xt73n58cjw58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjw58/data/mets.xml Pitt, Emma 1883 1884 scores (documents for music) M2193 .G6773 1883 English Emma Pitt Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Hymns, English "Gospel Light" for the Sunday School: a New Collection of Songs and Services, 1884, c1883 text 1 close score (178 pages), 14 x 17 cm. Call Number: M2193 .G6773 1883 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C "Gospel Light" for the Sunday School: a New Collection of Songs and Services, 1884, c1883 1883 1883 1884 2023 true xt73n58cjw58 section xt73n58cjw58 ;.

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V V” /5WMZ 2316 @1115 ° VICES. , f
A, W214? 60714106134529

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E M M A P I T T .

Price 35 Cents Retail. $80.00 per hundred (in boards.)







" OSPEL LIGHT,” the Sunday Schools always need.
OSPEL LIGHT,” the Sunday Schools all should have.

We are pleased to ofl'er it now in the form of a new and choice collection of hymns and tunes
for general use in the schools and social meetings.

“ GOSPEL LIGHT” is the result of three years preparation—words and music having been
carefully selected—and embrace some of the best efforts from the most popular and gifted writers
in the “vineyard of song.”

We claim in this collection, the purest religious truth, simply set forth in the poems of stan-
dard writers—as well as the music to be in a peculiarly bright and original vein.

We have set the standard high: seeing the weariness in the minds of the masses from too
constant use of old, worn-out melodies.

We confidently invite the close examination of Music Leaders and Superintendents.

Special Concert Exercises, beautiful Solos and Duetts for Missionary occasions. Children’s
Day has also been remembered in some choice Floral Songs. Added to this we have a full Christ—
mas and Easter ReSponsive Service, Hymns for Revival Meetings, 610.

The space allotted to hymns for Special Anniversaries, coming once a year, must, of course,
be limited, as it was too valuable for other subjects needing room.

The Schools universally want new Carols annually, which are always issued in cheap pamphlet
form by the Publisher of this Book.

“ GOSPEL LIGHT ” must shine.

May its pure gems of song, shed light, blessed Light from the Gospel of our Lord.

NOTICE—N0 one can print from this volume unless by consent of the owner.


eorymonwn 1883..




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“Because I live. ye shall live also.”
ll A K Mi— A‘ _ V L K I I s :_
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_'74‘“5‘;‘1:L__-_-p_ '___1_1_;__11_-_1_. ' . a 71 63313-1 3—133“ I:
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. 1. List, the glorious song re-Somld‘iflg‘Mu- -sic rings in Par- 21- dise, Je- 5113, Lord, withlife a -
3‘ 2 Earth with beauty now Hi teeming, mens With love her mighty Lord Hill and vale with verdure
, 3. Je— sus lives—He livesex- alt- ed. Conq’ ror 0- ver death and sin, Ope’d the gates of life e -
N L I'- p n o“ 1 '9' n - o o - p1____p_ _g Q_1_;;__p_¢_;_fi_
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D I \J y o I
bounding fiLlfe e - ter - nal 1n the skies.
beam-ing Buds and blos - soms praise ac - cord. Hal - 1e - lu - jah, hal - 1e - lu —jah, Sing for
ter - nal, Let His ran - somed children in.
Li Q] Lf- 4;- 9'9r‘l\j‘ 'l‘ E- E: 49- 4'4- 4'4: Il-J-{,_p_'_l_‘__
.. 3.11 E .L l; ::r _._ “’ _. '6: n::—L4: 9 ° E__f_._'_’_ _i:._E__,_L,-:
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. d ' ' ' d»; 1 r inn; l_!__l_i_l:l___r.:‘ ,~ :l-_l_!_ _ _y___
joy, the captives’ i'i'ee, Hal— le - lu— -—jah, Christ has purchasd Light and Life and Lib- -er — ty.
- ___:a——'-—o— —o—~——o———o~—o— —!——l——:—I: -¢__L__Wo_:,_, — —Q—
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Cbpymglzt,1:t8,by EMMA PITT.









‘ Iuill never leaLe thee aiforsake thee.’ F. W. NICHOLS.
i L 1 x \ A L 1
l 1 r3 .1‘ [‘7 4 . l _J 1 fl "
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— ——-—— , o—;—o——a———av 0—— —— ——~a—— - -7————-——o—’ - 64—— —~ —— ——¢——
g—i—Tc—ol—to—T~c~—o——o— o——§——~§-—a- L—————‘—— 64——o-—'o-I:o———:——o———a—
‘/ I

1. I can :11 - ways trust in Je-sus, In the dark or in the light In the gloomiest vale of


















































2. I can al — waystmst in Je- sus,Tho’ all earth— ly hope shall fail, I can rest on my
3. I can 31- ways tIUbt 1n Je-sus, He can ev - ’ry weakness heal, On the Rock of A- ges
4. I can al-waystrl1st111Je-sus,In the sun-shine He is near, In the fierc-est storm He

