xt73n58cjq63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjq63/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-01-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1987 1987 1987-01-14 2020 true xt73n58cjq63 section xt73n58cjq63 -

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 75

Established 1894


Staff reports

the Kentucky Kernel editors:

last semester for startup costs.



Kentucky Kernel
names top stories
that hit UK in 1986

With the United States' bombing of Libya, the overthrow of the
Ferdinand Marcos regime in the Philippines, the explosion of the
space shuttle Challenger and the recent arms for hostages for money
scandal tl it has rocked Washington, 1986 was a good year for news.
And the UK campus was no exception.

With two top University administrators announcing their
retirement, the construction of the faculty club and the first woman
Student Government Association president in UK's history, not to
mention the final plans in the formation of a student-run radio station
and a gunman taking over the Peterson Service Building, 1986 was a
busy year for the campus newspaper,

Here's a look at the top 10 campus stories for 1986, as decided by

lexington received most of the funds it needed to start a student-

run campus radio station. Aside from some SGA funding for a
signal search, the group received $20,000 from UK President ()tis A.
Singletary‘s office and $20,000 from Lexington Mayor Scotty Baesler

1 With a little help from its friends and acquaintances. Radio Free

The two also pledged $7,500 each for the next three years, which
will pay for half the operating costs of the station. The other half of the
operating costs must be raised by the group.

Group members are hopeful that the station will be on the air by
March but concede that the end of summer is more likely.

At the April 1 Board of Trustees meeting. UK President Otis A.
28ingletary announced his retirement. effective July 1 this year.
Singlctary became UK president in 1969.

To find his replacement, a search committee was formed consisting
of faculty members, Board of Trustees members and a student.
(‘ommittee members have said that applications have come in from all
parts of the country and that they are still in the process of narrowing
those applicants. The committee has been meeting behind closed
doors, and so far the only substantial thing that has come out is
speculation. especially that Gov. Martha Layne (‘ollins is in the

See I986, Page to



Heart unit
will remain
open at VA

Cardiac program
deemed necessary

My int \iicool'ijlt
\ssislant News l‘ltliloi'

Lexingtoii's \‘eterans Administra-
tion Hospital's heart surgery pro-
gram receivtd a clean bill of health
last week from its acting chief inedi-
t-al director in Washington DC.

lir .lohn Gronvall approved a rec-
ommendation from the VA‘S ll«
member task force that was formed
last year to examine the effective
ness of the 50 hospitals under its (li<
i-eciion that support heart surgery

The Lesington \‘A's heart pro-
uiam. \\lllt'll is staffed by both UK
and VA doctors, has been under
scrutiny since a lexington Herald»
Leader story reported last August
that the unit had sustained a mortal-
ity rate of 107 percent during fiscal
liitlii The hospital handled 75 cases.

Roth tigui'cs were beyond the VA‘s‘

’.;ised on its study. the task tot'ce
recommended to the director that
hospitals with heart surgery pro-
giams maintaining mortality rates
ot more than 3 percent. while carry-
tllL’ less than 100 cases a year.
.sllllJltl be closed

The \';\ Hospitals chief of staff.
ste\ e Krainaii. was not surprised by
the director's decision to keep the
heait surgery program open despite
the statistics

‘\\h.it happened is what we ex-
pected to happen based on what we
knew about our program.” he said

\cc I”. \R'l'. Page 6



Nudes of all shapes. sizes
and forms will be featured
this month. See DIVER-
SIONS. Page 4.

Nogatlvlsm from Washington
is sweeping the nation. For a
columnist's view. see VIEW-
POINT. Page 18.



Today and tonight wil be
cloudy with a chance of rain

and a high near 50. Lows wl
be near 40.




Battle of the boards

UK forward Irving Thomas vies tor ii rebound
against Georgia center David Dunn in Louis-

Univorstty of Kontwky. Lexington. Kentucky

B&E admissions may tighten

High student/ faculty ratios could t

News Editor

Next semester students may find
it much harder to get into the UK
College of Business and Economics.

In an attempt to combat over-
crowded classrooms, selective ad-
missions standards for the business
school may be “dramatically"
raised next semester, said Richard
Furst, dean of the college.

The school currently has a 24.18
student/faculty ratio. That mark is
the highest in the UK system,
according to University statistics.
The average student to faculty ratio
at the University is 14.43.

