xt73n58cjs18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjs18/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-01-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 2001 2001 2001-01-16 2020 true xt73n58cjs18 section xt73n58cjs18 Workin‘ it

Start Your

The start of something
new. The challenge of
the chase. You have
most likely been to
all of your classes by
now and you have
undoubtedly scoped
out the situation. by
which I do not mean
looking at the
teacher and
remembering where
the class is, but
rather perusing the
room for future
mates. Here are
some hints in the
quest for a date
when you have a
whole semester to
work your magic.

Do: Make friendly eye
contact and smile,
especially if you have

Don't: Ogle and get
caught drooling while
loosening your

Do: Pay your teacher to
get them put in the
same small group as

Don't: Confuse the
teacher and make
them think that they
can take advantage
of you because they
are old and burnt
out, while you are
young and (sorta)

Do: Ask them for help
when you have no
clue what is going on
in class because you
have been (Ladies)
planning your
wedding together or
(Gentlemen) planning
the first night of the

Don't: Ask, “What‘s the
answer to number

00: Plan a study “group"
with wine and
strawberries and act
really confused when
your crush is the only
one that shows up.
Blame it on fate or
something if they do
not leave within the
first ten minutes.

Don’t: Write tacky love
notes and leave them
on their car where
their friends will rag
you out until it
sounds more
appealing to go back
in time and board the
Titanic with lead
shoes than date

Do: If you see them out,
buy them a drink in
return for all the
study help they gave

Don't: Walk up and use
the best pickup line
ever: "Can I buy you
too much to drink?"
- when you see them
out unless you really
mean it!

: Be yourself. The
charade will be
worthless in the long

-Ron Norton


E‘vzoaoi 213w" ~
so“: a t in: i‘

5,6 3.9

Rain, rain. go away.
Take your wet self back
to London and stay.



VOL. #104


News tips-f

Call: 257 1915 or write:












President faces challenges

Next president to have
major influence on arts

that I fell
are very
come and
kind of
breathe a
little life
into the
life on

director of the
Singletary Center
for the Arts


By Amanda York

Administrators affiliated with the arts at UK
said they feel optimistic about the search commit-
tee's candidates for UK's next president.

They also say they hope the new president will
continue to place an emphasis on cultivating the
arts at UK. It is this cultivation that will aid the
University in reaching its goal of becoming a top 20
research institution by the year 2020. said Holly
Salisbury, the director of the Singletary Center for
the Arts.

"1 am hoping these three gentleman. that I feel
are very qualified, will come and kind of breathe a
little life into the cultural life of the campus." Salis-
bury said.

Salisbury called all three candidates "excellent
choices.” Lee Todd, the most local of the candi-
dates, is the senior vice president of Lotus Develop
ment Corp. Salisbury said Todd would support the
arts on UK’s campus.

“1 know he has an interest in the arts. as well
asgin advancement in the industry," Salisbury
sai .

And Todd‘s interest in the arts hits close to
home. His daughter is a performer and he says he
and his wife have always been very involved in the
arts. Todd said he realizes that there is a strain in
the arts at UK. and that if he is chosen president he
would like to meet with each dean and hear what
their needs and dreams are for their departments.

“There needs to be some possible coaching on
how to find the funding and help solve the issue,"
Todd said.

The other two candidates come from universi~
tie:1 with strong fine arts departments, Salisbury
sai .

The University of Maryland. the institution
that candidate Gregory Geoffroy hails from, is
working on completing The Clarice Smith Perform-
ing Arts Center. The center is scheduled to open in
2001. The University of Maryland's web site de-
scribes the center as a "state of the art performing

Geoffroy said finding a balance between the sci-
ence and art programs at UK requires “careful
and that if UK wants to be great there
needs to be a variety of areas that are strong.

“If an area is important to the University, then
at least they need a level of support that will allow
theén to do what they're expected to do." Geoffroy
sai .

Salisbury also commented on the rich tradition
of the arts at the University of Iowa, the institution
where candidate Jon Whitmore is provost. Before
arriving in Iowa, Whitmore was the dean of the
College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas.
Whitmore said he thinks fine arts are important
and that deans should have the opportunity to
make a case to a provost about their priorities. He
also said a president should not decide which de-
partment gets how much money.


WRFL looking for leadership

By Ashley York

If you turn your radio dial to

The arts

Cats get key
home win

over N otre
Dame 1

cunts manner I ktRNti surf

Broken glass at ”K's Reynolds Building, where many studio art classes are conducted, could be seen as a
metaphor for the next 0N President, who must address the lack of funding for arts at UK.

