xt73n58cjs5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjs5m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 2003 2003 2003-02-28 2020 true xt73n58cjs5m section xt73n58cjs5m Senior Bat Cat puts painful season in the past I 1:11;: 8


February 28, 2003


Education secretary considers

Sports: Law that focused on sexual discrimination
could be revamped to address criticisms, concerns



US. Education Secretary
Rod Paige responded swiftly
to a government recommen
dation that suggested tweak»
ing Title IX. the 1972 law that
protects from sexual discrimi-
nation in academic or other
federal programs.

Wednesday night. hours
after the official report was
delivered by the Commission
on Opportunity in Athletics.
Paige released a statement
saying that he would only
consider the recommenda-
tions that were unanimously
supported by the commission
~~ potentially nixing eight of
the 23 proposals.

Despite striking down
eight proposals , which were
the most controversial , the
report by the commission rec-
ommends that a retooling of
the law go forward.

"This report includes sev-
eral recommendations unani-
mously agreed upon by all of
the commissioners in public
meetings.“ Paige said in a

Retooling may include
strengthening the enforce-
ment of Title IX. giving equal
weight to each of the three


methods of compliance in the
law and discouraging schools
from the practice of cutting
male sports teams in order to
maintain impartiality
UK women's basketball
coach Bernadette Mattox re-
cently echoed the retooling
sentiment.“Everything needs
upgrading." she said. "I think
that if they see fit to change
it. then it would be fine."
Liz McCaslin, a UK grad
uate student and the South»
eastern Conference's Student

Jazz Violinist to bring
unconventional sound
to LeXinqton Opera

; 5


many positives lo lllli l.‘\' and
that it's often iriisiaitlei'siood
"Once people are "tlllt ril'
ed about Title IX. it won’t be
much of a debate." .\lt (kislrn
said. “It‘s not lust about not
having worriens sports repli
cated for every men's sport '
Ai‘t‘tii‘tlllig to Title IX. col
leges and iiiiiyersiiies must
sustain the same proportion
of male and female students
to male and female athletes.
exhibit the drive to expand 1e
inale athletic

\.‘lI-il Il ‘1111 .1I‘1*

http: wwatyIierneIou

Title IX

.11.!1 1111111 nsti lit that female
sports interests have been
"liilA and effectively accoiir
iiiotl.1ie1l"on carripiis

\11 1:11.: the I commen
ll itrorrs t 11 are rrt likely to
lit iiil‘isl ltle *1e (l :ilt Zilltm‘lliii
universities to ignore nor.
traditional students when
providing sports opportuni
ties. the counting of slots
.i\';ill:llile to student athletes
animal of the actual atlr
leies and discounting and lg
iiormg n1iii-scholarship

Athlete Advisory Committee


Praisin’ the roof:
Bands facilitate worship




Jesus Christ Superstar

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Faith: Praise-and-worship bands inspire Christians,
provide message for FCA members, fraternities

By M lust

In a brick building at
Woodland and Columbia
avenues, students gather
Wednesday nights and sing
along and clap in beat to
slow, peaceful music played
by the band in front of

The lead singer of the
band, Jason Eaton. a family

and consumer sciences ju-
nior, asks members of the
crowd to take off their
shoes — a symbol from an
Old Testament story.

Eaton is part of a
praise band for the Fellow-
ship of Christian Athletes,
and the crowd members in
front of him in the Christ-
ian Student Fellowship
building are FCA members.

“There‘s a story in the

mm | ittniin STAFF

excited about whoever is
speaking that night.
James Payne, a clas-

Old Testament where God
tells Abraham to take off
his sandals because he is


sics sophomore who at-
tends Campus Crusade for
Christ, a non-denomina-
tional Christian organiza
tion, said he thought the
band added to the worship.

“The band adds vitali-
ty to the Crusade experi-
ence,” Payne said. “As
much as I respect the
speakers. (the band) adds
an atmosphere conducive
to worship."

See PRAISE on 3

standing on holy ground."
Eaton said. “The chapel is
God’s house, so I asked
everyone to take off their
shoes as a way to be closer
to God."