. V 1 ' 1' 1* 1- .-—.' r 1' .e———!——e—4—1fl——. ~—-—— #4. ——¢—
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1 VI! iLg g ¢ g1! ' 1f 'L"‘“"_—1fi 1L, .1 “411'— '3 L: '4-

l l I d l x I V ' ' ' ' '

n _ 45 i N CHORUS.T 1‘ . 1. ‘ 1 r \ 1x
lib/i1 j] l R ‘11 5' j \ *«E—q—H "1 fih+—a' .____‘_.+I_J_._,__;:"_’3
@;::_t;:l;:§1:i‘ "7”,::::_L-5:__u7,_;_1.d_11__ ._1_1-;__,_,_fi,:

sha- dow, Or the si-lence of the night.
deem—er, O— ver all I shall pre—vail. Al—ways trust-ing, al-ways trust-mg, In His
found-ed, Strength and comfort He ll re- -veal.
whis- -,pers I am with thee, do not fear.
4- 4- .
——————* 3;. F—tT~i—' g 1- : 1 , I, 1- ' e l , g 12;

-1 1 ‘ 1 w_______f__,____fi__n___, _v#_____.
19-13% 1 1r 1: 1 ii 1 E 1 4-2% J—t—i—x—4M9 E—i—.'~—t~———~—-::§
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l N 4N . K 1
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L31 1- - 4 ’ *i-'~’ ‘ ‘_; _______

id 0 — H- '0' ’1' ’;’ o . i ' 16.—

I word and in His love, Ev—er rest- ing all on Je - sus, ’Till I reign with Him a-bove.
_>'—-"‘ 7 AN “*3, ~ -——~ ‘rt t 9 9 .' IE. r'—"“"“I——,——‘~
§b0‘~---“4~—" Er“#~'ft: [23:55; gig : _t_ 11 - 1 1 1 1 a—:]]
I y o-————p»—«o 1~— w r~#r ~o—~:~—oA—ov~~o— —»———1 1
I _M_,._;_. +7.? {T- 5— 5 r—m *1 ._1_ +

wpyrighl, 1883 by EMMA PITT.





























sin-ners, That saved they all may be.




: t at “Go preach the Gospel to every creature.” W. J. KIRKPATRICK.

41 .4 “ 1‘ iTj \ hid . flTJ ,. h A1
“—3?— -o—~Ls_—:—a—;— :51“?— . 4' . L 1 . i”: la - a :
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—~ 3— a 1* .— ' a— I . .___._ —z—.—:——:- -,——,—-—.J—o—~
1 G0 preach to ev—’ry crea- ture, The G0”. pel full and free; Go tell to wea ~ ry
2 Pro - claim the mighty mes - sage, Christ set the cap - tive free; He left His home in
3. G0 preach to ev- ’Iy crea- ture, To all by sins distressed; G0 tell the pre—cious
4. ’Tis not in works or feel - ing But faith in Christ a — lone; He gives His pard’ning

' * a - - o -_o p_ . _Q

QE-tzf'r- r—IL! . L ' -.-——--L—E——5 I —L_ ‘r r I F .= .= L?

1/ 9— 84— —b————;—p b--i—~:o—i—b——p— f—C——i7—l:———7—i—o—L#IB—~—v— -?——5~—b——;—3

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l‘. .

Tn [Q T . f“ __N—T" —:p’ T J j j "' r4, h
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glo - ry, To pur - chase lib — er — ty. Send forth the bless — ed tid - ings,

prom — ise, “In me ye shall find rest.”

mer - cy, And seals you for His own.
‘ o . p a l ‘ g 3 l N n
9:. bfi“ 9 if i , 5—“' :—l: '—"/:'# ”"_¥1__~ '”:'_*—.' r—l-'—L~r - j
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l‘ l a F v F l

,n z. 4 A 1 . h l R J‘. n I ‘7 \ A .

U L J‘ l I l ‘ f y l A . 1 j‘ I l II
91—4 - q ., 1 .‘ a ' J’J l?“ S '“a - l a. - f ‘l‘J - l_;_ _ _,' __._
-3“: 4’i5, I a4} 1' :f4 5 ely—I 'oti '4-j
L—iL—a—--—— —.——--——:L — —— ,- —= - : a . F . .
Mer - c 's free! Mer - c ’s free! The blessed G05 e1 tid — ings, Of mer- cy full and free.