“It is the president's responsibility to decide on
the budget," Whitmore said. “I am not a microman
ager. ’

Nancy Bussy, the assistant to the dean in the
College of Fine Arts at UT, worked with Whitmore
from 1992-96. Bussy said that while Dean Whitmore
was involved in all aspects of the college. he was
very successful in fundraising for the college
through cash gifts and art donations. She credited
the college's current success to a great deal of the
work Whitmore performed while there.

“We have kind of surged ahead from his time
up through now. as far as colleges. The university
is doing very well in that area," Bussy said.

And surge ahead is exactly what UK's College of
Fine Arts wants to continue doing. But in order to
do that. the arts need to be given more funding from
the University, said Jim Rodgers, the acting chair of
the theater department. Rodgers said it is difficult
for the arts to get support from outside sources.

“You can get large corporations to back a new
science project, but the arts has a harder time try-
ing to find people that will underwrite and donate
or contribute to the arts.“ Rodgers said.

Like Salisbury. Rodgers said he was also
pleased with the committee's choices. He said he
was afraid the committee would place more of an
emphasis on the sciences than the arts but their
choices show differently.

"It shows that the committee is not thinking
that way at all.“ Rodgers said. "It puts me more at
ease about what the future of this University can
and could be."


By Becky Neisel



cums manner. I ktRktisrkrr

and sciences

The ASTecc building stands as a beacon of
hope for UK research in the coming years.

Small fire at Donovan

Donovan Hall rcsidcnis stood outsidc ihcir hall Monday
morning in thcir pajamas because of unattended candle.

88.1. you will hear the diversified
mix WRFL offers.

Even though they are on the
air. some are still concerned about
the abscncc of a full time adviser
to the station. or better yet. some-
one who is dedicated only to

Mikc Agiii said this profes—
sional experience is critical to the
continuance of the station

The former media adviser left
UK after 11 years of employment
as the media adviser for the Kerr
ncl. Kentuckian and WRFL be-
cause of the overwhelming respon-
sibilities the job entailed. as well
as the lack of assistancc from the
University in operating the radio
station to its greatest potcntial.

"Running a radio is vcry com
plicated." Agin said about his rec»
omincndation to the University to
hire a full time staff pcrson and as-
sistant to help with the opcralions
of the station last year.

"They said they hired a gradu»
ate assistant. hilt I never met this
person." he said.

The lack of professional expo
ricncc at WRFL is detrimental to
the students because they are not
getting the support or services
they need to excel. he said.

Agin understood the I'nivcrsi
ty's claim that the money wasn't
there to give to WRFL bccziusc of

Tuning in



WRFL, the UK student-run radio station, is looking for a new media adviser.

thc array of other obligations Stu-
dcnt Affairs must accommodate.

“I couldn't continue to endure
the overwhclming position of ad-
vising (all thrcc facets of student
iiicdiai.” lic said.

Even though Agin questions
thc propriety of the operations of
thc station currently. he hopes the
current media adviser can allot
enough time to allow the radio sta-
tion to operate at its best ability.

lir. Larry (‘rouch. the current
media adviser for the station and
also the dircctor of student scr~
vices. said things couldn't be bet-
for for WRFL.

"We are in the process of iin

proving the facility." (‘rouch said
about their most recent rcnova-

.Iohn (‘Iark said it isn‘t unusu
al for rumors to circulate about

”There‘s not a hole lot to worn]
about." thc newly appointed chair
of WRFL's advisory committcc and
assistant professor of tclccommuni
cations said. “The most iriiportant
issue here is to resolve the media
adviser situation." (‘lark said.

(‘rouch said the announce
mcnt of the position has been
made and they will begin inter-
viewing for the position this

l’ii‘c broke out in :i lliird floor room around noon Monday.
A resident used a lir‘c extinguisher to iamc ihc llaiiics.

l'iiivcrsity Fll‘l‘ Marshall (iarv Hench received the
12:13 pm. and said that tho damage was minor

"Most of rho (‘li‘illlrllp \\ill bo bomuso of tho liro miliigiiisli»

l ” hc said

Hooch said lho danmgc was mainly bnrnod papcrs. :i
scorchcd chair. and a picluro bclonging lo onc of tho room‘s
girls that was dcsiroycd.