Praise and worship
bands are a way for stu-
dents attending Christian
organizations around cam-
pus to celebrate their faith
with others on campus.

The bands start the
gatherings and get people

opportunities. players,

No signs of agreement
on new U.S. resolution

Inspections vs. force: Saddam's agreement to destroy
missiles provides more fodder for discord among nations


l'NITED N \Tl()\'.s‘ h to agrei d in principle Thursday
to destroy its Al Samoud ’ missiles two days before a UN
deadline Word of the agreement c one as chief weapons in—
spector Hans Blix said Baghdad's disarmament efforts had
been "very limited so far.“

The mixed signals were likely to provide ammunition to
supporters and opponents of a quick war to disarm Iraq. The
two sides failed to reach agreement on substantive issues dur-
ing a heated and bitter discussion lit the Security Council on

Diplomats said privately that the lack of consensus was de-
moralizing. but many held out hope for compromise among the
council's five major powers The l'niteil St'ites and Britain are
pushing a resolution that would open the door for war. while
Russia. China and France are calling for continued weapons in
spections and a diplomatic end to the crisis.

Chinese Ambassador Wang Yingfan said he. too. hoped for
a compromise that could unify the councrl "but I could see it's
very difficult."

There were no signs of agreement at Thursday's four—hour
meeting. held behind closed-doors.

Bulgaria's UN. Ambassador Stefan Tavrov. who is consid-
ered a likely supporter of the U.S.»l)acked resolution. said. “I
haven't found any important change or an important shifi in
those positions."

At the end of the session. French Ambassador Jean-Marc
de La Sabliere said the majority of the council still opposed the
draft resolution and that he pushed the French proposal for ad-
ditional time for inspections.

Ambassadors said there was little actual discussion about
the merits of the US. resolution or the French proposal. They
couldn't agree on the content of Bliss next presentation to the
council or even agree on which day next week he would appear.

Blix was invited to discuss his 17~page report detailing the
work of his staff in Iraq over the past three months. The report
was submitted to the United Nations Wednesday and will be
sent to council ambassadors on Friday.

In a key section of the report. Blix says Saddam Hussein
could have made greater efforts to find remaining proscribed
items or credible ev idenc e show‘ ing the absence of such items."

Other sections of the report cited positive examples of
Iraqi cooperation. but said it was “hard to understand why a
number of the measures which are now being taken could not
have been initiated earlier If they had been taken earlier. they
might have borne fruit." Blix wrote.

I haven’t found any
important Change or
an important shift in
those positions.’




TV star Fred Rogers, 74, dies of cancer

Remembering: UK students reminisce about show
and the man who taught them lessons about life


Fred Rogers. better

known as TV‘s Mr. Rogers.
passed away early yesterday

morning due to complica-
tions caused by stomach can-

cer. leaving many UK stu-
dents feeling nostalgia for
brown cardigans and trol-
ley rides to the Neighbor-
hood of Make-Believe.
Rogers was 74.
The death came as a
shock to many as they

realized the neighborly per-
sonality of their diaper days
was gone.

“It‘s awful. I used to get
home from school and watch
the show everyday on KET
with my grandma." said Ash-
ley Paynter. an integrated
strategic communication and
psychology sophomore. “It
feels like a little piece of my
childhood has passed away"

As a television show that
spanned five decades. “Mister
Rogers' Neighborhood"
helped kids learn to love

tht‘lilselVes and each other

"A lot of cartoons today
are unrealistic and are ius‘t
used to keep children out of
their parents hair." l’aynter
said “But that show taught
you :1 lesson "

Most had trouble reiiieiti
beriiig the particulars of
"Mister Rogers Neighbor
hood." but after further reirii
nis‘cing. thoughts of the pup
pet Henrietta Pussycat. .\Ir
McFeely and. of course. the
theme song were rekindled

"It was .1 long time ago '
slilil Klil‘ liki'l‘lli. .1. \‘ti1.il per
l‘oi‘iriance tic shin in I re
meiiiliei‘ hat “or. t
You lie .\l\ ml


\‘e iglilioi

changing his shoes at the be
ginning of every show"

"Mister Rogers Neighbor
hood" aired from 1968 to 2000
During many of the shows.
Rogers did much of the puppet
work and voices himself

Rogers an ordained Pres
ll\li‘l'l(ll‘. minister. was born
in Latrobe. Pr. and studied
early child development at the
l'iriversit\ of Pittsburgh.