3’ y P
m A
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li‘ _““‘7—E“—7‘i“F”—!_P'P‘ ”i! '—“".'—‘;:1j: r“ v 1 ' z ,r / :F:__;‘:F:

p / _F
Copyright, 1883, by EMMA PITT.
























































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EllFfr—;~l-j—~g J el 4 . 1 l J A l = l 4 T g l 1 , l A?!
Zfi—a—i—o—o—d——+ —; . 7, T i ," a ' e i e . = = i a c = 4, j
— ~——— —— o—a— —.—.-—o—-—a——1-,-——¢————‘———— 4—: = = =
1. Go in the field of la - bor, Theres plenty yet to do; The souls un - saved a.—
2. Go speak a. word in sor-row, The bless - ed word of lite; ’Tw1ll soothe the heart 1n
3. Pro-claim the Gospel mess-age, Of par — don full and free; Go break the chains of
4- 4- _ 4- 4-
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v- ' 1- - 1
round you, Are tru - ly not a few..... Be earn - est in the strug—gles, Your
troub - le, Give com - fort in the strife... Go speak a. word in sor - row, To
dark — ness G1ve hope and lib - er - ty ...... . Christ bought a full re-demp - tion, From
4- , o-
- . g g o a o A o +" o o '2' '2' . t‘
L_b ' . g T . r I , T l__o_p T r ' z T ’ ' ‘ 1
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a NI t ' u l v A
n , J 1 J J , . .. . . x 1 i I" .
111 ' a. :- ' T l j ‘T n .J, r 5 - I q r J m 5T 1
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-_ ' _a__‘_1_ 1-, i v 1 z 1 ' .' 1 -' -~ ' S I__,‘: :._...._‘
a . a v - - a d .
V v
Sav— —’10rs cause to win ..... . Go in the field of la - bor, Go bring the wand’rers in......
those all lost in sin ..... .. And tell them Christ is wait - ing, To bring the wand rers 1n ..... .
guilt and woe and sin....... Oh, speak to care - less sin - ners, G0 bring the wand’rers 1n ..... .
~o- .- m
g- + 4- h: r. . o n o i— f- !- p._.-_o. _¢_ _
aggr—g—v—P—ho-T—t r—iig ; t 1; v. 4;. :——;——r—- ._ ”2 _,B
1 A o _ i L 1 l l t 1 _ .
lVV' 1* an 1— Lilia? 1 r ,ir , *f‘t: .
F l v "

Copyright, 1883, by EMMA PITT.










REV. F. D. NICKERSON. ‘He is the Chief among ten thousand.” E KARL.
% 151 I "1 5 NT 1_J 4‘ s l '1‘ 8:!
“A —-1——1 a :1 € 1 1 1 > 1%. - J ' 1 +1 — _,____a——,_
33% itj:._j.:g_‘:£_a:::::g_._'_j__':_i1 1 Di %; i j 9 £3 1 J 1
= a a s ,———,-———:§B:——:-l—;——u—a—~d—l—o——a—|o—a—J
9T7 -

1. When joyous pleasures fill my life, And earth is all with heau-ty rife, When never comes a.

2. When friends are fond and foes are few, When ev’ ry thing on earth seems true And prosp’ rous ev’ry

3 W hen skies grow dark and storms are nigh, W hen o- ver—w helm’ d in griefl crv 1’ 11 to my sa-cred

4. When earth re— —cedes and I can see By faith the land

pre- pared for me, Where I with Him‘shall



































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thought of strife,Then sing to me of J e - sus.
thing I do, Then sing to me of Je — sus. Then smg to me of Je sus,
shel - ter fly, Then sing to me of Je - sus.
ev - er be, Then sing to me of Je - sus.
1 b. 4- o- o- 4- ".- ‘
o i i _p o o - o '1‘" 1" *1" *1— p a . L—
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Copyright 1883,by EMMA. ITT. U




















































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1. ,Wvél .

































filling: :11” ‘ J K “We will worship toward thy holy temple.” _|‘ * " K
5¥5V_3:—,:; ;:5':.A;+ .- 1 , :‘l—A—A— —AAA~—AA:;tjA.—A . Ar: A—A .t—Ara
:: ‘ 4:.__ 1::j:______,_%i 12-1:1:?”——'i_::f:gEE:‘j“:::::,vEa'"—j —g-E;-*j‘-:-f"E'—3

-o- o + 4 + 4» (”hi

.,Oh how I love the day of rest, When all our weekly toil is still; I love to seek the

2. How sweet to know the world’s dark ca1e, Is for a lit- tle season done; To know when early

3. A— bove the stars that shine 1n gold, W here rolling spheres 1n livht reJoice ; VVe’ll find an endless
4. All finished—Aall life’s conflict done, Earth’s dream of sorrow ever o’er ; There by those fountains