“We wcrc vcry lucky It could have bccn worsc." ho \‘(llil

I)ononv;in rcsidcnt .\iiibcr Hunt. :in lllllll‘(‘llll‘i‘(l frcshmaii.
could tell this incident wasn't :in ordinary firc drill

“Tho alarm was different from It firc drill alarm." Ilunl said.
“It was a recorded saying: you could tell it \M’h serious."

Hunt said that police officers wcrc outside and in thc build
ing. and .1 RA was helping lead rcs‘idcnts out the from door.
Hunt then walked around thc side of the building and saw

Burning candles of any nature is against l'invcrsity policy.
and Beach said that thcy liavc board of main lircs throughout
universitics in flic l'iiitcd Siatcs bccausc of‘czmdlcs

“l‘lxpcricncc has taught us that this will lilippr‘ii. Ninety-
ninc limos out of mo your cundlc will bc finc. but all it takcs is
that one tiiiic." hc said

Hunt lliought that dcaling with candlcs lust ncodod com
mon scns‘c

“I mean :it Ions! blow it oiil bcl‘orc Ic:i\ ing or don't put it
nczii‘ stuff that burns." shc \illll.

Molly Mcuko. :i bioti-cbnologv frcshnmn. agreed with hor

“You should know not iiilt‘.‘1\'i‘(1l‘£1llllll‘llillliii‘ihll‘ll There
is always pupor :ind siufi around to burn." slic said

Roach pointcd that opcn llamcs arc always dangerous. and
that siudcnts should follow the university policies concerning

"I'lvci‘yoiic needs to bc :iwarc ofthcir rcsponsibility. and fol-
low mics and regulations Those policies arc thcrc tor a rea-
son." he said

call at



The Student Newspaper at the university of Kentucky, Leiington



2 l rursoln.Jknugtriszootj kcmuckv kcniit



The Low-down

thing I
can do



me to
make a

vs. Kra-

- Jackie Chan,
46. admitting
to USA Today
that English
dialogue is not
his speciality.

Bush reaches out to black voters

AUSTIN. Texas Facing deep suspicion
atnong black Americans, President-elect Bush
was marking the Martin Luther King Jr. holi-
day with a scheduled trip to a Houston elemen-
tary school to call for unity and to highlight his
education proposals. Joining him Monday at
Kelso Elementary School was expected to be
Rod Paige. the presidentelect's choice for Edit»
cation secretary. Paige. who is black. runs the
Houston school district and is a product of seg-
regated schools in Mississippi. Blacks favored
Democrat Al (lore by a a-to-l margin in the No-
vember election. and by better than a z-to-l
margin. most blacks believe they will lose in
tluence. rather than gain it. under Bush. ac-
cording to a Pew Research Center poll this

Earthquake victims burried

SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador Authori-
ties buried many of the 400 victims of El Sal
vador's earthquake in mass graves. saying a
landslide that wiped out entire families had
made it impossible to fully know the identities
of the dead. llistraught relatives lined tip on
Sunday at an improvised morgue in a blood
stained alley to identify some of those mangled
and entombed in Saturday's Ttitnagnitude
quake But the need to dispose of the mounting
number of corpses cheated some of the chance
for closure.

L.A. addresses energy problem

1.08 ANGELES A plan to try to fix the
energy crisis by making the state a major elec»
tricity broker will likely be introduced Tues
day to the state Legislature. officials said. After
a seven-hour meeting with energy providers.
and state and federal officials. (lov. (lray Davis
said Sunday the state will try to sign contracts
with electricity wholesalers to buy power and
sell it to utilities. The state believes it can ne-
gotiate better prices than financially unstable
utilities. which have amassed billions of dol
lars in debt buying energy in a (‘alifornia mar
ket unhinged by deregulation and supply

American killed in helicopter crash

lll-IlJthl Investigators rushed to the site
Monday of a helicopter crash in remote north
western Mongolia that killed nine people. in-
cluding an .»\merican worker for l,'Nl(‘bll‘. Four
teen others were injured when the Russian-
made Ml-S spun out of control. crashed and ex
ploded Sunday outside the town of Malchin.
l'..\‘ anti Mongolian officials said. The dead in
cluded four members of a l'.f\'. team organizing
relief for nomads whose herds the mainstay
of Mongolia's economy have been decimated






Stuckert Building Open House

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Former James
Bond, Roger
Moore need any
gadgets fancier
than an air bag
to escape harm
in a real-life car
crash. Moore,
73, and his
Danish girl-
friend Christina
Tholstrup were
being driven to
a TV studio in
Goteborg on
Saturday when
another car col-
lided with
theirs. Air bags
inflated and no
one was hurt.