Rogers leaves behind a
legacx of childhood entertain
ment and thus that found the
neigliliorhood a little sadder

The Associated Press contributed
to this story.




The Low-down

Flowers and art come together at UK

'I‘Wo dozen local floral designers will be
sharing their tu‘i‘allgellit‘lils starting today
as part of the annual .\rt in Bloom exhibit
at the l‘niversity of Kentucky Art .\Iuse~
um. The designs will be featured alongside
works by UK art professors and other exr
hibits in the museum's collection The ex
hibit will be open through Sunday,

Recruitment group seeks members

Preparing Aspiring Wildcats. a volttn
teer student organization that helps recruit
high school students to l'lx' is looking tor
new members for the artisan school year
Applications are available in the l'nder
graduate Admissions Office and are due by
Mar. 14. Anyone with questions can call

Group extends application deadline

The Emerging Leader Institute appli
cation deadline has been extended to Wed.
Mar. 5. Students can earn three credit
hours by taking the course on leadership,
Applications are still available in Room it»;
of the Student Center.

Softball team's home opener delayed

The UK softball team is being forcet to
wait for its home opener for a few more
days. This weekend's UK Invitational has
been canceled due to freezing conditions.
The team's next scheduled home games are
on Wed. Mar. 5. when the (‘ats are sched-
uled to face Ohio State in a doubleheader
starting at 5 pm.

Graverobber buried in workplace

LOUISVILLE Simon Kracht is
buried in Cave Hill Cemetery. allegedly
amidst graves he robbed in cahoots with the
University of Louisville Medical School.
“We claim him." said Tom Owen. an associ-
ate archivist at the university. “But we no
longer steal bodies," Nineteenth-century
medical schools often lacked fresh corpses
for dissection. Schools routinely bought
bodies. no-questions—asked. from grave rob<
bers. shady characters known as "resurrec-
tionists." Usually. resurrectionists were
criminals. But Kracht was on the university
payroll in the 1860s and 1870s. pulling dou-
ble duty as custodian and body snatcher.

Louisville priest named in suits

LOUISVILLE ., A Louisville man sued
the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of
Louisville and his former teacher on Thurs-
day. claiming that he was abused at his for-
mer school. Kenneth Hornback. 43. claimed

Richard Pryor.
whose unflinch-
ingly candid sto-
ries about himself
made for unfor-
gettable stand-up
comedy routines
in the I970s, will
get to tell those
stories again, this
time in sitcom
form. According
to Variety, his

old routines will
serve as source
material for
"Pryor Offenses,"
a scripted series
that will center on
a young. up-and-
coming comic who
is engaged to a
attorney while
concluding an
affair with an
earthy white
woman who owns
a comedy club. In
keeping with the
R-rated content of
Pryor's material,
the series will air
on Showtime.
Called "Pryor
Offenses," the
show will be co-
produced by
Jennifer Lee
Pryor, the come-
dian's current
wife and manager.
and former "Mad
About You" writer
Bill Grundiest.
Pryor tells Variety
that Grundfest
approached her
with an outline of
13 episodes. "Bill
has created a bril-
liant way of tum-
ing Richard's
material and
characters into

a comedy of
pain," she said.
"It's a show
designed to make
you laugh fill you
cry and cry till

you laugh."

in the suit that he was abused by Gary Kaz-
marek. of Burnett. Wis. Kazmarek was a
teacher and coached the basketball team
that Hornback played on at Our Mother of
Sorrows. Kazmarek has also been indicted
on sex abuse charges in Jefferson County.
llornback‘s claims against the diocese echo
the claims of more than 200 others. who ar-
gue that the Louisville diocese did nothing
when told of alleged abuses. The archdio-
cese has continued to decline comment on
the suits.