:- t T £— £— . . - - 2- t
;_ . o l ' ' , ' 1 T r 1 ’ ' 1 r ’ 1
9:1; .92 ~ 1 r - ' 13A — F, 1 ' _E: r ' .L FE—LE-V—t—f— ~r --H
”V“ 191 £411: t1. nn Lol'l..roll_l ._l
I L l I;


s x J 5 N J u s s K
“—2—‘3— ‘ * 1:; . ‘ 'A ‘1 n, u j 11—? 6' :1 g E ‘3'_y_
JEE “:::‘:::g::t::E"Ejf~"i——j—L‘v‘*‘~“—,ElIa “_ 90 _ "i——‘ ___ ——z— :—:i:'::: ‘A‘ :3
w. l l‘ . l g . i l . ' 1’] [if—___rJ- -_._.l __l_ ___'._'_..__.'__;_._



house of pray’ 1', And learn of God’s own holy will.
’ dawn a - wakes, Then will the Sabbath morn come on. 0, day of rest 1 Sweet day of rest! I
day of rest, Made happy by a Savior‘s voice.
] pure and sweet, We’ ll rest on Eden’s peaceful shore.
























t J l ’- le A A A ‘ : A ' A
__-_ -____ ’ ru 11‘: ,L r r - ' r
%g_ V 5—f—r:l:- {AEAE l” E! r f 10‘ ., A l.=-- —'vA A;-——A'--l+ PAP—Ea:
I 1 TUE—l1 1' v ..1'¢-p_ 'n___’¢_._J
- . ' . ' . L 5 1 u.
A A E‘s l E P 7’ 5‘
x A 1 1 4\ s A I}
’: Ell: ::h___p~'_::;: ._ _a_1,'_1j 1—S— 3‘ —i_j—"“‘*_”“‘: i-*'—‘;—i——*;‘—'~ £11-21:
‘9”‘T‘“_‘fi“*:“_§"t‘ o- _6LE_:,:1::: :;._g::1::s._ .——;::af”*§::’j:::gf:“'*:q:::::— .EIII
fi‘wniA—F ——— . , .a .. = - Arr :9.-
love to feel thy calm repose, And 1n God’s temple sing his praise There comfort find for all our woes.
. .L- m
_,.__,._._z_p_a_ -2.___ 44—.” _ ._._ _._ ”WA—.4”: , -
giTTET5“—'””‘l’_F““t7“t_“f_l‘27'“__’:”“”l‘F’—' l E E,__,._EE_EA,_E1_ ~1~E3_-_9_,5_;_i:i}} 11
*E‘7—1'“L'"Z'—'_r"_"lj7—#IC—l:i._l_1*‘ _E __., :1 g g .1 g‘g—g r :i’
V {j 9 V V 7 1/ l— I i V‘L
By permission of Wlard d’c Drwmmomi




“ Lo, Iam with you alway, even unto the end of the we: ld. ”— \IARK xxviil.



































n . I“VI than: me ye can. do nothing.’ '—.JN Xv. 5. ”J. KIRKPATRICK.
1L1 (3 A“ I‘ = \ 5T 1 . ‘T A _\ n \ ____ __ _,.\_j31__":
‘9'! '_' 3‘ i 1.; ”14 J in; ‘ 1 ‘ i1 _j J 3 1 1:3
‘— —— ——- — —— -3! —— — :o:7~ — a—o—a—o— —~4 —:1— _ _ -3 — __‘—- ’— —— ——
@_Ll_l:_l_l_;_!¢1_ ,—l———l—i—c—c—o——r—z—l~ Ld—T o—ZA—j ——!1——:——:— a
j ‘V f . '0' -O-
U v l
I. How can I live without Jesus? My Rock and my Fortress is he ; I’m trust — ing a - lone in his
2. How can I hope Without Jesus 9 For he 15 my bright morning star; His blood that hath bought my sal-
3. How can I die without Jesus? He’ll be with me unto the end; He nev — er will leave or for-
:—-(‘T——o—o——o——o-~1—'v——5—E——5-——b— _—l———l——l—~'—l—~l— 444— —1 ::——:-—-n—g—-b—v:
‘ " ‘ w . U Au 1 , 1 ‘L 1—: 1 ~-~—:+— l“"‘*' ' * ’- “ l“
8—7“, I z a a 1 r ' :f_ —§__§’—‘"“P“ fl'”".‘*““:"“ “4 7 >'_:.—> ;“
z w I 7 F F '
n \ n 1 \ 1 m l
__i____ A 1‘“ \ g 51 n \ J T ‘ 1‘ 1
1—«.—1— 1 1 1 - 1- 1 1 __ ‘——-—-' -~1 ._.._._--1_1
-——; z"fi“’“fi“f:"“‘l —1*.**:*~——;: :fl fi:i“i‘*:: ::‘**;***:~—*'—i" :l‘_’l"—_l__"l:i:
. ’ * 3 . . ‘ Vi . .
mer—cy; He ev - er my Sav1or Wlll be. How can I l1ve? How can I hve?
va - t1on, Brought me nigh who once was a-far. How can I hope? How can I hope?
sake me, My 1017 —i11g, un - change — a— ble friend. How can I die ? How can I die?
- o- - o- _A 4- 4- o- 4- 1o- 4. .4- .
9‘1“!“ ”i—f‘I‘l' 1' r I t .' I 2 —! I'[ 'r L l: '2 E 1‘“!
~ .' F11 1. z ' 1 F11 1:111 1 L —L {—f—F—F-
[—b—p————v—-o-i ' F :J .74 '—1~1 1 i ' ‘ : ' ' / . J
J a z 1 z a 1/ z '1 w l
41 L \ l \
4r1 j _# ‘n n ' 1 ‘4‘ Jr \._‘ij— :1]
:1. ”i—i—1_"J"“”4”m_—A‘“‘L”*‘Afj——"ff'i” _ -—-
1 :: 1:1:1‘:__“:: ‘d 1—: 4 ' __'_..l_ l-;-;-l:
1 1 1-. 4 '