More specifically, in a breakdown
of student/faculty ratios in college
departments at UK, the business
school had five of the 10 highest stu-
dent/faculty ratios, including the top

The marketing department tops
the list with a 31.56 student/faculty

The last three years have seen an
upward trend in these ratios. Furst
said a continuation of this trend
could put the business college in
danger of losing its accreditation.

Furst said standards for accredi-
tation are indirectly measured by
measuring the credit hours taught
by the number of faculty.

Even with the current high figures
of students per faculty, the UK col-
lege remains within accreditation
limits, F‘urst said, He added. howev-
er, that the business school was
probably close to being in violation
of accrediation limits.

Consequently, faculty in the Col-
lege of Business and Economics

have found themselves in the posi-
tion of having to make difficult deci—
sions about the future of the busi-
ness program, he said.

Furst said the faculty considered
three alternatives. Faculty finally
settled on a marked increase in the
admissions requirements to the busi-
ness school.

Previously, the standard admis-
sions requirements for students
wishing to enroll in the business col—
lege has been a 2.3 grade point aver-

Pending approval by the Universi-
ty Senate, admission to the College
of Business and Economics will only
be guaranteed with a 3.0 GPA, Furst

A memorandum from James A.
Knoblett, associate dean of the col-
lege, to the faculty of the business
school, says that “students who
have attained a 3.0 cumulative
grade point average . .. and have
completed 60 semester hours of col-
lege level credit will be assured ad-
mission tin the business college )

The new admissions requirements
are modeled after the program at
Indiana University. first said In-
diana was chosen because it has “an
outstanding busineSS program" and
it has also “faced the same crisis“
that the UK business school is now

The faculty considered two other
alternatives before finally deciding
on new admissions requirements,
Furst said.

Much consideration was given to
the idea of doing away with the un-
dergraduate business program, he
said. If the proposal had been
adopted, UK would only offer mas-

vllo's Freedom Hal on Dec. 30. The Cats lost
the SEC opener 69-65. See Page 14.

Wm 1971

ter's and doctorate programs in

The second alternative was clos-
ing the college to everybody but
business majors. Furst. however,
said such a proposal was "not very

About one-third of the students en-
rolled in classes in the business pro-
gram are not business majors, he

“We‘re part of the University,"
Fiirst said, and it's important to
offer business courses for non-ma-

Wednesday, January 14, 1987

hreaten accreditation

DAVID PIENCE Kernei Graphics

The problem with overcrowding.
though. will mean that many stu-
dents will not be able to get into
business classes

“.\lost classes are closed al»
ready, ‘ he said The business school
has about 83.3 requests for classes.
and those students probany will not
be able to get into the classes they

li‘urst said a small class size was
important because business schools
today are emphasizing two aspects
of teaching improving students'

\cc -\I)Ml\\l()\\, Page t‘

Campus apathy keeps
SGA from becoming
visible student resource

News Editor

The Student Government Associa-
tion began the year with a lot to

SGA, last year, passed an activ»
ities fee increase, part of which
doubled its own budget —- bringing
the total to about $120,000.

The Student Government Associa»
tion also voted. for the first time. to
pay itself. Senators this year are
paid $150 a semester. Both actions
by SGA stirred much controversy
and criticism -— much of it fueled by
the Kentucky Kernel.

To add even more fuel to the fire.
the Kernel, in an editorial, chose not
to endorse either candidate for SGA
president. Donna Greenwell, who
served as executive vice president
last year, won the election in a land«

Greenwell, on her election night.
alluded to what she considered to be
the challenge the Kernel editorial
made by saying. “Any doubt about
the lack of substance in our plat-
form will be proven wrong next

For the most part, Greenwell and
the Student Government Association
have lived up to their promise,

SGA, during the past semester.
has offered many services to stu-
dents, as well as a big-name speaker
in Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

The Student Government AssoCia—
tion, though, has not been without its
faults this year.

And those negatives he not in
what SGA has done, or even in what
it hasn't done, rather the senate's
main flaw has been a general lack
of perception and knowledge among
the student body about what exactly
SGA does

The fact remains. however, that
the Student Government Association
has offered many services and pro
grams — both big and small — to

In talking with members of the
SGA executive branch, the same
services are mentioned repeatedly
when talking about positive aspects
oftheyear for SGA.

wSGA has expanded its legal
service this year to night hours. The
legal service is probably the most
used and most helpful service SGA

.«The senate also expanded the
monetary resources of the Student
Organizations Assistance Commit-
tee. SOAC allocates money to va-
rious clubs and organizations that
request funding.