House passes ban on cloning

WASHINGTON After a lengthy de-
bate on science and human life. the House
on Thursday passed a bill endorsed by Pres-
ident Bush that would ban human cloning
and sentence violators to prison and fines as
high as $1 million. In a 241-155 vote, law-
makers decided to ban all cloning even as
some urged for an exception so researchers
can continue to work toward cures for dis-
eases such as Alzheimer's. Parkinson's and
diabetes. The measure is expected to have
an uphill battle in the Senate, where Repub-
licans lack the 60 votes necessary to end de-
bate and force a vote.

Bush's tax cut plan introduced

WASHINGTON # Republicans intro-
duced President Bush's $695 billion. 10-year
tax cut plan as congressional legislation on
Thursday. hoping to give a jolt of momen—
tum to a proposal that has drawn tepid sup-
port from GOP moderates and has been pro—
nounced dead by Democrats. The Bush ad«
ministration says the measure. dominated
by the president's proposal to eliminate the
taxes investors pay on corporate dividends,
would stimulate business growth while
putting more cash in people's pockets. De-
mocrats say the plan would mainly help the
wealthy. provide little immediate spark to
the economy and worsen rising federal

Senators call for image control

WASHINGTON — Senators urged the
Bush administration on Thursday to move
aggressively in raising the image of the
United States abroad, particularly among
Muslim countries. Lawmakers increasingly
have become concerned about rising anti-
Americanism and say they have seen it first-
hand in their travels overseas. That has
made it difficult to win support for military
action against Iraq. and, some fear, could
swell the ranks of terrorist organizations.
At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee
hearing on Bush administration's public
diplomacy efforts, the panel's top Democrat,
Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, said the
“enormous good will and energy" the Unit-
ed States received after the Sept. 11 attacks
“has been squandered."

Compiled from staff and wire reports


Leaders urge
further inquir
in police case

Louisville lawmakers: Community officials are
ignoring ‘obvious violations' in shooting case


FRANKFURT Five Louisville lawmakers said
Wednesday they would ask federal prosecutors to investi-
gate whether police violated a handcufted black man's civv
i1 rights when they shot and killed him.

The lawmakers said they were planning to mail a let
ter to US. Attorney Stephen Pence by the end of the day.
asking him to present the results of his investigation to a
federal grand jury.

“I am frustrated. angry and almost at my wit's end
when what appear to be very obvious violations of civil
rights as well as unnecessary force that was used against
Mr. Taylor. comes back with no indictment Rep. Regi-
nald Meeks said. "I'm frustrated because my community
would not, could not. has not and will not look at this ev1-
dence and say no indictment is warranted."

A grand jury cleared Louisville Metro Police detec-
tives Mike O'Neil and Bryan Luckett on Monday night in
connection with the Dec. 5 shooting death of James Ed-
ward Taylor. Police said the 50-year-old Taylor. whose
hands were cuffed behind his back. lunged at the officers
with a box cutter.

But the Louisville Democrats which included
Meeks. Rep. Paul Bather. Rep. Tom Riner. Rep. Tom Burch
and Sen. Gerald Neal said the grand jury‘s decision left
them with questions.

“An independent investigation and determination by
a federal grand jury is absolutely necessary to restore be-
lief and trust in justice and our law enforcement system."
their letter to Spence said.

An FBI investigation of Taylor's shooting has been
completed and was forwarded several weeks ago to the
US Justice Department‘s civil rights office in Washing-
ton, Pence told The Courier-Journal.

“They make the call on whether the case goes forward
for civil rights prosecution or whether it is declined.“
Pence told the newspaper Wednesday.

Bather said he knew the FBI had begun an investiga-
tion but wasn't aware it was complete and was being re-
viewed by civil rights authorities in Washington.

“Great!" Bather told the newspaper. “That's good
news. ‘

Bather said earlier that a federal grand jury would at
least answer some of their questions and its members
would come from a broader pool of people with different

Prosecutors on Tuesday made public hundreds of
pages of evidence that were presented to the grand jury,
including pictures of a bloody corpse and transcripts of
interviews with O‘Neil. Police also produced the box cut.
ter a handcuffed Taylor allegedly wielded.