-a~“a—— r-g‘. ‘-—'-i MW
How can I live without Jesus? He 15 my Rock, He 1s my Hope! How can I live without Je- sus?
How can I hope without Jesus? His blood alone can guilt a- tone. I How can I hope without Je- sus. ‘?
How can I die without Jesus? Jesus, my Rock. ' Iesus, my Hope! How can I die without Je - 5115 I
1 24 o- 4' 4-
—~~ —— —o—v 0








S?%_# #F“I“"ii?::':}:F F~—T—L-—i;:iE:—§T¥‘13§::§::§:::E33:{333:3::F:IF:T:=:5E3i:':::=::3]


‘ 1 , . F1.7_1_.~l__ _
b—o—o—ry—s—y—H — r 7+, t 11‘ t 4. 1 , .—;—1—v——-—-—#»—g—L
l I r ' 1 I I I
By per. from “The Quiver.” J J J







 : {2.7.2 w..'; A..



.‘ 4: gr,







4 .4 4 h k . 4 I s L _1
I fimsflfi’liui . h J 1 4 ,, TT 4 :I 7 T n 7‘ T _l T:
‘ —fr——— — L — —:l~———l-——J— —o—é-—c—d— — '—:‘ i 1 l ' ‘— — ‘ 1 4 Jj
EU4 —:—‘3‘ :z—l—£—-r ""—t:—'-'-—'- -5—'“~5*i—i:4_1_!'~l__,':i:5:v:::i-
‘ v . f ' ' ' «9- . w w '
There is mu - Sic — ver yon-der, On the bright e‘ter-nal shore, Where the saints shall dwell With

‘ 1 o

I 2. There is mu - sic o - ver yon-der,Where the crystal waters glide, Where the tree of life is g
3. There is mu - sic o - ver yon-der, Where the golden lvres are swept, And their songs 11 - nite in ‘
4. There is mu - sic 0- ver yon—der, And the songs shall never cease, For the saints shall dwell for-

! 1—_a» 4- :—


.1.1. 1. .p.








v v
5&141l1'4“4 4.4
% __1_9- I J, = ,1 Ari 6—7—c——d—¥——1;~—l——a—-l~i——l————l——x———#~
— T!o——r9———o———o—— -»~,——a~——:1—a~~v—i—-~———1—1- —g———g—~—g——g— —¢ ——5
_ —a—— 7!: o#wa~i ,—.—~g———F—— 5 . , 1 - - L w 1 Orr-Q~—:———a

Je - sus, All the bright for - ev — er more; All their years of sor - row end- ed, Where no .
ev - er, Bloom - ing by the sil -ver tide; Oh, what joy the heart is thrill — ing, 0 - ver -;
praising, Him who o’er a lost world wept; And we almost think we hear them, 0 - ver
ev - er, With their Lord in per-feet peace; Soon we hope to join their cho — rus, On the E
-P- -.‘- l- J- I— I— »Q-














—‘ l A I ‘ - I) ‘ l | l - -

_ _1_._Q___o flee _'_' ' r T” . ' 9 T p o o o T L f : vj
9 g? t F , , i t t: [F P is? - 9 , I“ F 1 l i“' 9“" 'j
1?? T __ 1 . '0 1T" . 7 r r I _

g l T u ' u r
. h . . . h . l 1‘ I
I}; 4 j n r 9 ‘ i__1 J n T J (I T n, g 11‘ 0-
# ——u—— —— F — — —— ~— — —a~—p9-——a——a— — ——+ ——a——— -—-—L—
71-3~—-—~:—a—i:§:.:f-—'-- 1—. i—,T—:"i—‘—— _“*“i':— 31—"? L“?
l .1 d ' —64— F; I ‘



night can ev - er come, They are singing. sweet - 1y singing, In their glorious heavenly home.
on the shining shore, Where they sing the song of Moses And the Lamb for - ev—er - more.
on the golden strand, As they sing with heavenly rapture, Crowned and robed, a glorious band.
bright, e—ter - nal shore, Where the saints shall be with Jesus, All the bright for - ev -er - more.