$33 I s
Actor Paul
Newman donat-
ed $10,000 to
build a pedes-
trian bridge
that will help
complete a 2.2-
mile walking
trail along the
Still River. For
years, the river
was polluted by
the hat facto-
ries that once
filled Danbury.
Six years
after a revital-
ization project
began, there
are trout and
bass in the
river and a
walking trail.





by frigid temperatures and heavy snows. Three
Mongolians and two Japanese journalists were
also killed.

Peace talks suffer another setback

JERUSALEM lsrael canceled a negotiat-
ing session Monday with the Palestinians and
rcimposed a tight blockade on the Gaza Strip af-
ter the body ofa Jewish settler slain by Palestini-
ans was found near his greenhouse. lsraeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak said the killing was despi-
cable and dealt a tough blow to the peace process.
in response. a meeting between Israeli Foreign
Minister Shlomo Hen .-\mi and Palestinian Par-
liament Speaker Ahmed Qureia was called off. of
ticials from both sides said. lsrael and the Pales-
tinians are trying to draft a document that would
sum up agreements and differences. with Presi-
dent (‘linton‘s peace proposals serving as a

Law to punish Khmer Rouge

PHNUM PENH. t‘ambodia Cambodia's
Senate approved a law Monday on creating a
tribunal to try Khmer Rouge leaders. A cabi-
net minister said the court will spare no
leader of the murderous regime All .31
deputies present in the tileseat upper house of
Parliament voted to pass the llNgsponsored
draft law. which calls for a tribunal comprised
of (‘ambodian and international judges and
prosecutors. An estimated 1.7 million (‘ambo—
dians died of starvation. disease or execution
during the 19731970 Khmer Rouge rule. which
strove to create an agrarian utopia through

Taiwanese leader may have to resign

'l‘AlPlil. "aiwan 'l‘aiwan's highest court
ruled Monday that the premier should have
won the legislature‘s support before scrapping
a nuclear project. a decision that could force
the leader to resign in the longawaited ruling.
the tlrand Justices did not specifically say
whether Premier (‘hang (‘hun-hsiung violated
the constitution last October when he canceled
the partially built nuclear plant. But the judges
decided that (‘hang ’l‘aiwan‘s No. 5; ranking
leader. should have had the legislature's ap-
proval before terminating the plant. which was
approved by the former Nationalist Party

Ted Williams to have surgery

ll()S'l‘()I\' Hall of lame slugger Ted
Williams was scheduled to undergo open heart
surgery Monday. two months after having a
pacemaker installed. Williams. 82. entered a hos
pital in lnyerncss. l’la.. on 'l‘hursday for short-
ness of breath. lie was transferred that day to
Shands Hospital in (lainesville. where doctors
recommended Monday's procedure. the Boston
tllobe reported. He was taken to New York on
Sunday. Williams is the last major leagtier to bat
,lllll. hitting .too‘ in Int].

Compiled from wire reports

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On Monday, participants celebrated the birth of civil rights leader Mar-
tin Luther King Jr. with a march through downtown Lexington.


The time for the student forums with the presidential can~
didates was wrong. liach candidate will meet with students
from 3:31) to lzito plm. \\'ednesday. Thursday and Friday at the
\Vorsham Theatre in the Student (‘enter

To report rm error call The KcHIuc/qr Kernel (11257-1915.




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John Dottson
SportsDaily Editor
Phone: 2574915 1 (mail: jonathandZOeoi.com





UK cans Murphy, ND




UK freshman guard l
Cliff Navrkins
scored seven points
against Notre Dame
on Saturday. The


"Air-ball!" “Air-ball!"

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titcxliltf’all) t tl)i

American forward was held to

14 points as UK won 82-71. . tticxioiircoi | enoro
With the win. the Cats ex- EDITOR

tended their winning streak to

. y I
six and improved to 9-5 overall ‘ | 543-1670

Not \alid WIII’I any other offer or

for the season.
gold card purchase

Murphy was averaging 24
points a game and posed the '
bi est threat to UK’s winnin . ‘ . , ' .
315921., g . . _ - IT: M C SQUARED
That threat never material ' ' . ' ' * VT- C 0 N S U LT [ N G
ized, as junior forward
Tayshaun Prince smothered
Murphy. limiting him to 6-for-
15 shooting for 14 points and 11



9 out of 10
reading the



“Tayshaun was a moving
target and gave us a great de-
fensive effort." coach Tubby
Smith said.

