormittee.

         The financial report of State H{all onerating from Sept.13th.

to Nov~th. 1915 inclusive; showing receints and disbursments was filed

and ordered recorded which is as follows:
                                               Dr.       Cr.
Total receipts                                        $3235. 09
Accounts receivable                                      113. 65

Nov.8th-I~dse on hand                                    227.72
        Purchases to date                   $2966.4      2
        Gas, Elect. & Water                    114. Oo
        Salaries to date                      616.27
                                             $3597.11 03576.]T6-
        Difference -- Loss                            $   20.65

          The matter of the operation of State Hall Dining Room was

discussed at length and President Barker agreed to assume all financial

responsibility for its successful operation until further notice. All

outstanding bills against State Hall for the past fiscal year found

to be correct after investigation by the President ordered paid and all

of such accounts as may be questionable to be retorted at the next meet-

ing of this committee.

         On motion made, seconded and carried, President Barker, R. C.

Stoll and P. P. Johnston were appointed a Committee to take up the ques-

tion of planning a reorganization of the Business Office and report to

the next meeting of this Committee.

          The Report of Morris & Augustus of Louisville, Ky. Who have ex-

amined the books of the Business Office on motion made as sGconded and

carried was ordered to be recorded in these minutes. As follows:-


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