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Josh Adams
leads a group In
song Jan. 28 at
the Alpha Delta
Pl house during
The Rock. a
bible study held
every Tuesday
tor members at
UK's Greek

mm Sim


Continued from page 1

The Crusade band plays
at every Crusade meeting.

Praise and worship bands
range from only one singer to
an eight-piece band that in-
cludes guitars. bass. piano or
gan and drums.

The bands often comprise
UK students and can have the
same people play every week
or can rotate singers and
band members.

The Christian Student
Fellowship band has played
both ways.

Adrea LaRoche. the lead
vocalist at CSF. said before
last semester, they used to ro-
tate members but recently the
same group started playing
every week.

“Last semester. it seemed

Kitty O’Shea‘s

Live music by



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God had brought this group
together and that he really
wanted us to have a consis-
tent praise and worship
team." she said.

The CSF praise band has
two staff members and two
students who play for them.

The music generally has
an acoustic sound with lyrics
that worship God and cele-
brate the Christian faith.

The words are usually
provided on overheads for
those who don't know the
lyrics. and students usually
stand and sing along with the

They sometimes play
their own music but usually
play cover songs by popular
Christian singers. Eaton said
his band usually plays songs
written by other people.

“We‘re trying to play
more of our own stuff but
haven‘t had the opportunity
yet." Eaton said.

Brianna Shaffer. a politi-
cal science and Spanish
sophomore and candidate for
vice president of Student

Government. attends The
Rock. a (‘hristian group
aimed toward the Greek com-
munity that tours several UK
Greek houses throughout the
people came to The Rock just
for the music.

“The music isn't trendy.
but it‘s modern." Shaffer said.
“It's a kind of music everyone
can sing and isn't out of any-
one‘s vocal range.
the strongest tools for sharing
God‘s word to anyone."

The students are usually
involved with the group for a
while before they become part
of the band. Eaton said he
had been active with FCA his
freshman year and was asked
if he had ever led worship to»
ward the end of the year.

The praise bands some-
times have tryouts. Van Cao.
an undeclared senior and the
male vocal leader for the Bap-
tist Student Union hand. said
BSU had tryouts once a year.

“Anyone can try out as
long as they are a Christian
and have some musical tal-

She said a lot of

It's one of

ent." Cao said. (‘ao tried out
for the first time two years
ago and made it and then
made it again this year.

Members of the band of-
ten play at local churches and
conferences together or indi
vidually. They practice about
two and a half hours per
week on average.

Josh Adams. a local gui-
tar player who sometimes
leads worship at The Rock.
said he first led worship at
Transylvania Universi
Campus Crusade for Christ.
He had been playing guitar on
his own for six years.

“I really enjoy seeing peo-
ple worship God." Adams

Bonnie Little. a finance
anti integrated strategic
communications junior who
attends FCA regularly said
the band was essential to

“The songs always relate
to what the speaker will be
talking about." Little said.
”and it's a great way to expe»
rience God."


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Doctors identify 96 dead
after fire in M. n'ghtclub


1- ..

Jack Russell, lead
singer, and Eric
Powers. drummer
for the hand Great
White leave the

grand jury hearing
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Courts: Members of band Great White could testify;
band said it received approval to use pyrotechnics


The death toll in last week's
nightclub fire was reduced by
one to 96. and all the victims
have been identified. the gov-
ernor said Thursday

Gov. Don Carcieri said
the final toll was determined
after the medical examiner
finished examining the re-
mains. It wasn‘t immediately
clear what caused the dis-

The announcement came
hours after a federal agency
that investigates building
disasters said it was launch-
ing a formal probe into the
blaze that erupted Feb. 20 at
The Station nightclub in
West Warwick.

The fire rapidly engulfed
the club after the heavy metal
band Great White set off a py-
rotechnic display. sending
hundreds of concertgoers
rushing to the exits.

“When the doctor. the
medical examiner completed
all of the work it was in
fact 96 (dead). and we have

identified all of them." the
governor said.