Because of this expansion, due in
large part to SGA‘s Met increase,
SOAC has been able to effectively
assist more organization with fund-
ing. SOAC can allocate $500 to a club





The fact remains,
however, that the
Student Government
Association has offered
many services and
programs — both big
and small — to


.zSGA. with a speakers budget ap—
proaching $25,000. has already
brought one bigsnamc speaker and
is planning on bringing another .
'l‘erry Waite. special envoy to the
Archbishop of (‘anterbury Waite is
engineering the release of American
hostages in Beirut in February

However. it is readily acknowl-
eged by S(}'\ members that the stu-
dent body generally lacks knowledge
about SGA and its functions,

Part of the problem is that the
Student Government Association is
so big and associated with so many
programs that students tail to look
at specific programs SGA is iii-
volved with

Another problem is that students
do iiol view SGA as ht‘lllL‘ readily ac-
cessible to them

SGA President Donna Greenwell
agrees. saying that perception of the
senate is the biggest problem she
faces, The senate needs to be more
accessible to students

This semester. Greenwell says she
plans to go to various dormitories
around campus to talk to students
about SGA.

Greenwell said the SGA standing
committees need to "reach more
students that cannot make it

SGA Senior Vice PreSIdent Kenny
Arington agrees with Greenwell.
saying that he has been disappointed
with the lack of student attendance
at SGA meetings.

Arington added that he has always
wanted student government to be
more accessmle to students and that
hasn't happened. A lot of students.
Arington said. aren't aware of pro-
grams SGA offers.

Greenwell and Arington. for the
most part, are correct. The Student
Government Association has offered
many helpful, valid programs to stu-
dents. Many of those programs go
unnoticed and unused by students.

“You always have the apathy,"
Arington said.
See APATHY. Page a


 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Welcome Back Edltlon, Wednesday. January 14. 1987







0 A. titiimwt s Class work begins
. Met-ides UK CvCiing Club meeting. $10. Seaton
' - tiger“ .i‘.‘ 8 30 10p m Call 254-7765

- Me es Casablanca St 95 Worsnam Theatre:8p,m.

‘ iii ' 586 ’
- Mt .ies Batu to School St 95. Worsham Theatre: 10
Qii: 7 8887
Sperm UK Basketball vs Florida (H)
Spoils UK Mens tennis VVlSCOnSIn (A)
Sports AvkldO Japanese Martial Art BeginnerCIass;
F'w Alum-n Gvir 8 30:: m Call 266-0102

0 Meetings Japan Karate Assocnation— JKA (Shotokan
Class); $30isem.. Alumni Gym; 5.30730 p m .Call 7-
1 195

0 Meetings: UK Table Tennis Club: Free, Seaton Center
7-10 pm. Call 2527081

0 Movies: Casablanca: $1.95. Worsham Theatre, 8 p m ,

Call 7-8867

O Movies: Back to School. $1 .95. Worsham Theatre. 10
pm; Call 7-8867 -

0 Other: Martin Luther King's birthday

0 Religious: D 8 L Grill- Baptist Student Union: Free. 429
Columbia Avenue; Noon: Call 7-3989

- Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs Tennessee St
University; Free wi’UKID; Home 7 30 p m

0 Meetings: UK Snow Ski Club meeting; Free. SC-TBA.
7:30 pm.

0 Meetings UK Badminton Club. Free. Seaton Center:
7:30-9p m ; Call 35157
0 Movues Casablanca. $1 95: Worsham Theatre; 8 p m.;

Call 7-8867
- Movnes Back to School. $1.95; Worsham Theatre: 10

p m . Call 7-8867

0 Sports UK Mens Tennis Minnesota; Free. Minneapolis.



0 Movies: Casablanca; $1 .95; Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.;
Call 7-8867

0 Movies: Back to School: $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10
pm; Call 7-8867

0 Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Louisiana State
University; Free w/UKID; Away: 7:30 pm.