‘ 1. .1. 1. “I .. .,. 4. _ _ 41. 1. .2- 4—5. L__J__' ' a _
,§§;EEEEEEE::PTZ ' lilo—fl;:;:%:¥il:p :' FT: l t—H 1"}?
i —’—J— ___,__H: i“! _.._1__L;E:‘_,l;—I_—_t' ‘C—‘l— 7—’—i*L———%—%—i‘jfi—H

l I
From “Sing the Gospel," by per. U U

















\ j \ N l W. J KIRKPATRICK Bv per.
sirha I x N ‘1 ' §-_#‘T ‘.__1 ————A—
3 " , q - - . I - . ‘k
@942 4—:1: 1:: ..-. —- WEE—*7 '13. = ' its 2 ~ “i +—':—o———.33
——;——-—_:_ 3—;;~:1——-a—1 —:——a——o———o— —o——:-—o———a——o— —o—a——i——_}— -:—:—~_._—-o
1. Out a— mid the waves of o~cean, Raging oft in wild com-mo—tion,Kept se cure - 1y I am

2. What tho’ darkness now surround me? What tho’ winds be howling round me? Threatening me with deso-
3. With my b‘av-ior,\vhat can harm me? Satan’s hosts cannot a—larm me; Je-sus’ might-y arms en-
4. Praise the Rock of our sal - va~tion,With in—creas-ing a - dor — a-tion; Laud and bless His name for-




















J‘T— o————45——~—5——o—T—g——a———o———— —o . 1 p a—T—o—' —‘——1‘ ——o— ——— ——-—~—
9"? 55:14“ ' ' tit t Ei‘ir 9 % E12“! "Jf

__52 W! l.l_fl_;-!__l_'1_l_p__"p__'__.,_1 4 p 1 r jr 1 r "n . I“ H!
I t | I I l I

. _l . s~ J, . N h 1 s _ s s~
121.4. in "' s a a fin—1“ “ ,1 15—; 7‘
5 :2:3“!"_"i‘1‘j“_ fii‘f j i 1 1 1-3' 1:374»: :: _':
——~:5——.:———0———-¢~La———o'—-o'——a—1 —¢——a——c———o——l—a—L—+;—————— ~1_l:

sing-ing, For to Christ my soul is cling-ing, Safe when comes the temp-est’s shock, Rest-ing
Ia—tion? Christ, the Rock is my 5211 - va—tion! Calm a - mid the wild -est shock, On the
















clos- -ing, Sweetly is my soul re - pos - ing, shel—tered from the fierc-est shock, By the
ev — er, From whose love no force can sev - er, Saved, we wait the fi - nal shock, On the
_ - - 4| - n J‘ I: t : t g ‘i‘ ,, 1"
9:51.: r F 5T1": £ 1: :—» '1: r '. filler; ' 53
V h 1 F * '- 1 F n v .7 . ' "
4h ,- 9-1 :1 a 1 1r r ’ 1L 2 LP a 113
l 1 I d a V
n K . REFRAIN. N b . L K . _ A
I . f . 1" ‘_‘ I‘ " 1
51.1 L—d 3— *3“: _;_’f’ :L: :5::‘_: 2“ _#0_:_1_%a a i j j“ n :d
——1—~———4 —— J— —.¢~i—-1— —Z— " ‘ ' 0 5, l 1 4 ' e ' ‘ ‘
t—:—-—O—-—O-:—j-— -6. —7—5 —r————~L~—a 4—i—o—.-o—~o—:~—o-3

on the sol - id Rock.
ev - er last - ing Rock. On the Rock, on the Rock, Rest — ing safe - 1y on the
av - er bless - ed Rock.
strong, e — ter - nal Rock.













4- ' ,. 4- 2 4- «9- +— , 4— 1
. . L : J , 3 ., u = : T’r9'—P‘—“—'“‘ —/—v o—T———l. , w p— ,
0— _ A: L__ D ' L. H J n I I E '7 I :i I __ _ __ __;_ ,____:j
1‘ 4‘11 5 ,1 I |_ n V 1 L , x L , z .1 p a .
l V 11 f 1 '1 :4 g [1 1T ,










 SAFE ON THE ROCK-Conkcluded. l3






/ | -6)_
the rock, Rock.