The Commerce Depart-
ment's National Institute of
Standards and Technology
will look into the location of
windows and doors at club.
the number of patrons there
the night of the fire and the
type of construction materi-
als that existed there.

The team would likely
use its findings to make rec-
ommendations to fire safety
groups for improvements in
building codes. said
spokesman Michael Newman.
Two officials from the team
had already visited the
burned ruins of the nightclub
over the weekend.

A grand jury has also be-
gun a separate probe.

The grand jury opened its
investigation Wednesday be-
hind closed doors at a Nation-
al Guard training center in
East Greenwich. the same day
family members began bury-
ing their loved ones.

After sifting through the
conflicting versions of what

happened. the grand jury will
decide whether anyone
should be held responsible.

Lt. Col. Mike McNamara.
a spokesman for the National
Guard, said no grand jury
proceedings were being held
at the center Thursday. but
the panel was expected to re
turn Friday.

Two members of Great
White went to the center
where the panel was meeting
but did not testify Wednes-
day. A legal source told The
Associated Press that the
band members were not pre-
pared to testify. but may be
ready as soon as Friday.

The band has said it re.
ceived approval to use special
effects. but the two brothers
who own the club. Jeffrey and
Michael Derderian. have de-
nied they gave permission.

Legal experts and fire in-
vestigators said the Derderi-
ans and band members. could
be indicted on charges as in-
voluntary manslaughter or
second-degree murder.

About 60 people remained
hospitalized Thursday. includ-
ing 36 in critical condition.

Funerals for three of the
victims were held Wednesday:



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Jazz Violinist comes to UK

Robbie Clark
Assntant Scene Editor

Phone 257l9i5 | E-mail:rocketmanmrobsmailcom

for Spotlight Jazz concert

8y Robbie Clark

Pianos. trumpets and
troinbones are standard
jazz instruments violins
are not. However. UK stu-
dents and other jazz fans
will have the chance to
hear a violin interplay
with unconventional music
this weekend.

Regina Carter. 3 jazz
violinist virtuoso. and her
band will be playing at
8 pm. Sunday night at the
Lexington Opera House.

The show is the spon-
sored by the Student Activ-
ities Board Spotlight Jazz
Series and is this season‘s
final installment for the

"She's one of the
world’s premiere jazz vio-
linists." said Chris Barbee.
director of Spotlight Jazz.

Barbee says that be-
cause Carter plays on a
nontraditional jazz instru-
ment. “she brings a whole


new genre of jazz to the
Spotlight Jazz Series we‘ve
never heard lietore."

The Detroit‘born musi-
cian began playing the pi-
ano at age two and took up
the violin when she was
four. Her interest in jazz
was kindled during high
school when she performed
with the (‘ivic Detroit Jazz

She attended college at
the Oakland University in
Michigan and began tak-
ing gigs in Detroit with
other local jazz performers.

She released her first
solo album. Regina Carter.
in 1997 and has recorded
with distinguished jazz
trumpeter Wynton
Marsalis and pop artists
Aretha Franklin. Billy Joel
and Dolly Parton.

In January 2002.
Carter was invited to Eu-
rope as the first non-classi-
cal. woman and African-
American musician to play
The Cannon. Niccolo Pa~
ganini‘s violin kept in a

vault in Genoa. Italy.

One violinist a year






is selected to play the ins

"The fact that she was
chosen to go to Europe
shows how talented of a vi»
olinist she is." Barbee said.

The Regina (‘arter
Quintet show. Barbee said.
alloWs students the oppor-
tunity to hear unorthodox
styles of jazz.

"This is so unique." he
said. "I think it's a good
show for students to see.“

This performance
marks the end of the Spot-
light Jazz Series for the
season. The UK program
is in its 25th year and is the
longest running collegiate
jazz series in the country
Barbee said.

"I think the season
was outstanding. The
quality of this series was
unmatched." he said.

Barbee thinks this
show is a good note to end
on for the season.

"It's traditional
enough for the series as a
whole. but different

enough to show we're pro-
gress ive. "

It’s not a

The Regina Carter Quin-
tet will play at 8 pm.
Sunday at the Opera
House. Tickets cost $14
with student ID.









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