0 Sports: UK Mens Tennis: Cal-Irvine; Free wiUKID:
Away; 7:30 pm.





- Ethan‘s UK Art Dept Faculty & Alumni Exhibition;
. Ar' Museum: Noonrs p m
. v N‘irfr L.e;i"e' King Jr Commemoration»Vice
‘ ' ‘ti' Minor Iv Aftairs Office Free. Memorial
Ct ' ' eh.“
two's" Sundays Aday at the Races. A Night
: A t‘riersl‘ piano Free, UK Center tor the
5V” ‘L " Laid ” c5145
- Mew-rigs 'cik Badminton Club Free Seaton Center.
V: ,. (11135157
' Exp .h Basxefball v5 LSU (Hi
0 ~.; " - 4 v fit Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes,
‘ 3,": 1:": Cali 266-0102

0 Meetings: Officials Clinics Basketball: Free. 1 35
Seaton Center. 4 p m .Call 72898

0 Workshops Study Skills Courses (Section l). $5 33
Dickey Hall; Mon 79 pm :Call 7-3383

0 Workshops. Refreshing Your Mathematical Memory
(Section ll). $35; Lex. Gov't Ctr . Mon 8 Fri Noon. Call 7.

0 Workshops: Chemistry For Cowards (Intro to

Chemistry): $35; 287 Chem -Phys Bldg , Mon 6-8 pm .

Call 7-3383


1 2O Refreshing Your Mathematical Memory (Section I):
835: 2160 Anderson Hall: Tues./7-9 pm: Call 78383

1 20. Writing Skills: College Writing for Adult Students.
825. 102 Miller Hall; Tues/6-8 pm; Call 7-3383

1 20: Women in Transaction (Section II); $35; 231 Taylor
Ed. Bldg. Tues; 7-9 pm; Call 7~3383

1 20: Men in Transition: Career Direction through Self-
Exploration: $35; 353 Dickey Hall; Tues/6:308 30 p m.;

Call 7~3383


5:? 13an

Spring semester

1 20: Last day to enter an organized class for the 1987

1 20' Last day to officially withdraw from the University or
reduce course load and receive an 80% refund


information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student (enter Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-eampus sponsor, with
editorial prixilege tilltmed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
ni/ations oi L'iti\et‘sit_\' departments to make entries on the calendar, a (‘ampus
(‘alendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: l-orms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.






The Kentucky Kernel




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Special Projects Editor

in the wake of last semester’s fi-
nancial success, Radio Free Lexing-
ton’s goals this semester include
raising additional funds and forming
a staff to operate a student-run
radio station.

The group must get money to
cover the “remainder of the operat-
ing expenses (RFL) is responsible
for," said Mark Beaty, president of
the group. He also said the group
will put together a staff to “fill air
shifts and get people to be the on-air
personnel“ such as disc jockeys, in-
terviewers and news announcers.

UK cheerleaders capture

At an RFLhoard meeting Dee. ti.
Kenny Arington, chairman of the
board, announced that Lexington
Mayor Scotty Baesler would donate
$201!» to the group, matching a do
nation from UK President Otis A.
Singletary‘s office. Both donated an
additional $7,500 to offset operating
costs. Arington said the $40,000 do-
nations would enable RFL to begin
procedures for starting a radio sta-

He said two stumbling blocks were
the Federal Communications Com-
mission, which is holding up all li-
cense grants, and the yearly operat-
ing cost of $26,000.

RFL must raise 315.000 to match
the operating donations from Baes-

national championship

Staff Writer

After cheering for those in the
spotlight. the UK cheerleaders fi-
nally got to step into it.

Saturday the l3-member squad
captured the Division l-A
championship in the Ford College
Cheerleading Championship and de-
throned 1986 defending champion
North Carolina State.

The contest, held at San Diego‘s
Sea World, was sponsored by the
Ford Motor Division of the Ford
Corporation and sanctioned by the
Universal Cheerleading Association.

It was the second time the Wild-
cats had won the national crown.
l'K being the first school to at"
eoniplish that mark. And this win
was a little special.

Last Nov. 4. at a UK Blue-White
basketball scrimmage in Louisville's
Freedom Hall. senior member Dale
Baldwin was paralyzed during a
tumbling routine.

Following the loss of their male
captain, team members held a
meeting to discuss whether they
should enter national competition
minus one of the nation‘s top male

“We decided that Dale would have
wanted us to enter. and so we decid-
ed to dedicate the whole effort to
him," said senior Scott (‘armeiz
(‘armeiz Baldwin's roommate. was
named male captain after his team-
mate‘s injury.

“Scott really stepped forth and be-
came the team leader." 10-year ad-
viser T. Lynn Williamson said.

An added incentive for the team
was last year‘s national competition.
During the 1986 championship, a fall
prevented the Wildcats from placing
in the top three spots.