Notre Dame built a 14-4
lead with a 10-0 run as the Cats
struggled shooting the ball. go-
ing 2-for-13.

Rupp erupted as the Cats
dragged the score back to 10—14.
The noise was so intense that
the teams continued play de-
spite a timeout being called by
the Notre Dame bench.

“Our crowd is the best in
the country. They keep us up."
said Keith Bogans. UK sopho-
more guard. “The crowd is a
great sixth man."

A three pointer by junior
guard J.P Blevins with 8:15 left
in the first half gave the Cats
their first lead. but they fell be-
hind again after Notre Dame's
junior forward David Graves. a
Lexington native. hit back~to-

back three pointers.

Bogaiis made his first has—
ket with 2:56 left in the half as
the Cats regained a lead that
they would not relinquish. and
entered the locker room with a
3326 lead.

Foul trouble and fatigue be-
leaguered Notre Dame as the
Cats continued their domi-
nance in the second half. Mur-
phy picked up his fourth foul
and was forced to sit out for the
first time in the game with 12:11

“They (Notre Dame) only
rotated six or seven guys and
that helped us out today."
Prince said.

Two free—throws from
Prince wit1162~15 left in the game
marked IFK‘s largest lead 64-50.

Notre Dame would close
the lead slightly but it was to no

Prince led the Cats with 19
points. eight boards and two
blocks. Bogans supported him
with 14 points. with freshman
guard Gerald Fitch setting a ca-
reer high with 13 points.

The UK bench outscored
Notre Dame's 26-9 with fresh-
men Cliff Hawkins and Erik
Daniels leading the way.

I always felt I could con-
tribute more to the team."
Hawkins said as he registered
seven points and no turnovers.

Daniels added 10 points as
four Cats went into double fig-
ure in points.

“The bench came in and
gave us great energy." Fitch



Cool Ca

By Carl Iloekelman

The University of Toledo
Rockets battled this weekend
with the Cool Cats.

UK won both games. 8-4 on
Friday night and 7-3 on Satur-
day. bringing them to 12-7-1 this
season. The Cats started goalie
Kevin Fraser. a graduate stu-
dent. on Friday, and freshman
Brenden Hill on Saturday.

UK‘s ability to kill Toledo's
power plays would prove to be
one of their greatest assets
paired with goaltending that
gave Toledo no freebies.

The second period of Fri-
day‘s game was a high-scoring.
high shooting affair. with Fras-

s sweep

er saving 15 of 18 shots on goal.
and UK scoring three goals.

"We were trying to make
them take shots from far away.
down the ice. anti as guys get
worn out, it didn't work as
well". explained freshman for.
ward Pasi Holopainen.

Junior Aaron Stephenson
scored for UK at 5:01. not to be
denied again after a shot tnade
on a solo break fell short of
crossing the goal line by mil-

Toledo scored their final
point of the night with a shot
that trickled past Fraser.
"When it's late in the game. af-
ter you breathe a sigh of relief.
after killing a penalty or scor»
ing a big goal. that‘s when


they'll stick it to you." Fraser

Saturday‘s game saw goalie
Brenden Hill tested early anti
often. Holopainen put UK on
the board first at 17:58. but Tole-
do was passing stealthily and
managed to sneak one behind
Hill at 7:53. Freshman Ronnie
Hobbs scored his first goal as a
(fool Cat at 4:01. unassisted. to
give UK a 12-1 lead.

Holopainen scored another
two goals. both short-handed.

"The third (goal) was up
the post on the left. I was sur-
prised myself. that it went in."
Holopainen said.

Kentucky's next home
game is Friday night against
Virginia Tech.




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Campus Calendar

January 15- January 21, 2001

(ompus (olendor is produced by the Offite of Student Artivities Registered Student Or and Ull Depts (on submit information for IRE! online ONE WEE t
PRIOR to the MONDAY information IS to appear at: http: / www. sky. ode/Coupes (dander
(all 257- 81th for more information


m ‘Alpho Phi Omega Mtg, 7 30pm. 359 Stud (tr. Tm ‘
'Alpho Phi Omega Pledge Mtg, 6:30pm 359 Stud. (tr


MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY millintifimmfi‘im
N0 CLASS! mum

"The (ratio and Openings in the Amertton Power Strutture
(rooted by the (ivil Rights Movement" by G William Oomhoff
Hum, 230 Stud. (tr

