xt73n58cjv3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjv3j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1945-02-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 12, 1945 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 12, 1945 1945 1945-02-12 2020 true xt73n58cjv3j section xt73n58cjv3j 314

Minutes of the University Faculty ~ February 19, 1945


The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall,
Monday, February 12, at 4:00 p.m} President Donovan presided. Members
1 absent were E. F. Ferquhar, James H. Graham, W. B. Hamilton, Carsie
- Hammonds, T. L. Rankine. T. T. Jones, G. C. Knight, Irwin T. Sanders,
R. E. Shaver, Bernie Shively, R. L. Stivers, W. D. Valleau, and Perry West.

The minutes of the special meeting of January 17 were read and

President Donovan called to the attention of the Faculty the
section of its rules which provides that individual attendance records
shall be maintained and reported in the minutes, and that non-attendance
shall be cause for the Feculty's dropping a member. He pointed out
that certain members rarely attended meetings, and that 27 per cent of
the membership had missed three or more meetings since September. He

requested that every member endeavor to attend all meetings of the


The following resolution was read to the Faculty by Dr. L. R. Dawson:

With the death of Dr. Matthew Hume Bedford, Professor
3 of Physical Chemistry, on February 3, 1945. the University
lost one of its older distinguished faculty members, Dr.
1 Bedford came to the University in 1913, and during his thirty~
one years of service contributed much to the growth of the
Department of Chemistry and to the University.

Modest and unassuming, many of his contributions to
the life of the University were observable only to those inn
timately associated with him. He and his wife took many
students into their home and by doing so made possible the
continuance of their education. Though these students are
now widely scattered and have risen to positions of responw
sibility in their profession, they have always considered the
Bedford home as their own.






Dr. Bedford was greatly interested in Masonry and was
honored by election to the highest state offices of the Knights
Templers. At the time of his death he was chairman of the
g committee in charge of the Knight Templar Educational Foundation
of the Grand Commandery of Kentucky.

In his teaching he always insisted that his students do
; independent thinking as well as memorize. This training is
greatly appreciated by his students in later life who are
making a living in a highly competitive field.




Minutes of the University FaCulty - February 12, 1945 '

Well trained in his field, kind and considerate,
Dr. Bedfcrd leaves a loyal alumni to mourn his passin'r


The Department of Chemistry has lost a true friend.




Si. 1166.:


Department of Chemistry by

its Committee:

Charles Barkenbus, Chairman

0. J. Stewart '
J. R. Mitchell


On motion made and seconded, the Faculty received the resolu~
tion and instructed the Secretary to submit it to the Board of Trustees
for approval and for tranSmission to the family of Dr. Bedford.


0n recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the
following new courses and curricular changes were approved:


1. geography AEQ; geography of gentuckv. 4 quarter hours. Topics: .
Kentucky's geopolitical and geomatical position and relations as viewed !
on graphic and cradle gloves and AirmAge azimuthal equidistant map f
projected from the Lexington Airport. The surface features and drainage

of Kentucky with Lobeck's physiographic diagram as a basis and McFarlan“s
Geology of Kentucky as a referencee Weather and climate with special

reference to converging air masses and our changeable weather using

Visher as a reference. More recent climatological data from the U. 3.

Weather Bureau will be added. Population distribution in relation to

the physical regions. Agricultural and industrial development and

adjustments in relation to geographic factors. Kentucky‘s products in

National and Foreign markets. The geography of Kentucky's participation

in National and Foreign affairs. Geography and a program for the future:

No prerequisites.





2. in the Industrial ghemistry Curriculum;


Freshman Year;

_.—————..—-_ --._.._.



(a) That the offering in English be changed to English la, lb,
and 1c in the first, second, and third quarters. respece
tively, each three quarter hours.


(b) That Hygiene 1, two quarter hours, he changed from the
third quarter to the first quarter.

Senior Year:

(a) That the seminar be listed as Chemistry 188a. 0 hr.;
Chemistry 188b, 1 hrs; and Chemistry 1880, 1 hrs for
the first, second, and third quarters respectivelya




(b) That reference be made to the following statement which
will occur as a footnote to the curriculum: Chemistry
188aec (undergraduate seminar). Each Senior is required
to present a minimum of three reports to the students

faculty group for each quarter hour of credit earned
ttendance at the seminar for two quarters is required

before the first quarter hour of credit is earned.



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Minutes of the University FaCulty - February 12, 1945

In connection with the change recently made in the course in
Freshman English, the following action was taken by the Faculty:
On motion and second, the Faculty voted that English la,b,c, 3 quarter
hours each, be substituted for English la,b, 5 quarter hours each in
each curriculum in which it at present appears, without further action
on the part of the Faculty.

The following recommendation from the Rules Committee was read
to the Faculty by the Chairman of the Committee, R. G. Lunde:

The Rules Committee submits the following recommendation
concerning new curricula, new courses and changes in courses:

All new curricula and courses and changes in curricula
and courses shall be approved by the appropriate college
faculty and by the Unchrsity Facultye Proposed new curricula
and courses and proposed changes in curricula and courses
shall be mimeogranhed and sent to each member of the Univer—
sity Faculty and to the head of each department at least ten
days prior to the meeting at which consideration is requested.
Objections to the approVal of such curriculum or course addi~
tions or changes shall be sent in writing to the President of
the University before the meeting of the University Faculty
at which consideration is requested. When an objection is
filed, the request shall be referred by the President to a
special committee of not fewer than five members of the
University Staff which shall consider the issues inVOlved and
report to the University Faculty not later than the next
regular meeting after the one at which the proposal would
originally have been considered. The University Faculty shall
hear the report of the special committee and take such action
as it deems desirablea

Respectfully submitted,


. Card

. Chamberlain

. Crouse

u. Ligon


. G. Lunde. Chairman




m m g O b U S

The report of the Committee was adopted”

President Donovan reviewed the events which were to constitute
the Founders Day obserVance on February 22 and urged the fullest par,
ticipation on the part of members of the University staff and the students.