“We‘d been thinking since that fall
last year that we were going to win
it this year." Carmer said.

To qualify for nationals. UK had
to submit a videotape of the team
performing a cheer. a sideline cheer
or chant and a fight song routine.
The Wildcats were selected from

one of the four regions. along with

After fall semester finals. the
team began two-a-day practices
with Christmas lite and t‘hristmas
Day the only time off.

“It meant a lot of hard work to us,
but it all paid off for us“ said female
captain Karen Fister,

One major factor Williamson cited
for the team's success w as the abili—
ty to blend the elements of experi-
ence. athletic ability. health and "a
little bit of luck" togetheruand com-
plement one another during their

"We were really well»rouiided and
had a lot of experience." Fister
said. “The biggest thing that made
us so good is that we were close and
we enjoy it

Moments before the t‘ats per-
formed their award—wimiing routine.
the people who had followed the
team to San Diego began to chant
the familiar "Go Big Blue. "

“lt sent chills down our spines."
(‘armer said, ”It was a weird feel-
ing for us not to be leading the

Team members also paused to
gather in a huddle and make one
final dedication to their absent

“At that time we felt closer to
each other than we ever had." said
Fister. a member of the 1985
championship tea m_

Williamson said that ill the four
years he has been at the national
championships, the 1987 edition was
“unquestionably the closest competi»
tion l have seen."

He also said some cheerleading
experts have ventured to call UK
“the most talented athletic
cheerleading squad that has ever
been assembled in the United

Now that the squad has returned
to the Bluegrass and come down a
bit from (‘loud 9, Fister said every-
one seems to expect a little extra
from them.

"Everyone says to us ‘What are
you going to go out there and do
now‘." “ she said.

ler and Singietary. Arington said 'er
is considering several methods of
raising the funds, such as concerts
and help from local businesses. He
is also looking for grants from cor-

He hopes the Student Government
Association and Student Activities
Board can provide some funding.
Though their budget appropriations
are “tight," Arington said he hopes
they will see the project as worth-
while, especially considering that
the Lexington and the University
have donated money.

Regardless of where the money
comes from, Arington is "confident
we can raise it."

KENTUCKY KERNEL. Waiooma lack Edition. Wednesday. January 14. 1007 - 3

Radio Free Lexington sets Sights on raising remaining funds

"The organization has demon-
strated it is willing to work." he

in regards to the FCC holdup,
Arington said that although there is
a slim chance of approval earlier,
he expects a license sometime this

In the meantime, Beaty said the
group plans to form an organizatio-
nal staff soon and begin training
people to work on the air. He offers
an open invitation to anyone on cam-
pus “with an interest in the project
to talk with us and tell us what you
would like to do. “

The UK cheerleading squad performs its award-winning routine in
the Ford College Cheerleading Championship in San Diego, Calif.



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Welcome Back Students!!

This is your January

803 Schedule

(‘lip out and Save


Wed. 14

Sun. 18



Tl‘Nl-Z 10:30
l’K vs. "I.

Thurs. 15
TRIVIA “1:30

1.85 Pitcher [cl

SI Mixed Drinks
250 Draft
25¢ Kami‘s

803 .l'K vs. Isl


(‘all have
or Joe

Wed. 2]
TUNE l0:30
l'K at Valid)

Thurs. 22

Fri. 23

1.85 Pitcher

51 Mixed Drinks
25¢ Draft

25c Kami's

Sun. 25
Super Bowl
at 003!

l'K vs. NA\'\







Wed. 28
TUNE 10:30
UK at Ole Miss


Thurs. 29


Fri. 30

1.85 Pitcher

SI Mixed Drinks
25¢ Draft


25c Kami‘s

Sat. 31

l-lat at









to Soil?

Use the



He said that even if RFL ends up
with more people than airtime, they
will train everyone, teach them how
to use the equipment and get them
licensed by the FCC so they will be
able to go on the air at any time.

Beaty said details about auditions
and criteria for on-air personnel will
not be decided on until an organiza-
tional staff is formed and a program
director picked sometime around
the first of February.

Arington said the training will
come from the station's department
heads -— such as general manager.
technical director and news director
—- and from training manuals from
other campus radio stations. He said

the University of Delaware's station
has an especially good manual.

Beaty stressed that he wanted
people interested in broadcast jour-
nalism to take part in the station.
"A good radio station should have a
good news staff,“ he said. He added
that the station will need writers
and technical people, as well as on-
air personnel.