" .’ .
sol - 1d Rock, Rest - mg

"‘ ,l. -2-



safe — 1y on the
l- 4— '





u KATE CONRAD. “Wzilc we were yet sinners, Christ diedfor us. ” J. H. FILLMORE.

-. f AVT L‘l

‘ :1 1 i .1 1

a v‘i‘ e + % j ‘ J l a , 0‘ l‘ i , =' fli_ 3. T l *3!
— -———f—j——1-a— —¢~«, ' .L . . . e I ' ~—+—— —j————1———l—O—-—y——O———
-—— ~— - —— ——+ — — —a——a— ~ ~~ 7-4——-— -—— —- — — _ w —- -:l —— — — —o—— 7—0—0»

@ 1 Es i C $0 + 3‘ fl 0 i 1*: r d + a a 3d ,,





1. Precious Savior, howI love thee For I know that thou art m1ne All I have I free—Iv give thee,
2. Vain the boastirig world allures me Riches fade and gold is dross; Life with all its charms IS fleet — ing,
3. Help me lead the sinners to thee, Tell them all that Je sus died; Oh, thou gen- tle lov - ing Sav- 101“.
4. Precious Savior, come and teach me How to love thee more and more; Thro’ this sinful world oh lead me,












li‘li‘ li‘lu‘ln‘l.‘
azfi 44—14- 1—92—14—1—e—##'—r-—1—£—-—g—2-:E15:%:%:%1-:?«:::':q
:jswwfiéwik114111 L; 1 1.: :2 ;~ ' h

r 7F; r’ l. 1') r ’ I I EgIEv- gr ne'ar— er! ev-er near-er!
[jig #1:; 41‘ 17261;:CPLORE9 : :14 7% i A i! s j "1 J k
-¥3-51 r41u 1w 1 5 '

Make me ev - er, ev - er thine. How I love thee! HOW I love thee, Be thou ev - e1“ near to me,
I would lin - ger near the cr
Keep me ev- e1 near thv side.













Till I reach von golden shore,“ ' “Q .1" D 1. g... .1. ' 1. .1. .41. A. A} .1. -
9; g_e.-;_n.# ,, _L—_.—o Lfi: up 15.32— c__'l?}:i_"e - o l s E r r g 1_ E g , 3.]
: Ffiflf’q?:”1 *1 7r wi .1—:1?= 3=r:-r .
‘7 _._.__l:._;___.,__.._.;‘_ l:——-~;——' ' n , 1 ij 'V i] I IT '9' r J]

‘11 Till I find my all in thee. Cwyi'ighi11833lby EMMA PITT- D'S'





n J 1


EMMA PITT. “ Why sit ye all the day idle .9"






~0- ~0- -0
1. The gold - en morn is pass - inc 0, The evening draweth near; There’s work to do for
2. The gold - e11 mom is pass - ing, The ca1eless ones may die , Oh

res- one by your
3. A—wake! a- wake ye

sleep - ers, And Christ shall give thee light; Show to the wee. - ry





——o— 91—:——u:;]:l—EI

















#- -o- 4- - p- 63- ~0-
- ' - A n . ' a ' '_ _' ,_.___'__._'
. - - - r L 1 1 - a _ _ __ __ _3
9 :74“9—+_'1 "—4 ' P—l‘"”‘—.Q"—1“—'l 1 1 L 1 I 1 1 *E-’ .’ 1' '
1 11/1 1‘"? r 1 r 1 1 d o_i__l p 'o 1 1 r L 1 L I: L j
1 1 1 L L L r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I I i [— r K r l l e I
1 n . 1 1 1 1 _1 _1 J 1 l J 9 ,_
__ - _' j J 1 1 1 11 1 1 ‘ 1 ' .1 r 4 1 ' 1 ‘J
i$:r—§ ‘T- 1 a 11 111'1% < ' ‘1' a L j
—-— '——— + 1 7—; a 1 — -— ——
._v D..- ._._L__._b._:. $_.L_-j: H l L g l = l l 3* ‘

5—11'4337' _1 1111111 4—1361
------ —a —4 _ , ‘


Je - sus, Why sit ye i- dle here.
pleadings, The even—ing shades are nigh. There’s work to do

for Je - sus While
wand’rer, The star that guides 11 — riWht.











-9- C‘
—1-—;—-€-—1--1r~:- -—-—‘—rzz::1r:~—r- r 1' g 1 a = 21
I 9::’.—gi_ 51,— F #11—.l——~;—¥—l-——H*1L—L’f' ; I" 1' LE 1L LL 3
i l i






1 n 1 1 1 . 1, 1 1 J, I J1 4
1 1,54 - a— a—E-zx. o.~—Fa~——1~>-l—~ +—q——;l g~1—a—— —i——1—1—1——— 3H
:F— :2_ ll






yet ’tis call (1 to — day, The gold- e11 morn is pass- -ing, Then work, and watch, and play.