'Men’s 8. Women's Basketball Ieogue Roster 8 Fee Deadline

4pm, Seoton (tr Rm 145

LUNGS 'Aninesty international, 8pm. 228 Stud. (tr
'(ompus (rusode for (Tirisi, 7:30pm, Worsltom Theatre


iriu Meeting 9pm 231 Stud (tr . .
oimumnieooim Hillel/Jewish Stud Org. 615nm Ilozer (ourt ”I “W“ “'11-'7-301’973'5“ ("

Yard Private Dining Room
‘Toble Francoise French (onversotion Group 4- 69m Blow Noll
Private Dining Room m
'UK RUGBY Prodite, 6-3pm, (Tub Sports Field
SPOITS 'Wornen's Boslrefltol @ Baton Rouge, 7pm

‘UK Iudo (Tub, 5-6t30pm, Alumni Gym loft
‘Nmton (enter Mass, 6pm

Em ( 4 so (It. North m
omology 0.0015!“ Pin ‘9 em 'Mgn'sBainetbol@Oxford. lpm


i" 20
a“ 21



(Minimum ll:,,:30om5prnond930pm
,lllel/JevtishStud Org 12:00pm Monitottonlogelonltidimondld

' Judo Club, 37pm, Ahiinni Gyin loft
'Wonten's Ioslretltd vs. Tennessee, 2pm, Memorial Coliseum

'Nondotory Teom Reps. Mtg-Men’s 8. Women's Boslrelbol loops. 5an, Stud. (tr Wonhom Tlteotre








Editorial Board

Amanda Thompson. dialogue co'editor
Jenny Robertson. dialogue co-editor
Candice Jackson, asst. dialogue editor
Amanda York. editor in chief

Julie Nelson, managing editor
John Nampler, senior staff writer
Andrew Grossman, asst. news editor
Jennifer Kasten. at-large member
Alan Slone, at-large member


Good stone...



‘fhtad Stone"
said to heal
rabies and
other bites

The duties of the
Essex County Circuit
Court clerk extend
beyond judicial
matters. She's also
the keeper of the
"Mad Stone."

The stone, an Essex
County curiosity for
more than 200 years.
has been said to cure E
rabies and heal
animal bites.






The Mad Stone I
may heal bites.

Most people here don't i
even know the stone
exists. The new court
clerk, Gayle
Ashworth, learned
only recently that
keeping the stone
was part of her job.

According to legend, the
stone arrived in the
area in 1781, when
resident John Tabb
accepted a Chinese
Snake Stone as
payment from a
traveler for room,
board and medical
treatment. Tabb used
the stone to heal a
friend’s spider bites
- and the legend
was born.

When the stone was
ostensibly used to
cure rabies, it was
renamed the
Mad Stone.


miss their
stolen sign

you don't know
where you are in
South Carolina,
there's a good
chance you‘re in

A Harleyville Town Limits
sign has disappeared
from the same spot
for the fourth time in
five years. the
Charleston Post and
Courier reported
Saturday. And town
offiCIals think they
know where the sign
went — to a Harley-
Davidson fan.



-PNOT0 rumusuco
i-Iarley fans sad
in Harleywlle.



A motorcycle shop
owner who identified
himself only as
"Soho" says swiping
a Harleyville sign is a
point of pride among
some bikers.

"I've seen them coming
with a beer in one
hand and a sign in
the other like l'd give
them a brownie point
or something,"
he said.

Police Chief Neal Dye
said a Harleyville
sign has been
spotted hanging in a
bar in Fort
Lauderdale, Fla.

The shop owner said
dealers have tried to
market signs like the
ones in HarleyVille.
"But they want the
real thing." he said.


-Source: AP lire
Wail by:
Amanda Thompson





AI Edit. so Hominy was
Martin Luther King. J r. Day
but what I wnm know is...
Were is it. typical American
WITH?“ that tends +0
be a fixture in d “HOW?




Use your voice,
state your choice

Candidates for UK ’3 presidential post come to

_,‘\ llic’dtll











Send us your letters
and comments by
e-mail. Hey, we love the
Net and we know you
do too. So send your
thoughts to

Snail mail

speak with students about university ’3 future

Are you a starving fine arts student who desperately wants UK
to supply you with paint? Or perhaps you‘re a business student in
a sorority who wants to see more administration involvement with
the students. You might even be part of the Leftist Student Union
who wants more attention given to human rights issues. Regard-
less of your status as an UK student. the Kernel has a task for you.

Over the next three days. candidates for UK‘s president are
coming to UK to speak with students. administrators, alumni and
faculty. On Wednesday. Th