He said the goal of building the
station ~ the studios will be in the
basement of Miller Hall — and get-
ting everything ready to go by next
fall is attainable this semester. “I
feel very sure that will happen," he



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4 - KENTUCKY KENNEL, Welcome Back Edltlon. Wednesday. January 14. 1987


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o1. (listh'woiitl
will: l'i‘li 3:!
this ~i\liibii will teatiirc artworks
pent-Ki rill waiercoloi. sculpture
iiliiiiopiaphy by 44 Kentucky
sis The woi ks were chosen from


\r-i-ii? :oii rinh's were submitted to
lt'll'fllllli lloiisc tiallery. and .35
lthl'Mtll ted lllt best“ \\"eit'

‘ ist‘!‘ sl d \\i: h on liiiinesscy .di

,. oi h l K \it \iiiseiim toi the


"Torso With Legs" by Babo Eldridge is one of 55

1‘ \. .M ‘H, is ”I MIMI” (ml) paintings, sketches and sculptures at the Loudoun

.ytll ks show illillt' “L’-

. ‘i. . 3),!

and present awards for first. second
and third place Saturday night at
the Loudoun House Gallery recep-

“When judging,“ he said. “one
looks for a fresh. interesting ap—
proach. technical skill and artists
who solve the problem they set for
themselves with the human form. "

"There is a link (between these
:lt‘llSiSl — a continuous interest in
the human form.“ Hennessey said.
“There has always been a preoccu-
pation with the human form, It was
the lirst subject matter ot'arlists."

concerning the style ot~ these Ken-
tucky artists. liennessey said. “the
show is so varied. There are differ-
ent types ot styles. ranging from ex~
tremely tree and sketchy to meticu—
ions and realistic "

iiiale .iiiatoiiiy is prcicrred
we iiiies are more pleasing
said Siisaiii-e Straw
oi the Loudoun House

v ii'.i

illil‘i ‘I"

misiii. ioi the lilL‘ll pen
tit work is that there
temale models
iiiicis lloweyer Straw
”Hit ‘llt tutiiic is t'llt'tll'
'hi- iiiiiiiliei «it nude

\ i' t lt'it\ll1L‘


Strawhorn believes that “there is
a need within the state of Kentucky
tor this type of exhibit. There is no

lleiinessey will judge the 55 works means to express this type of nudity

l iii;.i\

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CLAY OWEN Kernel Stall

House Gallery that have one thing in common —
they're all of nude forms.

except through this (exhibit). Some
one needs to pick up this slack. and
we're attempting to do this through
the exhibit."

Depending on the exhibits suc—
cess. the Loudoun House Gallery
hopes to establish the exhibit as an
annual event.

Which works should viewers pay
particular attention to'?
them." Hennessey said. He thinks
that the human body evokes a varr
ety of human emotions. Therefore.
“the works speak for themselves ”

“All ol’

Erlk Rocco
Arts Editor

Wu Mlllor
Assustant Arts Editor

Singer Gatlin returns
to straight and narrow,

kicks drug dependency

By nonrzirr .\l \c\'
Associated Press

LAS VEGAS. Ney Larry (iathn
shudderetl as he recalled the night
two years ago when he crawled
around a Dallas hotel room picking
up but. hoping to tiiid pieces ot tree
based cocaine that lllltllll have spill»

lie and the tiatliii Brothers had
rocketed to the top of the country
western world with (iraiiiiiiy-wiii
ning hits. but the accompanying
fame and tortune was taking its toll

On Dec. 9. 1984. he checked into an
Orange (‘ouiityg ('alil. hospital to
confront a drug dependency prob
lein. "l was a sick puppy." be said
in a recent iiitery iew

The (iiitlins gained national atten
tion in 19TH with their (ii'amiiiy win
iiing "Broken Lady " Hits since then
include "Houston in! lla}.
('loscr to Your" "The Lady Takes
the (‘ow'boy l‘ly‘ei‘ytinie” and this
month's release. ‘ Talkin' to the
Moon." from the LP Partners

t the


After to years ot drug use.
lin's‘, been sil'illtllll t‘oi' some
(lays. “by the graci- ol Hod. oiic
ata time "

(iathn. 38. and his brothers. Stcyc.
35, and Rudy. :H. began slilLllllil as
preschoolers iii the mid lttz‘ios, earn
mg to cents a week (ill a Sunday
morning radio