. 7 'fi '_._1_.__ __ fl....9___._ ..._'___u._.._._._ ”l“ _0_T_._..
::+~ g~£~3~J~FF— ETT+—9— —-A~—warfifl
h l— l— I L o —l V l '4 ,__.‘__ ._.. _. “l___ _._H_. T: ___._.:
1/ 1 ' —L_.’ ———1'fi 1E L 1 1 ’ 2' l: l '2 l l:

1 1 1

__ __1____J_ L 11:1 1 1 '
”CE- -9..___ [11— q'l_l_9._l._r___?y__._l __L_'__y._2.___-:-__L_ _0__-




C'opyrighl, 1883, by EMMA DITT.


5 1m, -~v at"

.o. a“...

y‘ L,

. “1,-112-‘W-Aé’ék3x21': 1:

l '5‘:



 a » .acaj































































REV. T. C. WOOLEN. “He is the bright and morning star.” W. A. OGDEN.
‘ L s K h x . A
-— - —,——\—— « fia 3 n
I 52—55:: 1.31} 1. j = i 1 i 3—7:} x~ - e
g Q /1 a - _| 1 j a ' 1 1 ' .' l n - q ' 1
____:2_ ___,‘_1__,'__- 5 1 a 1 a 1 5 - e 1 g g g g :1
i 4- . .9 g a .
1. In the night can stars beam on — 1y, When the light of day 13
2. In the night ean stars beam on - 1y, Hopes that nev - er fade or
3. When the flower IS bruised and bro - ken, Then is sweet - est fra — grance
'1 : ' 4 1* ' P T ! ' ' r P =
{92—9 53 I 2 - 1 ‘2 . r‘f—E— ——:———t——e~1
1/ 9_ V 1 1 r v 1 r 1 1 7 r: 9
i f2 4 . 1 . v i, 1 g 1 4;; 1 p ‘v’ .fi .r _|
J 5 ' V U
.L $ . ~ 1 p. 1 . u 1 .. fl“
’e—Zb'k—‘L *r _.j‘ 1 3‘ 4* _ I j A ._ l _ ‘__;:_ ___;__
@911“? i a. 11 a = 'J = $11 :—5—-—2H
6‘ l :1 1 = 5 i '_i_" I 5—7—1551”: ' . = 1 ‘
U '- 0 ~‘- : ' ' g l ' '6-
dim, So when shad - ows dark ap - pal us, We can rest our all on Him.
die; Joys im - mor - tal, light tri ~um—phant, Wait us in the . up - per sky.
giv’n ; So when earth - 1y shad - ows gath — er, Look we to the light of heav’n.
3; #- Fin”.
1 :9 ,7 : ° : r e ' = ,' 1 ,1 L l' ' e , , P = p c
1"? h I: I F 1_L ‘F 3 - J - ' _;_. : :":E:—'—__ _—i: -_ _
4145—1 r. 1% . .2 ~ : 1.: : z—i: : z EE—tE
l I 3 I V , V e , , r r , r Ir—
Christ, the guide to paths of du - ty, Christ, the light that gilds the sky.
12- ___~ _,\_ 9 1 g 1 n 1 ~ ~ g u . ,1 9-3-
5; —a——a— —%—' 0. j i I % q a: 1"{1 g - 4 'rfiz-H
\ t2 3 1 :1 n v a 1 Q J 1 1 1:1 _! '._ q l ”.13“
—-~——a l—l—t—7—l a 1—1—0 4 a :— ~o——:—a 4*— ,——L6»-—
Christ, the star of low and beau - ty, Christ, the day - star from on high.
4‘ . ~ h N . x D ,5'
.1. i .
g??? [—h "¥—:‘L‘—!‘—'—f—T‘€:—”J——‘—__ “T"$*’“J—:_¢—E’a—JJ
: f —‘—’——'— I: T 1 L r 1_ o _ ‘,_ .54
11, LIV / 7 i V I I i 7 I i _ F I ;:t;t__fl

“PI/fight. .1883, by EMMA £1 T1”:














KATE CONRAD. “ Go ye out into the highways and hedges; compel them to come in.” A. J. SHOWALTEB.
a " 5 4% ~ 2
W5 L; i J“ A T: ‘ 5 ‘ 'Ni 4 F~I————R:i—* m—kl " I
————> —-:_-a— '. — ~———-— ——- 5— % ——o—%—a— —-A -1—~k a - —
__§_'___._i:1_..__: :E‘: 2—?“7'. 1:}: 31—“ ' d—“— . —_:_“ ‘j?'“i_“7“'—O 5:722:72: